Leica Amplus 6 – нова лінійка оптичних прицілів преміум-класу. Моделі Amplus 6 відрізняються чіткою підсвічуваною прицільною точкою, 6-кратним збільшенням, великою вихідною зіницею і широким полем зору. За рахунок своєї міцної герметичної конструкції дані приціли будуть ідеальним варіантом для використання навіть за найнесприятливіших погодних умов.
Герметичний корпус заповнений азотом для запобігання внутрішнього запотівання лінз. Фірмове покриття AquaDura® забезпечує водо- і брудовідштовхувальні властивості зовнішнім поверхням лінз.
Особливості: Змінне збільшення 1 - 6х Діаметр об'єктива 24 мм Світлопропускання оптики 90%
Leica has a new entry-level riflescope. Of course, entry level to a top-end name such as Leica does not mean it is under £1,000. However, Tim Pilbeam says that for the money - £1,400 - you get all the Leica quality most of us could want.
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The @Leica Sport Optics Hunting Amplus 6 is an attractive entry into premium class riflescopes. Rugged, precise, weather proof, and with a 6x zoom, the Amplus is a premiere scope for the Western big game hunter. It’s color-neutral images with brilliant color correction, effective stray-light suppression, state-of-the-art coatings, and rugged aluminum housing will match any hunt in any terrain at all distances. Watch for an upcoming Rokslide review by writer Josh Boyd. We'll post a link in the comments when the review is complete so be sure and subscribe to this channel so you don't miss any notifications. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Johannes Maidhoff about the Leica Amplus 6 riflescope:
"When it comes down to it, the Amplus 6 is my reliable companion."
„Wenn es durch dick und dünn geht, ist das Amplus 6 mein zuverlässiger Begleiter.“
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This rifle scope review features the Amplus 6 built by Leica. Eastmans' Todd Helms takes this new hunting specific rifle scope to the range. Todd was impressed by the wide field of view, optical clarity and unique turret covers. This scope is rugged and paired with Leica's no-questions asked 10 year and 30 year warranty, this is a piece of equipment that will last a lifetime.
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Freddy Lietz x Leica Amplus 6: "A Matter of Trust!"
Freddy Lietz about the Leica Amplus 6 riflescope:
"I use the Amplus 6 in my everyday hunting because having a good equipment is a matter of trust."
„Ich nutze das Damplus 6, weil in meinem Jagdalltag eine gute Ausrüstung Vertrauenssache ist.“
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Julia Kerner x Leica Amplus 6: "Outstanding Optics!"
Julia Kerner about the Leica Amplus 6 riflescope
"What counts for me is not only the outstanding optics, but also the design."
„Für mich zählt nicht nur eine hervorragende Optik, sondern auch das Design.“
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#Leica #AMPLUS #Visores
Leica lanza al mercado la nueva gama de visores AMPLUS 6. El objetivo de estos visores es reunir lo esencial para la caza. En este vídeo te presentamos toda la gama AMPLUS 6. La gama AMPLUS 6 cuenta con cuatro visores:
& x56i
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first look at the Leica Amplus 6 3-18X44i and CRF 2800.com
Un boxing the Leica amplus 6 and CRF range finder. I am really liking this combination so far. The Amplus 6 is everything you would expect from a high end European optic. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Roy Lupton has his hands on the new Leica Fortis riflescope, which launched at IWA 2019. He takes it out after muntjac deer.
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This item appears on YouTube in Fieldsports Britain, episode 485
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Why shoot deer?
There are more than two million red, roe, fallow, sika, muntjac and Chinese water deer in Britain’s countryside and semi-urban areas, the highest level for 1,000 years. Numbers have doubled since 1999, according to the Deer Initiative, the UK government’s deer agency.
Deer are an attractive and an important part of our wildlife. However, they have no natural predator in the UK so numbers must be sensibly and strategically managed to keep them in balance with their habitat and to prevent damage to crops, trees, woodland flora, gardens and other wildlife.
Deer cause £4.5 million-worth (Forestry Commission Scotland) of damage to plantations and other commercial woodlands in Scotland. Crop damage is estimated at £ a year according to DEFRA, with the greatest damage on cereal crops in east and south-west England.
More than 8,000 hectares (Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology) of woodland with SSI status is currently in ‘unfavourable’ or ‘recovering’ condition due to deer impacts such as browsing and fraying. Deer can also influence the variety of wildlife in woodlands and other habitats by altering structural and plant species diversity. According to the University of East Anglia’s Dr Paul Dolman, that has resulted in a 50% decline in woodland bird numbers where deer are present, impacting particularly on nightingales, blackcaps, chiffchaffs and warblers.
Deer are susceptible to Bovine TB and may be responsible for the transmission of TB to cattle. They are also the likely driver behind the UK’s increasing tick population (Scharlemann et al 2008).
Happily, venison is a delicious meat. It is wild, natural and free range, and – almost fat-free – it is one of the healthiest meats available today. Results from research commissioned by the Game-to-Eat campaign (Leatherhead Food International Research 2006) suggest that there are real health benefits to eating game. Venison is high in protein, low in saturated fatty acids and contains higher levels of iron than any other red meat. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#HuntingRiflescopesOf2020 #Highlights2020 #OpticsTrade
No game changers have been introduced in 2020 in the field of hunting riflescopes, which probably has to do with the cancellation of IWA this year.
Products we mentioned in the video:
Swarovski Z8i P:
Kahles Helia :
Leica AMPLUS 6 Riflescopes:
Minox All-rounder Riflescopes:
Vortex Razor HD LHT 3-15x50 SFP:
GPO Spectra Rifle Scopes:
Meopta Meopro Optika5 Rifle Scopes:
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#leica #magnus #opticstrade
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Leica Magnus i L-3D:
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Mit den Fortis 6 Zieloptiken verbindet Leica ein puristisches Zielfernrohrdesign mit herausragender optischer Qualität.
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Rapid reticle adjustment enables simple, precise targeting while compensating for elevation corrections over long distances. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Tutorial: Programma Balistico Leica per cannocchiali da puntamento
In questo tutorial viene spiegato come usare il programma balistico Leica applicato ai cannocchiali da puntamento. Link programma balistico: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
It's the first Leica PRS long-range scope to reach the UK, and Tim Pilbeam is keen to try it out. Leica's Precision Rifle Scope in 5-30x56i is new and aimed at the long-range market. He puts it up against his Schmidt & Bender scope to see how it performs, plus he gives a guide to how it works and what you can do with it.
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Leica PRS 5-30 x 56 i - Zero-Stop (English Version)
How to set up the innovative turret system on the Leica PRS 5-30 x 56 i.
Switch quickly between different distances while keeping the maximum overview: The new multi-turn elevation turret of the Leica PRS riflescope makes it possible. And the turret scale can be zeroed without tools. What’s more, the “zero stop” function, which can be activated or deactivated as required, offers maximum flexibility and individual adjustments using the on-board tool.
More about the Leica PRS:
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Follow us on a driven hunt in the Flechtinger Höhen, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Niall Rowantree is a professional deer manager in Scotland. Reliable optics are essential for his job.
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The spare battery holder ist especially user friendly and can be attached directly to the Magnus. This way you always have an extra battery to hand. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#kahles #helia #riflescope
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The great strength of every Magnus i riflescope is its excellent image display, which is made possible by extraordinarily high contrast, maximum stray-light suppression and perfect light transmission.
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Guys here are my picks for the Best Hunting Rifle Scopes for 2021 . I separated them in $100 groups going from $100 up to $1000 and included a bonus pick also . I sincerely hope this list helps you pick out the proper scope for your needs and budget . I chose every scope with an eye towards reliability, quality , optical brightness and eye box , and experience with the scopes listed . Below you will see the scopes listed in the review and some discount codes I have from some of the optics dealers and makers to save you some money . Thanks as always for watching Cyclops Videos.
Scopes highlighted in this video.
$100 Hawke Vantage 2-7
$200 Sig Sauer Whiskey 3 3-9
$300 Vortex Hog Hunter 3-12x56
$400 SWFA SS Ultralight
$500 Leupold vx3hd
$600 Meopta
$700 Swarovski z3 3-9x36
$800 Burris Verocity 5-20
$900 Delta Titanium
$1000 Zeiss Conquest 4-16
$1500 Leica
Guys here are some links that will help you save some money and get you entered into giveaways and discounts on scopes .
ARKEN OPTICS link . Use my code CYCLOPS at checkout to be automatically entered in a monthly give away . It is also an affiliate link which helps support my channel .
BLACKHOUND OPTICS link , shop and use my CYCLOPS code at checkout will guarantee free shipping and save you 5%
ACCUFIRE OPTICS link , use my code CYCLOPS at Accufire to save 5% on any Accufire Purchase.
VALDADA OPTICS . Use my code when you call Valdada on the Phone and save 10% on any VALDADA purchase. Must be done by phone . Link to Valdada .
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The Leica Magnus features a comfortable battery holder for the reticle illumination. To replace the battery just open the battery cap, unlock it and take out the old battery. Replace it with the new one and simply screw on the cap again. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Das Video erklärt Zielfernrohr und Waffe und ihren Gebrauch bei der praktischen Jagdausübung.
Praktisches Wissen für Jungjäger und zur Auffrischung. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Who is Ron Spomer
For 44 years I’ve had the good fortune to photograph and write about my passion – the outdoor life. Wild creatures and wild places have always stirred me – from the first flushing pheasant that frightened me out of my socks in grandpa’s cornfield to the last whitetail that dismissed me with a wag of its tail. In my attempts to connect with this natural wonder, to become an integral part of our ecosystem and capture a bit of its mystery, I’ve photographed, hiked, hunted, birded, and fished across much of this planet. I've seen the beauty that everyone should see, survived adventures that everyone should experience. I may not have climbed the highest mountains, canoed the wildest rivers, caught the largest fish or shot the biggest bucks, but I’ve tried. Perhaps you have, too. And that’s the essential thing. Being out there, an active participant in our outdoor world.
All loading, handloading, gunsmithing, shooting and associated activities and demonstrations depicted in our videos are conducted by trained, certified, professional gun handlers, instructors, and shooters for instructional and entertainment purposes only with emphasis on safety and responsible gun handling. Always check at least 3 industry handloading manuals for handloading data, 2 or 3 online ballistic calculators for ballistic data. Do not attempt to duplicate, mimic, or replicate anything you see in our videos. Firearms, ammunition, and constituent parts can be extremely dangerous if not used safely.
Produced by: Red 11 Media
All loading, handloading, gunsmithing, shooting and associated activities and demonstrations depicted in our videos are conducted by trained, certified, professional gun handlers, instructors, and shooters for instructional and entertainment purposes only with emphasis on safety and responsible gun handling. Always check at least 3 industry handloading manuals for handloading data, 2 or 3 online ballistic calculators for ballistic data. Do not modify any cartridge or firearm beyond what the manufacturer recommends. Do not attempt to duplicate, mimic, or replicate anything you see in our videos. Firearms, ammunition, and constituent parts can be extremely dangerous if not used safely. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Leica Calonox Sight - Mounting and Sighting In (English Version)
Learn all about the mounting and sighting in of the Leica Calonox Sight. With Leica Akademie trainer Björn Friedrich.
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Leica presented its new products like the Magnus i and the Visus i LW at the IWA, the leading international trade fair for hunting and shooting sports, outdoor equipment and equipment for civilian and official security requirements.
Experience thrilling challenges, unforgettable moments, ultimate performance and reliable technology. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Leica Visus i – Für den Jäger, der das Besondere schätzt
Hervorragende optische und mechanische Leistung trifft auf elegantes und unvergängliches Design. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Brand new from top end optics and imaging brand, Leica, there are two new thermal imaging products. The Sight is a riflescope attachment and The View is a straight up imager. In this review we take a first look at The Sight.
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Leica again pushed the boundaries of innovation by incorporating the Bluetooth® connectivity in the laser rangefinder - their first laser rangefinder of this kind. This will surely be seen as a benchmark product. Who's excited?
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Products mentioned:
Leica Rangemaster CRF :
Leica rangefinders:
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A look through the Steiner Ranger 6 3-18×56 at 800 Meters away
Full review here:
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Leica vs Zeiss vs Swarovski Binoculars FIELD Face Off #67
The BASIC Class:
Get the Optica Exotica binoculars VIDEO collection--two video classes of multiple short videos to choose from to watch according to your pace and needs.
Many videos to choose from here to watch for fun and knowledge, this includes the BASIC class' videos and much more comparing Zeiss, Leica, and Swarovski, the best binoculars for birding/hunting/travel, important differences between brands and models, care and tricks for confidently buying and inspecting binoculars, plus ocean reviews and head-to-head comparisons of top tier bins.
The BASIC Class:
What are the best binoculars for $1000, $500, $250? These videos detail what you can choose across prices, and what to expect in terms of quality.
Top binoculars FACE OFF: Comparing the Leica Ultravid HD Plus vs Zeiss Victory SF vs Swarovski EL. Which is the best binocular?
These are some of the best binoculars in the world for birding, hunting, wildlife observation, and many more uses, but which should you get? Optica Exotica does an in-depth comparison field review of these alpha binoculars to choose the best. These are some of the top alpha 10x42 binoculars that you can buy.
Which are the BEST binoculars? FIELD review of the Zeiss Conquest vs Leica Trinovid vs Swarovski SLC:
The BEST Binoculars in the WORLD:
NL Pure FIRST Look:
EL LOW Light Review:
Swarovski NL Pure vs EL:
Zeiss Victory SF DEFINITIVE Field Review:
Blacktail Hunt on California's Lost Coast:
Zeiss Victory vs Swarovski EL LOW light Review:
Leica Noctivid DEFINITIVE Review:
Testing good glass is a chore, but someone's got to do it!
Join thousands of others in subscribing to this hot new channel. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
First impressions of the Swaro Z8i. The contrast, clarity and light transmission of this scope is truely brilliant. Boasting a wide field of view matched on a Sako Bavarian chambered in 30-06 this will be a great driven or spot and stalk rifle. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
So reinigen Sie Ihr Leica Geovid Fernglas ganz einfach von Schmutzpartikeln auf den Linsen - für beste Sicht in jeder Situation! Erklärt von Matthias Dunkel, Trainer Leica Akademie Sportoptik.
#leicahunting #leicageovid #masterthedistance #rangefinder #geovid Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Приціл Leica Amplus 6 1-6x24 прицільна сітка L- 4а (501-00). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17