Ліхтар Olight I5T EOS - новий представник популярної лінійки EOS, що включає в себе компактні повсякденні ліхтарі.
I5T - "старша" версія I3T і відрізняється більш ємним форматом батареї AA. Вибір формату АА дозволив зробити ліхтар дуже компактним і зручним при зберіганні в кишені брюк.
Оптична система представлена поєднанням світлодіода з TIR-лінзою, що забезпечує широкий промінь світла яскравістю 300 люмен. Управління ліхтарем просте і здійснюється за допомогою торцевої кнопки, яка здатна активувати один з двох режимів роботи: на 300 і на 15 люмен.
Новинка успадкувала високі стандарти ударо і вологостійкості, завдяки яким ліхтар переживе падіння з висоти до 1.5 метрів і перебування під водою до 2-х метрів. Вирішивши купити ліхтар Olight I5T EOS - користувач отримає якісний освітлювальний прилад, який завжди буде під рукою.
Here is the almost perfect sized EDC from Olight with their i5T EOS flashlight kit. Yes you can run a 14500 cells in this but you only get one light output of almost 600 lumens. This comes with an alkaline cells but in my tests I used a Energizer Lithium cell. This is sporting the OSRAM P9 LED for a flood beam performance. Impressive light output at just 300 lumens on a AA cell. See link below to SkyBen's Amazon store where you can get this flashlight:
SkyBen Amazon:
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Thanks for watching, Take care!
#OLIGHT#FlashlightReviews Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Today we check out the i5T EOS from Olight and I let you know why it's replaced every other as my new, NEW favorite EDC light!
Got five minutes?
Our Favorite Gear:
Streamlight Microstream
Olight s2r Baton II:
Everyday GShock Watch
Barton Watchbands
Ka-Bar Turok
Disclosure: Some of the links listed here are affiliate links, that doesn't change your price but I will get a small commission! I will only share products here that I fully endorse and you are in no way obligated to purchase anything in return for enjoying my videos. Thank you for watching!
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OLIGHT I5T EOS | Linterna EDC, barata, pequeña, ligera y perfecta para uso diario
Link de compra Olight I5T EOS:
- Amazon:
- OlightStore:
Link a la web de Olight España:
Olight I5T EOS. Nos encontramos ante una linterna del fabricante Olight de precio asequible, alimentada por una pila o batería recargable de doble AA, tamaño muy contenido y un peso muy liviano que la convierte en una linterna EDC para la gran mayoría de usuarios. Con sus 300 lumens de potencia máxima será suficiente en el día a día siempre que no nos movamos dentro de grandes superficies terrenos y necesitemos tener un alcance superior a los 60 metros.
Cosas que utilizo para grabar mis vídeos:
Cámara Evil Sony Alpha 5100:
Maletín de herramientas:
Dron Mavic AIR 2 Vuela Mas Combo:
Cámara GoPro:
Tarjeta SD:
Tarjeta Micro SD 128GB:
Foco a batería:
Linterna Imalent DM70:
Linterna Xiaomi Nextool:
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Olight i5T EOS EDC Pocket Flashlight - the i5T is a great flashlight for EDC as it fits so well into your pocket
Amazon US
Black (featured) -
Black with blue speckles -
UV version -
Amazon UK
Black (featured) -
Black with blue speckles -
Search for me on Instagram – Moorlander_EDC
Also, you should definitely check out the EDC Cooperative
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Filming equipment:
I current film Canon 250D DSLR -
I use the VANGUARD Alta Pro 2+ 263CP Carbon 3-section Tripod with MACC and 3-Way Pan-Head Anthracite -
with a Neewer mobile rig to hold the phone –
and Rode microphone -
The video was edited using Wondershare Filmora 9 -
Credit for two tracks used:
Rock Angel by Joakim Karud Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0 Music promoted by Audio Library
Easier to Fade (feat. Madi Larson) by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is the full review of the Olight i5T LED Flashlight.
For more information, to buy Olight products or to
(This is an affiliate link, so it costs you nothing to buy from this link, but a small portion of the sales goes to support the It's Tipp Topp Fishing channel)
Please remember to like share and comment, thank you so much for watching! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is a review of the Olight i5T EOS every day carry (EDC) flashlight and the Olight O Pen 2.
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Any opinions expressed in this video are mine and mine alone and are not related to my employer or any other organization or individual. I have not been paid to make this video or to endorse a product. If I am ever paid for an endorsement or provided other compensation, I will state it clearly in the video. Any advice or demonstration I provide is just advice. The viewer should take responsibility for their own actions, follow any manufacturers warnings and directions and act safely and responsibly when travelling in the backcountry. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Linterna Olight i5T EOS (REVIEW EN ESPAÑOL) Olight México
Amigos les muestro la Review - Linterna Olight i5T EOS - Unboxing - ( REVIEW EN ESPAÑOL ) Olight México ... de excelente calidad... Muy Recomendable!!
#vaampiroedc Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight I5t Test, lampe de poche 300 lumens Toujours à portée de main
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40% de remise sur I5T EOSWARRIOR X PRO en Édition Limitée + I5T EOS
40% de remise sur I5T EOSPL-2 VALKYRIE en Gris Métallisé + i5T EOS
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Prepared Guy tests out the New Olight i5T eos.
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Olight i5T EOS - Flashsale am 08. Mai 2020 - kann die was???
Die i5T Eos gibt es am 08. Mai im Flashsale. Ich hatte die Möglichkeit, die Lampe schon vorab mal zu testen und das Ergebnis seht/hört Ihr im Video.
Bei Interesse an der Lampe könnt Ihr am 8. Mai 25% sparen. Folgt einfach dem Affiliate-Link:
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Mi Nueva Linterna Favorita - Olight M2R Warrior & I5T EOS
Hoy hacemos la revisión y pruebas de dos linternas de la marca Olight, la M2R Warrior y la I5T EOS. Esta última es relativamente novedosa y se ve como una muy potente opción para un EDC compacto con altas prestaciones para funcionar a pilas AA. La M2R Warrior, si bien lleva ya tiempo en el mercado, se ha convertido en mi linterna favorita con diferencia. Combina funcionalidades de una linterna táctica y una linterna EDC de una manera muy bien integrada. Todo esto, junto con la calidad y acabados de Olight, la pone en el primer puesto de mis linternas preferidas.
-Olight M2R Warrior: #/53-tipo_luz-blanco_frio
-Olight I5T EOS: #/73-color-rsv
-El Caldén Nature:
-Mi Instagram: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight i5T. 300 Lumen, AA - EDC Pocket Tactical Flashlight.
BUY the Olight i5T from Amazon;
Here's a tiny, but bright, EDC flashlight from the folks at Olight.
The i5T is a cousin of the i3T, but this one uses a single AA battery, and achieves an output of us to 300 lumens.
Watch the video as the i5T is demonstrated both inside and outside.
Here's the link to my review of the previous version; Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight i5t eos in od green.
Shot on a panasonic gh2 with a 3000k temperature wb, aperture 4.9, fps50, with an iso of 320.
use that link to register and purchase an i5t with a free 10$ off
A solid AA light that is simple and easy to use. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Learn more -
The Olight I5T features 300 lumens, 60-meter beam distance, and an extremely simple to use tail switch. This is a perfect entry-level flashlight backed by a 5-year warranty with one of the most prominent brands in the industry. Get yours today at the link above and don't forget to use the code olight10 at checkout! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Lohnt Sich Der Aufpreis ? Olight I5T EOS - EDC Taschenlampe Outdoor Bushcraft Trekking
Lohnt Sich Der Aufpreis ? Olight I5T EOS - EDC Taschenlampe Outdoor Bushcraft Trekking
Link zur Lampe:
*Rabattaktion nicht zu jeder Zeit verfügbar, schaut einfach mal was sie die Lampe am günstigsten anbieten
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Ausrüstung Survival Camping Tour bushcraft Wald Natur Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight i5T EOS Review - The AA Battery Powerhouse Flashlight You Need?
Links to buy your own Olight are listed here. Just expand this section.
- CANADIANS: Please use this link whenever you want to shop at Olight Canada online store:
They have the i5T in 4 colours: Black - $ & Tan, OD Green, PURPLE for $ each.
SAVE 10% when you check out with coupon code: CCE10 (I believe this applies only to regularly priced items.)
- USA:
$ for Green & Purple, $ for black
Black "WU HAN" Blue Special Edition (mine)- $ SOLD OUT
- GERMANY Amazon - € and up
- UNITED KINGDOM Amazon - @ £ and up
- INTERNATIONAL via - $ and up
Prepared Guy did an out of the box time test 24.5 hours - claim max 20 hrs, so Olight clearly is a bit humble and does not like to over-brag about the capability of their flashlights:
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CHECK OUT our spreadsheet where we list how well the factory sharpened the knife and compare with other brands:
I have AMAZON Influencer pages for 3 countries ., Canada, and the United Kingdom. I would be honoured if you check them out. If you make any purchases from those pages it will help to fund CCE so I can keep making videos.
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Coupon Codes
1) White Mountain Knives - - "CCE" = 10% off your entire order
2) Integrity Knives - - "CCE" = 10% off your entire order
3) PUMA Canada - - "CCE" = 10% off your entire order
4) Power Cutlery - - "cce" = 5% off but ONLY for Ganzo knives and each customer can only use it once.
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The i5T EOS delivers a pretty impressive 300 lumen output from a AA battery powered flashlight. It is lightweight, compact, and affordable. I really like the dual modes on this light. The 15 lumen low mode is ideal for navigating in the dark or searching for something in your vehicle, while the 300 lumen high mode gives a pretty adequate view of your surroundings with about 60 meters of throw.
Olight Store -
Use promo code TXTOOL for 10% off all non-promotional items Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Copper Olight I5T EOS Full Review and Patina Update!
In this video I provide my full review of the Olight I5T eos in copper and update you guys on how the Patina is coming along.
Bearded Gear Merch:
Support Bearded Gear on Patreon: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight I5T EOD versus I3T. Cuando unos Lumenes más hacen la diferencia.
Hola amigos, espero que esten bien. En este nuevo capítulo les traigo una comparación entre 2 olight. La I3T EOS y la I5T EOS. Al principio creí que los 180 lumenes de la I3T estaba bien para salidas a la calle y cuando paseaba al Wisky, pero después de un tiempo me di cuenta que para el exterior es necesario tener más lumenes y creo que un buen mínimo pueden ser 300 lumenes de la I5T EOS. Espero que les guste es review
Instagram: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight decide to donate all i5T sales to support fighting against coronavirus . All sales are used for medical supply donations.
i5T with exclusive blue knurling is special edition for Charity sale only.
i5T will be on sale during Jan. 31st- Feb. 2nd with 25% off; Bundle i5T and Warrior X Pro will be 40% off, Jan. 31st Only.
January 31st 2020 Flash sale details:
Flash Sale Date: January 31st. Whole Day EST.
Warrior X Pro Black, 30% off (MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Warrior X Pro Desert Dan/OD Green, 30% off (MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Bundle: Warrior X Pro Black + i5T, 40% off (MAP: $159.9; Sales price:$), limit 2 per person
Bundle: Warrior X Pro Desert Dan/OD Green + i5T, 40% off (MAP: $169.9; Sales price:$), limit 2 per person
Free gifts:
--Spend over $109 get a i1R 2 (MAP: $) for free.
--Spend over $259 get a Baton Pro Black (MAP:$ ) for free.
Coupon Code will work during sales on non-sale listings only.
Please remember to use my affiliate link: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
00:00 Intro
01:01 The Lights
01:24 Feel
01:44 Cost
02:21 Light Output
04:13 Battery Type
05:11 Battery Life
06:15 Durability
07:27 Button Feel
08:26 Button Programming
09:09 Packaging
09:49 Final Scores
In this video I compare sub $35 pocket flashlights.
#edc #flashlights #everydaycarry
Streamlight MicroStream USB -
Olight i5T EOS -
LE Pen Light -
Equipment used:
Canon EOS R6 -
Canon 15-35 EF Lens -
Canon 24-105 EF Lens
Mic: Rode Videomicro - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
OD GREEN FLASHLIGHT!!! (the Olight i5T eos OD Green)
Taking a look at a simple flashlight, but FINALLY a light in OD Green!!! Dudes this simple light goes on sale this monday 7/20/2020 25% off. If and only if you want to help support the channel click the affiliate link below and get you a sweet light on sale!
Thank you for stopping by CACTICALMAIN! make sure to subscribe for more! Hey if you feel like supporting the channel click on any of the links below. Dont have to buy whats linked, you can buy anything and it will help out the channel! Thank you very much!
Olight products-
My camera- =as_li_qf_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=cactusmain-20&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B01BUYJXMA&linkId=af69ad460ca926ccb5386a1185be709e
Clean you dang tools- =as_li_qf_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=cactusmain-20&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B00109AAN2&linkId=55d642a6dd28d11688efdd2bf9d1cf16
Interested in sending items for review? email cacticalmain@ Sorry at this time we are not set up to receive mail from fans, businesses only.
Warning cacticalmain is a professional idiot, do not take anything said as legal advise. Safety is your responsibility. Know what you are doing before you do it. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight i5T EOS Black Aluminium Version เล็กพกง่ายได้แสงดี
#flashlight #olight #perunmini
In this video I'll give you a quick look at the new color on the Olight i5T EOS. It's one of my favorite EDC lights to carry. If you want to see my full review, please check out my link below! Enjoy!!
Perun Mini:
S2R Baton II:
Seeker 2:
Olight playlist:
Here’s the Father’s Day flash sale details:
Flash sale date: 8pm June 21st -12am June 23rd EDT, lasting 28 hours
Free Gift: Keychain Multi-tool, need to click the Facebook or Email share button to complete the sharing, and it will be automatically added to your cart .
1---Perun Mini Black 30% off,(MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Perun Mini Orange(Limited edition) 30% off,(MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Only 1 dollar more to get a Perun mini+headband bundle.
2---S2R Baton II Desert Tan(Limited Edition) 30% off,(MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Bundle:S2R Baton II Desert Tan + i5T DT 40% off, (MAP: $107.9; Sales price:$)
3---i5T Gunmetal Grey(Limited Edition) 25% off,(MAP:$, Sale Price:$)
All listings above are limited 2 per person, except i5T Gunmetal Grey
S2R Baton II Purple (Limited Edition) Date: 8pm June 21st EDT - 12am June 24th EDT, 52 hours
4---S2R Baton II Purple 30% off,(MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Bundle:S2R II Purple+ i5T GR 40% off, (MAP:$; Sales price: $)
5---S2R II Purple + S2R II Desert Tan 40% off, (MAP:$; Sales Price: $),LIMIT 1 PER PERSON
3. Free Tiers:
1) Over $119 get a FREE i5T EOS desert tan(MAP: $)
2) Over $219 get a FREE H1R (Headband included) (MAP: $ )
3) Over $319 get a FREE SEEKER 2 (MAP: $ )
PS:If you buy a Odin Bundle DT or MEGA PACK, you will get a i5T DT for FREE, or buy more to get higher tier free gift.
Coupon Code ( jiujitsu2000 ) will work during sales on non-sale listings ONLY.
Jiujitsu2000 UNFILTERED:
Donations for Jiujitsu2000:
Want to contact me? jiujitsu2000@
I wear an XL t-shirt
Need a solid flashlight?
. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video I'll compare these two wonderful lights. Enjoy!!
OFan Day details:
8:00 PM September 23rd - 11:59 PM September 27th EDT,
#olight #okinfe #drever #jiujitsu2000
Donations for Jiujitsu2000:
Want to contact me? jiujitsu2000@
Find me on TikTok:
I wear an XL t-shirt
Olight Purchasing Link:
10% OFF Coupon code(except X9R): jiujitsu2000
Coupon Code will work during sales on non-sale listings ONLY.
Newpowa Solar Affiliate link:
Please use my discount code “JIUJITSU2000” for a discount
5% off on full priced products
Minimum purchase of $
Applicable: store-wide except on sale products and gift cards Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video I'll show you what happens if you put a 14500 battery in an I5T EOS light and I'll share some of my thoughts. Enjoy!
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Battle of Pocketable EDC Flashlights (Light Light i3t VS i5t) which is for you!!!
Comparison Between Olights two most pocketable Nemesis i3t against i5t, in this video I am trying to give my personal view on them and coming them side by side to give you a clear picture of what to expect between these two lights.
I hope this will give you a clear image on what is the best EDC Flashlight for your needs. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Prepared Guy gives his personal opinion over which has more functionality, the olight i3t or the i5t.
i5t (standard version):
i3t (Standard version):
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Lumintop AA 2.0 is made of copper material
Gold plated stainless steel pocket clip
Indicator light, easy to find light in the dark (only works for 14500 Li-ion batteries)
Using Cree XP-L HD LED or Nichia 219C LED with a life expectancy of 50,000 hours
Powered by one AA Li-ion battery or a 14500 rechargeable battery
Two ways to select the output: Tail switch or rotate head
Four output levels plus Strobe with a maximum output of 650 lumens
The mode memory function reminds the output of the last use when turned on next time
Very long operating time up to 2.5 days in Low mode
Lightweight and compact, best for EDC use
Size: 89.5 * , NW .: 60g (battery not included)
IP68 rated dustproof and waterproof, submersible up to 2 meters
Discount code: BGLMTB
The olight i5t powered by only a single AA battery and equipped with a simple tail switch to operate momentary/constant on (2 modes: max 300 lumens)
The tail switch features a built-in spring, making the pressure smooth and just right; Embedded with small pearls silicone surface, the switch provides an anti-slip pressing experience
Powered by a single AA battery with an amazing max output of 300 lumens, the i5T EOS takes up barely any space in the pocket for easy carrying on the go.
It features a double helix body knurling for attractive appearance, unique style, excellent ventilation, and solid grip
The user can operate momentary on and quick mode shifting (15/300 lumens) all through a convenient tail switch
The i5T EOS can be carried in a pocket or attached to a hat brim or backpack strap for a hands-free experience
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In this video I'll compare the Lumintop EDC AA with the Olight i5t EOS. These are both excellent lights!
Jiujitsu2000 UNFILTERED:
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Want to contact me? jiujitsu2000@
I wear an XL t-shirt
Need a solid flashlight? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
OLIGHT SALE : i5T EOS, M2R Pro Warrior, Seeker 2 Pro, and more!
COUPON CODE: musty10
(Coupon Code works during sales on non-sale listings ONLY)
Well guys it’s that time again to share another great sale from the fine folks of Olight. We’ve covered several of their sales now that have ranged from the PL-PRO Valkyrie, the M2R Pro Warrior, Seeker 2 Pro, and now the i5T EOS. I cover everything in the video, but let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for watching, take care.
Check us out on Instagram
@Musty Yeti
@Olight World Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
LED Olight flashlight I5T EOS 300 green version / Taschenlampe grün outdoor fishing hunting camping
Olight I5T EOS 300 flashlight unboxing and short test / demonstration in the outdoors in the dark. Perfect product for different outdoor activities like fishing, hunting or camping. Where to buy ? Please read below...
Olight Taschenlampe auspacken und testen im Dunkeln. Perfektes Produkt für verschieden Outdooraktivitäten wie Angeln, Jagen oder Campen. Wo zu kaufen ? Bitte weiter unten lesen...
Click here / Hier klicken (advertising / Werbung)
Thanks to Musicfox for the permission for using the music in our video. The original you can download on the link below. Danke an Musicfox für die Erlaubnis zur Nutzung der Musik in unserem Video. Das Original kann hier heruntergeladen werden (Talkline No.7):
Facebook SchwabTV
#olight #flashlight #taschenlampe Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Discount code: 10steve
Note: Coupon Code will work during sales on non-sale listings ONLY during the sales and most products after the sales.
This is a review and night test of the Olight I5T which was kindly sent by Olight for review, this is available in the black Friday sale event on the 25th. Please use the link below to visit their site and have a look through the amazing offers available in the up coming sale. The link will show that you have come from our video so that Olight know who is directing traffic their way and we get a little commission which helps keep the channel running. The discount code above will not work for the sale items but will get you a discount on other items. There is also the option to bag a free i1R2 by logging into their site so check that out as well.
As you will see in the review this is a fantastic little light powered from a single AA battery. This is an ideal light to keep handy for emergency situations or if you just don't like the rechargeable lights. The Olight i5T has a max output of 300 lumens and this particular limited edition Camo version looks fantastic and performs it as well.
Please see below for details of the offers that are on during the Black Friday event
1. 30% off:
Perun 2 BK/ Orange (multi-functional headlight), save almost ₤30!
Marauder 2 BK/ Blue (powerful rescue and search light), save almost ₤99!
M2R PRO(portable tactical flashlight), save almost ₤33!
limited Warrior mini(Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter and eternity) ,save almost ₤36!
S1R II orange(special EDC flashlight), save almost ₤21!
Baldr IR( upgraded gun light), save almost ₤48!
2. 40% off:
Perun 2 BK/ Orange+ I3T DT, save almost ₤44!
Perun 2 BK/ Orange+i5t in CAM, save almost ₤50!
Marauder 2 BK+ S2R II purple, save almost ₤162!
Marauder 2 BK+ Javelot Pro 2, save almost ₤224!
Marauder 2 Blue+ Perun 2 , save almost ₤180!
M2R PRO+ I5 UV , save almost ₤57!
Free Tiers:
1. Over ₤99 get a FREE i3T ODG green/red (MAP: ₤)
2. Over ₤189 get a FREE O Pen 2 Gunmetal Grey + FREE Refill(MAP: ₤)
3. Over ₤299 get a FREE Olantern Red/ Green(MAP: ₤)
4. Over ₤399 get a FREE warrior X PRO BK (MAP: ₤)
5. Over ₤459 get a FREE Seeker 2 pro Mint green(MAP: ₤)
6. Over ₤599 get a FREE Javelot turbo(MAP: ₤)
7. Over ₤999 get a FREE Marauder 2 BK(MAP: ₤) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight i5T Limited Edition Copper: Why it's worth the hype!
Olight i5T Limited Edition Copper!
The Olight i5T was already an awesome flashlight, but that was before they made it in copper! That's right this awesome little EDC flashlight has a max output of 300 lumens and a throw of 60m, all being powered by a common AA battery! It's IPX8 water and dustproof and can stand a drop from 1.5 meters.
Max 300 lumens, 60 meters throw, max 20 hours runtime just powered by a AA battery (included)
●Quick mode shifting through the anti-slip tail switch.
● As time passes by, the beautiful copper oxide coating will finally appear.
**If you want to pick up the Olight i5T (non copper) click the link below. Use code CT10 to reveive 10% off!!**
Olight i5T: USE CODE CT10
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New Lantern From Olight (O'Lantern) & Limited Edition Titanium Version Of The i5T EOS...
Detailed walkthrough and brightness comparison of most of the smaller EDC range of Olight torches/flashlights. I take a fairly detailed look at the way each of them works as well as a brightness demo and comparison showing how their various brightness and beam patterns compare.
These are the torches/flashlights I round up and compare:
Olight i3E EOS
Olight i3T EOS
Olight i5T EOS
Olight Perun mini
Olight Warrior mini
Olight Seeker 2
There are two torches/flashlights that are missing from my collection here. One is the Batton II and the other is the M2R Pro Warrior. The Baton II is a similar size to the Perun mini in this video but beats it generally in terms of performance - but it projects from the end as normal. For me the Perun mini version made much more sense at this size.
The M2R Pro Warrior would sit between the Warrior mini and the Seeker 2 in my collection and offers more aggressive tactical features, more brightness and throw and better battery life than the Warrior mini. However it's a similar size to the Seeker 2 which offers much more brightness again so at that price/size you can choose between brightness or aggressive tactical features.
0:00 - Intro
0:53 - EDC or Tactical Torch?
2:15 - Quick size comparison
2:54 - Overview of pricing and battery types
3:58 - Olight models ordered by brightness
4:28 - Why the Perun mini is awesome
5:24 - Where the S2R Baton II would fit in the lineup
5:44 - How I've set up the camera for the brightness tests
6:09 - Olight i3E EOS walkthrough and brightness demo
6:42 - Olight i3T EOS walkthrough and brightness demo
7:36 - Olight i5T EOS walkthrough and brightness demo
8:12 - Olight Perun mini walkthrough and brightness demo
11:52 - Olight Warrior mini walkthrough and brightness demo
16:06 - Olight Seeker 2 walkthrough and brightness demo
19:03 - Which do I like best?
Here are the full details of the torches for your reference (taken from the user guides):
Olight i3E EOS:
- 90 lumens (44m throw)
- 1hr 10min
Olight i3T EOS:
- 180 lumens (60m throw)
- 21 mins
- 5 lm
- 16 hrs
Olight i5T EOS:
- 300 lumen (60m throw)
- 3 min
- Then 150 lumen
- 25min
- Then 30 lumen
- 122min
- 15 lumem
- 20 hrs
Olight Perun mini:
- 1000 lumens (100m throw)
- 1 min
- Then 250 lumens
- 1hr 25min
- 250 lumens
- 1hr 38mins
- 65 lumens
- 6hr
- 15 lumens
- 25hr
- 2 lumens
- 4.5 days
Olight Warrior mini:
- 1500 lumens (190m throw)
- 4 min
- Then 500 lumens
- 3hr 25min
- Then 165 lumens
- 55min
- 500 lumens
- 3hr 38mins
- 120 lumens
- 18hr
- 15 lumens
- 150hr
- 1 lumens
- 45 days
Olight Seeker 2:
- 3000 lumens (220m throw)
- 3 min
- Then 600 lumens
- 2hr 35min
- 1200 lumens
- 1hr 50mins
- Then 600 lumens
- 50mins
- 300 lumens
- 13hr
- 50 lumens
- 72hr
- 5 lumens
- 15 days
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Olight Fathers Day Sale 2020 - 40% off! i5T, S2R Baton 2, ODIN, Perun Mini - Limited Edition Colors!
#i5t #olight #perunmini #s2r #odin
In this video we'll take a quick look at the BRAND NEW PERUN MINI! To me, it looks very nice. I really like what they did here. At first I wasn’t sure about the patch mounting option for the headband, but after some use I had a change of thought. Enjoy!
Perun Mini:
S2R Baton II:
Seeker 2:
Olight playlist:
Here’s the Father’s Day flash sale details:
Flash sale date: 8pm June 21st -12am June 23rd EDT, lasting 28 hours
Free Gift: Keychain Multi-tool, need to click the Facebook or Email share button to complete the sharing, and it will be automatically added to your cart .
1---Perun Mini Black 30% off,(MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Perun Mini Orange(Limited edition) 30% off,(MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Only 1 dollar more to get a Perun mini+headband bundle
2---S2R Baton II Desert Tan(Limited Edition) 30% off,(MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Bundle:S2R Baton II Desert Tan + i5T DT 40% off, (MAP: $107.9; Sales price:$)
3---i5T Gunmetal Grey(Limited Edition) 25% off,(MAP:$, Sale Price:$)
All listings above are limited 2 per person, except i5T Gunmetal Grey
S2R Baton II Purple (Limited Edition) Date: 8pm June 21st EDT - 12am June 24th EDT, 52 hours
4---S2R Baton II Purple 30% off,(MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Bundle:S2R II Purple+ i5T GR 40% off, (MAP:$; Sales price: $)
5---S2R II Purple + S2R II Desert Tan 40% off, (MAP:$; Sales Price: $),LIMIT 1 PER PERSON
3. Free Tiers:
1) Over $119 get a FREE i5T EOS desert tan(MAP: $)
2) Over $219 get a FREE H1R (Headband included) (MAP: $ )
3) Over $319 get a FREE SEEKER 2 (MAP: $ )
PS:If you buy a Odin Bundle DT or MEGA PACK, you will get a i5T DT for FREE, or buy more to get higher tier free gift.
Coupon Code ( jiujitsu2000 ) will work during sales on non-sale listings ONLY.
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Want to contact me? jiujitsu2000@
I wear an XL t-shirt
Need a solid flashlight?
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Olight i5T Cu Review (AA, 300 Lumens, Raw Copper, Great EDC)
Pickup the Olight i5T from Amazon at
Read this review on my Blog
See my review of the Olight i3T
Have any questions? Leave them in the comments below!
0:00 Start
0:43 Versions
1:08 Packaging & Accessories
1:47 Construction
4:10 Size & Weight
5:03 Retention
5:29 LED & Beam
5:57 Night Shots
7:11 Heat & Runtimes
9:56 User Interface
10:18 Pro's
10:27 Con's
10:37 Conclusion
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#FlashlightReview #Olighti5t #CopperFlashlight Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
New from Olight
The i5T Flashlight
Its runs on just one AA battery and you get 20 hours of light!!
This is the limited edition Olive Green version of this pocket wonder!
Follow the link to Olight:
Music - "Mockingbird" by David Mumford sourced from the Free Music Archive
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1. OLIGHT i5T -
The i5T EOS is a tail switch EDC flashlight powered by a single AA battery with a max output of 300 lumens. It is equipped with a high-performance LED paired with a PMMA optic lens producing a soft and balanced beam for comfortable use. It also features a dual direction pocket clip for multiple carrying options such as a pocket, backpack strap, or hat brim as a headlamp in seconds for a hands-free experience, making the flashlight incredibly convenient to take with you everywhere.
2. WOWTAC W1 -
Equipped with CREE XP-G2 LED bulb, the WOWTAC W1 produces an intense beam of bright light up to 413 ft / 126 m and max 562 lumens. Designed with a 16340 Rechargeable battery & Micro USB port, it's convenient for you to charge this EDC flashlight efficiently. The WOWTAC W1 Rechargeable Flashlight is designed in a perfect size, it fits comfortably in your pocket, backpack, and only weights in 58g/, 2.7 inches in length. his mini LED flashlight is equipped with hands-free use with a magnetic tail cap, dual-direction clip, perfect for any hands-free mechanic work.
The Imalent DM70 is a rechargeable flashlight with compact size but high performance. Only 115 mm in length, this compact body emits a max output of 4500 lumens and a beam distance of 306 meters. It uses one micro USB rechargeable 21700 Li-ion battery. Included magnetic tail cap which can release your hands-free for working. In addition, the indicator on the switch displays real-time battery status, 5 output levels plus strobe mode, cater for daily use, outdoor activities, and repair work. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Everyday Carry Flashlights: All of the EDC Olight Flashlights Compared
Buy Olight Flashlights during the Black Friday sale (Nov 22-Nov 26) for up to 45% off and a free I3E EOS:
- Olight I3E EOS /
- Olight I1R EOS /
- Olight I3T EOS /
- Olight I3T EOS Cu (Copper) /
- Olight M1T Raider /
- Olight S1R II Baton /
- Olight S1R II Ti (Titanium)
- Olight S1R II Cu (Copper)
- Olight S2R II Baton /
- Olight R50 Pro Seeker /
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***CLICK HERE*** for more information on the Olight Flashlights reviewed in this video and to take advantage of the 28 hour flash sale:
***For 10% off any NON-sale item, use coupon code: VanLife***
Flash sale date: 8pm June 21st -12am June 23rd EDT, lasting 28 hours
Free Gift: Keychain Multi-tool, need to click the Facebook or Email share button to complete the sharing, and it will be automatically added to your cart .
1) Perun Mini Black 30% off,(MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Perun Mini Orange(Limited edition) 30% off,(MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Only 1 dollar more to get a Perun mini+headband bundle
2) S2R Baton II Desert Tan(Limited Edition) 30% off,(MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Bundle:S2R Baton II Desert Tan + i5T DT 40% off, (MAP: $107.9; Sales price:$)
3) i5T Gunmetal Grey(Limited Edition) 25% off,(MAP:$, Sale Price:$)
All listings above are limited 2 per person, except i5T Gunmetal Grey
2. S2R Baton II Purple (Limited Edition) Date: 8pm June 21st EDT - 12am June 24th EDT, 52 hours
1) S2R Baton II Purple 30% off,(MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Bundle:S2R II Purple+ i5T GR 40% off, (MAP:$; Sales price: $)
2) S2R II Purple + S2R II Desert Tan 40% off, (MAP:$; Sales Price: $),LIMIT 1 PER PERSON
3. Free Tiers:
1) Over $119 get a FREE i5T EOS desert tan(MAP: $)
2) Over $219 get a FREE H1R (Headband included) (MAP: $ )
3) Over $319 get a FREE SEEKER 2 (MAP: $ )
PS:If you buy a Odin Bundle DT or MEGA PACK, you will get a i5T DT for FREE, or buy more to get higher tier free gift.
Coupon Code will work during sales on non-sale listings ONLY.
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#flashlight #olight #perunmini
In this video we'll take a quick look at the BRAND NEW PERUN MINI! To me, it looks very nice. I really like what they did here. At first I wasn’t sure about the patch mounting option for the headband, but after some use I had a change of thought. Enjoy!
Perun Mini:
S2R Baton II:
Seeker 2:
Olight playlist:
Here’s the Father’s Day flash sale details:
Flash sale date: 8pm June 21st -12am June 23rd EDT, lasting 28 hours
Free Gift: Keychain Multi-tool, need to click the Facebook or Email share button to complete the sharing, and it will be automatically added to your cart .
1---Perun Mini Black 30% off,(MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Perun Mini Orange(Limited edition) 30% off,(MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Only 1 dollar more to get a Perun mini+headband bundle
2---S2R Baton II Desert Tan(Limited Edition) 30% off,(MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Bundle:S2R Baton II Desert Tan + i5T DT 40% off, (MAP: $107.9; Sales price:$)
3---i5T Gunmetal Grey(Limited Edition) 25% off,(MAP:$, Sale Price:$)
All listings above are limited 2 per person, except i5T Gunmetal Grey
S2R Baton II Purple (Limited Edition) Date: 8pm June 21st EDT - 12am June 24th EDT, 52 hours
4---S2R Baton II Purple 30% off,(MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Bundle:S2R II Purple+ i5T GR 40% off, (MAP:$; Sales price: $)
5---S2R II Purple + S2R II Desert Tan 40% off, (MAP:$; Sales Price: $),LIMIT 1 PER PERSON
3. Free Tiers:
1) Over $119 get a FREE i5T EOS desert tan(MAP: $)
2) Over $219 get a FREE H1R (Headband included) (MAP: $ )
3) Over $319 get a FREE SEEKER 2 (MAP: $ )
PS:If you buy a Odin Bundle DT or MEGA PACK, you will get a i5T DT for FREE, or buy more to get higher tier free gift.
Coupon Code ( jiujitsu2000 ) will work during sales on non-sale listings ONLY.
Jiujitsu2000 UNFILTERED:
Donations for Jiujitsu2000:
Want to contact me? jiujitsu2000@
I wear an XL t-shirt
Need a solid flashlight?
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Sick OD green flashlights from Olight Seeker 3 pro I5R perun 2 flash sale march 2022
Check out the Olight flashlights & gear.
Use the SDNT10 promo code to get 10% off the non sale items.
Olight Warrior 3 review & comparison to the M2R warrior pro.
Olight Seeker 3 pro review.
Olight baton 3 premium edition review.
Olight I5R rechargeable flashlight review & comparison to the I5T
Olight Warrior II mini review.
Olight Warrior X3 torture test.
Olight Oknife overview.
Olight Array 2S review.
The Olight Seeker 3 PRO flashlight
High Performance: 4 high-performance LEDs for an amazingly bright 4,200 lumens, 31% higher than the Seeker 2 Pro
● Smart Proximity Sensor: Built-in thermal and proximity sensors to ensure maximum safety in case of overheating or lens obstructions
● Powerful & Rechargeable: A large-capacity customized 5000mAh rechargeable battery, ensuring a max runtime of 15 days
● Smart Lockout & Unlocking: It gets locked out automatically after 30 seconds of non-operation. Rotate the knob switch over 90 degrees to unlock it
● Upgraded User Interface: Long-press the rotary knob to access 4 brightness levels or rotate it for stepless dimming
Olight I5R flashlight
● Rechargeable Battery: Customized 14500 lithium-ion battery that integrates a Type-C charging interface
● High Performance: The rechargeable version of i5T EOS with stronger performance, delivering a max output of 350 lumens and a max throw of 64 meters
● Smooth Operation: Access momentary on and shift between modes (15~350 lumens) with a non-slip tactical tail switch
● Ergonomic Design: Double helix body knurling for an attractive appearance, unique style, excellent ventilation, and solid grip
● Compact & Lightweight: With 2.2 oz in weight and 95.4 mm in length, it takes up little space
Olight Perun 2
● Multifunctional: with max 2,500-lumen output, the Perun 2 can be used as both a right-angle headlamp and as a powerful EDC
● Proximity Sensor: Reduce the brightness and power off within 1 minute to prevent overheating when detecting an obstruction nearby
● Hands-free Experience: Magnetic base for attaching onto the iron surface, stainless steel pocket clip, and adjustable headband with silicon switch for leaving you both hands to work.
The official SDNT website
Charlie uses Fisher metal detectors
The Fisher F19 on Amazon
Check out the Olight flashlight gear we use & save $$$ with our coupon code.
Use the SDNT10 promo code to get 10% off the non sale items.
Use the SDNT10 promo code to get 10% off the non sale items.
Check Out the gear & other items Charlie & the SDNT crew recommend on Amazon
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Sick OD green flashlights from Olight Seeker 3 pro I5R perun 2 flash sale march 2022
Not Thursday hiking exploring history flashlights metal detecting New Hampshire VlOG Fisher F19 metal detector Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Sometimes it just takes a bit of scratching the surface until you see the dirt that needs to be swept away.
The Olight Flashlights company knows how to sell well and aggressively on YouTube.
If there is also questionable and poor quality of the products, the mix is perfect.
Why do you hardly find, or almost no, critical reviews of Olight on YouToube?
I'll explain why and how Olight's business practices work.
Advertising and mass at any cost.
Long live consumption!
But see for yourself ..
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Facebook: Vanessa Blank
Instagram: vanessablank_adventure
#Olight, #criticism, #Realtalk, #handlamp, #YouTube, #VanessaBlank, #WildWomanBushcraft Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Тип - пошуковий, джерело світла - LED, дальність світлового потоку - 350 м, яскравість - 330 люмен, елементи живлення - вбудований акумулятор, вага - 1048 г....
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