Серія ножів Nightshade (нічна тінь) - унікальна тим, що матеріалом для виготовлення цих ножів служить надміцний пластик Grivory. Він набагато твердіший і міцніший, ніж використовувався раніше Zytel. Рукоятки цих ножів виконані з Кратона. Всі ножі повторюють форму бойових ножів, вироблених Колд Стіл у традиційному сталевому виконанні. Основна перевага: невидимість для металошукачів, легкість, стійкість до корозії.
Призначений для відпрацювання ударів і прийомів захисту від них на заняттях з рукопашного бою, або східних єдиноборств. Відмінність технік роботи з ножами визначається їх формою і призначенням, по цьому в секціях прийнято використовувати різні тренувальні ножі. Cold Steel Push Blade I FGX (92FPA) не боїться високих температур, холоду або вологості. Матеріал ножа - армований пластик, що надає ножу твердість а тренувального бою реалістичності.
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Cold Steel
Push Blade I FGX
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Bodež od poliamida Cold Steel Fgx Push Blade I je moderan nož za ubadanje u slučajevima odbrane od napadača. Izuzetno tvrda plastična vlakna daju ovom bodežu jačinu, a sa druge strane njegova težina je dosta manja u odnosu na klasičnu, čeličnu oštricu.
#militaryshop #samoodbrana #coldsteel #fgx #blade #bodež
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Cold Steel FGX Grivory Push Blade I Dagger CS92FPA
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FGX Nightshade blades are unaffected by moisture. They never rust, warp, crack or split even in the most challenging environments. They are light enough to be tied, tucked, or taped just about anywhere, and, since they are unaffected by all but the most extreme heat and cold, they are a natural choice for concealed storage both inside and outside of your house - from hedges and flowerpots, to the refrigerator or the shower!
Overall: 6.5";
Blade: 4" l Grivory l Standard Edge l Black Finish;
Handle: Black l Kraton;
Other Info: Lanyard Hole l Full Tang. From the Nightshade Series. Double edge blade. UV and heat stabilized, making them impervious to the elements. Deeply checkered handles have been molded directly to the tang. The latest in fiberglass reinforced plastic. Extremely lightweight.
Training Knives
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Нож для самообороны FGX Boot Blade I 92FBA от Cold Steel
This is the cold steel fgx push dagger you can buy it for as cheap as 8 dollars. mine came with a broken point which i sharpened with a knife and a grinding stone. mine was bought at midway for very cheap so it came without good shipping and handling i don't suggest buying the knife from midway usa. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Link za poručivanje
Bodež od poliamida Cold Steel Fgx Push Blade I je moderan nož za ubadanje u slučajevima odbrane od napadača. Ova vrsta noževa postoji još od davnina, a pored primarne svrhe za samoodbranu, bodeži su imali i ceremonijalna svojstva i često su se poklanjali u tim situacijama. Drška i sečivo su napravljeni od poliamida visokog performansa, to jest od Griv-Exa. Izuzetno tvrda plastična vlakna daju ovom bodežu jačinu, a sa druge strane njegova težina je dosta manja u odnosu na klasičnu, čeličnu oštricu.
#militaryshop #coldsteel #pushblade #poliamid
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Tel: +381692222325 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Cold Steel FGX Grivory Push Blade II Dagger CS92FPB
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FGX Nightshade blades are unaffected by moisture. They never rust, warp, crack or split even in the most challenging environments. They are light enough to be tied, tucked, or taped just about anywhere, and, since they are unaffected by all but the most extreme heat and cold, they are a natural choice for concealed storage both inside and outside of your house - from hedges and flowerpots, to the refrigerator or the shower!
Overall: 5";
Blade: 2.5" l Grivory l Standard Edge l Black Finish;
Handle: Black l Kraton;
Other Info: Full Tang l Lanyard Hole. From the Nightshade Series. Double edge blade. UV and heat stabilized, making them impervious to the elements. Deeply checkered handles have been molded directly to the tang. The latest in fiberglass reinforced plastic. Extremely lightweight.
Training Knives
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Нож для самообороны "FGX Wasp" 92FMA от Cold Steel
Cold Steel has been making push knives for over a quarter century. Over the years we have continually refined our designs, discarding some features and enhancing others. Constantly striving to produce the best push knife in the world Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Запредельный тест ножей скрытного ношения от Cold Steel
Мы протестировали ножи Boot Blade II, Push Blade I и Honey Comb от Cold Steel по прямому назначению. Эти ножи позиционируются как ножи скрытного ношения для самообороны, вот и посмотрим на что они способны!
Результаты оценки по шкале канала "Вещи с характером":
Уровень остроты из коробки - 0 из 10
Крепость замка или конструкции - 9 из 10
Коррозионная стойкость материалов - 10 из 10
Вес - 10 из 10
Габариты - 8 из 10
Удобство ношения в городе и в лесу: Push и Boot - 0, Honey comb - 8
1) цена вопроса - беспонт, 0
2) бренд - 8
3) серийка или кастом - 0
4) внешний вид - 9
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FGX Nightshade blades are unaffected by moisture. They never rust, warp, crack or split even in the most challenging environments. They are light enough to be tied, tucked, or taped just about anywhere, and, since they are unaffected by all but the most extreme heat and cold, they are a natural choice for concealed storage both inside and outside of your house - from hedges and flowerpots, to the refrigerator or the shower!
Overall: ";
Blade: " l Griv-Ex l Standard Edge l Black Finish;
Handle: Black l Kraton;
Other Info: Full Tang l Lanyard Hole. From the Nightshade Series. Tanto blade. UV and heat stabilized, making them impervious to the elements. Deeply checkered handles have been molded directly to the tang. The latest in fiberglass reinforced plastic. Extremely lightweight.
Training Knives
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FGX & Urban Edge Cold Steel Push knife Best EDC backup knife
Showing off a couple of easy small EDC carry knives, backup or primary depending on how you look at them. #coldsleelknives Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
★★★★★ Comparing Top 3 FGX Cold Steel "knives" (plastic) EDC Dagger
Boot blade:
Ring dagger:
Delta Dart:
Tacticlips (multi-tool hair clips):
Original review from Beau Chevassus, Knok Studio (Media for non-profits), (Seattle nonprofit)
Beau Chevassus is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to . As an Amazon Associate Beau Chevassus earns from qualifying purchases.
Beau Chevassus Amazon Review Profile: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
COLD STEEL- IRON PROOF 2018- Drop Forged Push Knife- New Product!
Back in stock:
Warning: The tests and cutting feats performed in this presentation constitute abuse of the product and are potentially very dangerous.
Any knife can be broken or damaged if subjected to sufficient abuse. These destructive tests constitute GROSS ABUSE of a knife. Duplicating these tests or altering your knife will void your warranty. The warranty covers defects in materials and/or workmanship. It does not cover the effects of normal wear and tear. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME.
All meat was carefully preserved and donated to the Ventura County Rescue Mission.
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For more product info, or to purchase, visit Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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" overall.
3.5" serrated blade.
Finger ring.
Black Griv-Ex construction.
Sharp reinforced point.
Training Knives
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ColdSteel Push Blade II: Last Line Self Defense - FateofDestinee
What do you use for last line self defense? Destinee reviews the Cold Steel Push Blade II.
Check out the written review here: /7683/cold-steel-push-blade-ii-last-line-self-defense/
In times when you're forced to a last line defense, the Push Blade II can be used effectively. As long as you don't try to force it to perform for uses other than for what it was designed, $7 (at ) will buy you a durable, last ditch self defense tool you can count on when all other options run out.
Royalty Free Background Music:
Licensor's Author Username: Plastic3_NE
Licensee: Fate of Destinee Media LLC
For the item: Good Mood Background Pack Buy Exclusive FoD Art Here: PASSWORD: Destinee Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Cold Steel FGX Grivory Boot Blade II Dagger CS92FBB
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FGX Nightshade blades are unaffected by moisture. They never rust, warp, crack or split even in the most challenging environments. They are light enough to be tied, tucked, or taped just about anywhere, and, since they are unaffected by all but the most extreme heat and cold, they are a natural choice for concealed storage both inside and outside of your house - from hedges and flowerpots, to the refrigerator or the shower!
Overall: ";
Blade: " l Grivory l Standard Edge l Black Finish;
Handle: Black l Kraton;
Other Info: Full Tang l Lanyard Hole. From the Nightshade Series. UV and heat stabilized, making them impervious to the elements. Deeply checkered handles have been molded directly to the tang. The latest in fiberglass reinforced plastic. Extremely lightweight.
Training Knives
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Get it here:
FGX Nightshade blades are unaffected by moisture. They never rust, warp, crack or split even in the most challenging environments. They are light enough to be tied, tucked, or taped just about anywhere, and, since they are unaffected by all but the most extreme heat and cold, they are a natural choice for concealed storage both inside and outside of your house - from hedges and flowerpots, to the refrigerator or the shower!
Overall: 13";
Blade: 7.5" l Grivory l Standard Edge l Black Finish;
Handle: Black l Kraton;
Other Info: Lanyard Hole l Full Tang. From the Nightshade Series. UV and heat stabilized, making them impervious to the elements. Deeply checkered handles have been molded directly to the tang. The latest in fiberglass reinforced plastic. Extremely lightweight.
Training Knives
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I show a few of the Cold Steel grivory weapons the push Spike push dagger and even a serrated knife, I purchased some sunglasses From Midway USA and if I spent five more dollars, I wouldn't have to pay the shipping so literally I got this free because it is only I think these are useful tools, and I think some people like them because they can be used to tape to the body and get around metal detectors. I think they're useful they're inexpensive they can be used as tools and weapons. women can keep one in their purse. you can put them in your car and around the house and if they're stolen you haven't lost much.
#budgetknives #budget2022
#edcgear #edctools Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Exactly HOW Sharp is the Cold Steel FGX Push Dagger!? Cutting Test Review
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All videos uploaded are for demonstration purposes only. We do not recommend you try these techniques or skills practiced in the clips/videos or pictures. If you want to learn them you must consulate a doctor before training and train with a professional. It is your responsibility to comply with your local, state and national laws concerning the use of force and weapons!!! We DO NOT take responsibility for your actions nor decisions! We offer free professional courses however the videos etc on youtube have very little to do with them. We are simply giving examples of what We do in practice, not what you should do in practice or real life. If you choose to copy, mimic or train any of them techniques movements or practices in any of these videos you do so at your own risk. If you have any questions you are welcome to contact us - info (at mark) raw-combat (dot) com Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Kali demonstration video using basic Panantukan (Panuntukan) techniques applied to the Cold Steel Urban Pal. What I love most about the design is that one can use the open hand for parrying and control even while holding the blade. Please note that the fancy techniques shown are for demonstration and cultural purposes only. The best way to strike with the push dagger is by the simple jab, delivered in quick succession. Please excuse my self-indulgence, as this video was made primarily to satisfy my own fantasies about tactical knife fighting.
Gratitude goes to Batikang Guro Isagani Abon, master instructor of Rapido Realismo Kali and founder of Abon Taktikal ( for the techniques, and to Guro Gerald Pilapil for the footage.
The actual push dagger used in the video is an aluminum training blade courtesy of Guro Gerald Pilapil. Guro Gerald is the owner and propietor of Ensayo Tactical Trainers : Training Blades for the Modern Warrior and is the current head of Rapido Realismo Kali Greenhills and Sta. Mesa.
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He accepts custom and international orders. You can Email him at gurogeraldpilapil@..
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Cold Steel Push Knife Drop Forged - www.pizzini.at
Link to Full Balisong discussion:
Our new FGX Balisong is not a toy but it’s awfully hard to make yourself stop flipping it. Made entirely of Griv-Ex™ and other strategic non-metal materials, it’s a marvel of injection molding at a ridiculously low price. The double-edged blade features a sharp, reinforced point and sports twin “grip and rip” serrated edges that will cut to the bone! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Click here for detail specs or to buy the FGX Balisong Spearpoint Knife:
Click here for detail specs or to buy the FGX Balisong Tanto Knife:
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Comprimento da lâmina: 3 3/4"
Comprimento da empunhadura: 4 3/8"
Comprimento total: 8 1/8"
Material: grivory
Material da empunhadura: kraton Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Push Dagger Beltline Carry - How I carry the Urban Edge push dagger/ push knife. I have no affiliation with Cold Steel, I just like their products.
@csknives Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Made from Grivory™— the latest in fiberglass reinforced plastic, and stronger than even the super tough Zytel® we have used in earlier models— they are UV and heat stabilized, making them impervious to the elements.
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Cold Steel Urban Pal Double Edge Mod #shorts #knives #coldsteel #diy
Always grip between middle and fore finger, makes for a straighter punch than a grip between middle and ring finger. 🤜🏼 💥
Please subscribe for more, I’m getting closer to 500 and everyone counts! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Note: this model has been discontinued. For a similar design, check out the Cold Steel Safe Maker series here:
Click here to learn more about the Cold Steel SafeKeeper III:
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The Safe Keeper series "push knives" have the cutting and piercing potential of a larger knife, but are small enough so that they can be easily attached to tactical web gear, tucked in a waistband or boot top, or even strapped to a wrist or ankle. The Safe Keeper III offers outstanding versatility, especially as a boot knife. Its light weight and overall length of five inches make it the perfect combination of small size and big performance. The single edged design of the Safe Keeper III means you can safely “choke up” on the blade for extra fine work, while the false edge provides superior point strength. With only one sharp edge, the Safe Keeper III can also easily double as a rescue knife.
Music: "Summon The Rawk" by Kevin MacLeod
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FGX Nightshade blades are unaffected by moisture. They never rust, warp, crack or split even in the most challenging environments. They are light enough to be tied, tucked, or taped just about anywhere, and, since they are unaffected by all but the most extreme heat and cold, they are a natural choice for concealed storage both inside and outside of your house - from hedges and flowerpots, to the refrigerator or the shower!
Overall: ";
Blade: 4" l Grivory l Standard Edge l Black Finish;
Handle: Black l Kraton;
Other Info: Full Tang. Finger groove handle with finger ring pommel. From the Nightshade Series. UV and heat stabilized, making them impervious to the elements. Deeply checkered handles have been molded directly to the tang. The latest in fiberglass reinforced plastic. Extremely lightweight.
Weight: 4.8 oz
Training Knives
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Get it here:
FGX Nightshade blades are unaffected by moisture. They never rust, warp, crack or split even in the most challenging environments. They are light enough to be tied, tucked, or taped just about anywhere, and, since they are unaffected by all but the most extreme heat and cold, they are a natural choice for concealed storage both inside and outside of your house - from hedges and flowerpots, to the refrigerator or the shower!
Overall: ";
Blade: 4" l Grivory l Serrated Edge l Black Finish;
Handle: Black l Kraton;
Other Info: Lanyard Hole l Full Tang. From the Nightshade Series. UV and heat stabilized, making them impervious to the elements. Deeply checkered handles have been molded directly to the tang. Extremely lightweight. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Chaos Push Knife has a 5" double edged SK5 Steel blade.
The hand guard is FGX plastic, but feel very sturdy.
It probably has a "Rat Tail" tang although the blade is firm.
It comes with two plastic studs that I replaced with heavy chrome wrapped bolts instead.
BUY TWO!!! You have two hands for a reason 😉 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Urban Pal #knife #shorts #subscribe #knifecommunity #coldsteelknives #edc
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" () overall.
7" () serrated blade.
Black Griv-Ex construction.
Training Knives
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Cold Steel / Urban Edge / Push Dagger/ Secure Ex / 43xl #Exclusiveknivesmx #EKMX #Coldsteel #Unboxing
Adquiere el tuyo aqui:
Marca : Cold Steel
Modelo: Urban Edge
Tipo de filo de la hoja: Liso
Forma de la hoja: Daga
Material del mango: Caucho
Estilo: Tactico
Usos recomendados: EDC
Material de la hoja: AUS-8 Stainless
Largo total: 102 mm
Largo de la hoja: 63 mm Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Ніж Cold Steel Push Blade I FGX (92FPA). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17