Ліхтар Olight S10R Baton II підійде для щоденного носіння. Просто заряджається від USB. Ефективний як на природі і вдома, так і в гаражі і кемпінгу. Оснащений високопродуктивним світлодіод CREE XML, він встановлений в широкий рефлектор, що забезпечує широкий концентрований промінь для освітлення великих ділянок. Кишеньковий ліхтар доповнено зарядної док-станцією, завдяки якій акумулятор можна заряджати не виймаючи з ліхтарика. Ця модель стане надійним помічником для самих різних ситуацій. Легкий і міцний корпус з авіаційного алюмінію з анодованою поверхнею підвищує термін використання, також перешкоджає попаданню води і стійкий до падінь.
Детальні характеристики:
S10R Baton II
Джерело світла
Cree XP-L V5
Дальність світлового потоку
105 м
500 люмен
Клас захисту
Витримує падіння з висоти до
1.5 м
Безперервна робота
168 г (в мінімальному режимі)
Елементи живлення
вбудований акумулятор
Матеріал корпуса
Кількість режимів яскравості
покриття корпусу - анодування III
загартоване скло
цифрова стабілізація яскравості світла
авіаційний алюміній Type 3
функція запам'ятовування кожного режиму яскравості
Here it is! The new Olight S10R Baton II! New color accents, 500 lumens, longer battery life.
Check it out here on Amazon:
Like this Video? Check out these Flashlight videos!
Olight S1 Baton Ti (Bead Blasted Titanium) Review
KLARUS XT15 Ultra Long-range Tactical Flashlight Review
Olight S1 Baton Cu
ROFIS TR31C Tactical Flashlight - 985 Lumens
KLARUS MiX7 Ti Mini Titanium TORCH
Olight S2 Baton - Hands on and Operation
KLARUS FL18 (950 Lumens with secondary light)
KLARUS RS20 - Hands on Review 1050 Lumens
KLARUS XT12 - 930 Eye Scorching Lumens
Olight R20 Javelot
Olight S10R Baton II - 500 Lumens - EDC
Olight S1 Baton vs. Olight S10R Baton
OLIGHT PL-1 VALKYRIE - Dual output weapon light
Olight S1 Baton - 500 Lumens
Olight SR52UT Intimidator
Disclaimer: The JRESHOW receives free products to create these videos from companies, start-ups, and distributers all around the world. These videos created are intended to be entertaining, descriptive, and unbiased to the product or service of topic. In addition, we are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Идеал для EDC: фонарь Olight S10R, обзор и тесты, сравнения. Небольшой фонарь на литиевых аккумуляторах Li-ion 16340 с магнитной зарядкой док станцией. Фонарик:
C купоном OlightRSQ ценник 39.9$
Также при покупках в интернет-магазинах рекомендую вам использовать этот кешбек-сервис (скидку): (подходит для aliexpress/gearbest/banggood и т.п.).
Моя тема про этот фонарик на фонаревке:
Мой обзор на модель Олайт S30R:
Про фонарь Olight S1 с немного другой линзой:
Мой EDC набор, повседневное снаряжение:
Видео про все мои фонари:
Плейлист с обзорами наключников и EDC-фонарей 16340/ААА:
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Let's take a closer look at the OLIGHT S10R Baton II and go over all the features and discuss why I believe this is a great little EDC light
Intro: RavenProDesign
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Olight S10R Baton II zaklamp review - ledscherp.nl [NL/BE]
Hier kopen:
Deze nieuwe Olight S10R Baton II is de tweede generatie van de geweldige S10R Baton. Deze mini zaklamp is slecht 7,3 cm lang maar geeft een verbluffend licht van 500 lumen dankzij de allernieuwste Cree XP-L led. Blauwe accenten op de lampkop en rondom de schakelaar geven deze Olight S10R Baton II een unieke en zeer moderne uitstraling. De S10R Baton II beschikt over een multifunctionele zijschakelaar die je toegang geeft tot 4 verschillende lichtsterktes en een stroboscoop. Ook geeft de switch aan of de accu bijna leeg is, zo sta je dus nooit voor verrassingen!
Hij past in de palm van je hand of in je broekzak, je merkt amper dat je hem bij je draagt. Dankzij de meegeleverde Li-Ion accu en de MIcro-USB laadhouder kun je de Olight SR10R Baton II opladen waar en wanneer je maar wilt. Omdat de reflector slechts 2,3 cm breed is het resultaat een behoorlijk brede lichtbundel met een bereik van ongeveer 100 meter. Deze lamp is dus geen verstraler maar wel geschikt voor kortere afstanden om vooral veel licht te geven! Je kunt hem ook gebruiken als werklamp want de achterkant van de S10R Baton II is magnetisch dus je 'plakt' hem overal tegenaan! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight S1 Baton and S10R Baton II: "It's Not The Size That Counts" - PM101
is intent on changing how I feel about different types of flashlights, so they sent me two of the best single-CR123 battery lights of which are pushing 500 lumens from that one tiny battery.
GOOGLE+: +preparedmind101
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Открыл новый канал, всех жду в гости! -
В этом видео поговорим об отличном EDC фонарике, от набирающей популярность фирмы OLIGHT, модели S10R BATON.
После плотного знакомства с этим фонарем, он был возведен в статус лучшей моей EDC покупки на зиму 2015г)).
Модель: S10R Baton
Диод: Cree XM-L2
Дальнобойность: 100-150 м
Яркость (макс.): 400 Люмен
Яркость (мин.): 0.5 Люмен
Режим яркости: 400/85/5/0.5 Люмен
Функции: moonlight (0.5 Люм) и Стробоскоп (400 Люм)
Питание: 1шт CR123A (в комплекте)
Время работы: 400 Люм - 50 мин, 85 Люм - 3.5 ч., 5 Люм - 56 ч.
Водозащищенность: IPX-7 до 1 метра
Ударозащищенность: До 1.5 метров
Материал корпуса: Durable 6061 Aluminum Alloy
Линза: Toughened Ultra-clear Glass Lens with Anti-reflective Coating
Вес фонарика: 43 гр.
Габариты: х2.3х2.3 в см.
Брал тут:
и раздел с фонариками -
Для подписчиков и зрителей моего канала - код на скидку 8% на любой фонарик GBFLcash4 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight S10R baton II Фонарик фото
- part 02
- part 03
Наключный фонарик
1 аккумулятор - на деле 400 мАч вместо 650
турбо режим - 30 минут максимум вместо заявленных 45, на 25 минуте светится кнопка
режим по ниже - 2:45 светит
2 скорее всего из-за отражателя, цвет свечения жёлто-зеленоватый, фокусирует не белый холодный а жёлтый цвет светодиода.
за две недели акк просел на 100мАч
При работе на максимуме - турбо режим на вид не заметно что с 500 на 300 люменов ослабевает.
при питании с батареи-акка при понижении напряжении растёт ток с 1 до 1.7А
потом то ли программно за счёт какой то токовой обратной или тепловой связи, потребляемый ток уменьшается и немного подрастает напряжение на акке.
индикация разряда - странная, за 5 минут предупреждает что акк сядет режим турбо.
в турбо режиме фонарик нагревается и нагревая сам акк.
турбо режим лучше не использовать.
Лучше бы добавили ступеней регулировки яркости по более 5-7 штук.
Так же нет запасных резиночек и железного кольца на ключ
Микросхема в зарядке затёрта, так что не угадаешь что поставить если она накроется. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Линейка повседневных фонарей Olight пополнилась двумя яркими новинками: S10R & S30R Baton III поколения! Повышенная автономность работы, яркость и многофункциональность - визитная карточка EDC-моделей Olight.
Olight S10R Baton III:
Olight S30R Baton III:
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Olight S10R II S30R II Extended Review - Excellent Rechargeable Lights
This is a detailed 3 part video series on the Olight Rechargeable Baton Series featuring the S10R and S30R rechargeable flashlights. Here is how the series is scheduled:
Part 1: Flashlight Overview and Charging Dock Testing
Part 2: Mode Testing using Civil Twilight Lux Readings
Part 3: Pros, Cons and Final Summary
I hope you enjoy watching this video series featuring the S10R and S30R Olight rechargeable Batons!
S30R Product Page (~$75):
S10R Product Page (~$55):
Olight Website:
Special thanks to Tara Yager, CMO of Yager Solutions, for introducing these awesome lights to me at Shot Show 2015!
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Olight S10R II S30R II Quick Review - Excellent Rechargeable Lights
OLIGHT S10R Baton with Charging Dock
Get one here on Amazon:
For more information and to see other awesome Tech, Gear, and Gadgets :
The Olight S10R Baton is part of Olight's new rechargeable line. From the S10R to the S30R, these are some most well designed lights for what they do! The S10R has a max of 400 lumens which is bright enough for a majority day to day activity. I absolutely love this light and take it with me everywhere now. The included lanyard is awesome. Since the light is tiny and compact I like to keep that on for security that I have it.
Like this Video? Check out these Flashlight videos!
Olight S1 Baton Ti (Bead Blasted Titanium) Review
KLARUS XT15 Ultra Long-range Tactical Flashlight Review
Olight S1 Baton Cu
ROFIS TR31C Tactical Flashlight - 985 Lumens
KLARUS MiX7 Ti Mini Titanium TORCH
Olight S2 Baton - Hands on and Operation
KLARUS FL18 (950 Lumens with secondary light)
KLARUS RS20 - Hands on Review 1050 Lumens
KLARUS XT12 - 930 Eye Scorching Lumens
Olight R20 Javelot
Olight S10R Baton II - 500 Lumens - EDC
Olight S1 Baton vs. Olight S10R Baton
OLIGHT PL-1 VALKYRIE - Dual output weapon light
Olight S1 Baton - 500 Lumens
Olight SR52UT Intimidator
Music from
Song: Background-Groover
Disclaimer: The JRESHOW receives free products to create these videos from companies, start-ups, and distributers all around the world. These videos created are intended to be entertaining, descriptive, and unbiased to the product or service of topic. In addition, we are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Фонарь Olight S10 Baton после 6 лет использования. Выводы.
Olight S10R baton II Фонарик Напряжение и ток с батарейкой part 02
Время ужал в три раза
- part 01
- part 03 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight S10R baton II Фонарик Напряжение и ток от БП part 03
Olight S10R baton II Фонарик Напряжение и ток от БП
время ужал раза в три
- part 01
- part 02 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hands down the best light for its money. You guys can't appreciate how awesome and versatile this light is. This would be a much appreciated gift for any occasion. it has not let me down. I am blown away with how durable this light is. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Small Everyday Carry flashlight? | Olight S10R Baton III
Recently I have been looking for a small EDC flashlight that would be small enough to carry all the time but also bright enough to be useful for every application. I came across this on Amazon. At the time it was on sale for $42. It has a super bright 600 lumen output and its even rechargeable. This is a unboxing and first impressions for the Olight S10R Baton III. The S10R is discontinued now but you can check out very similar alternative options in the links below.
Where to buy?
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A quick comparison between the new Olight S1 and the S10R baton. I put brand new EdisonBright CR123A Lithium 3V 1500mAh batteries in both flashlights before beginning the test. The Olight S10R turned off aprx. 1 hour and 48 min. where the S1 held on until 2.5 hours and was still going but my camera wasn't. Both of these are awesome lights. I really wish they had made the S1 with a recharging dock as it would be even better.
Check them out here: S1 Baton :
Olight S10R Baton:
Like this Video? Check out these Flashlight videos!
Olight S1 Baton Ti (Bead Blasted Titanium) Review
KLARUS XT15 Ultra Long-range Tactical Flashlight Review
Olight S1 Baton Cu
ROFIS TR31C Tactical Flashlight - 985 Lumens
KLARUS MiX7 Ti Mini Titanium TORCH
Olight S2 Baton - Hands on and Operation
KLARUS FL18 (950 Lumens with secondary light)
KLARUS RS20 - Hands on Review 1050 Lumens
KLARUS XT12 - 930 Eye Scorching Lumens
Olight R20 Javelot
Olight S10R Baton II - 500 Lumens - EDC
Olight S1 Baton vs. Olight S10R Baton
OLIGHT PL-1 VALKYRIE - Dual output weapon light
Olight S1 Baton - 500 Lumens
Olight SR52UT Intimidator
Disclaimer: The JRESHOW receives free products to create these videos from companies, start-ups, and distributers all around the world. These videos created are intended to be entertaining, descriptive, and unbiased to the product or service of topic. In addition, we are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A look at the rechargeable olight s10r cree led flashlight. This is on sale for $32 shipped at gearbest. It takes one rcr123 battery and maxes out at $400 lumens. This makes a good pocket sized edc light.
Olight flashlights at gearbest:
8% non-discount LED lights Coupon Code:
LED2015GB Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight S10R Baton Rechargeable Variable-Output Side-Switch LED Flashlight
(I no longer have this item. Feel free to ask any questions but I will have to answer based on memory.)
This is a video review of the Olight S10R Baton
Rechargeable Variable-Output Side-Switch LED Tactical Flashlight. It comes with a magnetic usb powered rechargeable base and has a high output of 400 lumens. It is a super bright light suitable for EDC or packing in a bag or vehicle.
This is a listing of features from the Olight website:
The S10R Baton is an extremely small, powerful, and rechargeable 400-lumen LED flashlight with an intelligent multi-function side switch. There are a total of four different power settings and a strobe mode. Its small size, high output, four brightness levels, and strobe mode make it the perfect all-purpose light. Barely larger than the single RCR123A battery powering it, the tiny S10R disappears into a pocket or your palm. You can comfortably carry it all day long at the office or on a camping trip. And with its included rechargeable lithium-ion battery and compact Micro-USB charging dock (Micro-Dok), you don’t have to worry about bulky chargers or special cables. Plus, you can charge your mobile device via the USB port at the same time as charging your light through the Micro-USB port. The S10R also features a power indicator located around the side switch, which will glow red when your battery power is low. With it’s dual purpose magnetic tailcap, you can use the S10R as a hands-free convenient worklight, and attach it securely to the included charging base. Never be without a powerful light — the S10R Baton is the perfect constant companion.
Key Features:
NEW Low-profile side switch featuring a battery power indicator, which glows red when battery runs low
NEW Includes patent-pending Micro-USB charging dock and a 650mAh RCR123A rechargeable battery
NEW Thermal management safety program provides overheating protection by dropping high output by 50% after 4.5 minutes of constant on.
NEW Glow-in-the-dark o-ring in bezel to help locate flashlight from accidentally dropping it
99% light transmittance rate through tempered glass, with two-sided anti-reflective coating
Multi-function side switch with four brightness levels, plus a strobe mode
Automatically return to your last brightness level with the built in memory function
Removable two-position pocket clip
Flat tailcap with strong magnet, giving you the ability to use the light as a hands-free worklight
Highly reliable 6061-T6 aluminum alloy structure with ant-scratch, Type-III hard anodizing with a stainless steel bezel to protect against drops
Reverse polarity protection to prevent improper battery installation
Can be powered by one non-rechargeable CR123A lithium battery as a last resort in an emergency.
Low standby current below 8uA Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Видео обзор компактного перезаряжаемого фонаря S10R III BATON от "Olight".
Технические характеристики:
- Источник света — светодиод Luminus SST-40.
- Срок службы светодиода — 50000 часов (около 5 лет).
- Мощность: 600 люмен ANSI FL-1 standard.
- Дальность: 118 метров ANSI FL-1 standard.
- Рефлектор — гладкий, создает ровный световой пучок, при этом имеет отличную боковую засветку.
- Линза — закаленное минеральное стекло с двойным просветляющим напылением, пропусканием света 96%.
- Питание: 1 x CR123A / 1 x RCR123 / 1 x 16340.
- Запатентованная система зарядки аккумуляторной батареи через магнитную док станцию Olight Micro-Dok III и аккумулятор 16340 650 мАч в комплекте.
- Количество режимов — 5: 4 режима яркости и Строб 10 Гц.
- Режимы яркости на 600, 120, 12 и 0,5 люмен (светлячок).
- Интеллектуальная схема управляющего драйвера с функцией памяти, запоминает последний режим работы кроме Стоб сигнала.
- Съемная клипса позволяет крепить фонарь к козырьку кепки и использовать фонарь в качестве «налобника».
- Фонарь отлично стоит на торце, и его можно использовать в качестве свечи с помощью рассеивающего диффузора Olight TW10-W Traffic Wand.
- Метрическая анодированная резьба, обеспечивает долгий срок службы.
- Мелкая зернистая накатка с нейлоновой полировкой канавок позволяет надежно держать фонарь даже в мокрых руках.
- Прочный эргономичный корпус выполнен из авиационного алюминия марки Т6061 T6 с жестким анодирование 3-й (максимальной) степени.
- Ударозащита по стандарту FL1 Standart (падения с высоты до 1,5 метров).
- Повышенная герметичность корпуса по стандарту IPX-8 ( погружение под воду не более 2-х метров на 30 мин).
- Изготовлен в соответствии с военными стандартами армии США Mil-spec: MIL-STD-810F.
- Габариты: 68.5 мм. x 23 мм.
- Вес: 58 г. (с батареей). Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight S10R Baton III Rechargeable LED Torch - Review
My hands on review and test of the new Olight S10R Baton III LED torch. This model is an updated version featuring a higher power output, new button design, improved IPX rating and a small case size than the older II flashlight.
I compare this to the recent S1R Baton to see how the torches differ.
Product supplied by Olight for unbiased review
Details from the maker:
The S10R Baton III (S10R III) is the third generation of the extremely popular flagship S10R rechargeable EDC flashlights. This is the first light to feature the highly energy efficient LUMINUS SST-40 LED with a maximum output of 600 lumens
Low profile tactile black silicone gel side switch that protects from accidental activation in a pocket. Magnetic tail cap that allows it to be secured to ferrous metal surfaces for hands free work
New USB desktop charging dock provided(included). This flashlight also has a charging port that is compatible with Olight MCC magnetic charging cables(NOT included) and can be charged up on the go
Thermal management program. To protect the users hand and flashlight from heat, the 600 lumen turbo mode will stay on for 1.5 minutes before stepping down to 50% of the initial brightness. The light can go back up to turbo once it has cooled down for one minute
With a brand new LED, higher output, smaller size, timer function and improved accessories, the S10R III Baton is the perfect companion for everywhere you go
Olight S10R Baton III
•The S10R Baton (S10R III) is the third generation of the extremely popular flagship S10R rechargeable EDC flashlights. Compared to the S10R II, its length has decreased by 6% and is 100 lumens brighter.
•Timer function: long timer (9 minutes) and short timer (3 minutes)
•Low power (for RCR123A only) indicator under the side switch. When the battery voltage is running low (below ), it will glow red.
•Length: in/
•Diameter: in/
•Weight: oz/58g (including battery)
•AL6061-T6 (Body), Stainless Steel (Clamping rings for bezel and switch, pocket clip)
•650mAh RCR123A (Customised)
•Light Form: concentrated spot, very bright.
•Light Intensity (candela): 3,500
•Max. Performance (lumens): 600 lumens (~300lm) - 60m
•Beam Distance: 118 meters
•Level 1: 600 lumens (~300lm) - 60m
•Level 2: 120 lumens -
•Level 3: 12 lumens - 33hr
•Level 4: 0.5 lumens - 15 days
•Strobe: Yes
•Compatible Batteries: 1 X CR123A or 1 x RCR123A (rechargeable battery)
•Waterproof: IPX8
•Weight: 58 g / oz
•Length x Body Diameter: 68.5 x 23 mm / x in.
•Use: for general purposes, gift, everyday carry, keychain, outdoor
Package Contents:
•S10R III LED Torch(with stainless steel clip)
•Customized 650mAh RCR123A battery
• 1000mAh Desktop Charging Dock
•50cm Micro-USB Cable
•Lanyard with Perforating Tool
•Instruction Manual Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight® S10R Baton II Taschenlampe wiederaufladbar
This is a detailed 3 part video series on the Olight Rechargeable Baton Series featuring the S10R and S30R rechargeable flashlights. Here is how the series is scheduled:
Part 1: Flashlight Overview and Charging Dock Testing
Part 2: Mode Testing using Civil Twilight Lux Readings
Part 3: Pros, Cons and Final Summary
I hope you enjoy watching this video series featuring the S10R and S30R Olight rechargeable Batons!
S30R Product Page (~$75):
S10R Product Page (~$55):
Olight Website:
Special thanks to Tara Yager, CMO of Yager Solutions, for introducing these awesome lights to me at Shot Show 2015!
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Фонарь Olight S1 обзор и тесты, сравнение со старым S10R, примеры работы. Фонарик отсюда: с купоном e06f1b стоит $35.
Моя тема про него на форуме:
Габариты фонарика Olight S1 61мм длина, 21мм голова и корпус. Вес с батареей CR123A 46,5 гр, без батареи 30,5гр:
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Обзор на перезаряжаемую версию Олайт S1R:
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Про Olight S10R:
Мой обзор Olight S30R:
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OLIGHT - S10R S15R S20R S30R S30R II - Comparison and hands on
OLIGHT- S10R S15R S20R S30R S30R II Comparison and hands on.
S10R Baton -
S15R Baton-
S20R Baton -
S30R Baton -
S30R II Baton -
Find full reviews of these lights along with photo galleries at
Like this Video? Check out these Flashlight videos!
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KLARUS XT15 Ultra Long-range Tactical Flashlight Review
Olight S1 Baton Cu
ROFIS TR31C Tactical Flashlight - 985 Lumens
KLARUS MiX7 Ti Mini Titanium TORCH
Olight S2 Baton - Hands on and Operation
KLARUS FL18 (950 Lumens with secondary light)
KLARUS RS20 - Hands on Review 1050 Lumens
KLARUS XT12 - 930 Eye Scorching Lumens
Olight R20 Javelot
Olight S10R Baton II - 500 Lumens - EDC
Olight S1 Baton vs. Olight S10R Baton
OLIGHT PL-1 VALKYRIE - Dual output weapon light
Olight S1 Baton - 500 Lumens
Olight SR52UT Intimidator
Background Music: Kevin Macleod. Song: Summon the Rawk
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Latarka akumulatorowa Olight S10R III Baton LUMINUS - sklep Militaria.pl
► Latarkę akumulatorową Olight S10R III Baton LUMINUS kupisz na :
Nowa wersja latarki Olight Baton S10R! Trójka oferuje moc aż 600 lumenów w najwyższym trybie i ma skuteczny zasię 118 metrów. Zasilana jest akumulatorem dołączonym do zestawu, który można ładować za pomocą ładowarki USB. Latarka mieści się w dłoni i świetnie nadaje się do zestawu EDC.
► Dodatkowy akumulator: ,?utm_source=&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=produktowy&utm_content=opis&utm_term=olight_s10r_20170215
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Lanterna Olight S10R - Ótima para EDC - BRTactical
The S10R Baton is an extremely small, powerful, and rechargeable 400-lumens LED flashlight with an intelligent multi-function side switch. There are a total of four different power settings and a strobe mode. Its small size, high output, four brightness levels, and strobe mode make it the perfect all-purpose light. Barely larger than the single RCR123A battery powering it, the tiny S10R disappears into a pocket or your palm. You can comfortably carry it all day long at the office or on a camping trip. And with its included rechargeable lithium-ion battery and compact Micro-USB charging dock, you don’t have to worry about bulky chargers or special cables. Plus, you can charge your mobile device via the USB port at the same time as charging your light through the Micro-USB port. The S10R also features a power indicator located around the side switch, which will glow red when your battery power is low. With it’s dual purpose magnetic tailcap, you can use the S10R as a hands-free convenient worklight, and attach it securely to the included charging base. Never be without a powerful light — the S10R Baton is the perfect constant companion.
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. Promotional use only. All rights and credit go directly to its rightful owners. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight S2R II Baton, мы ведь не зря тебя ждали!? Обзор фонаря
The Olight S10R & S30R Baton III are rechargeable lights from Olight that come with a battery and charger. Great nightstand option.
S30R: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Check out the May lighting flash sale:
Amazing link
Gearbest coupons and hot deals
A look at the new Olight S10R Baton Generation III. A great small cr123 flashlight with a magnetic charging dock and capable of 600 lumens. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight S10R S15R S20R Baton LED Flashlight Quick Review
Die Olight Baton Serie bietet mit der S10R S15R S20R ein tolles Sortiment an Lampen mit Magnet Ladestation.
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Olight S2R Baton II Review & Operation Guide (Giving one to a viewer)
30% Off Friday 11/9/18 All Day Olight S2R Baton II Review
The Olight S2R Baton II is a USB rechargeable battery LED flashlight with a 5 lumen low mode and a 1,150 lumen turbo mode. I got my hands on a pre-release of this LED flashlight and have been testing it from the standpoint of Every Day Carry, Backpacking and Camping applications.
Links for full Manufacturer’s Specs, Features, etc:
One Day 30% Off Flash Sale: Friday 11/9/18 direct from Olight’s Official site.
Olight S2R Baton II flashlight on Amazon (30% off on Friday as well)
Link for S2R Baton II GIVEAWAY from Sintax77
Ends 11/15/18 at midnight.
Disclosure: Item seen was received for evaluation & testing. A commission may be received for purchases through the links in this post. Your support is appreciated and makes the backpacking trip videos on this channel possible. Be smart, make your own informed decisions, duh ??
For an easier read, check out my full blog post here:
Specs and Features, as per Manufacturer:
General Data:
Beam Distance (ft): 443
Beam Distance (m): 135
Max. Performance (lumens): 1150
Charge type: Magnetic USB charge base
Compatible Batteries: Customised 18650
Light Intensity (candela): 4600
Light Form: Wide/broad hotspot. Perfect for up close illumination.
Mode Operation: Side Switch
Form / Size Factor: Medium size (Permanent marker)
Lens / Reflector Type: TIR reflector (big, defined wide hotspot)
Series: Series S (EDC, General Use)
Notable Characteristics:
CW LED with a maximum output of 1,150 lumens.
Includes a 3200mAh 18650 rechargeable lithium battery which is charged magnetically through the tailcap charging cable.
Features a battery indicator located on the side switch so you know when to charge.
Portable faster charging MCC II USB charging cable provided in the package.
Flat tailcap with a strong magnet allowing the ability to use as a hands-free work light.
Multi-function side switch with five brightness levels, plus a strobe mode.
Features a battery indicator located on the side switch so you know when to charge. Indicator glowing green (Battery remaining 70-100 % ), indicator glowing yellow(Battery remaining 15-70%), indicator glowing red (Battery remaining less than 15%).
Lighting Levels & Run Times:
Moon – 0.5 lumens, 60 days
Low – 15 lumens, 100 hours
Medium – 120 lumens, 14 hours
High – 400 lumens, 4 hours
Turbo – 1,150 lumens for 2 mins, then drops to 400 lumens for 3.8 hours (230 mins)
Technical Characteristics
Waterproof IPX8
Weight: 51 grams / 1.8 oz
Length (mm / in): 98.5 /
Head Diameter (mm / in): 23 /
Body Diameter (mm / in): 23 /
LED: Luminus SST-40 CW LED
Package Contents:
Olight S2R Baton II flashlight x 1
MCCII Magnetic Charging Cable x 1
Customized 3200 mAh 18650 Battery×1
Blue pocket clip×1(installed on the flashlight)
Black pocket clip×1(spare, inside the package)
Lanyard (including tethering tool)×1
Other Lights Seen:
Olight S1R Baton II
Official Olight store
Olight H2R Nova Headlamp Flashlight
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(or bookmark it) & a portion of your session will help support the next trip ...at no additional cost to you!
Want a free sticker? Send a SASE to my PO box:
PO Box 8163
Wilmington, DE 19803
Gear samples may be sent to my PO Box as well.
Business Inquiries: @ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Olight S2R Baton is a popular EDC flashlight which takes a single 18650 and has a very compact design with a simple, effective interface, magnetic charging, and high outputs. This is the S2R Baton II Cu LE (Copper limited edition). You can purchase the aluminum version here:
The standard aluminum version can also be purchased from GoingGear:
I purchased this light with my own money, and am evaluating it based off of my personal experience and testing.
If you enjoyed this video, then please leave a like and subscribe to the channel, and if you have any comments or suggestion, please leave them down below! I appreciate any feedback that you may have.
Intro: 00:00
Build: 01:04
Interface: 06:19
Performance: 08:37
Assessment: 10:53
Outro: 12:15
Camera: Canon T7i
Lens: Canon 35mm f/2.8 IS STM Macro
Edited with Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
présentation et retour d'utilisateurs du la lampe olight S10 baton r II
site officiel olight france :
vidéo de chris jones974
vidéo lampe hx outdoor de techni-survie Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight S1R Baton II Review - Mini EDC & Backpacking Flashlight
25% Flash Sale - All day Friday 9/28/18
A Review of the Olight S1R Baton II for EDC (Every Day Carry)
The Olight S1R Baton II is a USB rechargeable battery LED flashlight with a 0.5 lumen low mode and a 1,000 lumen high mode. I’ve found this lumen range, combined with it’s size and weight of 1.8 oz (including battery), to make the S1R Baton II a very useful light for my backpacking and camping trips where the expected lighting needs are a bit more critical. The inch length, and deep pocket tail clip make it a great light for my EDC needs as well. Particularly for front pocket carry.
For an easier read, check out my full blog post here:
Links for full Manufacturer’s Specs, Features, etc
One Day Flash Sale: Friday 9/28/18 direct from Official Olight.
25% off for one or 30% off for two. Spend over $99 and get a free HO5 Headlamp (my fave minimalist headlamp for ultralight backpacking)
Olight S1R flashlight on Amazon (25% off on Friday as well)
Disclosure: Item seen was received for evaluation & testing. A commission may be received for purchases through the links in this post. Your support is appreciated and makes the backpacking trip videos on this channel possible. Be smart, make your own informed decisions, duh 😉
Specs and Features, as per Manufacturer:
General Data:
Beam Distance (ft): 476
Beam Distance (m): 145
Max. Performance (lumens): 1000
Charge type: Magnetic USB charge base
Compatible Batteries: Customised RCR123A IMR
Light Intensity (candela): 5250
Light Form: Wide/broad hotspot. Perfect for up close illumination.
Mode Operation: Side Switch
Form / Size Factor: Small size (Car key / Zippo Lighter)
Lens / Reflector Type: TIR reflector (big, defined wide hotspot)
Series: Series S (EDC, General Use)
Notable Characteristics:
1,000-lumen output: With the help of the all new customized 10C discharge current lithium-manganese battery, the S1R II delivers a huge output of 1,000 lumens in a small pocket light powered only by a single IMR16340.
Premium beam: Perfectly balanced hot spot for optimal clarity and a soft transition to maintain comfortable vision during use.
Three-color power level indication: Once the light is turned on, the power indicator located in the center of the side switch shows the power level in three colors (Green: Power between 60% and 100%, Yellow: Power is between 10% and 60%; Red: Power under 10%).
Highly efficient MCC II charger: This round-edged magnetic USB charger is not only 13% thinner than the previous MCC but is also compatible with all existing rechargeable flashlights and headlamps using this charging method. The new MCC II provides another fast charging solution to future Olight products with high capacity batteries.
Lighting Levels & Run Times:
Moon – 0.5 lumens, 8 days
Low – 12 lumens, 20 hours
Medium – 60 lumens, 3 hours 40 mins
High – 600 lumens for 1.5 mins, then drops to 300 lumens for 45 mins
Turbo – 1,000 lumens for 1.5 mins, then drops to 300 lumens for 37 mins
Technical Characteristics:
Waterproof IPX8
Weight: 51 grams / 1.8 oz
Length (mm / in): 63 /
Head Diameter (mm / in): 21 /
Body Diameter (mm / in): 21 /
LED: Cree XM-L2 CW
Package Contents:
Olight S1R II flashlight x 1
MCCII Magnetic Charging Cable x 1
550mAh IMR RCR123A Battery x 1
Lanyard x 1
Battery box x 1
Pouch x 1
User Manual x 1
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(or bookmark it) & a portion of your session will help support the next trip ...at no additional cost to you!
Want a free sticker? Send a SASE to my PO box:
PO Box 8163
Wilmington, DE 19803
Gear samples may be sent to my PO Box as well.
Business Inquiries: @ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Lampe et station d'accueil pour recharger et être toujours prêt !
LIEN : Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#edc #flashlight #everydaycarry
The S1R Baton II has been around for awhile but we finally got to take a look for ourselves. This little guy packs a punch!
Get it Here- Olight S1R Baton II
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Get 10% off using Sootch00 with this link:
Thanks for watching! Sootch00 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight S1R II First look and unboxing. 1000 lumens!?
Product link -
The S1R Baton II is the first of Olights new generation of single CR123A/RCR123A powered rechargeable side-switch EDC flashlights. This extremely compact light reaches an incredible max output of 1,000 lumens thanks to the included new high discharge rate battery. The second-generation TIR optic lens pushes the beam to a new level with unmatched clarity and balanced hotspot. While retaining the classic look of the Baton series, the S1R II features an articulate texturized body pattern that provides a great feel resulting in a firmer grip. It also comes with the upgraded MCC2 magnetic USB charging cable that is thinner and compatible with all existing Olight MCC rechargeable products. This S1R II is the ultimate pocket light in performance and convenience, carry the best. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Тип - пошуковий, джерело світла - LED, дальність світлового потоку - 350 м, яскравість - 330 люмен, елементи живлення - вбудований акумулятор, вага - 1048 г....
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