Kershaw CQC - це серія ножів з дизайном від всесвітньо відомої компанії Emerson. Завдяки універсальній конструкції і клинку з нержавіючої сталі 8Cr13MoV або інструментальної D2 з обробкою стоунвош і сатинованим поліруванням, є універсальним інструментом для різноманітних побутових потреб. Рукоять ножа зі сталі і склотекстоліту G-10, що має анатомічно вигнутий контур, забезпечує надійний і в той же час комфортний хват навіть у вологих руках. Запатентований виступ на обуху (фліпер) або плашка служать для миттєвого витягування клинка зачепом за кишеню. Завдяки надійності і застосуванню якісних матеріалів ножі Kershaw CQC будуть корисними практично в будь-якій життєвій ситуації.
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Kershaw CQC-6K D2 это складной нож с дизайном от всемирно известной компании Emerson. Является универсальным инструментом для разнообразных бытовых нужд. Рукоять ножа выполнена из стали и стеклотекстолита G-10. Имеет анатомически изогнутый контур, тем самым обеспечивая надежный и комфортный хват. Запатентованный выступ на обухе от Emerson служит для мгновенного открытия клинка зацепом за карман.
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Боевой складной нож Kershaw CQC-6K. Может ли Эмерсон быть недорогим?
⚠️ Нож из обзора дорогой, а новый нож хочется? Купи бюджетные ножи тут Два месяца в самоизоляции готовлюсь к "главной распродаже " заходи и ты! Давно ожидаемый любителями боевых складных ножей плод сотрудничества компании Kershaw и Эрнеста Эмерсона CQC-6K выпущенный на китайском заводе Kershaw.
Надежды на то, что Kershaw смогут избавить ножи Emerson Knives от чудовищной механики открытия клинка к сожалению не оправдались, но зато удалось не внести новых проблем с ножом и прибавить жирный плюс - почти вчетверо меньшую цену, чем за оригинальный нож.
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СКИДКА 11% !!!! ПО ПРОМОКОДУ: YETI (16,17,18 ДЕКАБРЯ 2019)
Это здорово, когда производитель работает c обратной связью и улучшает свои изделия в угоду потребителей. Обновленная линейка Kershaw Emerson яркий тому пример.
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Обзор ножей Kershaw CQC-6K и CQC-6KBLK. Дизайн от Emerson - сделано Kershaw.
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Обзор ножей CQC-6K и CQC-6KBLK из многочисленной линейки Kershaw, выпущенных совместно с Emerson. Одна из самых удачных, удобных и интересных моделей в линейке. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Kershaw CQC 6K : обзор ножа
Классный нож за свои деньги. Как edc - самое оно. Плюс wave Emerson'а.
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The Epitome of BUDGET TACTICAL Folding Knives | Kershaw Emerson CQC-6K (6034D2)
To many knife users, HARD USE and Emerson knives are synonymous.
It’s a brand I had yet to handle before this Kershaw Emerson CQC-6K in D2 tool steel, but now that I have… I’m absolutely positive that I see a legit Emerson knife in my future.
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Any musings, recommendations, or "advice" given on this channel around the topics of self-defense, survival, or "apocalypse" scenarios are purely hypothetical and are meant to be interpreted as satire. These topics are being presented for entertainment's sake and for the purpose of theoretical discussion to help prepare the mind and body for the worst case scenario... however unlikely that may be. I do not recommend anyone carry any knife or tool as a weapon and/or for the purpose of self-defense. Become familiar with and obey all federal, state/provincial, and municipal laws/by-laws in your area regarding self-defense, what knives/gear can be legally owned/purchased, and what can be legally carried on one's person. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Спасибо Юрию, за предоставление ножа на обзор! Winner of the 2014 Blade Show's Best Buy Award Kershaw 6034T Emerson CQC-6K Подробно о ноже можно узнать тут: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Складной нож Kershaw, Emerson CQC 6K Black сталь 8Cr14MoV, рукоять G10
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For deployment options, the Emerson Wave Sharped Feature never gets old. It's easy to learn, convenient, and tactical all at once!
CQC-6K D2:
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ข้อมูลจาก DD Knives มีดพับ Kershaw Emerson CQC-6K Folding Knife D2 Blade, G10 and Stainless Steel Handles (6034D2)
ความยาวใบมีด นิ้ว ความยาวเวลากางใบ นิ้ว เหล็กใบมีด D2 ระบบล็อคแบบ เฟรมล็อค ด้าม G-10 สีดำ
This Kershaw Emerson now comes with D2 blade steel. D2, a high-carbon, high-chromium tool steel, is a knifemaker favorite and offers good edge retention and hardness, as well as being more corrosion-resistant than other high-carbon steels.
Kershaw Knives and Emerson Knives have joined forces on a series of knives that combine the precision engineering of Kershaw with Emerson's uncompromising functional design.
The CQC-6K D2 features a modified clip-point blade for versatile cutting ability. The blade has a two-tone finish: a satin finish on the upper and a stonewashed finish on the grind. The handle's front scale of textured G10 offers a secure grip and the handle's stainless steel back has a solid frame lock.
The CQC-6K D2 is a manual opener using either the thumb disk or the patented Emerson Wave Shaped Feature. This opening feature enables the knife to be opened as it is removed from the pocket. By the time the knife has been fully withdrawn from the pocket, the blade is deployed and ready for use. A small wave-shaped tab on the top of the blade is built to catch on the pocket seam, opening the knife as it comes out of the pocket. This instant-open feature is a favorite among military, rescue, and law enforcement knife users.
The pocket clip is reversible for left- or right-handed carry.
Overall Length:"
Blade Length:"
Blade Thickness:"
Blade Material:D2
Blade Style:Drop Point
Blade Grind:Hollow
Finish:Satin, Stonewash
Edge Type:Plain
Handle Length:"
Handle Thickness:"
Handle Material:G-10
Frame/Liner:Stainless Steel
Weight: oz.
User:Right Hand, Left Hand
Pocket Clip:Tip-Up
Knife Type:Manual
Opener:Thumb Disk
Lock Type:Frame Lock
Model:CQC-6K D2
Model Number:6034D2
Designer:Ernest Emerson
Country of Origin:China
Best Use:Everyday Carry, Tactical
Product Type:Knife Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
⚠️CUPOM DE DECONTO CONDUTAEDC. ACESSE O LINK: +Ennes/?post_type=product&s=Cqc&campaign=CQC
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Fala galera, bem vindos a mais um vídeo do canal Conduta EDC, o seu canal Brasileiro dedicado a tratar do assunto EDC, Ferramentaria, Comportamento e Estilo de Vida. Aqui apresentamos um pouco de tudo desde canivetes, lanternas e multitools passando por ferramentas mais robustas em geral, calçados, roupas, equipamentos que podem ser úteis no seu dia a dia como são no meu, e o estilo de vida que tudo isso trás, bem como as viagens, estradas, rolês na TR4, projetos de construção, e o bom e velho destilado nosso de cada dia e muito mais.
No vídeo de hoje apresento o tradicional Kershaw Emerson CQC 6K-D2.
A linha Emerson Knives é umas das que mais gosto tanto dentro da produção autorizada feita pela Kershaw, quanto a linha própria do Emerson.
Contato Comercial: condutaedc@
Sobre o Conduta EDC:
⚠️É imprescindível que se mantenha o respeito nos comentários, tanto para com o canal quanto para com os inscritos que comentam e deixam sua opinião por aqui. Os comentários são revisados, e quem não respeita as regras e não sabe conviver educadamente é ocultado do canal de modo que não consegue interagir novamente⚠️ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This new knife from kershaw and emerson is an awesome knife for the price. I wasn't sure about the WAVE feature on the True Emerson's and this was a great way for me to test it out without having to drop $150 on a knife that I may not like. To sum it up, for $31 this is a great buy for edc, wilderness, or tactical use. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Dzisiaj zapraszam na racenzję ciekawego noża od firmy Kershaw zaprojektowanego przez Emersona. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Весь модельный ряд автоматических ножей "CQC" от производителя Kershaw
Подробности и лучшая цена тут Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Kershaw Emerson CQC-6K Folding Pocket Knife Unboxing and General Overview.
Thanks for watching my unboxing of the Kershaw Emerson CQC-6K with the Emerson Wave system.
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Disclaimer: These videos are strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only. Imitation or the use of anything demonstrated in my videos is done AT YOUR OWN RISK. All work on firearms should be carried out by a licensed individual and all state and federal rules apply to such. We (including YouTube) will not be held liable for any injury to yourself or damage to your firearms resulting from attempting anything shown in any our videos. I do not endorse any specific product and this video is not an attempt to sell you a good or service. I am not a gun shop and DO NOT sell or deal in Firearms. Such a practice is heavily regulated and subject to applicable laws. I DO NOT sell parts, magazines, or firearms. These videos are free to watch and if anyone attempts to charge for this video notify us immediately. By viewing or flagging this video you are acknowledging the above. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is the Kershaw Emerson CQC-6K review. I have had this knife just over 2 years now and carried it daily. Give this video a watch I cover some of the important features of the knife and would love it if you gave the video a like while you're at it. Thanks.
I am here to give my impressions of items that I used in my daily life and to pass along some knowledge of some items that you may not know about, or that you are wondering about. If you have other ideas or things you'd like me to look into drop me a message.
These opinions and views I express are exactly that, my opinions and my views. These in no way represent my employer or YouTube and are meant for entertainment and educational purposes only.
Please Enjoy.
Links to the items in this video:
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Time to take a look at another awesome choice from the Kershaw CQC series. Today we are going to look at the Kershaw CQC-6K. To me this is a great choice for EDC/self defense. Lightweight, compact and wont break the bank.
(proce has changed massively since i shot this video back in april 2020)
If you would like to purchase this blade, i have left a link to
If you liked this video and you might like me to do a review of your product, please email me at tctbnl@ and lets talk Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#edc #everydaycarry #edcknife #everydaycarryknife #everydaycarrygear #edc #kershaw
A quick look at an oldie but goodie. The Kershaw Emerson CQC-6K is a knife that's been on my wishlists forever. When I finally decided to buy one a friend sold me his. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
These and other Kershaw Knives available at !
Great prices & fast shipping! Money goes to funding more channel content Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Kershaw CQC-4KXL : Kershaw CQC-6K : Kershaw CQC-7K mini review. Best in HD!
Just a quick look at the new Kershaw CQC-4KXL. The big boy of the Kershaw/Emerson family. Great defensive option, but still a lil too big for my edc tasks. At $40ish, you can't beat these collaborations. Really do recommend picking one up! God bless! 👍 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Click here to learn more about the Kershaw/Emerson CQC Series Folders:
Please note that some models shown may have been updated or discontinued since this video was first published.
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Kershaw Knives and Emerson Knives have joined forces on a series of knives that combine the precision engineering of Kershaw with Emerson's uncompromising functional design.
The CQC-6K features a modified clip-point blade for versatile cutting ability. The blade has two finishes: a satin finish on the grind and a stonewashed finish on the upper. The handle's front scale of textured G-10 offers a secure grip and the handle's stainless steel back has a solid frame lock.
The CQC-6K is a manual opener using either the thumb disk or the patented Emerson "wave shaped feature." This opening feature enables the knife to be opened as it is removed from the pocket. By the time the knife has been fully withdrawn from the pocket, the blade is deployed and ready for use. A small wave-shaped tab on the top of the blade is built to catch on the pocket seam, opening the knife as it comes out of the pocket. This instant-open feature is a favorite among military, rescue, and law enforcement knife users.
This knife design based off the Emerson Endeavor model without the thumb hole and the pocketclip is reversible for left- or right-handed carry.
Music: "I Got a Plan to Rule the World" by MC Cullah
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Ontario Rat 1 VS Kershaw Emerson CQC6K มีดพับในเรท 2,000
Review of the Kershaw Emerson CQC-6K
Instagram: @palmettoedge
Kershaw Emersons on Blade HQ:
Blade HQ video on Ernest Emerson: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Kershaw Emerson CQC-6K - noch ein Knifetalk über Arbeitsmesser und Messermissbrauch
Mit Messern kann man viele sinnvolle Dinge tun - und viel Unsinn machen :D Das Kershaw Emerson CQC-6K hat mehr Missbrauch und harte Arbeit überlebt als jedes andere Messer das ich je besessen habe! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
EMERSON kershaw CQC-6K "operate in one hand by small hand"
Just my first impressions of this awesome EDC blade I have been waiting on the release of these knives since ShotShow and I couldn't be happier with this knifes FIRST IMPRESSION
If you want to see all the knives in the series go check out my bro at knivesgunsandgearreviews
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3 ทหารเสืองบ 2,000 Spyderco Tenacious/Kershaw Emerson CQC 6K/Ontario Rat Model 1
An in depth comparison of the 6k, 7k and 9k Kershaw-Emerson knives.
Check them out for yourself:
Kershaw-Emerson CQC-6K D2
Kershaw-Emerson CQC-7K
Kershaw-Emerson CQC-9K
0:00 Introduction
0:37 Emerson CQC 7k and 6k Comparison
4:39 Emerson CQC 9k
6:17 Final thoughts
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Kershaw and Emerson have teamed together to bring an inexpensive Emerson style knife for the fraction of the cost with the Emerson Wave.. Most Emersons are $200 to $500 bucks.
Designed by Emerson, built by Kershaw
Thumb disk; "waved shaped opening feature"
Frame lock
Reversible pocketclip (left/right)
Steel: 8Cr14MoV, stonewashed & satin finish
Handle: textured G-10 front, 410 bead-blasted finish back
Blade length: in. (8.3 cm)
Closed length: 4.5 in. (11.4 cm)
Open length: in. (19.7 cm)
5.0 oz. (153.1 g)
Gear Obsession Deals:
My YouTube Address
Fred Hart
P.O. Box 2156
Lusby, MD 20657
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Want a larger Kershaw-Emerson? This is your knife. The CQC-4KXL offers a larger blade of just under four inches, with a G10 front scale and steel back. A sturdy frame lock secures the blade open during use and releases easily to close. Of course, the CQC-4KXL features the patented Emerson Wave Shaped Feature. A small wave-shaped tab on the top of the blade is built to catch on the pocket seam, opening the knife as it comes out of the pocket.
RM 349
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Kershaw Emerson CQC6
Kershaw Knives and Emerson Knives have joined forces on a series of knives that combine the precision engineering of Kershaw with Emerson's uncompromising functional design.
The CQC-6K features a modified clip-point blade for versatile cutting ability. The blade has two finishes: a satin finish on the upper and a stonewashed finish on the grind. The handle's front scale of textured G-10 offers a secure grip and the handle's stainless steel back has a solid frame lock.
The CQC-6K is a manual opener using either the thumb disk or the patented Emerson "wave shaped feature." This opening feature enables the knife to be opened as it is removed from the pocket. By the time the knife has been fully withdrawn from the pocket, the blade is deployed and ready for use. A small wave-shaped tab on the top of the blade is built to catch on the pocket seam, opening the knife as it comes out of the pocket. This instant-open feature is a favorite among military, rescue, and law enforcement knife users.
The pocketclip is reversible for left- or right-handed carry.
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With the Emerson Wave Shaped Feature, it's easy to deploy right from the pocket 👖
Kershaw CQC-4K:
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Click here for detail specs or to buy the Kershaw-Emerson CQC-6 knife:
This Kershaw Emerson knife was designed by Ernest Emerson and precision built by Kershaw Knives. The CQC-6K is a mid-size manual opening knife with a modified clip point blade that provides versatile cutting capabilities.
The blade measures in at inches in length and has the Emerson signature thumb disk as well as Emerson's patented wave quick opening feature. The blade has two finishes: a satin finish on the grind and a stonewashed finish on the upper. The handle features a medium textured G-10 front scale and a stainless steel back side. The ergonomic handle is contoured to securely fit in the palm of the hand. For a safe and solid blade lock up, the CQC-6K has an integral frame lock.
The Emerson CQC-6K opens easily with one-hand using either the thumb disk or the patented Emerson "wave shaped feature." This wave opening feature enables the knife to be opened as it is withdrawn from the pocket. By the time the knife has been fully drawn from the pocket, the blade is deployed and ready for use. The small wave-shaped protrusion on the blade spine catches on the corner of the pocket and automatically opens the knife as it is drawn from the pocket. This instant-open feature is a favorite among military, rescue, and law enforcement, and savvy civilian knife users.
This CQC6K knife is a hybrid design based on the Emerson Endeavor model. The pocketclip is reversible for ambidextrous tip up left or right side carry.
Overall, the Kershaw Emerson Knife series combine the precision engineering of Kershaw with Emerson's uncompromising functional design at a great price, so good that the Emerson-Kershaw was awarded the coveted "Best Buy" award at the 2014 Blade Show. Get yours today at OsoGrandeKnives.
Overall Length: "
Blade Length: "
Blade Thickness: "
Blade Material: 8Cr14MoV
Blade Style: Clip Point
Blade Grind: Hollow
Blade Finish: Stonewash
Edge Type: PlainEdge
Handle Length: "
Handle Thickness: "
Handle Material: G-10
Handle Color: Black
Frame Material: Stainless Steel
Weight: 5.0 oz.
Pocket Clip: Right/Left Hand, Tip-Up
Knife Type: Manual
Opener: Thumb Disk
Lock Type: Frame Lock
Brand: Kershaw
Model: 6034
Designer: Ernest Emerson
Country of Origin: China
Best Use: Tactical
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Kershaw Emerson CQC-1K and Kershaw Emerson CQC-6K
Cqc-1 has a 3" modified clip point blade and 3.9" handle
frame lock, thumb disc or Emerson Wave feature to open quickly
CQC-6 has a " blade and 4.5"handle
both avail on Amazon for under $30
Great self defense knives for a great price
Please watch: "Glock Comparison: Glock 43/26/19"
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