Continental – це преміальна лінійка оптичних прицілів від відомого китайського бренду Vector Optics.Моделі лінійки Continental оснащені лінзами з низькодисперсійного скла від німецького бренду Schott ED HD Glass, який постачає свою продукцію світовим лідерам як Carl Zeiss. Фірмове багатошарове покриття (Full Multi Coated) VePRO дозволяє отримати загальний коефіцієнт світлопропускання більше 90%. Навіть за максимальної кратності віддалені об'єкти мають чіткі контури та насичений колір.Корпус прицілу Continental розрахований на ударні навантаження калібру .338LM, відповідно приціл можна впевнено встановлювати на більшість мисливських карабінів та гвинтівок. Монолітна конструкція забезпечує надійний захист високоточної оптики. Матеріалом для корпусу послугував авіаційний алюмінієвий сплав Т6-6061. Механізми введення правок виготовлені з більш міцного сплаву 7075 T6. Корпус зсередини заповнений азотом, щоб уникнути запотівання при різких перепадах температури. Захисне анодоване покриття ефективно протистоїть утворенню подряпин та сколів при ударах.У лінійці Continental представлений широкий вибір оптичних прицілів для різних завдань – від загінників з невеликою кратністю та сіткою у другій фокальній площині до високоточних прицілів з сіткою у першій фокальній площині; моделі для спорту, полювання та стрільби на короткі, середні та дальні дистанції.Модель Continental 4-24x56 має шестикратне збільшення і великий діаметр лінзи об'єктива, що гарантує комфортне використання в умовах слабкого освітлення. Приціл підійде для стрільби на середні та дальні дистанції.Особливості:Вигравірувана на склі прицільна сітка MBR розташована у першій фокальній площині.6 рівнів підсвічування прицільної марки (червоний колір).Налаштування від паралакса - від 10 ярдів до нескінченності.Діаметр центральної трубки – 34 мм.Тактичні барабанчики з фіксацією.Механізм Zero-Stop.Захисні кришки, кільця 34 мм та сонцезахисна бленда у комплекті.
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Vector Optics
Continental 4-24x56 FFP сітка MBR з підсвічуванням
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Приехал мой новый Vector Optics Continental FFP 4-24x56 на 34мм трубе. В видео распаковка и не большой обзор. Прицел куплен на распродаже с очень хорошим дисконтом) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vector Optics Continental 4-24x56 FFP
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Vector Continental 4-24x56 FFP Review
Vector Continental 4-24x56 FFP Review
In this video we review Vector continental 4-24x56 FFP Review, with the VCT-34FFP
A quality optic made and designed for Precision rifle series competition style shooting , an long range target shooting.
We tested the new Vector continental 4 24x56 on the Tikka T3X Varmint in .223 and .308 the Vector continental 4-24x56 is Vector's most premium optics. and will likely be the most popular for a few reasons (shown in the video) the optic that MSRP’s at 850 USD (although can be commonly found at 750 USD).
This optic isn’t a budget scope, this Optic packs all of the desirable features that most optics in the 1200 price range provide.
the most important notable features being: German Schott ED HD Glass German Optics System by Using LaREE Lens & VePRO FMC, 56mm mm objective, long eye relief,34 mm tube that holds 34 mils worth of adjustment, (20 Mils with the zero stop) Glass etched reticle (VCT-34FFP similar to EBR7C moa/mil) really audible and positive turrets, and a hard stop zero stop we show a how to install the zero stop in this video.
this optic is comparable in every way to the Vortex Strike eagle 5-25x56 FFP from the zero stop to the amount of internal adjustment, be sure to watch our comparison video that's coming up soon.
Ensure to Shop around for the best price
Vector Optics Website:
All turrets in my videos are tested using Targets from Box to bench precision if you are interested check them out:
if You enjoyed this video you will likely enjoy:
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 FFP Review
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 vs Vortex Viper HST 6-24x50
-Vector Hugo 4-16x44:
-Vector Taurus 3-18x50 FFP
-Vector Everest 3-18x50 SFP
-Vector Marksman
info From Vector:
Serial number: SCFF-29
Magnification: 4-24x
Objective Lens Dia.: 56mm
Ocular Lens Dia.: 42mm / 1.7 inch
Ocular Lens Length: 54mm / 2.1 inch
Exit Pupil:
Optics Coating: Fully-multi coat diamond clear
Field of View: feet @100 yards
Field of View: °
Eye Relief: 100mm / 4.0 inch
Length: 362mm / 14.3 inch
Weight: 780g / 27.5 ounce
Tube Dia.: 34mm Monotube
Click Value: 1/10 MIL
Elevation Range: 34MIL
Windage Range: 20MIL
Parallax Setting: 100 yards
Side Focus: 10 Yds to infinite
Reticle: Etched glass VCT-34FFP
Illumination: 6 gear red
Battery type: CR2032
Length of middle turret part: 48mm (1.9 inch)
Shock tested to 1000g, water proof at 1 meter for 30 min
Fully nitrogen purged to eliminate any fogging of the lenses internally
100 clicks per round, turret lock and zero stop feature
High quality 6061 T6 aircraft grade aluminum
Focus mark: 10,15, 20, 30, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500 and infinite
Diopter compensation from fast-focus eyepiece (+2 to -3)
Including items: 34mm picatinny high rings (default) or weaver or dovetail rings, sunshade, instruction, lens caps and cleaning cloth
Vector Optics Top Premium Line That Can Compete Most Worldwide Famous Brand Optics
34mm Monotube Made of 6061 T6, First Focal Plane Scope with German Schott ED HD Glass
German Optics System by Using LaREE Lens & VePRO FMC, 90% Light Transmission
Very Little Distortion, Extra-Low Dispersion, Excellent for Dawn, Dusk Even at Night Shooting
True 6x Zoom Factor, Constant 4" Eye Relief without Inside Dark Ring Around Image
6 Levels Red Illumination, Side Focus Parallax Min Starts from 10 Yards to Infinite
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Vector Optics 4-24x56 ffp 34мм небольшой отчёт по результатам эксплуатации.
Продолжаем обкатывать прицел Vector Optics 4-24x56 ffp 34мм. От момента установки и начала эксплуатации прицел нормально пережил 175 выстрелов патронами 308win. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#VectorOptics #RifleScope #opticstrade
Check out the Vector Optics Continental 4-24x56 FFP here:
0:00 Intro
0:15 About the Company
0:30 About the Series
0:47 General Properties
3:22 Reticle
4:53 Illumination
5:10 Turrets
7:06 Zero Stop
7:41 Turrets
8:57 What's included in the box
9:49 Sweet & Sour
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This video records the stable and outstanding performance of 34mm Continental 4-24x56 FFP for farmyard pest control on Daystate Delta Wolf .22 cal, recorded by @AirGunnerSA
34mm Continental 5-30x56 @ 2021 Precision rifle Lithuanian championship-3d place setup
34mm Continental 3-18x50 FFP High Quality Riflescope with Zero Stop // Unboxing
34mm Continental 3-18x50 FFP // How to Mount a Riflescope
Purchase link:
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Vector Continental 5-30X56 Scope Review . Tac Vector Optics scope are some of the Best buys in scopes today . The Continental 5-30x56 FFP scope just keeps proving that point . FFP budget long range scope . Guys here is a link to Vector Optics and specs . Along with links to my other Vector scope reviews .
Vector Optics Top Line Product That Can Compete Worldwide Famous Brand Optics
Germany Optics System with Crystal Clear Image
Light transmission reaches to 90%
30mm Monotube
Hold Lapua Recoil
Return-to-Zero Turret
15 to Infinite Focus
Etched Glass Half Mil-dot Reticle
1/4 MOA Adjust
HD Glass Reinforcement
Tech Specification
Model SCOL-22 Continental
Magnification 5-30x
Objective Lens Dia. 56mm
Ocular Lens Dia. 42mm (1.7 inch)
Ocular Lens Length 54mm (2.1 inch)
Exit Pupil
Optics Coating Fully-multi coat diamond clear
Field of View Feet @ 100 yards
Field of View @ 100 meters
Eye Relief 97mm (3.5 inches)
Length 400mm (15.7 inch)
Weight 630g (22.2 ounce)
Tube Dia. 30mm Monotube
Click Value 1/4 MOA
Elevation Range 60MOA
Windage Range 60MOA
Parallax Setting 100 yards
Side Focus 15 Yds to infinite
Reticle Etched glass half-mil
Illumination Six gear
Battery 1x CR2032
Distance between objective lens part and middle turret: 70mm (2.8 inch)
Length of middle turret part: 35mm (1.4 inch)
Distance between middle turret part to power ring: 56mm (2.2 inch)
Shock tested to 750g, water proof at 300 meters and 45 degree
Fully nitrogen purged to eliminate any fogging of the lenses internally
Adjusting plate is NOT fixed, after zero the scope pull up the turret and re-set it to zero
High quality 6061 T6 aircraft grade aluminum
Focus mark: 15, 20, 30, 50, 75, 100, 200, 300, 500 and infinite
Diopter compensation from fast-focus eyepiece (+2 to -3)
Including items: 30mm picatinny high ring (default) or weaver or dovetail mount, lens caps and cleaning cloth etc
Guys here are some links that will help my channel if you choose
ARKEN OPTICS link . Use my code CYCLOPS at checkout to be automatically entered in a monthly give away . It is also an affiliate link which helps support my channel .
BLACKHOUND OPTICS link , shop and use my CYCLOPS code at checkout will guarantee free shipping and save you 5% . I have recently become an affiliate for Blackhound so using my code also helps support my channel .
Here is a link to my paypal account so you can help support my channel directly if you choose . You guys cannot know how much your help goes towards keeping honest reviews coming .
Every video you see here is sponsor free . I accept no money or other compensation upfront for any review or video . Many times the item reviewed is donated to my channel , that’s how I can have so many giveaways to my viewership. Enjoy my channel , and share with your friends Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 vs Vector Continental 4-24x56
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 vs Vector Continental 4-24x56
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 vs Vector Continental 4-24x56
in this video we compare two beasts of optics, the Vortex strike eagle 5-25x56 FFP and the Vector Continenal 4-24x56 FFP, both of these optics have all of the essential features:
wide magnification range, tons of internal adjustment, a zero stop, Christmas tree style reticles and top shelf glass! but there has to be a victor between the two wich one will it be? the Vector continental 4-24x56 FFP or the Vortex strike eagle 5-25x56 FFP? in this video we find out!
how if you are interested in picking either of these up here is the link:
for the Vector Continental 4-24x56 ffp:
for the Vortex Strike eagle 5-25x56 ffp
Amazon .com
or Palmeto State Armouri
if You enjoyed this video you will likely enjoy:
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 vs Vortex Viper HST 6-24x50
Vector Continental 4-24x56 FFP
Vortex Diamondback Tactical 6-24x50 Review
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 vs Vector Continental 4-24x56
Vortex Crossfire II 3-9x40
Vortex Diamondback hp 4-16x42
Rudolph T1 6-24x50 review
All turrets in my videos are tested using Targets from Box to bench precision if you are interested check them out:
Info from Vortex:
When you're ready to step up your long-distance game, the Strike Eagle gives you more of the tools you need for less than you'd expect. Start with excellent edge-to-edge sharpness, and add a first focal plane (FFP) illuminated reticle for fast reads at any magnification and lighting situation. Add in our RevStop Zero System for a hard return to zero, and locking turrets for fast, stay-put adjustments. Build it around a 34mm tube that accommodates massive amounts of elevation and windage travel, and a throw lever for rapid magnification changes, and you've got a long-distance impact machine that'll have you wondering how you ever shot without it.
Magnification 5-25x
Objective Lens Diameter 56 mm
Eye Relief 3.7 inches
Field of View 24.0 - 5.2 ft @100 yds
Tube Size 34 mm
Elevation Turret Style Locking/Zero Stop
Windage Turret Style Locking
Adjustment Graduation 1/4 MOA
Travel Per Rotation 25 MOA
Max Elevation Adjustment 110 MOA
Max Windage Adjustment 78 MOA
Parallax Setting 15 yards to infinity
Length 14.6 inches
Weight 30.4 oz
info from Vector
info From Vector:
Serial number: SCFF-29
Magnification: 4-24x
Objective Lens Dia.: 56mm
Ocular Lens Dia.: 42mm / 1.7 inch
Ocular Lens Length: 54mm / 2.1 inch
Exit Pupil:
Optics Coating: Fully-multi coat diamond clear
Field of View: feet @100 yards
Field of View: °
Eye Relief: 100mm / 4.0 inch
Length: 362mm / 14.3 inch
Weight: 780g / 27.5 ounce
Tube Dia.: 34mm Monotube
Click Value: 1/10 MIL
Elevation Range: 34MIL
Windage Range: 20MIL
Parallax Setting: 100 yards
Side Focus: 10 Yds to infinite
Reticle: Etched glass VCT-34FFP
Illumination: 6 gear red
Battery type: CR2032
Length of middle turret part: 48mm (1.9 inch)
Shock tested to 1000g, water proof at 1 meter for 30 min
Fully nitrogen purged to eliminate any fogging of the lenses internally
100 clicks per round, turret lock and zero stop feature
High quality 6061 T6 aircraft grade aluminum
Focus mark: 10,15, 20, 30, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500 and infinite
Diopter compensation from fast-focus eyepiece (+2 to -3)
Including items: 34mm picatinny high rings (default) or weaver or dovetail rings, sunshade, instruction, lens caps and cleaning cloth
Vector Optics Top Premium Line That Can Compete Most Worldwide Famous Brand Optics
34mm Monotube Made of 6061 T6, First Focal Plane Scope with German Schott ED HD Glass
German Optics System by Using LaREE Lens & VePRO FMC, 90% Light Transmission
Very Little Distortion, Extra-Low Dispersion, Excellent for Dawn, Dusk Even at Night Shooting
True 6x Zoom Factor, Constant 4" Eye Relief without Inside Dark Ring Around Image
6 Levels Red Illumination, Side Focus Parallax Min Starts from 10 Yards to Infinite
Adjustment System Made of 7075 T6 That Never Snag on Anything and Never Get Turned
1/10MIL Adjustment Zero-Stop & Turret Lock, 100 Clicks per Round, 34MIL Elevation Range
Etched Glass VCT-34FFP Tactical MIL Reticle, Center Dot Illuminated with Digital Lines & Dots
Take Lapua Magnum 338 Recoil and All Fields of Application for Hunting, Sporting & Competition
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#vortexstrikeeagle #vortexoptics #vectoroptics #continental #vortexnation #vortexscopes #riflescope #Affordableoptics #america #pewpewpew #concealedcarry #sickguns #everydaycarry #edc #guncontrol Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vector Optics 34mm Continental 5-30x56 FFP
1,000 meters hit on Tikka T3 from Baltic Long Range
@2021 Precision rifle Lithuanian championship-3d place setup
Purchase link:
Unboxing of 34mm Continental:
New functions of 2021 New Version 34mm Continental:
Quick-show of 34mm Continental:
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#VectorOptics #RifleScope #OpticsTrade
Check out Vector Optics Continental 5-30x56 FFP here:
0:00 Intro
0:16 About the Company
0:30 About the Series
0:49 General Properties
2:13 Reticle
3:13 Illumination
3:29 Parallax Adjustment
4:12 Turrets
5:09 Zero Stop
6:16 Turrets
6:49 Optical Performance
7:46 What's included in the Box?
8:51 Sweet and Sour
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If you enjoyed this Review please give us a Thumbs Up, it means so much to us!
Subscribe to our channel and click the Notification Bell to get notified every time we upload a NEW video, so you don't miss anything! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Vector Optics Continental 34mm First Focal Plane Riflescope Unboxing & All Accessories Review
@Vector Optics
34mm Continental FFP scopes 2021 Version Updating New Turret Functions! New Design, More Convenient Zero Stop!
To see the updates:
#riflescope #vector optics #first focal plane #scope #scope brand #AR15 #Airgun #good scope #34mm scope Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Самые большие, самые маленькие и самые новые Vector Optics
Компания Stvol продолжает расширять ассортимент доступных и качественных прицелов от компании Vector Optics. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vector Optics | 34mm Continental 3-18x50 FFP High Quality Riflescope with Zero Stop // Unboxing
34mm Monotube, 90% Light Transmission,
Etched Mil Reticle,Comp 335mm 13.2" Long,
1/10 Mil Total 44 Mil, 100 Clicks / Round,
Turret Lock Zero Stop, Illumination
You can go to below links to know the related models
Official store:
How to Zero Stop & New Turret functions:
Quick-show of Continental 1-6x24 FFP:
Quick-show of Continental 3-18x50 FFP:
Quick-show of Continental 4-24x56 FFP:
Quick-show of Continental 5-30x56 FFP:
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Оптический прицел Vector Optics Artemis 1-8x26 FFP SCFF-12
Наш интернет-магазин является официальным представителем продукции Tac Vector Optics в Украине.
Tac Vector Optics - это высококачественные оптические приборы, включают в себя оптические прицелы первой и второй фокальной плоскости, большой ассортимент коллиматорных прицелов, а также кронштейны для крепления на оружие и многое другое .
Подробное описание и покупка здесь - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
АТА ARMS ALR кал.308Win с прицелом VECTOR OPTICS TAURUS 5-30X56 FFP
Vector Optics Top Premium Line That Can Compete Most Worldwide Famous Brand Optics
34mm Monotube Made of 6061 T6, First Focal Plane Scope with German Schott ED HD Glass
German Optics System by Using LaREE Lens & VePRO FMC, 90% Light Transmission
Very Little Distortion, Extra-Low Dispersion, Excellent for Dawn, Dusk Even at Night Shooting
True 6x Zoom Factor, Constant 4" Eye Relief without Inside Dark Ring Around Image
6 Levels Red Illumination, Side Focus Parallax Min Starts from 10 Yards to Infinite
Adjustment System Made of 7075 T6 That Never Snag on Anything and Never Get Turned
1/10MIL Adjustment Zero-Stop & Turret Lock, 100 Clicks per Round, 26MIL Elevation Range
Etched Glass VCT-34FFP Tactical MIL Reticle, Center Dot Illuminated with Digital Lines & Dots
Take Lapua Magnum 338 Recoil and All Fields of Application for Hunting, Sporting & Competition
Magnification: 5-30x
Objective Lens Dia.: 56mm
Ocular Lens Dia.: 42mm / 1.7 inch
Ocular Lens Length: 54mm / 2.1 inch
Exit Pupil:
Optics Coating: Fully-multi coat diamond clear
Field of View: feet @100 yards
Field of View: °
Eye Relief: 100mm / 4.0 inch
Length: 392mm / 15.4 inch
Weight: 810g / 28.6 ounce
Tube Dia.: 34mm Monotube
Click Value: 1/10 MIL
Elevation Range: 26MIL
Windage Range: 16MIL
Side Focus: 10 Yds to infinite
Reticle: Etched glass VCT-34FFP
Illumination: 6 gear red
Battery type:CR2032
Length of middle turret part: 48mm (1.9 inch)
Shock tested to 1000g, water proof at 1 meter for 30 min
Fully nitrogen purged to eliminate any fogging of the lenses internally
100 clicks per round, turret lock and zero stop feature
High quality 6061 T6 aircraft grade aluminum
Focus mark: 10,15, 20, 30, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500 and infinite
Diopter compensation from fast-focus eyepiece (+2 to -3)
Including items: 34mm picatinny high rings (default) or weaver or dovetail rings, sunshade, instruction, lens caps and cleaning cloth Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vector Optics // How to Zero Stop & How to Use Revolution Indicator for 34mm Continental Riflescopes
Hello everyone, this is a tutorial video about how to zero-stop, and how to use the revolution indicator of elevation turret for 34mm Continental riflescopes.
Zero-stop part is at 00:00:06
The Revolution indicator part is at 00:06:23
If you want to know how to release the zero-stop, pls go to the following link:
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vector Optics Continental 34mm 5-30x56 First Focal Plane Scope 400 Yards Field Shooting
Vector Optics Continental 34mm 5-30x56 First Focal Plane Scope 400 Yards Field Shooting
Special thanks to Kanit Sataman from Thailand.
34mm Monotube FFP, 90% Light Transmission, Etched Mil Reticle, 1/10MIL, 100 Clicks / Round, Side Focus, Turret Lock with Zero Stop Feature, Illuminated Reticle. All great features combo.
Vector Optics Continental scopes adopt lenses made from LaREE (Lanthanide Rare Earth Element) optical glasses by cold forming
high refraction index
extra-low Abbe number
It brings you an extremely crystal clear image without hesitation.
Every shot you can trust and count on.
We have 1-6x28, 3-18x50, 4-24x56 and 5-30x56.
For orders please visit or contact us sales@
#dangeroursgamescope Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Mid Tier 3-18 Optic (Vector Optics 34mm Continental)
Vector Optics 34mm Continental
CODE 704tactical for 10% Off
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Vector Optics Continental Range - Quickfire Review
Vector Optics Continental Range
Optics Warehouse's resident Night Vision and Thermal expert, James McDermott, looks at the Vector Optics Continental range of riflescopes.
You can find the entire range of the Vector Optics Continental rifle scopes we have at Optics Warehouse here:
And the entire Vector Optics range can be found here:
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At Optics Warehouse, you’ll find the widest selection of quality Rifle Scopes and Mounting Systems available anywhere in the UK. We also offer a huge selection of Red Dots, Thermal and Night Vision gear, Spotting Scopes and Binoculars. In addition, we stock an expansive range of shooting accessories including everything you'll need to get out in the field. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор двух оптический прицелов от Китайского производителя Vector Optics. У обоих прицелов сетка расположена в первой фокальной плоскости, что дает масштабирование цели относительно прицельной сетки. Тактическая сетка, отличный вариант как для охоты, так и для просто стрельбы по бумаге.
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Luneta 5-30×56 FFP Vector optics tubo de 34 fazendo parte da carabina Sentry 5.5
Luneta muito boa com uma imagem top mesmo.
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Загонный прицел с алиэкспресс / Vector Optics Continental 1-6x24 Hunting SFP
Каждый стрелок сталкивается с вопросом: какой прицел выбрать? В данном видео я поделюсь с вами своим мнением о выборе оптического прицела. Это мнение основано на 10-ти летним стаже успешной охоты с нарезным карабином. Также мы поговорим о тактико-технических характеристиках данного прицела.
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Обзор бюджетного прицела от VECTOR OPTICS FORESTER JR 1-4X2
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Книга Сергея Барчука “Унитарные боеприпасы нарезного стрелкового оружия»
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Vector Optics // 34mm Continental in Precision Rifle Lithuania Championship
The shooters all use the same brand and the same series of optical scopes to compete, how interesting and fulfilling it is for us, Vector Optics. This is the moment when we achieve each other's accomplishments and honor each other. If you also like shooting and competition, then we hope you like us too.
Other nice videos for 34mm Continental:
34mm Continental 5-30x56 @ 2021 Precision rifle Lithuanian championship-3d place setup
34mm Continental 3-18x50 FFP High Quality Riflescope with Zero Stop // Unboxing
34mm Continental 3-18x50 FFP // How to Mount a Riflescope
Vector Optics // 34mm Continental 4-24x56 FFP for Farmyard Pest Control
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Хороший оптический прицел будет с вами многие годы. Как выбрать прицельную сетку, какой прицел подойдет именно вам? Видеообзор популярных прицельных сеток в первой и второй фокальных плоскостях на примере прицелов Vector Optics. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#VectorOptics #RifleScopes #OpticsTrade
Check out Vector Optics Continental 5-30x56 FFP here:
0:00 Intro
0:17 Windage & Elevation
1:02 Illumination
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In this video we test the new Vector Optics Continental 5 - 30 x 56 Tactical second focal plane rifle-scope. A very good scope for the price and one to look out for in the future.
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10% off of all Vector Optic rifle scopes.
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Оптический прицел Vector Optics Siegfried FFP SCFF-20
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Tac Vector Optics - это высококачественные оптические приборы, включают в себя оптические прицелы первой и второй фокальной плоскости, большой ассортимент коллиматорных прицелов, а также кронштейны для крепления на оружие и многое другое .
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Rozpakowanie lunety długodystansowej Vector Optics Continental 34mm 5-30x56 FFP
link do produktu: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vector Optics Top Premium Line That Can Compete Most Worldwide Famous Brand Optics
34mm Monotube Made of 6061 T6, First Focal Plane Scope with German Schott ED HD Glass
German Optics System by Using LaREE Lens & VePRO FMC, 90% Light Transmission
Very Little Distortion, Extra-Low Dispersion, Excellent for Dawn, Dusk Even at Night Shooting
True 6x Zoom Factor, Constant 4" Eye Relief without Inside Dark Ring Around Image
6 Levels Red Illumination, Side Focus Parallax Min Starts from 10 Yards to Infinite
Adjustment System Made of 7075 T6 That Never Snag on Anything and Never Get Turned
1/10MIL Adjustment Zero-Stop & Turret Lock, 100 Clicks per Round, 26MIL Elevation Range
Etched Glass VCT-34FFP Tactical MIL Reticle, Center Dot Illuminated with Digital Lines & Dots
Take Lapua Magnum 338 Recoil and All Fields of Application for Hunting, Sporting & Competition Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vector Optics 34mm Continental 3-18x50 FFP for Plinking
𝟯𝟰𝗺𝗺 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗹 𝟯-𝟭𝟴𝘅𝟱𝟬 𝗙𝗙𝗣
The crisp metal crashing sound, the perfect plinking shooting event.
Thanks for video provider @BalticLongRange
Other nice videos for Continental FFP series:
34mm Continental 5-30x56 @ 2021 Precision rifle Lithuanian championship-3d place setup
34mm Continental 3-18x50 FFP Plinking Shooting Party II
34mm Continental 3-18x50 FFP // How to Mount a Riflescope
Vector Optics // 34mm Continental 4-24x56 FFP for Farmyard Pest Control
Thanks for your support!
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Продолжаем переходить на трубу 34 мм. Теперь попробую переменник 1-6x28. Сетка FFP естественно. Теперь поставим его на Сайгу 5,45х39 и снимим тогда ещё один обзорчик. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор прицелов Vector Optics Constantine 1-8x24 FFP и Frenzy 1x22x26 MOS
Vector Optics Continental 5-30x56 FFP
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RUS Vector Optics Continental 2-16x44SFP Riflescope
Первые впечатления!
*НОВЫЙ* оптический прицел Vector Optics Continental с 8-кратным увеличением.
Охотничий прицел Continental 2-16x44 SFP ED
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Lion by Sapajou
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
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Unboxing the Vector Optics Continental 3-18X50 FFP scope
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Vector optics continental ffp 34mm. presentation zero stop...
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Рассказывает один из лучших в Мире стрелков из карабина - Вадим Михайлов.
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Огляд новинок оптичних приладів від компанії Vector Optics
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Bad product ? Vector Optics Taurus 4-24x50 FFP Rifle scope
To customer service.
The reticle and statue move when the maximum telephoto point is reached. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vector Optics Continental 8x Zoom Riflescope ED Lens
Will Launch Early Apr 2022
30mm Monotube, 90-93% Light Transmission, LaREE Lens & VePRO FMC ED Lens, Etched Reticle, 4" Eye Relief, Illuminated, Side Focus, MIL Zero-Stop for Tactical Version, Capped MOA Adjustment for Hunting Version
For more info please contact sales@
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