Клинки для F1 виготовляються у відомому ножовому центрі Японії - м. Секи (Seki, Japan). Особливістю є те, що клинки для Fällkniven AB виготовляються на заводі, що належить родині Хатторі (Hattori) - японським зброярам і ковалям, які з доби середньовіччя завоювали визнання в світі ножів.
Варіація клинка F1pro особлива, тому що він виготовлений зі сталі марки Lam.CoS. Lam.CoS - одна з недавніх розробок компанії. Сталь CoS є серцевиною клинка, виконаного за відомою японською методикою San Mai III, при якій преміальна сталь великої твердості ламінується з обох сторін м'якшою сталлю, в даному випадку - сталлю 420J2. 420J2 - японська низьковуглецева нержавіюча сталь; вдосконалена японськими металургами 420. Сталь CoS - це надзвичайно міцна вуглецева сталь, яка від початку була задумана НЕ ножовою, а інструментальною. Така сталь має трохи вищу твердість (60 HRC) в порівнянні з попередником в особі Lam. VG-10 (59 HRC) і відрізняється підвищеним вмістом кобальту, що відповідає за жаростійкість і поліпшені механічні властивості: із сплавів із застосуванням кобальту створюють оброблювальні інструменти (свердла, різці, і. т. п.). Ще одним цікавим легуючим елементом сталі марки CoS є вольфрам. Вміст в сталі вольфраму надає їй значну твердість і помітно підвищує температуру плавлення. Застосовується вона для ресор, снарядів, сейфів, для ріжучих інструментів, а з присадкою молібдену таку сталь називають «самогартівною» (self hardening steel).
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Pilot Survival CoS Pro10 Zytel Sheath
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Про нож Fallkniven F1 сказано уже многое, но я приготовил для вас эксклюзив! Fallkniven F1 - это не просто нож. Это - легенда!
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"The Fallkniven F1 is the official survival knife Swedish Air Force pilots since 1995. A new world standard was set with the F1 through attention to important details including technical design, ergonomics and economy. The Fallkniven F1 surpasses international standards for strength, personal security capabilities, and value for money.
The Fallkniven F1 represents a new philosophy with respect to knives for survival use. The F1 successfully combines the experience of generations of knife manufacturing with the most modern technology and forging.
The well thought-out design and incredibly tough laminated steel are only two of the many details making the handy-sized Fallkniven F1 a knife you can always you can rely on even with your life. The F1 is well proportioned and tremendously versatile. The safe, comfortable grip along with its hard and tough laminated steel blade makes the F1 knife incredibly useful for all types of daily work and demanding tasks."
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Нож Fallkniven F1 Для охоты/рыбалки. 12 лет после покупки.Fallkniven F1 12 years after purchase!!!!!
Небольшой обзор ножа для охотника/рыбака/бушкрафтера Fallkniven F1 спустя 12 лет использования. #FallknivenF1#ФалкнивенФ1#ножFallkniven#нождляохоты#нождлярыбалки#нождлялеса#охота#рыбалка#шашлыки#лес#заточканожа#линзовиднаязаточка#острыйнож#нождляпоходов#нождлясплава
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Определить насколько нож подходит для охоты в качестве разделочного, можно с помощью простого теста "trychicken". На примере ножа fallkniven f1
#тестножей #бушкрафт #fallknivenf1 #охотничьиножи
Trystick Морса Кохански
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Видео на этом канале посвящены, в основном, бушкрафту (bushcraft) и жизни в дикой природе. Бушкрафт это системный набор техник, умений, ремесел, а также философия подобной жизни.
Это не обязательно выживание и экстрим, хотя такой раздел тут тоже есть. Эти знания могут быть полезны, отдыхающим на природе, туристам, охотникам, рыболовам, всем кто волей или неволей попал в дикие места. То есть бушкрафт это не сама деятельность типа туризма, а лишь умения для нее.
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Fallkniven F1 -- лучший нож охотника и коллекционера. My IMHO.
Если вы любите ножи, и вообще все режущее и острое. То F1 этот как раз тот случай когда он не будет лишним в вашей коллекции настоящих работяг. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I was expecting a lot out of this knife, but was not impressed with the handle and sheath. The Convex grind was great though. So, I have mixed feelings on this knife, and just feel there is better stuff out there.
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Manly Patriot CPM154, Mora Garberg 14C28N, Fallkniven F1 VG10 paper cut test Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Доводка ножа Fallkniven F1 на коже. Нож заточен в линзу.
Unboxing the Fallkniven A1 Pro:
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The new variation on the most popular series of Fallkniven is here: the Pro series featuring CoS (Carbon-Special) steel for higher performance and edge retention. My first impressions are very good. I like the new design and factory edge. I will soon start testing this knife in the field and see how it handles water stone sharpening
This is what fallkniven has to say about there new take on the old series:
There are survival knives, and there are survival knives for the professional survival. Our models F1, S1 and A1 have provided exceptional service for more than twenty years and due to their outstanding quality and durability will continue to do so for many years to come. Nevertheless our desire to strive for continual improvement has led us to develop the new Pro Series which takes the concept of the survival knife to unimaginable heights of quality. We began developing these impressive new knives in 2010 and five years later, we’re able to offer three survival knives which set the benchmark for survival knife manufacture the world over – the Pro series. To put it simply a knife is a blade and a handle. But if this vital tool is to remain strong and stay sharp you have to add fairly decent materials. If you then claim to call a knife “professional” you take on a responsibility to the user to raise the bar above what is normal. So it is with the Pro series.
New and improved Pro series specification
Pro series of F1, S1 and A1 differs from its predecessors in the following important details:
1. The laminated VG10 steel is replaced with a laminate cobalt steel (lam. CoS) which, amongst other things, ensures a durable edge and improved edge retention.
2. The blades are consistently thicker causing an increased torsional rigidity - they will withstand even greater external forces than before.
3. The tapered tang is wider and thicker and thus significantly stronger.
4. The crossguard is made of stainless steel and permanently mounted to the tang.
5. The convex edge has been refined to improve the cutting properties.
6. The zytel sheaths are redesigned meaning they are more durable and are better suited to the Molle attachment system.
7. The knives are supplied with our most valued combination whetstone, the DC4. It offers both a diamond whetstone and a ceramic stone for field sharpening.
8. The knives are packed in shock-resistant, waterproof boxes that can be used for storage of smart phones, GPS, documents, survival gear and much more.
Understandably these knives fall into a higher price category. However, considering the unparalleled quality they are by no means over priced. A professional survival knife should be able to be relied upon in the all-weather and we really mean all weather. It should also be pleasant, safe and comfortable to handle whether it’s fine or rough work, summer heat or winter cold. We have considered everything in the design of this quite superb knife and we, therefore, offer a lifetime warranty on materials and workmanship.
Total length (mm) 217
Blade length (mm) 100
Blade thickness (mm) 5
Blade profile Convex
Tang Broad, protruding
Weight (knife) 182g
Hardness (HRC) 60
Handle material Thermorun
Sheath Zytel
Please watch: "Battle of the Ultimate Chopping Knives! Which is the Best!??"
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Fällkniven Pilot Survival Knife Mod F1z | Outnorth Demo
A demonstration by Outnorth, showcasing the design and functionality of the Fällkniven Pilot Survival Knife Mod F1z.
More about Pilot Survival Knife from Fällkniven
Pilot Survival Knife Mod F1z from Fällkniven represents an entirely new philosophy with respect to knives for survival use, while it combines generations of experience with modern technology. The handy format, the thoughtful design, the incredibly tough laminated steel are only some of the details that makes you really trust this knife. The new injection molded zytel sheath offers a neat safe and strong combination of features that should be very attractive to all users.
Specifications for Pilot Survival Knife Mod F1z Fällkniven:
Total length: 210 mm
Blade length: 97 mm
Blade thickness: 4.5 mm, tapered
Tang: Full, protruding
Weight (knife): 150 g
Hardness: 59 HRC
Handle: Thermorun
Sheath: Zytel Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Björn from Sweden needed to have change for his Fällkniven F1 Pro knife and sent it to me asking me to leave it hidden tang type and some dark handle material with bronze fittings. Block of eben wood took hours of work and I was pleased.
At 11:40 finished knife.
Music by Reaktor Productions Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Друзі, в цьому відео ми розглянемо два ножа для парамедиків, рятувальників, пожежників, тощо.
• Які конструктивні особливості ножа допоможуть вам врятувати людину ?
• Що таке серейтор та для чого він потрібен ?
• Навіщо ножам кліпси ?
• Чому ваш ніж не кладеться вам на пальці під час роботи ? Що таке асістб фліпер, лайнер лок, тощо.
Коротесеньке, але дуже інформативне відео, яке стане у нагоді для кожної людини, яка дбає про свою безпеку.
Ніж Mil-tec Automasser car resque knife
Ніж Mil-tec Medical pocket knife
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Comparing variations of the Fallkniven's best seller F1:
Please support K2H purchase from the links below:
Fallkniven F1 - Zytel Sheath: =sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&m=A3HT259J8KMNR1&s=generic&qid=1288335042&sr=1-1
Fallkniven F1 - Leather Sheath: =sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&m=A3HT259J8KMNR1&s=generic&qid=1288335550&sr=1-2
Fallkniven F1 - Coated Blade Leather Sheath: =sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&m=A3HT259J8KMNR1&s=generic&qid=1288335042&sr=1-2 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bought this knife to show you the differences between the original F1 and its clone.
I hope this video will be helpful to you Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fallkiven NEW Pro 10 Knives view by www bushcraftcanada com
- The Official Survival Knife Of The Swedish Air Force Is The Fallkniven F1. Here Is The Tungsten Carbide Coated, CoS Steel Fallkniven F1Xb. Link To Russian Channel
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On The Survival-Russia channel we do all things related to the Outdoors Lifestyle. I share my thoughts and experiences on Survival Techniques for the woodlands of the Northern Hemisphere. the Reality of Survival. I share Techniques and ways of the Siberian Tribesmen and the Russian Longhunters of the older days. Things not shown outside of Russia very much.
On this Channel we also do Off-Road driving, Vehicle builds, Metal Detecting, all things Outdoors basically. Enjoy! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
DuoClang F1 W1 Hunting Military Fixed Blade Knife VG10 Steel Thermoplastic Handle Outdoor Survival Straight Knives Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#Shorts Fallkniven s1xb Vs Mora Garberg Carbon Black!! #Bushcraftknives
Hey friends hope you enjoy this short showdown between two of my favourite knives! really enjoyed making this and both knives performed respectively. full video can be found using the link below.
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Take care guys. Stay safe.
#wildcampinguk #bushcraftuk #moragarberg #fallknivens1xb Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video we take a look at the Fällkniven F1 Pro, a knife of legendary status. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fallkniven F1 zytel sheath rattle fix. This is a great sheath and for only a few dollars you can eliminate the rattle and make it ready for the zombie apocalypse. Let me know your thoughts and comments below.
J Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fällkniven S1 - The most overrated knife out there?
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This video was made and produced in Austria. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fallkniven F1 Field Test & Review (Ultimate Pilot Survival Knife?)
Is this the ultimate pilot survival knife? Let's see!
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#Alaska #Fairbanks #Survival Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Прежде чем покупать этот знаменитый, и я уверен, отличный нож, нужно сначала подержать его в руках. Мне пока не лег. Но шансы есть, он с каждым днем постепенно растет в моих глазах. Но нож безусловно с харизмой, его можно с удовольствием носить в других ножнах ежедневно, в отличие от той же Моры Бушкрафт. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
To Buy:
It took eight years to develop the Fallkniven F1 Survival Knife, which today is in service as a survival knife with the Swedish armed forces. The model F1 is a useful size that will fit in any hand, and as an all round knife it is without equal. The safe, comfortable suregrip Thermorun handle, together with an extremely hard and resilient special steel, means that the knife can be used for all kinds of normal - but also demanding - work. For its size, it has yet to be bettered!
The Fallkniven F1 Survival knife is available in an all-black design, with the blade coated in Teflon. In addition to reducing the risk of unwanted reflections, the Teflon coating gives further protection against corrosion. If the knife is to be used in salt water environments, we recommend the Teflon coating.
You may choose between two types of sheath - either a fully enclosed leather sheath which securely accommodates the knife on the belt, or a tough reinforced Zytel sheath. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
My thoughts about the F1.
I have owned the knife since the end of 2009.
I hope you'll find this review helpful.
This was all filmed during the summer of 2012. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
F1 Pilot Survival Knife
Great all around knife with a real nice custom sheath.
With this knife a new world standard is being set! Important factors such as technical design, ergonomy and economy are brought together within the model F1, and represent the foremost concept available today. The knife meets and surpasses by far established international standards for strength, personal security and value for money.
Mod. F1 is the official survival knife for pilots within the Swedish Air Force since 1995.
Mod. F1 represents an entirely new philosophy with respect to knives for survival use. At the same time it combines the experience of generations of knife manufacturing with modern technology. The handy size, the well thought-out design, the incredibly tough laminated steel are only a few of many details making this knife something you can rely on.
Mod. F1 is a handy knife and is tremendously versatile. The safe, pleasant grip together with a very hard yet tough laminated steel, makes the knife very useful for all kind of daily work but also demanding tasks. You can choose from two kinds of sheaths - an all-covering pouch type, which safely houses the entire knife or an extremely tough double-safety, one hand operated zytel sheath.
Blade length: 3 4/5"
Overall length: 8 1/3"
Steel: Laminated VG10
Handle material: Thermorum
Weight: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Fällkniven F1 and Fällkniven S1 are two of the most popular outdoor knives on the market today. But which do you choose? We made an overview of the similarities and differences to make sure you can make the best choice.
You can find our full article here:
All Fällkniven F1 knives:
All Fällkniven S1 knives:
All our Versus videos:
00:00 Intro
00:29 The similarities
00:43 Size differences
01:12 Blade grind differences
01:37 Conclusions
Knivesandtools is Europe’s largest online shop for kitchen knives, pocket knives, and a wide range of outdoor products including LED torches and binoculars.
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In this video i'm doing a test to see which knife has better edge retention and how much better it is. Ofcourse a test like this can never scientifically prove which steel has better edge retention because there will always be a difference in edge angle and lots of other factors. However this test did give me a good indication.
Fallkniven about its pro series:
There are survival knives, and there are survival knives for the professional survival. Our models F1, S1 and A1 have provided exceptional service for more than twenty years and due to their outstanding quality and durability will continue to do so for many years to come. Nevertheless our desire to strive for continual improvement has led us to develop the new Pro Series which takes the concept of the survival knife to unimaginable heights of quality. We began developing these impressive new knives in 2010 and five years later, we’re able to offer three survival knives which set the benchmark for survival knife manufacture the world over – the Pro series. To put it simply a knife is a blade and a handle. But if this vital tool is to remain strong and stay sharp you have to add fairly decent materials. If you then claim to call a knife “professional” you take on a responsibility to the user to raise the bar above what is normal. So it is with the Pro series.
New and improved Pro series specification
Pro series of F1, S1 and A1 differs from its predecessors in the following important details:
1. The laminated VG10 steel is replaced with a laminate cobalt steel (lam. CoS) which, amongst other things, ensures a durable edge and improved edge retention.
2. The blades are consistently thicker causing an increased torsional rigidity - they will withstand even greater external forces than before.
3. The tapered tang is wider and thicker and thus significantly stronger.
4. The crossguard is made of stainless steel and permanently mounted to the tang.
5. The convex edge has been refined to improve the cutting properties.
6. The zytel sheaths are redesigned meaning they are more durable and are better suited to the Molle attachment system.
7. The knives are supplied with our most valued combination whetstone, the DC4. It offers both a diamond whetstone and a ceramic stone for field sharpening.
8. The knives are packed in shock-resistant, waterproof boxes that can be used for storage of smart phones, GPS, documents, survival gear and much more.
Understandably these knives fall into a higher price category. However, considering the unparalleled quality they are by no means over priced. A professional survival knife should be able to be relied upon in the all-weather and we really mean all weather. It should also be pleasant, safe and comfortable to handle whether it’s fine or rough work, summer heat or winter cold. We have considered everything in the design of this quite superb knife and we, therefore, offer a lifetime warranty on materials and workmanship.
Total length (mm) 217
Blade length (mm) 100
Blade thickness (mm) 5
Blade profile Convex
Tang Broad, protruding
Weight (knife) 182g
Hardness (HRC) 60
Handle material Thermorun
Sheath Zytel
Please watch: "Battle of the Ultimate Chopping Knives! Which is the Best!??"
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My first fixed blade review! This one is on the amazing Fällkniven F1, which the family owned Swedish company bills as a "Pilot Survival Knife," and it certainly seems to fit the role. In fact, pilots in the Swedish Air Force receive them as standard equipment! So I say, if it's good enough for them, it's good enough for me, and it's certainly a lot of knife in a small package. It's the perfect size for EDC, carries well thanks to it's relatively light weight and nice, compact sheath, and fills your needs adequately no matter whether you're out camping in the woods, cooking in the kitchen, or just out and about, doing your thing. This is a quality blade that won't let you down, and is certain to last for many generations.
Total length - 8.3"
Blade length - 3.8"
Blade thickness - " tapered
Tang: - Broad, protruding
Weight (knife) - 6oz
Steel - Laminated VG10 core, 420JS shell
Blade hardness - 59 HRC
Handle - Thermorun (Thermoplastic Elastomer)
Sheath - Zytel
And for those of you that are interested, here's the text on the packaging. Keep in mind that it appears to have been translated quite directly from the Swedish text on the other side of the box, and as such the wording is a little strange, but it's easy enough to get the gist of it:
"The making of a survival knife is a serious matter, a man's life might depend of its function if something should go wrong. We have used eight intensive years in the research for the knife, which as of Fall 1995 is carried within the Swedish National Defence. The sub-arctic climate, which wintertime prevails large areas of Sweden, has in a decisive way influenced the final design of this knife.
The knife represents an entirely new philosophy what concerns knives for survival use, while it in the same time combines the experiences of generations of knife manufacturing with modern spear point technology. The handy size, the well thought-out design, the incredible steel are only a few details why this knife will be your partner for many years - a faithful, silent friend on your side." Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Kontakt Outrider: tforys@
Autor: Sylwek C.
#fallknivenfeatherstics Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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☕️ Offrimi un caffè/sostienimi : Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is a field test and let me tell you it did great! It met the standard on what it is suppose to be. This knife's main role is to be a compact camp knife for chores like carving, cutting vegetables, and light camp duties. Yes, it could be a little thicker and longer for batoning but lets face it, if you need to baton then try getting a knife more suitable for batoning. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Det här är Svenska Flygvapnets officiella överlevnadskniv.
F1 från Fällkniven är en mycket omtyckt och populär kniv.
Totallängd: 210 mm
Bladlängd: 97 mm
Bladtjocklek: 4.5 mm, taperad
Tånge: Bred, genomgående
Vikt (kniv): 150 g
Stål: Laminerat VG10 / 3G
Hårdhet: 59 HRC (62 HRC för 3G-stålet)
Skaftmaterial: Thermorun®
Slida: Zytel® alt. heltäckande läder Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In the jungles of Hawaii a good tough knife is a most have. The Fallkniven F1 is a great EDC/work/camp knife. I review and show this knife in action.
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The Truth About Pilot Survival Knives (Gerber LMF II vs. Fallkniven F1)
Both of these knives are claiming to be the best pilot survival knives, but do there capabilities match their claims or is it all just a facade? Which knife will reign supreme as the king of pilot survival knives?
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#Alaska #Fairbanks #Survival Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Here is my initial impressions of the Fallkniven F1 knife along with some brief comparison and testing. I have been curious about this knife for quite some time, and as I saw it for around the $100 mark I finally decided to pull the trigger. While this is classified as a "survival knife" I see it most often discussed in its use as a bushcraft/woods knife. First off, let me say that this is a great knife and I am glad to add it to my collection. That being said, it does has some issues. The lanyard hole placement is my biggest gripe. The sheath is adequate, but I am sure there are better options available. The blade comes razor sharp from the factory and the fit and finish is spot on. Specs will be listed below. Likes and comments are appreciated, and if you like my channel, please subscribe.
Fallkniven F1 Specifications:
Total length: 210 mm (8.3")
Blade length: 97 mm (3.8")
Blade thickness: 4.5 mm ("), tapered
Tang: Broad, protruding
Weight (knife): 150 g (6oz)
Steel: Laminated VG10
Blade hardness: 59 HRC
Handle: Thermorun
Sheath: Zytel sheath
Made in Japan Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Классный нож.
В России в охотничьих магазинах продается номерные и покупать только с охот билетом. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
EDC Survival Knife: Fallkniven F1 review{long term}
I have had the F1 for about a year and have EDC it consistently over that year. In this video I put this knife through a series of tests and share my opinion on this military pilot survival knife. Does the VG10 steel hold up to abuse? Is this knife comfortable in hand over long term use? Can the F1 handle a desert environment? Can the F1 handle a jungle environment?
I have used this knife camping, backpacking, hiking, at work and more.
On this day the fishing was not that good. I caught two rock cod and a baby eel.
Where to buy
My opinion has not changed from my first review
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In this video I present some thoughts on Fällkniven sheats and a few mods for the zytel sheat, improving safety and adding eg. ferro rod to the sheat. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Тест. Fallkniven F1 Original and Fake. China & Sweden
Тест настоящего Fallkniven F1 с сталью 3G
И китайской копии с якобы VG-10
И мои личные выводы и измышления.
F1 FALLKNIVEN на сегодняшний день принят на вооружение и является ножом пилотов в шведских военно-воздушных силах.
В 2000 году Ф1 был принят на вооружение и в США
Моя партнерская программа VSP Group. Подключайся! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Couteau Fällkniven F1 "pilot survival knife", revue détaillée, retour d'expérience (retex) après 4 ans d'utilisation, comparaison avec le mora companion, et démonstration de quelques tâches bushcraft que ce couteau peut accomplir (en Auvergne).
Plus d'infos sur mon blog:
les +:
design simple, inoxydable, très solide, performant et fonctionnel, bon grip, tranchant résistant, aspect peu agressif.
les -:
prix supérieur à 100 euros, étui d'origine (plastique) plutôt moche et fragile, ergonomie du manche perfectible, fil un peu épais et difficulté d'aiguisage.
Au final un excellent couteau pour la randonnée, le camping et le bivouac, en particulier dans des conditions humides, avec quelques défauts néanmoins. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fixing the Fallkniven F1 Tip, Broken by Dutch Bushcraft Knives
The girls at Dutch Bushcraft Knives recently wrecked their Fallkniven F1. The tip broke off, turning the knife into quite an effective screwdriver. Our Chris took some time to fix the knife, thin it out and restore the original profile. Now it is ready for another round of abuse by Muscled Hammer Guy.
Check out the wrecking video:
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