Котушка Shimano Tekota 600 (TEK600) - це міцна, мультипликаторная котушка з алюмінієвим корпусом, шпульою з холоднокованого алюмінію і шестернями з нержавіючої сталі. Оснащена лічильником ліски, гальмівною системою "Dartainium Drag". Містить 3 шарикопідшипника класу "A-RB" + 1 роликовий підшипник. Підшипники Shimano A-RB стійкі до корозії з додатковим захисним екраном для підвищення захисту від піску, солі та пилу.
Buy a Shimano Tekota TEK600 Conventional Reel -
A trollers dream - The Tekota is the perfect cross-over reel for both freshwater and saltwater species, from walleye to tuna.
• Diecast Aluminum Frame
• Stamped Aluminum Right Sideplate
• Aluminum Braced Graphite Non-Handle Side Plate
• Aluminum Spool
• Rod Clamp
• Manual Clutch (excluding 500LC and 600LC which are Auto-Return)
• A-RB (Anti-Rust Bearings) are specially treated stainless steel ball bearings that are at least 10 times more corrosion resistant than standard stainless steel ball bearings.
• Super Stopper is a one-way roller bearing that eliminates backplay for solid hooksets.
• Assist Stopper is a back-up anti-reverse system that reduces the stress placed on the one-way roller bearing to increase durability.
• Dartainium Drag material provides a wide range of drag settings and the smoothest Shimano drag performance ever.
• Oversized Cast Control Knob comfortable and easy to use.
• Clicker increases the tension on freespool and activates a clicking alarm when a fish bites.
• Septon this handle grip material is soft to the touch and does not get slippery when wet.
• Oversized Clicker Button easy to turn on and off.
• Counter Balanced Handle (excluding models 700 and 800) By placing a weight on the opposite side of the handle shank from the grip, wobble during the retrieve is eliminated.
• Adjustable Handle Shank (only models 700 and 800) allows the angler to use the handle in the short position for fast retrieves, or the extended position for more cranking power.
• Optional Double Paddle Handle allows the angler to purchase, as an accesory, a double paddle handle for certain applications (Available on 500, 500LC, 600 and 600LC only).
• Non-Disengaging Levelwind System Allows the levelwind to track back and forth during the cast which reduces drastic line angles that cause unwanted friction and backlashes on wide-spool reels.
• Palmable Linecounter with Maintenance Port (only 500LC and 600LC) allows for comfortable palming of the reel, easy maintenance of the counter mechanism, and easy, one-handed resets.
• Crossbar Foward Design allows more access to the spool for better line control and provides more comfort when palming the reel.
• Metal Series Metal frames keep moving parts in precise alignment for increased efficiency and durability.
Get your Shimano Tekota TEK600 Conventional Reel at J&H Tackle! $ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Reel review for the Shimano Tekota 600HG Level wind trolling reel. #Tekota #Tekota600 #reel Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Unboxing multiplikatora trollingowego Shimano na wody słodkie jak i słone idealnie nada się do łowienia zarówno szczupaków na jeziorach, jak i łososi na Bałtyku.
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#Shimano #Shimanofishing #TEKOTA #ShimanoTEKOTA #multiplikatorszczupakowy #Przerybapl #TROLLING #Testwędkarski Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Buy a Shimano Tekota HG TEK600HGA Levelwind Reel -
The Shimano Tekota HG TEK600HGA Levelwind Reel is a terrific reel for bottom fishing, especially with a lot of lead or in fast current. Shimano took the Torium platform and modified it in a really great way to accommodate a levelwind system. They also increased the gear ratio substantially from the previous generation, which makes the new TEK600HGA a much more versatile reel. Nowadays most guys prefer the higher gear ratio reels. You can jig, bottom fish and fish live or dead bait with it. Shimano reduced the sideplate height by 20% while maintaining the same line capacity, which gives the reel a significantly more comfortable feel in your hand and a better experience on the water. The Tekota has always been one of the top levelwind reels for inshore/nearshore fishing and the new TEK600HGA just improves on everything. It can handle a lot of weight so it is perfect for bottom fishing. If you love levelwind reels that can take a beating and keep on delivering awesome saltwater performance, buy a TEK600HGA. To purchase or for more information on the TEK600HGA, visit the Shimano Tekota HG Levelwind Reels page on our web site. Here is the link:
Get your Shimano Tekota HG TEK600HGA Levelwind Reel at J&H Tackle! $ -
We are giving away a $20 J&H gift card. Make sure you subscribe to our channel, click the notification bell, like this video and post a comment below to enter! Someone has to win it, why not you?
Don't forget to download the J&H Tackle app on iOS and Android! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I love the sleek and newly designed SHIMANO Tekota 500 and 600 reels. I Had the opportunity to put them to the test on Lake Ontario and Erie. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Tekota's legacy of durability continues with the fully redesigned Tekota A. Vast improvements have been made, including Coreprotect water resist to increase corrosion resistance, an easy to replace anti-fogging lens (LC models), loud clicker and new ergonomic S-Compact body design. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Shimano Tekota 600LC fishing reel how to take apart and service
This video shows how to take apart and service a Shimano Tekota 600LC fishing reel
Watch as I use a step by step process to service this reel Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Shimano Tekota A Levelwind Line Counter Reel Review
FishUSA Pro Ross Robertson says he has used the Tekota series for at least the last 15 years and almost every single day for his own walleye fishing and guiding business on the Great Lakes. There's no one better to give this Shimano Tekota A Levelwind Line Counter Reel Review. Shimano gave this series a full re-design with an ergonomic S-Compact body to be a troller's dream. Ross, who runs his guiding business out of Port Clinton, OH, comments upon the spool, star drag, handle, and line counter. The Tekota A is a perfect cross over reel for both freshwater and saltwater species from walleye to tuna. This trolling reel series is excellent for all trolling techniques including downriggers, divers, planer boards, lead core, and wireline. The original Tekota is legendary for its durability and strength, which Ross attests to. Look for a model with us!
Get it now at
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Кому достанутся Shimano Tekota 601HG LC и Okuma COLD WATER CW-303DLX? Может ТЕБЕ?
#Shimano #Okuma #фестиваль
Летний фестиваль "Судак на крючке" Все условия и призы Вы можете посмотреть здесь :
Shimano Tekota 601HG LC Мультипликаторная катушка Tekota является представителем троллинговых катушек номер 1, подходящих как для пресноводной, так и для морской рыбалки. Три защищенных A-RB шариковых + один роликовый подшипники обеспечивают плавность и мягкость хода катушки, а также способствуют продлению её ресурса.
Корпус изготовлен из алюминия и фирменного композита Shimano XT-7. Мгновенный стопор обратного хода Super Stopper снижает ударные нагрузки на механизм и повышает результативность подсечки. Крупная анатомическая рукоять для надежного захвата. Главная передача изготовлена из бронзы. Встроенный индикатор поклёвки, мощный фрикционный тормоз, вместительная шпуля. Специальный Maintenance Port для смазки катушки без разборки.
Okuma Cold Water CW 303DLX это очень мощный и надежный мультипликатор для троллинга. Механизм главной пары и ведущая шестерня изготовлены из латуни путем механической обработки, а подшипники из нержавеющей стали. Катушка Okuma Cold Water CW оснащена лесоукладчиком увеличенного размера, это обеспечивает плавную и ровную намотку плетенки на шпулю и ее быстрый сход с нее. Плавный фрикционный тормоз с шайбами из графита и специальной смазкой , имеет очень тонкую настройку.
Данные модели завоевали доверие и репутацию у многих российских рыбаков и прошли неоднократные испытания на прочность и надежность при ловле троллингом на таких водоемах как Ахтуба,Рыбинка, Ока, Волга, Ладога, Онега и т.д
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How to upgrade Shimano Tekota 600 DragMasters Carbon Fiber Drag - Salmon Fishing
How to upgrade Shimano Tekota 600 DragMasters Carbon Fiber Drag - Salmon Fishing
Attempt at your own risk - In this video I will show you have to upgrade the drag washers on a Shimano Tekota 600 with DragMasters carbon fiber drags. The Shimano Tekota 600 is a highly upgradable reel and this video will help you with this awesome upgrade for Salmon Fishing. The process for upgrading the drags on a Tekota 600, 700 and 800 are essentially the same.
#shimano #tekota #600 #upgrade #dragmasters #kingslanding #salmonfishing
00:00 Intro & Tools needed
01:28 Reel disassembly
06:55 Factory Drag Removal
08:55 Prep before installing Carbon Drag
09:44 Reassembling with Carbon Drag
16:38 Testing after reassembly
17:01 Closing
About Captain Marc; Marc is the owner/operator of Kings Landing Sport Fishing a Charter Fishing company based out of #Toronto, ON on the north shore of Lake Ontario. If you're interested in a half or full day fishing, or an on the water tutorial session you can visit the Kings Landing Sport Fishing Website at Https:// or connect with Kings Landing Sport Fishing on Facebook at Http:// Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Shimano Tekota Basic reel service including drag maintenance
This video shows how to take apart, clean, lube and maintain the Shimano Tekota reel. It includes the toothpick trick used to seat the annoying "rocket" click spring on the star drag assembly.
I have been servicing reels for over 20 years and am sharing my experience here. If you enjoy the video, please "like" it. If you would like to see more, please subscribe. Comments? Questions? I reply to all. Thank you for viewing - Dennis Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Buy a Shimano Tekota Conventional Reel -
The Shimano Tekota Conventional Reels have been catching fish for several years! The Tekota is the perfect cross-over reel for both freshwater and saltwater speciaes, from walleye to tuna. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Featuring Hagane Body and an S-Compact Body design, the Tekota A is more comfortable and tougher than ever. The addition of CoreProtect, provides extra protection against saltwater intrusion through water repellent seals. By increasing the gear diameter, strength has been improved by 50% when compared to the previous model. RRP from $ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Buy a Shimano Tekota HG TEK601HGA Levelwind Reel -
The left handed Shimano Tekota HG TEK601HGA Levelwind Reel is new for 2019. Shimano took the Torium platform and added a levelwind system. They also increased the gear ratio substantially from the previous generation, which makes the new TEK601HGA a much more versatile reel. You can jig, bottom fish and fish live or dead bait with it. Shimano reduced the sideplate height by 20% while maintaining the same line capacity, which gives the reel a more comfortable feel in your hand and a better experience on the water. The Tekota has always been one of the top levelwind reels for inshore/nearshore fishing and the new TEK601HGA just improves on everything. It can handle a lot of weight so it is perfect for bottom fishing. If you're looking for a great reel with a levelwind system, then the TEK601HGA is perfect! To purchase or for more information on the TEK601HGA, visit the Shimano Tekota HG Levelwind Reels page on our web site. Here is the link:
Get your Shimano Tekota HG TEK601HGA Levelwind Reel at J&H Tackle! $ - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Buy a Shimano Tekota TEK500 Conventional Reel -
A trollers dream - The Tekota is the perfect cross-over reel for both freshwater and saltwater species, from walleye to tuna.
• Diecast Aluminum Frame
• Stamped Aluminum Right Sideplate
• Aluminum Braced Graphite Non-Handle Side Plate
• Aluminum Spool
• Rod Clamp
• Manual Clutch (excluding 500LC and 600LC which are Auto-Return)
• A-RB (Anti-Rust Bearings) are specially treated stainless steel ball bearings that are at least 10 times more corrosion resistant than standard stainless steel ball bearings.
• Super Stopper is a one-way roller bearing that eliminates backplay for solid hooksets.
• Assist Stopper is a back-up anti-reverse system that reduces the stress placed on the one-way roller bearing to increase durability.
• Dartainium Drag material provides a wide range of drag settings and the smoothest Shimano drag performance ever.
• Oversized Cast Control Knob comfortable and easy to use.
• Clicker increases the tension on freespool and activates a clicking alarm when a fish bites.
• Septon this handle grip material is soft to the touch and does not get slippery when wet.
• Oversized Clicker Button easy to turn on and off.
• Counter Balanced Handle (excluding models 700 and 800) By placing a weight on the opposite side of the handle shank from the grip, wobble during the retrieve is eliminated.
• Adjustable Handle Shank (only models 700 and 800) allows the angler to use the handle in the short position for fast retrieves, or the extended position for more cranking power.
• Optional Double Paddle Handle allows the angler to purchase, as an accesory, a double paddle handle for certain applications (Available on 500, 500LC, 600 and 600LC only).
• Non-Disengaging Levelwind System Allows the levelwind to track back and forth during the cast which reduces drastic line angles that cause unwanted friction and backlashes on wide-spool reels.
• Palmable Linecounter with Maintenance Port (only 500LC and 600LC) allows for comfortable palming of the reel, easy maintenance of the counter mechanism, and easy, one-handed resets.
• Crossbar Foward Design allows more access to the spool for better line control and provides more comfort when palming the reel.
• Metal Series Metal frames keep moving parts in precise alignment for increased efficiency and durability.
Get your Shimano Tekota TEK500 Conventional Reel at J&H Tackle! $ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I love my Shimano rod and reels! This is a one of the best ones, Tekota! Tuna, king and dolphin trolling is ok. Bottom fishing ok. Salt water ok. You want to fish fresh water, no problems! Such a great reel! Check it out closely. It has a great drag and love the way it rolls back (reels) the line! Never a tangle or pile up! It is a beast!
Enjoy the video and subscribe to my channel:
Tekota features:
A trollers dream — the Shimano Tekota is the perfect cross-over reel for both freshwater and saltwater species, from walleye to tuna.
Diecast Aluminum Frame
Stamped Aluminum Right Sideplate
Aluminum Braced Graphite Non-Handle Side Plate
Aluminum Spool
Rod Clamp
Manual Clutch (excluding 300LC, 500LC and 600LC which are Auto-Return)
A-RB (Anti-Rust Bearings)
Super Stopper
Assist Stopper
Dartainium Drag
Oversized Cast Control Knob
Septon Handle Grip
Oversized Clicker Button
Double Paddle Handle (300, 300LC only)
Counter Balanced Handle (excluding 300, 300LC, 700 and 800)
Adjustable Handle Shank (700 and 800 only)
Non-Disengaging Levelwind System
Palmable Linecounter with Maintenance Port (500LC and 600LC only)
Crossbar Forward Design
Metal Series Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Buy a Shimano Tekota HG TEK501HGA Levelwind Reel -
The left handed Shimano Tekota HG TEK501HGA Levelwind Reel has been redesigned for 2019. Built off the Torium platform, the new Tekota is powerful and available in left handed for the first time! Shimano has upped the gear ratio significantly, taking this from being a strictly bottom fishing reel to a great all around reel. They reduced the sideplate height by 20% while maintaining the same line capacity, which gives the reel a more comfortable feel in your hand and is more fun to fish. The tekota has always been one of the top levelwind reels for inshore/nearshore fishing and the new TEK501HGA just improves on everything. It can handle a lot of weight so it is perfect for bottom fishing. If you're looking for a great reel with a levelwind system, then the TEK501HGA is a great way to go! To purchase or for more information on the TEK501HGA, visit the Shimano Tekota HG Levelwind Reels page on our web site. Here is the link:
Get your Shimano Tekota HG TEK501HGA Levelwind Reel at J&H Tackle! $ - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
For Sale at
Released at AFTA trade show 2018 is the new Shimano Tekota A Fishing Reel. Starting with the tekota 500 and Tekota 600 the new model is much more compact that the previous model opening up many more possibilities from not just offshore boat fishing in saltwater but through to inshore swimbaiting as well for barra or murray cod. This new reel by Shimano is well work a look at and you can find our hot deal in our online fishing store. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
งานทะเลไม่มีเป๋!! 18' Tekota A 500HG,600HG รีวิว by Eastern
Long regarded as the top shelf reel for trolling for salmon, steelhead, and walleye in the Pacific Northwest and Great Lakes the Shimano Tekota has finally come available in a left hand model. The redesigned Tekota A comes in spool sizes of 500 and 600 are more compact, possess faster gear ratios to keep up with hard running fish, and are more compact than ever.
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Carretilha Shimano Tekota A 500/501HG
O legado de durabilidade da Tekota continua totalmente redesenhada Tekota, melhorias foram feitas, incluindo Hagane Body com um design de corpo S-Compacto para uma pegada forte e confortável na mão; a adição de CoreProtect para aumentar a resistência à corrosão, tendo assim, proteção extra contra a intrusão de água salgada através de vedantes repelentes de água; clicker alto; rolamentos S A-RB (Rolamentos resistentes a corrosão) tornando 10x mais resistentes que os tradicionais rolamentos de esferas em aço inox e Anilhas de limpeza Cross Carbon.
Acesse compre e pesque +, porque só pega peixe quem pesca. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Buy a Shimano Tekota TEK300 Conventional Reel -
A trollers dream - The Tekota is the perfect cross-over reel for both freshwater and saltwater species, from walleye to tuna.
• Diecast Aluminum Frame
• Stamped Aluminum Right Sideplate
• Aluminum Braced Graphite Non-Handle Side Plate
• Aluminum Spool
• Rod Clamp
• Manual Clutch (excluding 500LC and 600LC which are Auto-Return)
• A-RB (Anti-Rust Bearings) are specially treated stainless steel ball bearings that are at least 10 times more corrosion resistant than standard stainless steel ball bearings.
• Super Stopper is a one-way roller bearing that eliminates backplay for solid hooksets.
• Assist Stopper is a back-up anti-reverse system that reduces the stress placed on the one-way roller bearing to increase durability.
• Dartainium Drag material provides a wide range of drag settings and the smoothest Shimano drag performance ever.
• Oversized Cast Control Knob comfortable and easy to use.
• Clicker increases the tension on freespool and activates a clicking alarm when a fish bites.
• Septon this handle grip material is soft to the touch and does not get slippery when wet.
• Oversized Clicker Button easy to turn on and off.
• Counter Balanced Handle (excluding models 700 and 800) By placing a weight on the opposite side of the handle shank from the grip, wobble during the retrieve is eliminated.
• Adjustable Handle Shank (only models 700 and 800) allows the angler to use the handle in the short position for fast retrieves, or the extended position for more cranking power.
• Optional Double Paddle Handle allows the angler to purchase, as an accesory, a double paddle handle for certain applications (Available on 500, 500LC, 600 and 600LC only).
• Non-Disengaging Levelwind System Allows the levelwind to track back and forth during the cast which reduces drastic line angles that cause unwanted friction and backlashes on wide-spool reels.
• Palmable Linecounter with Maintenance Port (only 500LC and 600LC) allows for comfortable palming of the reel, easy maintenance of the counter mechanism, and easy, one-handed resets.
• Crossbar Foward Design allows more access to the spool for better line control and provides more comfort when palming the reel.
• Metal Series Metal frames keep moving parts in precise alignment for increased efficiency and durability.
Get your Shimano Tekota TEK300 Conventional Reel at J&H Tackle! $ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is an instructional video on how to replace the stock shimano drag washers on new 700 and 800 tekota reel to the drag masters aftermarket drag washers. Hope this video helps! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Катушка Shimano 06 Exage FA 3000S - ТО своими руками (катушка для левши).
По вопросу ТО приглашаю на ветку "ТО бюджетных катушек на Преображенке" на Центральном форуме рыбаков. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
TackleDirect brings you the new Shimano Tekota A Reel at ICAST 2018, in Orlando, FL.
ICAST is the world's largest sport fishing trade show, featuring new fishing gear rods, reels, lures, terminal tackle, apparel and accessories. The TackleDirect Production Crew is live at ICAST from July 11 - July 13, 2018, capturing new and innovative products from over 690 fishing brands, including Shimano, Penn, Daiwa, YETI, and more.
Join the TackleDirect crew at the 2018 ICAST Show in Orlando, Florida. Don't forget to check out our ICAST 2018 Product page for the newest fishing tackle and gear released exclusively during ICAST.
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Buy a Shimano Tekota HG TEK800PGLCA Levelwind Reel -
The Shimano TEK800PGLCA Tekota HG Levelwind Line Counter Reel is perfect for wire line fishing for striped bass in the Northeast. It is so much smaller and compact than the previous generation and will give you a much better fishing experience than a Penn Senator. It is constructed of aluminum with thirty lbs of drag, strong gears and five ball bearings. The reel is very smooth and features a line counter so you can keep track of how much wire you have let out. If you troll wire or mojos for big striped bass you are going to love this reel. Buy a TEK800PGLCA at J&H and take your fishing experience to the next level! To purchase or for more information on the TEK800PGLCA, visit the Shimano Tekota HG Levelwind Reels page on our web site. Here is the link:
Get your Shimano TEK800PGLCA Tekota HG Levelwind Line Counter Reel at J&H Tackle! $ -
We are giving away a $20 J&H gift card. Make sure you subscribe to our channel, click the notification bell, like this video and post a comment below to enter! Someone has to win it, why not you?
Don't forget to download the J&H Tackle app on iOS and Android! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ICAST 2018 Best Saltwater Reel - Shimano Tekota A 500 Levelwind
JP DeRose goes over the new Shimano Tekota A 500 Levelwind Reel which was awarded Best Saltwater Reel at ICAST 2018.
Check out the Shimano Curado DC:
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#fishing #fishinggear
FishTalk Magazine and are dedicated to bringing Chesapeake Bay and Mid-Atlantic anglers the straight scoop on fishing techniques, reports, tactics, hotspots, and gear. We cover all kinds of fishing, from freshwater lakes to bluewater ocean canyons, in the Mid-Atlantic region. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video, I want to show how easily it is to repair the ShimanoTekota * counter without relying on spare parts.
We have been fishing the Tekota reels on board for several years and are very satisfied with that.
This reel has a very good power transmission and a good brake. Nevertheless, even the best reel is not protected against wear. Since the counter is particularly inclined to stop its function after some time this video will help to eliminate the problems.
A counter is not an absolute requirement for a good multi-reel but simplifies the setup of several rods considerably.
* Shimano Tekota is a registered trademark whose rights lie exclusively with the copyright holder, the name usage here has exclusively descriptive function.
In diesem Video möchte ich darstellen, wie man das Zählwerk der ShimanoTekota* mit einfachen Mitteln wieder instandsetzen kann, ohne dabei von Ersatzteilen abhängig zu sein.
Wir fischen die Tekota Multirollen an Bord seit mehreren Jahren und sind damit sehr zufrieden.
Diese Rolle hat eine sehr gute Kraftübertragung und eine gute Bremse. Dennoch ist auch die beste Rolle nicht vor Verschleiß geschützt. Da das Zählwerk hier insbesondere geneigt ist nacheiniger Zeit seine Funktion einzustellen soll dieses Video helfen die Probleme zu beseitigen.
Ein Zählwerk ist keine unbedingte Voraussetzung für eine gute Multirolle, vereinfacht aber das Setup bei mehreren Ruten erheblich.
*Shimano Tekota ist eine eingetragene Marke deren Rechte ausschließlich beim Rechteinhaber liegen, die Namensverwendung hier hat ausschließlich beschreibende Funktion. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Чим мульти відрізняються від м’ясорубок? Все про мультиплікаторні котушки
Ви 100% помічали, що у кожної котушки є свої особливості, призначення, задачі, цільова риба, і список можна продовжувати. Багато риболовів не в курсі, чим саме відрізняються мультиплікаторні котушки від безінерційних. 🎣 Тож сьогодні Анатолій розгляне плюси та мінуси мультів, в чому їх принципова відмінність від м’ясорубок, та відповість на популярні питання стосовно цих інструментів. Після цього відео ви будете знати все, що потрібно про мульти і зможете обрати, на яку снасть захочете рибалити. Тож вмощуйтесь зручніше та приємного перегляду.
00:00 Інтро
0:18 Початок
1:05 Чим мультиплікаторні котушки відрізняються від безінерційних?
3:42 Обертання шпулі
4:53 Попередні гальма
5:30 Застосування механізмів
7:44 Другий варіант упокорення шпулі
9:02 Суперечка між відцентровими грузками і магнітами
10:55 Фрикціон
11:54 Наступна відмінність
13:45 Ще одна суттева відмінність
14:55 Система переміщення штока
16:04 Три класи мультиплікаторних котушок
16:43 Бейткастингові низькопрофільні
17:40 Ціновий діапазон
19:40 Бейткастингові для роботи з важкими приманками
20:34 Ціновий діапазон
21:10 Агрегати для тролінгу
22:25 Морські котушки
25:04 Ще одна категорія морських котушок
27:35 Висновки
Котушки Shimano SLX Reel @shimanoslxreel
Котушки Shimano SLX DC Reel @shimanoslxdcreel
Котушки Shimano Curado K @shimanocuradok
Котушки Shimano Aldebaran MGL @shimanoaldebaranmgl
Котушки Shimano Tranx A @shimanotranxa
Котушки Shimano TLD Reel @shimanotldreel
Котушки Shimano Tekota A @shimanotekotaa
Котушка Shimano Plays 4000 @shimanoplays4000
Котушки Okuma Magda Counter Pro Line @okumamagdacounterproline
Котушки Okuma Citrix @okumacitrix
Котушка Penn International @penninternational
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I walkthrough the new 2022 SHIMANO TEKOTA A 800 TROLLING reel, covering the model, specs and new features. This is a much needed addition to the TEKOTA A Family and incredible value for the price...
2 models - 3.9:1
Line Counter and No Line Counter
#FishShimano #Shimano #Tekota Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Buy a Shimano Tekota TEK700 Conventional Reel -
A trollers dream - The Tekota is the perfect cross-over reel for both freshwater and saltwater species, from walleye to tuna.
• Diecast Aluminum Frame
• Stamped Aluminum Right Sideplate
• Aluminum Braced Graphite Non-Handle Side Plate
• Aluminum Spool
• Rod Clamp
• Manual Clutch (excluding 500LC and 600LC which are Auto-Return)
• A-RB (Anti-Rust Bearings) are specially treated stainless steel ball bearings that are at least 10 times more corrosion resistant than standard stainless steel ball bearings.
• Super Stopper is a one-way roller bearing that eliminates backplay for solid hooksets.
• Assist Stopper is a back-up anti-reverse system that reduces the stress placed on the one-way roller bearing to increase durability.
• Dartainium Drag material provides a wide range of drag settings and the smoothest Shimano drag performance ever.
• Oversized Cast Control Knob comfortable and easy to use.
• Clicker increases the tension on freespool and activates a clicking alarm when a fish bites.
• Septon this handle grip material is soft to the touch and does not get slippery when wet.
• Oversized Clicker Button easy to turn on and off.
• Counter Balanced Handle (excluding models 700 and 800) By placing a weight on the opposite side of the handle shank from the grip, wobble during the retrieve is eliminated.
• Adjustable Handle Shank (only models 700 and 800) allows the angler to use the handle in the short position for fast retrieves, or the extended position for more cranking power.
• Optional Double Paddle Handle allows the angler to purchase, as an accessory, a double paddle handle for certain applications (Available on 500, 500LC, 600 and 600LC only).
• Non-Disengaging Levelwind System Allows the levelwind to track back and forth during the cast which reduces drastic line angles that cause unwanted friction and backlashes on wide-spool reels.
• Palmable Linecounter with Maintenance Port (only 500LC and 600LC) allows for comfortable palming of the reel, easy maintenance of the counter mechanism, and easy, one-handed resets.
• Crossbar Forward Design allows more access to the spool for better line control and provides more comfort when palming the reel.
• Metal Series Metal frames keep moving parts in precise alignment for increased efficiency and durability.
Get your Shimano Tekota TEK700 Conventional Reel at J&H Tackle! $ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Buy a Shimano Tekota HG TEK500HGA Levelwind Reel -
The Shimano Tekota HG TEK500HGA Levelwind Reel has been redesigned for 2019. This new version takes cues from the Torium HG. Shimano has upped the gear ratio significantly, taking this from being a strictly bottom fishing reel to a great all around reel. They reduced the sideplate height by 20% while maintaining the same line capacity, which gives the reel a more comfortable feel in your hand and is more fun to fish. The tekota has always been one of the best levelwind reels on the market for inshore/nearshore fishing and the new TEK500HGA just improves on everything. If you're looking for a great reel with a levelwind system, then the TEK500HGA is a great way to go! To purchase or for more information on the TEK500HGA, visit the Shimano Tekota HG Levelwind Reels page on our web site. Here is the link:
Get your Shimano Tekota HG TEK500HGA Levelwind Reel at J&H Tackle! $ - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Fast current, fishing from boat, deep water, I developed the rig called the Jettywolf Strong Arm Rig, for '''my''' fishing needs in the St. Johns River, Jacksonville, Florida. For use with my customers on my charter boat. The JETTY🐺WOLF via
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В этом видео Андрей расскажет о катушках Shimano и постарается объяснить основные различия между катушками для японского и европейского рынка.
💣Катушки Shimano (японский и европейский рынок) ТУТ 👉
#Shimano #катушка_для_рыбалки #Японские_катушки #какую_выбрать_катушку #выбор_катушки #советы_экспертов
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Shimano Talora | Tekota Trolling Combo | ClearH2O Tackle
Shimano Talora | Tekota Trolling Combo | ClearH2O Tackle
Shimano® Talora Trolling Rods
Revolutionary TC4 construction
Fuji aluminum oxide guides
Durable EVA handle
Limited lifetime warranty
The revolutionary TC4™ construction wraps a double layer of advanced T Glass to an inner and outer spiral of high-modulus graphite, making the Talora lightweight, responsive and nearly indestructable. Shimano's new advanced fused graphite thread technology allows the aluminum oxide guides to be built right into the blank for increased durability and sensitivity. A comfortable EVA handle gives exceptional grip in any weather and withstands the constant wear and tear of being pulled from a rod holder when a fish is on the line. Fuji® gunsmoke reel seats keep the reel firmly fastened to the rod, even under the constant pressure of trolling large cranks, dragging heavy bottom bouncers or working in unison with downriggers. Wireline model features AFTCO® lightweight roller guides and a removable butt cap with a gimbal underneath. All other models have Fuji aluminum oxide guides. Limited lifetime warranty.
Shimano Tekota Reels
"A trollers dream — the Shimano Tekota is the perfect cross-over reel for both freshwater and saltwater species, from walleye to tuna.
Diecast Aluminum Frame
Stamped Aluminum Right Sideplate
Aluminum Braced Graphite Non-Handle Side Plate
Aluminum Spool
Rod Clamp
Manual Clutch (excluding 300LC, 500LC and 600LC which are Auto-Return)
A-RB (Anti-Rust Bearings)
Super Stopper
Assist Stopper
Dartainium Drag
Oversized Cast Control Knob
Septon Handle Grip
Oversized Clicker Button
Double Paddle Handle (300, 300LC only)
Counter Balanced Handle (excluding 300, 300LC, 700 and 800)
Adjustable Handle Shank (700 and 800 only)
Non-Disengaging Levelwind System
Palmable Linecounter with Maintenance Port (500LC and 600LC only)
Crossbar Forward Design
Metal Series Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Существенная разница
по дальности грузиком в
26 грамм 77 метров против -
84 метров, по реальным
приманкам разница смешна,
катушки daiwa более комфортны
по забросам, тем более против
Shimano scorpion 1000 проиграет
по дальности заброса antares,
на супер дистанцию пару метров).
В разных условиях на рыбалке,
метео и т. д., все модели катушек
обладают разными показателями
по дальности броска и часто
лидеры становятся аутсайдерами -
в определённых условиях, не выбирайте
катушку по дальнобойности, есть масса
других характеристик, для вас они могут
ОКАЗАТЬСЯ ВАЖНЕЕ. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Сегодня я расскажу вам правду про катушки DAIWA и Shimano и ABU, купленные в Японии и на AliExpress.
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► Тоже норм, официал, брал пару катушек -
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► Любимый кешбек от Letyshops -
► Кешбек от Али, тоже норм -
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Кстати, отличная смазка есть по смешной цене, дешевле чем на ебей - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Карповая катушка с Aliexpress: Camekoon TK10000
Внешний этой катушки с aliexpress, очень напоминает последние модели карповых катушек Shimano Ultegra и SpeedMaster. Слизанная рукоятка, форма корпуса и в целом внешний вид вводит в заблуждение покупателя, но в этом видео я постарался досконально разобраться, что же представляет эта китайская катушка с Aliexpress. На сколько она надежна и подойдет ли для ловли карпа, полный разбор и технические характеристики в этом видео. Впереди полевые испытания и уже подведем итоги, но первые впечатления положительные.
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This video shows a design point on the Shimano Trinidad and Tekota reels that I call the worst yet. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
В этом ролике вы увидите как собственными руками сделать апгрейд рыболовной катушки. Это улучшит её характеристики и продлит срок эксплуатации, на примере катушки SHIMANO Catana 2500 FB. Смотрите.
#BoevExclusive #РыбалкаНаФидер #МногоРыбы #Трофей #КрутойУлов Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
We reviewed the top three trolling reels on the market. We regularly update our products as new models are released each year. See the latest article here:
Quick Guide - Product List
1. Shimano Tekota -
2. Penn Squall II Level Wind -
3. Okuma Magda Pro Line -
As an Amazon Associate, I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. The links above are affiliate links and by clicking on, and purchasing through, I may receive a small commission. This allows me to continue to produce reviews and other high-quality fishing content but never increases the purchase price for consumers.
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Welcome to Fishing Pax. Our Website and YouTube channel review a variety of fishing products and recommend only the best brands of reels, rods, tackle, and fishing gear.
Footage from this video is not original content produced by our website. Portions of stock footage of products were gathered from multiple sources including manufacturers, fellow creators, and various other sources. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#рыбалка #fishing #spinning #shorts #short
Катушка по ссылке:
Ручка стоит от Okuma Epixor XT (в поисковике отдельно ручку находит без проблем) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#рибалка #риболовля #ловля #рибалкавукраїні #shimano
Сьогодні ми маємо для вас особливу снасть – котушку Shimano Vanquish FC! Це справжнє японське чудо, легке як перо, але таке потужне та чутливе, що ви просто зачаруєтесь! Вона ідеально підходить для легких снастей, і тут ми не жартуємо. Відмінний баланс з вудилищем та підвищена чутливість допоможуть вам відчути кожну покльовку. Та це ще не все! Котушка має наднизьку масу, і це завдяки сучасним матеріалам на основі карбону. Такий секретний інгредієнт, який дарує їй потужну та невмирущу силу. Тож, не гайте часу, переходьте до огляду від Анатолія Дубини та дізнайтесь всі її секрети.
#рибалка #риболовля #ловля
Котушка Shimano Vanquish FC @ShimanoVanquishFC
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Карповые удилища и катушки Шимано, отличия. Дистанция ловли.
Карповые удилища и катушки Шимано, отличия.
Shimano Carp Rods and Reels.
В данном видео Iain Macmillan рассказывает о своем взгляде на сущность карпфишинга, дистанция ловли карпа, тесту удилищ и катушках.
Удилище Shimano ТХ 1
Удилище Shimano ТХ 2
Удилище Shimano ТХ 5
Удилище Shimano TX Compact
Катушки Ultegra 14 000 XTD
Стойки Matrix
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Instagram: #carpleader Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Тип - безінерційні, передній, розмір - 6000, Місткість шпулі - Nylon 0.35-200/ 0.40-160/ 0.50-100, Кількість підшипників - 1, передавальне число - 5.2:1, вага -..
Тип - безінерційні, передній, розмір - 4000, Місткість шпулі - Nylon 0.20-240/ 0.25-200/ 0.37-100, Кількість підшипників - 1, передавальне число - 5.2:1, вага -..
Тип - безінерційні, передній, розмір - 4000, Місткість шпулі - 0.23 мм / 210 м, 0.27 мм / 150 м, 0.30 мм / 120 м, Кількість підшипників - 8+1, передавальне ч..
Тип - безінерційні, передній, розмір - 2500, Місткість шпулі - 1.0 мм / 150 м, 0.16 мм / 150 м, 0.18 мм / 115 м, 0.8 мм / 190 м, Кількість підшипників - 5+1..
Тип - безінерційні, передній, розмір - 3000, Місткість шпулі - 0.20 мм / 210 м, 0.24 мм / 150 м, 1.0 мм / 350 м, 1.5 мм / 210 м, Кількість підшипників - 3+1..
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