Ніж має в своєму складі сталь марки Sandvik 12C27. Це сплав металів з високим вмістом хрому. Стійка до пошкоджень, міцна. Не схильна до корозії. Моделі з таким матеріалом в складі служать довго і є дуже витривалими. В основі рукояті - матеріал G10. Склотекстоліт характеризується міцністю, стійкістю до температури, вологи, механічних впливів. Також без проблем забарвлюється. Колір ручки моделі - чорний.
Є металева кліпса для зручності фіксації ножа. Можна закріпити виріб на кишені, причепити до поясу або на ремінь. Також можна зафіксувати на сумці або рюкзаку.
Детальні характеристики:
Bestech Knife
Spike Nylon/Glass fiber Black
Не є холодною зброєю і не є предметом забороненим до продажу на території України
Основные характеристики и особенности:
клинок из стали 12C27 Sandvik
твердость стали 59-60 HRC
подшипник в осевом узле
накладки на рукояти из Black Nylon+Glass Fiber
наличие клипсы
отверстие под темляк
общая длина 210 мм (клинок 90 мм, рукоять 120 мм)
толщина клинка 4 мм
ширина клинка 27 мм
весит нож 120 грамм Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Основные характеристики и особенности:
клинок из стали 12C27 Sandvik
твердость стали 59-60 HRC
покрытие клинка Stonewash
подшипник в осевом узле
накладки на рукояти из Black Nylon+Glass Fiber
наличие клипсы
отверстие под темляк
общая длина 210 мм (клинок 90 мм, рукоять 120 мм)
толщина клинка 4 мм
ширина клинка 27 мм
весит нож 120 грамм
Купить нож можно по ссылке: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Spike (англ. – шип) от Bestech Knives удачно сочетает в своей конструкции практичность EDCшника с элегантностью джентльменского ножа.
Клинок Спайка имеет длину в 88 мм при толщине по обуху в 4 мм. Изготовлено оно из стали Sandvik 12C27, закалённой до показателей твёрдости в 59-60 единиц по Роквеллу. Эта сталь обладает отличными характеристиками заточки, она прочна и устойчива к коррозии.
По форме клинок является некой переходной формой от классики с прямым обухом к несильно выраженному clip point. Спуски прямые, высокие, с небольшими подводами.
Клинок явно создан для того, чтобы не бояться работы. Вдвойне приятно, что он ещё и выглядит крайне привлекательно. Стоит признать, что сатинирование на своих ножах Bestech Knives делают очень красиво.
Рукоять строится на конструкции из пары стальных лайнеров, стильно утопленных в выборки полимерных накладок. Сами накладки прорезаны по всей длине продольными канавками, улучшающими цепкость эргономичой рукояти и создающих интересную трёхмерную текстуру поверхности, чем то напоминающую о вельветовой ткани. Благодаря такому дизайнерскому решению рукоять выглядит, как элемент стильной имиджевой вещи, а не слесарное изделие (как у многих других складников).
В осевом механизме находятся керамические подшипники, благодаря чему нож хлёстко раскрывается, стоит лишь стронуть с места плавник клинка. Пружина замка liner lock срабатывает без сбоев и, благодаря уместно снятой фаске, очень удобна.
Темлячное отверстие и стальная клипса, как и полагается, присутствуют.
Купить нож можно по ссылке:
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Nôž Bestech Spike Black BG09A-2 Kód produktu: BG09A-2
Bestech Spike je zatvárací nôž na každodenné použitie. Čepeľ z ocele 12C27 s plochým výbrusom, má dĺžku 9,5 cm a je uložená na keramických ložiskách, vďaka čomu je otváranie noža extrémne ľahké a plynulé. Rukoväť z čierneho nylonu. Nôž je vybavený poistkou liner lock a oceľovým klipom na zavesenie. Otváranie typu flipper. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bestech Arctic
Thanks for watching!! Stay tuned for the full review!! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Is this carbon fiber BIG size knife worth a try? Bestech Keen II
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Основные характеристики и особенности Bestech Knife Toucan:
клинок из стали D2
твердость стали 59-61 HRC
обработка клина black stonewash, satin finish
подшипник в осевом узле
накладки на рукояти из G10
наличие клипсы
отверстие под темляк
общая длина 213 мм (клинок 88 мм, рукоять 125 мм)
толщина клинка 3.5 мм
ширина клинка 30 мм
весит нож 152 грамма
Купить нож можно по ссылке: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Is it worth to try this BIG knife? Absolutely yes! Check the Bestech Keen II!
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Check out this Big Carbon Fiber Folding Knife Bestech Keen II
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Black and Sky Blue G10 Budget Knife! Bestech Knives TARDIS
Buy at
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Special Design By Kombou Bestech Knives Mothus BT2206C
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Nôž Bestech Spike Green BG09B-2 Kód produktu: BG09B-2
Bestech Spike je zatvárací nôž na každodenné použitie. Čepeľ z ocele 12C27 s plochým výbrusom, má dĺžku 9,5 cm a je uložená na keramických ložiskách, vďaka čomu je otváranie noža extrémne ľahké a plynulé. Rukoväť z zeleného nylonu. Nôž je vybavený poistkou liner lock a oceľovým klipom na zavesenie. Otváranie typu flipper. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bestech Spike Review: High end action at a budget price
Bestech Spike Review: High end action at a budget price
The Bestech Spike BG09A-2 is a larger flipper knife with a long sharpened edge. With it's GRN scales, the Bestech Knives Spike has a blade length of about 3.5 inches or 8.8 cm. Although the Spike Bestech looks like a large knife, it actually has the weight of a smaller knife at ounces or 117.3 grams. The BT Spike deploys
fairly quick thanks to the ball-bearing pivot. The strong detent also aids with deployment of the Bestech BG09A-2 Spike blade which utilizes 12c27 Sandvik steel.
Thank you for watching my Bestech Spike knife review.
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Presenting the Bestech VK-Void Folding Knife! This knife is available in 4 variations and can be found on our website. Get yours today!
Bestech VK-Void:
#knife #knives #sharp #blade #whitemountainknives #youtube #shorts Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ножи Bestech:
Ножи Bestech из выпуска:
1. Samari
2. Falko
3. Exploit
4. Freefall
5. Fanga
6. Heidi Blacksmith
7. Fin
8. Circuit
9. Torpedo
10. Texel
11. Swordfish
12. Toucan
13. Lizard
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This is the Bestech Buwaya, a modern high end full Titanium Flipper Designed by Kombou.
Bestech Website:
USE MY DISCOUNT / COUPON CODE: 7redi ON FOR 10% OFF SITEWIDE! Whitemountainknives Website:
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Wow, It's a cool BIG size black and white damascus handle knife! Bestech Keen II
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
New S35VN Knife From Bestech Knives Keen II BT2301
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Would You Like This Jade G10 Scale With 14C28N Blade Bestech Slyther Pocket Knife?
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Топ 100 лучших складных ножей мира
Топ 30 ножей Кизляр
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BF10 (-10% вводить в корзине не суммируется с подарком если таковой имеется). Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Awesome Elmax Blade with Titanium Knife! Bestech Knives VK-VOID
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bestech Knives - Dundee All New and with Savings 🥰
Bestech knives just made a brand new line up called the Bestechman and Starting off with this Absolutely awesome Folder Called Dundee
Name: DunDee
Model: BMK01H
Steel: D2
Finish: Titanized + Satin
OAL: 8.7" or 205mm
Blade: " or 85mm
Closed: 4 3/8" or
Blade Thickness: ”
Handle: Orange G-10
Dundee price $55
The Dundee comes in 11 Total Variants A - K all just a little different and unique.
All models will have D2 Steel with your choice of G-10 or Micarta Handles but regardless what you choose you are going to be really impressed.
This knife is a Beautiful Folder and the Orange G-10 goes great with the Blade.
This is not Spring assisted but so smooth and fast you would think it was.
Bestech Knives comes with a Lifetime Warrantee That means
Be sure to stop by the links below and see what Was just released
Use discount code bestechman16 to save 10% off your order.
I look forward to reading your comments and Hope you all have a wonderful rest of your Evening.
Joe Beaudrow
🔪 🔪 🔪
Bestech knives
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Bestechman, the sub brand of Bestech Knives. BESTECHMAN is the Line of Camping, Hunting, Outdoor, Every Day Carry knives and gears.
The first model is named the DUNDEE, designed by Ostap Hel, and is model number BMK01. There are 12 variants from A to L. All models will have D2 blade steel with either G10 or Micarta handle scales.
1. White Moutain Knives Exclusive Version( White G10 Handle with Grey titanized+satin):
Exclusive version(Black Micarta Handle):
3. KnivesandTools Exclusive Version(Brown Micarta):
The second model is named the Ronan and is model number BMK02. There are 10 variants from A to J. All models will have 14C28N blade steel with G10 handle scales.
BladeHQ Exclusive Version( Black Stonewash with OD Green):
Besides, Bestechman also make titanium pen named the Scribe and the model number is BM16 and BM17. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Get this premium knife in your collect! Bestech Knives Blind Fury
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A nice gift for your lover, friends-Bestech Bihai EDC Knife
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
*from :
The Shodan is an intricately designed and styled flipper knife from Bestech's titanium knife line. The interesting aesthetics start in the blade and continue down. The S35VN steel blade has a spear point profile and black stonewashed finish with rather blocky flats and a pronounced finger choil. The choil is complemented by the large finger groove in the handles, which together provide options for carrying that other folders don't. The handles are a little blocky but surprisingly comfortable and ergonomic and employ a sturdy framelock and ceramic ball bearing flipper mechanism common in Bestech's titanium line of knives. The pocket clip is made from titanium as well and is subtle enough to not affect the ergonomics of the handles. All in all, the Shodan flipper knife makes a great choice for those looking for something a little bit different, but don't want to compromise on quality.
Blade Length: "
Cutting Edge: "
Closed Length: "
Overall Length: "
Blade Material: S35VN Stainless Steel
Blade Thickness: "
Blade Style: Spear Point
Blade Grind: Flat
Blade Finish: Black Stonewash
Handle Material: Black Stonewashed Titanium
Handle Thickness: "
Locking Mechanism: Frame
Pivot Assembly: Ceramic Ball Bearings
Pocket Clip: Tip-Up, Right Carry
Weight: 5.0 oz.
Made in China Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bestech Eye of Ra - A Quick Look #edc #shorts #everdaycarry #bestech #edcknife #dailycarry #carryon
Trying out a quick short format to gauge interest in upcoming knives for review here on #DailyCarrySolutions. What do you think of a series of #shorts coming your way? Yay or Nay? Sound off below and let me know what you think!
Thanks for checking out the channel :)
More information on the knife available here:
-Carlos Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Under 3“ blade length? Nice EDC in your pocket-Bestech Knives Icarus
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Really? A nice gift for your lover, friends-Bestech Bihai EDC Knife
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Ніж Bestech Knife Spike Nylon/Glass fiber Black (BG09A-2). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17