Незалежно від методу полювання і типу обраного зброї, приціли Vortex Viper HST завжди будуть на висоті і допоможуть направити випущений снаряд точно в ціль. Ця модель (HST = Hunters, Shooters and Tactical) об'єднала кращі переваги популярних серій прицілів Viper HS і Viper PST, і може використовуватися як для стрільби з високоточних пневматичних гвинтівок, так і для різних типів нарізної зброї. Незалежно від моделі, кожен приціл Vortex Viper HST має розширений діапазон збільшень 4х Zoom, що означає чотирикратну різницю між мінімальним і максимальним рівнем збільшення. Трансфокатор і барабан введення вертикальних поправок забезпечені опто-волоконним покажчиком, що допомагає безпомилково встановити необхідну кратність і внести точні поправки навіть в темряві. Високу якість оптики забезпечує низькодисперсне XD-скло об'єктива і фірмове покриття, що просвітлює XR. Всебічний захист від вологи, запотівання, механічних впливів і потужної віддачі забезпечує герметизація кільцями ущільнювачів, заповнення інертним аргоном, захисне покриття лінз ArmoTek і монолітний 30-мм корпус з авіаційного алюмінію. Далекомірна прицільна сітка VMR-1, відкриті тактичні барабани і механізм налаштування паралакса дозволяють швидко вносити всі необхідні корективи по ходу стрільби і точно визначити траєкторію падіння кулі. Приціл має продвинуту запатентовану систему обнулення барабанів CRS Zero Stop. Не залишається сумнівів, що, Vortex Viper HST 4-16x44 (VMR-1 MOA) - один з кращих прицілів для високоточної стрільби на середні та дальні дистанції, який стане невід'ємною складовою успіху при кожному пострілі в ціль.
Лінзи зі скла з екстра-низькою дисперсією забезпечують поліпшену передачу кольору і високу роздільну здатність зображення. Коефіцієнт заломлення низькодисперсних стекол мало залежить від частоти світла (від спектра). Всі світлові хвилі заломлюються на однакову величину кута. Застосування даного скла в конструкції об'єктивів дозволяє практично позбутися такої неприємної аберації, як хроматизм. Вартість такого скла досить висока, через що тільки виробники високотехнологічної оптики застосовують його в своїх продуктах преміум-класу.
Запатентоване багатошарове антиблікове покриття лінз Vortex XR дозволяє досягти максимального світлопропускання і чіткості зображення.
Waterproof - означає, що оптика герметизована ущільнюючими О-кільцями і захищена від проникнення вологи по міжнародному класу IPX7. Занурення в рідину протягом 30 хвилин на глибину 1 метра не завдасть приладу щонайменшого збитку і не вплине на його функціональність. Такій оптиці ніякі погодні умови не страшні.
Fogproof - означає, що корпус зсередини заповнений інертним газом, що виключає конденсацію вологи на внутрішніх поверхнях при перепаді температур. Як наслідок, оптика не пітніє зсередини, а також не виникає корозія матеріалів під впливом вологи. Прилад продувається інертним газом, в результаті чого повітря витісняється в даному випадку азргоном, який не вступає в реакції з іншими речовинами, не містить в своєму складі водяної пари і не конденсується на внутрішніх поверхнях оптики.
ArmorTek - надміцне гидрофобное покриття зовнішніх оптичних поверхонь, що забезпечує захист лінз від подряпин, води, масел і бруду.
Unboxing and initial thoughts on the Vortex Viper HST 4-16x44 VMR-1 Riflescope
This will be mounted in an AR10 in .308 using the Vortex Pro Extended Cantilever Mount
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Blending many of the best features from our popular Viper HS and Viper PST riflescopes, the new Viper HS-T (Hunting Shooting Tactical) delivers shooting versatility for hunters, as well as tactical enthusiasts.
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Vortex Viper HS-T Riflescope - OpticsPlanet.com Product in Focus
Get your Vortex Viper HS-T Scope at !
The Vortex Viper HS-T is incredibly versatile scope with many awesome features including a 44mm objective to allow extra light, XD glass, and the CRS System (Customizable Rotational Stops) which prevents dialing more than one rotation below your zero to keep your accuracy when out in the field. This is a heavy duty scope perfect for hunting, a day at the range, or in any tactical situation.
Check it out at NOW and sound off on all your favorite gear at our forums: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A few letters set these scopes apart on paper, but how do they differ in their application and performance in the field? Each has a specific set of features designed for specific types of use that you may find very useful. Check out this rundown of these three scopes and let us know if you have any questions at 1-800-426-0048 Ext. 5 or in the comments below with #AskVortex and your question might get answered right here.
Connect with Vortex Optics:
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This video will show you how to set the Zero Stop on Your Vortex Viper HST Rifle Scope.
Remember to have your gun sited at what ever range you prefer (example: 100yd, 200yd etc.) before setting your Zero Stop.
Any question feel free to comment below and follow our other pages!
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How to Set the CRS Zero Stop (Viper PST / HSLR / HST / XBR)
Learn how to set the CRS Zero Stop on your Vortex Riflescope or Crossbow scope. This process applies to all models that include the CRS feature: Viper PST Riflescopes, Viper HS-T Riflescopes, Viper HSLR Riflescopes (except model), and the Viper XBR Crossbow Scope.
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Vortex Viper HS Scope Review. Vortex Viper hs scope model with BDC Reticle reviewed and tested. Incredible hunting scope for the money. Maybe the best hunting scope for the money I have tested on my channel .
Thanks to Vortex Optics for donating this scope to my channel . Check out the specs of this and other Vortex scopes at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Viper Range - Difference Between HS HSLR HST PST?
What is the difference between the vast range of Vortex Optics Viper range of scopes? HS, HSLR, HST and PST, what do they all mean and which variant is right for you?
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A review of a recent purchase - the Vortex Viper HS. Make sure to check out the unboxing of the Remington 700 sps tactical that it will be going on.
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In this video I review The Vortex Viper HS scope. I love the scope but we had to use the VIP warranty. Watch the video to see what happened! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hunter Todd Helms reviews the Vortex Viper HS LR rifle scope and shares his experience shooting with it. Tactical turrets on this scope will let you target shoot at 1000 yards and harvest big game with pinpoint precision at 300 yards. The Dead Hold BDC reticle also allows you to make confident shot placement in a hurry. A 30 mm tube and 50 mm objective on this scope maximize light gathering, and it's weight won't drag you down on the mountain.
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Vortex Viper HST 6-24x50 Review,
In this video, we review the Vortex Viper HST 6-24x50 SFP with the VMR-1 reticle (Moa) A quality optic made and designed for Precision rifles, an long range target shooting environment. We tested the vortex viper HST on the Tikka T3X Varmint in .223 and .308 the Vortex Viper HST is one of vortex’s monst popular riflesscopes and has been around for about 8 years or so. the optic that MSRP’s at 950 USD (although can be commonly found at 700 USD). This optic isn’t a budget scope, this Optic packs most of the desirable features that you are looking for in a long range optic the most important notable features being: ED glass (Extra-low dispersion (XD) glass increases resolution and color fidelity, resulting in crisp, sharp images) , 50mm mm objective, longer eye relief,30 mm tube that holds 65 moa`s worth of adjustment, a shim style zero stop, wire reticle (VMR-1 moa/mil) really audible and positive turrets, we demonstrate how to install zero stop on Vortex HST
Ensure you shop around for the best price,
SKU VHS-4325
looking to pick one up?
vortex Viper HST 6-24x50
Optics planet:
Amazon: Canada:
Euro Optic:
Primary Arms:
Kestrel 5600 elite with applied balistics you want this one:
All turrets in my videos are tested using Targets from Box to bench precision if you are interested check them out:
All glass quality is represented with the Tacticam
if You enjoyed this video you will likely enjoy:
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 vs Vortex Viper HST 6-24x50
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Vortex Crossfire II 3-9x40
Vortex Diamondback hp 4-16x42
Info from Vortex:
Tree stands to mountain tops, bolt guns to ARs, the Viper HST is ideal for a wide range of shooting applications. Blending many of the best features from Vortex's incredibly popular Viper PST and Viper HS riflescopes, the Viper HST riflescope is built on an ultra-strong 30mm, one-piece aluminum tube to deliver ample windage and elevation travel and optimal adjustment. An advanced optical system, highlighted with a 4x zoom range, provides magnification versatility. A forgiving eye box with increased eye relief gets shooters on target quickly and easily. Incredibly precise, repeatable and durable tactical turrets built specifically for dialing, along with its hashmark-based VMR-1 reticle, top off this highly versatile riflescope’s long-range performance features.
Magnification 6-24x
Objective Lens Diameter 50 mm
Eye Relief 4.0 inches
Field of View ft/100 yds
Tube Size 30 mm
Turret Style Tactical
Adjustment Graduation 1/4 MOA
Travel Per Rotation 12 MOA
Max Elevation Adjustment 65 MOA
Max Windage Adjustment 65 MOA
Parallax Setting 50 yards to infinity
Length inches
Weight 22.6 oz
This optic was purchased by myself and this is not a sponsored video .
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Полигон №1 тел.: 292-90-96 Александр
Ремингтон 700 СПС тактикал калибр 308 Win. Можно купить по ссылке
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VORTEX VIPER Rifle Scope is better than I thought!
I purchased the Vortex Viper HS 4-16x50 with 30mm tube and put it on my deer rifle. This video is me sighting it in and giving a review. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Друзья мои, прошу меня строго не судить, так как погода была очень ветреной и сорвала многие планы! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is a review of the Vortex Viper HS-T 6-24. This scope is paired with the Vortex Cantilever mount. This cope is 2nd focal plane with either MOA or Mil reticle.
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Vortex Viper HS 4-16 x 50 Riflescope Full Review !
Welcome back to another Outdoor Gear Review ! Today I will be reviewing my Vortex Viper HS 4-16 x 50 Riflescope. Do you want to hear about the good the bad and the ugly about this bad boy, then you are in the right place !
What riflescope brand do you prefer ? Let me know in the comments section below !
As always thanks for watching and I will find you on the next adventure !
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Vortex Viper HS Riflescope - OpticsPlanet.com Product in Focus
Find the Vortex Viper HS Riflescope at !
The Vortex Viper HS Series of Riflescopes is a great line of scopes. The feature XD glass to increase light transmission and prevent color bleeding/blending. Solid turrets on a one-piece 30mm tube. It's waterproof, fogproof, and shock proof, has a fast focus eyepiece, and a really cool fiber optic magnification indicator so you can clearly see your magnification in low light situations. The Vortex Viper HS line comes in a variety of magnifications and gives you great versatility while out in the field. Get yours now!
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playing with my new vortex viper on a 7mm shooting noslar 150 gr ballistic tips. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Firearms professional Dan Kidder goes over the features and benefits of the Vortex Viper HS LR 6-24x50 riflescope for long-range shooting.
Product link: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Optics Viper HS-T Second Focal Plane Rifle Scope | Video Review | 2023 | Gear Sprint |
The Vortex Optics Viper HS-T 6-24x50 SFP Riflescope VMR-1 MOA is a great choice if you're looking for a budget-friendly long-range scope.
Gear Sprint is reader supported YouTube channel. we are not direct selling or promoting any brands of products, we just reviewed.
► Links to the Vortex Optics Viper HS-T Second Focal Plane Rifle Scope we listed in this video:
► Vortex Viper HS-T SFP Riflescopes
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Read the full review here: ►►
(Vortex Scope Reviews)
✅ Featured Products for Vortex Scope Reviews
0:00 Introduction
0:47 Crossfire II 2-7x32 ➜
1:34 for Deer Hunting: Vortex Optics VMR-1 ➜
2:13 for .308: Vortex Viper ➜
3:01 Vortex Scope for AR-15: Vortex Viper HS-T 4-16x44 ➜
3:51 Overall: Vortex 4-16x44 ➜
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Detailed review:
👀 If you’ve ever looked for a high-end scope, chances are you’ve heard of Vortex.
👍 It’s one of the best producers of performance optics, making everything from binoculars to scopes.
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Setting the Zero Stop on a Vortex Viper HS-LR rifle scope
Andy Backus shows how to set the zero stop on a Vortex Viper HS-LR scope. At The Long Range Hunting Store we specialize in long range rifle scopes. Give us a call or check out our site (920) 376-2010. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Vortex Viper HST 6-24x50 is one of our best-selling budget long range scopes!
We have found with this scope you get a huge amount of features without a huge price tag. We have also tested this scope out to 600yds and were very impressed with the results, with the exposed turrets and over 65 MOA its perfect for long range target.
The scope also comes with Vortex’s Signature VIP warranty which is totally Unlimited, Fully transferable without any paperwork and completely unconditional!
The Rifleman Firearms team have been very impressed with HST scope and would recommend it if your looking for a Budget long range optic that can keep up with any else that’s on the market!
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Matching your BDC reticle to a specific load is easier than you might think. Here's everything you need to know to stretch your effective distance further.
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Gun featured is the Forbes Model 24, chambered in .308
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Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 vs Viper HST 6-24x50 : the OLD vs the NEW and improved
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 vs Viper HST 6-24x50 : the OLD vs the NEW and improved
, In this video, we compare the ever popular the Vortex Strike eagle 5-25x56 FFP with Viper HST 6-24x50, both quality optics in the Vortex optics lineup.
neither optic are considered budget and both carry a reasonable price tag for the features they come with, obviously one more than the other. the most important feature either of these optics have is the ED glass (Extra-low dispersion (XD) glass increases resolution and color fidelity, resulting in crisp, sharp images) and both have a zero stop.
find out witch one is the best long range riflescope
looking to pick one up?:
vortex Viper HST 6-24x50
Optics planet:
Euro Optic:
Primary Arms:
Vortex Strike eagle
Optics planet:
Euro optic:
Primary Arms:
Ensure you shop around for the best price, SKU SE-52503
Amazon .com
(for the Strike Eagle)
(for the Viper HST)
All turrets in my videos are tested using Targets from Box to bench precision if you are interested check them out:
if You enjoyed this video you will likely enjoy:
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 ffp review
Vortex Diamondback Tactical 6-24x50 Review
Vortex Crossfire II 3-9x40
Vortex Diamondback hp 4-16x42
Rudolph T1 6-24x50 review
Info from Vortex:
When you're ready to step up your long-distance game, the Strike Eagle gives you more of the tools you need for less than you'd expect. Start with excellent edge-to-edge sharpness, and add a first focal plane (FFP) illuminated reticle for fast reads at any magnification and lighting situation. Add in our RevStop Zero System for a hard return to zero, and locking turrets for fast, stay-put adjustments. Build it around a 34mm tube that accommodates massive amounts of elevation and windage travel, and a throw lever for rapid magnification changes, and you've got a long-distance impact machine that'll have you wondering how you ever shot without it.
-NEW Strike Eagle 5-25x56 FFP
Magnification 5-25x
Objective Lens Diameter 56 mm
Eye Relief 3.7 inches
Field of View 24.0 - 5.2 ft @100 yds
Tube Size 34 mm
Elevation Turret Style Locking/Zero Stop
Windage Turret Style Locking
Adjustment Graduation 1/4 MOA
Travel Per Rotation 25 MOA
Max Elevation Adjustment 110 MOA
Max Windage Adjustment 78 MOA
Parallax Setting 15 yards to infinity
Length 14.6 inches
Weight 30.4 oz
-Vortex Viper HST 6-24x50 second focal plane VMR-1 reticle (moa or mrad)
SKU VHS-4325
Magnification 6-24x
Objective Lens Diameter 50 mm
Eye Relief 4.0 inches
Field of View ft/100 yds
Tube Size 30 mm
Turret Style Tactical
Adjustment Graduation 1/4 MOA
Travel Per Rotation 12 MOA
Max Elevation Adjustment 65 MOA
Max Windage Adjustment 65 MOA
Parallax Setting 50 yards to infinity
Length inches
Weight 22.6 oz
These optics were purchased by myself and this is not a sponsored video
If you own one of these models, leave your experience (what you think of them in the comments below.) If you would like to join the discussion join our Facebook group:
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Hunting riflescopes perfect for dialing precision long-range shots.
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This video is a tutorial showing how to effectively use the Vortex Optics Dead Hold BDC reticle in the field.
Make sure to pay careful attention to the caliber you are shooting and which category it fits into in the Dead-Hold BDC manual, since trajectories can perform very differently over distance. Also, make sure to validate the ballistics of the specific rounds you will be firing in order to be aware of any difference in trajectory between your rounds and the trajectory suggested by the BDC holdover points.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at info@ or give us a call at 800-426-0048. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Tactical Diamondback 4-16 First Focal Plane scope review . Vortex FFP scope for under $400 dollars .Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 lil brother . Vortex scope that anyone can be proud of . See all my Vortex scope reviews . Vortex made this easily one of the best scope buys in the last few years .
The Diamondback Tactical is a long-range wolf in sheep's clothing. Rather than cramming features in at the expense of turret performance and optical quality, the Diamondback Tactical dials it back, putting the focus where it counts. Exposed turrets bring tracking performance previously unheard of at this price point, while its optical system delivers sharp image quality even at extended range. Its relatively simple design places you firmly in the driver's seat with the potential to take on that 1,000 yard mark and beyond, all at a price that's easy to justify for new shooters, your training rifle, as well as experienced shooters looking for a back-to-basics optic on their fun gun. Opt for one of the first focal plane models on a sweet shooting rifle and you've got yourself a perfectly capable competition rig without breaking the bank
Magnification 4-16x Objective Lens Diameter 44 mm Eye Relief 3.8 inches Field of View ft/100 yds Tube Size 30 mm Turret Style Tall Exposed Tactical Adjustment Graduation 1/4 MOA Travel Per Rotation 15 MOA Max Elevation Adjustment 85 MOA Max Windage Adjustment 85 MOA Parallax Setting 20 yards to infinity Length inches Weight 23.1 oz
heres a link to vortex homepage
Guys honest REAL reviews aren’t cheap to make ....If you wanna help me keep me coming hit this link to pitch in , means a lot to me Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Buckle up, because we’ve been waiting a long time to bring you this deep dive into a topic near and dear to our hearts. Find out the big differences between first and second focal plane riflescopes, and get some tips on which one is perfect for you.
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Vortex Viper HSLR 4-16x50 Scope Review and Test
In this review we go over the Vortex Viper HSLR 4-16x50 scope. It was designed primarily for long range hunting use. We test the Vortex Viper HSLR to 400 yards and put it though the paces to find out how it performs.
Want to extend your effective shooting range at distances where bullet drop and wind drift become critical? Take a look at the Viper HSLR riflescope. The LR stands for long range - and we mean it. This riflescope features an exposed target-style elevation turret built for dialing elevation at extended ranges. The capped windage turret maintains the scope’s sleek lines and prevent it from hanging up on clothing, rifle cases or pack scabbards.
Viper HSLR riflescopes feature an advanced optical system highlighted with a 4x zoom range for magnification versatility. A forgiving eye box with increased eye relief gets shooters on target quickly and easily. Built on an ultra-strong 30mm one-piece machined aluminum tube for increased windage and elevation travel and optimal adjustment.
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Get a Sightron from the video here; great for long range shooting!
Get the Vortex from the video here; a great value with a great warranty.
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Have you wondered what Zoom is best for long range? or how to choose the correct amount of zoom for your rifle scope for 1,000 yards? In this video I set up a full size IPSC target and look through my optic at 1,760 1,000 and 500 Yards to give you an idea of how much detail each zoom provides and give you an idea of how your current scope might look. Scope zoom at long range is a personal preference so here is a look at multiple ranges compared directly.
Scopes used in this video;
Sightron SIII 8-32x56 MOA Second focal plane
Vortex Viper PST gen 1 6-24x50 MOA first focal plane
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My #1 pick for a LR scope! Only 300$
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Fake atlas
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Lee complete reloading kit
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Target shoot n see targets
How I survive the Desert climate!
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Carhartt Full swing steel Coat
Carhartt coveralls
Backpack Velox 2
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BDC (Ballistic Drop Compensating) Reticles are fast, simple and extremely popular. The Hashmarks are based on a general ballistics curve most popular big game calibers follow pretty close out to 600 yards. But what if you want to know exactly where the hashmarks line up for your rifle and the load you’re pushing through it? What if you have a cartridge that falls outside of the “general ballistics curve”? Good questions! Jim and Mark sit down with Ryan Muckenhirn to chat through “Truing your BDC Reticle” for optimum accuracy!
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