Maserin моделі AM-2 стане хорошим вибором для тих, хто шукає гарний, елегантний ніж з яскраво вираженою індивідуальністю.
Оновлений дизайн рукояті, створеної на найсучаснішому обладнанні, гармонійно поєднується з класичною ножовj. сталлю N690. Викид клинка став значно легше завдяки підшипниковій системі з нержавіючої сталі.
Детальні характеристики:
AM-2 Black Carbon
Не є холодною зброєю і не є предметом забороненим до продажу на території України
В даному відео ми розглядаємо надзвичайно елегантний ніж AM-2 від італійської компанії Maserin. Дана модель стане гарним вибором для тих, хто шукає гарний ніж з яскраво вираженою індивідуальністю.
#maserin #AM-2 #knives Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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The Maserin AM-2 flipper features an elegant profile constructed from premium materials. Blade deployment is effortless thanks to a ball-bearing pivot and a prominent flipper tab. An N690 stainless steel blade contributes to the overall durability of the design, and provides outstanding corrosion and wear resistance. The handle is fitted with sleek carbon fiber scales and a matching carbon fiber pocket clip. Fine-tuned ergonomics ensure the blade stays comfortable in hand, even during extended use. Includes a nylon sheath for a convenient belt carry option.
-Bohler N690 blade steel offers excellent corrosion resistance and edge retention.
-Carbon fiber scales stay comfortable in hand, and provide an elegant aesthetic.
-Includes a carbon fiber pocket clip and a nylon belt sheath carry option. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is my review / comparison of the NEW for 2018 Maserin AM4, a collaboration with Atillio Morotti sporting an M390 tanto blade and a CF & green burl Handle with a linerlock!
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#стильжизни #edc #италия
Новый бренд: премиальный итальянские ножи EDC! Смотрите обзор ножей на канале RezatTV!
► Складной нож Maserin Nimrod:
► Складной нож Maserin Solar:
► Складной нож Maserin AM-2:
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0:00 Начало
0:27 Вступление
1:03 Maserin Nimrod
7:15 Maserin Solar
12:51 Maserin AM-2
18:20 Заключение
Раскладные ножи Maserin – дизайнерские ножи хорошего качества, выполненные из премиальных материалов с истинно итальянским изяществом и чувством стиля. Италия вообще славится отменными дизайнерскими ножами, уверенно и повсеместно завоевывающими высокую популярность. Складные ножи EDC от Maserin – это надежность, широкий функционал и высокая эстетика. Каждый перочинный нож идеально собран и настроен. Выбирая карманный нож на каждый день от Maserin, вы получаете не только инструмент – складной нож EDC, но и приобретаете эффектный аксессуар, отражающий стиль вашей жизни. Лучшие ножи Maserin справятся с различными повседневными задачами. Их удобно носить на кармане (ножи оснащены клипсами), ведь лучший нож EDC – это нож, который всегда с вами!
Купить нож вам поможет центральный ножевой магазин . У нас всегда в наличии (в широком ассортименте) лучшие складные ножи от известных мировых производителей и мастеров-индивидуалов, в том числе и складные ножи Maserin. Вы можете купить нож в Москве, посетив лично наш магазин в «Никольском пассаже». Или же можете купить нож Maserin, сделав заказ в интернете, на нашем сайте. Выбирайте лучший нож на каждый день вместе с ! Если вы затрудняетесь выбрать для себя раскладной нож, наши опытные консультанты вам помогут. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Deal Alert # 125 : Maserin Carbon Fiber Knife (392/CN or 392/CA) [HD]
• Maserin
• Blade: AUS-8 stainless steel
• Handle: Carbon fiber
• Liner lock
• Pocket clip for tip-down carry
• Lanyard hole
• Jimping
• Blade length: 3 in (7.6 cm)
• Overall length: 6.9 in (17.5 cm)
• Weight: 2.8 oz (80 g)
Carbon Fiber Convenience
Weighing just 2.8 ounces, the Maserin Carbon is easy to carry, and even easier to look at. It features a lightweight yet sturdy carbon fiber handle with a gleaming weave pattern running throughout, which gives the folder a refined aesthetic. The blade is made from easy-to-sharpen AUS-8 stainless steel and measures 3 inches long—a good size for everyday slicing and piercing tasks. To deploy the blade, press on the protruding jimping on the blade’s spine and it smoothly flips into place. For added convenience, the folder comes with a pocket clip for tip-down carry on the right side.
About Maserin
Established in 1960 in Maniago, Italy—known as the City of Knives—Maserin carries on the centuries-old trade of Italian knifemaking by catapulting it into modernity with CNC machining technology. With over 50 years’ experience producing a wide range of cutlery for anything from sporting to hunting to everyday carry, Maserin maintains the prestige of traditional Italian blacksmithing techniques by combining quality control, attention to detail, and premium materials in each of its internationally recognized designs.
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Ніж Morakniv Fishing Comfort Scaler 150
Ніж Morakniv Fishing Comfort 098 Scaler
Ніж SKIF Sting OD Green UPI
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Складные ножи Maserin, Lion Steel, MKM - Мужской стиль из Маньяго, Италия!
#италия #мужскойстиль
Новые итальянские ножи от мировых брендов! Смотрите обзор ножей на канале RezatTV!
► Складной нож Maserin Nimrod:
► Складной нож керамбит Lion Steel Emerson L.E. One :
► Складной нож MKM Knives Timavo:
► Складной нож MKM Knives Isonzo:
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0:00 Начало
0:28 Maserin Nimrod
5:10 Lion Steel
12:39 MKM Timavo
16:31 MKM Isonzo
24:00 Заключение
Раскладные ножи из Италии – это всегда интересно, стильно, качественно. Представляем вашему вниманию лучшие ножи из недавней поставки. Вас ждут эффектные дизайнерские модели. Возможно, именно из этих перочинных ножей вы выберете себе карманный нож на каждый день!
Купить итальянский нож вам поможет центральный ножевой магазин . У нас всегда в наличии (в широком ассортименте) лучшие складные ножи на каждый день от известных российских и зарубежных брендов, в том числе и перочинные ножи из Италии. Вы можете купить нож в Москве, посетив наш магазин в Ветошном переулке (ТЦ «Никольский пассаж», 3 этаж) или можете складной нож купить удаленно (с доставкой), оформив приобретение на нашем сайте. Если вам нужен складной нож EDC, но вы затрудняетесь с выбором, наши опытные консультанты вам помогут. Выбирайте ваш перочинный ножик в ! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Begleiter 2:
Дизайнер: Azo
Общая длина: 199 мм
Длина клинка (РК): 88 (84) мм
Длина рукояти: 111 мм
Ширина лезвия: 2,0 см
Толщина клинка: 3,0 (0,5-0,55) мм
Материал лезвия: N690
Вес: 91 г
Твердость: 58-60 HRC
Поверхность: Black
Материал ручки: сталь + Carbon fiber
Клипса: нержавеющая сталь
Упаковка: коробка.
ТИП ЗАМКА: Liner Lock
Made in China.
Інші: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Svarn II от SMKE Knives :
Общая длина: 230мм
Длина клинка: 101мм (Длина РК: 95мм)
Толщина клинка: 3,3 мм (Сведение 0,40-0,50мм)
Материал клинка: M390 (Твердость: 60-61HRC) / нержавеющий дамаск (Твердость: 58-60HRC)
Осевой узел: двухрядный керамический подшипник в пластиковой обойме
Материал рукояти: титан + карбон
Вес: 130г
Варианты исполнения:
- клинок из M390
- клинок из нержавеющего дамаска Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Maserin AM5 knife designed by Attilio Morotti (SHOT Show 2019)
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This week on Warehouse Hunts we’re looking at an Italian brand with over 50 years of quality products: these are the knives of Maserin.
The Maserin brand is a favorite here at KnifeCenter because of the great materials and high production standards that the company continues to employ year after year.
We’ll be looking at a few different models in this episode. First up is the 986 Hunter, which reminds me a bit of the White River hunting knife we reviewed a couple weeks ago, but that might be due to the great orange G10 scale on the handle. The full-tang blade has great shape, N690 steel, as well as some aggressive jimping and a finger choil for more precise cutting tasks. Comes with a nylon sheath with a belt loop.
We’ll keep the orange handle train rolling with the Rescue 2 folder, a great option for the first responders and preppers among us. It features a dual-blade design as well as a safety cutter and glass breaker built into the aluminum handle. The width of the handle does take some getting used to and the spine of the non-functioning blade tends to dig into the fingers a bit, but it shouldn’t be a huge issue for those that need the functionality.
The Temperini pen knife is a part of Maserin's Classic series. It has a nice slim profile and a nickel silver handle.
My favorite Maserin by far has to be the 389 Atti folder that we just got in to the warehouse. I love the wooden handles, the olive wood especially, and the great file work on the liners. The blade is made from fantastic S35VN steel, which gives the knife a sense of toughness in addition to its elegant shape.
Finally, an overview of Maserin wouldn’t be complete without mentioning their Mignon line of pendant knives. Unbelievably small and surprisingly functional, they are a very cool gift or novelty knife.
Overall, the knives of Maserin offer a great deal of variety with a consistently high level of craftsmanship. You can click the annotation or the link in the description to see more. Check back every week for new episodes of Warehouse Hunts. Have a great day.
Music: "Why Try" by Chastity Belt () Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
MASERİN 392 MODELLERİNİN SİYAH KARBON FİBERDEN YAPILMIŞ OLAN BU VERSİYONU HAKKINDA DETAYLI TANITIM VİDEOSU . Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
MASERİN 392/CN Karbon Fiber Cep Çakısı Tanıtımı MASERİN KNİVES
The PARAGON with the newly developed Amare Knives "A-Joint" mechanism is a special folding knife, two-handed to operate and therefore everywhere to lead and use, where you can use a pocket knife!
The development of the "A-Joint" mechanism has several advantages. On the one hand, the slip joint mechanism is connected to the joint with only one double-legged spring (dragonfly wing shape). Here, the upper leg, which holds the blade open, due to its material strength over more pressure than the lower leg, thereby allowing easier and extremely fast opening. On the other hand, the blade length is greater than in conventional slip joint systems. In the area of safety, the A-Joint system also has the positive property that the blade is safely in the grip area when it is closed.
The blade is finished in a satined look. The blade length is " with a blade thickness of ". Opened, it has a total length of ". With a weight of oz, it is stable and sustainable in the hand even under heavy use and allows safe driving.
The high-grade N690 steel from Böhler, which is also known under the material or VG10 or 440MOD steel, is a stainless, high-alloy steel, which was developed especially for the food industry and is used for corrosion-resistant knife types with demanding cutting tasks , For stainless steel, the N690 contains a relatively high carbon content, namely 1%. That's why the N690 is harder than most stainless steels on the market. It has very good cutting properties and can therefore be sharpened extremely sharp. Due to the combination of very good edge retention and the easy-care properties, the N690 steel is also often used for surgical instruments.
Milled handle shell is made of black carbon fiber reinforced plastic. It lends the knife a noble appearance and is very light and at the same time extremely resistant and therefore perfectly suitable for all demanding loads.
protected A-joint mechanics
A-Joint spring replaceable
open, easy-to-clean construction
extremely sharp
compact, modern design
excellent sharpening
Rockwell hardness= 60 HRC
deep carry, reversible pocket clip
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Fire Starters
Panasonic Lumix G7
Rode VideoMicro
SanDisk 128GB MicroSD
GoPro Hero 8 Black Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Blade Length: 3 inches
Steel: AUS-8
Locking Mechanism: Liner Lock
Handle Scales: Silver Carbon Fiber
Weight: 1.7 ounces
Made In: Italy
Notes: Available in G10, Orange G10, Carbon Fiber, or Silver CF
Price: $80
Amazingly lightweight EDC knife, very well made. Based on a Salvatore Puddu are paying a little extra for the Italian craftsmanship. The blade shape will slice and draw-cut. The opening method is weird. Great knife overall, 4 stars out of 5. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Maserin 392/CG Starlight Folding Knife, EDC Italiano
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This week we’re spotlighting a few items from the host of brand-new products we just got in from Maserin. Founded by Maserin Fervido in 1960, Maserin has been putting out consistently high quality Italian-made products for over fifty years, and these do not buck that trend.
Let’s ascend from small to large with this overview, because that’s just the kind of fun we like to have. First up is a Maserin take on a classic pocket knife, the Temperino Slipjoint folder. Right off the bat this is just a beautiful knife. The stag handles and nickel silver bolsters make for an incredibly elegant appearance before you even open it up. The " Damascus steel blade only enhances the effect. This knife comes in a gorgeous wood case and includes a leather pouch to keep it safe in your pocket.
Next we have the 382 AM1-Tech Frame Flipper, designed by Attilio Morotti, one of the most talented knifemakers in all of Italy. Blade is a " drop point, made from CPM-S35VN stainless steel. That means it’s going to hold an edge and resist corrosion. Handle is titanium with a nice sturdy frame lock. On this particular knife we have a stylish olive wood inlay, but this model is also available with a Paosantos or carbon fiber inlay.
Finally we move on to a couple of Maserin’s rugged fixed blade options. You’ll notice a theme here with the Rupicara, because this is another gorgeous knife. Blade is ", also made from the CPM-S35VN stainless steel. This guy’s got a drop-point with gut hook, and sports a full tang. The olive wood handles are great-looking, and have been contoured to fit wonderfully in the hand. There’s some aggressive jimping up on the thump-ramp to really enhance grip. This model is also available with a neon green G10 handle, and both versions come with an attractive leather sheath.
Last but not least is the beefy, formidable Outlander. Blade is a massive, wide 6" recurve, though the actual sharpened edge is only three and a quarter inches long. It’s made from N690 stainless steel and has a really nice-looking stonewash finish that only adds to the rugged appearance. The handle is milled G10 with a really ergonomic curved shape and nothing in the way of hotspots. Included in the box with the Outlander is a nylon sheath with belt loop.
These four beautiful, durable knives are just a small part of the new selection we have in from Maserin. You can click the annotation or the link in the description to see all the products available, and don’t forget to check back every Monday for an all new episode of Spotlight Series. Thanks for watching, have a great day.
Music: "Joke" by Chastity Belt () Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
AM5 Titanium | design by Attilio Morottii
Lama: Acciaio M390 HRC 60 - 95 mm
Finitura lama: Satinata
Lunghezza totale: 210 mm
Manico: Fibra di carbonio con inserti in titanio
Clip: Titanio
Peso: 120gr
Gentleman knife dalle linee eleganti, con finiture di pregio, sistema di apertura/chiusura a flipper e, grazie al manico in carbonio e agli inserti in titanio, peso ridottissimo.
Maserin staff Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
" closed. " satin finish CPM S30V stainless blade. Thumb pull. Extended tang. Black carbon fiber and G10 laminate handle. Boxed.
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Sweet Damned Designs Wraith Knife - Red Black Carbon Fiber - M390 - WRL068Work Sharp
Lapping Film Pricing – Includes Shipping – Each Pack contains 6 films of all the grits
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Wicked Edge Lapping Film Pricing – Includes Shipping - Each Pack contains 6 films of all the grits
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About me:
I grew up spending time enjoying the outdoors and doing everything
from fishing, hunting, and hiking. I love all types of knives and
sharpening them until they are razor, hair popping sharp. I also
enjoy helping people better understand what knives are worth
buying, and how not to get ripped off. On this channel I will be
helping all of you take a look at different knives and other
products that are useful and worth buying. I will also teach you
how I sharpen knives along with reviewing some other awesome
products along the way.
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#work sharp
#knife sharpener
#2021 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Sweet Damned Designs Wraith Knife - Red Black Carbon Fiber - M390 - WRL068 - Wicked Edge Sharpened
4 3/8" closed. Straight full-flat ground 8Cr13MoV stainless blade with thumb hole. Black carbon fiber laminate handles. Lanyard hole. Reversible stainless pocket clip.
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Introducting Morakniv Garberg in CARBON STEEL. Watch bushcraft expert Dave Canterbury start a Flint fire with.
This new version of our toughest full tang knife allows you to start your fire with flint as well as fire starter. The carbon steel is also slightly easier to sharpen in the field. Perfect for every dedicated survivor.
Read more about the knife on our website:
This blackened Carbon full tang knife is designed to meet the long-time wishes from our most dedicated users, as well as the desires of the knife lovers that haven’t yet discovered the world of Morakniv. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Garberg Black Carbon. Start your fire with Flint: Dave Canterbury shows you how
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А взагалі можете принести чи надіслати на заточку ножі в мою майстерню Gart Knives (Львів). Сконтактуватися зі мною можна тут:
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Як заточити ніж у домашніх умовах за 1 хв.? Мусат і керамічна тарілка | Майстерня Gart Knives
Il produttore maniaghese Maserin ha presentato a Vicenza il nuovo AM5, gentleman knife dalle linee eleganti disegnato dal maestro coltellinaio Attilio Morotti; ha finiture di pregio (la lama è in acciaio M390), sistema d’apertura a flipper e, grazie al manico in carbonio, peso ridottissimo. E’ disponibile in diversi colori.
Gianfranco Maserin, titolare dell’azienda, lo descrive nel video insieme con un’altra novità 2019, l’Artiglio, disegnato da Giacomo Toncelli, un chiudibile dall’aspetto tattico con manico in G10 e lama stonewashed.
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Artiglio e e AM5, i nuovi coltelli chiudibili di Maserin | Hit Show 2019
Our first look at the Maserin Siberian Knife
Part number MAS987/O
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Das ist meine VA für den Kanal Nordseemensch, anlässlich seines Abonnenten GAW.
Hier geht's zum Kanal von HD:
Hier findet ihr das Messer:
Und hier noch der Kanal von Miro:
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Moor, Messer, Maserin: VA für Nordseemensch (Moorlandschaft und Maserin Gourmet Messervorstellung)
This is my review of the NEW for 2017 Maserin AM 3, a classy looking and well made gentlemans ballbearing flipper with a full CF handle and an M390 steel blade made in Italy!
For an affordable price of around 150$ , a bargain in my opinion!
Maserin Website: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Ніж Maserin AM-2 Black Carbon (378/CN). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17