Ionosphere™ Snugpak® являє собою двополюсний компактний намет з одним входом; він був спеціально розроблений для запланованих ночівель, дикого кемпінгу і пригодницьких перегонів, де потрібно більш надійний захист від погодних умов. Намет має вражаючу площу, що займає 2,4 м в довжину і 0,9 м в ширину, створюючи досить місця комфортного розміщення однієї людини зі своїм обладнанням; в надзвичайній ситуації Ionosphere™ може вмістити двох осіб.
Намет простий в установці, упаковується до розмірів 31х14см, мінімальна вага всього 1,2 кг, в якості каркаса використовуються перевірені дуги АЦП DAC ®, тому не займає цінного місця в вашому рюкзаку. Ідеально підходить для більш тривалих активностей і багатоденного використання разом з четирисезонним спальним мішком Softie® Osprey 12. З метою економії ваги і місця для літнього періоду і теплих кліматичних умов до намету Ionosphere ідеально підійде спальний мішок Snugpak Adventure вагою всього 650 г або Snugpak Softie 3 Merlin вагою 900 г.
Намет вкриє від найгіршої несприятливої погоди, верхній тент витримає тиск в 5000-міліметрів водяного стовпа, тканини оброблені поліуретановим покриттям зі стрічковими швами, внутрішній тент виготовлений з сітки Mosquito Net No-See-Um для запобігання проникнення будь-яких комах. Для літнього дикого кемпінгу, іоносфера є ідеальним варіантом, дозволяючи вам змінювати і налаштовувати напрямок вітру, використовуючи двополюсну систему для формування яке стримує утворення конденсату до мінімуму.
Між водонепроникним зовнішнім тентом і внутрішньою сіткою досить місця для зберігання взуття, посуду, шолома, або трекінгових палиць, якщо це необхідно. Усередині намету досить місця для зберігання рюкзака. З боків є також дві невеликі сітчасті кишені, які дуже зручні для предметів першої необхідності. Низький профіль робить намет більш обтічним і відповідно стійким в сильних вітрах.
Повна вага намету 1520 г включає в себе все (15 кілочків - 195 г, вага пакувального чохла з ремкомплектом - 114 г)
Виконані з алюмінію TH72M анодовані дуги Dac Poles DAC® Featherlite NSL®.
Намет поставляється з набором кілочків з 15 шт вагою 13 г кожен.
Один бічний вхід
Легкий, але міцний зовнішній тент 210t Ripstop Flysheet з водонепроникним поліуретановим покриттям 5000 мм.
Підлога виготовлена з легкого нейлону 190Т з водонепроникним поліуретановим покриттям стійкістю 5000 мм.
Пока было время, специально для нашего друга из одного подразделения специального назначения Росгвардии сняли еще один обзор палатки, которую взяли с собой в рейд на тестирование.
Кратко: Snugpak Ionosphere - это экстремально маленькая и компактная палатка, рассчитанная на одного сотрудника.Применение ее довольно специфично, и не каждому подойдет, но если вы знаете где вы будете применять данную палатку и не страдаете клаустрофобией, то берите однозначно! Палатка - супер!
И да, - это не реклама. Это то как есть на самом деле.
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NOT What I Expected To Happen - Snugpak Ionosphere Rain Test - Test Night Series
In this Episode of TOGR, Luke is waterproof testing the Snugpak Ionosphere Tent; will the problems that are presented during this rain event be deal breakers?
Find out now!
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Snugpak Quality Comparison - Ionosphere Tent
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Snugpak Ionosphere 1 man 2 pole tunnel tent - Drab Olive
Welcome to a new video from AW Services
If you are in the market for a new tent this year and love traditional camping, stealth camping or serious backpacking where you require an ultralight tent maybe the Snugpak ionosphere is the tent for you
A small packaged tent presented in a compression style sack with only two curved aluminium poles, a fly that can be used in hotter climates to stop mosquitos or insects or add the traditional easy to attach outer sheet.
lightweight aluminium stakes included along with repair kit however the clue will need to be purchased separately for shipping and age related restrictions.
price at the time of purchase February 2022 was £ but prices are rising
Terrain Pattern available Mid October 2021
Pack Weight: /
Trail Weight: / (fly, poles & inner tent)
Packsize: 48cm x 14cm / 19" x 6"
Pitch type: Inner first
Origin: Imported
Waterproof Taped Seams
Doors: Single-point front entry with porch
Ten Mesh Internal Pockets for equipment and head-end hanging loop (Five on each side)
Supplied with 16 Lightweight Alloy Y-Stakes, with two-spares (14 + 2 Spare Stakes)
Flame Retardant
Supplied with a Compression Storage Bag
Supplied with a Basic Repair Kit
Flysheet: 210t 100% polyester ripstop with 5000mm HH waterproof PU coating
Inner tent: 190t 100% nylon inner fabric, with a 50D polyester No-See-Um-Mesh
No-see-um netting 1600 holes per square inch
Groundsheet: 190t 100% nylon with (5000mm HH) waterproof PU coating
DAC® Featherlite NSL® Anodised Aluminium Poles with pressfit connectors, 100% aluminium
Colours Available
Colours Available: Olive, Terrain Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
4+ Year Follow up Review - Snugpak Ionosphere - Worth the Money?
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I've been using the Snugpak Ionosphere tent for over 4 years now and the question is; is it worth the money? How has it held up? This is a followup review; 4+ years in the making!
Price : $140 for green version $170 for the tan version on Amazon. Retail is $223
Weight : / 1520 g.
Colors : Green and Tan
Amazon Link :
This is a product which hasn’t changed much since it was released a long time ago back in 2012 and the truth is, it really doesn’t need to change much because it was such a great product. From the quality, to the functionality to the price, this is one of those rare tents on the market which is well worth the price.
I originally did my review of this tent back in 2013 and have continued to use it over the years and I love it just as much now as I did then. It’s one of those products that I pull out of my gear storage every few months to use; especially when I’m heading out on the trail with my buddies. Speaking of which anytime that a friend asks to use a tent or to borrow one, this is one that I grab because it’s lightweight, it’s sturdy, storm worthy and is large enough to work with most people.
So you may be wondering what has changed with this tent since arriving on the market; not much! Snugpak does off this tent in an additional color; Tan and it looks great!
What many don’t know about this tent is that it is often used in military circles; field shelters, training, jumping and so on. That allows says a lot about the quality of this product and it’s something that I can backup with my own use. This tent has seen more nights out than I can count and with my buddies, double that number.
Think of this tent as a bivy which is the size of a small tent; low profile but that’s large enough for anyone to use. Also there is enough room for your gear as well.
Thanks to the bug netting, bugs and mosquitoes aren’t an issue.
If you are in a dry location you can use the tent alone as a bug net,
If the weather changes, you can put the rain fly on in about a minute.
There is plenty of room in the interior--so much so that I can actually fit both myself and my pack inside of it. I’m a short dude, 5’5” or so but this works the same with my buddies who are 6ft, 200 lbs.
If you’re a tiny person, you can crawl headfirst into the unit and turn around. I can crawl in and turn around, if you are taller or less limber, back into it.
The entrance is very easy to get in and out of It, which can be very helpful if the bugs are out in force or its pouring rain.
The tent rolls up neatly and doesn’t take up much space in your pack.
For the average backpacker or beginner this is one of the best bangs for the buck out there. If you want a no frills, one man tent that you can man pack with ease, this is a great tent.
DAC TH72M anodized aluminum poles with pre-curved sections, press fit connectors, and color coded for an easy setup.
Setup is simple.
Break down is too.
Quality is very good as this tent continues to live on without any issues. The materials and quality match the price in my opinion. This isn’t a high-end ultralight tent and it won’t perform like one.
Excellent waterproof during heavy downpours and even mild winds around 25mph
Big enough not to feel claustrophobic
Aluminum stakesare strong enough and have taken my abuses very well. They aren’t the best out there by any means but you do get a TON of them! 16 in total!
Works very well when set up in the bed of my truck. This isn’t a free standing tent so I use some ducttape to anchor. A friend of mine liked this idea and often sets it up in the back of his Toyota Tacoma.
Not perfect;
Could use a mesh pocket on the roof of the tent to hold a light
This isn’t the easiest tent in the world to get into and out of. If you are over 6ft, it can be comical to watch.
Not free standing
Floor material has held up well but I have continuously used an ultralight ground sheet with it. This has held a lot.
Condensation is possible with this tent in certain situations. For me it has never been extreme but noticeable depending on temp and humidity.
Cant sit up in it.
Because of the colors it can be amazing for stealth camping
My advice before buying this tent is to consider the size; will it work for you? It is a bivy/tent; keep that in mind before you make a purchasing decision.
Most of the complaints that I have seen in regards to this tent come from people who didn’t pay attention to what it was that they were buying.
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Snugpak Ionosphere Tent First Setup and Snow Test + Sleeping Bag, Pad, and Pillow Cold Weather Test
My very first time setting up my new Snugpak Ionosphere Tent was a memorable one. We get about one day of snow a year in this part of the country, so I thought what better time to set up and test out my new motorcycle camping tent? The Snugpak Ionosphere backpacking tent is a super lightweight and compact option perfect for backpacking or motocamping. It has a reputation for being exceptionally waterproof and durable, so I thought I'd put it to the test right away by setting it up in the snowy weather. Once I had the Ionosphere all set up, I decided to take my test a bit further and try out my new Snugpak Travelpak 4 sleeping bag, Snugpak Basecamp Ops sleeping pad, and Sea to Summit Aeros Premium Pillow in the cold weather conditions. I'm happy to report that my Travelpak 4 kept me nice and warm in near-freezing temperatures and the sleeping pad and pillow performed well, as well. All in all, I'm pretty happy with my new motocamping setup and I think this tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, and pillow will work well for motorcycle camping in winter and summer alike.
Full Gear List:
Sea to Summit Aeros Pillow:
Snugpak Base Camp Ops Air Mat:
Snugpak Travelpak 4 Sleeping Bag:
Snugpak Ionosphere Solo Tent:
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Bell Qualifier DLX:
Bell MX-9 Adventure:
Scorpion Yuma:
Alpinestars Andes v2:
Icon Automag 2:
Scorpion Yuma:
Bilt Iron Worker Jeans:
Icon Super Duty 5:
Alpinestars Corozal:
Icon Overlord:
Rev-It Sand 3:
Tourmaster Cold Tex 3.0:
Trail Riding Gear:
Icon 1000 Status Jersey:
Icon Field Armor Compression Shirt:
O’Neal Rider Boots:
Alpinestars Vapor Pro Knee Pads:
O’Neal Element Pants:
DRZ400S Mods:
Kenda Trakmaster Tires:
Motion Pro Lite Locs:
Heavy Duty Tubes:
Doubletake Mirrors:
Acerbis X-Factory Handguards:
Tusk Bar Risers:
Devol Racing Radiator Guard:
Eline Accessories Skidplate:
Pro Taper Pillow Top Grips:
Seat Concepts Seat:
Canyon Dancer Tiedown Strap Rings:
IMS Racing Super Stock Footpegs:
Case Savers:
Giant Loop Diablo Tank Bag:
Giant Loop Possibles Pouch:
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A Tent Review from a TALL Point of View !
"Lightweight, deceptively spacious and VERY LONG inside = 7'10" /240cm and at 90cm wide enough across to fit a full size 70L back. IF YOU ARE TALL I don't think there is another 1 man tent that can compare" Craig (6'7")
& their X-Long sleeping bags are excellent too - I have used them for years... the Merlin for Summer / Hawk for Autumn / Osprey for Winter & MADE IN YORKSHIRE !
Our chosen 's Place Kids Hospice in Middlesbrough
Tune: Wayfaring Stranger by the excellent 16 Horsepower! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Snugpak ionosphere
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2022 Snugpak Quality Inspection - New VS OLD - Snugpak Ionosphere Bivy Tent Analysis
There was a point in time where I could easily recommend Snugpak and their products but that changed after a major drop in quality.
Years have passed since I have reviewed anything from the company and that changes today; in this episode I am comparing the old version of the Snugpak Ionosphere to the newest one and will be performing a quality inspection.
Will there be problems? Has Snugpak improved since my last review?
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Snugpak Quality Comparison - Ionosphere Tent
What this is all about :
Back in October of 2013 I put up my video review of the Snugpak Ionosphere tent and it was a glowing review. The Ionosphere was a fantastic shelter and at that time the company Snugpak had a very good reputation.
Going forward in time to 2018 my positive opinion of Snugpak began to change; product failure after product failure, quality issue after quality issue -
issues with terrible seam taping, so bad that a product was unusable.
There were issues with leaking sleeping mats, hardware failures and so on.
It got to the point where I had a very hard time recommending a Snugpak product and when asked about them, I would suggest that if a viewer was to buy one of their products they do so through Amazon or through a store that had a very good return policy. Also, as soon as the individual received a product, they needed to inspect it closely for issues.
What was the change that took place at Snugpak? The company moved their manufacturing to China.
Currently :
Since the company began having issues with their products and quality, I personally made the decision to stop supporting them and have purchased anything from the company since then. That changes today!
More on this in a moment.
When it comes to reports from others, over the years I have heard both good and bad from viewers concerning the company. Also, reviews online are a bit all over the place; there are plenty of good reviews assuming they are real and at the same time, there are more than a few reports of poor quality; also assuming that they are real.
I did notice that there are some reviews on YT that were done within the last year where users had issues with quality and leaking. A shout out to Grunt Proof for keeping it real and honest - with so many YT channels lying and selling products it’s good to see a channel like mine where the host gives it to you straight!
Why I purchased this tent? :
My plan for 2022 is to reevaluate Snugpak and it begins with the Ionosphere. Maybe the company has turned things around but then again, maybe not!
I loved the design of the Ionosphere and I would like to be able to confidently recommend it to my viewers but I won’t be able to do that until I have not only closely observed the quality but have also tested it out.
With my testing and evaluations, it begins in this episode where I am going to set up this tent and take a close look at it. Also, I’m going to compare the new version to the old tent that I purchased back in 2013. Yes I still have it and I use it all the time.
The next test that I will be doing will be in regards to waterproofing. The old version that I have has never let me down and it has been through crazy amounts of rain.
Stats :
Retail Price is virtually the same : $230 - can be found at a lower price on Amazon. I paid $180 for this tent recently.
Weight :
New Model Weight :
Old Model Weight :
Dimensions Stored New : 19” x 6”
Dimensions Stored Old : 19” x 6”
Materials :
These don’t seem to have changed over the years according to the company
210t Polyester RipStop PU with a 5000mm rating
190t Nylon with Polyester Mesh
Bathtub Style 190t Nylon w/5000mm PU coating
DAC Featherlite Poles made from TH72M aluminum
All of this matches my notes from many years ago.
Differences :
Issues :
A few things I noticed -
The new version doesn’t feature the same level of stitching on the storage bag -
The compression straps are substantially shorter with the new version
What comes next :
Waterproof testing is next; are there going to be any leaks or issues? Find out soon here on TOGR
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More from Lauren!:
On today's segment of "Lauren with Lockhart Tactical", quickly learn how to put up this compact tent by Snupak with Lauren in fast forward.
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Solo Wild Camp | Snugpak Ionosphere
Thank you for taking the time to click the video Solo Wild Camp SnugPak Ionosphere.
This weeks video is shot on the permission woodland using the Snugpak Ionosphere 1 person was my first look and set up of this 1 person tent\Bivvy.
If you are interested in Snugpak Ionosphere then here is the link with all the specs.
I also did a bit of camp cooking on an open fire cooking one of my Mothers legendary Bacon Puddings and the camp classic Jacket Potatoes.
It would be awesome to get any feedback and of course if you enjoyed the video why not give it a like and subscribe and if you feel any of your friends or family would benefit from this video why not share it.
If you have any questions please feel free to put them in the comments.
All the best G Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Wild Camping In Heavy Rain in the Snugpak Ionosphere | Edge of the Yorkshire Dales Wild Camping
After Leaving the Lake District behind, we headed off for the Yorkshire Dales. Afrer visiting a few popular spots such as Malham Cove, and Gordale Scar and realising they were just too popular at the moment. We pushed a little bit further past to a pine forest we could see.
we spent the night after a tiring day in the comfort and shelter of the Snugpak Ionosphere and Sleeping Bag.
The Rain Started heavily about 4pm and was relentless until 5am with just a few spots where it eased.
another great night with @English Woodsman and @bushman mick
Also Don't forget I've had some patches created. if you're interested in one drop me a message introductory offer of £5 + free P+P
PayPal or bank transfer.
thanks for the support.
Thanks For Watching
as always Leave No Trace
#OscarOutdoors #LeaveNoTrace #RainCamping
The Trekology UL80 AND deluxe 2.0 Aluft Pillow.
Fenix HM65R Shadowmaster Head torch
my review👇
Fenix CL26R lantern
my review👇
FlexTailGear Tiny Pump
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I watched the weather forecast and put this thing up when really rough weather was expected. Then I spent the night in it, getting pounded with heavy rains and high winds as a series of heavy thunderstorms rolled through. Did it measure up? Here is the unvarnished report, along with my full impressions of this interesting little bivy-style tent. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hello and welcome to another video.
Firstly I'd like to mention that I had to leave out key clips because me being old and forgetful actually forgot to turn the microphone on, go me. but that is why there is music to the food clip because there's is no audio. Also when I made the fire in the woodstove , that clip unfortunately I had to leave out . But what I did is use woodwool then put the sticks on top and light it with a lighter from underneath.
so I'm up on the downs a vast area that covers 3 counties and I have the pick of the lot , this time I chose Berkshire to have my Wildcamp with my Snugpak ionosphere a shelter not used since my walk of the south downs way described in one word " FAF". but roomy and fun. I make my meal of sausage casserole from the hairy bikers cookbook which was very tasty as it happens 😋.
I had a good relaxing time on my Snugpak ionosphere wildcamp and I hope you like the video I put up.
recording equipment.
Sony ZV-1
Comica boomx-d wireless microphone system.
Gopro hero 8 with rycote windjammers.
here are Amazon affiliate links to the gear I use for my camps which I get a small commission on items sold at no extra cost to you.
12cm zebra can
Lixada 750ml pot
My fry pan
My fire grill
My small fire grate
My coffee mug
My camping stool.
water filter.
water container.
my camping mat
my airmat pump
My other Billy can.
My fire lighters
My DD tarp S
My other channel about photography.
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Urban stealth camping using the snugpak Ionosphere one man tent & oex evolution 300 sleeping
condensation test,
Urban wild camping in a very small woodland using the snugpak Ionosphere one man tent and for my sleeping bag I have the oex evolution fathom ev 300 sleeping,
For more wild camping video's
I have shared a link below
Hammock camping video's available
Bivvi bag wild camping video's
Hot tent winter camping
#urbancamping #wildcamping #stealthcamping #Snugpak #oex Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Here's the video review of the Snugpak Ionosphere Bivy / Tent.
If you wish for instruction on how to set up the tent the video of that will be available shortly.
Want more information and pictures, check out our web site below.
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24 Hour Rain Test with the Snugpak Stratosphere Bivy Tent
The Snugpak Stratosphere seems like a really cool product. A bivy that stays off your face and is just enough to get you out of the elements. My only question is if it can actually protect you from the rain. Let's find out!
Grunt-Proof Approved Gear:
Grunt Proof is the ultimate Quality Control for civilian outdoor and tactical gear! Run by combat veterans, we put products through the absolute toughest testing conditions, which are modeled after our experiences in combat and in the field, as well as the rugged standards for military-issue gear. Be prepared to see the best and worst gear from all walks of the outdoors: combat, survival, prepping, bugout, off the grid, hunting, and even fitness!
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Snugpak ionosphere one person modular tent setup and review.
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Pravě testujeme stany Ionosphere a Stratosphere od značky SNUGPAK, které budeme zařazovat do prodeje. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Doing a little backyard camping and testing out some gear. Using the Snugpak Ionosphere for my tent, I go over my sleep system of choice. Everything is budget friendly and most of the items can be bought at Walmart.
If you have questions or comments please drop us an email at
everydaygrindcamping@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bivvy bag versus hooped bivvy versus bivvy tent - the snugpak ionosphere
I've been trying to find my perfect sleep system for solo wild camping, and possibly even some stealth camping. In the video I compare a Bivvy bag from the USMC Military Sleep System, the Carinthia Observer plus and the Snugpak Ionosphere. I personally have trouble with both the Bivvy bag and the hooped Bivy so am now going to try what is effectively a Bivvy tent and see if I like it more. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hey you lovey lot!!!
I really hope you're all ok :D
I enjoyed filming this little vid for you and I really enjoyed spending some time in this little beaut'! ❤️It really is such a great tent and will be great for me to use in the summer as long as I know the weather is going to be dry, or I can hook up a tarp somehow for a sheltered space to cook etc.
I really hope you enjoy this little vid and can't wait to bring you another camp vid again soon hopefully!
Take care everyone!
Karen 🌳🏕️💕
Follow me on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok @ksgonewild
Join my Facebook Community Group, Karen's Gone Wild and Friends!
If you'd like to buy me a beer to support my channel please use the below link. All money will go towards new equipment to help improve the quality of my filming for you lovely people! Thanks in advance.
Here is the link to the main Snugpak website but may be worth shopping around for the best price!
All the serious techy specky stuff for those of you who like facts and figures! 😁
Terrain Pattern available Mid October 2021
Pack Weight: /
Trail Weight: / (fly, poles & inner tent)
Packsize: 48cm x 14cm / 19" x 6"
Pitch type: Inner first
Origin: Imported
Waterproof Taped Seams
Doors: Single-point front entry with porch
Ten Mesh Internal Pockets for equipment and head-end hanging loop (Five on each side)
Supplied with 16 Lightweight Alloy Y-Stakes, with two-spares (14 + 2 Spare Stakes)
Flame Retardant
Supplied with a Compression Storage Bag
Supplied with a Basic Repair Kit
Flysheet: 210t 100% polyester ripstop with 5000mm HH waterproof PU coating
Inner tent: 190t 100% nylon inner fabric, with a 50D polyester No-See-Um-Mesh
No-see-um netting 1600 holes per square inch
Groundsheet: 190t 100% nylon with (5000mm HH) waterproof PU coating
DAC® Featherlite NSL® Anodised Aluminium Poles with pressfit connectors, 100% aluminium
Colours Available
Colours Available: Olive, Terrain
Produced and edited using Wondershare Filmora 11
Music courtesy of Wondershare Filmora 11
Red Eyes
Living Pulse - Midnight Train Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Conducted a review of the Ionosphere by Snugpak. I give it a 10 out of 10 thumbs up and will be using this moving forward as my main shelter setup. Future reviews of this tent will come out as I use it in the field and under weather conditions. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Snugpak Ionosphere One Person Tent - Outdoor Gift Ideas
The Snugpak Ionosphere One Person Tent is a very well made, lightweight backpacking tent that would make a great gift for the backpacker, Boy Scout or camper on your list. The tent features aluminum tent poles, a no-see-um mesh inner tent with a bathtub floor, fully taped and sealed seams, a waterproof rain fly,
high quality alloy tent stakes and a very nice pack bag.
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I Joined English Woodsman and Bushman Mick for a Wild Camp in a local Ancient Woodland.
With Wild Camping Being policed intently at UK Beauty spots and areas of natural beauty weve decided to utilise local woodland. We are lucky enough to to have plenty of Green areas in the local vicinity.
I used the Snugpak Ionosphere, and Snugpak Softie 9 Hawk Sleeping bag.
Available here.
The Trekology UL80 AND deluxe 2.0 Aluft Pillow.
I was wearing a new suit from Grizzlyman which feels like a neoprene and soft shell mix, creating a lightweight breathable suit with a semi digital camo pattern.
The Novatex
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#OscarOutdoors #WildCamping #GrizzlymanGear #Snugpak Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Ionosphere 1-Person Camping Tent by SnugPak is an extremely small and compact tent. Designed with a low profile this tent is a great option for those looking for a 1-person tent to keep out of the elements.
Flysheet: Lightweight 210t Polyester RipStop PU with a 5000mm Waterproof PU Coating
Inner Tent: Constructed of 190t Nylon with a 50D Polyester No-See-Um-Mesh
1 Door
DAC Featherlite NSL anodized poles with pressfit connectors
Alloy Y Stakes (14 + 2 spare)
Comes with a Basic Repair Kit
·Weight: . Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
First look at the snugpak ionosphere + wildcamp along the wensum way,filmed in June/July 2018 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Setup the Snugpak Ionosphere Bivy / Tent - The Outdoor Gear Review
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Here's the video on how to setup the Snugpak Ionosphere Bivy / Tent. If you are looking for the review, the link is below;
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Stealthy Sleep System Solutions for Newbies to Prepping and Camping - Bivvy Bag / One Man Tent
What A Piece of Kit - Episode 5
Are you not a fan of hammock camping and want to take a stealthy route? I have a few recommendations for ground based sleep systems that are inherently stealthy and would be ideal for both Preppers and Bushcrafters/Wild Campers!
Items Featured in this video:
2 pack Emergency Bivvy Bag -
Mountain Warehouse Bivvy -
Gore-Tex DPM Bivvy Bag -
Snugpak Ionosphere -
Our Merch Store! Featuring Bushcraft and Wild Camping stuff too!
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Newbie Prepping is brought to you by Mark and Richard. They are both Englishmen who now live in Northern Ireland and met through their Irish wives who are long time friends. Mark has been Prepping for over ten years now, and introduced the idea of Prepping to Richard, who already had an interest in learning survival skills. And from that came the birth of this channel.
Mark is the adept Prepper who thinks outside of the box better than most. And Richard is the resident Newbie always looking to improve his skills and equipment.
This channel contains useful videos including tips and tutorials on bugging-out locations, bug-out/INCH/'Get Home' bags, with general bushcraft tips and overnighter videos.
"We're not experts, and everyone has their own view on what is best for their personal SHTF (Shit hit the Fan) scenario. The general idea of this channel is that you can follow our journey and learn with us. The times where we make mistakes, as well as the improvements we make."
Old Intro Music: The Maghera Train by Hugh Brownlow
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Preview and unboxing of the snugpak ionosphere one person tent #outdoorgearreview #campinggear
I look at the Snugpak ionosphere backpacking tent and give my opinion on its features. Is it suitable for over night in the woods ? Is it still bushcraft in a tent. Comment and subscribe if you like my reviews Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Solo Urban Stealth Camp in A local Nature Reserve | Snugpak Ionosphere Terrain | Wintery Showers
I endured a Long Cold Night Solo Urban stealth Camping in the Snugpak Ionosphere, using the Terrain Patyern Fly.
I used the Comple Special Forces Sleep System from Snugpak, too.
The pad I used was Klymit V2 very comfortable and the pillow Alkamto.
I filmed using my new GoPro Hero 10 Camera.
i made some nice simple food and enjoyed a couple of IPA Beers from Northern Monk.
Hope You Enjoy.
Thanks For Watching
#wintercamping #urban #stealth #wildcamping #snugpak #OscarOutdoors #solo #fenixlight
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Top 10 Snugpak Tents & Shelters [2018]: Snugpak 92850 Ionosphere 1 Person Tent, Olive Green
New! 2019 Black Friday / Cyber Monday Tents Deals and Updates.
Start Saving Here:
2019 Real Time Prices and Discounts:
For More Great Tents:
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Video Products List
Black Friday / Cyber Monday Snugpak 92850 Ionosphere 1 Person Tent, Olive Green by SnugPak
Black Friday / Cyber Monday Snugpak Scorpion 3 Tent in Olive by SnugPak
Black Friday / Cyber Monday Snugpak 92894 The Cave 4 Person Tent by SnugPak
Black Friday / Cyber Monday Snugpak Pro Force All Weather Shelter, Olive by SnugPak
Black Friday / Cyber Monday Snugpak Stasha Shelter, Olive by SnugPak
Black Friday / Cyber Monday Snugpak Travel Canopy Mosquito Net, Olive by SnugPak
Black Friday / Cyber Monday SnugPak Tent Stakes by SnugPak
Try Also:
*As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Spring Bushcraft Wild Camp in the Snugpak Ionosphere tent
Enjoying the woodland in spring. Using my Snugpak Ionosphere tent, foraging for springtime edibles and watching the wildlife. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Its my personal load-out of the 72hr. bug-out bag using the Vanquest Markhor 45, with my personal favorites like : the Shrade schf28,
Shrade scaxe2,
Mora bushblack survival blade,
Snugpak Jungle Bag,
Snugpak Patrol poncho,
Snugpak Ionosphere one man tent,
Pathfinder water bottle system,
Just to mention a few,
You can fine all these and more on
www. Self-reliance
All items are personal preference items that i have chosen base on my Comfort level in the field. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Overnighter with the Snugpak Ionosphere and a crappy sleeping bag.
In this video, I am at camp with one of my buddies, and we do some cooking, and I test out an Ozark trail sleeping bag, my snugpak ionosphere tent and do some food prep with my JX6. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
(SUBSCRIBE OR I'LL EAT YOUR DOG) You Won't Believe the Size of the Snugpak Journey Quad! This Camping Tent is just what my Family & Children needs for camping. It's bright, vibrant & is a very good size with lots of great features. It's so easy to set up, even your kids can do it :)
To see more videos click here:
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We are having a really cold night so what better time to test a new tent! Subzero Temperatures and a little snow, taking out the Snugpak Scorpion 3 to see if it can keep me warm for an overnight camp out. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Преднерестовые лещи на падающей воде: сложно, но можно! Алексей Фадеев
«Самое главное в фидерной рыбалке – выбор точки», – утверждает Алексей Фадеев, и объясняет, как погода влияет на выбор плотности дна. И это далеко не единственная особенность, которую стоит учитывать на весенней фидерной ловле. Смотрим фильм «Преднерестовые лещи на падающей воде: сложно, но можно!» и запоминаем многочисленные советы Алексея Фадеева:
– погода и дно: холодно – ил, тепло – твёрдое дно;
– «кидай дальше»: как успешнее конкурировать с рыболовами по соседству;
– о размере насадок для весенней ловли;
– «предсвадебные метания»: как поведение рыбы перед нерестом влияет на метод подачи прикормки и наживки;
– о монтаже «скользящая кормушка»;
– постоянная смена наживок: светофоры из мотылей и опарышей;
– как выбрать крючки для ловли на илу на крупные насадки;
– «когда гуляет ветер»: как выбрать фидерное удилище под погоду и обстоятельства.
Фильм об оснастке Running Feeder Rig: «Фидерные оснастки. Часть 6. Running Feeder Rig. Оснастка на леске. Алексей Фадеев.»
Удилище: Briscola GRUMO GRM394MH
Катушка: Daiwa №5000
Оснастка: Running Feeder Rig (скользящая кормушка 80 грамм)
Крючки: Pontoon21 ProtPoint 11501 №12
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Snugpak Stratosphere Review | Backpacking and Stealth Camping Hooped Bivvy
This one man bivvi shelter is much smaller than a standard tent but with all the features. It comes complete with seven ultralight alloy stakes (six and one for a spare), to create a spacious canopy around the head, leaving plenty of room to manoeuvre and good breathable access.
The Stratosphere packs into its own compression sack and when packed together (including tent pegs) weighs little over 1kg making it lightweight and practical. Fully zipped with a rollaway No-See-Um-Mesh Mosquito Net in the front of the hood and a meshed ventilation section at the back.
Get Yours Here
check me out using the Stratosphere
Storm Ciara Camping
Garden Camping
Solo Stealth Camping
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So I have had a chance to sleep in this tent now and have another video posted from a camping trip on the Sourwood trail in Mt. Airy, GA. I do like it and find it roomy, it's pretty light and compact. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Test/avis de la tente 4 saisons Ionosphere Snugpak en Australie.
=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=escapadeaustr-21&camp=1642&creative=6746&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B003U9851E&linkId=d004b673d5b442f5b0771bff9dc2bdd4 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is one NEAT little bivy! Its light, packs small, is 100% waterproof, has enough room for an inflatable pad + 4 season sleeping bag AND has 2 no-see-um mesh vents for ventilation if it's not raining. It's perfect for stashing in a bugout bag or trunk with a fleece sleeping bag liner and 3 season bag for a bombproof option when you need shelter fast. This has been fun to test and so far its kept me bone dry in 2 nasty storms while still allowing my perspiration to escape through the breathable fabric. It can be found on Amazon and eBay for around $120, and also comes in coyote brown. Sorry for the poor quality but i had to film with my phone. It cuts off at the end but i was wrapping up anyway so i decided to not re-shoot the entire review lol. I will continue to test this and will pin my thoughts and comments below. Let me know if you have any questions. Im a big fan of Snugpak and this bivy doesn't disappoint. ~ Chesapeake Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Небольшой сюжет о том как правильно сушить и хранить палатку.
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Призначення - універсальні, форма - півсфера, Місткість - тримісні, Водостійкість тенту - 2000 мм в. ст., Висота - 1.2 м, Вага - 2.9 кг, Колір - коричневий....
Призначення - універсальні, форма - півсфера, Місткість - тримісні, Водостійкість тенту - 6000 мм в. ст., Висота - 1.3 м, Вага - 5 кг, Колір - зелений....
Призначення - універсальні, форма - півсфера, Місткість - чотиримісні, Водостійкість тенту - 6000 мм в. ст., Висота - 1.4 м, Вага - 5.5 кг, Колір - зелений....
Призначення - універсальні, форма - півсфера, Місткість - двомісні, Водостійкість тенту - 6000 мм в. ст., Висота - 1.2 м, Вага - 3.7 кг, Колір - зелений....
Призначення - універсальні, форма - півсфера, Місткість - двомісні, Водостійкість тенту - 4000 мм в ст., Висота - 1.2 м, Вага - 3.2 кг, Колір - зелений....
Призначення - для піших і гірських походів, форма - півсфера, Місткість - тримісні, Водостійкість тенту - 8000 мм в. ст., Висота - 1.2 м, Вага - 3.9 кг, Колір -..
Призначення - універсальні, форма - півсфера, Місткість - чотиримісні, Водостійкість тенту - 2000 мм в. ст., Висота - 1.3 м, Вага - 3.18 кг, Колір - зелений....
Призначення - ультралегкі, швидкозбірні, пляжні, форма - півсфера, Місткість - двомісні, Водостійкість тенту - 2000 мм в. ст., Висота - 1.1 м, Колір - синій....
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Намет Snugpak Ionosphere Fin-S Shad Olive (8211659381606). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17