Olight Baldr Pro є покращеною версією PL-2 Baldr. Нова модель має збільшені світлові характеристики, а також іншй колір лазерного променя: на зміну червоному прийшов зелений. Одним з приємних доповнень є наявність 2-х режимів яскравості: на 1350 і 300 люмен, чого не було у попередника. Корпус ліхтаря практично не зазнав змін за винятком лазера, який став трохи компактнішим. Оптична частина складається з високоефективної TIR-лінзи знаходиться під мінеральним склом і світлодіода CREE XHP-35 HI з нейтральним відтінком світла. Ліхтар встановлюється на планку Picatinny або Weaver, кріплення інтегроване швидкознімне. Живлення ліхтаря здійснюється за рахунок 2-х батарей формату CR123A.
Включення/вимикання білого світла - натискання на будь-яку кнопку (праву або ліву).
Зміна режиму яскравості - подвійне швидке натискання.
Строб - натискання на кнопки з двох сторін одночасно.
Режим білого світла - поверніть на важіль в право.
Режим білого світла і лазер зеленого кольору спільно - поверніть важіль по центру.
Лазер зеленого кольору - натискання на важіль вліво.
Налаштування лазера по осі «X» і «Y» ключем, який поставляється в комплекті.
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Olight Baldr Pro is the Brightest dedicated Weapon Light / Laser Review. 1350 Lumens to 300 Lumens and a High Intense Green Laser. Quick detach mount and 5 year warranty. Comes in Black and Desert Sand. Big thanks to Olight for sending the lights for review.
#Olight #OlightBaldrPro #Weaponlight
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Music is from Jingle Punks and Epidemic Sounds Royalty Free Music through the Fullscreen Network. Used with permission. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Рекомендую: Новый шикарный подствольный фонарь от Олайт: на диоде XHP35, 1200 люмен, Свет, лазер, с
Рекомендую: Новый шикарный подствольный фонарь от Олайт: на диоде XHP35, 1200 люмен, Свет, лазер, стробоскоп, светит метров на 800, узкий пучок, быстрое управление боковыми клавишами, быстрое крепление на стандартную планку П/В, подходит под Глоки и длинные Форты. Идеален для штурмовых винтовок на базе АР15. 5 режимов. Мощный стробоскоп. Рекомендую:) Новейший тактический фонарь Olight PL2 Baldr является модификацией известной модели PL2 Valkyrie. Baldr получил долгожданную функцию - ЛЦУ, который существенно упростит взаимодействие с оружием. Основная часть корпуса имеет точно такой же дизайн, как и у PL2 Valkyrie. Оптическая часть фонаря состоит из высокоэффективной TIR-линзы и светодиода CREE XHP-35 яркостью 1200 люмен. Фонарь устанавливается на рельсу пикатинни или вивер, крепление интергированное быстросъемное. Питание фонаря осуществляется за счет 2-х батарей формата CR123A.
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DISCLAIMER: Our videos are strictly for documentary, educational, and entertainment purposes only. All shooting is performed on state-approved firing ranges under the supervision of trained professionals. Imitation or the use of any acts depicted in these videos is solely AT YOUR OWN RISK. All work on firearms should be carried out by a licensed individual and all state and federal rules apply to such. We (including YouTube) will not be held liable for any injury to yourself or damage to your firearms resulting from attempting anything shown in any of our videos. We do not endorse any specific product and this video is not an attempt to sell you a good or service. We are not a gun store and DO NOT sell or deal in firearms. Such a practice is heavily regulated and subject to applicable laws. We DO NOT sell parts, magazines, or firearms. We are not instructing our viewers on how to modify firearms, accessories or otherwise to change their basic legal function. These videos are free to watch and if anyone attempts to charge for this video notify us immediately. By viewing or flagging this video you are acknowledging the above.
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New Olight Baldr Pro R 1350 Lumen Weapon Light & Laser Review
Black Friday Sale Nov 24 8pm -29 EST Get the Baldr Pro R 35-45% off
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Music is from Jingle Punks and Epidemic Sounds Royalty Free Music through the Fullscreen Network. Used with permission. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Link To the Olight Store: ?streamerId=1428600708008681475&channel=default
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Today on Kentucky Ballistics we have some fun with the Olight Baldr Pro! I hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching!
Flash Sale Date: Oct. 4th All day
- Baldr Pro MAP: $; Sales price:$, Black & Desert Tan optional, limit 2 per person
- Bundle: Baldr Pro + I3T Desert Tan 40% OFF (MAP: $; Sales price:$), Black & Desert Tan optional, limit 2 per person
- Spend over $199 get 1pc S1R II (MAP: $) for free
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In this video I do an unboxing on the Olight BALDR PRO in desert tan with the green laser and provide my first impressions of the light. I also go over the specs of the light and show its various functions while attached to firearms. This is truly the best weapon light with a green laser for the money!
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Baldr Pro (green laser):
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Olight PL-2 Valkyrie weapon light:
PL-2 Pro in Desert Tan (rechargeable) :
PL Mini 2 Desert Tan:
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In this video, we take a look at the updated Olight Baldr Pro and see if the new features make this light a worthwhile purchase.
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One of the biggest changes we immediately see, is the new matte finish. This is a welcome improvement over the previous glossy finish that didn't make a lot of sense this style of light.
This light has been out on the market for a while and was originally released as the "Pro" version because it has the green laser. Olight has moved away from this naming convention with the recent Baldr Mini and Baldr S as the green laser comes standard with all lights now.
Looking at the laswer housing, the Baldr Pro does not integrate the laser into the light housing like we've seen on the other new Olight Baldr series light. This causes some particular trouble when trying to find a holster that will fit this light. Particularly if you already had a Baldr Mini style holster and now need a whole new holster setup.
We see the switches on the side of the Baldr Pro are depressed from the side and not from the top. I prefer the top button style but this just may be what I'm used to.
Digging into the function of the light, the light has 3 different modes that are selected by the toggle switch on the bottom. You can do the light only mode, light and laser mode, and finally the laser only mode.
The light modes are set at 1350 lumens and provide an incredibly bright light and wide light splash for a vide field of view. Unlike the Baldr S, you cannot change the brightness of the Baldr Pro. This makes using this light indoors or for home defense use, particularly problematic. 1350 lumens is great for outside but would be far more than you'd need when lighting up a room indoors.
Powering the Baldr Pro we see it uses two CR123 batteries. Olight moved away from this and incorporated the rechargeable batteries that we all enjoy so much in future versions and I prefer that over having to carry a stack of random batteries around.
Overall, the updates to the Baldr seem to be subtle and it would have been nice to see Olight move the laser into the light housing, use some updated buttons, and step away from the CR123 batteries.
Seeing updates is nice but this light is certainly dated and struggles to compare to the powerhouse Baldr S in almost every category.
Hopefully this video was helpful in your purchasing decisions so you can see all the updates and changes so you can compare the new Baldr Pro to other Olight models.
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Olight baldr pro r desert tan Fnx 45 tactical #olight #olightsale
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Full-size or Compact Weapon Light? Olight Baldr Pro and PL - Mini 2 Quick Comparison
In this video, we show you some differences between the Olight Baldr Pro and the PL - Mini 2 Valkyrie.
Conceal your gun and light.
Olight Baldr Pro
Olight PL- Mini 2 Valkyrie
Need something different? Find a light-bearing holster for your gun and light by using the holster finder on our front page:
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Olight Baldr Pro R Black Friday Sale 24-30 NOV 2021 ไฟฉายติดปืน ใช้กับ Safariland 6 Series ได้
The concept of lasers is often misrepresented as, "Where the laser goes, the round goes." In this video I look at it more realistically and explain where, when and how I find the Olight BALDR Pro laser light combo useful.
Link to Olight sale: (24th Aug 20:00 - 28th Aug 20:00)
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@ @OlightSouthAfrica #OlightBALDRmini
If you wanna get a free gift in the Olight Elite sale:
1. Share the I1R 2 to your Facebook or email.
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3. Please be patient. On Aug 24th, the free I1R 2 will be added automatically in your cart when you log in.
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New Oilght Baldr Mini Light Laser Weapon Mounted Light has 600 lumens of light, Green Laser, QD mounting system and it rechargeable when mounted,.
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In this episode we take a closer look at a weaponlight with included laser.
The Olight BALDR-Pro is a package that fits most of the common mounting rails. Its waterproof, Shockproof, easy to handle and upgrades any tactical weapon you have.
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Olight Baldr Pro Review / Olight Warrior X Pro Rechargeable Flashlight
Baldr Pro unboxing and review. / Olight OBulb
Warrior Pro X Review
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Olight Baldr Pro
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Features of Baldr Pro
Baldr Pro
1. Simple mode switch to select White Light, Light and laser, or laser only.
2. Incredible 1,350 lumens and 260-meter beam distance.
3. Compatible with both Glock and Picatinny rail,perfect for your pistol and rifle
4. Quick attach/release the light in a second.
5. Matte Black and limited edition Midnight Blue for your choice.
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A quick detach weapon light laser combo with 1350 Lumens for only $100.
Flash Sale Date: Oct. 4th Whole day EDT
Pro MAP: $; Sales price:$, Black & Desert Tan optional, limit 2 per person
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Sale starts November 24th and endsNovember 29 Product review
I unbox and try out the OLight Baldr Pro Weapons Light. This was sent to me by Olight for review
If you work for a Police Department, Sheriffs Office any other agencies you definitely need to try one of these Baldr Pro r1350 Lumen with Green laser.
Olight flashlights
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Prepared Guy shows off the new BALDR PRO R weapon light JUST IN TIME FOR THE BLACK FRIDAY FLASH SALE!\
If you missed the sale you can use the coupon code below to get 10% OFF, except X9R
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Silver and above starts at 8:00 PM November 21st EST.
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The Olight Baldr Pro R is back brighter, better, and now rechargeable. This flashlight is even more powerful during the day and night with a bright 1350 lumen max flashlight and a green beam providing coverage up to 218 yards.
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Olight is having a flashlight Black Friday Sale! These are incredibly tough flashlights and I highly recommend taking advantage of this massive sale!
***Use Coupon Code: AlfieCurling (coupon code = 10% off items that are not on sale)
Check out the Olight Store for more amazing offers here:
X9R Marauder UP TO 20%
R18599 SAVE , 20% discount.
Baldr Pro R Black or Desert Tan ↓
SAVE , 38% discount.
Baldr Pro R GR Bundle I5R Black ↓
SAVE , 45% discount
Warrior X 3 Black Bundle I3T Black ↓
SAVE , 45% discount.
Warrior X 3 OD Green Bundle I3T Black ↓
R4098 SAVE , 45% discount.
Baldr RL Mini Bundle I5R Orange ↓
SAVE , 50% discount.
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20% off code: QR6AS8IY (works until 2019)
Baldr Pro on Amazon:
OK, so in the UK we can't get access to pistols due to many political factors so the chances of this light (described by many as a 'pistol light') being used on anything other than airsoft 'weapons' is very slim.
is a very good light for a small calibre rifle as the beam it casts is very intense and easily throws out to the stated 260 metres. Perfect for a .22 rimfire or .17 HMR rimfire.
The laser is tiny but ridiculously powerful and I can easily see the green dot at around half a mile away on house walls on the other side of the my valley (yes, I have good eyesight).
ON/OFF is responsive and the option to have light, light and laser or just laser is a nice touch.
Even in daylight it is easy to see the laser.
Since the light is powered by 2 x CR123A rechargeable batteries which are 1600mAh each there is plenty of power there to ensure long running time and accessing them is very easy although the light does have to be detached from the rifle for that to be possible. As long as the light is reattached at the same point on the mount the laser will not lose zero.
Just for reference:
The mount I am using in the video is a UTG universal single picatinny rail barrel mount (very good):
The red lens cover is a cover:
I would recommend checking out (and buying) the Olight universal magnetic USB charger cable: as it is cheap and effective for charging up any batteries commonly used for flashlights of all types. It is usually cheapest on Amazon and is more convenient (and cheaper) than a traditional mains powered charger.
Zeroing the laser is very easy - it is just like lining up the reticle of a telescopic sight - one adjustment for elevation and one for windage. All I did is look through the scope and train the cross-hairs on a target approx. 35yds away (my normal shooting distance), adjust the laser to meet the middle of the cross-hairs and it was set. The process took about a minute.
This is another exceptional product from Olight and while it could be seen as more suited to use on a pistol (as that is how it is marketed) it is not to be overlooked for rifle use - especially for people who like to keep their gear small and compact.
For a .22 rifle or air rifle this is a great choice but for heavier calibres where targets will generally be more distant a more powerful light would be preferable.
I can't comment on how good it would be for a pistol as I'm in the UK but for a .22 rifle or air rifle it is a great choice. Highly recommended.
Panasonic HC-VX870 HD camcorder
+Rode stereo microphone:
+Rode 'deadcat' mic cover:
JVC Everio quad proof HD camcorder:
+Rode 'deadcat' mic cover (opened up and held between tripod and camera base)
Zomei Z666 tripod:
Manfrotto MTPIXI-B PIXI mini tripod:
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See you next time.
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Olight Baldr Pro Combo Mounted Light/Laser - NEW RELEASE & SALE - Unboxing & Review
Save up to 40% on the Baldr PRO:
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Présentation, test et avis de la Olight Baldr pro vs la baldr mini
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#test #Olight #BaldrPRO #Baldr mini
1. 00:00 début de la vidéo
2. 01:11 unboxing
3. 05:31 test au stand
4. 07:11 conclusion
5. 11:29 fin de vidéo Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
CZ SP-01 Cool Hand G10 Grips & Olight Baldr PRO 1350 Installed!
Subscribe for more, drop a like or dislike, click the bell! These are upgrades worth every penny! #Olight #Coolhandgrips #CZ75SP01 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight BALDR PRO R ! Enfin compatible tir sportif !
Présentation, test et avis sur la nouvelle Olight Baldr PRO R
Lampe tactique
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Offre de lancement -30% sur la BALDR PRO R :
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Abonne toi !
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New Werkz Holster Options (Olight Baldr Pro R / Baldr S)
Free Baldr RL Light and or Lazer Combo! I agreed to review this Firearm light as long as I could give one away. Obviously there’s a flash sale on Friday, March 27th 2020 (link below). If your a subscriber to this channel, thumb up this video, and leave ONE comment you’ll be entered to win this incredible light & Lazer for your firearm. Get your comment in before 12 noon EST on Friday, March 27th 2020. That’s when I will pick the winner. The flash sale is for 24 hours only. Limited edition gun metal grey will sell out quickly. I will be giving away the desert tan color. Best of luck!
Flash Sale Friday, March 27th, 2020:
Coupon code: EM0629
Coupon Code will work during sales on non-sale listings ONLY Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This week, the channel strikes back with our review of the Valkyrie Pro!
Tune in to hear why I like it more than the Baldr Mini...
(We also get to read fun comments from some interesting specimens on the internet...)
Got 9 minutes?
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Holster featured in the video by Kobra Kydex (highly recommend!)
Gear I Like:
Streamlight Microstream
Olight s2r Baton II:
Everyday GShock Watch
Barton Watchbands
Ka-Bar Turok
For info on current availability and custom sheaths from Dragon Scale Concealment, email:
Disclosure: Some of the links listed here are affiliate links, that doesn't change your price but I do get a small kickback. Check 'em out and thanks for watching!
#OlightReview #edcgear #Olight Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Pistol Light/Laser For The Money (Baldr Pro) SALE !!!!!
Baldr Pro
Flash Sale Date: Oct. 4th
Pro MAP: $; Sales price:$, Black & Desert Tan optional, limit 2 per person
: Baldr Pro + I3T Desert Tan 40% OFF (MAP: $171.9; Sale price:$), Black & Desert Tan optional, limit 2 per person
over $199 get 1pc S1R II (MAP: $) for free Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Merci à ceux qui utiliserons mon lien affilié pour acheter des produits olight sur leur boutique
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Cadeau Gratuit: I3E gratuit lorsque vous passez une commande.
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Green Laser Light Combo from Olight BALDR Pro BIG Shooting Review!!!
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Disclaimer: These videos are strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only. Imitation or the use of anything demonstrated in my videos is done AT YOUR OWN RISK. All work on firearms should be carried out by a licensed individual and all state and federal rules apply to such. We (including YouTube) will not be held liable for any injury to yourself or damage to your firearms resulting from attempting anything shown in any our videos. I do not endorse any specific product and this video is not an attempt to sell you a good or service. I am not a gun shop and DO NOT sell or deal in Firearms. Such a practice is heavily regulated and subject to applicable laws. I DO NOT sell parts, magazines, or firearms. These videos are free to watch and if anyone attempts to charge for this video notify us immediately. By viewing or flagging this video you are acknowledging the above.
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Glock 19 holster with Olight BALDR PRO by WERKZ
Best holster for GLOCK 19 with Olight BALDR PRO
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Тип - пошуковий, джерело світла - LED, дальність світлового потоку - 350 м, яскравість - 330 люмен, елементи живлення - вбудований акумулятор, вага - 1048 г....
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