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UTG ACCU-SYNC OFFSET 50 D-30мм Extra High Picatinn
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Introduction and How to Install your Leapers UTG ACCU-SYNC QR Quick Release Cantilever Mounts
Introducing Leaper's UTG ACCU-Sync quick release one piece cantilever optic mount. These one piece mounts are available for 1", 30mm, and 34mm scope tubes. Much like our one piece fixed cantilever mounts, these models have the ability to mount on your application without the need of tools. Some key features includes:
• Precision CNC Machined from 6061-T6 Aluminum and Finished in a Matte Black Anodization
• Significant Lightening Cuts Massively Reduce Weight Without Compromising Durability
• Radiused Edges and Corners to Prevent Snagging, Scratching, or Tearing of Other Gear and for Effortless Access to Scope Windage and Elevation Turrets
• Patent-Pending Quick Release (QR) Mount Features Tool-free Tension Adjustment, QD Locking Quick Release Levers, and Squared Recoil Stops for a Secure Zero Hold and Return to Zero
Learn more about this UTG® ACCU-SYNC cantilever mount, please visit our website at
link to products below:
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Introduction and How to Install your Leapers UTG ACCU-SYNC® Universal Quick Detach AK Side Mount
We are proud to introduce our universal AK47 side rail optic mount to fit most AK variants. In this video, we will show you how to properly mount the side rail onto the platform. Here are some key product features:
• Universally Optimized for Greater Platform Compatibility
• Matte Black Anodized Steel-reinforced 6061-T6 Aluminum Construction • Adjustable QR Lever Mount Compatible with Most AK Side Rail Widths
• Scalloped 16 Slot Picatinny Rail Features a Deep U-cut Channel for Accessing Iron Sights
• Overall Lightweight Design Features 2 Side M-LOK® Slots for Attaching Accessories
Learn more about UTG® ACCU-SYNC® QR AK Side Mount (Item#: MT-UAK01)at:
link to product below:
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Кольца Leapers UTG ACCU-SYNC 30мм на Weaver со смещением 37мм (AIR322S)
В этом видео мы посмотрим на коллиматоры от американской компании UTG -
UTG это бренд американской компании Leapers Inc, которая занимается разработкой и производством снаряжения, аксессуаров и тюнинга для спортивного и охотничьего оружия. UTG не делают реплики изделий каких-то более именитых брендов, а создают своё, с упором на качество и функционал при оправданной стоимости.
Коллиматор Leapers UTG 1Х34Х25
Увеличитель для коллиматора Leapers UTG 3X,
Коллиматор Leapers UTG 5th Gen 1x26
Коллиматор Leapers UTG 1Х21
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Крепления Leapers UTG Pro / пристрелка карабина TG2 коротыш
Emergency Revision: The current Leapers UTG QD rings may damage your base.
Do quick-release scope rings actually hold zero after being reattached? Do you need a one-piece base, or will two scope rings work just as well? Find out in this review as I fire two five-shot strings at 200 yards, detaching and reattaching the scope in-between.
*NOTE* If you buy UTG Quick-Detach rings, be sure to apply Loctite or some kind of glue to the set screws that adjust the tension on the QD levers. If they walk out, your rings will not properly grip the scope base.
I have used these Leapers UTG Quick-Detach 30mm Scope Rings for several years now. I store my rifle scope in a separate compartment from the rifle, and I reattach it each time I go to the range. I have come to rely on the rings; when I go prone on the 600-yard line at the range or set up a 300-yard shot on a prairie dog, I am confident that my point of impact will be exactly where I left it.
Today's test equipment includes a Rock River Arms A4 Carbine with a stainless .223 Wylde barrel, a YHM 3300-Ti Silencer, and a Mil/Mil Falcon Menace 4-14x44mm FFP IR scope.
00:39 - Leapers 30mm QD Rings
02:12 - Test Parameters & Rifle Setup
03:34 - First 5-Shot String
03:51 - Scope Removal
04:37 - Second 5-Shot String
05:06 - Test Results
05:48 - Conclusions
06:46 - Other Budget-Friendly Options: Weaver Grand Slam Rings
07:23 - UTG QD Base for Red-Dot Sights (Bushnell TRS-25)
Filmed at Tulsa Red Castle Gun Club.
-The Social Regressive Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор прицелов Leapers UTG ( тест и отстрел )
Ссылка на каталог Leapers/UTG - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
UTG (Leapers) Accu-Sync 30MM High Scope Mount on My Bolt Action Sig Cross in 308
UTG Accu-Sync vs AERO Precision
Aero Precision Ultralight
UTG ACCU-SYNC Если вы видите ссылку на Амазон то и покупаете что то с ней - то мне возможно придет процент (1-2%) от продажи через программу Amazon Associates . For Youtube Reviewers - videos are created in full compliance with Youtube content policies. - для поддержки канала Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
CAUTION! Leapers UTG Quick-Detach Scope Rings May Damage Your Rifles and Bases
I have used Leapers UTG Quick-Detach Rings for years now with good success. They seem to be well-made, and they return to zero every time I detach and reattach my rifle scopes. However, I don't think these are suitable for use on a rifle that's chambered for something bigger than .223 Remington.
Scope rings have a "bumper" or "stop" on the underside that fits in the grooves of a Picatinny or Weaver rail. Most manufacturers give this bumper a square profile to spread the recoil force over a large area. The Leapers rings, however, use a rounded bumper that only contacts a tiny portion of the rail, right at the top corner. Under recoil, the bumper pounds against the rail, causing damage that accumulates with each round.
I hope that Leapers releases a Version 2.0 of these rings with a square stop. I like everything about the rings except for the bit where they wreck my rails.
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- The Social Regressive Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Доработка бокового кронштейна Leapers UTG PRO MTU016
Простой способ доработать боковой кронштейн Leapers UTG PRO MTU016. Боковые кронштейны для АК Вепрь СВД с доставкой по всей России на сайте Примерка тюнинга в онлайн-конфигураторе! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Watch 1 get 1 review free accu sync (red) 30mm high mount and wheeler ar15 armorers wrench. The utg mount is 5 stars as with all utg stuff I've purchased. The wheeler armorer tool is also 5 stars... severed its pupose for 2 task i needed done (remove/install muzzle device and tighten castle nut). Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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‘Marshmallow’ by ‘Lukrembo’ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
My opinions of the utg Accu sync spring loaded sights. I really like these sights I think for the money they really can't be beat, they seem extremely well-built and I believe they will hold up in the long run. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments. Thanks for watching like & subscribe.
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Sba3 brace review.
Ati mil spot pistol
Custom Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22
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Крепление для камеры и прицела Leupold vx3 (Китай) & UTG AccuSync
UTG AccuSync
Прицел - китайский с Али Если вы видите ссылку на Амазон то и покупаете что то с ней - то мне возможно придет процент (1-2%) от продажи через программу Amazon Associates . For Youtube Reviewers - videos are created in full compliance with Youtube content policies. - для поддержки канала Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
My experiences with a couple popular flip up iron sights and which I think are a better buy. I also discuss the advantages of each flip up iron sight with respect to optic and environment clearances.
UTG Super Slim Front Sight
UTG Super Slim Rear Sight
Magpul MBUS Rear Sight
Magpul MBUS Front Sight
Magpul MBUS Pro Flip Up Sights -Set
Holosun 3x Magnifier
Eotech EXPS2
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Changing from a high scope mount to medium.......***utg accu-sync***
Decided to try out a different set of backup sights. I typically use Troy, Magpul or sometime Aero, but these looked pretty good for the price/availability.
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Utg accu-sync scope rings(still the best scope mount for the money).....and weapon update
I have a full review of the utg acct sync scope rings check that video out.....
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UTG Super Slim Flip Up Sights! Unboxing and basic overview.
Thanks for watching my video on the UTG Super Slim Flip Up Sights!
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Докатились до того, что подделывают уже и бюджетные прицелы Leapers.
На примере 3-9x40 Mil-Dot AO. Коробка, тряпочка, инструкция, всё как у оригинала (ну почти как, полиграфия хуже) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#IWA2023 #UTG #RedDotSight
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Доработка кронштейна Leapers UTG PRO MTU016 , для того , чтобы он стал быстроустанавливаемым , а не только быстросъёмным . Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Mounting a traditional style riflescope to an AR-15 is not exactly like mounting it onto the common bolt action rifle. A few special considerations need to be taken into account for this platform - all of which we’ll talk about right here. If you have any questions, let us know at 1-800-426-0048 Ext.5 or in the comments below with #AskVortex and your question might get answered right here.
Connect with Vortex Optics:
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Сегодня на обзор приехали сошки от американской компании Leapers-UTG серия RECON 360 TL.
Сошки предоставлены магазином
Главным отличием от других сошек Leapers является крепление M-LOK от компании Magpul. Это крепление не так распространено как Вивер или Пикатинни, но тоже имеет место быть. Современные тактические цевья, как раз используют проточки этого вида. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I have broken a few AK optic mount and rails over the years, but so far the UTG Pro MTU016 has outperformed them all.
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Installation of the UTG Pro Model 47 Quick-Release Side Mount on my Ak-47 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Кронштейн для фонаря Leapers UTG RG-FL25QS видео обзор 4k
Подробная статья на моем Дзен канале.
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Budget to Gucci Red Dot Mounts - Geissele, Strike Industries, UTG, ETC...
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Mounts used in this video.
Sig Romeo 5 basic mount
Aim Sports T1/T2 Mount
UTG T1/T2 Riser
Strike Industries Rex T1/T2 Riser
Holosun 515GM Elite Basic Mount
Geissele Super Precision T1/T2 Riser Absolute & "
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PS: I am not a pro, keep that in mind.
If you read all of this I hope you have a Wonderful Day... Filthy Animals...
We can include terms like baby shark and pewdiepie to really broaden the audience and then spice it up with some among us and Minecraft crossed with the hit new youtube sensation that is rust on the OTV server featuring twitch funny moments from jackscepticeye. I also have to mention music, asmr and markiplier that are all important terms here on youtube. Let us not forget of course the makeup and fashion community by referencing shane dawson and james charles. Now whilst this is COMPLETE GIBBERISH to most an algorithm is able to pick out the specific key terms in this post and promote it accordingly. So lets support the Kpop stans by mentioning bts and lofi hip hop. We can even talk about some other big channels like mrbeast and dantdm. For some reason in 2020 some of the most searched tags are game of thrones and avengers endgame... Let us of course not forget the most important things of the year like dunke peppa pig and roblox! Time for all the top current searches Among Us - online game, new song 2020, pop smoke and techno gamerz and tubbo smp! Time For todays new aditions in SEO too: Thanos, fifa, joe biden, inauguration, Tommy, sidemen, mod, update, rt game, yogscast, the spiffing brit, game, predator, fortnite update, fortnite predator, boss! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
UTG Leapers Inc 1-8x28mm 30mm MRC Scope, IE, BG4 Reticle, with ACCU-SYNC, Black review
UTG Leapers Inc 1-8x28mm 30mm MRC Scope, IE, BG4 Reticle, with ACCU-SYNC, Black (SCP3-18IEBG4)
Main Features:
- Variable Power: Magnification of the scope is adjustable
- Mounting Accessories Included: Ring mounts with appropriate saddle height are included with the product
- 30mm Tube with Best in Class Emerald Lens Coatings to Achieve Maximum Light Transmission for Best Clarity
- Precision made for fit and finish
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UTG Leapers Inc 1-8x28mm 30mm MRC Scope, IE, BG4 Reticle, with ACCU-SYNC, Black (SCP3-18IEBG4)
Main Features:
- Variable Power: Magnification of the scope is adjustable
- Mounting Accessories Included: Ring mounts with appropriate saddle height are included with the product
- 30mm Tube with Best in Class Emerald Lens Coatings to Achieve Maximum Light Transmission for Best Clarity
- Precision made for fit and finish
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Let’s kill this bit of fudd-lore once and for all. No it is not difficult to mount optics or scopes to AK’s!!! If I hear this in a gun store or on a forum one more time, I will literally projectile vomit.
About Me
My name is Brandon Herrera. I'm the owner and operator of The AK Guy Inc, a 07 Firearm Manufacturer based out of Fayetteville, NC. I also co-own Stark Media Group, and designed the rifle known as the AK-50.
I've started to dedicate this YouTube channel above all to have fun, but also as a way to document my entrepreneurial journey for the next few years as I try to grow my companies. Hopefully, people can learn from my example, successes, and failures.
Either way, I'm having a lot of fun with it so far, and I hope it's just as fun to follow along!
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Quick Tip: Correct Scope Height - AR-15 vs Conventional Rifles
How low can you go? That's the question Brownells Gun Techs Caleb Savant and Steve Ostrem answer today - in the context of mounting a rifle scope on your AR-15. The old rule of thumb is that you should get the scope as close to the centerline of the bore as you can. So mount that scope really LOW on your AR, right? The guys say "Nope!" The top of a flattop AR-15 receiver is pretty close to being in line with the top of the stock. If you mount a scope that low, you won't be able to get your head low enough on the stock to actually see through the it - at least not comfortably. On a traditional rifle like the Remington 700, Winchester Model 70, or Howa 1500, the stock drops down in back, so there's room to mount the scope low and still get your head down to see through it. If you look at a carry-handle AR-15, you'll see that the "iron" sights sit pretty high off the receiver and barrel, and that's about where you want your optic to sit when you mount one. Most readily available one-piece AR-15 scope mounts provide the right amount of elevation, so the average adult won't develop a crick in his/her neck trying to see through the scope! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Leapers ACCU-SYNC Series
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Leapers, Inc. develops, manufactures, and distributes a wide range of innovative and technologically advanced hunting and shooting sport-oriented products across a multitude of different platforms. Started out as a garage business and 3 decades of hard work, Leapers is now located in a 3-building complex in Livonia, Michigan with fully integrated product design, development, manufacturing, and advanced order fulfillment and distribution. Our UTG brand and its sister brand, the Made-in-USA UTG PRO, have gained wide market recognition and strong customer support across the globe. With manufacturing plants overseas as well as in Michigan, plus UTG Europe distribution center in Germany, we continue to dedicate our efforts to promoting the UTG quality lifestyle and providing customers complete solutions for a wide range of their hunting and shooting needs. Innovation, quality, value and service are the central themes of the UTG brand.
Leapers/UTG PRO welcome people with professional skills and most importantly with dedications and commitments to the hunting and shooting sports to join our Business Family for continuous career development and business expansion. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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This is going to be very similar to the UTG 1-8x with the BG4 Reticle, however this scope has the circle dot reticle... which is one of the worst reticle designs you can buy. bottom line, don't buy this scope with this reticle. the other reticle options are great but this one hurts the optic in almost every way.
UTG Description
Leapers UTG 1-8x28mm 30mm CQB/MRC Scope, 36 Color Circle Dot, QD Rings
- TG Breakthrough T8 Optics Series with 8X Zoom Superior Technology
- Provides Advanced Multi-range Capabilities from CQB Close Quarters Combat, Mid-range Hunting or Recon/Scout Operations, to Long Range Precision Aiming
- Built on True Strength Platform, Completely Sealed and Nitrogen Filled, Shockproof, Fogproof and Rainproof
- 30mm Tube & Multi Emerald Coated Lenses for Maximum Light and Edge to Edge Clarity
- Innovative EZ-TAP Illumination Enhancing (IE) System with Red/Green Dual-Color Mode and 36 Colors in Multi-Color Mode to Accommodate All Weather/Light Conditions
- 1-Click High-tech Illumination Memory Feature Gets the User Right Back to the Color/Brightness Setting Last Used
- Etched Glass Circle Dot Reticle and Zero Lockable/ Resettable Target Turrets
- Parallax Preset @ 100Yds for CQB/MRC(Multi-Range Combat & Competition) Applications
- TactEdge Angled Integral Sunshade
- Complete with Flip-up Lens Covers and Max Strength QD Lever Lock Picatinny/Weaver Rings
- Magnification: 1-8x
- Objective Diameter: 28mm
- Tube Diameter: 30mm
- Field of View at 100 Yards: 1x: 99.5' and 8x: 13'
- Eye Relief: 1x: 5" and 8x: "
- Exit Pupil: 1x: and 8x:
- Click Value at 100 Yards: 1/2"
- Parallax Setting: 100 Yards
- Batteries: 3V CR2032
- Length: 10 1/4"
- Weight: 18 oz
- Color: Black
UTG 1-8X28 30mm CQB/MRC Scope Specifications & Features
UTG 1-8X28 30mm CQB/MRC Scope, Circle Dot
Brand Leapers
Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H)
x x Inches
Most of my Lowers are Palmetto State Armory as they are cheap (under$130) and have worked flawlessly. all of my triggers are rack grade Mil-Spec, nothing special. I have 2 Bear Creek Arsenal (BCA) uppers, a Palmetto State Armory(PSA) "big boy" upper and 2 custom uppers. I specialize in High value options for your everyday Joe & Jane in the recreational scene.
PS: I am not a pro, keep that in mind.
Twitter: Focustripp (Only post new video Links)
If you read all of this I hope you have a Wonderful Day... Filthy Animals...
Disclaimer: These videos are strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only. Imitation or the use of anything demonstrated in my videos is done AT YOUR OWN RISK. All work on firearms should be carried out by a licensed individual and all state and federal rules apply to such. We (including YouTube) will not be held liable for any injury to yourself or damage to your firearms resulting from attempting anything shown in any our videos. I do not endorse any specific product and this video is not an attempt to sell you a good or service. I am not a gun shop and DO NOT sell or deal in Firearms. Such a practice is heavily regulated and subject to applicable laws. I DO NOT sell parts, magazines, or firearms. These videos are free to watch and if anyone attempts to charge for this video notify us immediately. By viewing or flagging this video you are acknowledging the above.
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- Instagram: Focustripp ( I post extra Pics/Vids)
- Minds: Focustripp - (Same as Instagram mostly)
- Business Inquires: Focustripp@
This is the UTG Accushot 1-8x28 LPV. I bought 2 of these with my own money and I am unfortunately not sponsored by them. I paid $125 for one and $135 for the other. I will leave a link to the $135 dollar option as the other one is not available.
let's start with the downsides. the optic and mount combo is heavy, like 2 pounds give or take an ounce. the illuminated reticle is also not super bright but it does come in 36 colors, totally useless colors. and the edge to edge clarity does take a hit and the edges a 1x magnification have a noticeable fisheye effect.
Then there are the good/great stuff about the optic. The mount is build like a rock out of 7075 aluminum and a lot of it, which does add weight. the lockable and zero reset turrets are great. they track accurately, the adjustments are crisp and precise, and they haven't shifted on me throughout hundreds of rounds on my .308 battle rifles. the light transmission is also good, making the optic good in low light conditions. the BG4 reticle itself is probably one of the best and simplest BDC reticles on the market that actually works for the user. 1-8x is an excellent magnification range, works well from 0-500 yards and beyond. price is below $150 for the combo. Lifetime warranty from the Manufacturer.
I have had these on both my 16" Bear Creak Arsenal/Palmetto State Armory AR-10 in .308 and my 12.5" "firearm" AR-10 from ABC Rifle company also in .308. I think that 1-8 compliments the AR-10 battle rifle concept excellently and I am happy to have the same optic on both platforms.
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Most of my Lowers are Palmetto State Armory as they are cheap (under$130) and have worked flawlessly. all of my triggers are rack grade Mil-Spec, nothing special. I have 2 Bear Creek (BCA) uppers, a Palmetto state (PSA) "big boy" upper and 2 custom uppers. I specialize in High value options for your everyday Joe & Jane in the recreational scene.
PS: I am not a pro, keep that in mind.
Twitter: Focustripp (Only post new video Links)
If you read all of this I hope you have a Wonderful Day... Filthy Animals... Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
UTG 1-8x28 CQB/MRC Circle Dot Reticle - Basically Unbreakable - Good Optic, Terrible Reticle Design
best grip that I ever used. I know i said UTC in the video, My bad.... It's UTG Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
UTG 1-8x28 BG4 Reticle - Best Optic under $300 $200 $150 - Excellent Budget LPV Rifle/Pistol Scope
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