Ліхтар Olight Baldr Pro R являє собою удосконалену версію популярної піддульної моделі Baldr Pro. Основною відмінністю є можливість заряджання, без знімання акумулятора.
Ліхтар постачається із вбудованим літій-полімерним акумулятором ємністю 1000 mA/h, який заряджається від магнітного USB-кабелю Olight MCC. Магнітний кабель самоцентрується, необхідно лише піднести його до місця встановлення, він приєднається за допомогою магніту та розпочнеться процес заряджання.
Ще однією особливістю моделі Baldr Pro R є наявність двох режимів яскравості: на 1350 люменів із максимальною дальністю світлового потоку до 200 метрів та 300 люменів, чого раніше не було на жодному з ліхтарів серії PL та Baldr. Керування також зазнало змін — тепер воно здійснюється за допомогою повороту магнітного кільця на голові ліхтаря: біле світло, біле світло + зелений лазер, зелений лазер окремо.
Корпус став плоскішим, що стало можливим завдяки перенесенню лазерного модуля, який тепер інтегрований у голову ліхтаря.
Оптична частина складається з високоефективної TIR-лінзи, що розташована під мінеральним склом, і світлодіода CREE XHP-35 HI з нейтральним відтінком світла. Ліхтар встановлюється на планку Picatinny або Weaver, кріплення інтегроване швидкознімне.
Увімкнення/вимкнення — натискання будь-якої кнопки (правої або лівої).
Зміна режиму яскравості — подвійне швидке натискання.
Строб — натискання на кнопки з двох сторін одночасно.
Встановлення режиму світла — поворотом магнітного кільця на голові ліхтаря.
Налаштування лазера по осі «X» і «Y» ключем, який постачається в комплекті.
Ни одно окно не пострадало и никто не занервничал во время съёмок, ввиду выходного и отсутствия кого-либо в офисном здании. Фонарь Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор тактических фонарей Olight. Фонари для пистолетов, ружей и карабинов.
Black Friday Sale Nov 24 8pm -29 EST Get the Baldr Pro R 35-45% off
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Fala pessoal, tudo bem?
Vídeo de hoje para mostrar a vocês um dos últimos lançamentos da Olight, a lanterna dedicada Baldr Pro R.
A compra desta lanterna foi feita no próprio site da Olight e fiz o envio dela para o meu endereçõ no Brasil através de uma redirecionadora.
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Olight Baldr pro R #olight #glock19 #วัยรุ่น #agency
This is a firearms safety device to allow proper illumination of targets to safely fire at targets. This Baldr Pro R tactical flashlight was sent to me by Olight for testing and evaluation.
00:00 Intro
00:40 Unboxing
02:52 Tac Light Comparison
04:22 Mounting and Controls
06:23 Testing
11:09 Conclusions
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This video is for educational and entertainment purposes only. All demonstrations were filmed in a safe and legally regulated location. Do not try this at home without proper supervision. Portions of this video may have been filmed in a Law Enforcement shooting range supervised by a certified Range Safety Officer.
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Olight BALDR Pro R vs Valkyrie PL Pro: Size Comparison/ Possible Holster Compatibility
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In this video we take a look at the brand new Olight Balrd Pro R. I'm already thinking it's going to fit my x300 style holsters.
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*LOCKOUT MODE* The light ships in lockout mode and won't work right until you hold down both buttons for 2 seconds.
Looking at the new Baldr Pro R we see one of the biggest changes from the Baldr Pro is the new R in the name, which stands for rechargeable. No longer do you have to carry around a ton of batteries as it entire system easily connects into the magnetic charging system seen on so my other Olight EDC and WMLs.
Another change we see on the Baldr Pro R is the removal of the switch and laser housing from the bottom of the light. I mentioned how problematic this was in my Baldr Pro video as it caused a lot of issues, particularly with holsters. Seeing this removed is particularly nice as the laser has been relocated into the light housing.
By relocating the laser, the height over bore is reduced and helps to have less laser movement when you're moving closer or further from your target. I really like setting a super close zero with the laser and then using the optic for a normal zero distance. Then you have an accurate way to account for height over bore when things get in tight quarters
The light mode switch was relocated into the head of the Baldr Pro R and this is a lot nicer as you can't accidentally bump the light and swap over to the laser mode randomly. The three modes include the laser mode, the laser, and white light mode, and the white light only mode.
In any of the white light modes, you can swap between the high and the low light modes by tapping the side button quickly twice. This drops you down from 1350 lumens to 300 lumens. I found this particularly useful when moving from outdoors to indoors or when I'm in tight spaces and I'm not wanting to completely blind myself.
The buttons work as both momentary or constant depending on how long they are depressed. I found this function worked well and the light didn't stay on when I just wanted it on momentarily.
Additionally, you can squeeze both switches at the same time to turn on the strobe mode.
In the Baldr Pro R housing, we also see the same QD locking lever that was present on the Baldr Pro. One big change in the light is not only how much more streamlined it is but that it also takes on an entirely different holster profile as it is significantly longer. The Baldr Pro R did not fit in any of my Baldr Pro style holsters BUT!
It DID fit in all of my Surefire X300 style holsters. I really like this a lot better as it opens the door to a lot more holsters options with the Olight Baldr R and also brings in that rechargeable functionality along with a low and high mode that you don't see anywhere else.
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Looking for a light for your bed side gun etc? I have an option for you! 1350 lumens, 200m throw.... definitely worth taking a look at!
Night sights don't charge if they are under your
shirt all day....
I am building a really nice setup that can be used for competition shooting or one of the bestvhome defense weapons you could put together.
OLIGHT BALDR PRO R ON AMAZON Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I bought this light/laser combo directly from Olight during their Christmas sale. 10/10
It got here fast and came with a nice EDC light and patch
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OLight Baldr Pro R with GL vs Odin 2000 Lumen Flashlight
This is the first in what I hope is a series of comparison videos, not to invoke a #flashlight war, but to help viewers make more informed decisions. I received a number of inquiries wanting to compare the #Olight #Baldr Pro R with green laser to the 2000 lumen #odin tactical light. My belief is that viewers were interested in purchasing the Baldr for a pistol light and then re-use it with the OLight-designed pressure switch for a long gun. The question is whether or not the light beam (and laser) holds up to their intended use case(s) for a long gun.
The only way to find out is to take both lights out, side-by-side, and compare them at a variety of distances covering the gamut from defensive applications to hunting.
This video was shot at the Arbor Hills Nature Preserve in Plano, Texas. There was no moon out, but there is a constant source of background light from the surrounding city. I believe this makes for a good test environment since every light looks great in perfectly dark conditions. This particular low-light environment was ideal for those interested in realistic conditions for a defensive encounter.
The lights were rigged onto a camera tripod mount that was then mounted underneath a BestGrip Pro, which contained my iPhone. There was an occasional issue with accidentally making a light-press instead of a full press on the Odin. This resulted in the light being temporarily placed in 'low' mode.
I also had a couple instances at the nature preserve where someone came up behind me with a light, but it was when I was switching between the two lights. The other light was turned off as soon as the person realized I was filming, so it did not interfere with the display. There is some 'extra' light from by two night hikers in the final clip, but it was temporary and well off to the side.
I hope you find these comparisons helpful and please leave a comment if you would like to see more. I've felt the frustration from buying two or more lights just to find the right one for a specific application. I hope these comparison videos help others avoid that frustration.
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Olight Baldr Pro R - 1350 Lumen Rechargeable Rail Light + Green Laser Sight
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The Olight Baldr Pro R is back brighter, better, and now rechargeable. This flashlight is even more powerful during the day and night with a bright 1350 lumen max flashlight and a green beam providing coverage up to 218 yards.
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Streamlight TLR-2 HL G vs. Olight Baldr Pro R | Weapon Mounted Lights with Green Lasers
You can get an Olight Baldr Pro R at ?streamerId=1428556639263236098&channel=default&utm_source=ol_kol
You can get the Streamlight TLR-2 HL G at
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The Baldr Pro R features 1,350 lumens and a green laser integrated into the reflector which is a vast design improvement over the previous Baldr Pro. It also utilizes our magnetic charging feature and is compatible with a remote switch.
Get yours up to 45% off starting Wed. Nov. 24 at 8:00 PM EST. during our Black Friday sale!!!! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
We test the new Olight BALDR Pro R against all the other BALDRS, the PL-PRO and Streamlight TLR-1HL.
Buy the BALDR Pro R:
Read the Article:
Olight BALDR Pro R Holster Options:
Glock G19 / G17 / G34 / G45 (etc):
IWB Right:
IWB Left:
OWB Right:
OWB Left:
Sig Sauer P320 Family:
IWB Right:
IWB Left:
OWB Right:
OWB Left: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight continue to innovate and improve their designs and I think they are getting closer and closer to getting it right. The new BALDR Pro R has stood up to a somewhat "early access" and reduced round count review but I will continue testing to all the way up to my usual 1000 - 2000 round count. My first impressions are very positive, the form factor is good, the stats are good and the light seems to be extremely well built.
I have to say a huge thanks to the folks at Parow Arms for making their range available and making these reviews possible.
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Epic Review: Olight BALDR Pro R rechargeable weaponlight - Compared w/ tlr1hl Fenix gl19r -tlr7sub
#olight #streamlight #fenixlight
0:00 Olight BALDR Pro R review
1:15 Mounting and Magnetic recharging
2:19 what's the difference between olight pro version and the pro R version?
2:39 baldr pro R compared to other weapon lights
7:24 how do you operate a olight BALDR PRO R?
8:23 what came in the box
8:59 price
9:15 pressure switch for baldr pro r
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Olight BALDR Pro R 1350 Lumen Weapon Light & Laser / CZ P-09
OLIGHT Baldr Pro R 1350 Lumens Magnetic USB Rechargeable Tactical Flashlight with Green Beam and White LED Combo, Rail Mount Weaponlight Compatible with 1913 or GL Rail, Built-in Battery =cm_sw_r_apan_i_5M9PV2YBRY9622DHCQAJ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Olight Baldr Pro R - Unboxing & Mounting On G34 Gen5
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Hey guys! Today we will be reviewing the Olight Balor Pro R!
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Baldr Pro R Black/DT, 35% OFF, $(MSRP: $);
Bundle i3T PLUS BK, 45% OFF, $(MSRP: $);
Baldr Pro R BK + Open Pro Deep Sea Blue, 45% OFF, $(MSRP: $)
Baldr Pro R GMG, 35% OFF, $(MSRP: $);
Bundle i3T PLUS BU, 45% OFF, $(MSRP: $);
Bundle Obulb MCs Aqua Blue (Include MCA BK), 45% OFF, $(MSRP: $)
$129 get a FREE i1R 2 PRO Orange (MAP: $)
$229 get a FREE i5R Ti (MAP: $)
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John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
Matthew 5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.”
Proverbs 15:1 “A soft answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger.”
John 15:13 “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
Romans 13:4 “For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.”
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In todays video I am doing a 500 round shooting review on the new flight baldr pro R. I hope you guys enjoy the video and are able to pick yourself up one of these awesome weapon lights.
Whisper Tactical Videos are filmed on a PRIVATE RANGE in a CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT under the supervision of trained professionals. Whisper Tactical videos are for educational and entertainment purposes only. Whisper Tactical videos are not sales ads for any gun companies nor am I trying to persuade anyone to go out and purchase the firearms that are used when making these videos. DO NOT attempt to recreate anything you see in Whisper Tactical videos we will not be held accountable for any damages done to you, to others, or to private property if you attempt to imitate what I do in my videos. Love You Guys thank you all so much for your support...
A. Below are our Black Friday Sale details:
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Baldr S BK + i1R 2 Pro BU+ Obulb MCs White (include MCA BK), 40% OFF, $ (MSRP: $)
B. Main promoting products are as below:
Baldr Pro R
Baldr Pro R Black/DT, 35% OFF, $(MSRP: $);
Bundle i3T PLUS BK, 45% OFF, $(MSRP: $);
Baldr Pro R BK + Open Pro Deep Sea Blue, 45% OFF, $(MSRP: $)
Baldr Pro R GMG, 35% OFF, $(MSRP: $);
Bundle i3T PLUS BU, 45% OFF, $(MSRP: $);
Bundle Obulb MCs Aqua Blue (Include MCA BK), 45% OFF, $(MSRP: $)
$129 get a FREE i1R 2 PRO Orange (MAP: $)
$229 get a FREE i5R Ti (MAP: $)
$299 get a FREE Warrior Mini 2 DT (MAP: $)
$399 get a FREE Baton 3 Premium Edtion Purple Gradient (MAP: $)
$599 get a FREE Seeker 3 ODG+i5T Stardust (MAP: $)
D. Below are our new lights main features:
Baldr Pro R
1. Rechargeable green laser light with 1,350 lumens and a 200-meter beam distance.
2. Selector ring: white light only, GL beam only, or white light & GL beam.
3. Magnetic charging port serves as a connected port for the remote pressure switch.
4. Quick attach-and-release mounting system enables instant installation or removal.
5. Be compatible to both Glock and Picatinny-sized rail adapters.
Note: The Baldr Pro R ships in Lockout mode. Before first use, please press and hold both switches at the same time for about two seconds until the brightness increases, indicating it has exited lockout mode. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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#olight #baldrproR Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Man this came out stellar. got to love when a plan comes together and that baldr pro r is pretty epic. @Olight World did a good job on that and the way it fits the @Glock, Inc. is pretty nice as well.
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If you thumbs down this video, i hope you step on a lego hahah
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This is an in depth tutorial on how to sight in/adjust your Olight Baldr Mini laser!
This video is preformed in a safe and controlled environment. Actions are preformed by trained professionals🚩
*Educational purposes ONLY*
God Bless🙏
*I’m not promoting the sale of any firearms in my video!*
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Glock 17 gen 5 Mos
Olight bladr Pro
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Slim Fit Holsters is now making holsters for the Olight baldr pro R.
To learn more go to Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Link To the Olight Store: ?streamerId=1428600708008681475&channel=default
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Song Used: NOWË - Horizon
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Streamlight TLR-2 HLG vs Olight Baldr Pro: Beam Comparison #shorts
No shananagins, just beam comparison. If you want to buy a baldr pro or get more info:
or the Streamlight TLR-2 HLG:
#lumens #shorts Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Baldr Pro R Green Laser Rechargeable WML 1350 Lumens
Learn more👉
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● Magnetic Charging WML For Short and Long Setups with max 1,350-lumen high lumen output and 200-meter throw
● A tactical LED flashlight with max 93-Minute runtime powered by a built-in 1000mah Lithium Polymer battery
● Works with Glock or standard Picatinny-sized rails. Proven to accept high recoil and impact
● Quick to attach and detach with a locking swing arm Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Visit the sale - ?streamerId=1428232770322472966&channel=YT2&utm_source=ol_yt
Baldr Pro R GIVEAWAY: To enter -
1. SUBSCRIBE to this channel
2. LIKE this video (thumbs up)
3. Leave ONE comment below with what you would put a Baldr Pro R on
The Baldr Pro R features 1,350 lumens on high, 300 on low, and an integrated green laser that you can zero to your preferred setup! This fits anything with a barrel length of 3.8 in. or longer with a rail.
Get the most features in a compact WML up to 45% off THIS WEEKEND ONLY!!! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
LISEZ !!! READ!!! English subtitles will be available soon.
Cette vidéo est une présentation de LAMPE.
This video is about a FLASHLIGHT.
Pour soutenir l'Antre/To support my work :
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∞Lien affilié Kula Tactical (pour du gear russe !) :
∞Lien affilié Olight (économisez 10% avec le code Ding10 ) :
Olight m'a à nouveau contacté, cette fois-ci pour leur nouvelle lampe tactique professionnelle BALDR Pro (et non pas Baldur's gate !). Celle lampe à fixer sur un rail Picatinny offre une bonne luminosité ainsi que la possibilité d'utiliser un laser vert. Profitez des promotions sur la gamme le jeudi 31 octobre 2019 en suivant le premier lien ci-dessous.
Once again Olight contacted me. This time it is about their brand new tactical Picatinny flashlight, the BALDR Pro. Combining a powerful LED and a green laser, you can buy it with a discount on October 31st 2019 following the link below.
Liens/links :
♥Olight shop :
♥Goodie shop de l'Antre :
♥L'Antre, le blog :
♥L'Antre sur Facebook :
♥L'Antre sur Instagram :
♥L'Antre sur Twitter : @LantreduDingo
Intro/outro : Maric
Musique :
♫ Termina Ding - Dingchavez (that's me !)
♫ Spheres - Johan Borjesson
L'airsoft est un sport, l'airsoft est un jeu, ne faites pas n'importe quoi avec vos répliques.
Airsoft is a game, airsoft is about having fun, don't do stupid things with your BB guns. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Buy Olight:
Buy : Streamlight:
General Sale:
8:00 PM November 24th - 11:59 PM November 29th EST,
VIP Early Access:
Diamond and above starts at 8:00 PM November 20th EST;
Silver and above starts at 8:00 PM November 21st EST.
UP to 50% OFF, and 15% OFF Site Wide.
Free shipping on orders over $29.
GET A FREE keychain light i1R2 Pro with the purchase of any item over $0.
Participate in the lucky draw you will have a chance to win a X9R(value $660)!
Baldr Pro R Link:
Javelot Pro 2 Link:
Warrior X 3 Link:
New User Favorite Pack(New registered benefits: $10 off coupon over $59, $15 off coupon over $99)
Obulb MC Sapphire Blue + i5R BK + i1R 2 Pro BK,30% OFF, $ (MSRP: $)
Baldr S BK + i1R 2 Pro BU+ Obulb MCs White (include MCA BK), 40% OFF, $ (MSRP: $)
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Hey there folks! Today we get to check out the Baldr Pro R by Olight.
Here is an Affiliate link: ?streamerId=1428597275716808707&channel=default&utm_source=ol_kol
Olight Discount Code: downing10
GunStreamer: @CalebDowning
We got Merch! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#ruger #olight #fun enjoying my new Olight baldr pro r on my ruger 57 😂 please like comment and subscribe thanks for watching thank you Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Get 10% off using Sootch00 with this link:
Olight Baldr Pro is the Brightest dedicated Weapon Light / Laser Review. 1350 Lumens to 300 Lumens and a High Intense Green Laser. Quick detach mount and 5 year warranty. Comes in Black and Desert Sand. Big thanks to Olight for sending the lights for review.
#Olight #OlightBaldrPro #Weaponlight
Big thanks to Fiocchi USA for their Sponsorship!
Rubber Dummies 10% off "Sootch00" Code. Click Affiliate Link: ?aff=6
USCCA Affiliate Link:
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Thanks for watching~ Sootch00
Instagram: Sootch_00
Music is from Jingle Punks and Epidemic Sounds Royalty Free Music through the Fullscreen Network. Used with permission. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Baldr Pro Light Laser Compared To Streamlight TLR8
New Baldr Pro R from Olight - just arrived - thought I would share right out of the box and also maybe compare / contrast vs couple of Streamlight TLR’s - TLR 3 and TLR 8 with green laser.
Sootch00 video where I first saw the light - also contains discount code I believe. Thanks Sootch00!!!
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Тип - пошуковий, джерело світла - LED, дальність світлового потоку - 350 м, яскравість - 330 люмен, елементи живлення - вбудований акумулятор, вага - 1048 г....
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