Опис ліхтаря Fenix E05R (XP-G2 G3, ANSI 400 лм, Li-Po):
Модель Fenix E05R є компактним і досить легким ліхтарем у вигляді міні-брелка. Одна з цікавих особливостей моделей-те, що корпус ліхтарика йде в трьох різних відтінках. А саме-в чорному, зеленому і бронзовому кольорах. Ліхтар не тільки виконує декоративну функцію, але ще і гарантує Користувачеві найбільший світловий потік в 400 люменів. При цьому відстань дії променя досягає 64 метрів. Для роботи моделі використовується світлодіод Cree XP-G2 S3, біле освітлення. Живлення здійснюється від вбудованого акумулятора Li-polymer ємністю 320 маг.
Для зарядки тут служить прихований micro-USB порт. Також передбачена високоефективна лінза з повним відбиваючим покриттям. Для включення і виключення приладу, а також для вибору режиму є металева кнопка. Чотири різних режими роботи ліхтаря.
Управління ліхтарем
Для включення або виключення моделі-брелка потрібно затиснути і потримати бічну кнопку половину секунди. Для вибору режиму при включеному ліхтарі один раз затисніть бічний перемикач. Тим самим ви зможете активувати режим: мінімальний→середній→максимальний. Якщо ж потрібно використовувати моментальний Турбо, для цього необхідно натиснути і потримати бічну кнопку 1,2 секунди, якщо ж відпустити, то ви повернетеся в мінімальний режим.
Щоб заблокувати модель, слід при вимкненому її стані двічі натиснути на кнопку протягом половини секунди. Ліхтар блимне два рази в мінімальному режимі, демонструючи, що він заблокований. Щоб розблокувати, двічі натисніть на кнопку протягом половини секунди-ліхтар розблокується і включиться в мінімальному режимі.
Турбо. Тут можлива найбільша яскравість освітлення, 400 люменів. Далекобійність променя становить 64 метри. Інтенсивність світлового потоку досягає 1046 кандел.
Максимальний. Світловий потік - 150 люменів, працює протягом 55 хвилин, відстань дії променя – 40 метрів. Інтенсивність потоку при цьому досягає 412 кандел.
Середній. Яскравість освітлення дорівнює 25 люменам. Тривалість світіння в цьому режимі-п'ять годин. Далекобійність променя становить 17 метрів. Інтенсивність потоку-72 кандела.
Мінімальний. Яскравість освітлення дорівнює трьом люменам. Час роботи-30 годин. Світить на дистанції 8 метрів. Інтенсивність освітлення становить 15 кандел.
* Необхідно згадати, що наведені параметри роботи моделі були отримані під час здійснення лабораторних дослідів. Для цього використовували вбудований акумулятор Li-polymer 320 маг, температура повітря досягала 21±3°C і вологість 50% - 80%. Реальні показники роботи ліхтаря можуть бути іншими в залежності від того, які умови навколишнього середовища і елементи живлення.
Корпус моделі за замовчуванням має захист від перегріву. Під час світіння ліхтар акумулює в собі багато теплової енергії, а нагрівання може перешкоджати нормальній роботі. Тому при досягненні температури понад 60 градусів автоматично знижується яскравість моделі. Коли ж температура знизиться за межі 60 градусів, можна знову повернутися до максимального режиму.
Корпус ліхтаря виготовлений з міцного алюмінію A6061-T6. Покриття корпусу: преміальне Жорстке анодування HAIII, стійке до абразивних впливів. Габарити ліхтаря складають 68*15,3*15 міліметрів. Вага дорівнює 24 грамам. Ліхтар запросто переносить падіння з висоти одного метра. Стандарт захисту від пилу і вологи – IP68.
невеликий ліхтар-брелок для щоденного застосування;
кольори корпусу: чорний, зелений, бронзовий;
найбільший світловий потік-400 люменів;
відстань дії променя-64 метри;
застосований діод: Cree XP-G2 S3 білого світла;
чотири режими роботи;
зарядка відбувається через micro-USB порт;
живиться від акумулятора Li-polymer ємністю 320 маг;
високоефективна лінза з повним відбиваючим покриттям;
захищений від перегрівання корпусу;
матеріал: міцний алюміній A6061-T6;
стандарт захисту від вологи і пилу: IP68;
ударостійкість: один метр;
покриття: преміальне Жорстке анодування HAIII, стійке до абразивів;
Here is the latest from Fenix with their E05R key chain flashlight. This is perfect for EDC with your key etc. This is sporting the Cree XP-G2 S3 LED for impressive beam performance especially for its size. Top notch build quality. The E05R feels solid and rugged. Comes in three colors so you can choose what you like. Makes for a great gift idea as well. UI is simple and 400 lumens in short bursts is nice to have as well. USB Type C is nice for charging on the go. See link below including my discount code:
(You can use my special discount code: CHARLES15 to save $$!)
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Looking for something for Xmas? The E09R is the perfect small torch to give this festive season!
Check it out on
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Smartphones are great at talking, texting, gaming, and shopping. When it comes to seeing clearly at night, they come up short. And make it hard to keep communicating at the same time.
Now, the Pocket Performers Keychain Lights from Fenix free up your phone. And create better visibility that goes well beyond even the cleverest app. Two lights put easy-access and reliable light anywhere and everywhere you go. Here is where stealthy meets serious.
Fenix E09R Rechargeable EDC Flashlight
- 600 Max Lumens with Burst Mode
- Only 3.1" Long
- USB Type-C Rechargeable
- Built-In 800mAh Battery
Fenix E05R Keychain Flashlight
- 400 Max Lumens with Burst Mode
- Only 2.7" Long
- Micro-USB Rechargeable
- 3 Colors Available Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#Fenix #flashlight #unboxing
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Fenix E05R and E09R brightness modes (indoors & outdoors)
Fenix E05R and E09R are high-quality mini EDC flashlights that are built to last. While the E05R is basically just a smaller version of E09R, the most obvious differences are in the beam type and brightness outputs.
Read the full review:
Buy Fenix E05R: (affiliate link)
Buy Fenix E09R: (affiliate link) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hola amigos. Espero que todos esten bien. En este nuevo capítulo les traigo una revisión de una pequeña linterna de llavero, pero no por eso, poderosa. Es la Fenix Eor5 que llega a un máximo de 400L. Increible para una linterna de llavero. Si quieren saber más de esta pequeña maravilla, vean mi review y si les interesa les dejo el link donde la pueden encontrar:
Fenix EOR5:
Blacksheepchileno: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Тест и обзор на ДИКИЙ универсальный брелок- Фонарь Fenix E09R
Fenix E05:
The Fenix E05 is reliable, bright, lightweight and affordable... I provide some indoor beamshots at the end of the review. The Cree XP-E R2 LED provides a single 27 lumen mode that is excellent for many tasks. It runs on a single cell AAA battery (alkaline or Ni-Mh) and provides hours of runtime. Twist on, Twist off. simple as that. hands down one of my favorite Every Day carry Lights. Nothing more to say!
I hope that you find this review helpful. Thank you for taking the time to watch. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Eficacia de la Fenix EO5R y sus 400 Lumenes. Si les interesa les dejo el link donde la pueden encontrar
Fenix EO5R:
Blacksheepchileno: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Review flashlight Fenix E09R -
where to buy flashlight Fenix E09R - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Here is the new keychain torch from Fenix. The E09R is a lightweight rechargeable pocket torch with a boost mode of 600 Lumens.
For more information visit:
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Shop these lights and more at:
Looking for a small EDC flashlight? Well Fenix has got some of the best. Don’t let the small size fool you, these mini lights are packed full of high-performing features.
The Fenix E-LITE
This mini flashlight is packed full of features including a forward facing white light, with a maximum 150 lumens and a red and blue reading light that also flashes so you can use it as a signaling light. USBC rechargeable and rain resistant.
The Fenix E01 V2.0
Looking for AAA battery power? This light can produce 100 lumens from one standard AAA battery. Rotate the head to access 3 brightness levels.
The Fenix E02R
Less than 2” long, this mini flashlight can blast a maximum 200 lumens. And its Micro USB rechargeable. Built tough, its dustproof and waterproof underwater to 2m.
The Fenix E12 V2.0
A single AA battery powers this flashlight and with a simple tap of the tail switch or twist of the head, cycle through 3 brightness levels to a maximum 160 lumens. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Miniaturní kapesní nabíjecí svítilna Fenix E09R nabízí výkon až 600 lumenů a dosvit 124 metrů. Napájení zajišťuje interní Li-pol akumulátor, který se nabíjí přes USB-C. Další informace naleznete na Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Fenix E02R and E03R are both compact keychain lights putting out 200 and 260 lumens.
E02R weighs . E03R weighs .
E03R: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
EDC Flashlights Compared: Thrunite W1 vs. Olight I5R EOS vs. Fenix E09R vs. Streamlight MicroStream
Thank Cutlerylover for doing a different brands' EDC flashlight comparison video.
This is everyday carry flashlights comparison video of ThruNite W1, Olight I5R EOS, Streamlight 66604 MicroStream and Fenix E09R. The video will compare several aspects of these brand's EDC lights. So which one is the best EDC pocket light for you?
W1 Purchase Link below: 👇👇👇
THRUNITE Brand Store:
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Where To Buy The FENIX E03R On amazon:
Where To Buy The FENIX E03R On bladehq:
Where To Buy The FENIX E03R On gpknives:
Where To Buy The FENIX E03R On Fenix:
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Fenix EO2R...Another Awesome Keychain Flashlight Option For EDC !
The Fenix C7 is a high-performance rechargeable flashlight for industrial maintenance and operations. It features USB Type-C charging with the included 5000mAh rechargeable Li-ion battery. Delivering an output up to 3000 lumens flashlight in turbo mode while throwing its beam a distance up to 470 meters, and the runtime reaches 68 hours when used on Eco mode. The magnetic base is perfect for hand-free use, to attach the flashlight to a nearby metal surface. The Fenix C7 LED flashlight is an excellent tool you can't miss, to be a good pal in kinds of outdoor activities or to use in kinds of industrial workplaces. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
FENIX E35 V3.0 - 3000 lumens EDC flashlight - 21700 Battery included with Type-C port
Get the durable and easy to use FENIX E35 V3.0 here:
I measured 2820 lumens / 12639cd (225m)
Fenix E35 V3.0 LED torch delivers 3000 lumens of light output in an incredibly compact, premium quality package at a great price point. This small, ultra powerful Fenix torch offers 5 brightness levels and Strobe Mode, all accessed by a single operating button which features a built- in LED battery meter. The package includes the very latest 21700 multi protected Li-ion rechargeable battery with a huge 5000mAh capacity driving such impressive performance. The battery features a built - In USB-C port and indicator LED's for direct charging from your mobile phone or similar USB charger. (charging cable supplied).
A tough, Ultra - Thin optical lens delivers a broad central beam and combined 98 degree flood light with a maximum beam distance of 240 metres making this light ideal for comfortable indoor use and short to mid distance outdoor lighting for camping, hiking and every day carry.
Fenix E35 V3.0 output and run times:
* 50 lumens (50 hrs)
* 150 lumens (20 hrs)
* 450 lumens (7 hrs)
* 1200 lumens (2 hrs 40 min)
* 3000 lumens (1 hr 15 min)
Fenix E35 V3.0 other features:
* Compact flashlight with incredible output
* Electronic lock - out function (double click to lock / unlock) prevents accidental operation
* -35 to 45c operating temperature range
* Tail stands for use as a candle
* IP68 waterproof (rated 2m depth for 30 minutes)
* Titanium body clip for convenient carry
* drop tested
* Battery reverse polarity protection
* Made from A6061 T6 aluminium
* Only 118 mm long and weighs 67g without battery
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I love it ! New Fenix LD30 EDC flashlight review beam shots night video
Field test review of the new Fenix LD30 flashlight 1600 lumens EDC torch.
It is bright, small, powerful and made so good as you would expect from Fenix.
This little pocket flashlight only weighs in at 3.8 ounces and just a hair over inches long and puts out a maximum of 1600s lumens on turbo. The high quality finish made from HAIII anodized anti abrasive aluminum means it will take years of use and abuse and hold up its finish.
Fenix Lighting website
Fenix LD30 light on Amazon
Excellent battery life and runtime on all power settings means you won't have to charge this light but once every couple of months with normal use. I put the LD 30 through the water, dust and drop tests and this tough little flashlight looked brand new after it was all said and done. I love the new Fenix pocket clips that allow you to clip it on a hat or bag being that they clip from both sides. Lots of outdoor footage and beam shots in this video review.
The flood on this light is perfect for everyday carry and so comfortable on the eyes I the tightest of situations. It does not have a super strong hot spot which in my opinion is so much better on the eyes. I would rather have everything in front of me lit up really well instead of a hotspot a mile away from me. It is highly recommend to get the specific ARB - L18 - 3500U Fenix battery for the LD30 It will make the light run so much better and also allow you to use the boot up battery level indication feature which is super helpful. This may be the best and brightest 18650 sized EDC flashlight I have ever used. Perfect size, perfect flood and super high quality build.
Check out the Fenix PD36R also show in this video.
The Fenix LD30
Powered by a 18650 rechargeable Li-ion battery, two CR123A Lithium batteries can be used for emergency.
1600 maximum lumens output and 205 meters beam distance.
High-performance reliable outdoor flashlight with small size and light weight.
Boot-up battery level indication and low-voltage warning.
Instant power activation with momentary on tactical tail switch.
Simple output selection with side switch.
Intelligent overheat protection against high surface temperature.
Low-voltage warning reminds when battery replacement needed.
Ultra-thin optical lens with coating process.
Reverse polarity protection, to protect from improper battery insertion.
Two-way body clip for versatile attachment.
Made of durable high-strength and oxidation-resistance aluminum.
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I love it ! New Fenix LD30 EDC flashlight review beam shots night video Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Best Keychain Flashlight? THRUNITE vs Olight vs Fenix vs SureFire vs Streamlight vs Nitecore
GIVEAWAY (3 Ti2 flashlights and 2 TH02 headlamps)
Giveaway rules:
Make sure you're subscribed, go ahead and like the video, and comment anything about the Ti2 Everyday Carry keychain flashlight. 5 winners will be picked and announced within 3 days!
Thank Cutlerylover for doing the different brands' EDC mini light comparison video. This is EDC keychain flashlights comparison video of THRUNITE Ti2, Olight i1R 2 Pro, Fenix E03R, Nitecore TIKI, SureFire Sidekick and Streamlight Nano Light. The video will compare several aspects of these brand's keychain flashlight. So which one is the best EDC keychain flashlight for you?
Purchase Link below: 👇👇👇
THRUNITE Ti2 Keychain Flashlight:
Olight flashlight:
Fenix flashlight:
SureFire flashlight:
Streamlight flashlight:
Nitecore flashlight:
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Best long throw flashlight come in handy when you are adventuring, patrolling, hunting, or in an emergency in the dark. These flashlights will always help you find your way out, whether it's to save your own life or the lives of others. So, in this video, we came up with a list of Top 10 Best Long Throw Flashlight, just for you!
Best Long Throw Flashlight List: (Affiliate Link)
00:00 - Introduction
01:09 - 10. Manker MK38
02:17 - 9. JETBeam RRT-M1X
03:28 - 8. Lumintop Thor3
04:40 - 7. IMALENT RS50
05:51 - 6. NEBO LUXTREME
06:58 - 5. Astrolux MF02
08:16 - 4. AceBeam L19
09:41 - 3. Thrunite Catapult Mini (Sponsor)
11:30 - 2. Fenix LR40R
12:42 - 1. NITECORE P30i
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Intro, Outro & Animation Credit: (Boring Motion)
***Music Source: Epidemic Sound
***Video Credit:
** NITECORE Store:
** Fenix Store:
** Nebo Luxtreme:
** IMALENT Flashlight:
** Manker Lights:
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***The footage used in this video follows Fair Usage Policy “Under Section 107” of the “Copyright Act 1976”. If you have any copyright issues, please send us an email or let us know by commenting below.
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Today we take a look at a new Flashlight from Fenix, the e35 v3!
Buy The E35 v3 Light HERE:
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filmed in parts of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. Survival, Self-Reliance, Bushcraft, Camping, Making Fire, James Harris. Original music by Cuervo Negro. Junkyard Fox Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Best Keychain Flashlights for EDC 🔦 (Nitecore TIPSE vs Fenix E03R vs Rovyvon A3 Pro)
In this video we’re going to be taking a look at 3 of the best keychain flashlights you can buy. All of these flashlights are usb rechargeable, super bright, they all weigh less than 1 ounce and they are all priced right around $30 so if you are looking for a new keychain flashlight you are watching the right video.
The 6 Best Keychain Flashlights to EDC in 2021🔦
Fenix E03R $24 -
Nitecore TIPSE $29 - and use coupon code YOU10 for 10% off!
Rovyvon A3 Pro $36 5000k 500 lumens -
Rovyvon A3 Pro $36 6500k 700 lumens -
First we’re going to do a quick comparison of the size and weights of these lights. All of these lights are quite compact and are perfect to carry on a keychain. Of the three, the TIP SE is the biggest and heaviest weighing in at 26 grams or ounces and the Rovyon A3 is the lightest at 16.8 grams or ounces. The E03R weighs 22 grams or ounces.
The TIP SE has a built in 500mah battery and has 2 LEDs making it the most powerful light of the 3 with a maximum output of 700 lumens which makes it the most powerful keychain light I have ever seen. It has 4 different brightness modes and a 1 lumen firefly mode with a maximum runtime of 50 hours. This is also the best runtime out of the 3 lights. This light has a USB-c port for charging.
The Fenix E03R has a built in 200 mah battery and 2 LEDs and is capable of producing both white and red lights. This is the only light that has two different colored LEDs. The red light is great for signaling and for preserving night vision. The White light has a maximum output of 260 lumens and a low of 5 on eco with a runtime of 18 hours. The red light is 4 lumens and has regular and strobe settings. It also has a USB-C port for charging.
The A3 Pro has a built in 330 mah battery, a single LED and 5 different lighting modes. The brightest is 500 lumens and the lowest is 2 lumens and it has a maximum runtime of 40 hours. This light also has a strobe setting. The LED has a temperature of 5000k which is close to daylight making it the best for reading and easy on the eyes. This light has a micro USB port for charging.
This is a beam shot of the Nitecore TIPSE. As you can see this light is incredibly bright and easily lights up a whole basketball court and then some.
This is a beam shot of the Fenix E03R and as you can see it's much less powerful than the TIPSE but its still suitable for basic up close tasks.
This is a beam shot of the Rovyvon A3 pro and as you can see it has a similar brightness to the TIPSE and it does a good job of lighting up the whole court as well. You can see it’s a little less bright but the color of the light is better and objects are less washed out.
When it comes to durability and weather resistance, the Fenix EO3R and the Rovyvon A3pro are the clear winners. The E03r is IP66 rated and the Rovyvon is IPX6 rated. The TIPSE is only IP54 rated and would probably not do well if it was fully submerged in water which is a bit disappointing and the charging port on the TIP SE does not have a cover like the other two lights. The body of the Fenix EO3R and the Rovyvon A3 are made from alluminum alloy and are very durable and offer good impact resistance and the TIPSE has a metallic body and is the least impact resistant.
Out of these 3 lights, the one that has earned a spot on my keychain is the Fenix EO3R because of the durability and the multiple lighting modes. I wouldn't mind if fenix made this light a bit larger in the future and added a bigger battery at some point and a 1 lumen firefly mode.
If you want the brightest keychain light then the TIPSE is a good option and if you are not going to get it wet you have nothing to worry about with this light. The output on this light is incredible and bett try comparable to the strength of full size edc flashlights. This light has a nice big battery and the runtimes are really great... I just wish they would have made this more weather resistant.
If you want a blend of high power and good durability then the Rovyvon A3pro is probably your best choice. The output is great on this light and it’s also comparable to a full sized edc flashlight. This light is also really compact and very powerful for its size.
Fenix E03R $24 -
Nitecore TIPSE $29 - and use coupon code YOU10 for 10% off!
Rovyvon A3 Pro $36 5000k 500 lumens -
Rovyvon A3 Pro $36 6500k 700 lumens -
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Fenix E28R: Brand new 1500 lumen EDC flashlight from Fenix!
The Fenix E28R rechargeable flashlight is a high-performance flashlight in a compact, everyday carry design. This flashlight can blast a maximum of 1500 lumens a distance of 656ft (200m). Powered by an included 18650 (3400mAh) Li-ion battery, this flashlight is fully rechargeable via its USB Type-C charging port. Designed with an ultrathin optical lens, the E28R creates a soft and balanced beam. Convenient side switch activates all lighting modes and includes a battery level indicator—helping you always know the status of your battery. Waterproof and dustproof, the Fenix E28R can handle more than just around-the-house tasks. Take this flashlight on a hike, use at work, or keep it in care for emergencies. The E28R is a great everyday carry light that can do much more.
Utilizes Luminus SST40 cool white LED with a lifespan of 50,000 hours.
Included one ARB-L18-3400 18650 rechargeable Li-ion battery, compatible with two CR123A Lithium batteries.
USB Type-C fast charging, inner waterproofing treatment.
Ultra-thin optical lens for a soft and balanced beam.
Simple output selection with the side switch.
Boot-up battery level indication and low-voltage warning.
Made of A6061-T6 aluminum.
Premium type HAIII hard-anodized anti-abrasive finish.
**Fenix E28R Official Site:✔
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Here is the Fenix LR35R flashlight kit. Puts out 10,000 lumens on turbo! Sporting six Luminus SST-40 LED's for a very nice combination beam performance. Build quality is top notch and feels solid and rugged as well. This is powered by the included 21700 cells. Quick USB Type C charging system is great for those on the go. Holster is very nice. The UI is simple. The forma factor is nice for EDC or hip carry. See link and discount code to the FlashlightBrand below:
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Are you looking for the best rechargeable flashlight on Amazon 2021? These are some of the best rechargeable flashlights for everyday carry EDC & tactical on Amazon we found so far:
✅1. OLIGHT M2R Pro Warrior 1800 Lumens USB Magnetic Rechargeable Dual Switches Tactical Flashlight
✅2. ThruNite T2 Rechargeable Flashlight USB Type-C Fast Charging
✅3. Fenix LR35R 10000 Lumen Rechargeable LED Flashlight
✅4. Streamlight Wedge 300 Lumens Slim Everyday Carry Flashlight
✅5. ThruNite T1 Magnetic Tailcap Handheld Flashlights, USB Rechargeable EDC Flashlight
✅6. Fenix TK16 V2.0 Tactical Flashlight
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Nothing beats the convenience of a flashlight with a rechargeable battery. Gone are the cumbersome and bulky battery chargers and worrying about being able to charge uncommon batteries. Instead, these flashlights get their juice from a USB power port and cable. No outlet when you’re out for the day, or on the weekend camping or hiking? No problem--charge your flashlight off your laptop or an external battery pack. The best part: these rechargeable flashlights come in a variety of sizes, battery types, brightness levels, and capabilities, ranging from pocket models to large, powerful spotlights capable of signaling aircraft.
Water-resistant cases and rugged, lightweight designs mean there are options for everyday use, as well as tactical LED flashlights for those who spend their lives in the outdoors and illuminating the shadows.
With thousands of options on the market, how do you know which is the best rechargeable flashlight? Brightness, battery life, weight, size, and design all play a factor, but the best rechargeable flashlights sport a killer combination of all five.
To help you choose the best rechargeable flashlight to suit your needs, we reviewed some of the best models and put together a comprehensive list of the brightest, lightest, and fastest-charging flashlights out there.
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✅ Fenix E02R E03R y E lite revisión linternas EDC RECARGABLES | EDC flashlights
👉 Nuevas linternas EDC recargables de FENIX, selección de 3 modelos E02R E03R E-lite.
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The improved PD35 V3.0 flashlight is destined to enrich the PD35 series flashlights. This light delivers a maximum of 1700 lumens at a distance of 357 meters. This Fenix PD35 V3.0 is compact but tough and features five output levels plus instant strobe. The dual switch design, tactical tail switch, and metal side switch- which also has a built-in battery level indicator, offer rapid and user-friendly operation. Ideally powered by one rechargeable 18650 Li-ion battery, it is also compatible with two cold-resistant CR123A batteries. All these highlights make the Fenix PD35 V3.0 very suitable for military use, policing, outdoor exploring, emergency lighting, EDC flashlight use, and more. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fenix E35 V3: Is this the BEST EDC light from Fenix so far?
I have mentioned this a few times but I am a Flash Light fanatic. I love them and my house ( im not kidding ) has at least 20 flashlights ready to go at any one time. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Here is the latest from Fenix with their LR40R flashlight kit with power bank feature! This includes everything you need in the box to get you started outside the box. This can also run on 1 to 4 protected 18650 cells as well. This will never leaving you wishing for flood or throw in your activities because you have the best of both worlds with this LR40R both large area and long range lighting abilities! This light is built solid and performance is phenomenal! See links below on where you can get this great flashlight kit:
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Here is the new VezerLezer ED10 flashlight kit. This is a new company. This first light of theirs is impressive not only in build quality but beam performance. This is sporting the Luminus SST-40 LED for a very nice combination beam. The Type C charging system is a plus. This can run on the included 18650 cell but can run on any flat top or button top cells as well, so if you have extra on hand you can really increase your runtimes. Nice looks. Nice size for EDC. Nice to see new company offer a budget alternative to the market. See link and special discount code below:
(You can use this discount code: sh9e2d5q to help save even more on this budget friendly kit!)
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#VEZERLEZER#ED10#FlashlightReviews Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Here is the all new/brand new Nitecore TM20K flashlight kit. This is sporting nineteen Cree XP-L LED's which provide the best of two world with flood and throw. This is all possible by the included 21700 battery pack. This design is on of my favorites for long carry. This features the USB QC Type C charging system for easily topping of or for your next adventure. The 20,000 lumens last just 8 seconds but the 3100 lumens is insane enough. This can be used as a flood light or thrower. You can choose to run both as well for a very wide and focused beam. The mode switch is ideal cause you can quickly lock this light out. This is also strobe ready and you can set the light to the level you want with the memory mode. This is a solid and rugged flashlight. I have been enjoying this every day for 2 months now, and it has an amazing beam profile. See links below plus a discount code which will be coming soon as I get word of its release.
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Imalent RS50 Flashlight Kit Review! (20,000 Lumens) ()
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Here is the all new/brand new Imalent RS50! This is sporting eight of the newest Cree XHP50.3 LED's for increased throw. The ability to throw by the RS50 is incredible. This uses a special fan shroud to cover the body of the light which can be removed and charged separately. The cooling fans do well on the lower light outputs of 6500 lumens or less. The turbo 20,000 lumens is for short bursts only but will cycle down automatically for safety. This uses a magnetic charging system to charge the fan shroud and lights three 21700 cells. This is a beast. Pure enjoyment for me every time because Imalent is always pushing the boundaries when it comes to flashlight technology. See link below plus my special discount code:
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Nüchterne Physik contra "Apple Mentalität" bei Taschenlampen. Die oft utopischen Mondpreise für von "12 Jungfrauen bei Mondschein handgeschöpftem Titanium" stehen in keiner Relation zu dem was man in der Hand hat, gefertigt auf CNC Maschinen. Die Ansprüche, die eine echte "taktische Lampe" (MIL Standard) hinsichtlich Lebensdauer, Schlagfestigkeit, Temperaturbereich, Dichtigkeit) erfüllen muss hat niemand außer Einsatzkräften, denn Stürze und Wasser halten heute alle Lampen aus. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Here is the latest LEP from Lumintop with their compact EDC Antman. This is a simple straight forward design with just on/off function. The range on this is impressive for its size. This runs only on 14500 cells which need to be button top only. The build quality is solid and feels rugged for such a small light. Nice to have if you are a hunter etc. to add range to your flashlight arsenal when in the wilderness on your next adventure: (Working on a discount code)
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💸Весьма дальнобойный и при этом компактный EDC фонарик с 18650 аккумулятором.
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Fenix TK16 V2.0: This 3100 lumen tactical flashlight is THE one to beat!
Here is the all new ThruNite Archer Mini flashlight kit. Perfect size for EDC. This is sporting the Luminus SST-20 LED. This can be pocket carried, or on a baseball cap as well due to the two-way clip. The USB Type C charging system is a plus. The UI is simple. The battery is sealed in the light. It puts out 405 lumens on the highest output. Impressive beam performance for its size. See link below:
Archer Mini:
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Imalent RS50 Flashlight Kit Review! (20,000 Lumens) ()
Charles Bridgman (@Charles_BridgTec) / Gab Social
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Here is the latest from Sofirn with their IF22A flashlight kit. This is sporting the new Luminus SFT-40 LED. The beam has very nice range but unless on the highest output the spill tapers off and can be weak. The included 21700 cell is powerful and will give good run times. You can also run 18650 as well using the inlcuded adaptor. This also has a USB The C Charging system to quickly get you back up and going. The build quality is very nice, and this is all easy on your budget prices. Sofirn make some of the best budget lights on the market. See link below:
(Clip the coupon to save 20% off!)
Rechargeable Flashlight, Sofirn IF22A 2100 High Lumen 690m Max Powerful Thrower Flashlight with SFT-40 LED, TIR Lens, Power Output for Hiking, Camping and Emergencies (IF22A-Kit)
Flashlight Sofirn
There are 20%off coupon on the sales page, could you just mention the coupon under your video?
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Imalent RS50 Flashlight Kit Review! (20,000 Lumens) ()
Charles Bridgman (@Charles_BridgTec) / Gab Social
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Andslite Torch | Kisan Torch Light | Andslite | Best Torch | Kisan Torch | Best Torch Light | Torch
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Here is that latest from Lumintop FW series with their FW3X-H-CH. This is sporting the Cree XP-L HI LED's for a very impressive pure wide flood beam performance. The Anduril UI is fully programable if you wish as well. This is solid and rugged built light. Using a quality 18650 will get you 2800 lumens on turbo. Only use unprotected cells for best performance. This is great for EDC applications in my opinion. The special modes a great feature with this light and are easy to access without programing it. See link below and my special discount if you are interested in getting this:
: (You can use my special discount code: CHAF3X to help save $$!)
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Imalent RS50 Flashlight Kit Review! (20,000 Lumens) ()
Charles Bridgman (@Charles_BridgTec) / Gab Social
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Flashlights 101: Flooders vs Throwers, beam parts and optic types.
This was a video requested for people just starting to get into flashlights. What constitutes a flood flashlight vs a thrower? How does optic type effect that? Take a look at a sample of different lights I pulled to explain it all. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Тип - пошуковий, джерело світла - LED, дальність світлового потоку - 350 м, яскравість - 330 люмен, елементи живлення - вбудований акумулятор, вага - 1048 г....
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