Master Cleaning Station - це спеціальний набір для розбирання і чищення зброї. Килимок виконаний зі спеціального стійкого до олії матеріалу і сам не подається ковзанню. У комплект також входять: спеціальна коробка з відсіками для інструментів, самі інструменти та чохол, в який складається весь набір. Існують 3 модифікації Master Cleaning Station, розміри й складові варіюються в залежності від специфікації кожного з них.Master Cleaning Station - AR15.
Це килимок для розбирання і чищення карабінів на базі AR15, для чого і продуманий його розмір і набір інструментів.
Розмір: 109,22х40,64 см. Інструментарій: багатофункціональне Т-подібне руків'я, 3 секції шомпола (81,28 см загальна довжина), 3-хпозіціонний інструмент (проставка) для ствола з підсвічуванням, щітка для патронника, щітка для затворної групи, патчі (6 штук "зірочки", 50 штук прямокутних), вішер, насадка для патчів, скребок пластиковий двосторонній, 3 щітки (з нейлоновими та бронзової щетинами й зі скребками).Master Cleaning Station - Handgun. Килимок для роботи з короткоствольною зброєю та спецзасобами на їх базі.
У серії це найменший килимок і в цьому його перевага - він прекрасно оптимізований для своєї специфікації та має відповідний набір інструментів.Розмір: 48,26х40,64 см. Інструментарій: багатофункціональне Т-подібне руків'я, 1 секція шомпола (25,4 см), патчі (50 штук), скребок пластиковий двосторонній, 3 щітки (з нейлоновими та бронзової щетинами й зі скребками), 2 бронзових вишера (малий і великий), 4 спеціальних вишера (під калібри .22-.45), 4 йоржики (під калібри .22-.45).
Набор для Чистки AR15 REAL AVID AVMCS-AR Master Cleaning Station.
Завтра буду чистить и тестировать. Внешне очень нравится. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Зручний, компактний набір для чищення Gun Cleaning Kit призначений для чищення зброї, як вдома, так і в польових умовах. Кожен інструмент надійно фіксується у високоміцному, компактному футлярі. Для чищення каналу ствола в набір входить шомпол довжиною 84 сантиметри, що складається з семи сталевих стрижнів і обертовим наконечником
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Real Avid AR-15 MASTER CLEANING STATION Review Video 2020
There are a million AR-15 gun cleaning kits on the market but sometimes you run across a kit that is so cool and well thought out, that you just have to make a review video for it! Introducing the Real Avid AR-15 Master Cleaning Station kit! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Dustin Sanchez from Real Avid talks about the Master Cleaning Station, the all in one Deluxe cleaning Master Cleaning Station for rifles, handguns and shotguns. Designed for
comprehensive cleaning of handguns and rifles (.22 – .45 caliber) as well as 20 & 12 ga. shotguns.
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Full Demo of Real Avid AR15 Cleaning Kit - Pro Pack Premium
In this video I clean my Ruger AR556 with the Real Avid Pro Pack Kit. I walk through the steps in the field guide and demonstrate how to use each included tool.
AR15 Pro Pack Gun Boss Cleaning Kit:
This is a great kit for the money. It will cost you more if you try to piece it together yourself and you won't get a compact carrying case. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Upgrade your cleaning experience with the world’s first AR15 Master Cleaning Station. Designed for comprehensive cleaning of AR15s. It combines a Next-Gen cleaning mat with an intelligently designed cleaning kit filled with an extensive set of AR15 cleaning tools. It provides how-to cleaning and maintenance instruction and keeps easy-to-lose gun parts organized while you work. It provides a huge work area for a completely disassembled gun, yet rolls up for compact storage in the included bag. It’s called Master, because it does it all. You will call it brilliant.
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Розбірка, чистка, збірка AR 15, та інструмент від Real Avid
Трохи про чистку AR-15, все крім ствол, чистка ствола окрема тема. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Як чистити AR15 з Real Avid AR-15 Armorer’s Master Kit | Збройові аксесуари | Ібіс
Про обслуговування карабінів на базі AR15 в мережі існує чимало відео, в тому числі й на наших каналах. Проте цього разу ми розповімо про одне з найкращих рішень по обслуговуванню цієї системи від виробника Real Avid - Armorer’s Master Kit, в якому є буквально все для цього, окрім збройової хімії звичайно. Розкаже про цей набір наш найкращий ведучий - Сергій Шкаберда.
#ar15 #realavid #зброя #ібіс Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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AR15 Master Cleaning Station from Real Avid - SHOT Shot 2019
A look at the new AR15 Master Cleaning Station from Real Avid at the 2019 SHOT Show. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Итак презентую вам первую часть видео обзора продукции Real Avid. Да обзорчик скребка зашел немножко дальше чем я ожидал. Ну а в общем мы постарались максимально сжато рассказать об основных продуктах которые мы отобрали, скажу сразу что это было сложно не выйти за рамки 20-ти минутного видео. Спасибо ребятам с Купола которые без особых вопросов дали нам все отснять. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Real Avid AR15 cleaning kit is perfect accessory for my Ruger with Magpul foregrip, butt stock, and grip. #shorts #2ndamendment #ammo #ar15 #ruger #ruger556 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Real Avid AR15 Star Chamber Cleaning Pads cut the crap! Cleaning the carbon buildup from the mil-spec star chamber of an AR-15 is a pain, but it must be done to keep your gun in the action. The cleaning pads easily screw onto the end of any cleaning rod and are precision cut to fit the lugs of the hard to reach places in the AR-15 chamber. The pads are also made of a naturally absorbent material that works with your CLP to clean and lubricate. Real Avid AR15 Star Cleaning Pads, get clean so you can get back to shooting.
MSRP : $ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SHOT Show: Real Avid Master Cleaning Station Universal
SHOT Show range day: Weston from Real Avid showed us the new Master Cleaning Station Universal, the one gun cleaning kit most gun owners will need. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Real Avid Universal Master Cleaning Station Review: Is It The Best Gun Cleaning Kit On The Market?
I do a review of the Real Avid master cleaning station for pistols and rifles. It comes with a bunch of tools to clean anything from shotguns down to a .22 pistol. It has a built in mat and magnetic parts tray. SKU: AVMCS-U Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Designed for comprehensive cleaning of handguns and rifles (.22 – .45 caliber) as well as 20 & 12 ga. shotguns. It combines a Next-Gen cleaning mat with an intelligently designed cleaning kit filled with an extensive set of cleaning tools. It keeps easy-to-lose gun parts organized while you work. It provides a huge work area for a completely disassembled long gun, yet rolls up for compact storage in the included bag
BORE BRUSHES FOR .22CAL, .243CAL/, .270/.280CAL/7MM, .30CAL/.308/, .357CAL/9MM, .45CAL, 20GA, 12GA
JAGS FOR .22CAL, .243CAL/, .270/.280CAL/7MM, .30CAL/.308/, .357CAL/9MM, .45CAL
Head over to or Brownells to pick yours up today,
Always Move Forward
TIG Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Real Avid Master Cleaning Station: All in one step-up?
This video provides a overview and review of the @RealAvid Master Cleaning Station - Universal
Footage from @DJI Osmo Pocket 3
Non-Sponsored Video Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
From scraping fouling off of your bolt to deep cleaning your bore and star chamber, this AR15 cleaning kit will keep your firearm operating at peak performance. The virtually indestructible polycarbonate case, with a patent pending kickstand design, flips open to put every tool you need at your fingertips. Tools are clearly labeled and snap securely into place keeping things organized. The brass rods have 8-32 threads and screw together to form a strong and stable 29-inch gun cleaning rod. The rods connect to a rotating receiver in the handle. The rotation of the rods prevents them from coming unscrewed when cleaning the bore. Rods and each implement can also be attached to the fixed position connection point on the handle. This sturdy connection point enables you to use a, pencil-like, detailing grip when brushing, picking, and scraping. When not in use the compact 8 ¼” x 4 ½” x 1 ¼” footprint doesn’t take up much space. Throw it in your range bag or hang it at your work bench, either way, this is one kit that your friends won’t be able to resist asking you about. It’s the face of Modern Gun Maintenance. It’s tough. It’s organized. It’s thorough. It’s just like you. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The AR15 Pro pack combines three popular Real Avid AR15 maintenance products. This premium AR15 maintenance kit gives you the knowledge and tools to quickly and effectively maintain your AR15. The kit includes: 1) a portable gun cleaning kit featuring high quality brass rods and implements, 2) the AR15 Scraper removes heavy, baked-on fouling from 12 critical bolt carrier Group surfaces faster and easier than brushes and solvent alone and 3) the AR15 field Guide provides disassembly, scraping, cleaning, lubricating and reassembly information at a glance. The AR15 field Guide, with coated pages that are oil and solvent resistant, gives shooters the right information fast. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Introducing the most convenient and portable gun-cleaning stand on the market - The Speed Stand. Its lightweight design makes it perfect for quick modifications or cleaning at home or at the range. With form-fitting retention of gun gripper technology, all firearms are securely fitted in place making deep cleaning and modifications easy without worrying about slipping around. Adjustable feet provide stability on uneven surfaces so that your firearm stays safe while being cleaned or modified. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
AR-15 & АК 74 Real Avid Gun Cleaning Kit #ar15 #ak74 #realavid #cleaningkit
Paul Levy from the Brownells new product group guides us on a single-brand new product safari. This week, ALL the items are from Real Avid, and they're designed to help you with your AR-15 gun cleaning and gunsmithing chores. They look like standard tools, but Real Avid incorporates handy little upgrades in each. The Smart-Fit AR-15 Lower Receiver Vise Block that adjusts for a snug, wobble-free fit in the mag well. Likewise, the Lug-Lok AR-15 Upper Receiver Vise Block locks the upper down so it won't fly off the vise as you work. The AR-15 Master Bench Block helps you perform SEVEN (7) different tasks, while the Armorer's Master Wrench includes a standard barrel nut wrench and castle nut wrench, plus a built-in hammer. Finally, Real Avid's AR-15 Cleaning Pack contains all the items you need to render a gunky AR-15 squeaky clean.
More Brownells videos: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Utilizing Ghost’s proprietary quick-release trigger guard retention system, the Hydra P+ is designed to firmly cradle and retain the pistol while still allowing a fast, smooth and fluid motion when drawing on-target.
HYDRA P+ comes equipped with:
– 3G quick release belt attachment
– adjustable aluminum joint
Right hand and Left hand version for the following models:
• CZ SP01
• Glock 17/19
• Glock 34/35
• SIG P320
Especially well-suited for competition shooters in IPSC, USPSA and 3-Gun.
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Real Avid - Zestaw narzędzi do czyszczenia broni Gun Boss PRO AR15 (.223 / 5.56 mm)
Real Avid - Zestaw narzędzi do czyszczenia broni Gun Boss Pro do AR15 w
Wersja AR15 .223 / mm -
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Compact, Rod-Type Cleaning System
The Gun Boss AR15 Cleaning Kit is a unique, rod-type AR15 cleaning system that's extremely compact so it can be carried anywhere. It contains everything needed to preserve the accuracy and reliability of an AR15. Internal tray holds contents securely. No rattling. Rugged, weather resistent, zippered case with contents weighs just 8 ounces
MSRP : $ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Real Avid - Zestaw do czyszczenia broni Gun Boss Pro AR-15 | Salon Broni
Real Avid - Zestaw do czyszczenia broni Gun Boss Pro AR-15 | Salon Broni
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Upgrade your cleaning experience with the world’s first Master Cleaning Station for rifles, handguns and shotguns. Designed for comprehensive cleaning of handguns and rifles (.22 - .45 caliber) as well as 20 & 12 ga. shotguns. It combines a Next-Gen cleaning mat with an intelligently designed cleaning kit filled with an extensive set of cleaning tools. It keeps easy-to-lose gun parts organized while you work. It provides a huge work area for a completely disassembled long gun, yet rolls up for compact storage in the included bag. It’s called Master, because it does it all. You will call it brilliant.
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Cleaning & scraping the carbon off an AR-15 Bolt. BCG Cleaning tool #ar15
IT'S HERE! Amazon Prime BIG DEAL DAYS! FREE 30-Day Trial: (Amazon Affiliate)
DID YOU KNOW Amazon Carries .223/ Cleaning Supplies? Check it out (affiliate):
How to clean & scrape the bolt carrier group and bolt on an AR-15 rifle. Using the Real Avid AR15 Scraper Tool to clean your Bolt Carrier Group.
BCG Cleaning Scraper Tool:
(link is an Amazon Affiliate link)
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@davesgunchannel Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How To Clean a Really Dirty AR15 Bolt Carrier Group BCG.
Detailed disassembly and cleaning of a really dirty AR 15 bolt carrier group, removal of extractor and ejector, reassembly, and lubrication.
IT'S HERE! Amazon Prime BIG DEAL DAYS! FREE 30-Day Trial: (Amazon Affiliate)
BCG Cleaning Scraper Tools*:
This cleaning technique will work on the BCG of most AR-15 rifles. Firearm disassembly, cleaning, and lubrication should be done regularly.
Amazon Affiliate Links for items used in the video*:
BCG Cleaning Scraper Tools:
Heavier Duty Scraper: CAT Outdoors M4 Scraping Tool:
Menda Pump dispenser:
Less Expensive Solvent Dispenser:
Real Avid Bench Block:
Hoppes No. 9 Solvent:
Gun Punch Set:
Real Avid Punch & Bench block Set:
Otis Pipe Cleaners:
Gun Cleaning Swabs:
For ALL your pistols, rifles, and shotguns:
Gloryfire Elite Universal Gun Cleaning Kit (FREE shipping & First Order Discount):
AR-15 Specific Cleaning Kit:
AR-15 .223 Rifle Cleaning Kits:
Original Gun Oil:
**Original Gun Oil SAVE 10% (and FREE SHIPPING) when purchased directly from the manufacturer using code SAVEWITHDAVE
Firearms Legal Protection is available for as little as $! Check it out at this link:
Firearms Legal Protection provides uncapped legal defense for members who use a firearm (or any legal weapon) in self-defense or the defense of others.
Time Codes:
0:00 Intro
0:15 AR15 BCG disassembly
1:00 AR15 Extractor removal from BCG
1:53 Cleaning and scraping the AR15 BCG firing pin. Real Avid AR15 Scraper Tool
2:29 Cleaning the parts of the AR15 BCG
3:10 Scraping the inside of the AR15 BCG bolt Carrier Real Avid AR15 Scraper tool
4:44 Cleaning and scraping the AR15 Bolt with Real Avid AR15 Scraper Tool
6:48 Removing, cleaning, and reassembling the AR15 Ejector
12:01 Lubricating the AR15 BCG
13:11 Reassembling the AR15 Bolt Carrier Group (BCG)
*Amazon affiliate links to all the tools & supplies used in the video. This Channel will receive a small commission at no cost if you buy something through these links. We greatly appreciate the support!
Check out the entire channel here:
@davesgunchannel Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Real Avid AR15 Scraper - Speed Clean Your Bolt Carrier Group
A faster, easier way to clean the bolt carrier group.
The AR 15 Scraper removes heavy, baked-on fouling from 12 critical bolt carrier group surfaces faster and easier than brushes and solvent alone. It speed-cleans all 4 major parts of the bolt carrier group: the bolt, firing pin, bolt carrier and bolt cam pin. The swivel protects your hand from the double-ended scraping edges. It’s ideal for any workbench, cleaning kit or range bag. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Real Avid Bore Max Master Cleaning Kit and Mobile Workstation, Sportsman's Guide at SHOT Show 2024
Check out the new Bore-Max Master Cleaning Kit and Mobile Work Station, from Real Avid. This is a self-contained, all-encompassing cleaning and maintenance kit for handguns, rifles and shotguns. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Gun Boss® AR15: The Ultimate AR15 Cleaning Kit for Fast and Effective Maintenance
The Gun Boss, the ultimate AR15 cleaning kit. Whether you're an experienced shooter or a gun enthusiast, this compact and rugged package is a must-have addition to your arsenal.
Weighing in at just eight ounces, the Gun Boss is designed to be lightweight and easily portable. It conveniently fits into your pack or range bag, ensuring you can take it with you wherever you go.
The Gun Boss comes equipped with a chamber brush, carbon picks, and star chamber pads, offering comprehensive cleaning beyond just the bore. These tools work together to keep your bolt cycling smoothly, maintaining the optimal performance of your AR15.
One of the standout features of the Gun Boss is its intelligent organization. Each brush, pick, jag, patch, pad, and rod is securely held in place, so you can access them effortlessly whenever you need to. No more wasting time searching for individual cleaning tools or dealing with a cluttered mess.
This all-in-one AR15 maintenance kit is your go-to solution for fast and efficient gun cleaning, whether you're at home or at the range.
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Since 1948, serious shooters, avid collectors and professional gunsmiths have relied on Birchwood Casey for shooting and gun care products that have stood the test of time. From legendary Tru-Oil® Gun Stock Finish and Perma Blue® Liquid Gun Blue to revolutionary Shoot•N•C® Targets, Birchwood Casey has pioneered innovative products with an unwavering dedication for quality. Now comes individual gun specific cleaning kits that are matched perfectly to your firearm. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
✔ Akcesoria do czyszczenia i naprawy broni palnej Real Avid dostępne w :
0:00 Wstęp
0:44 Charakterystyka AR15
3:37 Czyszczenie Broni
14:39 Podsumowanie materiału
15:41 Podsumowanie
Real Avid to amerykańska firma specjalizująca się w tworzeniu narzędzi do konserwacji i naprawy szerokiego zakresu broni palnej. W dzisiejszym filmie, na przykładzie karabinku AR15, opowiemy Wam jak wyczyścić i zakonserwować broń palną przy użyciu produktów od #RealAvid 🔥
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#ar15 #realavid #specshop Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Designed by experienced shooters, the premium components of Gun Boss Universal Cleaning Kits are neatly organized in a compact, weather-resistant, molded case. And they're made to stay that way. Every tool snaps securely into place on the high-quality, oil-resistant tray.
Each kit has the perfect assortment of brushes, jags, mops and slotted tips for most firearms. Ideal for bench cleaning but made compact and rugged for field use. Non-marring nylon slotted tips, phosphor bronze brushes and coated steel cables all work together to keep your guns clean. Until there's a gun that cleans itself go with Gun Boss Universal Cleaning Kits.
MSRP : $ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Real Avid Smart-Fit® AR15 Vise Block: Revolutionize Your AR15 Maintenance
Clean Rifle
This is my Daniel Defense MK12. I've had this rifle for a few years now and it's one of my favorite rifles, easily in my top 10 rifles that I own.
I haven't done a video on it, but I have done my fair share of shooting off-camera with it.
When it comes to cleaning my rifles. I believe you’re better off quickly cleaning your rifles after each range trip than you are spending hours cleaning every inch of the rifle every once in a while.
I just want the rifle to run reliably, SO this is how I quickly clean my rifles after a day at the gun range.
First, make sure there is no ammo in the rifle, and then I place the rifle in the gun vice and separate the lower from the upper.
You don't technically need a gun vice for this, you could do all this on a tabletop or on your lap but the vice not only makes things easier, but it also makes this video look sexier and we all know how much I love sexy.
From here I take out the charging handle and bolt carrier group and grab my gun lube. Everyone has their opinion on gun lube, gun cleaners, etc, etc.
The main point of cleaning your gun is to make sure it runs reliably, you do that by removing carbon build-up and keeping your gun lubricated.
Some products only clean and some only lubricate and other products like Slip2000 Gun Lube does both (). If I was doing a deep clean, I'd use their 725 cleaner or carbon killer, but for quick maintenance cleaning which is what this video is about, I just use their Gun Lube.
I take the gun lube and I put a thin line on the sides avoiding the vent holes and underneath the bolt carrier on the metal contact points.
I then take my towel and use it to clean off any carbon build-up. Then I'll take my other towel and wipe it off. I then put a little bit of gun lube on the contact points.
If I was deep cleaning I'd take the entire bolt apart, but that's for another video.
I'll then put a little bit of gun lube on the charging handle and wipe that down.
After this, I'll grab my bore snake and run it through the barrel a couple times. Then using q-tips with gun lube or a brush, I'll wipe down the breach.
After that, I'll use one of my towels with gun lube on it and wipe down the take-down pins.
From here I'll put the rifle back together and that's it. When it comes to cleaning my rifles, I'm not a perfectionist.
I'm just not going to spend hours cleaning every nook and cranny to perfection only to undo all of that it with one magazine, so I clean my AR-15's well enough to make sure they keep running, and once I get a substantial amount rounds through my rifles, like 10,000 rounds then I'll do a deep clean.
Otherwise, this is how I quickly and easily clean my rifles.
Slip 2000 Gun Lube
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Today we are going to take a look at another high value budget friendly amazon find! The TWOD ar15 gun cleaning mat and gun cleaning kit combo. This kit comes with everything you need , except oil, to start cleaning your dirty 223 / 556 rifles. I appreciate you stopping by today and I hope you enjoy the video! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Real Avid AR15 Tool - Maintain and Customize Your AR15
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The Affordable TWOD AR-15 Gun Cleaning Mat And Cleaning Kit Combo
New AR-15 owners have a lot of about cleaning and maintenance of their rifles. There are several tools that make the job a lot easier, and now there is a dedicated kit that has in it everything you need to help keep your rifle clean and running strong for a lifetime.
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Real Avid Bore-Max Master Cleaning Kit and Mobile Workstation Review
This is a review and unboxing of the Real Avid Armorers Master Kit which contains all of the tools needed for a build from beginning to end.
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