AVGTPROAR - це мульти-інструмент для роботи з карабінами на базі AR-15. Модель створена зі зносостійких матеріалів і забезпечена спеціальним підсумком для зберігання і носіння. Мультитул містить: - Ніж у форматі Claw-point (Raptor-point). - Ударна викрутка. - Потайний слот для зберігання насадок (біт) для викрутки. - Ударник з ключем на 1/4 "зі зворотного боку. - Кільце під темляк поєднане з гаком для групи затвора. - 3 викрутки у профілях: TORX T10, TORX T15, TORX T20. - Скребок для групи затвора (9 функцій) суміщений зі знімачі штифта. - Металева вкладка поєднана зі скребком. - Розкладний стрижень з різьбленням 8-32 для встановлення відповідних щіток і шомполів для чищення. - Підсумок з відділенням під ключ для регулювання оптики, має стропу для кріплення на систему MOLLE. Застібається на заклепку.
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Real Avid - Multitool do konserwacji broni Gun Tool Pro - AR-15 w
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Як чистити AR15 з Real Avid AR-15 Armorer’s Master Kit | Збройові аксесуари | Ібіс
Про обслуговування карабінів на базі AR15 в мережі існує чимало відео, в тому числі й на наших каналах. Проте цього разу ми розповімо про одне з найкращих рішень по обслуговуванню цієї системи від виробника Real Avid - Armorer’s Master Kit, в якому є буквально все для цього, окрім збройової хімії звичайно. Розкаже про цей набір наш найкращий ведучий - Сергій Шкаберда.
#ar15 #realavid #зброя #ібіс Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
When duty calls - this is the answer.
When it comes to mission-specific tools the new Gun Tool Pro-AR15 is packed with functionality. Thirty-five highly-capable tools in a tactical, rugged frame work with ease and precision to keep black guns firing reliably and accurately.
From tear-down and scraping carbon, to maintenance and reassembly, the Gun Tool Pro-AR15 is the partner to have in the field, at the range or workbench.
MSRP : $ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A unboxing, table top review and a demonstration of the AR15 specific Gun Tool Pro made by Real Avid. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Please thank Big Tex Outdoors for bringing us today’s video of Gear Review: Real Avid Gun Tool Pro! They have holsters, accessories, optics and other parts that you need as a self defender. I am one of his customers and I recommend him highly. Thank you to Big Tex Outdoors for being the sponsor of Active Self Protection Extra Gear Reviews.
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Today we are unboxing the Gun Tool Pro AR15, made by the folks from Real Avid. This is a quick look at the tool and includes a brief explanation of the different tools included. We will have a full review, including a cleaning of an AR15 bolt carrier group using this tool, in a few days.
AR15 Hunter -
Videos posted on AR15 Hunter focus on educating viewers on the use of the AR15 rifles for legal hunting activities. If legal hunting activities and/or firearms in general offends you, then please do not watch our videos. AR15 Hunter is an online magazine. AR15 Hunter does not sell firearms, or firearms parts. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
For those looking for a portable, complete tool kit for maintaining your AR, the folks at Real Avid might have the answer. Their Gun Tool Pro – AR15 is another version of their popular Gun Tool Pro, but made specifically for use with AR platform rifles. This compact system has just about every tool you would ever need for field repairs and cleaning, making it the Swiss Army knife of AR tools (eat your heart out MacGyver). We also use this tool to clean an AR15 bolt carrier group on video.
Click below for the full review and article.
AR15 Hunter -
Videos posted on AR15 Hunter focus on educating viewers on the use of the AR15 rifles for legal hunting activities. If legal hunting activities and/or firearms in general offends you, then please do not watch our videos. AR15 Hunter is an online magazine. AR15 Hunter does not sell firearms, or firearms parts. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
«Стволы стреляют, ложе попадает» - гласит народная мудрость. Поэтому важно уделять особое внимание настройке и подгонке вашего спортивного инструмента - ружья. К сожалению, те ружья, что можно приобрести в магазине, имеют ограниченный набор регулировок, либо не имеют их вообще. А с другой стороны мы имеем стрелков с индивидуальными антропометрическими данными. Прибавьте сюда стоимость патронов в настоящее время, и получится какой-то замкнутый круг.
Как бы не противоречиво это звучало, но именно сейчас самое время для того, чтобы начать заниматься с тренером и уделить особое внимание настройке своего ружья. Ведь возросла стоимость выстрела, а вместе с ним и ценность удачного выстрела. Если пару лет назад мы еще могли ради прикола от бедра расстрелять пол коробки, то теперь это непозволительная роскошь. А многие вообще взяли паузу в стрельбе, до того момента пока их доходы не возрастут пропорционально росту цен на патроны, которые к слову, возросли в 3-3,5 раза за два года. На фоне значительного подорожания спортивных патронов, стоимость услуг тренера и устройств для настройки оружия повысились незначительно или не изменились вовсе. Поэтому кто хочет сэкономить, нанимают тренера и идут настраивать оружие.
Один наш знакомый на вопрос - "почему он пропускает соревнования?" Ответил: "я не настолько богат, чтобы приезжать на соревнования и не выигрывать". Он выбирает интересные ему турниры и комлексно готовится только к ним.
Мы разработали и апробировали ряд технических решений по настройки оружия - механизм регулировки гребня, механизм регулировки затыльника, высокая планка. Все это позволяет произвести тонкую настройку оружия под любые цели и задачи. Видео полезно для тех кто делает первые шаги в стендовой стрельбе и охоте.
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Итак презентую вам первую часть видео обзора продукции Real Avid. Да обзорчик скребка зашел немножко дальше чем я ожидал. Ну а в общем мы постарались максимально сжато рассказать об основных продуктах которые мы отобрали, скажу сразу что это было сложно не выйти за рамки 20-ти минутного видео. Спасибо ребятам с Купола которые без особых вопросов дали нам все отснять. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Real Avid Gun Tool Pro AR15 : The Best Tool For AR15 Cleaning And Maintenance
When it comes to mission-specific tools the new Gun Tool Pro-AR15 is packed with functionality. Thirty-five highly-capable tools in a tactical, rugged frame work with ease and precision to keep black guns firing reliably and accurately.
From tear-down and scraping carbon, to maintenance and reassembly, the Gun Tool Pro-AR15 is the partner to have in the field, at the range or workbench. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Dustin Sanchez Talks about the Compact and fully capable, Gun Tool CORE-AR15. It is the ideal tool for performing critical “keep shooting” tasks on your AR15 like removing carbon from every surface on and in your BCG, clearing jams, punching stubborn takedown pins or on-the-fly optics and sight adjustments.
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
My Top 3 Multi tools used for assembling or disassembling my AR pattern rifles and what I like or dislike. They’re not bad tools overall, but they may not be the best for which they were marketed for. I go over the Leatherman Mut, Gerber Center Drive and Real Avid. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Real Avid AR15 Tool - Maintain and Customize Your AR15
Black oxide coated and packed with precision-made, mission-specific features, the AR15 Tool is the ultimate tool for black guns.
The AR15 Tool removes carbon with ease from 12 critical bolt carrier group surfaces, helps make repairs, reduces malfunctions, helps customize and makes reassembly fast and easy.
The tactical sheath is MOLLE compatible and is designed to carry additional bits and the Front Site Adjuster for even greater capability whenever and wherever you need it. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Best Multitool for Guns | Real Avid Gun Tool Max Multitool Review
After two years of abuse it's time to review the Real Avid Gun Tool Max. This gun multitool review goes over my likes, dislikes and overall opinion of the Guntool Max. This is a pistol multitool, a rifle multitool, gun multitool and a well balanced multitool for anyone who likes to be prepared. It comes with a hammer, screwdriver, pin punch, cleaning rod attachments, windage adjuster, wrench, pliers and, of course, a knife. It will make a great outdoorsman Christmas present, a great survival tool or ar15 tool for anyone who needs it. I am not endorsed or sponsored by Real Avid in any way. This is an independent review of the Gun Tool Max which I purchased after doing my own research.
#realavid #multitool #teamseas #oceancleanup
Get this tool (affiliate link):
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For every dollar donated a pound of trash is pulled from our oceans. Let's get rid of the Pacific Garbage Patch, clean up our rivers, beaches and oceans to give our earth a present this Christmas! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is the Real Avid AR15 Tool. It features two-dozen different tools to keep your AR functioning flawlessly. Carbon is the enemy of tactical rifles. The AR15 Tool removes carbon from the 12 surfaces of the bolt carrier group with Real Avid's AR15 Scraper. The quarter inch driver includes 12 bits that will handle any screw you'll encounter on your AR ... or any gun. The AR15 Tool also has a carbide glass breaker, a three and a quarter-inch 440C stainless serrated Tonto blade, a bolt override tool, needle nose pliers, carbide cutter, and tap hammer. This tool also has a pin punch and pick that are interchangeable to fit 8-32 male and female adapters for cleaning brushes and rods. The ballistic nylon sheath is fully adaptable to your . system pack or belt and also has a pocket for the included 4 or 5 pin front sight adjuster. The Real Avid AR 15 Tool, you need one.
MSRP : $ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Gun Tool Pro is the next generation of The Gun Tool — the #1 gun multi-tool on the planet. We didn't just want to add more "stuff" and call them improvements, we made it better. Gun Tool Pro features 30 hard-working tools, including longer bits, a standard 1/4'' bit driver, a 1/4'' bit wrench for extra torque, a dual-surface file, a new longer locking claw point knife, tap hammer and a removable magnetic storage container for holding small screws and pins. It also features a universal choke wrench. All in a rock-solid frame and a sleek tactical design. Gun Tool Pro is the new "go to" tool for gun owners. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This kit of Master Grade Tools and how-to information equips you to confidently tackle everything from building your own gun from the ground up to customizing or modifying an existing gun. With better tolerances, materials and expanded capability, every tool is carefully designed to make each job as simple and easy to execute as possible. Housed in a professional tool case and equipped with step-by-step instructions, you will be able to work smarter and create better guns regardless of your experience level.
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From scraping fouling off of your bolt to deep cleaning your bore and star chamber, this AR15 cleaning kit will keep your firearm operating at peak performance. The virtually indestructible polycarbonate case, with a patent pending kickstand design, flips open to put every tool you need at your fingertips. Tools are clearly labeled and snap securely into place keeping things organized. The brass rods have 8-32 threads and screw together to form a strong and stable 29-inch gun cleaning rod. The rods connect to a rotating receiver in the handle. The rotation of the rods prevents them from coming unscrewed when cleaning the bore. Rods and each implement can also be attached to the fixed position connection point on the handle. This sturdy connection point enables you to use a, pencil-like, detailing grip when brushing, picking, and scraping. When not in use the compact 8 ¼” x 4 ½” x 1 ¼” footprint doesn’t take up much space. Throw it in your range bag or hang it at your work bench, either way, this is one kit that your friends won’t be able to resist asking you about. It’s the face of Modern Gun Maintenance. It’s tough. It’s organized. It’s thorough. It’s just like you. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
TOP 10 BEST Military tactical MULTI TOOLS for Every Possible Situation
1. Real Avid Gun Tool Max
2. Real Avid Gun Tool Pro
3. Real Avid Pistol Tool
4. Real Avid Ar-15 Scrapper
5. Real Avid Ruger 10/22 Micro Tool
6. Real Avid Gun tool AMP AR15
7. Real Avid Gun tool AMP 1911
8. Real Avid Gun tool AMP Pistol
9. Real Avid 4 In 1 Tool For Glock
10. Real Avid Smart Drive
#tactical #gear
Whether you’re a handyman, beat cop, fisherman, hunter, mechanic, or a sergeant in the marines a multi-tool is an important piece of equipment to have on hand. You never know when something might go wrong and you might have to use some ingenuity to come up with a quick fix to keep things moving. In these situations, there is no greater asset than a multitool you can rely on.
There are a lot of different multi-tools out there and what each person needs from their multi-tool can be quite specific to their job. The needs of a handyman may be quite different from a marine or a hunter but there will naturally be some common overlaps in the tools each finds useful.
If you’re seeking the best military multi-tool to buy for 2022, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve scoured the market, investigating multiple alternatives before buying and testing out the six that we’re going to cover here today.
Not all multi-tools are created equally. This guide will introduce you to the top six best military multi-tools on the market, and we’ll also cover the top qualities on what to look for in a multi-tool as well.
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Real Avid AR15 Bolt Carrier Group Cleaning Scraper Tool Demo & Review (similar to CAT-M4 tool)
This is a demonstration & review of the REAL AVID AR-15 SCRAPER tool.
This handy tool removes heavy, baked-on fouling from 12 critical bolt carrier group surfaces faster and easier than brushes and solvent alone. It speed-cleans all 4 major parts of the bolt carrier group: the bolt, firing pin, bolt carrier and bolt cam pin. The swivel protects your hand from the double-ended scraping edges. It’s ideal for any workbench, cleaning kit or range bag.
It was 1/2 the price of the similar CATM4 scraper tool, with more features!
*** FOLLOW-UP *** (10/27/14) I've only had the tool about a month and was able to use it twice. So far, so GREAT! Although my AR was not heavily fouled after each of 250 round cleanings, this tool really helped to chip-off the hardened carbon and to get into the nook & crannies. Then I used some cleaning swabs to remove any carbon residue. As I said in the video, there are other AR cleaning tools on the market. And I'm sure they all do the job. But for the price of this Real Avid tool ($17 shipped), and all for all that it cleans (and does well), it's a no-brainer purchase. I would recommend it. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Gun Tool Pro-X has two notable upgrades from the standard Gun Tool Pro. We've replaced the removable onboard storage compartment with a removable magnetic LED light, perfect for inspection of hard to reach dark areas of your firearm. It's also magnetic so you can use it handsfree.
Secondly we've designed a semi-rigid, ballistic nylon sheath so that you can keep the Gun Tool Pro-X close at hand while you are in the field or at the range. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Micro Tool AR15 Real Avid® malé, ale nepostradatelné | TA
Představení malého pomocníka od Real Avid. Jedná se o Microtool, který využijete ať už na střelnici, nebo doma, při čištění. Podívejte se k nám na stránky a nezapomeňte nás odebírat.
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#46812 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Maintain and customize the AR15 platform.
Black oxide coated and packed with precision-made, mission-specific features, the AR15 Tool is the ultimate tool for black guns.
The AR15 Tool removes carbon with ease from 12 critical bolt carrier group surfaces, helps make repairs, reduces malfunctions, helps customize and makes reassembly fast and easy.
The tactical sheath is MOLLE compatible and is designed to carry additional bits and the Front Site Adjuster for even greater capability whenever and wherever you need it.
MSRP : $ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The next generation of gun tools.
The Gun Tool Pro is the next generation of The Gun Tool — the #1 gun multi-tool on the planet. We didn't just want to add more "stuff" and call them improvements, we made it better. Gun Tool Pro features 30 hard-working tools, including longer bits, a standard 1/4'' bit driver, a 1/4'' bit wrench for extra torque, a dual-surface file, a new longer locking claw point knife, tap hammer and a removable magnetic storage container for holding small screws and pins. It also features a universal choke wrench. All in a rock-solid frame and a sleek tactical design. Gun Tool Pro is the new "go to" tool for gun owners.
MSRP : $ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Gun Tool Max provides you with pretty much everything you need to adjust your pistol, rifle or shotgun in the field or at the range. Everything on it worked well, so I have no complaints about it. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Introducing The AR15 Micro Tool; a compact, function packed tool that fits in the palm of your hand. The last thing anyone wants is to get to the range and have a glitch keep your AR from running smoothly. The AR15 Micro Tool’s sturdy stainless steel frame contains tools to help you adjust sights, tear down the AR, and scrape carbon from the bolt carrier group. This little wonder can save the day. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This upgraded kit is the most complete set of Master Grade AR15 tools ever assembled to build, repair or customize your gun, housed in a convenient professional case. Featuring an extensive set of task-specific crowfoot wrenches for the most common AR15 assembly nuts and a heavy-duty armorer’s torque wrench. Kit includes both upper and lower vise blocks to confidently secure your gun parts for superior control. A comprehensive set of AR15 pin punches and armorer’s hammer pair with the 11-function bench block. To get you started, included is a step-by-step instructional book to guide you through the top 18 modifications made to AR15’s. Upgrade to Master Grade!
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The AR15 Pro pack combines three popular Real Avid AR15 maintenance products. This premium AR15 maintenance kit gives you the knowledge and tools to quickly and effectively maintain your AR15. The kit includes: 1) a portable gun cleaning kit featuring high quality brass rods and implements, 2) the AR15 Scraper removes heavy, baked-on fouling from 12 critical bolt carrier Group surfaces faster and easier than brushes and solvent alone and 3) the AR15 field Guide provides disassembly, scraping, cleaning, lubricating and reassembly information at a glance. The AR15 field Guide, with coated pages that are oil and solvent resistant, gives shooters the right information fast. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Real Avid Gun Tool Pro X is loaded with thirty gun maintenance tools in one compact package. No matter the make or model of your gun, optics or accessories, the 14 driver bits will handle any screw you'll encounter. And the quarter-inch bit wrench provides torque to handle the most stubborn customers. There's even a magnetic flashlight to inspect the darkest areas of your firearms. There also is a ballistic nylon sheath so that you can keep your tool close at hand. Installing or adjusting optics removing stuck choke tubes of any gauge punching and replacing pins smoothing burrs. The Gun Tool Pro X provides the precise, mission-built tool for these jobs and more.
MSRP : $ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Multitool na odstranění usazenin CARBON BOSS® – AR15 Real Avid® TA
Tahle malá mrcha dokáže dostat karbon z každé skulinky na AR15. Nevěříte? Tak koukněte na video a uvěříte!
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#toparmyshop #multitool #představeníproduktu #multitools Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Real Avid Carbon Boss AR15 cleaning tool. For more information or to get on on Amazon check here: Article:
See our full shows on CarbonTV!
Support this channel with some swag at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Takes out the #1 Enemy of AR15's
A faster, easier way to clean the bolt carrier group.
The AR 15 Scraper removes heavy, baked-on fouling from 12 critical bolt carrier group surfaces faster and easier than brushes and solvent alone. It speed-cleans all 4 major parts of the bolt carrier group: the bolt, firing pin, bolt carrier and bolt cam pin. The swivel protects your hand from the double-ended scraping edges. It's ideal for any workbench, cleaning kit or range bag.
MSRP : $ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Real Avid AR15 Scraper - Speed Clean Your Bolt Carrier Group
A faster, easier way to clean the bolt carrier group.
The AR 15 Scraper removes heavy, baked-on fouling from 12 critical bolt carrier group surfaces faster and easier than brushes and solvent alone. It speed-cleans all 4 major parts of the bolt carrier group: the bolt, firing pin, bolt carrier and bolt cam pin. The swivel protects your hand from the double-ended scraping edges. It’s ideal for any workbench, cleaning kit or range bag. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Real Avid Armorers Master Kit Pro. Do better tools give you better results?
I have been playing with the Real Avid Armorers Master Kit Pro for a few months, and now it's time to talk! This is an upgraded kit from the Armorer's Master Kit, and I talk about why it is a worthy investment in your tools.
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Video Index:
0:00 Intro
0:45 Upgrades from the Master Kit
1:36 What the kit is missing
2:14 Pivot Pin Tool/Hammer
2:23 Master Bench Block
4:06 Smart-Fit AR 15 Vise Block
4:44 Punches and Pin Alignment Tool
6:25 Handguard removal tool
7:23 Lug-Lok
9:14 Thoughts and bonus' with the kit
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Credit: Jason Schaller
The products (videos, articles, pictures. etc.) available through The Rogue Banshee (including gear, tools, products, etc. that are featured, seen or used) are for informational and entertainment purposes only. All activities are completed in accordance with all local, state and federal regulations, as well as in a safe manner in approved locations with professional supervision.
Affiliate Disclaimer: In accordance with the rules and regulations set by the FTC, The Rogue Banshee is an affiliate marketer for several companies. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Keep your AR15 up and running in the field or at the range with features like specialized carbon scrapers for every BCG surface, a full array of common AR15 related bits and implements and a fold-out driver to make on the fly adjustments and fixes a snap. KEEP IT READY! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Welcome to a new breed of firearm multitools. Whether you own a .22 caliber rifle for plinking, a 12 gauge shotgun for hunting, a 9MM for protection, or anything in-between- this multitool is for you. Packed with precision-made, mission-specific tools for hunters and shooters, this highly versatile tool repairs, customizes, and makes disassembly and reassembly fast and easy. The Gun Tool Max functions as impressively on the gun cleaning mat as it does in the range, at deer camp or in the duck blind. It’s built to kick Murphy’s Law in the teeth, face uncertainty, and prepare you for whatever is around the corner. It is the next generation of multitools and it belongs at your side. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The RealAvid ARTool removes carbon with ease from 12 critical bolt carrier group surfaces, helps make repairs, reduces malfunctions, helps customize and makes reassembly fast and easy.
The tactical sheath is MOLLE compatible and is designed to carry additional bits and the Front Site Adjuster for even greater capability whenever and wherever you need it.
I forgot to mention a few features of this took, so here is a listing of all the tools included. A Combination needle-nose pliers with Carbide cutter, Carbide glass-breaker, Carrier scraper, 10 function bolt/firing pin/cam pin scraper, Cotter pin puller, Bolt override tool, A1 & A2 front site adjuster, Interchangeable pin punch and Interchangeable hooked pick, 8-32 male and female thread receivers, '' 440c serrated Tanto knife, 12 high quality bits with bit driver, Tap hammer, and a Metal file Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Professional firearms instructor Dan Kidder takes us through Real Avid's extensive line of Modern Sporting Rifle tools. If you are looking to modify your MSR and want to have the right tools for the job, look no further than Real Avid.
Featured Products:
Real Avid AR-15 Armorer's Master Tool Kit
Real Avid Accu-Punch Hammer With Brass & Steel Pin Punches
Real Avid AR15 Pivot Pin Tool
Real Avid Bolt Catch Punch Set
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Real Avid AR-15 Gun Tool Pro
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Steve puts the Real Avid Pistol Tool through it's paces, and compares how many tools you'd need to match its functionality. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Real Avid Carbon Boss AR15 - Comprehensive Carbon Removal Tool
Made by AR15 owners, this tool was designed to provide you with the most comprehensive carbon removal capabilities ever. With a rotating pin punch, cotter pin puller, interior bolt and exterior bolt scrapers, bolt lug scraper, bolt cam pin scraper, small and large firing pin scrapers, embedded 360 degree phosphor bronze bolt tail brush, replaceable rotating multi-surface bolt brush, bolt face scraper, bolt carrier scraper, and firing pin face scraper this tool is carbon’s worst enemy. Each of the fold out tools lock into place with liner locks or detents. With labeled tools, the Carbon Boss helps you to get the job done quickly and get it done right. This eye catching, quality, and remarkably effective tool trail blazes the road to the new world of modern gun maintenance. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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my new multitool #Multitool #EDC #Kit #1911 #REALAVID
Leatherman MUT - multitool stworzony z myślą o służbach mudurowych i użytkownikach karabinków AR15 i pochodnych. Duży, ciężki i pancerny, wyposażony w unikatowe narzędzia przeznaczone do obsługi karabinka rodziny AR, ale niepozbawiony funkcji charakterystycznych dla multitooli Leathermana, czyli szczypiec uniwersalnych, noża, piły i wkrętaka.
Pierwszy tool zaprojektowany w nowym designie, do którego nawiązano potem w Signalu.
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In this video I go over the Real Avid AR15 Armorer's Master Kit on what I like and don't like.
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