Компактний і практично невагомий приціл коліматора Vortex Venom 3 MOA (Weaver/Picatinny) надійно захищений від вологи, пилу, механічних ударів і потужного імпульсу віддачі завдяки герметизації, захисній кришці для лінзи і міцному алюмінієвому корпусу. Об'єктив має повне багатошарове просвітлення, він забезпечує чітке зображення від краю до краю, і має необмежене поле зору і видалення вихідної зіниці. Приціл надає вибір між автоматичним і ручним налаштуванням яскравості, забезпечуючи тривалість роботи до 30 000 годин на одному комплекті батарей в мінімальному режимі яскравості. Кришка відсіку батареї розміщена зверху, що дуже зручно, так як дозволяє не демонтувати пристріляний приціл зі зброї для заміни батареї. Діаметр прицільної точки становить всього 3 MOA, завдяки чому не перекриваються дрібні і середні цілі при веденні стрільби на середніх дистанціях. Vortex Venom 3 MOA (Weaver/Picatinny) - ідеальний приціл для того, щоб підняти точність і швидкість стрільби з пістолета, дробовика або автоматичної гвинтівки на новий рівень.
Приціл коліматора Vortex Venom 3 MOA (Weaver/Picatinny) відзначений на профільному сайті Opticsplanet серед товарів, які мають кращий рейтинг за відгуками реальних покупців і користувачів.
Waterproof - означає, що оптика герметизована ущільнюючими О-кільцями і захищена від проникнення вологи по міжнародному класу IPX7. Занурення в рідину протягом 30 хвилин на глибину 1 метра не завдасть приладу щонайменшого збитку і не вплине на його функціональність. Такій оптиці ніякі погодні умови не страшні.
ArmorTek - надміцне гидрофобное покриття зовнішніх оптичних поверхонь, що забезпечує захист лінз від подряпин, води, масел і бруду.
The Viper Red Dot is a sighting solution for handguns with cutout slides. A low profile allows for co-witnessing with iron sights.
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Коллиматорный Прицел, что это? На Примере Прицелов VORTEX
Выпуск Современного оружия от Guns-Review посвящен коллиматорным, с красной точкой, прицелам VORTEX: VORTEX Venom, VORTEX Crossfire, VORTEX Spark AR и VORTEX Strikefire 2. Технические характеристики, особенности конструкции, настройки и эксплуатации включая стрелковый тест прицелов.
Текстовый обзор и фото: %d0%b8-strikefire-2/
Канал GunsReview - обзоры огнестрельного, травматического, пневматического, под патрон Флобера оружия и стрелковой амуниции Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Viper 6 MOA Red Dot - Full Review and Overview
The Vortex Optics Viper 6 MOA Red Dot, for pistols, rifles and shotguns. Here's my full review and full overview of this fantastic little sight. Enjoy!
Vortex Optics
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The All New Vortex Viper Red Dot from Vortex Optics. Could This Be The Trijicon RMR Killer??
We're going to go over everything you need to know about the Vortex Viper Red Dot from Vortex Optics.
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Vortex Viper vs Venom| Red Dots | My Thoughts
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Today I'm taking a look at my main two red dots, the Vortex Venom, and the Vortex Viper. I love both of these red dots and they have treated me very well but neither is without flaw. This is my truth about them and just my own personal track record/experience (your mileage may vary).
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Vortex VRD-6 Viper Red Dot Sight 6 MOA Dot best for Production Optics
Vortex VRD-6 Viper Red Dot Sight 6 MOA Dot best for Production Optics
Quick Target Identification
Fully Multicoated
Variable brightness / Auto shutdown
Armor Tek scratch-resistant coating
Waterproof and Shockproof
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Rozpoczynamy publikację recenzji mikrokolimatorów pistoletowych.
Same fakty - bez słodzenia - po długim czasie użytkowania, czyli wszystko to czego szukacie !
Dystrybutorem celowników Vortex jest firma Kolba. Ich sklep internetowy z pełną ofertą Vortexa znajdziecie tutaj:
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Vortex Venom vs Viper Red Dots [What's Best For You?]
Faster target acquisition, easier follow up shots, and easy-breezy low-light shooting - sound good? Sounds like it’s time to step your game up with a pistol red dot! Join us as John gives you a fast look at two of our favorite pistol red dot setups from Vortex!
Peep the link below for a bit more detail and a full rundown on a few more optics as well!
Vortex Venom
Vortex Viper
Outer Impact Red Dot Adapter
Trijicon RMR Type 2
Leupold Deltapoint Pro
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This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, we’ll receive a small commission. This helps us cover the cost of beer, ammo, and video production so that we can keep bringing you the Pew Pew content you love. Thanks so much for your support! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Dedal или Vortex??? Почему я выбрал американский прицел???
Полигон №1 тел.: 292-90-96 Александр
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Не просто выбрать качественный, подходящий под Ваши задачи, оптический прицел. В каждой ценовой категории есть свои представители. В этом видео мы рассмотрим прицел российского производства и прицел американского производства в ценовой категории около 100 т.р. Оба эти прицела мне хорошо знакомы, поэтому я расскажу про них все! Приятного просмотра, Друзья!
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The Viper Red Dot's super-low mounting height makes it the perfect solution for handguns with cutout slides.
The Viper gives shooters the simplicity and speed advantage of a dot sight, while co-witnessing with suppressor height iron sights.
This is our Item #2595 and is available here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex VRD-6 Viper Red Dot Sight 6 MOA Dot + Aluminium Red Dot Mount for CZ 75, CZ Shadow 2
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After using different MOA dot sizes and talking to different shooters in the community, this subtle detail about 3 vs 6 MOA completely changed my perspective.
Full article:
For large MOA dot optics:
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Vortex Viper 6 MOA Red Dot
Great for a carry optic or for shooting competition, you'll love the Vortex Viper!
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My thoughts on the Vortex Venom 6 MOA red dot sight.
God bless!
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In this video we're comparing two red dot optics that are priced exactly the same and both are offered from Vortex. While very similar in many aspects these red dots do have some subtle differences from appearance to features. Both are budget friendly, readily available, and backed by Vortex's lifetime warranty. If you read this description comment what your first red dot was and how well it worked.
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Vortex Viper
Vortex Venom
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Val Kilmer was the best Batman. Fight me.
I got a killer deal on a Vortex Viper (or 2). They are functional, and evoke no emotions one way or the other unlike Steiner's MPS (spoiler alert?). There is a red dot in the window... I don't really know what else to say. Lol.
Shout out again to Ainiro, for providing that safe. It continues to be by go-to pistol safe. Code TREMOR10 might still work for 10% off.
If I have any future issues with this optic I'll describe it down here. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Venom vs Vortex Viper - Excellent Red Dot Options For Range or Concealed Carry!
Thanks for watching! Be sure to leave a comment and a thumbs up if you like the video. If you like what you see, consider subscribing and there’s more content on the way.
Music by Onlap. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Прицел Vortex Razor HD Gen II-E 1-6×24 / Обзор новой реплики из Китая!
Прицел Vortex Razor HD Gen II-E 1-6×24 за не дорого. Реплика, которую я ждал! Приятного просмотра! )
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If you're looking to add a red dot sight to your rifle or hand gun, Vortex Optics makes the perfect red dot for you. In today's video, we explain the difference between the Viper and the Venom red dots from Vortex.
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Holosun 407C V2 vs Vortex Viper Pistol Red Dots Review
Hey, it's SUPERSETCA, back at you with a head to head matchup between the Vortex Viper and Holosun 407C V2 budget pistol red dots. See which one works for you!
Featured Gear: (If you use these links to buy something, we may earn a small commission to keep the channel going. Thanks!)
Vortex Viper:
Holosun 407C V2:
All Details Here!
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In this video, we review the Vortex Viper Red Dot 6 MOA optic. This optic makes a great red dot for pistols, AR's or shotguns. Its low profile, is ready to run out of the box and provides a good optic for a decent price (at the sale price you can find them at right now - $170's). We did find a few things that we didn't like, so watch our review! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Viper Red Dot Sight: (use code LLOD5 for 5% off)
The Vortex Viper is an affordable option for those looking into picking up a little micro red dot? It has a fair amount of pros over something like a Trijicon RMR, but it does have a few negatives as well. The warranty is best in the business as well, so the Vortex Viper is certainly an option worth considering.
Vortex Viper at Optics Planet:
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Between the Vortex Viper and the Trijicon RMR, Which Is The Best Red Dot Optic For The Money?? The Infamous trijicon rm06 rmr sight adjustable (led) moa red dot has been the red dot to beat for a long time.
However, the Vortex Viper red dot 6 moa sight has been an awesome red dot sight, especially since you can pick one up for around $175.
Vortex Viper and the Trijicon RMR: Which one will be crowned the best red dot optic for the money? The Vortex Viper affordable reflex sight, or the Trijicon RMR?
In either case, a red dot is on of the the best glock mods for home defense.
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The Vortex Venom was one of the go to pistol dots in 2016-2018 as the space was pretty thin. It hasn't been updated and in 2023 it just doesn't deliver on the value it once did.
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GoPro Hero 10 (5k!):
Insta360 x3 (360 camera) :
Awesome lightweight tripod ($$$ but can pan well):
Inexpensive tripod for static shots - need to weight:
Studio gear:
New fancy Camera:
Camera (they used to be “cheap”!):
Lens (must have for blurry background):
DJI Mic:
Cable to get receiver from camera body (must have for interference):
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Second Monitor (via sidecar):
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Software: Final Cut Pro
The opinions expressed through this video are the opinions of the individual author.
Fair Use: In the rare instance I include someone else’s footage it is covered in Fair Use for Documentary and Educational purposes with the intention of driving commentary and allowing freedom of speech.
IMPORTANT: All shooting is done on state-approved firing ranges by trained professionals. Our videos are produced in a safe environment by highly trained professionals with decades of experience. These videos are strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only. Imitation or the use of anything demonstrated in my videos is done AT YOUR OWN RISK. Do not attempt to replicate the actions featured in our videos without the proper training, licensing, and without medical professionals present.
We are not attempting to sell you the items featured in this video. We are not instructing our viewers on how to modify firearms, accessories or otherwise change their basic legal function. All firearms and accessories are legal products commonly available in stores all across the United States. Our videos are for entertainment purposes only. We are not a gun shop and DO NOT sell or deal in Firearms. Such a practice is heavily regulated and subject to applicable laws. I DO NOT sell parts, magazines, or firearms. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This will be my 3rd attempt at trying to love Vortex Reddot pistol optics. I can't for the life of me get a Vortex Red Dot to work brand new from the box.
What is going on. I researched for days before I decided to buy a Vortex Venom over the Holosun. Granted the price was the final factor, but combined with the VIP no questions asked warranty, I went all in with Vortex.
The 3rd Reddot that's been in my possession and I still can't get it to work. How am I supposed to trust my life with a Vortex after this performance. I'm seriously considering just going right to an RMR or Delta and just night the bullet. I so want to love Vortex, what would you do? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Viper 6moa Pistol RDS - Its Got Stiff Competition.
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This is a good option for a open emitter pistol RDS. Tho it is not without its competition.
00:00 - Laundry Room Clearing
01:06 - Exterior Setup
01:30 - Reticle Overview
02:53 - Emitter, Distortion, Tint
03:45 - Smallbore
05:10 - Comparison PA 24mm Classic
06:21 - Comparison MidTen Pistol RDS
07:12 - Comparison Vortex Venom
08:22 - Final Thoughts
#vortexoptics #fpr
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The Vortex Venom is a great choice for a handgun or rifle (IMO). The Venom will save you on weight and money comparatively to some of the other micro red dots on the also is a 6 MOA dot version that is available if that is more your speed. Full specs and link to the Vortex Venom Below.
Magnification 1 x
Eye Relief Unlimited
Dot Size 3 MOA
Adjustment Graduation 1 MOA
Max Elevation Adjustment 130 MOA
Max Windage Adjustment 100 MOA
Parallax Setting Parallax free
Length 1.9 inches
Weight 1.1 ounces
All steel targets in the video are made by TA Targets.
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Vortex has a lot of great scopes on the market; this, their Venom is no exception. Tiny, nearly weightless () and Vortex build quality. All join in to make this little red dot that could, into a stupendous piece of work. One that will serve whoever owns it very well.
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A VortexLIVE re-broadcast where we demonstrate the many ways to mount a Red Dot to your handgun. #VortexLIVE
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Whether you're new to pistols or a seasoned vet, here's a complete guide to mounting and sighting in a red dot on your favorite handgun.
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Прицел советую покупать в магазине Vortex Russia. Увы, не потому, что они заплатили мне за рекламу, две другие причины:
1. Выполняют обязательства по гарантии без лишних вопросов. Меняkb мне и моему комраду, поменяют мне еще раз.
2. У них хорошие цены на эти прицелы. Покупать Viper больше чем за 60к - сомнительная идея. У всего есть своя цена, и в Vortex Russia она адекватная. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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My review on the Vortex Venom. What do you guys think of this optic? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Venom Red Dot (REVIEW) - The Best Turkey Red Dot?
Are you looking or the best turkey red dot for your shotgun? Have you seen the Vortex Venom Red Dot and wondered if that might be it? Our Vortex Venom Red Dot review should tell you everything you need to know before you buy!
Will the Vortex Venom fit my shotgun? How big is it? Is the best turkey red dot? How clear is it? Will I see a glare? Will the Vortex Venom last throughout turkey season? What do other people say? Do they think it’s the best red dot for turkey hunting? Should I buy the Vortex Venom red dot sight?
At Review This Thing, we always cover the FACTS: You can fast forward to the time stamps below if you're interested in a particular subject.
Start: 00:00
Fit: 0:44
As Advertised: 2:07
Construction & Durability: 3:33
Testimonials & Reviews: 6:05
Should you buy this thing?: 7:43
If I haven't answered all your questions about the Vortex Venom Red Dot Sight just ask in the comments below, and I'll be happy to try. Also comment below if you like the video and/or if you already have a turkey red dot and have some input.
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*All opinions are mine. I am not paid for any of these reviews. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Viper Red Dot Sight - 60 Second Review with Denny Chapman #guns #optics #gear #vortex #viper
Hunting riflescopes perfect for dialing precision long-range shots.
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Vortex Viper 6MOA Red Dot Review (on a Beretta 92 & Walther?) - Amazing Customer Service!
The Vortex Viper was my first Red Dot so lets take a look! Recently had to send in for service and had an amazing experience! I've use don my Walther PPQ and Beretta RDO.
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With Vortex Venom your weapon becomes even more toxic. A 6 MOA dot makes it easy to find the target quickly and safely. The durable aluminum envelope ensures that the visibility can handle the toughest of situations. A high-quality view with full multilayer-treated lenses guarantees a clear and clear image with a broad field of view. The battery changes easily, the door is easily accessible from the top, which means that you do not need to remove the screen when the battery needs to be replaced.
6 MOA red dot
10 brightness levels
Multiple anti-reflective coatings
Waterproof and shockproof
Aluminum housing
Automatic shut-off
Up to 150 hours of battery life on highest setting
Flush 1 MOA windage and elevation adjustments
Technical data:
Magnification: 1x
Eye relief: Unlimited
Setting Change per click: 1 MOA (28 mm per 100 meters)
Maximum Height / Wind adjustment: 130/100 MOA
Parallax Free
Weatherproofing: Waterproof
Power: 1 x CR1632 battery (150 hours at maximum brightness)
Weight: 31 g
Picatinny Mount
T-15 Torx Wrench
Rain Cover
Lens Cloth
Mounting Screws
CR1632 battery
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This video is a tutorial showing how to effectively use the Vortex Optics Dead Hold BDC reticle in the field.
Make sure to pay careful attention to the caliber you are shooting and which category it fits into in the Dead-Hold BDC manual, since trajectories can perform very differently over distance. Also, make sure to validate the ballistics of the specific rounds you will be firing in order to be aware of any difference in trajectory between your rounds and the trajectory suggested by the BDC holdover points.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at info@ or give us a call at 800-426-0048. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Checking out the Vortex Venom 6 MOA red dot. Mounted to the Ruger Mark 3 22/45 lite.
Want some PREDAWNDEATH SWAG? CLICK HERE: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Firearms expert Dan Kidder reviews the Vortex Venom compact red dot reflex sight.
Product link: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
INSTALLING Vortex Viper 6moa Red Dot on G19 Gen 5 MOS
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Track Name. New Garage Beat [Deep Bass Music] by MokkaMusic / Morphing
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Vortex 6-24 Viper HS LR Riflescope at SHOT Show 2013 Video
The new Vortex Viper HS LR are set to come out in March/April, until then check out the Vortex Viper PST FFP in the video!
The Vortex 6-24 Viper HSLR is a first focal range riflescope that is perfect for long range shooting. A combination of the PST and the Viper HS line, this riflescope fits the needs of any shooter who needs solid accuracy at a long distance.
Check out more about Vortex Riflescopes at :
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