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STEALING A HELICOPTER - Grand Theft Auto 4 - Part 12
Grand Theft Auto 4 (GTA 4 or GTA IV) Story Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (2019). This series will include a full walkthrough gameplay of GTA 4 beginning to end in 2019. This walkthrough of GTA 4 will include my impressions and review of the main story! In this episode we do some street raicing with brucie to get a brand new car and steal a helicopter!
GTA 4 Full Walkthrough Playlist:
Grand Theft Auto IV is an action-adventure video game. It was released for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles on 29 April 2008, and for Microsoft Windows on 2 December 2008. It is the eleventh title in the Grand Theft Auto series, and the first main entry since 2004's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Set within the fictional Liberty City (based on New York City), the single-player story follows a war veteran, Niko Bellic, and his attempts to escape his past while under pressure from loan sharks and mob bosses. GTA 4 has an open world design lets players freely roam Liberty City, consisting of three main islands.
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KILL PLAYBOY OR DWAYNE? - Grand Theft Auto 4 - Part 9
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AIR MAX N3 Витяжка для манікюру, білий глянець, подушка біла (гарантія 12 міс)
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Это полное прохождение игры GTA 4 - GRAND THEFT AUTO IV на русском языке и обзор на пк . Геймплей и прохождение игры ГТА 4 обзор и первый взгляд
Grand Theft Auto IV (сокр. GTA IV) — мультиплатформенная трёхмерная компьютерная игра в жанре action-adventure, девятая в серии Grand Theft Auto, выпущена 29 апреля 2008 года для двух игровых приставок — PlayStation 3 и Xbox 360, также полгода спустя игру портировали на ПК (Windows). Компания Rockstar выпустила дополнения к игре, распространяя их через интернет-сервисы Xbox Live, Games for Windows — Live, PlayStation Network и в составе дискового издания Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City; в этих дополнениях под управлением игрока находятся новые герои, и сюжеты дополнений происходят параллельно сюжету основной игры. Действие Grand Theft Auto IV происходит в вымышленном американском городе Либерти-Сити, прообразом которого послужил Нью-Йорк. В однопользовательском сюжетном режиме игрок управляет героем по имени Нико Беллик, иммигрантом из Юго-Восточной Европы и ветераном Югославской войны, прибывшим в Либерти-Сити в поисках богатства и ради мести.
GTA 4 Полное Прохождение на Русском | ГТА 4 Прохождение | GRAND THEFT AUTO IV | GTA IV Walkthrough
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Сегодня Grand Theft Auto IV (GTA 4) исполняется 12 лет со дня релиза на PC. Поэтому я решил попробовать запустить ее на своей новенькой RTX 3080 Founders Edition в 1440p и внутреннем разрешении выше чем 4K. Немного ностальгии и тд. это обзор кста
#grandtheftauto #gta4 #RTX3080
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GTA 4 - Mission 20 - Rigged To Blow (No Commentary)
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GTA 4 - Mission 20 - Rigged To Blow
GTA 4 description:
Grand Theft Auto IV (also known as GTA IV or GTA 4) is the eleventh title in the Grand Theft Auto series and the first game in the HD Universe of the series.
The game was developed by Rockstar North and was published and released by Rockstar Games for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC. The Xbox 360 and PS3 versions were released worldwide to widespread hype on April 29, 2008. GTA IV has subsequently been awarded the Gaming World Record of the Most Successful Entertainment Launch of All Time, and has received numerous other awards and accolades. The PC version was released on December 3, 2008. GTA IV and Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City were released for Xbox One via backwards compatibility on February 9, 2017.
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A nifty place my good friend showed me on xbox live.
UPDATE: Okay, so finally someone knows where this is from in the story, I kept getting notifications about how this wasn't secret at all, but part of the story, but now I have confirmation, will partial, I just need everyone else's input. But thanks, this is.. still a secret to me and some people because I never killed isaac. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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🐟 Всі моделі пройшли перевірку на якість у водоймах України
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Moments that didn't play out the way Niko had expected. Or no one else, in this case.
Video inspired by Los Santos Cast's ''Outtakes'' series.
Los Santos Cast:
Can You Complete GTA San Andreas without Killing? (Countryside Missions)
GTA San Andreas - End Of The Line but with Rainbomizer Mod!
Grand Theft Auto IV is a 2008 action-adventure game developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games. It is the eleventh title in the Grand Theft Auto series, and the first main entry since 2004's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Set within the fictional Liberty City (based on New York City), the single-player story follows a war veteran, Niko Bellic, and his attempts to escape his past while under pressure from loan sharks and mob bosses. The open world design lets players freely roam Liberty City, consisting of three main islands. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Why GTA IV is better than GTA V? (10 Reasons) - PART 2
GTA V is the latest and the most advanced GTA game by now. But in some aspects, GTA IV is far better than GTA V. Let's discuss the details and physics which were better in older GTA IV.
Watch part 1 here:
Watch part 3 here:
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#blaze92 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This GTA 4 graphics mod makes it look like it was released in 2022?
Author Ko-fi page:
⭐Additional Mods:
Project RevIVe - trees and road textures
Grand Theft Auto IV is a 2008 action-adventure game developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games. It is the first main entry in the Grand Theft Auto series since 2004's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Set within the fictional Liberty City, based on New York City, the single-player story follows Eastern European war veteran Niko Bellic and his attempts to escape his past while under pressure from loan sharks and mob bosses. The open world design lets players freely roam Liberty City, consisting of three main islands. Grand Theft Auto IV takes place in 2008, within a redesigned version of Liberty City. The design of the setting focuses on a recreation of four of the boroughs of New York City: Broker (based on Brooklyn), Dukes (Queens), Bohan (The Bronx), and Algonquin (Manhattan).
PC Specs:
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FaZe Blaze reacts to the differences between GTA 4 and 5
#FaZe #Shorts #GTA
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GTA IV - Bleed Out / GTA IV low end pc gameplay / dinoster
GTA IV - Bleed Out / GTA IV low end pc gameplay / dinoster
GTA IV - Bleed Out
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gta iv fps boost Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
GTA 4 ou GTA IV é um jogo de ação e aventura de 2008 desenvolvido pela Rockstar North e publicado pela Rockstar Games. GTA 4 ou GTA IV é o sexto jogo principal da série Grand Theft Auto, seguindo Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas de 2004, e décimo o primeiro da franquia. GTA 4 ou GTA IV situa-se na fictícia Liberty City, baseada na cidade de Nova Iorque, a história de GTA 4 ou GTA IV segue o veterano de guerra do Leste Europeu Niko Bellic e suas tentativas de escapar do seu passado sob pressão de criminosos de alto nível. O design de mundo aberto de GTA 4 ou GTA IV permite que os jogadores percorram livremente Liberty City, que consiste em três ilhas principais, e o estado vizinho de Alderney, baseado em Nova Jersia.
GTA 4 ou GTA IV é jogado a partir de uma perspectiva de terceira pessoa e o seu mundo é navegado a pé ou de veículo.
Outros Títulos: GTA 4, GTA 4 Gameplay
O FIM DE RAY - GTA 4 #42
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Selam Ben Yönter Buda Gta 4 Gizemlerinin Yeni Bir Bölümü İyi Seyirler.
#gta #gta4 #gtasecrets Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
THE MOST UNDERRATED GTA GAME OF ALL TIME! - Grand Theft Auto 4 Part 1 (PC Gameplay)
#gta4 #gtaiv #gymclasskneegrow
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Grand Theft Auto IV (Xbox 360) Free-Roam Gameplay #12 [HD]
Playing GTA IV on Xbox 360 version on Xbox One S console as Niko Bellic. (It's been 5 months since i played the 360 version, last time on PS3)
Recent PS3 Free-Roam:
Info: Video Footage Recorded from: Microsoft Xbox One (S Model) recorded With Elgato Game Capture HD.
Elgato Game Capture HD: =cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_U_CZm6CbPSR52ZW (Computer is required for use)
#GrandTheftAutoIV #Xbox360 #keepGTA4alive Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Gameplay | Let's Play FR (Français) sur Grand Theft Auto IV (GTA 4) (PC)
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GTA Episodes from Liberty City Beta Version and Removed Content - Hot Topic #14
Beta Version and Removed Content from the two episodes of Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony - GTA Series Videos Hot Topic Episode 14
● Thank you to WildBrick142, Rented, t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m, Apex Predator, Voggs, sebbellic01, The Cutting Room Floor, and GTA Wiki users and staff
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● Sister Sledge - He's The Greatest Dancer
● Peaches & Herb - Shake Your Groove Thing
● Aaron Johnston, Jesse Murphy and Avi Bortnick - The Ballad of Gay Tony Theme
GTA Series Videos is a dedicated fan-channel keeping you up to date with all the latest news, video walkthroughs and official trailers of the most successful video games published by Rockstar Games, including Grand Theft Auto series, Red Dead Redemption, Max Payne, L.A. Noire, Bully and many others.
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GTA 4 - Mission 17 - Final Destination (No Commentary)
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GTA 4 - Mission 17 - Final Destination
GTA 4 description:
Grand Theft Auto IV (also known as GTA IV or GTA 4) is the eleventh title in the Grand Theft Auto series and the first game in the HD Universe of the series.
The game was developed by Rockstar North and was published and released by Rockstar Games for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC. The Xbox 360 and PS3 versions were released worldwide to widespread hype on April 29, 2008. GTA IV has subsequently been awarded the Gaming World Record of the Most Successful Entertainment Launch of All Time, and has received numerous other awards and accolades. The PC version was released on December 3, 2008. GTA IV and Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City were released for Xbox One via backwards compatibility on February 9, 2017.
#gta4 #gtaiv #gta #grandtheftauto4 #grandtheftautoiv #nikobellic #nocommentary Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
No Seatbelt Car Crashes Ep.9 - GTA 4 (Euphoria Ragdolls)
Compilation of no seatbelt crashes in GTA 4, where Niko Bellic flies out of the car like a ragdoll when front-crashing into other cars. I also use a slow-motion mod.
I personally love the car-ejecting physics in GTA 4. They're so much more fun than in GTA 5.
My PC specs:
- GTX 1070
- i7 6300k
- 2 x 500GB Samsung Evo SSD
- 16GB RAM
The purpose of this video is to provide entertainment by showcasing the Euphoria animation middleware by NaturalMotion and realistic physics. No real-life act of violence is intended or encouraged. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Brucie's Garage and Apartment [The GTA IV Tourist]
Hello and welcome to The GTA IV Tourist - Interiors & Places series! :)
Place: Brucie's garage and apartment
Location: East Hook and BOABO, Broker
I hope you'll enjoy the tour! :)
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1.) Crooning High Big Band Jazz
2.) Waltz for Lucca
3.) Lost My Bitcoins in Vegas
4.) Doxie in the Club
All music above are royalty free music by Giorgio Di Campo for FreeSound Music
Outro 1: Claudio The Worm by The Green Orbs (the Tama-chan song... :3)
Outro 2: Sthlm Sunset by Ehrling ()
For more music by Ehrling:
Tools and sources used:
GTA IV Trainer:
Grand Theft Wiki:
*A full list of authors is available at the Grand Theft Wiki website Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Can THE GTA IV COMMUNITY take a flower pot across the map?
I presented the GTA IV community with a challenge back in October of 2020. I'm happy to say they accepted, today we look at the videos people uploaded in response. It was quite the event, even some larger creators like @whatever57010 @BLG @Nikitozz got involved and spread the word.
Part 1:
Challenge Inspired by Sonny Evans
Bioshock's Video:
Maurice's Video:
John's Video:
JoshuaFrame's Video:
King's Video:
All Flower Pot Challenge Videos:
Wanna get involved? For a serious entry, follow the rules exactly, however if you're a content creator or just want to have some fun (which is what this is all about) then don't stress. You can edit the video, you can break the rules, you can do whatever, it's no biggie :)
1. You must post the full, unedited gameplay, from leaving the hospital to wherever your run ends. The video cannot be any longer than 30 minutes.
2. To start the challenge, you must have a 6-star wanted level BEFORE you leave the hospital doors. To complete the challenge, you must drop the flower pot (anywhere) inside the abandoned casino of Westdyke.
3. You cannot use mods, cheats, or a trainer to provide any sort of advantage - the only use of these is to add a wanted level when at the hospital. And if you lose it during the challenge, stand still, then re-apply the 6 stars.
4. You cannot pick up or do anything in-game BEFORE the run starts to provide an advantage later. Like grabbing body armour, weapons, or strategically placing vehicles outside. Make sure you’re completely unarmed and without body armour before beginning the challenge. Once the run starts, however, you’re allowed to use anything in the world.
5. And finally, it is okay to play at any time in the storymode, meaning it doesn’t matter if the bridges have roadblocks or not. There’s a link below to a 100% save file if you want it.
6. The timer begins the very moment you leave the hospital and ends as soon as the flower pot makes contact with the Abandoned Casino (interior).
Also, remember to include the hashtag in the title or description so I can find your video!
0:00 - Intro Cinematic
1:34 - The Community's Videos
19:29 - World Record Runners
23:55 - Outro Cinematic
#IVFlowerPotChallenge #keepGTA4alive #GTA4 #GTAIV Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
GTA IV - a game that defined more realistic approach in GTA series.
It was originally released for PS3 and Xbox 360 consoles and its original technical state was a matter to discuss, but it was enough to make it more than pleasent to play. Now, after all these years and few major updates it's worth checking if Rockstar manage to update anyhow the game's performance on PS3?
Let's find out!
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➤TWITCH: ByKerst
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¡Bienvenidos a mi canal secundario! Aquí subo un contenido muy diferente del canal principal, informal y divertido. Series epicas con amigos, aventuras epicas con muchas risas y demas contenido en muchas ocasiones resubido de mi canal de Twitch.
@KERSTHD Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
GTA 4 ou GTA IV é um jogo de ação e aventura de 2008 desenvolvido pela Rockstar North e publicado pela Rockstar Games. GTA 4 ou GTA IV é o sexto jogo principal da série Grand Theft Auto, seguindo Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas de 2004, e décimo o primeiro da franquia. GTA 4 ou GTA IV situa-se na fictícia Liberty City, baseada na cidade de Nova Iorque, a história de GTA 4 ou GTA IV segue o veterano de guerra do Leste Europeu Niko Bellic e suas tentativas de escapar do seu passado sob pressão de criminosos de alto nível. O design de mundo aberto de GTA 4 ou GTA IV permite que os jogadores percorram livremente Liberty City, que consiste em três ilhas principais, e o estado vizinho de Alderney, baseado em Nova Jersia.
GTA 4 ou GTA IV é jogado a partir de uma perspectiva de terceira pessoa e o seu mundo é navegado a pé ou de veículo.
Outros Títulos: GTA 4, GTA 4 Gameplay
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Watch how Helicopter collisions/crashes have changed in all GTA games over the years!
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THE BIGGEST PLOT TWIST EVER 😂 - Grand Theft Auto 4 - Part 14
Grand Theft Auto 4 (GTA 4 or GTA IV) Story Gameplay Walkthrough Part 14 (2019). This series will include a full walkthrough gameplay of GTA 4 beginning to end in 2019. This walkthrough of GTA 4 will include my impressions and review of the main story!
GTA 4 Full Walkthrough Playlist:
Grand Theft Auto IV is an action-adventure video game. It was released for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles on 29 April 2008, and for Microsoft Windows on 2 December 2008. It is the eleventh title in the Grand Theft Auto series, and the first main entry since 2004's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Set within the fictional Liberty City (based on New York City), the single-player story follows a war veteran, Niko Bellic, and his attempts to escape his past while under pressure from loan sharks and mob bosses. GTA 4 has an open world design lets players freely roam Liberty City, consisting of three main islands.
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THE BIGGEST PLOT TWIST EVER 😂 - Grand Theft Auto 4 - Part 14
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Video Uploaded By HollowPoiint Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
GTA IV - Friendly fire and Spawn outside area glitch
Thanks to ahetFIN (link above) who gave me permission to re-up. So, this video is originally made by ahetFIN. I'm the orange guy at the end. If you have PS3 and GTA IV, feel free to add PSN ID: fin_topsu
Original video by ahetFIN here:
Players appearing this video in order of appearance:
(person unknown)
fin_topsu Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Grand Theft Auto IV in style V | GamePlay PC 1080p | Мод типа GTA 5
*Встроен Traffic Load Final
*Звуки оружия взяты из GTA V.
*Cтоит отвязка XLiveless .
*Заменены все легковые автомобили GTA IV на авто из GTA V в игре их более 70 единиц
*Встроен Simple native trainer.
*Заменена миникарта под стиль GTA V.
*Добавлены: Танк,Fighter Jet,Buzzard, JB700.
*Встроен AirCombat Воздушный бой
*Добавлен вид от первого лица при нахождении в авто в машине можно поворачивать головой
*Добавлен мод крови Exaggerated blood .
*Добавлено колесо выбора радиостанций в стиле GTA V.
*Добавлено колесо выбора оружия в стиле GTA V.
*Заменены все радиостанции GTA IV на радиостанции из GTA V.
*Заменены все модели оружия на модели из GTA V.
*Изменена физика оружия на реалистичное. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Где полиция лучше? GTA 5 vs GTA 4 vs GTA San Andreas
В этом видео вы узнаете в какой версии ГТА, полиция лучше, адекватней или сильнее. Так же проверим минимальный уровень розыска и максимальный.
Группа ВК:
0:00 魔界Symphony - Dragon Castle [Free DL & Creative Commons]
0:45 Minoru - 187
Music provided by Monstercat
0:55 Feint - Outbreak (feat. MYLK)
1:30 KevinMacLeod - Run Amok
Licensed under Creative Commons-ShareALike Attribution 3.0
2:35 魔界Symphony (Makai Symphony) - Hero [Epic Orchestral Battle Music]
Music provided by Monstercat
4:34 Dirty Audio & Slippy - Quake
4:50 Jura Puclin - Phantom Chas
5:36 Xtrullor - The Armor of God
6:36 Senbei - Robot Race (Epic Music)
9:50 Kevin MacLeod - Fluffing a Duck
Creative Commons Attribution ().
Оригинальная версия:
Music provided by Monstercat
10:50 Slippy - Own Me
11:04 Kevin Macleod - Investigations
Creative Commons Attribution ().
Оригинальная версия:
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Grand Theft Auto IV Gameplay Commentary #12
► Music (in order):
"Grand Theft Auto IV PS3 Menu Music" by Michael Hunter
► Gameplay, audio and images from:
Rockstar Games
Rockstar North Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Download GTA San Andreas for PC (full game)
Download GTA San Andreas for Android (full game)
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This video uses a saved game that already achieved % Game Progress before doing the story missions. The first story mission is called "The Cousin Bellic" , and it has already been completed.
A Starter Save is when all side-missions, Flying Rats, etc are completed prior to doing the mission 'It's your call'.
This video is limited to essentials. All of the techniques in this video were created and developed by me.
This is the PC version of GTA IV.
The official Rockstar patch () was installed. There are no mods or other upgrades.
This is a completely legitimate game.
This version is currently % complete up the mission "The Cousins Bellic"
The mission 'The Cousins Bellic' must be completed before saving for the first time, therefore it's the only story mission that's been completed, no others.
Niko has never Died or been Busted.
Anything that can be done prior to ALL of the story missions (after The Cousins Bellic) has been completed (excluding PC Achievements).
This was done just to see how many things could be completed immediately after the game began, and before the mission "It's Your Call"
Here's a list of what has or will be completed, meaning some of the things on this list may not have been completed in this particular video, but in a later video instead:
1) All available clothing has been purchased or acquired (The clothing from locked areas cannot be purchased yet)
2) The special outfit from the Island of Happiness has been collected; the one that reads "Happiness is... Land"
The following side-missions / mini-games have been completed:
1) All 30 of the Most Wanted missions completed
2) Beat the high-score on CUB3D
3) Beat the computer at a game of Pool
4) Beat the computer at a game of Darts
5) Bowling a perfect game: 300
In addition to all of that:
1) 200 Flying Rats -- Pigeons Exterminated. (The Annihilator helicopter now spawns in Triangle in Algonquin)
2) 50 Stunt Jumps found
3) 50 Stunt Jumps completed
4) Flying underneath the main bridges in the game with a helicopter
5) Collecting a Police Maverick
6) Collecting a Super GT
7) Collecting a Coquette
8) Collecting a Banshee
9) Collecting a Sultan RS
10) Collecting an FIB Buffalo
PC Achievements completed:
Off the Boat
Wheelie Rider
Dare Devil
Walk Free
One Man Army
Endangered Species
One Hundred And Eighty
Gobble Gobble
King of CUB3D
Under The Radar
There are no failed missions.
All available Map Icons are shown on the map. This may not seem like much, but I did have to enter each of these locations in order for the icon to appear (except for the carwashes). (Even though the icons are visible, that doesn't mean that all of those places are open for business yet)
Percentage Totals:
The Cousins Bellic %
Beat the High Score on CUB3D %
Beat the Computer at Darts %
Beat the Computer at Pool %
Killed all Flying Rats %
Completed all 50 Stunt Jumps %
Killed all 30 Most Wanted criminals %
This video-series is based on the Ultimate Starter Game that I created a few years ago. Unlike the game in this video, the Ultimate Starter Game has everything maxed out.
That game can be downloaded at GTA Forums:
Download the PC saved-game here:
(this is from the beginning of the video)
(this is from the end of the video)
The San Andreas Chain Game beginner saved games can be downloaded here. These Saved Games are nearly impossible to save if you've been Busted or Wasted:
Chain Game Zoom
Chain Game 37
Chain Game 38
Chain Game 39
Chain Game 46
Chain Game 47
Chain Game 48
Chain Game 49
Chain Game 100
Chain Game 110
Chain Game 117
Chain Game 117 Robot
Save the file on your PC here:
\My Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files
Here are my specs:
Windows 7 Professional - 64 Bit
Intel® i7-4790 Quad-core (4 Core)
System memory: 8 GB - DDR3-1600/PC3-12800
Hard drive: 1 TB
Video card: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 970
Sound card: Sound Blaster Fatal1ty X-Fi Platinum
Recorded with Dxtory
Rendered with Sony Vegas 14.0
NO CHEATS and no mods were used.
PC Version
There are no video edits in this video, what you see is what actually happened. There were audio edits due to copyright.
#zmoonchild #zmoonchildmods #zmoonchildgta #zmoonchildlive
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In this video I will show you how to get tank on every Grand Theft Auto main title and a comparison of Tanks in GTA games!
* GTA IV has no tanks so I included a guide on how to get an APC from "GTA IV: The lost and damned". It will be helpful for you.
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Коллеги, сегодня у меня у меня комбинированный обзор, который будет посвящен моему отзыву о магазине и тесту крючков от компании HitFish
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Grand Theft Auto IV review
Platform: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC
Release Year: 2008
Developer: Rockstar North
Publishers: Rockstar Games
Genre: Open-World, Action-Adventure
Music (in order):
"Grand Theft Auto IV Menu Music"
"Righteous" by Silent Partner
"Grand Theft Auto III Theme Music"
"Slunky" by Aaron Lieberman
"Without a Sound" by Letter Box
"Montiors" by Silent Partner
"Lovers Squad" by Letter Box
"Grand Theft Auto IV Theme Music"
Gameplay, images and foreground from:
2K Games
343 Industries
Electronic Arts
Entertainment Software Ratings Board
Infinity Ward
Microsoft Studios
Rockstar Games
Rockstar Leeds
Rockstar London
Rockstar North
Rockstar San Diego
Rockstar Toronto
Rockstar Vancouver
Take-Two Interactive
YouTube videos used:
"Grand Theft Auto IV Trailer 1 "Things Will Be Different"" by Rockstar Games
"Grand Theft Auto IV - Trailer #2" by Rockstar Games
"GTA IV Announcement at E3 2006" by gtavideos
"Rockstar Table Tennis Gameplay" by Lord Geiru
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Решил заехать на протоку и позакидывать рачков. И был удивлен что при каждом забросе поклевка язя но и щучка тоже не отказалась от такого рочка ....
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The reason Mallorie slept with Vlad? - GTA IV removed phone calls
00:00 - call from Roman establishing that he is cheating
00:21 - Mallorie tells Niko why she was with Vlad
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Музыка в ролике:
Boy 8 bit - A City Under Siege(GTA the ballad of gay tony)soundtrack
#SonnyK #GTA4 #GTARemastered #GTATrilogy #игры #обзор #разбор #игры Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
GTA IV 2023 REMASTER Leaks & Possibly Teased by Rockstar Games in GTA Trilogy: Definitive Edition
GTA IV Remastered 2023 Teased by Rockstar Games in the GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition.
GTA 4 2023 Remaster Leaks (@RalphsValve) -
Tweet 1 -
Tweet 2 -
Tweet 3 -
GTA 4 2023 Remaster (4Chan) -
Take 2 GTA 4 Mod DMCA Takedown -
GTA 4 The Definitive Edition -
With the GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition releasing in November 2021 things seemed promising to GTA fans... But with the rocky release and many GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition bugs and glitches things aren't going well at all. On the bright side however, all month GTA 4 remastered leaks have been appearing all over the place. The first GTA 4 remaster leak coming from 4Chan detailing that the GTA 4 remaster will release in 2023 and feature a graphics overhaul, new NPCs and even the Red Dead Redemption 2 weather system in GTA IV. This specific leak was deleted shortly after going live and is nowhere to be found. The second GTA 4 remaster leak comes from RalphsValve on Twitter. RalphsValve is a renown Call of Duty leaker with a pretty good track record. So it's sufficient to say that there is some credibility here. Ralph tweeted on November 8th that Rockstar Games is working on a PS5 & Xbox Series X GTA 4 remaster set for 2023 and it will be bundled alongside Episodes from Liberty City. There is a new GTA Trilogy: Defintivie Edition Easter Egg that was added in potentially hinting at a return to Liberty City in 2023. And lastly, Take 2 Interactive has issued mod takedowns for GTA 4 as of yesterday and generally when this happens its because of a remaster being in the works. At least that's been the case since 2017 when the RDR1 Map Mod for GTA 5 was taken down and then a year later in RDR2 we saw a RDR1 remaster. And much like the RDR1 dilemma, Take 2 has been issuing mod takedowns for the GTA Trilogy the entirety of 2021.
#GTAIVRemastered #GTATrilogyDefinitiveEdition #RockstarGamesGTA
0:00-0:50 Intro
0:51-1:57 GTA 4 Remaster 4Chan Leak
1:58-3:10 GTA 4 Remaster Leaker History
3:11-3:58 GTA 4 Remaster 2023 Leak
3:59-5:18 GTA 4 Remaster 2023 Leak #2 & #3
5:19-6:04 GTA Trilogy: Definitive Edition Easter Egg
6:05-7:21 GTA 4 Remaster Teased by Rockstar Games
7:22-8:21 Rockstar Games History of Teasing Future Titles
8:22- 8:55 Take 2 REMOVING GTA 4 Mods 2021
8:56-9:56 GTA Mod Takedowns = Remaster?
9:57-10:32 Outro Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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