Пневматична гвинтівка Crosman Trail NP Elite Stealth Wood оснащена унікальною системою Nitro Piston Elite: пневмо-циліндр гвинтівки заповнюється азотом, стійким до температурних перепадів. Це дає значну перевагу перед звичайними пружинно-поршневими гвинтівками. За рахунок того, що замість витої сталевої пружини, використовується технологія заповнення поршня азотом, на 30 відсотків знижується віддача і гучність зброї.
Магазин гвинтівки Crosman Trail NP Elite Stealth Wood розрахований на одну кулю.
Гвинтівка пневматична Trail NP2 SBD Wood оснащена прицілом Center Point 3-9х32.
Завдяки нарізному стволу, виготовленому зі сталі, траєкторія кулі має мінімальне відхилення, що, як наслідок, збільшує точність.
Зброя зводиться шляхом перелому ствола.
Спеціальне покриття Touch гарантує відсутність вібрації при пострілі.
The quiet NP2 is now even quieter as the Benjamin Trail Nitro Piston 2 SBD. The SBD (Silencing Barrel Device) adds an improved barrel shroud that makes the NP2 SBD 3x quieter than other breakbarrels in its class.
Benjamin Trail NP2 SBD Air Rifle
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La firma Angel Baraldo nos presenta el nuevo rifle Crosman, Benjamin Trail NP2, con el sistema Nitro Piston 2 que es lo último en tecnología Nitro Piston para aire comprimido. Además el nuevo sistema de supresión de sonido integral, que reduce el sonido a niveles muy bajos.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Visita Angel Baraldo:
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Encontra los mejores comercios outdoors y armerías de Argentina en ! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Benjamin Trail NP2 Air Rifle Turkey Hunt #1 -Spring 2015 -Featuring "REVERSE HUNT CAM" footage
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Обзор и отстрел пневматической винтовки Crosman Benjamin Trail NP XL 1500 через хронограф, и отстрел на точность. Данная винтовка самая мощная среди Crosman в калибре 4.5 мм. И одна из самых мощных в мире в своем классе.
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Пневматическая винтовка Crosman Benjamin Trail NP XL 1500 (отстрел через хронограф)
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Hola Amigos! En este video vamos a ver uno de los rifles de aire mas popular en su clase, el Benjamnin Trail NP2.
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Musica de Intro (Ingles)
Song: Cosmic [Top Shelf Sounds]
Artists: CheerioFX
Music provided by Top Shelf Sounds :
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This video is a review, setup, & maintenance guide for the Benjamin Trail NP2 SBD .22 air rifle, pellet gun, airgun.
AEAC's 2nd YouTube Channel, "AEAC Vlog"
DISCLAIMER: This video is meant for educational & documentary purposes only. All work on airguns and airgun accessories should be carried out by a proficient licensed professional. Airgun Exploration & Advancement Channel nor YouTube will be held liable for any injury or damage resulting from attempting to duplicate anything shown in this video. Airgun Exploration & Advancement Channel is not an airgun store. We do NOT sell airguns, airgun parts, or airgun related equipment. Airgun Exploration & Advancement Channel is compensated by YouTube for its content creation. By viewing this video, you are acknowledging the contents of this disclaimer. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Benjamin Trail .22 Air Rifle - Accuracy Test !! - 25 & 50 Yards + FULL REVIEW - Stealth NP2 Airgun
Benjamin Trail Nitro Piston 2 Accuracy Review - Watch as AirGun Man of "Pellet Gun Turkey Hunting Television" maps the NP2's trajectory and then tests the accuracy from 5 to 60 yards proving that this is an extremely accurate break barrel gun if you put in the time to practice. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Benjamin Trail NP2 Accuracy Review- Nitro Piston 2
More speed, more power, more 's the official commercial for the Benjamin Trail air rifle with Nitro Piston 2 technology.
Atticus Kiser, Director & Editor
Fred Eichler, Voice Talent
Joe Demarco, Actor
Chip Hunnicutt, Script Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Check out the Benjamin NP Trail Air Rifle on BowHunterPlanet Testlab. Great Air Rifle for having tons of fun. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Сегодня у нас долгожданный полный обзор, на пневматическую винтовку Crosman Benjamin Trail. Мы проведем стрельбу на разных дистанциях, и посмотрим, как винтовка Кросман Бенджамин Трейл себя покажет.
Всем привет, меня зовут Константин! Данный канал посвящён пневматическим винтовкам и пистолетам.
Я занимаюсь самостоятельной законной модификацией и улучшениями пневматических винтовок и пистолетов.
Изготавливаю утяжелители, модераторы, телескопические направляющие, все пневматика до 3 Дж , что положительно сказывается на стрельбе.
На моем канале, вы можете посмотреть видео про пневматику Иж 60, Иж 61, МР 512, ИЖ 38, а также про ИЖ 53 и ПСП PCP винтовки.
Есть много интересных плейлистов в которых вы найдете отстрелы на кучность, точность, дальность и убойность, обзоры на пневматику, помощь в модификации и многое другое!
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Crosman Benjamin Trail Кросман Бенджамин Трейл пневматическая винтовка ПОЛНЫЙ ОБЗОР
Benjamin Trail Nitro Piston 2 Trigger Adjustment- Watch as AirGun Man from "Pellet Gun Turkey Hunting Television" shares his tips for adjusting the triggers on Benjamin Trail Nitro Piston airguns to improve accuracy. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
From the 2014 SHOT Show in Las Vegas, Crosman Benjamin Trail Nitro Piston 2 Air Rifle. Coming soon to Bass Pro Shops! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
2014 SHOT Show: Crosman Benjamin Trail Nitro Piston 2 Air Rifle
Hey guys, this is a quick video of the result of cleaning the barrel after 500+ shots through my benjamin trail Np2. The gun has calmed down a lot after breaking in/cleaning and is a very nice, quality gun. I look forward to testing out more ammo in this gun as well as taking it out hunting. Thanks for watching! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Travis shows you how to lighten the trigger on the Benjamin Trail series of break barrel airguns. This makes a good gun much better!
Another Airgun Essential from Airgun Depot!
Benjamin Trail NP2: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Eva Shockey is on her very first turkey hunt and she's doing it with the all-new Benjamin Trail air rifle featuring Nitro Piston 2. Her first two shots are near misses but the NP2 is quiet enough to not give her away. Filmed in California 2014. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hunting Turkeys with Eva Shockey and the Benjamin Trail Nitro Piston 2 Air Rifle
Benjamin Trail NP2 Pro Trigger Upgrade Kit. Nearly a 70% Trigger Pull Reduction with the Benjamin Trail NP2 trigger fix!
***Pro Kit no longer includes Stock Screws due to the wide variation of stock screw hardware used from the factory.***
Benjamin Trail NP2 Pro Trigger Upgrade Kit Includes:
Custom designed lighter Trigger Return Spring
Stainless Steel Trigger Shims (2)
Pre-Travel Set Screw
Synthetic Grease w/ PTFE
3mm Hex Key
Hex Key
Best Benjamin trail np2 trigger for the money!
Now a real Benjamin trail trigger adjustment.
Reduce your Benjamin Trail NP2 Trigger Pull from a Stock to a modified with the Benjamin Trail NP2 Pro Trigger Upgrade Kit by M*CARBO. The Pro Kit also includes Custom Stainless Steel Trigger Shims to prevent side to side trigger wobble. Plus Upgraded Black Oxide Coated Steel Stock Screws and Pre-Travel Adjustment Screw. Matching Hex Keys are also included with kit plus Synthetic Grease with PTFE to provide a smoother trigger pull. Custom Trigger Return Spring is made of the highest quality spring steel available, right here in the USA. Installation of our Benjamin Trail NP2 Pro Parts Kit does not require any permanent modifications. One of the Best Benjamin Trail NP2 Mods for your Air Rifle! The 60% Lower Trigger Pull will further enhance the performance and accuracy of your Benjamin Trail NP2 Air Rifle or compatible Crosman Air Rifle variations listed below for the Benjamin Trail NP2 trigger mod.
M*CARBO now offers the Benjamin Trail NP2 Trigger Adjustment Solution that fits and functions on a wide variety of Crosman Benjamin Air Rifles. Let us know if you have another air rifle trigger upgrade in mind or other Benjamin Trail NP2 mods.
Fits and Functions in the following Crosman Benjamin NP2 Air Rifles:
Benjamin Trail NP2 Synthetic Black
Benjamin Trail NP2 Hardwood
Best Benjamin Trail NP2 Mods Available for the Clean Break Trigger Mod Fix Upgrade. Fits and Functions with older plastic Crosman triggers only. Crosman recently switched production to a Steel Trigger with a completely different trigger mechanism.
Intro - 00:00
Firearm Clear - 01:11
Parts and Tools Needed - 01:23
Trigger Assembly Style - 01:40
Factory Trigger Pull - 01:52
Benjamin Models Overview - 02:09
Disassembly - 02:28
Trigger Group Disassembly - 04:14
Opening Trigger Spring Kit - 05:45
Spring Kit Parts Comparisons - 06:32
Trigger Disassembly - 09:05
Installing New Set Screw - 09:42
Installing New Trigger Return Spring - 10:42
Positioning Trigger Shims - 11:20
Trigger Group Reassembly - 12:20
Adjusting Pretravel - 14:38
Reassembly - 15:43
Function Check - 17:44
Modified Trigger Pull - 17:57
Wrap Up/Outro - 18:15 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Benjamin Trail NP2 Trigger Spring Kit Installation Video by MCARBO
The CROSMAN 20% off COUPON is still active. See below for details.
If you are one of the 100's of guys who have been hounding me for a year to review this gun, you had darn well thumbs-up this video!!! :)
The Benjamin Trail NP is a spring (nitro piston) powered air rifle that shoots at 15-18ft/lbs of energy (depending on ammo). It stands out among other air rifles with its Piccatinny Scope Rail. The optics of the Centerpoint Scope are very solid, considering it bundles "free" with the gun. So many bundled . This is not one of them. You won't be racing out to get new glass a month after buying the gun.
And, if you are not a big springer fan, I intend to review a quality, sub-$200 variable pump pneumatic gun in the coming months.
Ted's Holdover Links:
Website: (coming Jan 2013)
Twitter (ugh!):
Crosman 2100 Review ($60 air rifle):
Benjamin Trail NP unboxing:
Equipment Links:
Benjamin Trail NP Hardwood Stock:
Benjamin Trail NP All-Weather Stock:
Rode Videomic Pro Shotgun Microphone:
Straitshooters Pellet Sampler (scroll down the page):
CROSMAN 20% off COUPON!! Works on all Marauder Rifles (all calibers) and the Marauder Pistol.
Hello Guys, I have secured a promotional deal with Crosman Corp. It will get you 20% off the Benjamin Marauder if buy directly from Crosman's website. Here's what you have to do. Click on the following link:
This link will register your discount with Crosman's promotional vendor, and you will immediately be directed to Crosman's official website. You must go through this link for the promotion to work.
Once there, add whatever you want to your cart. When you go to checkout, you will have the option to enter a promotional code. Enter the following:
BAM! DONE! You could get 20% off your gun. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Benjamin Trail NP2 VS Evanix Rainstorm II - CUAL ES MEJOR?!
Crosman Benjamin Trail NP XL 1500 Air Rifle 2020
Crosman Fury Nitro Piston Air Rifle 2020
Hatsan Mod 95 Vortex Air Rifle 2020
Bone Collector Maxxim Air Rifle 2020
Watch again:
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This was the first ad from Crosman/Benjamin featuring Jim Shockey. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best 5 Benjamin Air Rifles - Best Benjamin Break Barrel Air Rifles
Outdoor shooting review of my new Benjamin Trail NP Mk2 break barrel .177 Cal. Pistol. Targets at 10 yards, 12.5, 15 & 20 Metres. Not my best shooting but this really is great accurate pistol, that shoots way way better than me. Highly recommended. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Benjamin Nitro Piston Trail Airguns Featuring Jim Shockey (Long Form)
Is NP2 all it was hyped up to be?
See inside - exclusive look inside of the Crosman factory to see how these are made! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The PCPs take a back seat this week, as we dedicate an episode to spring and gas-ram airguns. Mat Manning is out hunting with .
The PCPs take a back seat this week, as we dedicate an episode to spring and gas-ram airguns. Mat Manning is out hunting with . The new fortnightly .
The PCPs take a back seat this week, as we dedicate an episode to spring and gas-ram airguns. Mat Manning is out hunting with . The PCPs take a back seat . Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this Video I harvest a coon with a AirRifle Benjamin Trail Np .22 caliber 14.3 grain Crosman Pointed pellets. I have problems with coons around my place and surrounding Farms as well. I was wonderin to see how this rifle would put down a coon I could of used a better caliber like a 22 or so on but wanted to see how it would do. As you can see one shot did the trick but I always like to be sure so a follow up shot was taken. VIDEO CONTAINS GRAPHIC CONTENT Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Benjamin trail NP XL Air rifle Most powerful air rifle 2023
Doing some testing on my Benjamin Trail NP2, we know bore cleaning and polishing can have a positive effect on air rifle accuracy, let's do some testing to see if there's any significant effect on velocity!
Air rifles:
Cleaning supplies:
Rifle cleaning kits:
Crossman pellets:
H&N Pellets:
JB Bore compound and polish: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
You decide whos the winner. The Walther Terrus or Benjamin Trail np2. Video was film at 25yards for today. Ammo used was Crosman premier and RWS Superpoint extra.
music; cold_funk_funkorama by Kevin Macleod
from YouTube free to use music.
intro samurai images from google images Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I review the Benjamin Trail NP XL 1100 .22 and the Benjamin Trail NP .177. I'm not attempting to draw a conclusion as to which is better as they both have their proper place. What I am attempting to do is supply the viewer with enough information to make an informed decision as to which one may be best suited to your needs. The XL may be a more serious hunting rifle, while the NP maybe better suited to plinking. Please don't misunderstand, you can use the XL for plinking (I do), and the NP for hunting (my son does, it just requires more precise pellet placement).
************** If I could choose only one rifle of all the Benjamin Trail variations, I would choose the Benjamin Trail NP .22 with the all weather stock ( synthetic ). It is the best
all-around, in my opinion. *******************
Shooting the Benjamin Trails.
Artillery Hold for air rifles:
Demonstration of the effectiveness of the Artillery hold:
Benjamin Trail NP .22 Accuracy Review
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Will polishing your air rifle barrel increase velocity? Before and after test on Benjamin Trail NP2
Початкова швидкість кулі - 180 м/с, Калібр - 4.5 мм, Джерело енергії - PCP і компресійна пневматика, кульки і свинцеві кулі, Ємність магазина - 1 куля....
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