ST5R - це компактний універсальний ліхтар Solidline за співвідношенням ціна-якість. До 380 люмен, промінь 230 метрів, він забезпечує достатню світловіддачу у зручному форматі. Своїми характеристиками ST5R завдячує високоякісному світлодіоду та потужній літій-іонній батареї, яку зручно заряджати за допомогою магнітного контакту. Інтуїтивне керування та знімна металева кліпса завершують видатний пакет продуктивності ST5R.
Solidline ST5R – міцний та довговічний ручний ліхтар у зносостійкому корпусі з алюмінієвого сплаву. Вбудований світлодіод Xtreme Led може працювати у трьох режимах, тому ви зможете регулювати інтенсивність освітлення для кожного окремого випадку. Ліхтарик зручний і простий в управлінні: всі маніпуляції на вибір режиму виробляються однією і тією ж кнопкою. Працює від акумулятора, що перезаряджається, замість якого можна використовувати батарейку.
Floating Charge System - швидке бездротове заряджання. У комплект входить магнітна зарядна система, готова до роботи простим рухом. Виробник також пропонує зарядку через USB, які можна підключати до стандартних розеток або автомобільних прикурювачів;
Advanced focus system – удосконалена система фокусування (AFS), яка забезпечує плавний перехід від однорідного ближнього світла до чітко сфокусованого далекого світла;
герметичний корпус ліхтарика захищений від вологи та пилу. Їм можна висвітлювати простір як у вологих приміщеннях, так і на вулиці, де йде дощ. Однак не треба його поливати водою зі шланга, так як IP54 гарантує захист внутрішніх елементів тільки від проникнення пилу та бризок, крапель води, що потрапляють з будь-якого напрямку;
для виготовлення корпусу ліхтарика виробник вибрав алюмінієвий сплав. Завдяки використанню цього матеріалу, його корпус максимально захищений від появи сколів та тріщин, а також від корозії. На рукояті зроблені тактильно відчутні борозенки, що покращують зчеплення між ліхтарем і долонею, зменшують ризик його випадкового падіння;
щоб увімкнути, вимкнути пристрій та перемикатися між режимами, треба послідовно натискати на кнопку. Вона розташована в торцевій частині рукояті. Завдяки тактильно відчутній рельєфній поверхні, вам не важко знайти її в темряві.
Детальні характеристики:
Solidline ST5R, 380/20
Джерело світла
High Power LED
Дальність світлового потоку
230 м
380 люмен
Клас захисту
Витримує падіння з висоти до
1 м
Безперервна робота
15 г (в мінімальному режимі)
Елементи живлення
Елементи живлення
Кількість встановлюваних елементів живлення
Матеріал корпуса
Кількість режимів яскравості
регулювання світлового пучка (фокуса)
технологія плаваючої зарядки Floating Charge System
технологія магнітної зарядки Magnetic Charge System
Solidline ST5R el fenerini inceliyoruz!
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Saiba tudo sobre a lanterna Ledlenser ST5R (LL502551) no vídeo de #Unboxing de hoje!
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• Conheça a linha completa da Ledlenser aqui:
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Ручні ліхтарі Led Lenser SolidLine ST2, PRO 110, SL7. #edc #ідісі #українськийконтент #українською
LedLenser SolidLine ST2
клас захисту від вологи - IP54
Кольорова температура (K) - 6000-7500 (CRI 70)
яскравість- 120-50-10 лм
дальність променя - 55-40-15 м
час роботи - 3 - 20 ч
вага з батареєю - 39 г
тип елементу живлення - AAA Alkaline
робоча температура: -20°C - +40°C
довжина - 98 мм
LedLenser SolidLine PRO 110
яскравість – 100 лм,
дальність – 100 м,
час роботи –7 ч.
Кольорова температура (K) – 6000-8000 K (CRI 65).
Тип батареи – 1 X Mignon (AA) (AAA Ni-MH ).
Корпус – анодований алюміній.
робоча температура: -20°C - +40°C.
клас захисту від вологи - IPX4.
Довжина– 107 мм.
Діаметр головної частини - 24 мм.
вага з батареєю – 67 г.
LedLenser SolidLine SL7
Кольорова температура (K) - 6500-7500 (CRI 70)
яскравість - 400-220-30 лм
дальність - 200-160-45 м
час роботи - 3-30 ч
клас захисту від вологи - IP54
вага з батареєю - 180 г
Діаметр головної частини - 41 мм
БАТАРЕЯ - 4 X AAA Alkaline
робоча температура: -20°C - +40°C
Довжина - 154 мм Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
CU2R is a compact, lightweight and versatile signal light that provides extra everyday safety. Whether on a walk with the dog, on an evening run during rush hour or in everyday life as a safety backlight – thanks to optional flashing or constant white light and red light, CU2R always provides convenient service. The small light is also suitable as an auxiliary or backup light. The integrated battery is quickly rechargeable via micro-USB. The transport lock prevents unintentional switching on.
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#PowerUp #Ledlenser #CU2R Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Robust, versatile, compact: The Ledlenser W4R Work is a reliable worklight for everyday workshop use. The superior Ledlenser light beam ensures precise and powerful illumination of work areas – either broadly via flood light or selectively via a spot LED in the lamp head. Thanks to the integrated magnet and swivelling base, the W4R Work can be flexibly positioned and aligned at any time. The powerful battery can be charged quickly and easily via USB-C and can be replaced if necessary. Other features include a clip for attaching to work clothing or equipment, a nubbed surface for a strong grip and a handy transport lock.
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#PowerUp #Ledlenser #W4RWork Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Link đặt hàng:
là website thương mại của Công ty TNHH MTV FAN FAN. Chúng tôi là đơn vị bán lẻ, cung cấp trang thiết bị, đồ, dụng cụ Outdoor, dã ngoại, du lịch, Phượt, với sự chuyên nghiệp và thân thiện
- FANFAN là cửa hàng đồ du lịch, đồ cắm trại, đồ dã ngoại, đồ đi Phượt, đồ đi biển lớn nhất, giá tốt nhất
- Hiện tại chúng tôi có 2 cửa hàng ở Hồ Chí Minh, một cửa hàng tại Đà Nẵng 1 cửa hàng ở Hà Nội nằm tại:
+ FANFAN QUẬN 1: 61/4 Cô Giang, Quận 1,
+ FANFAN TÂN SƠN NHẤT: 33/1 Trường Sơn, Phường 4, Quận Tân Bình,
Tel: DĐ:
119 Nguyễn Văn Thoại, Hải Đông, Quận Sơn Trà, Đà Nẵng
+ FANFAN HÀ NỘI - 73B Mai Hắc Đế, Hai Bà Trưng, Hà Nội
You can buy it in:
+ FANFAN QUẬN 1: 61/4 Co Giang, District 1, HoChiMinh City, VietNam
TEL: + Hotline: +
+ FANFAN TÂN SƠN NHẤT: 33/1 Truong Son, Ward 4, District Tan Binh, HoChiMinh City, VietNam
Tel: + Hotline: +
119 Nguyễn Văn Thoại, Hải Đông, Quận Sơn Trà, Đà Nẵng
+ FANFAN HÀ NỘI - 73B Mai Hac De,District Hai Ba Trung, Ha Noi, VietNam
DĐ: + Hotline: + Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Small light, big power: The K4R is a rechargeable keychain light with up to 120 lumens of light output, making it significantly brighter than most smartphone torch functions. No more messing with annoying cables as the light can be conveniently charged using the integrated fold-out USB-A interface. With its compacted brushed aluminum housing, the K4R combines a high-quality look and feel, making it an elegant and practical accessory for your key ring.
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Ledlenser W6R Work | Flexible Work Light | Features | English
Robust, flexible, versatile: The Ledlenser W6R Work shines bright when things get tight, e.g., in cable ducts or engine compartments. In addition to the flexible attachment via stand, magnet or hook, the compact worklight impresses with a fold-out and rotatable lamp head that illuminates even the narrowest gaps directly from the inside. The superior Ledlenser premium light beam ensures the necessary precision – either via wide-area flood light or spotlight. The powerful battery is easily rechargeable via USB-C and can be replaced if necessary. Other features include a nubbed surface for a strong grip, a handy transport lock and a low battery warning function.
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LedLenser LED Lenser K6R Safety Rechargeable LED Keyring Alarm Torch (400 Lumens) | 502580 | 502581
Available from Right Light -
The LedLenser K6R Safety is a compact but powerful keyring torch which comes with an extra safety feature of an alarm which can be activated quickly in the event of an emergency. Perfect for attaching to your keys for everyday general use at home or work.
Features & Specifications:
Lumen Output: Boost - 400 lumens. Power - 200Lm. Low - 20Lm.
Beam Distance: Boost - 80 metres. Power - 50M. Low - 15M.
Run Time: Power - 1.5 hours. Low - 8H.
Light Modes: Boost, power, low or strobe.
Charge Time: 3 hours.
Tough aluminium body.
Length - 66mm. Weight - 32g.
7 year warranty (with registration).
This compact torch is ideal for snapping onto a keyring and is perfect for use at home or at work. The torch offers a 200 lumen output (on power mode) provides an excellent spread of light over 80 metre distance. Boost mode (400 lumens) can be activated for approx. 10 seconds for situations where more light is required.
The loud alarm can be activated in emergency and danger situations quickly and easily by pulling the pin at the rear of the torch. Additional strobe mode will also help to disorientate potential threats.
The high power LED produces a crisp white light while the transport lock ensures that the torch isn't switched on by mistake when in a pocket or a bag.
Recharges quickly and easily via the integrated USB port. The charge indicator on the rear of the torch will change from red to green when charging has finished and also includes battery indicator. Drop tested to 2 metres.
Right Light are an approved distributor of LedLenser products.
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Ledlenser EX7 Serie Atex para atmósferas explosivas
Available from Right Light -
The LedLenser P7R Signature is a slimline, rechargeable LED torch, ideal for walking, camping and night work and is easily carried and stored in a bag or glovebox, offering maximum performance with a classy design. Industry leading 7 year warranty.
Features & Specifications:
Lumen Output: Boost - 2000 lumens. Power - 1200Lm. Mid - 500Lm. Low - 15Lm.
Beam Distance: Boost - 330 metres. Power - 200M. Mid - 130M. Low - 20M.
Run Time: Power - 2 hours. Mid - . Low - 90H.
Charge Time: 4.5 hours.
Light Modes: Boost/Power/Mid/Low/Position/Blink/SOS/Strobe/Red.
CRI: 80.
Advance Focus System - Spot-to-flood beam.
Front rotary switch & button.
Aircraft grade aluminium.
IP68 rated - extreme dust and water protection.
Dimensions: 158 x 35mm. Weight - 202g.
7 year warranty (with registration).
The slimline P7R Signature is an excellent all-rounder and is part of LedLenser's premier Signature range, offering the best outputs along with a multitude of extra features, ensuring you can always find the right type of lighting for the task at hand.
It is made from robust, aircraft grade aluminium and is IP68 rated, ideal for indoor or outdoor use in the toughest of conditions - offering extreme dust and water protection.
It offers a 1200 lumen output on the power setting with a 200 metre beam distance. (Boost mode can be activated when more light is needed, offering 2000 lumens for a short time when you need it most). The P7R Signature includes innovative light focus technology for improved performance and range. The high CRI rating offers natural colour rendering while the red secondary light on the side of the torch helps maintain night vision.
The rotary switch offers direct access to your personalised light functions, making it quick and easy to find the light mode you need.
The patented Advanced Focus System allows quick changes from circular low beam (flood) to more sharply-focussed long distance beam (spot). An improved grip combined with a larger, more responsive switch allow faster, more accurate handling - ideal for those cold nights where gloves are required!
The battery status indicator and low battery warning prevent you from running out of battery without knowing it, and the indicator on the torch will let you know when charging is complete. The magnetic charge system is water and dust tight, removing the need to take the battery out of the unit to charge for fuss-free charging.
The transportation lock also ensures that the light isn't switched on by accident when in a bag or in storage.
Includes P7R Signature LED torch, rechargeable battery, leather belt pouch, lanyard, magnetic charging cable, pocket clip, USB power adaptor & wall bracket. Comes complete with industry leading 7 year warranty for complete peace of mind.
Right Light are an approved distributor of LedLenser products.
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Uma lanterna de mão que também é de cabeça? Solidline ST5 - Deixa eu ver Ep. 13
#lanterna #headlamp
Nesse episódio do "Deixa eu ver" irei mostrar para vocês uma lanterna que me surpreendeu muito, a ST5 da linha Solidline da Ledlenser. Ela além de muito bem construída e ter vários modos, possui um clip que a converte em uma lanterna de cabeça.
Link da lanterna:
Link da linha Ledlenser:
Cupom de 15% de desconto em toda linha Ledlenser: MÃONACABEÇA
*Cupom válido somente até dia 23/05/2021
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Conheça a lanterna ST5 Solidline by Ledlenser - #UnboxingCrosster
Saiba tudo sobre a lanterna ST5 da Ledlenser no vídeo de #Unboxing de hoje!
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OBS: a lanterna atinge 300 lúmens com uma bateria 14500 Li-ion recarregável. Você pode adquiri-la em:
Se preferir, há a opção com carregador incluso em .
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Ledlenser K4R er en oppladbar, liten håndlykt som passer perfekt på nøkkelknippet. Lykten har lysstyrke på 60 lumen, og veier kun 17 gram. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Available from Right Light -
The LedLenser P7R Signature is a slimline, rechargeable LED torch, ideal for walking, camping and night work and is easily carried and stored in a bag or glovebox, offering maximum performance with a classy design. Industry leading 7 year warranty.
Features & Specifications:
Lumen Output: Boost - 2000 lumens. Power - 1200Lm. Mid - 500Lm. Low - 15Lm.
Beam Distance: Boost - 330 metres. Power - 200M. Mid - 130M. Low - 20M.
Run Time: Power - 2 hours. Mid - . Low - 90H.
Charge Time: 4.5 hours.
Light Modes: Boost/Power/Mid/Low/Position/Blink/SOS/Strobe/Red.
CRI: 80.
Advance Focus System - Spot-to-flood beam.
Front rotary switch & button.
Aircraft grade aluminium.
IP68 rated - extreme dust and water protection.
Dimensions: 158 x 35mm. Weight - 202g.
7 year warranty (with registration).
The slimline P7R Signature is an excellent all-rounder and is part of LedLenser's premier Signature range, offering the best outputs along with a multitude of extra features, ensuring you can always find the right type of lighting for the task at hand.
It is made from robust, aircraft grade aluminium and is IP68 rated, ideal for indoor or outdoor use in the toughest of conditions - offering extreme dust and water protection.
It offers a 1200 lumen output on the power setting with a 200 metre beam distance. (Boost mode can be activated when more light is needed, offering 2000 lumens for a short time when you need it most). The P7R Signature includes innovative light focus technology for improved performance and range. The high CRI rating offers natural colour rendering while the red secondary light on the side of the torch helps maintain night vision.
The rotary switch offers direct access to your personalised light functions, making it quick and easy to find the light mode you need.
The patented Advanced Focus System allows quick changes from circular low beam (flood) to more sharply-focussed long distance beam (spot). An improved grip combined with a larger, more responsive switch allow faster, more accurate handling - ideal for those cold nights where gloves are required!
The battery status indicator and low battery warning prevent you from running out of battery without knowing it, and the indicator on the torch will let you know when charging is complete. The magnetic charge system is water and dust tight, removing the need to take the battery out of the unit to charge for fuss-free charging.
The transportation lock also ensures that the light isn't switched on by accident when in a bag or in storage.
The emergency light feature turns the torch into an emergency light. If the power is cut while the torch is on charge, it will automatically illuminate, helping you find your way around.
Includes P7R Signature LED torch, rechargeable battery, leather belt pouch, lanyard, magnetic charging cable, pocket clip, USB power adaptor & wall bracket. Comes complete with industry leading 7 year warranty for complete peace of mind.
Right Light are an approved distributor of LedLenser products.
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LED Lenser P5R Rechargeable LED Flashlight | LED Lenser |
LED Lenser P5R rechargeable flashlight is very common in the LED Lenser range due to its size and high performance. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The compact AA powered M5 features the Micro Controller Switch for high, low and strobe settings. The combination of small size and 92 lumens light output makes this a perfect light for people who want a bright light without the bulk. Purchase this product from the UK premier reseller Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
LED Lenser P5 flashlight is a small lightweight flashlight and it is very easy to carry around due to its size and weight. it only weighs three ounces, but for its size the LED Lenser P5 produces a high output of 105 lumens of light and it has a beam distance of 130 metres, the LED Lenser P5 also has LED Lensers Advanced Focus System (AFS) and this allows you to change from spot beam to flood beam by simply sliding the head of the torch forward or back. The LED Lenser P5 has a rear tail cap switch and this allows you to turn the flashlight on or off. The LED Lenser P5 has got a quality feel as the casing is made of lightweight aircraft aluminium. The LED Lenser P5 runs on one AA battery and gives very good battery life.
To Buy the LED Lenser P5 or for more information visit our online shop by clicking on the link above and you can also see the full range of LED Lenser flashlights and headlamps Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Screwfix - Small, slimline LED hand torch with durable aluminium body, easy-grip finish and single-hand sliding speed focus. Projects 140lm of light up to 120m. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Available from Right Light -
The LedLenser P7R Work LED rechargeable torch is ideal for the professional user, offering exceptional protection against everyday knocks as well as being 1 metre water submersible. Also includes secondary light on the side of the torch for when low level illumination is required. 7 year warranty included for total peace of mind.
Features & Specifications:
Lumen Output: Boost - 1200 lumens. Power - 900Lm. Mid - 390Lm. Low - 15Lm.
Beam Distance: Boost - 240 metres. Power - 180M. Mid - 115M. Low - 15M.
Run Time: Power - 2 hours. Mid - . Low - 60H.
Charge Time: 4.5 hours.
Light Modes: Boost/Power/Mid/Low/Blink/Position/SOS/Strobe/Secondary Light.
Xtreme & Low Power LEDs.
Advanced Focus System - Spot-to-flood beam.
Front dynamic switch.
Water resistant - IP68 rated (1 metre submersible).
Dimensions: 170 x 45mm. Weight - 219g.
7 year warranty (with registration).
This robust torch is perfect for lighting up the toughest areas, offering 900 lumens on power mode with a beam distance of 180 metres (Boost mode of 1200 lumens can be activated for a few seconds when more light is needed). The patented reflector and lens combination offers intense spot (distance) or flawless flood (near) illumination. State-of-the-art multi-core precision optic delivers an outstanding quality of light.
The robust, corrosion proof, aircraft grade aluminium housing protects the P7R Work from water and dust and can be submerged up to 1 metre for 30 minutes. The protective rubber on the head and end protect the torch against impact and offer increased grip. The lens shield protects the lens from impact, dirt and chemical damage.
Charging is quick and simple thanks to the magnetic charging cable and takes just 4.5 hours to charge. Easy one-handed use is possible with a front push button, while the low battery indicator lets you know when a battery charge is needed. The transportation lock also ensures that the light isn't switched on by accident when in a bag or in storage. The charge indicator lets you know when the charge is complete.
The emergency light feature turns the torch into an emergency light. If the power is cut while the torch is on charge, it will automatically illuminate, helping you find your way around.
Includes P7R Work LED torch, rechargeable battery, wrist strap, rotating belt clip, charging dock, magnetic charging cable, plug & pouch. Comes complete with industry leading 7 year warranty for complete peace of mind.
Right Light are an approved distributor of LedLenser products.
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The best selling M7 is now available in a rechargeable version. It still produces 220 lumens of focusable light and features the Advanced Focus System, which can be operated one handed. The unique magnetic recharging system is easy to use with or without the included wall mount.
Find the M7R here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Ledlenser P5R
Longer, lighter, more powerful. Measuring 117 mm, the P5R is admittedly somewhat bigger that its sister (the P5). On the other hand it's slightly lighter and definitely more powerful. The reason is its lithium-ion battery, helping it to run for 15 hours1. The light can be charged simply using the Floating Charge System. It has three light functions and can fit in a shirt or trouser pocket.
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LED Lenser M17R () удачно совмещает технологические инновации и безупречный дизайн. Максимальная мощность фонаря -- 850 люмен воспроизводится светодиодом CREE XM_L (Xtreme Power LED). Различные программы свечения по системе Smart Light Technology™. Инновационный механизм управления. Нестандартный источник питания - аккумулятор из двух элементов Li-FePO4, который можно перезаряжать более 3000 раз. Система зарядки Floating Charge System. Световые индикаторы, позволяющие контролировать уровень заряда и процесс питания. Очень экономичный расход энергии. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Торговая марка Led Lenser популярна в среде ценителей добротных и качественных вещей во всём мире. Фонари LED LENSER практически все призёры престижной Международной Премии IF Product Design Award - премии в области промышленного дизайна. Премия вручается производителям европейским дизайн-форумом в Ганновере (Германия). Эту премию называют промышленным «Оскаром». С 1953 года премия служит своеобразным Международным знаком качества продукта. Фонари LED LENSER это поистине немецкое качество. Каждый фонарь это шедевр технического исполнения и безупречного стиля. Линейка продукции удовлетворяет самый широким спектр запросов покупателя. Мы представляем вашему вниманию фонари под самые распространённые батарейки и аккумуляторы в нашей стране.
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Плейлист - Range Man. Мультитулам и ножам LEATHERMAN 30 лет.
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Плейлист - Range Man. LED LENZER - фонари для жизни. Включая новые серии SEO и H14R.2, H7R.2. Обзоры и тесты.
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Ledlenser W2 Work | Pen Light | Features | English
Precise light, always close at hand: The Ledlenser W2 Work is an alkaline-battery-powered pen and test light for tradespeople, construction workers and anyone in need of a reliable light in miniature format. The superior Ledlenser light quality ensures precise illumination – either via wide-area flood light or via spotlight LED in the lamp head. The W2 Work can easily be attached to breast pockets using a clip. Other clever features include a nubbed surface for a strong grip, a handy transport lock and a low battery warning function. Two AAA batteries make for a reliable and easy energy supply.
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Precise light, always close at hand: The Ledlenser W2R Work is a rechargeable pen and test light for tradespeople, construction workers and anyone in need of a reliable light in miniature format. The superior Ledlenser light quality ensures precise illumination – either via wide-area flood light or via spot LED in the lamp head. The W2R Work can easily be attached to breast pockets using a clip. The powerful rechargeable battery can be charged quickly and easily via USB-C and can be replaced if necessary. Other clever features include a nubbed surface for a strong grip, a handy transport lock and a low battery warning function.
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Item No. 8252
Lumens: 25
Range 20 m
Run time: 6 Hours.
LED: High end LED
Batteries: 4x AG13
Energy Tank: 0,92Wh
Length: 52 mm
Weight: 20g
Zweibrüder Optoelectronics GmbH & Co. KG
Kronenstr. 5-7. D-42699 Solingen, Germany
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To view or buy the Ledlenser P7R Core Rechargeable Flashlight Torch -
The LedLenser P7R Core rechargeable LED torch is the perfect all-rounder. Impressive brightness that can deliver a beam up to 300 meters, combines with exceptional protection against water and dust to ensure that the P7R becomes the standard by which all torches are judged against
- Light output: Boost: 1400 Lumens, Power: 1000 Lumens, Mid-Power: 440 Lumens and Low: 15 Lumens
- Advanced focus system (AFS) - Reflector and lens combination for intense spot (distance) or flawless flood (near) illumination
- Dimming Feature to provide the right level of illumination
- Transport Lock Mode to prevent accidental battery drain if switch is inadvertently depressed whilst in transit
- Low Battery Warning
- Battery Status Indicator
- Charging Indicator
- Magnetic Charge System
- Charging Time: 4.5 Hours
- IP Rating: IP68
- Comes with a 7 year manufacturer warranty
Supplied With:
- Wrist Strap
- Magnetic Contact Charging Cable
- Li-Ion Battery
About LED Lenser:
Professionals and enthusiasts alike rely on LED Lenser’s multiple award-winning lights to provide ultimate illumination and reliability. The finest engineering that Germany is world-renowned for is to this day incorporated in every LED Lenser product. Combining precision engineering with only the very best premium materials and state-of-the-art technologies to develop light that simply has to be seen to be believed.
#ledlenser #torch #lighting
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Ledlenser Flashlight P7R Work | Features | English
This lamp is almost indestructible. Water and dust cannot harm the P7R Work thanks to the Flex Sealing Technology (IP68). Rubber covers and a protective lens shield ensure that impacts and shocks are easily absorbed. And finally, the material of the case also proves to be resistant to chemicals. The intrinsic values of the P7R Work are just as impressive. Extreme light output, a CRI value of 90 for particularly natural color reproduction, custom light functions, the practical Magnetic Charge System and a diffused white auxiliary light are just some of the features that flank our patented³ Advanced Focus System.
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The all new LED Lenser P14.2 is very handy flashlight to have as it produces in Boost mode a maximum of 350 Lumen's of light and a beam distance of 270 metres, it produces it light through an all new cutting edge CREE LED, it also has LED Lensers renowned Advanced Focus System which allows you to change form spot beam to flood beam by simply sliding the head of the torch forward and back. The LED Lenser P14.2 has got three modes, Boost, Power and Low power. The LED Lenser P14.2 has got a very nice quality feel to it due to the near-indestructible aircraft-grade aluminium that it is made from which gives it good hand grip. For full specifications on this flash light click on the link above and it will bring you to our website which has an on-line shop with some great prices. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
When it comes to the X21R, the figures alone are impressive: 5,000 lm light output with a beam range of up to 800 m and a maximum run time of 40 h. It's best described with simply WOW! The unbelievable beam range of this torch will completely amaze its user - its light beam can cross the length of eight soccer fields, which makes it the perfect searchlight!
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Wir haben die LED Lenser P5R Taschenlampe ausprobiert. Den ganzen Test und Erfahrungsbericht gibts im Blog -- Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ledlenser Taschenlampe P7R Work | Features | Deutsch
Diese Lampe ist nahezu unverwüstlich. Wasser und Staub können der P7R Work überhaupt nichts anhaben (IP68). Diverse Schutzelemente sorgen dafür, dass auch Stöße locker abgefangen werden. Und schließlich erweist sich das Material des Gehäuses als resistent gegen Chemikalien. Die inneren Werte der P7R Work sind aber genauso beeindruckend. Extreme Lichtleistung, ein CRI-Wert von 90 für besonders natürliche Farbwiedergabe, personalisierbare Lichtfunktionen, das praktische Magnetladesystem und ein diffuses weißes Hilfslicht sind nur einige der verfügbaren Features neben unserem patentierten Advanced Focus System.
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Ledlenser Flashlight P7R Core | Features | English
The versatile P7R Core torch offers exceptional power and forward-thinking technologies like the Smart Light Technology for custom light functions. The lamp is powered by a 21700 Lithium-ion battery, which can be easily changed by opening the end cap. Thanks to our Flex Sealing Technology, the P7R Core is protected against dust and water, and can even handle permanent submersion. Our patented³ Advanced Focus System works with up to one meter of water depth. This makes the P7R Core the ideal torch for every occasion.
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PROFESIONAL RANGE - Led Lenser P17 - 220L Demo,
Police officers, firefighters and emergency forces need robust, super-bright flashlights that withstand continuous use and exceptional conditions. They have to be shock-proof and resistant to great variations in temperature. The LED LENSER® P17 meets all of these demands and is also up to mark when it comes to recreational activities and sports. Campers, walkers and anglers will delight in this technological masterpiece. The lamp is operated with 3 D batteries that provide a surprisingly long service life at low cost. The newly developed switch offers you a choice between extremely bright and dimmed light, so that the LED LENSER® P17 can be used both at long and close-up range. Furthermore, it is a dazzle-free reading lamp. Equipped with the LED LENSER® P17 with the unique, scientifically developed optical system that sets new standards in focusing technology. Purchase this product from Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Link za poručivanje
Džepna lampa hemijska olovka Ledlenser EX4 – Ovaj model je napravljen od visokokvalitetnog metala, tačnije od aluminijuma. Lampa je manjih dimenzija, jakog svetla i dalekog dometa pa se može koristiti i za svakodnevne aktivnosti, kao i za osvetljenje na putu
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Ručna punjiva lampa MT14 Led Lenser odlična je za sve outdoor aktivnosti. Tehnologija pametnog svetla omogućava da ova lampa bude podesiva na tri različita načina. Džepnu punjivu lampu možete podesiti na normalnu jačinu, slabo osvetljenje i osvetljujući zrak za samoodbranu. Maksimalna jačina ove lampe je 1000 lumena. Maksimalno trajanje baterije iznosi čak 192 sata. Najveća daljina zraka je 320 metara.
#militaryshop #ledlenser #mt14 #lampa
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The compact K6R keychain light delivers an impressive brightness of up to 400 lumens at the touch of a button – much brighter and more intuitive than many smartphone flashlight functions. The flashlight is quickly and conveniently charged using a wireless integrated, fold-out USB-A interface. In addition, this sophisticated design is made of brushed aluminum, offers a red-light function and numerous other features, making it the perfect, powerful accessory for your keychain or backpack.
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Видеообзор компактного фонаря Led Lenser V8 Photonenpumpe. Описание, характеристики, комментарии и отзывы, наличие и цены -- здесь: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Тип - пошуковий, джерело світла - LED, дальність світлового потоку - 350 м, яскравість - 330 люмен, елементи живлення - вбудований акумулятор, вага - 1048 г....
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Ліхтар LedLenser Solidline ST5R, 380/20 (502551). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17