Лімітована колекція 2021 року. Ніж Benchmade Infidel є одним з найбільш технологічних і яскравих ножів. Дизайн ножа розробив МакГенрі (McHenry), людина, яка давно і плідно співпрацює з багатьма світовими виробниками ножів. При створенні використовуються тільки кращі матеріали і забезпечується висока якість збірки. Саме з цієї причини механізм працює чітко і плавно, що вигідно відрізняє його від дешевих ножів, так само практично відсутні люфти, які властиві китайським побратимам. Клинок Benchmade 3300 є двосічним, виготовлений з відмінною універсальної сучасної стали марки CPM-S30V і має кинжаловідниє форму. Рукоять виготовлена з авіаційного алюмінію 6061 Т-6 з анодуванням синьо-блакитного кольору. Кліпса знімна, встановлюється в одне положення. Існує легенда, що свою назву Benchmade Infidel отримав на честь Фіделя Кастро, а точніше є свого роду жорстокої жартом. Дослівно Infidel або "In Fidel" означає "в Фіделя". З іншого боку "the infidel", як в оригіналі називається ніж, перекладається як "язичник" або "невірний". Яка версія правильна - вирішувати вам, але на нашу думку, такого класного ножа будь-яка історія на-віч. Досить брутальний, але вишуканий і стрімкий ніж Benchmade 3300 Infidel дуже важко придбати і ще важче випустити його з рук після покупки.
Детальні характеристики:
Infidel Mchenry OTF AUT Spear Limited Edition
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Benchmade has added a splash of electric blue & S30V steel to their Infidel for a limited unlimited run! This will be available for one year only! Which color is your favorite??
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MY FIRST Benchmade Infidel!!! I couldn't be happier with this one and it is so smooth!
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I am not sponsored or compensated by any of the products or providers in this Video. I do receive standard industry discounts as part of Military, Law Enforcement and First Responder Programs.
In this video, I take a very loose look at the "Blue Infidel", the Benchmade 3300BK-2001. In the process, I share some stories, and perspective on the current state of the world, along with personal stories. This video is not meant to be a super deep technical review of product. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is a knife that is inspired by a stealth fighter jet. The blade fires in a very controlled and elegant manner. It takes very little force to deploy this monster.
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Quick review on the 10th Anniversary Benchmade Infidel & Challenge Coin
JT’s Knife Life: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Tactical Distributors - Benchmade Infidel OTF Auto Spear
Today we are getting first impressions on the Benchmade infidel 3300BK-2001!
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Заточив ніж Benchmade Infidel McHenry OTF AUTO Spear Limited із лезом зі сталі CPM-S30V та кинджаловидної форми. Рукоятка виготовлена з авіаційного алюмінію з анодуванням синьо-блакитного кольору. Кліпса знімна, встановлюється в одне положення... Кишеньковий фронтальний ніж - всі подробиці про його заточення див. у цьому відео...
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My first impressions of the Benchmade 3300BK-2001. Big shout out to Northwest Knives for loaning this for the video!
IG @northwestknives
IG @ti_addiction
cself55@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
BENCHMADE INFIDEL REVIEW...I guess more of a spire if the moment review haha
Limited Edition Benchmade Infidel
Once these are gone they are gone forever.
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Building upon the decade-long legacy of the Infidel family, the 3300BK-2001 brings a flourish of color to this overtly tactical design with blue anodized handles.
These knives are fast-acting and operational with the use of only one hand, perfectly designed for the use of emergency or law enforcement personnel.
You deserve to have!
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Benchmade 3300-2301 Limited Edition Infidel AUTO OTF Knife
Beloved by military personnel for its breakneck out-the-front blade actuation and ambidextrous reliability in close-quarters combat, Benchmade's original automatic OTF, the Infidel, is celebrated as an iconic trailblazer in the tactical arena. For curious knife enthusiasts who have been eyeing this self-defense dagger but have never pulled the trigger, Benchmade has given this standard issue tactical auto an EDC upgrade to better tackle the tasks and style of civilian life. Featuring a CPM-S30V premium stainless steel blade and aircraft aluminum handle scales in three nature-inspired hues—Crater Blue, Woodland Green, and Flat Dark Earth—for understated suburban camouflage, the Limited Infidel dispatches cardboard boxes, cuts cordage, and slices up an apple with a flick of the intuitive spine-fire release button in any environment, no training required. This special release is limited to 1,000 units each. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Розпаковка Benchmade Mini Infidel McHenry OTF AUTO (3350)
Розпаковка Benchmade Mini Infidel McHenry OTF AUTO (3350)
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Benchmade 3300 Infidel OTF замечательный складной кинжал, рекомендации лучших бенчеводов :-)
А вот ссылочка на отличнейший обзор камада DerRock :
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This video takes a closer look at what you would find in 2023 limited edition Infidel OTF set. Two sizes and three colors, one serial number.
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I enjoy spending time outdoors and doing everything from fishing, hunting, and hiking. I love all types of knives and sharpening them until they are razor, hair popping sharp. I also enjoy helping people better understand what knives are worth buying, and how not to get ripped off. On this channel I will be helping all of you take a look at different knives and other products that are useful and worth buying. I will also teach you how I sharpen knives along with reviewing some other awesome products along the way.
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Presenting the Benchmade Infidel(3300BK). D2 Steel. Aluminum Handle! To see more knives, visit . We’re also on Instagram and Facebook! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In addition to the incredibly stable, fast action and the rugged, pure tactical nature of the knife, the Infidel has a cool factor that is hard to describe without physically experiencing it. MOLLE® compatible. Made in USA.
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This Limited Edition Infidel is built with a burnt bronze anodized handle and a premium S30V steel blade in a black DLC finish. Item is limited to just 3000 pieces, get one before they are gone!
The Benchmade Infidel is outfitted with a durable lightweight aluminum handle and a double-edged dagger blade. A front loaded firing button provides smooth double action deployment and retraction with an easy to use design. Item includes a deep-carry pocket clip for tip-down carry.
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The Benchmade Infidel is an automatic out the front tactical knife commonly known as an OTF.
You might have seen them in the movie John Wick although he uses a Microtech Combat Troodon… (review coming soon) In this video we will be reviewing this $500 tactical knife and seeing how it stacks up to the Tactical Tavern Test with 25 possible points based on Price, Functionality/Design, Dependability, Versatility, and Carry Ability! It is certainly geared more for self defense and personal protection but can it perform under stressful conditions? Find out the answer and more in this gear review!
Benchmade Infidel McHenry Williams:
This video is for entertainment purposes only.
Always follow all your local rules and regulations.
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Other Tactical Knives for Self Defense:
Emerson Elvia from Eds Manifesto:
Cold Steel Ti Lite:
Spyderco Paramilitary 2 Tanto:
Tops Knives Unzipper:
Protech Godfather Operator:
Benchmade SOCP
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Be Prepared, Be Practical, & Stay Tactical!
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DISCLAIMER: This video and all videos featured on the Tactical Tavern are for entertainment purposes only. Tactical Tavern and anyone shown in videos does not hold any responsibility or liability for misuse or improper carry for any tools shown. All items shown are handled by a trained professional. Do not try at home. Follow all your local laws and regulations.
For business inquiries please email: TheTacticalTavern@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
New to the Benchmade Limited Unlimited series the blue Infidel!
Blue Aluminum scales
D2 Dagger
Double Action OTF
Deep Carry Clip
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Benchmade Infidel OTF 3300/3300bk...
Blade Length: "
Blade Thickness: "
Handle Thickness: "
Blade Material: D2 Tool Steel
Blade Hardness: 58-61HRC
Blade Style: Double Edge Dagger; Ambidextrous Thumb-Slide
Weight: .
Clip: Tip-Down, Black Anodized, Deep Pocket
Lock Mechanism: Double Action Out-the-Front Auto
Overall Length: "
Closed Length: "
Sheath Material: Ballistic Nylon
Class: Black
MSRP: 3300-$
***The Infidel's® out-the-front mechanism is smooth and rock solid!***
[ignore this]
Автоматический складной нож Benchmade 3300 Infidel.
Длина лезвия: 99 мм. Толщина клинка: 3 мм. Общая длина: 230 мм. Толщина рукояти: 19 мм.
Материал клинка: D2 Tool Steel. Твердость клинка (HRC): 60-62. Вес: 139 гр. Дизайн: McHenry & Williams.
Магазин ножей Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
BM3300BK2001: 3300BK-2001 Limited Edition Infidel OTF AUTO
Benchmade Knife Company
For the days you simply don't need to fly under the radar, the limited edition 3300BK-2001 is the latest iteration of the popularized Infidel OTF platform. Building upon the decade-long legacy of the Infidel family, the 3300BK-2001 brings a flourish of color to this overtly tactical design with blue anodized handles. Updated to a CPM-S30V blade with a black DLC finish, this fan-favorite is a statement piece that's built to last. The 3300BK-2001 is an Unlimited Limited product, that will only be available for 1 year. Get yours now! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Benchmade Infidel 3300BK OD Review - Benchmade OTF Knife
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In this video I will provide and overview of the Benchmade Infidel 3300BK OD. I will compare this knife to the Microtech Combat Troodon.
Below are two links. This first is to explain the different types of steel and the second is to route to you which is where I found to have the best price on this knife. Plus, the service you receive from BladeHQ is phenomenal.
Steel Types:
Overall this is a good knife. However, if you have only owned Microtech Knives, you might feel that the firing mechanism is not as strong on this. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I wanted to showcase this new OTF knife my Girlfriend purchased and compare it to other EDC knife options as well as purpose built knives
Note: check the knife laws in your state and county on automatic OTF ownership and legal blade length requirements Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Only a thousand made! And in matching serial numbers! Get yours here! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
BENCHMADE SELF DEFENSE EDC? | Mini Infidel OTF Automatic D2 3350BK | Better than SOCP Dagger?
Welcome to the Tactical Tavern! I am your host Tomas Alas and in this video we are reviewing the @BenchmadeKnifeCompany Mini Infidel! This is an “OTF” or out the front blade that is double edged! This automatic knife is the little brother of the Infidel OTF are going to see what features this tactical blade has to offer you in order to find out if it is right for your everyday carry, outdoor adventure, or next tactical mission!
Catch the full Benchmade Infidel Review Here:
Best Benchmade Knife for Self Defense?| Infidel OTF Review | Tactical EDC 2022 | Exclusive Combat
JOHN WICK’S EDC KNIFE!? Microtech Combat Troodon OTF | Self Defense Review
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This channel is designed to help people find great gear that fits your lifestyle. I take a look at travel accessories, self defense tools, and outdoor equipment to make your adventures more fun. Through the videos I hope to connect with you and inspire you to carry new gear and gadgets that will make your life easier.
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Benchmade 3300 Infidel OTF (McHenry Design), Tactical Black Blade 3300BK
This Benchmade OTF knife is insane! Great action out-the-front knife with rock solid construction. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Benchmade Infidel OTF L.E. 10 Year Anniversary Knife Overview
Celebrating 10 years of high-speed OTF performance, this Benchmade Infidel is a limited edition 2017 release that comes with a stunning silver handle and a commemorative Infidel challenge coin. Get it here:
Benchmade changed the game when they released their first OTF automatic model a decade ago, and it's popularity only continues to grow. This Limited 2017 Anniversary model comes equipped with a silver bright dip handle and a black finished dagger blade. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Benchmade Infidel Out the Front Knife is a marvel of knife engineering, a quick-opening, double edged dagger that looks as good as it functions. This Benchmade knife features an automatic out the front (OTF) opening system that can be engaged in seconds using the thumb slide on the handle. Once activated, the knife gives you access to a narrow double-edged dagger made from sturdy D2 tool steel and sharpened to a fine spear point. The Bench Made Infidel Automatic Open Dagger has a sturdy, black anodized machined 6061-T6 aluminum handle that feels comfortable in your hand and makes the dagger easy to use. Benchmade has also equipped the Infidel with a steel deep-carry pocket clip for easy transportation and concealed carry capability, plus a MOLLE compatible soft knife sheath. For a fast-acting, truly exotic backup weapon or primary pocket knife, choose the Benchmade Infidel OTF D2 Steel Dagger.
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Introducing an OTF like none-other.. The new Infidel® is rapidly making believers out of many a skeptic. Built for strength and reliability the patent pending double-action mechanics get it done over the long haul. Grab on and you will find the handle grip rock-solid with its patented machined in Presidio® style bi-directional tread pattern, and overall generous sizing for gloved hands. Intuitively pressure the release-slide forward and its spear-point edged steel fires and locks up with a unique three-point retention system with amazingly negligible blade play. Reverse the process and the blade retracts in a rapid blur of motion.
The Benchmade Infidel is a special operators fantasy come true.
Country of origin: USA Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Our Favorite Bechmade Knives...
Benchmade Infidel
Benchmade Infidel Out the Front Knife is a marvel of knife engineering, a quick-opening, double-edged dagger that looks as good as it functions. This Benchmade knife features an automatic out the front (OTF) opening system that can be engaged in seconds using the thumb slide on the handle. Once activated, the knife gives you access to a narrow double-edged dagger made from sturdy D2 tool steel and sharpened to a fine spear point. The Bench Made Infidel Automatic Open Dagger has a sturdy, black anodized machined 6061-T6 aluminum handle that feels comfortable in your hand and makes the dagger easy to use. Benchmade has also equipped the Infidel with a steel deep-carry pocket clip for easy transportation and concealed carry capability, plus a MOLLE compatible soft knife sheath. For a fast-acting, truly exotic backup weapon or primary pocket knife, choose the Benchmade Infidel OTF D2 Steel Dagger.
Benchmade Phaeton D/A OTF - Flat Dark Earth
This Phaeton OTF model is outfitted with a flat dark earth anodized handle and a satin finished blade made from S30V steel. The Benchmade Phaeton successfully combines speed and style in a sleek tactical everyday carry automatic. It has a spine-fire sliding button that offers quick blade access when deployment time is critical. The sturdy handle is made from a billet of 6061-T6 aluminum with a flat dark earth anodized finish. Subtle texturing along the top scale improves grip on the smooth handle without being abrasive.
Benchmade Bedlam Auto Axis Knife
The Bedlam feature the Auto AXIS® pull release with integrated safety. Just pull back on the axis lock and the blade opens automatically. The blade is BK1 coated 154CM stainless steel (58-61HRC) with plain edge. Features black G10 handle scales and tip-up reversible clip.
Benchmade CLA Drop Point
The 4300 CLA Composite Lite Auto is a quick-deployment automatic knife that is sized for everyday carry comfort while providing the performance professionals expect from a Benchmade Black Class knife. The CLA has a contoured black G-10 handle that is both lightweight and strong. A reversible, deep carry pocket clip offers increased discreetness and a proper fit. This model, the 4300BK, has a plain edge, black coated modified drop point blade with push button operation and a front-mounted safety switch.
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