Компанія Coleman чудово зарекомендувала себе на світовому ринку якісних та надійних товарів для туризму та відпочинку. Продукція компанії Coleman – це прекрасний вибір не тільки для туристів, але і любителів відпочинку на природі, спортсменів, дачників і всіх тих, хто любить активний відпочинок, далеко від міської суєти. Якість, надійність, зручність використання, неперевершена функціональність – все це головні характеристики товарів цього відомого на весь світ бренду. Компанія Coleman виготовляє свою високоякісну продукцію, грунтуючись на знаннях і досвіду, отриманих мандрівниками з усіх куточків світу.
Ліхтар Coleman Cht 4 Headlamp (2000014805) Шукаєте простий і в той же час зручний ліхтар, який допоможе впоратися з темрявою в поході або домашніх умовах? Тоді налобний ліхтар Coleman Cht 4 Headlamp – це ідеальний вибір за доступну ціну. З ним ви легко зможете виконати будь-яку задачу двома руками, вільно пересуваючись по місцевості.
Налобний ліхтар Coleman Cht 4 Headlamp має просту систему фіксації на голові, що забезпечує зручну і надійну експлуатацію. Ви без праці зможете включити і вимкнути дану модель, завдяки зручній кнопці розташованій вгорі корпусу ліхтаря. З Coleman Cht 4 Headlamp все складне стає простим.
Coleman Cht 15 Headlamp – це налобний ліхтар з 5-ма світлодіодами, які забезпечують потужний світловий потік в 40 Лм при максимальній потужності і безперебійну роботу протягом 20 годин роботи. Стабільну роботу даної моделі забезпечують 2 елементи живлення типу ААА. Корпус ліхтаря виконаний з високоякісного пластику з бризкозахистом, що гарантує надійну експлуатацію навіть в екстремальних умовах. Дистанція освітлення – 32 метри при максимальній потужності і 24 – при мінімальній.
Check out the Coleman CHT4 Headlamp here:
Perfect for kids going to their first camp, scout groups, or beginner campers – the CHT4 from Coleman is the ideal affordable entry-level headlamp.
Producing 40 lumens, with an easily adjusted head strap, 3 ambient light modes, quality Nichia® LEDs, a pivoting head and included batteries – this headlamp will have your basic lighting needs covered out in the field.
In this video, our gear expert Keeta gives you a rundown on everything you need to know about the CHT4 headlamp from Coleman.
She kicks off by showing you what you get with the headlamp, the materials and construction, waterproof rating, dimensions, how to adjust it and add in the batteries, and then also demonstrates how to cycle through the modes – so check it out above for all the details.
0:00 - Intro
0:23 - What's included?
0:35 - Weight + materials
0:48 - Waterproof rating
1:31 - Lumens, settings + runtime Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The new CHT headlamps are all equipped with a pivoting head, which can be rotated to fit your preference for directional light. All headlamps have various light modes and come packed with the batteries needed to power them. Head straps feature an adjustable band, which has a “key” that is used to open the battery door. In any mode, hold the power button for 10 seconds, and the light will shut off with one click.
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Check out the Coleman CHT10 Headlamp here:
Coleman’s top of the range headlamp, that’s also super affordable – the CH10 Headlamp is great for kids or general campers alike.
This headlamp features 5 different modes, provides 100 lumens, has a positive feel switch, a secure battery compartment, a pivoting head, and a battery indicator light – so it will have your basic illumination needs covered outdoors.
In this video, our gear guru Keeta takes you through all the features and how to use the CHT10 Headlamp from Coleman.
She starts out with what in the package, how to open the battery component to add the batteries in, the materials used, and the dimensions. Then she demonstrates cycling through the different settings, how to adjust the headband and tilt the head, and tests the beam distance – so check it out above for all the details.
0:00 - Intro
0:25 - What's included?
0:34 - Battery compartment
1:02 - Materials
1:12 - Waterproof rating
1:20 - Weight & dimensions
1:33 - Settings & runtime
1:51 - In use demonstration Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Coleman Multicolor and High Power LED Headlamp -
The Coleman Multicolor and High Power LED Headlamp is an ultra-bright headlamp that has a pivot head to angle the light where you need it. With 5 different light settings, 3 white, 1 red, 1 blue this comfortable head torch will give you all the light you need for many different situations. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Check out the Coleman CHT7 Headlamp here:
Affordable, functional and suitable for all ages – the CHT7 Headlamp from Coleman provides hands-free lighting outdoors.
With an IPX4 rated casing, a maximum of 70 lumens, three white modes, red light mode, a pivoting head, positive feel switch, secure battery compartment, and adjustable band – this unit offers exceptional performance at a great price.
In this video, our gear expert Keeta takes you through all the features of the CHT7 Headlamp from Coleman.
She starts out by talking you through the lumens, cycling through the settings, how to adjust the headband and tilt the light, the beam distance of all the modees, what comes inside the box, dimensions, materials, water resistance and more – so check it out above for all that and more.
0:00 - Intro
0:24 - Light settings
0:44 - Adjustable headband
1:00 - Beam distances
1:10 - What's included?
1:17 - Dimensions
1:42 - Battery compartment Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Coleman 3AAA LED headlamp has an easy access button and a pivoting head so you can direct the light where you want it. Maximum 33 lumens white LED light, will travel 26 metres. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Walmart Clearance Coleman Headlamp 200 lumens 200002702 unboxing
bob spurloc
bob spurlock Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Coleman® Latitude Headlamp with Intematix® technology - ideal for camping, hiking or biking - EN
This CHT Latitude headlamp is comfortable to wear, convenient to use and has 3 lighting modes to illuminate your surroundings.
Utilising Intematix Linear Remote Phosphor technology, this innovative headlamp beams LED light through a layer of phosphor to produce a wide wall of warm, even, usable light.
An easily-adjustable strap is made from soft, vented polyester fabric with an integrated battery door for simple battery changes.
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Калильная керосиновая лампа Coleman 639 и акция «Любовь сильнее страха»
В этом видео рассказываю, как к недавно прошедшей акции #любовьсильнеестраха купили американскую калильную керосиновую лампу Coleman 30000001138 (639C). Покажу, как её собрать, обжечь и установить калильную сетку, и вместе с вами зажжём её в первый раз! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Coleman Mini LED Headlamp is a small, lightweight and durable headlamp with a runtime of 4 hours so is ideal for when you are out hiking or walking in darker situations. It is powered by 2 CR2032 batteries (included) and has 3 x 5mm LED lights which are aimed for an optimal position. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
With innovative Coleman® REAX™ auto-adjusting, light-sensing technology, Coleman® headlamps adapt their own beam pattern to the surrounding environment and needs of the user.
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Самый лучший налобный фонарь LED XM-L T6 HEADLIGHT
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Фонарь налобный со светодиодом Cree XM-L T6 2000 Lumens
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Весит всего 270 грамм !!! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Video demonstrující světelné módy čelovky Coleman Exponent 4AA 1W a jejich kombinace. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Check out the range of Knog Run headlamps here:
Made for runners and adventurers that head outdoors at dusk, dawn or anytime in between. The Run series of Headlamps from Knog offer super bright, super visible hands-free lighting solutions to assist with seeing in the dark, and being seen in the dark.
These headlamps are comprised of a USB rechargeable pod with a comfy and adjustable medical-grade silicone strap, plus they are waterproof and dustproof. There are a few different options to choose from, but which is the right headlamp for you?
In this video, our gear expert Jake breaks down the Run Headlamps from Knog. He does a basic comparison that explores the different light output and functions, the weight and dimensions, and explains which Knog Run Headlamp will be the best one for you – so check it out above for all the details.
00:00 - Intro
00:09 - Specs
00:51 - Lumens and distance
01:15 - Features and materials
01:49 - Light features
02:16 - Best uses of each headlamp Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Coleman NorthStar Dual Fuel InstaStart Lantern
Lampa ciśnieniową (benzynowa)-paliwo: benzyna ekstrakcyjna, benzyna samochodowa (bezołowiowa),uruchamianie: zapalnik elektryczny (bateryjny)
Wysokość:40 cm , średnica:17 cm , masa:1,8 kg , moc: 220 W - 1138 lumenów , pojemność zbiornika 0,95 L ,
czas świecenia 7-14 h .
Podstawową zaletą NorthStara jest bezproblemowa praca przy bardzo niskich temperaturach. Lampa produkuje podczas pracy dosyć sporo ciepła, więc z jednej strony trzeba uważać, aby w jej najbliższym otoczeniu nie znalazły się łatwopalne przedmioty, a z drugiej strony może stanowić świetny piecyk do 2-3 osobowego namiotu . Przy użyciu czystej benzyny ekstrakcyjnej spalanie jest bezzapachowe, ale mimo wszystko trzeba zapewnić jakąś wentylację namiotu, aby lampa nie zużyła całego tlenu - mały namiot ogrzewa dosłownie w kilka, kilkanaście minut przy mrozie na zewnątrz .
Dwie uwagi: po pierwsze, do zapalnika elektrycznego należy stosować bardzo dobrej jakości baterie (bo inaczej na dużych mrozach energia baterii może być za mała, aby wytworzyć iskrę), po drugie: jest problem z dostępnością w Polsce odpowiednich knotów żarowych do tego modelu.
- prosta obsługa
- łatwo dostępne (i tanie) paliwo
- bezproblemowa praca w niskich temperaturach
- jasność lampy nie spada wraz z upływem godzin (nie ma efektu "rozładowywania" się baterii)
- "ciepłe" światło
- wbudowana iglica czyszcząca dyszę (nie trzeba rozkładać lampy)
- wbudowany zapalnik elektryczny
- szybkie rozgrzewanie się generatora
- produkowanie dużej ilości ciepła
- problem z dostępem knotów żarowych w Polsce
- wymiary i waga lampy (nie nadaje się do plecaka)
- cena
- dosyć wysoki koszt eksploatacji (mniej więcej 1zł/h)
- spalanie dużej ilości tlenu i produkowanie dużej ilości dwutlenku węgla (nie nadaje się do małych pomieszczeń ze słabą wentylacją)
- niektóre elementy podczas pracy lampy mają wysoką temperaturę
- kiepskiej jakości paliwa samochodowe mogą powodować nieprzyjemne zapachy bądź szkodliwe dla zdrowia spaliny (nie należy używać lampy wewnątrz pomieszczeń, gdy jako paliwo stosujemy benzynę samochodową) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор линейки фонарей NEXTORCH
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Enjoy the convenience of having a 2-in-1 combination camping LED lantern and wireless speaker with your camping gear on your next outdoor adventure. The Sound and Light USB Rechargeable Lantern has a built-in Bluetooth speaker for up to 20 hours of campsite entertainment. This Coleman Lantern also has three different light settings and 400 lumens for close-up tasks.
Want to learn more about Coleman? Visit us: ?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ec_videos_20210310_SEO Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Coleman® BatteryLock™ CXP+ 200 LED Head Torch - EN
This auto-adjusting CXS+ 200 LED headlamp features 5 different lighting modes. Equipped with an advanced REAX™ sensor, this practical headlamp also benefits from a comfort tension headband system.
Designed with light sensing technology, the CXS+ 200 headlamp automatically adapt its beam pattern to the surrounding environment and needs of the wearer. The advanced headlamp also feature Coleman BatteryLock™ technology meaning it is ready to go whenever you are.
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thanks to the team at Coleman, we can take a closer look at the highly versatile Pack Away Puck Light.
For more info, or to buy - click here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Coleman Aluminium LED Flashilight -
This lightweight but durable LED Flashlight from Coleman is perfect to pop in your bag or pocket, giving you 107 lumens of light and being very hardwearing and durable due to the anodized aluminium body. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Coleman® BatteryLock™ CXS+ 250 LED Head Torch - EN
This auto-adjusting CXS+ 250 LED headlamp provides the wearer with hands-free KineSix™ hand-swipe control, 5 different lighting modes and a super-bright 250 lumen output.
Designed with light sensing technology, the CXS+ 250 headlamp automatically adapt its beam pattern to the surrounding environment and needs of the wearer. The advanced headlamp also feature Coleman BatteryLock™ technology meaning it is ready to go whenever you are.
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Небольшой сравнительный тест ламп в цоколе Н4 бюджетного ценового сегмента: Phillips,Nord Yada,Спутник,Маяк. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Knog Blinder Road 400 LED Bike Headlight Review - feat. Integrated USB Connector + Quick-Release
Since their 2012 introduction, the Knog Blinder Road lights have been a popular light among road cyclists. The Blinder Road lights are known for their compact lightweight designs and have been offered in various configurations over the years. In this review, we’ll be looking at the latest Blinder Road 400 which benefits from numerous improvements in design and LED technology. The headlight retails for $ and offers 400 lumen output from dual CREE LEDs. Each LED has a specific beam shape with the left-hand-side LED having a narrow 12 degree beam while the other LED offers a wide 32 degree beam. As with the previous versions of the light, the Blinder Road 400 has a clever integrated flip-out USB-A connector for cable-less charging.
One of the perks of Knog products are their stylish yet functional designs which is clear to see with the Blinder Road 400. The light has a wide and thin profile with rounded corners that places the LEDs side-by-side in a metal housing. Metal fins wrap around the housing to help with heat dissipation and break up the otherwise smooth housing. The flat lens housing has a translucent surround and frames the dimpled lens reflectors. Despite the impressive IP67 rating, which allows the Blinder Road 400 to be submerged under certain conditions, there are four visible bolts on the lens face attaching it to the housing. The rear of the light has a rubber coating that makes it easy to handle the light but seems to quickly attract dust.
The Blinder Road features Knog’s unique fastening system that uses a multi-piece strap mount with a durable clip design. One side of the elastic rubber strap is removable to allow for the Blinder Road 400 to be installed on 22-28mm diameter bars as well as a longer strap for 29-35mm bars. The straps attach to the light using flexible attachments which allows the Road 400 to easily be used on non round bars as well. An over-molded poly carbonate clip connects to one side of the strap and slides over the hook on the other side of the strap for a secure and durable mount design. It’s a clever design that can easily be installed or removed from handlebars but requires about 2” of open handlebar space. We’d recommend considering the $ Blinder adapter which is a simple cylinder connected to a GoPro adapter which allows you to mount the Blinder light onto out-front mounts.
... Read the full review @
00:00 Intro
00:11 Unboxing + Specs
03:08 Fit + Finish
07:02 Light Output
08:27 Comparison (Topeak Headlux / Light & Motion Vya / Bontrager Ion RT / Magicshine RN 1500)
10:27 The Final Score
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CXO + 250 LED čelová svítilna je použitelná od kempu, DIY na trekking a turistiku. Díky extrémnímu jasu a 3 x AAA Duracell® bateriím (jsou součástí balení), nebudete nikdy ponecháni ve tmě!
CXO + 250 je vybavená technologií BateriíLock™ - prodlužuje životnost baterií a zajišťuje vaše baterie nabité a připravené, když jste i vy.
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This Packaway Lantern from Coleman features patented technology so that you can pack the main light into the light base when not in use. The base also acts as a carry case to protect the light when travelling. The lantern will also shut off automatically when not in use for added convenience. A fantastic camping lantern. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Coleman PEAK1 220 Lumen LED Headlamp is rechargeable so you’ll have power when you need it most, whether you're camping, hiking, or just searching through storage space. Say goodbye to replacing batteries with this reliable headlamp flashlight that's easy to store for many years. The TurboDry strap is removable, washable, and made with moisture-wicking technology. Additional head lamp features include a fully adjustable head strap, a pivoting light to point where you need it, water resistance (IPX7 waterproof rating), impact resistance up to 1 meter, 5 different light modes, a battery lock, and lifetime LED bulbs that never need replacing. No matter the situation, from power outages to roadside emergencies, the PEAK1 rechargeable headlamp provides you with outdoor lighting that best fits your needs. Discover Coleman PEAK 1 outdoor gear built for going farther and exploring more, from campgrounds to backpacking and beyond—because sometimes the journey is the destination.
Want to learn more about Coleman PEAK1 Outdoor Gear? Visit us:
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Coleman 4AA LED Camp Lantern-
The 2011 4AA LED Camp lantern from Coleman uses 5 white LEDs to provide a fantastic 40 lumens of light, and with a 16 hour runtime this is well worth buying for a camping trip as it lasts for two thirds of a day. It's lightweight, robust and runs off 4AA batteries, although these are not included. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Compact LED Lantern with adjustable dial to regulate light output from 150 to 5 lumens, and anywhere in between.
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With battery Guard No More Leak
Battery Disengaged When is Off
Very Good feature Hope This Video Help
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Coleman PEAK1™ 450 Lumen Rechargeable Headlamp with Wireless Solar Charging Case
The Coleman PEAK1 450 Lumen Rechargeable Headlamp with Wireless Solar Charging Case allows you to recharge on the drive to your next adventure without any pauses thanks to solar energy. Thanks to on-the-go charging, you’ll have power when you need it most. You'll no longer need to fuss over standard batteries and their residual drain thanks to this convenient solar flashlight. The solar battery indicators are easy to read and let you know how much power you have left. The included TurboDry strap of this headlamp flashlight is removable, washable, and made with moisture-wicking technology. Additional features include a pivoting light to point where you need it, water resistance (IPX7 waterproof rating), impact resistance up to 1 meter, 5 different light modes, and a battery lock. Whether you're rock climbing, camping, backpacking, or searching through storage space, the PEAK1 Head Lamp with Solar Charging Case gives you power when you need it.
Want to learn more about PEAK1 outdoor solar lighting? Visit us:
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Trademarked Pack-Away™ Coleman technology gives this light a truly compact size - the lantern collapses down to half the size!
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Все время пользовался китайскими налобными фонариками и ни когда не понимал разницы - зачем переплачивать? Подарили налобный фонарь Fenix HM65R - сразу все понял))
Рассказываю свои впечатления, делаю обзор и показываю разницу между им и китайским ширпотребом.
Ссылка как обещал:
Я понимаю, что абсолютное большинство покупает фонарик с алиэкспресс, я и сам раньше так делал. В лучшем случае он прослужит вам всего сезон и светить будет не так ярко как фонарь Fenix.
Да, это реклама, но такую вещь не стыдно и прорекламировать.
Смотрите канал ЖКВ Саморучка. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Assistant editor Ariella Gintzler tells us about two new pieces of trail-running gear she loves. The North Face Flight Trail Vest is stretchy and hugs the body for a no-bounce ride, and Biolight's HeadLamp is slim, balanced, and light. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Assembling the Coleman model 252 military lantern and test run
Налобный фонарь Fenix HM65R-T Raptor
Промокод на скидку "serj32"
Особенности фонаря:
налобник для использования в активном отдыхе;
освобождает руки, при этом обеспечивает постоянное качественное освещение;
самый большой световой поток: 1500 люменов (комбинированный режим);
самая большая дальность свечения: 170 метров;
шесть режимов дальнего и ближнего освещения;
400 люменов – максимально для ближнего света;
есть опция цифровой стабилизации тока;
заряжается при использовании порта USB Type-C;
управление двумя переключателями;
светодиоды: Luminus SST40 и Cree XP-G2;
элементы питания: литий-ионная батарея форм-фактора 18650;
можно задействовать две батареи CR123A;
есть опция индикации уровня заряженности модели;
защищён от проникновения воды, устойчивый к повреждениям;
габариты: 80*47*39 миллиметров;
весит модель 91 грамм. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Coleman CPX 6 LED Classic Lantern -
The Coleman CPX 6 Classic Lantern is a classic style battery lantern is ideal for any camping trip as it gives fantastic light output and can be hung inside a tent. This lantern is weather resistant for durability and has high and low light settings. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Check out the Knog Bilby Run 400 Headlamp here:
For serious runners looking for high-performance hands-free lighting to illuminate the road or trail and to be seen, the Bilby Run 400 from Knog was designed just for you.
This unit provides a comfortable and secure fit for your vigorous activities thanks to the medical-grade transparent silicone strap. This can be adjusted to fit head circumferences from 300-660mm and won’t get twisted up in your hair. It cleverly has a USB integrated into the pod, so you can recharge it easily in 4 hours by plugging it into a USB-A port. With 5 LEDs – downlights for reading, a high beam, 2 elliptical beams, side visibility red lights for safety and a red light for nighttime use, this headlamp will have you covered for all kinds of applications. It features 4 brightness settings in each mode, 400 lumens on maximum and a range of 150m on the highest setting.
The Bilby Run also has an electronic tilt function so you can adjust the beam angle to suit your own use perfectly. Weighing only 90g and with a IP67 waterproof rating for protection against the elements, the Bilby Run 400 from Knog covers all your bases for brightening up your outdoor escapades. See and be seen.
00:00 - Intro
00:09 - Overall product overview and specs
00:53 - Pod features and specs
01:22 - Waterproof and dustproof rating
01:43 - USB recharging
02:09 - Re-attaching your pod
02:25 - Modes, controls and settings
06:42 - Memory feature
07:55 - Customisation
08:10 - Purchasing options Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This auto-adjusting CXS+ 250 LED headlamp provides the wearer with hands-free KineSix™ hand-swipe control, 5 different lighting modes and a super-bright 250 lumen output.
Designed with light sensing technology, the CXS+ 250 headlamp automatically adapt its beam pattern to the surrounding environment and needs of the wearer. The advanced headlamp also feature Coleman BatteryLock™ technology meaning it is ready to go whenever you are.
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#LED3000К #LEDЛампы #ЖелтыйLED
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Coleman High Power Aluminium LED Flashlight -
This Coleman High Power Aluminium LED Torch is a brilliantly lightweight, ultra bright flashlight perfect for popping in your pocket, bag or even in your car. The beam shines a distance of 134 metres, and the torch itself is weather resistant whilst the aluminium housing is extremely strong and durable. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Первая часть ТЕСТ ЛАМП
Полироль для стекол и фар
Мой 2й КАНАЛ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Желтые лампы H4 LYNXauto на примере рефлекторной фары Jetta 2
Артикул ламп: L10460Y (LYNXauto)
Установка желтых светодиодных ламп H7, сравнение с желтой лампой LYNXauto:
Ближний свет фар Лада Веста, Сравнение ламп H7: GE, Osram, Hella и LynxAuto: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Coleman CT200 LED headlight, tail light, switch, battery and charger.
Adding a headlight and tail light to my CT200U-A. Also look at the beginning of the springer seat.
Tail light: =oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
3 amp charger:
Springer seat kit:
=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Coleman Focusing LED Flashlight -
This new Focusing LED FLashlight from Coleman features dual focus so you can choose between a spot or flood beam at the quick twist of a dial! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ТОП—7. Лучшие H4 лампы для фар авто (cветодиодные, галогеновые). Рейтинг 2022 года!
The Fenix HM65R-T rechargeable headlamp is designed for trail running. This new Fenix headlamp is constructed from ultra-lightweight magnesium material. With two LED's, the HM65R-T can reach 1500 lumens by activating its dual spotlight and floodlight mode with the separately controlled top switches. The primary power option is a single 18650 battery; as a secondary option, you can also power the HM65R-T with two CR123A batteries. The HM65R-T also features a USB Type-C charging port to facilitate charging of the included 18650 battery. With an all-new body designed from magnesium, the Fenix HM65R-T headlamp has an IP68 rated protection, and 2 meters of impact resistance. The included hollow headband provides comfort and adjustability for a perfect fit in every situation. It is recommended to use the Fenix HM65R-T for trail running trips where you will need to light your path quickly and hands-free.
Price: $
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Biolite 330 Lumen Backpacking Headlamp Review - On Trail Night Footage Tests
Been having a great experience with the new Biolite 330 Lumen headlamp. I have never had a battery back style as the battery always seemed too big. The way this light is designed is very much for the trail runner, and one who runs in the dark. The light is very low profile, and the battery is not too large, 900mah, so it is balanced and would work well for running.
I love the memory feature that will remember 12 hours,and even though it starts on the red, which is awesome, I can be assured that even 30 minutes later it will be red and not screw up mine and others night vision. The flood is really great too. It really reaches out nicely to the sides, way more than other headlamps I own, and when you combine the two, both spot and flood, you get the best all around I have ever had. You can also dim the different modes except the strobe. The strobe would be useful with bicyclist also.
The ultrathin 3D molded housing sits flat on your forehead. That means no bounce, no slip. By integrating our electronics into the fabric, we pack all your lighting into an ultra-thin facing that is designed to fit as seamlessly as a contact lens.
Moisture-wicking fabric keeps you cool and dry for any activity and the rechargeable battery means you can leave the alkalines behind.
Max Output 330 Lumens, Adjustable Front Panel, Red Night Vision Included
40 hours of battery on LO, 3.5 Hours on HIGH, Recharge Via Micro USB.
HeadLamp 330 is made from high-quality moisture-wicking band that keeps your forehead comfortable and dry during activity. Best of all - no abrasion points. The easy-adjust clips also take the guess work out of right-sizing your band.
Most of all, the Biolite company is great and I hope you take some time and look at all the fantastic things they are doing. Certainly worth buying their product.
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The Coleman BatteryLock Pack Away Lantern is a compact option for providing illumination around the campsite: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Тип - пошуковий, джерело світла - LED, дальність світлового потоку - 350 м, яскравість - 330 люмен, елементи живлення - вбудований акумулятор, вага - 1048 г....
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