Лінійка самонадувних килимків Outwell Dreamhaven має новий клапан Flat High-Flow з поліпшеним повітряним потоком як для надування, так і для здування. Володіючи винятковою продуктивністю за розумною ціною, конструкція має 3D форму з глибоким профілем для виняткового комфорту. Тривимірний профіль підтримується вертикальними бічними тканинними панелями, що не згинаються під тиском і сприяють легкому надування, оскільки необхідно перекачувати менше повітря. Вага і габарити в упаковці знижуються за рахунок використання горизонтальних повітряних каналів. Чохол для перенесення і зберігання входить в комплект поставки.
PFC free - використання у виробничих процесах тільки екологічно чистих матеріалів, які містять перфторовані і поліфторірованних з'єднань, які застосовуються для додання тканини водовідштовхувальних властивостей, але дуже шкідливі для навколишнього середовища і організму людини.
Flat High-Flow Valve - плоский клапан для швидкого та безпечного надування килимка для комфортного сну і швидке випускання повітря для упаковки. Простий за концепцією і надзвичайно ефективний в експлуатації, він сумісний з електронасосами.
Глибокий профіль 3D форми для максимального комфорту.
Статична бічна тканину стабілізує тривимірну форму і прискорює надування.
Горизонтальні повітряні канали зменшують вагу і розмір упаковки.
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Self-inflating Mat Dreamhaven Single 10 cm Elegant
With twin Outwell Flat High-Flow valves ensuring a rapid airflow for both inflation and deflation, the Dreamhaven offers great comfort and insulation at a keen price point. It features a 3-D shape with a deep profile for outstanding comfort.
The 3-D profile is supported by vertical side static fabric panels which do not bend under pressure, aiding easy inflation as less air is needed. Weight and packed size are reduced further by the use of horizontal air channels. For your convenience, a carry bag is included for storage and easy portability.
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Outwell Self-inflating Mat Dreamcatcher Range | Innovative Family Camping
John from Outwell tell about the features of Dreamcatcher Self-inflating Mats.
Our self-inflating mats drive standards even higher by delivering stunning innovative features that enhance top design, manufacturing, materials and performance to ensure the essential good night’s sleep. Five categories cover all needs with single and double options in a choice of styles, thicknesses and fabrics.
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Unsere selbstaufblasenden Liegematten setzen mit ihren faszinierenden, innovativen Eigenschaften sogar noch höhere Maßstäbe in puncto Design, Fertigung, Material und Leistungsfähigkeit, damit ein gesunder und erholsamer Schlaf gewährleistet ist. Fünf Kategorien von Einzel- und Doppelluftbetten in diversen Ausführungen, Materialstärken und Materialien erfüllen jegliche Bedürfnisse.
Vores selvoppustelige liggeunderlag hæver barren yderligere med fantastiske, innovative detaljer, som forbedrer allerede fremragende design, produktionsprocesser, materialer og ydelse, og sikrer en god nats søvn. Fem kategorier dækker alle behov for både enkelte og dobbelte liggeunderlag, og der er adskillige design, tykkelser og materialer at vælge imellem. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Outwell Dreamboat Self-inflating Mattress 2021 range
Check it out on our website:
In this video, Roger shows you the Outwell Dreamspell Double Airbed. It's a 120cm wide airbed that fits perfectly on our rock'n'roll bed.
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News for 2021 - sneak peek, Part 6 - Outwell Dreamhaven self-inflating mat
This is our new Dreamhaven self-inflating mat.
It has a deep square profile for ultimate sleep comfort
A super airflow with our new Flat High Flow valve
Horizontal air channels which ensures low weight and small pack size
For more news for 2021 go to Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Outwell® FHF (Flat High-Flow) valve has an enhanced air flow for both inflation and deflation to make inflation and deflation of your self inflating mat as fast and straightforward as possible.
The Outwell Flat High Flow Valve can be found on the Dreamboat and Dreamhaven ranges of self inflating mat.
For more info or to buy yours, check out World of Camping here -
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Outwell Self inflating mats - Buying Guide - How to choose the right self inflating mattress
In this video Morten guide us through our different types of Outwell Self Inflating Mats. This is a perfect buying guide for you to find the right mattress with high comfort for your camping needs.
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We've reviewed the Outwell Dreamboat before, but not this new and massive 16 cm deep one!
It's soooooo comfortable! 😁
Full review here:
See how this compares with other mats: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Outwell Sleepin SIM brought to you by is a superb value for money range of self inflating mats. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Big SIM Comparisons: Mondo King vs Shangri La vs Dreamboat
We compare three big self-inflating mats for camping:
1. The Therm-a-rest Mondo King 3D
2. The Vango Shangri La Grande
3. The Outwell Dreamboat
All are big, comfortable, sleeping mats.
So how do they compare? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Dreamboat range of single and double designs in various thicknesses features the Outwell® FHF (Flat High-Flow) valve with an enhanced air flow for both inflation and deflation.
Its vertical side static fabric panels do not bend under pressure, thus aiding easy inflation as less air needs to be pumped.
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Shop Outwell Self Inflating Mats here - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Self inflating mat valve www.selfinflatingmats.co.uk
How a new style self inflating mat valve works brought to you by is Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vango Shangri La 15 Grande vs Outwell Dreamboat 16
These are two the two heavyweights of camping mats: The Vango Shangri La 15 Grande and the Outwell Dreamboat 16cm. Both are extremely comfortable - but which is best?
We get the two mats out to compare, plus throw in the smaller Outwell Dreamboat 7.5 cm to the comparison, as, do you really need sleeping mats as big as these?
Read the full comparison here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Outwell DreamSpell Range 2021
Single and double Dreamspell designs feature the Outwell Flat High-Flow Valve and mattress-like home from home sleep comfort.
• Deep profile 3D shape for ultimate comfort.
• Lightweight and durable polyester pongee.
• Small pack size.
• Double Flat High-Flow valve enhances air flow.
• PFC free. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video, we look at the new Vango Shangri La 15 Grande self-inflating mat (SIM) for camping.
This is quite a big (and expensive) mat, but it has a better self-inflating mechanism and has a valve designed to help deflate it.
Not a back-packing mat though!
Many thanks to Vango for supplying us with a sample of the Vango Shangri-la Grande to test and review. We were not paid to write this review. All opinions are our own. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vidéo de présentation matelas Dreamhaven Outwell (anglais)
Trouvez les matelas Dreamhaven Outwell sur notre site :
Dreamhaven Single 5.5 cm :
Dreamhaven Single 7.5 cm :
Dreamhaven Single 10.0 cm :
Dreamhaven Double 5.5 cm :
Dreamhaven Double 7.5 cm :
Dreamhaven Double 10.0 cm :
La gamme Dreamhaven est dotée de la nouvelle valve haut débit plate d’Outwell® qui améliore le flux d’air tant pour le gonflage que pour le dégonflage. Offrant des performances exceptionnelles à un prix compétitif, les matelas Dreamhaven présentent une forme 3D avec un profond relief pour garantir un confort exceptionnel. La forme 3D est donnée par des morceaux de tissu statiques verticaux qui ne se plient pas sous la pression, ce qui facilite le gonflage. En effet, cela nécessite de pomper moins d’air. Le poids et la taille du matelas replié sont encore réduits grâce à l’utilisation de conduits d’air horizontaux. Un sac de transport avec bandoulière est inclus pour permettre un rangement et un transport aisés. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The ever popular Outwell Sleepin self inflating mats brought to you by are perfect for the budget conscious campers. With a good solid build and various sizes available Outwell have designed a great mid to low priced SIM Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Outwell Dreamcatcher self inflating mats brought to you by are some of the best mid priced SIMs on the market. With the superb valves and quality internals the Dreamcatcher range are certainly something to think about. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video, we review the thermally insulated (and R-Value rated) new Outwell Dreamboat self-inflating mat. We also do a quick comparison with another insulated SIM, the Therm-a-Rest Mondo King 3D.
Also, if you struggle to put away these large self-inflating mats, we show you how to roll it up and get it back in its bag.
FULL REVIEW: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Outwell Dreamboat Double - Luxury Camping Self-Inflating Mat
In this video, we have a look at setting up the Outwell Dreamboat Double.
This is probably the best family camping Self-Inflating Mat (SIM). As you can see in the video, it is not thin like a regular SIM, but much thicker. You could call it a luxury SIM.
It's also filled with memory foam, making it more comfortable. The foam also provides great ground insulation.
This is not the sort of SIM you would want to go backpacking with, but when car camping, this makes a great alternative to smaller firmer SIMs. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
QUICK TIP: For faster MegaMat inflation, use the pin attached to the inflate valve cover: Simply insert the pin halfway into the inflate valve to hold the rubber flap open. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best self inflating camp mats: Exped MegaMat, Zempire Monstamat, S2S Comfort & Black Wolf Hexatherm
Check out the Exped Megamat 10 LXW Camp Mat here:
The Zempire Monstamat Single Camp Mat here:
The Sea to Summit Comfort DLX SI Sleeping Mat here:
And the Black Wolf HexaTherm 3D Single Mattress here:
The Exped Megamat, Zempire Monstamat, Sea to Summit Comfort DLX and the Black Wolf HexaTherm 3D are four of our most popular mats as they’re known for providing a soundless night’s sleep in the great outdoors.
They’re all long, wide, comfy and have excellent insulation – so they’re a popular choice for car camping, throwing in a swag, or even when guests come to stay.
As they are all square-sided mats that are 10cm high, we get so many questions from you guys about what sets them apart and which one to pick. So, we’ve roped in our gear expert Ben, to take us through the features of all the mats, and explain the differences between them.
In the video we cover materials, size, inflation, deflation, R-value, weight, packed size, models, comfort, and price – so check it out above for a full comparison.
0:00 - Intro
0:56 - Materials & construction
3:34 - Valves
5:42 - Weight
6:18 - R-values
6:50 - Available sizes
7:37 - Comfort levels
10:58 - Packed sizes Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Outwell Dreamboat Range (2019) | Innovative Family Camping Award Wining Air Mattress
Versatility is a key element in the Award Winner Outwell Dreamboat self inflating mattress range of single and double self-inflating mats in two luxurious thickness options ( and 12cm) using 3D welded stretch polyester construction. All feature twin Air Flow Control Valves adding even more flexibility and speed in use. Ingenious heat regulation is achieved through
offset air core sculpting which enables greater or less body heat retention depending on which mat side is slept on – a real performance boost when needed. This air core design also offers campers a softer sleep sensation as well as better ease of packing,
lower weight and neater packed size.
Please see our range of selfinflating mats here:
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How to inflate a self-inflating camping mat purchased from Aldi, 50mm thick when fully inflated. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
- self-inflating mat with air flow control valve
- Outwell AFC Valve for easy inflation and deflation
- wave-shaped foam for comfort and volume reduction
- horizontal air channels to reduce weight and pack size
- fast fit carrybag with shoulder strap for easy storage and portability Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Werbung wegen Markennennung aber alles selbst bezahlt!
Hallo ihr Lieben,
in diesem Video stelle ich euch selbstaufblasende Iso-Matte „Sleeping Double 3.0 cm“ von Outwell vor. Ich habe sie mir gekauft, weil ich sie auf mein Luftbett zur besseren Isolierung legen und nutzen möchte. Ob sich dies bestätigt hat oder ich enttäuscht bzw. zufrieden war, erfahrt ihr in diesem Video. 😊
Ich hoffe für euch ist der ein oder andere Tipp dabei :-)
Ich freue mich immer sehr über euer Feedback. Lasst einen Daumen nach oben da, wenn euch das Video gefallen hat und abonniert gern kostenlos meinen Kanal um nichts mehr zu verpassen – es würde mich sehr freuen 😊 Viel Spaß.
Di’s Life
INSTAGRAM: @dislife_youtube
P.S.: Nicht wundern, aufgrund der aktuellen Lage markiere ich alles mit "Werbung" da Namensnennungen und Markenerkennungen vorkommen aber wir haben alles selbst gezahlt und bekommen kein Geld für Werbung!!!
Hier findet ihr die Links zu den Artikeln aus dem Video*
~ Outwell Selbstaufblasmatte Sleepin Double 183 x 123 x 3 cm
~ CampFeuer Campingzelt für 4 Personen
~ Zeltteppich**
~ Camping-Schrank groß**
~ Camping-Schrank klein**
*Affiliate Links (wenn ihr das Produkt über diesen Link aufruft und kauft werde ich am Gewinn ein wenig beteiligt – ich würde mich sehr darüber freuen da ich die Produkte extra für euch über Amazon suche – also lieben Dank im Voraus 😊 )
** Diese Artikel habe ich nicht aber sind ähnlich. Die Qualität kann ich jedoch nicht beurteilen. Dies sind lediglich Vorschläge. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
- easy operating valve
- fast fit carrybag for easy storage and portability
- Fabric: Top: 190T 75D 100% polyester, Bottom: 190T 75D 100% polyester
- Size: 183 x 51 x 3 cm (LxWxH)
- Pack size: 27 x 15 cm
- Weight: 0.9 kg Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Outwell Air Flow Control Valve | Patented Valve - Innovative Family Camping Equipment
We have created and patented our Outwell Air Flow Control Valve (AFC) to enhance performance and convenience by addressing the way we inflate, adjust and deflate a self-inflating mat. It overcomes age-old problems by delivering faster and easier inflation, deflation and fine-tuning firmness to suit individual preferences. Flexible and effortless operation is achieved through its simple inflate, deflate and air tight positions. Durable and reliable, it incorporates a mesh
filter to protect its internal components from contamination. Our highly efficient AFC valve is a clean and ingenious Outwell solution that marks another major innovation in our long history of leading the field.
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Outwell Air Flow Control Valve www.selfinflatingmats.co.uk
Have you ever wanted to know what the best camping mattress is and why? If you love to wake up feeling good, energetic and with no aches and pains when camping, then you need to watch my 5 minute detailed camping self inflating video to find out the best mattress for you personally... Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Cirro single and double self inflating mats from Airgo are an ideal luxury addition to your camping set up. Here's Ian with a closer look.
Find out more:
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Zeltratgeber Teil 5 - Campingausrüstung - Luftmatratzen Isomatten Thermomatten Vergleich
Christzophe präsentiert drei Mattenarten mit Ihren Eigenschaften und Unterschieden. Luftmatratze, Isomatte und Thermomatte im Vergleich. Mit der richtigen Campingausrüstung zum Outdoorerlebnis!
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BEST Backpacking and Camping Sleeping Pad | 20 Year Review | 2000 NIGHTS SLEPT!
Best camping mattress and why, I've slept on the ground so many nights over the years and have accumulated various pads to see what works, I'll discuss the advantages and disadvantages from foam to car camping 4" pads! How to sleep in the backcountry, construction principles review for a comfortable nights sleep. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vango Shangri La Self Inflating Mat - www.newquaycampingshop.com
If you are looking at the Vango Shangri la self inflating mats , check out our quick video of how easy it is to inflate and deflate. If you would like to see one of these Mat in person why not pop in to our store in Newquay Cornwall to try one out your self.
I hope you find this helpful and any feedback would be great as I am new to these videos
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Die Vango Shangri-La Grande 10 ist die bequemste selbstaufblasenden Isomatte die ich bis jetzt ausprobiert habe. Camping kann bequem sein.
Tofi Outdoorladen in Sachsenhagen bei Hannover
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This product has been discontinued, but we're leaving the video up for your enjoyment. Check out the latest gear at Enwild: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
News for 2021 - sneak peek, Part 4 - Outwell Sleep Comfort
Excellent sleep comfort is one of our most important values here at Outwell, so our designers have created a complete solution for you to enjoy a great night’s sleep:
Our large bedrooms now feature Dark panels in the tent fabric used above the inners, Dark fabric in the inners and off course our award-winning Quick & Quiet Inner Door
See more news for 2021 on Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Outwell Dreamland and Wonderland (2019) | Innovative Family Camping Airbed
Delivering exceptional sleep comfort solutions, Outwell Airbed Sleep Systems integrate reliable performance designs for the next level in campsite sleep perfection. Our Outwell Wonderland and Outwell Dreamland designs are inspired by the shape and style of conventional home mattresses, with the bonus of light weight and compact packed size, ensuring home comfort on site. Each has a different thickness of polyester-covered PVC airbed (9cm or 12cm) covered by memory or PU foam top mat and all enclosed with a
washable, removable quilted polyester insulated filling topper
See our Dreamland and Wonderland range here:
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Queensdale 8PA
You’ll love the huge amount of space for flexible campsite living in the feature-packed, king-size Queensdale 8PA inflatable tent. Sleeping up to eight in up to four bedrooms, it’s perfect for sharing with family and friends on long camping holidays. An inner tent in the living area offers the option to have a guest room or to use it for handy storage. If not needed, it can be removed easily for extra living space. You can roll away the many doors throughout to let fresh air and nature fill the interior for a true outdoor experience. With excellent versatile space and ventilation, you’ll enjoy sharing a happy holiday home together for many years.
Intro: 0:00
Around the tent: 0:23
Inside the tent: 2:10
Outtro: 4:21
----- Features -----
• Vertical front wall with canopy for enhanced interior and exterior living space
• Three zones provide a large family with wet room, dry living room and bedroom. The front inner is perfect for storage or as an extra bedroom and is easily removed to increase living space
• Dark Premier Bedrooms with mesh ventilation for sleep comfort
• Additional side door for flexible access
• Double zips allow full front opening
• Durable storm webbings
• Quick & Quiet Access Door with magnetic closure
• Quick & Quiet Inner Door with magnetic closure
• Rear Ventilation System adjusts air flow from full open to zip sealed
• Durable, waterproof, sewn-in polyethylene groundsheet
• Flysheet and inner feature cable entry points
• Light, warm-toned flysheet roof creates a bright, cheerful internal ambience
• Adjustable pegging points for pitching flexibility
• HookTrack System for versatile positioning of lights and items up to
• Reliable, easy-to-operate inflate/deflate valves conveniently placed outside the flysheet
• Mesh pockets in the inner tents store small items safe and handy
• Large tinted windows reducing glare and ensuring privacy
• Fully seam-sealed flysheet for maximum protection from the elements
• Outwell Lite Pegging System’s colour-coding enables campers to use pegs in the right place first time for fast pitching and reliable stability
• Compressible carrybag for compact pack size
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The Alpkit Guide | How comfortable are Self Inflating Camping Mats?
Has an uncomfortable, bad nights sleep put you off camping? Or does the thought of it make you go all funny inside? Don't let those thoughts take charge! Instead, watch this video! Jim explains how comfortable self inflating sleeping mats are, and what to expect from them when in use. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
News for 2021 - sneak peek, Part 7 - Outwell Storage
Our brand-new range of storage cupboards bring a flavor of home-like order to the campsite.
Check out these new smart magnetic doors that open and closes very easily.
And how about our new Margate Kitchen Storage Box that you can pack at home, take from the car and store in your tent
For more news for 2021 please go to Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
What is the BEST BUDGET SLEEPING PAD | Budget backpacking sleeping pad review & comparison
I may have found an even better pad!
I am a cheap side sleeper but want a good night's sleep while backpacking, so I need the best budget sleeping pad there is. I've done a comparison and review of backpacking sleeping pads - 4 different sleeping pads from Amazon, all under $50! And I finally found the best budget sleeping pad (spoiler alert - it's the Sleepingo from Amazon). The best part is it's ultralight at only 14 ounces, packs up smaller than a water bottle, is SUPER comfortable, and costs less than $40! If you're a beginner backpacker, this is a great sleeping pad to start with because it won't break the bank and is the most comfortable sleeping pad I've slept on. If you've tried several sleeping pads while backpacking and haven't found one you like yet, try the Sleepingo from Amazon!
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-ROUND 2 Budget Sleeping Pad Showdown:
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-Budget Backpacking Stove:
-Budget Winter Sleeping Pad Showdown:
-Budget Sleeping Bag Showdown:
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Jeff Andersen
25050 Riding Plaza
Suite 130-208
South Riding, VA 20152
0:00 Intro
0:35 Things to know about sleeping pads
1:41 $25 self-inflating pad from Amazon
3:00 $35 self-inflating pad from Amazon
4:15 $45 closed-cell foam pad (Therm-a-rest Z lite)
5:22 $40 inflatable pad from Amazon (Sleepingo Camping Sleeping Pad) 🏆🏆🏆
6:45 Summary & comparison
⚙Gear Links⚙
-$25 Pad similar to the one I tested:
-$35 Pad similar to the one I tested:
-$45 Closed Cell Foam (Therm-a-Rest Z Lite):
-$40 Sleepingo Ultralight Pad:
-🛑Check out Round 2 to see my new favorite pad. It's still only $40, but 4 inches thick!!🛑
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Care and Use of Therm-a-Rest Self Inflating Sleeping Pads
This product has been discontinued, but we're leaving the video up for your enjoyment. Check out the latest gear at Enwild: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Outwell family tents - see our 2021 collection of tents and camping equipment
We are so happy to launch our new collection of family tents and camping equipment for your outdoor adventures in 2021.
Enjoy easy-to-pitch inflatable tents and classic poled tents blending quality, comfort and performance. New features include Quick & Quiet Access, Ventilation System, wing lounge and much more..
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Share our brand video: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video we show you how to use our 2-way air tent valve.
For further inspiration please visit: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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