Оновлена модель бестселера Perun стала ще яскравіше і потужніше. Використання високоякісного світлодіода Cree XH-P дозволило домогтися яскравості в 2500 люмен. В якості живлення використовується кастомізована акумуляторна батарея типу 21700. Дальність світлового променя - 166 метрів.
Ліхтар має 5 режимів яскравості і режим SOS. На самому мінімальному режимі модель здатна працювати до 12 днів.
Perun 2 отримав нову текстуровану накатку, що дозволяє впевнено утримувати ліхтар навіть мокрими руками. Ну і на додаток, ліхтар виглядає тепер ще більш стильно.
Г-подібна форма ліхтаря вважається однією з найпрактичніших для будь-яких завдань. Корпус виготовлений з анодованого алюмінію T6061 T6. Рівень вологозахисту - IPX8.
Обзор фонаря Olight Perun -
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Olight Perun - що за "Г" і до чого тут язичництво? | Ліхтарі | Ібіс
У цьому відео ми Вам розкажемо про так звані Г-подібні ліхтарі, історію їх виникнення та розвитку. Паралельно з цим ми згадаємо про язицницьких богів та Вьєтнамську війну, до яких новенький Г-подібний ліхтар #Olight Perun має певне відношення.
00:00 - Вступ
00:56 - Що таке Г-подібний ліхтар?
02:00 - Перший Г-подібний ліхтар
02:42 - Розвиток Г-подібних ліхтарів Olight
04:28 - Історія назви Olight Perun
05:07 - Чому Olight Perun кращий за своїх попередників?
08:06 - Молодша модель Olight Perun Mini
08:46 - Висновки
Ліхтарі зі знижкою:
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Налобный фонарь Olight Perun 2 Mini.
Тест и сравнение с Zebralight H600 MK2:
#olight #фонарь #headlamp Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Фонарь предоставлен для обзора официальным дилером фонарей Olight в России.
Промокод на скидку “SERJ32”
Тип фонаря EDC, Налобный, Туристический, Перезаряжаемый
Элемент питания Li-ion аккумулятор 18650
Тип светодиода Cree XHP 50.2 CW
Яркость, лм 2000
Дальность светового луча, м 153
Расположение кнопки Торцевая
Температура света Холодный
Наличие клипсы Есть
Дополнительные функции SOS, Возможность подзарядки, Датчик приближения, Индикатор разряженности, Режим блокировки
Количество режимов яркости Пять
Время непрерывного свечения 2000 lm - 2.5 минуты(800 lm - 160 мин)/500 lm - 4 часа/120 lm - 15 часов/30 lm - 47.5 часов/5 lm - 10 дней
Материал корпуса Алюминий
Вес, г 120
Длина, мм 112
Диаметр корпуса, мм 23
Уровень влагозащищенности IPX8
Цвет черный
Комплектация Фонарь, налобное эластичное креплениедвухсторонняя клипса, аккумулятор 18650, магнитное зарядное устройство Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
🔦Фонарик - Olight Перезаряжаемый Налобный Светодиодный Фонарь OLIGHT Perun Mini Аккумуляторный Фонарь Олайт
🤝сотрудничество - punkezzzzz@
📷Instagram- punkezzzzz
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Номер карты Альфа-Банк РФ 4584 4328 3373 6268
ЮMoney 4100116385860052
Мой публичный адрес для получения BTC: bc1q9s60ythvsn6te7483c0vsa86y869gg3t7ut6sf
Мой публичный адрес для получения ETH: 0x743E3B1d4c9C542a615c2d6D9921A4dE2CDBf0E7
Заранее - спасибо!
Please support the channel:
Alfa-Bank card number (Russian Federation) 4584 4328 3373 6268
ЮMoney 4100116385860052
My public address for receiving BTC is: bc1q9s60ythvsn6te7483c0vsa86y869gg3t7ut6sf
My public address for receiving ETH is: 0x743E3B1d4c9C542a615c2d6D9921A4dE2CDBf0E7
Налобный фонарь Perun 2 Mini vs Zebralight H600 MK2.
Zebralight режим H2 перенастроен на 350 люмен.
Тест на улице с 4:36.
Мой Instagram
Боковая засветка у Зебры ярче (граница ореола ярко выраженная), а у Олайт более размытая. Хотспот чуть больше у Олайт.
Плюсы Зебры: стекло, анодирование более устойчивое, ярко выраженная граница ореола.
Минусы Зебры: крепление не прочно удерживает фонарь, есть дрожание (в креплении от Олайт он держится идеально). Размер.
Плюсы Олайт: компактный, магнит в основании, клипса (совместима с креплением), крепление, красный свет (но его исполнение оставляет желать лучшего), магнитная зарядка, более белый свет, что касается этих двух фонарей на cool white.
Минусы Олайт: анодирование у Олайт менее слабое (падали у меня их фонари на камни, сразу появляются сколы), ореол (больше нравится у зебры), регулировка по вертикали более тугая, за счет вращения на клипсе.
#olight #zebralight #фонарь Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Testing the Olight Perun 2 Headlamp (2500 Lumens, 21700 battery, Proximity Sensor)
You can pick up the Olight Perun 2 and support the channel using this affiliate link - + Save 10% off Olight with Coupon Code US10
Perun 2 Specs
LED: High Performance Cool White LED
Reflector: TIR
Switch: Front Switch
Body Material: Aluminum Alloy
Water Resistance: IPX8
Impact Resistance: 1.5 meter
Battery: Customized 4000mAh 21700 Lithium-ion
Weight : oz / 161 g ( with battery)
Dimensions: x x 27mm
Max Output: 2500 lumens
Max Runtime: 12.5 days ( 5 lumens moon)
Distance : 166 meters ( Max)
Intensity: 3600 cd ( Max)
?streamerId=1459459832346619907&channel=default + Save 10% off Olight with Coupon Code US10
🎥 Watch my Flashlight Comparison Playlist
** In some cases I have partnerships and/or sponsorships with the companies I work with and also may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. However, this does not impact my reviews and comparisons. I try to keep things fair and balanced, in order to help you make the best choice for you. **
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Купить фонарь OLIGHT PERUN MINI с купоном BEREZOVY на 10% скидки –
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The Olight Perun 2 is one of the brightest compact right-angle lights on the market. At 2,500 lumens, you can light up an entire football field with this thing, hands-free too! Get yours in this absolutely beautiful limited-edition purple gradient finish at a huge discount until midnight EDT. tonight! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
фонарики фирмы Olight - настольный обзор в поездке
четыре новых фонарика одолженные для видео
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The Perun 2 Headlamp from OLIGHT #olight #headlamp #shorts
Armytek Wizard C2 Pro Max LR Warm: 3870 lm
Armytek Wizard C2 Pro Max White: 4000 lm
Olight Perun 2: 2500 lm
Convoy H3 XHP50.3 Hi 4000K High CRI: 1500 lm
👋Hello everyone. 🔦💪💯For more quality flashlights, you can visit 🏠
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Olight - Perun 2 Mini vs Perun 2 - Headlamp/Flashlight Review
We do a direct comparison between the Olight Perun 2 Mini and the Olight Perun 2. Both headlamp/flashlights are excellent, quality lights but what one is best for you; the smaller, lighter Perun 2 Mini or the larger, more powerful Perun 2?
Perun 2 -
Perun 2 Mini -
Use the discount code "Coles10" to get 10% off of your purchase
00:00 Intro
00:19 Perun 2 overview
01:17 Perun 2 Mini overview
02:32 Functions of both lights
04:00 Differences between the two lights (outdoor brightness testing)
05:10 Head strap differences
07:41 Ben's reasons for preferring the Perun 2
08:06 Cheryl's reasons for preferring the Perun 2 Mini
08:21 Where to purchase
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#campingwiththecoles #olight #perun2mini #perun2
This YouTube channel is for entertainment purposes only. We are not camping or RV experts. We simply share our opinions and what works for us. As always you should do your own research and make your own decisions. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Learn more:
The Perun 2 Mini features upgraded output and runtimes, a red light setting, and the best headband we've ever made!
Get yours in black, green, or orange at a great discount starting Thurs., Dec. 15 at 8:00 PM EST. during our HUGE Christmas sale!
Click the link above and check out all of the deals now!
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Olight Perun mini 2 is a small bright & lite headlamp with red light review
Direct link to the Olight store
Use the SDNT10 promo code to get 10% off the non sale items.
The new Perun 2 mini headlamp from Olight is small, bright and super lite. This little thing puts out a max of 1100 lumens on turbo as well as several settings in-between that and moonlight. Great for the outdoors with red light as well as SOS beacon mode. In this video I will show you a lot of beam shots outdoors and at night. With a magnet base and right angle lens it also makes for a great work light and EDC flashlight. So check out my review of the Olight Perun 2 mini headlamp new fro 2022 2023.
I have reviewed many of these Olight flashlights so check out my other videos.
Check out my other Olight review videos.
Olight Marauder mini review.
Olight Baton 3 Pro review
Olight Baton 3 Pro MAX review
Olight Warrior 3 review & comparison to the M2R warrior pro.
Olight Arkfeld review
Olight Seeker 3 pro review.
Olight baton 3 premium edition review.
Olight Javelot mini review.
Olight I5R rechargeable flashlight review & comparison to the I5T
Olight Warrior II mini review.
Olight Ostation review
Olight Warrior X3 torture test.
Olight Lantern classic pro review
Olight Oknife overview.
Olight Array 2S review.
The official SDNT website
Charlie uses Fisher metal detectors
The Fisher F19 on Amazon
Check Out the gear & other items Charlie & the SDNT crew recommend on Amazon
If you would like to be a patron of this channel by making a pledge & being a contributor to Not Thursday.
The best EDC flashlights in the Olight christmas sale 2022
Not Thursday hiking exploring history flashlights metal detecting New Hampshire VlOG Fisher F19 metal detector Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Perun 2 mini - Lampe Frontale Rechargeable Éclairage Rouge
- Minuscule mais puissante : aussi petite que votre pouce mais avec une puissance maximale de 1100 lumens.
- Éclairage rouge : fournit une lumière de qualité sans altérer votre vision nocturne ; idéal pour une utilisation comme signalisation d'urgence la nuit.
- Multifonctionnelle : utilisez-la comme lampe de poche EDC portable ou comme lampe frontale grâce au bandeau amélioré. Elle peut même se fixer magnétiquement à n'importe quelle surface en fer pour être utilisée comme lampe de travail.
- Indicateur de puissance tricolore : trois couleurs indiquent avec précision la puissance restante. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Button3と配光パターンは似ています。 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
OLIGHT PERUN 2 Mini vs FENIX HM50R | Battle of the mini headlamps
#olight #flashlight #edc
Thanks for watching gang! Links to both of these lights below: Amazon affiliate links can provide the channel a small commission if links are used, but at no cost to you.
***If you guys are interested in OLIGHT products, I am able to offer you a 10% discount on any products on their website (excluding sale items). I love OLIGHT lights and personally carry one of their EDC lights almost daily, so i'm happy to be able to provide my awesome subscribers a discount! Just use the link and code below to get your 10%off!! I am an affiliate, so the channel can receive a small commission off the sale of these products.
OLIGHT STORE - Perun Mini 2
10%off code: BWO10
Fenix HM50R 2.0
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Olight Headlamp Comparison: Perun 2 VS. Perun 2 Mini - 1,100 or 2,500 Lumens?
Изначально хотел записать видео про свою скромную коллекцию фонариков на каждый день, но в результате получилась мини инструкция - гад по выбору фонаря для EDC.
Телеграм канал Margul Gear
Расскажу на что стоит обратить внимание, как подобрать фонарь под свои нужды, чтобы он радовал вас долгие годы.
Пишите свои мысли на тему идеального фонаря для каждодневного использования.
В данном ролике речь идем именно про #edc #фонарь , поисковые, дальнобойные, туристические, налобные - будут в отдельном видео.
В ролике показаны:
Olight M2R Pro Warrior
March K3
Acebeam TK18
Olight S1 Mini Baton
Яркий луч TACTIC G15
Fenix UC02
Nitecore NU05
Яркий луч X1 Limited Edition
Яркий луч X2 Limited Edition
Skilhunt H04
шишка и гриб трутовик ;) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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In this full review of the Olight Perun 2, Keaton takes you through all the specs as well as possible uses of the torch.
To get your Perun, go to:
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and use the code: KEATON10
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and use the code: ITTF123 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Die Perun 2 bietet viel im Vergleich mit der Vorgängerin: 2500 Lumen, 166m Reichweite und 4000mAh Akkukapazität! Dazu kommen jede Menge bewährte Funktionen und Verbeserungen im Detail. Vom . - gibt es sie besonders günstig auf
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Review of the Olight Perun 2 Flashlight and Headlamp
This is my review of the Olight Perun 2 Flashlight and Headlamp.
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Any opinions expressed in this video are mine and mine alone and are not related to my employer or any other organization or individual. I have not been paid to make this video or to endorse a product. If I am ever paid for an endorsement or provided other compensation I will state it clearly in the video. Any advice or demonstration I provide is just advice. The viewer should take responsibility for their own actions, follow any manufacturers warnings and directions and act safely and responsibly when travelling in the backcountry. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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СРАВНЕНИЕ ARMYTEK WIZARD PRO и MAX | Какой выбрать? Теплый или белый?
Всем привет!
У меня на канале уже есть подробные обзоры на оба этих фонаря.
Решил записать отдельный ролик со сравнением, так как часто спрашивают, какой из них выбрать и какой оттенок лучше?
Телеграм канал Margul Gear
Armytek Wizard С2 Pro с теплым светом и Wizard С2 Pro Max с белым.
Фонари отлично подходят роль универсалниых, для EDC, туризма и рыбалки.
Ссылки на обзоры
#edc #armytek #margulgear #фонарь Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Learn more -
In this video, we torture test the limited edition Purple Gradient edition of the incredible Perun 2. This flagship right angle compact light features 2,500 lumens and can be carried with the pocket clip or included headband hands free.
Get yours at a huge discount starting tomorrow March 18 at 8:00 PM - March 19 at Midnight EDT.! This is a sale exclusive so you have to get them during the sale! We also have a ton of other items including the Baton 3 premium edition with its groundbreaking wireless charging case, don't miss it! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Flash sale date: 8:00 PM November 25th -11:59 PM November 30th EST,
VIP customers(Silver and above) will have early access to our Flash Sale from November 20th EST.
UP to 45% OFF site-wide
FREE Gift: i1R2 Rechargeable Keychain Light in random color(Worth $)
(Register or Log in your account during flash sale, a FREE i1R2 Keychain Light will be automatically added to your cart.)
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2500 Lumen und eine breite Ausleuchtung bietet dir die Perun 2 Multifunktionslampe aus unserem Mai-Sale, die auch als Stirnlampe verwendet werden kann: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Headlamp - Olight vs Armytek - Perun 2 vs Wizard C2 Pro Max
The Olight Perun 2 is Olight's flagship headlamp. The Wizard C2 Pro Max is Armytek's flagship product. But which is the best? In this review I get to compare Olight with Armytek as well as comparing the best headlamp (or head torch if you are in the UK!) flashlights they offer. Olight and Armytek head-to-head, literally! Perfect for camping, hiking and home use.
My name is Jonathan, I have a passion for all things 'gadget, travel and EDC' which has filled both my personal and work life for many years. This includes sourcing, reviewing and product development and the creation of two UK national retail chains. Find out more here:
This channel is here to help you find great travel and carry gear on the back of solid and detailed reviews along with years of experience. I also hope to give you ideas and inspiration when it comes to everyday carry gear, travel gear and gadgets, which make life a little bit easier and perhaps more fun.
I welcome any feedback on my videos or the channel in general. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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Product Web Links:
Use code Jon15 to get 15% of all Armytek lights.
Olight Links:
US Store
UK Store
If you use code Jon10 this should give you 10% discount on Olight non-sale items.
Amazon Link:
Contents of this video to help you navigate:
00:00 Intro
01:46 What's in the box?
02:49 How do they compare?
08:37 The different light modes and battery duration
20:28 Battery monitoring
23:48 Charging
26:49 Headbands compared
29:44 Outdoor night testing
33:15 Conclusion
Product Sourcing:
When it comes to sourcing a product for review, I will usually either purchase an item personally or reach out to a supplier requesting a sample for review. Most suppliers, after seeing the channel, are supportive if they are confident in their product, appreciating the value of greater exposure.
I am sometimes asked to review a product by a supplier which I will only agree to if the product fits the channel and I believe will be of interest to you, my audience. Also the product needs to be worthy of a review. It is not in my interest to review inferior or poor quality products and therefore as you might expect many requests are politely declined.
Any sponsored videos (paid for reviews) are clearly stated as such so there can be no misunderstanding. Even with sponsored reviews I will only agree to a sponsorship on products and services which I believe will be of genuine interest to viewers.
I will always make reference in the video to products which have been provided for review by a supplier and I always make it clear to the supplier that they cannot influence or be involved in the review in any way if they chose to supply a product.
Sometimes a supplier will provide a link to the product or the supplier which I am happy to include in the description. Sometimes I will be provided with an affiliate link so I can earn a commission on sales and this helps to support channel costs but never at the expense of an honest review.
If a product I have reviewed is available from Amazon I will often include an Amazon link in the description. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you.
A big thank you to Olight and Armytek for sending out these product to me for review.
Thank you for supporting the channel so I can continue to provide you with regular reviews, thoughts and ideas and (hopefully) inspiration! Please consider subscribing to keep up to date with new video releases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Perun 2 Rechargeable Headlamp - 2500 Max Lumens
In this video I'll take a look at the Olight Perun 2 Mini. Enjoy!
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10% OFF Coupon code(except X9R): jiujitsu2000
Coupon Code will work during sales on non-sale listings ONLY.
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Olight Perun 2 Headlamp&Right Angle Light - Clover Gradient, Up to 35% OFF
The Perun 2 is a right angle light with a pocket clip AND headband included. This features a monumental 2,500 lumens and great runtimes with it's included 21700 battery.
For the first time ever, we are introducing this Clover Gradient limited edition finish and we absolutely love it!
Up to 35% OFF
👉Learn more: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Link To the Olight Store:
10% OFF Coupon Code: APArms
Save 10% Off All Items Not Discounted (Except X9R)
Song Used: SKANDR - Wanderlust
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● Still Mini but Higher Performance: As a rechargeable, right-angle light, it has 18% higher battery capacity, providing a maximum output of 1,100 lumens and a maximum runtime of 10 days.
● White and Red LED Options: Apart from high-performance white LED light, the red LED can be used to preserve night vision or serve as a perfect emergency warning signal.
● Tri-Color Power Indicator: Three colors accurately indicate the remaining power (Green = 100% to 60%, Orange = 60% to 10%, Red = 10% to 5%, Flashing Red =5%).
● Multi-Purpose Versatility with Magnetic Charging: Use as a handheld EDC flashlight or as a headlamp with the upgraded headband! Its magnetic tail can quickly attach it to any steel or other ferromagnetic surface to be used as a work light while also providing an interface for Olight’s signature USB magnetic charging cable.
● More Comfortable Headband: The contact area between the headband and the skin has been reduced, making it lighter, cooler, and more comfortable to wear. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video I'll take a quick look at the Olight Perun 2. Enjoy!
Olight Purchasing Link: ?streamerId=1428590455183548418&channel=default
10% OFF Coupon code(except X9R): jiujitsu2000
Coupon Code will work during sales on non-sale listings ONLY.
Olight Perun VS Perun 2 - Proximity Sensor Differences:
Perun VS Perun 2:
Donations for Jiujitsu2000:
Want to contact me? jiujitsu2000@
Want an Olight?
Olight Purchasing Link:
10% OFF Coupon code (except X9R): jiujitsu2000
Coupon Code will work during sales on non-sale listings ONLY. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is an innovative company with great high quality products. I’m happy to be able to present these to you for consideration.
This sale starts at 8:00PM on Nov 22 and ends at 11:59PM on Nov 28, 2022. (EST times)
My 10% off code doesn’t work on sale items, but will continue to be valid after the sale at
10% OFF Coupon code: RH10
Link to Olightstore (login to get your Black Friday Gift):
Link to Marauder Mini (30% OFF):
Link to Marauder Mini bundle (up to 40% OFF):
Link to Perun 2 bundle (up to 35% OFF):
The coupon Code is not valid on sale items, nor the X9R.
Transparency: I am sponsored by Olight and as such do get a small kickback from every sale. I was a fan and owner of Olight products long before they approached me for sponsorship. These products and Olight as a company are top notch and I recommend them with full confidence and without hesitation.
Here’s some specs:
Marauder Mini
● Smaller in Size, Yet Incredibly Powerful: Marauder Mini, the miniature version of Olight's Marauder, has a 7000-lumen max output and a max runtime, thanks to its custom 24Wh 32650 rechargeable lithium battery.
● Uniformly Distributed RGB Color LEDs: Three RGB LEDs are uniformly distributed around the lens, greatly increasing its usefulness on any outdoor adventure. A silicone coated grip and hidden lanyard hole enhance portability, carrying, and daily use.
● Dual-beam with Spot and Flood: An array of LEDs offers two powerful beam choices: a 600-meter max throw from the central LED’s spotlight beam, or a 7,000-lumen max output floodlight beam from the 9 surrounding LEDs.
● Enhanced Safety: Features a built-in thermal sensor and cooling fins to help ensure safety by dissipating heat and sensing lens obstruction.
● Intuitive Toggle Switch & Rotary Knob Switch: A simple toggle switch selects either spot or flood mode, and an intuitive rotary knob switch allows you to quickly select from seven different brightness levels.
Perun 2
● With max 2,500-lumen output, the Perun 2 can be used as both a right-angle headlamp and as a powerful EDC.
● Reduce the brightness and power off within 1 minute to prevent overheating when detecting an obstruction nearby.
● Magnetic base for attaching onto the iron surface, stainless steel pocket clip, and adjustable headband with silicon switch for leaving you both hands to work.
Moonlight, low, medium, high, and turbo brightness
SOS mode
Locking on/off
1 and 9 minute shut off timer function
Thank you for watching.
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Rod Humphrey
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Olight Perun 2 Mini Headlamp- My New Summertime Headlamp
Today we take a look at the Perun 2 Mini. I've had this light sitting in a drawer for quite a while. Recently I decided to test it out.
Olight Perun 2 Mini
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ЧУТЬ НЕ ОСЛЕП! ФОНАРЬ Armytek Wizard C2 Pro MAX на 4000 люмен!
ЧУТЬ НЕ ОСЛЕП! ФОНАРЬ Armytek Wizard C2 Pro на 4000 люмен!
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The Most Powerful Flashlight - Olight Perun 2 - Detailed Review!
Very good flashlight for everyday use! Perfect travel option!
After I have made a proper, one-month test, I am ready to share my opinion about Olight Perun 2.
For a 10% discount use the code: MA10
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Thank you to my buddy Dan for sending in this bad boy for review! I’m super stoked to check this thing out. Let’s get into it!
Check out Olight here!
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Olight Perun 2! Unboxing And First Impression!
-Get $10 rewards for signing up for Olight!
-Pick up your Perun 2 here.
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#olight #edc #everydaycarry #flashlight #unboxing #review #perun2 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Тип - пошуковий, джерело світла - LED, дальність світлового потоку - 350 м, яскравість - 330 люмен, елементи живлення - вбудований акумулятор, вага - 1048 г....
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