Плоскогубці комбіновані 1000 В NEO. Сертифіковані для роботи під напругою до 1000 В. Губки з високоякісної хромованадієвої сталі, що піддавалася індукційному гартуванню, забезпечують ефективну різання і формування жорсткої дроту. Двокомпонентні, ергономічні рукоятки підвищують комфорт експлуатації. Надійність інструменту підтверджує 25-річна гарантія. Бренд NEO виправдовує очікування професіоналів.
Плоскогубцы 180 мм комбинированные особой мощности KNIPEX в каталоге :
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Рукавички робочі NEO, з магнітом, з додатковим гумовим покриттям, що амортизує, з 3 відкритими пальцями. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
🧨 Como hacer una BANDEJA PORTAPAQUETES 💥 - Honda CR-V 97/01 G1 RD1/2/3 - Juanlmatus.com
🔥 En este vídeo te MUESTRO como armar de manera muy FÁCIL una bandeja porta paquetes de fibrofacil (Madera) alfombrada para tu CR-V Generación 1 o "La primera"
🟠 ¿Querés el plano? Lo podes bajar acá
🟢 ¿Necesitas el manual de taller? 👉
🟣 Si te interesan los videos sobre Honda CRV te dejo otro videos interesantes:
👉 Como solucionar la oscilación del ralentí en caliente -
👉 Armado De Bandeja Portapaquetes -
👉 Reparación de faros con resina poliéster -
👉 Programación de controles remotos -
👉 Ajuste de válvulas -
👉 Reemplazo del limpiaparabrizas trasero -
👉 Ajuste del ralentí o marcha lenta -
👉 Cambio del filtro de cabina / polen -
👉 Cambiar las luces del comando de aire acondicionado -
👉 Como sacar y reparar el lavafaros -
👉 Cambio de aceite y filtro -
👉 Sacar el paragolpes delantero -
👉 Cambio servo cierre centralizado -
#HondaCRV #CRV #B20B4
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Видео Мастерской
Двадцать первый выпуск - Honda CR-V 1995 года выпуска, двигатель B20B 2.0 литра, бензин.
Серия B полюбилась многим Хондаводам, за простоту и надёжность моторов: практически неубиваемые, они выхаживали многие сотни тысяч километров российских дорог.
Ремонт данных моторов не был развит в России, ввиду невысоких цен на б\у моторы из Японии, и у вас сегодня прекрасная возможность познакомиться с двигателем B20B у нас в рубрике.
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HONDA FR-V (2.0 i-VTEC) - Вите надо выйти...
В нём рассмотрен более современный двигатель K20A9, пришедший на смену серии B
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#Самый честный отзыв владельца. Honda CR-V RD1 1999 г.
Эта машина на
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Распаковка Бокорезы силовые Dnipro-M ULTRA CR-V 190 мм
Beds, tables, and compartments! In this episode, I cover some of the cool features that make the Honda CRV unique.
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Honda CR-V * Exploring Croatia (Vinnetou's film locations) *
Moje putování po stopách Vinnetoua - 2022 (v Hondě CR-V 2.2 i-CTDi) / My journey in the footsteps of Vinnetou - 2022 (in Honda CR-V 2.2 i-CTDi) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Today I'm installinga set of fog lights on my 2000 Honda Crv.
This is my first video, of many more to come, I hope you enjoy.
The fog lights i used are from a 2003 - 2006 Honda Accord, and for those of you wondering about my front lip. That, is from a 2002 Honda Accord...
Thanks for stopping by, and feel free to ask me any questions below, I'm happy to help out where I can. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Honda CRV 1 пробег 180 т.км- состояние 19 летнего автомобиля.
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Огляд набору інструментів NEO Tools 1/2", 3/8" і 1/4" 219 предметів (08-671)
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Абсолютно новая Honda CR-V (6 поколение). Что изменилось? Обзор Хонда СРВ 2023 модельного года
Компания Honda официально представила шестое поколение кроссовера CR-V, который является самым продаваемых SUV бренда. После обновления паркетник слегка увеличился в размерах, став самым большим авто в истории модели, получил внешность в стиле Ridgeline, богатое начальное оснащение и гибридную установку нового поколения.
✅ Тайм коды:
0:00 - Вступление
0:41 - Дизайн экстерьера
01:54 - Салон и оснащение
03:22 - Технические характеристики Honda CR-V 2023
05:17 - Дебют на рынке, цена
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Honda CR-V G chỉ còn 991 Triệu: Phiên bản đáng mua nhất | Thiên Khánh Honda
#honda #hondaotolongan #hondacrv
Honda CR-V đang được hưởng ưu đãi lên đến 70tr đồng, vì thế giá lăn bánh cực kì hấp dẫn trong tháng. Em xin gửi đến anh chị bài đánh giá nhanh Honda CR-V phiên bản G. Mong anh chị có thêm thông tin để lựa chọn 1 chiếc xe phù hợp.
00:00 Intro
00:46 Giá lăn bánh
01:55 Đánh gía chi tiết ngoại thất
03:06 Đánh giá chi tiết nội thất
05:35 Outro
Địa chỉ: 86 tuyến tránh quốc lộ 1A, Tp Tân An, Long An
Hotline: - Thiên Khánh - Đại diện bán hàng Honda Ô tô Long An.
Kết nối cùng Thiên Khánh để cập nhật giá xe, khuyến mãi mới nhất của các dòng xe Honda
*Tiktok: @thienkhanh_honda
*Phone: - tư vấn miễn phí , phục vụ tận tâm, chuyên nghiệp (tư vấn tất cả các dòng xe)
*Gmail: khanhdoan231095@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Lug Stud was broken on arrival and it's not the easiest to replace.
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2023 Honda CR-V—China Auto Show—2023款本田CR-V,外观与内饰实拍
Welcome to China Auto Show Channel
China Auto Show will bring you brief tour Exterior and interior Walkaround Auto Show
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Плоскогубцы 200 мм комбинированные ВОЛАТ Видеоотзыв (обзор) Виталия
Loading and unloading is easy with the CR-V’s streamlined two-level cargo floor. Just another way Honda makes it simple to move what matters.
Learn more at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
В видео я рассказываю про слабые места авто, стоимость запчастей и про всю машину.
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Honda's mid-sized SUV is more expensive now, but do the higher equipment levels and fresh new look make it a good-value purchase? 👉Full Review:
Although it's not going to attract the sort of attention of a new Red Hot Chilli Peppers album, the facelifted 2021 Honda CR-V brings more model-grades, more equipment and more useful features to the table.
The Honda CR-V, which stands for 'comfortable runabout vehicle' according to some, gets an exterior nip and tuck that brings a more contemporary look and feel, and top-spec models get a massive wireless smartphone charge pad and new-look 19-inch alloy wheels as well.
That it has a full-sized 19-inch spare wheel is impressive, as are a number of other unique features, such as clever rear doors and a versatile interior fitout.
Honda's four-cylinder petrol powertrains are unchanged – and are getting a little old – and price price increases of up to $4500 are not a good look either. But for all that, new Honda CR-V model range spanning $30,490 to $47,490 still offers decent value and is very much fit for purpose.
Fast Forward
00:00 - Intro
00:24 - New features
01:14 - Pricing
01:28 - Interior & Technology
02:35 - Second Row Features
03:05 - Cargo space
03:32 - Behind the wheel
04:47 - Verdict
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Builds: Honda CRV Stealth Audio System | AnthonyJ350
Having a great sounding sound system is awesome. But keeping your vehicle functional is always the goal as well. In this video we show you a 1998 Honda CRV with a Stealth Audio sound system that uses the unused space in the vehicle to accommodate our custom setup.
#JLAUDIO #ALPINEelectronics #SoundSystem #Bass #subwoofer
Music by: Ash Sculptures "Micro"
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Music available - &
Intro - "Heartbreaker'" - Gloria Tells
Outro - "I just can't change my Emotions" - Basixx
About AnthonyJ350
I am a Mobile Electronics Certified Professional 12 Volt Installer (MECP Certified), Business Management Graduate (KPU), with a Professional Driver's License and a genuine automotive enthusiast who loves working on vehicles and I want to share my experiences with you. The goal is to help other people who can hopefully learn from my unique outlook towards vehicles, experiences and working practices.
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Go Fast have Fun
Builds: Honda CRV Stealth Audio System | AnthonyJ350
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Honda CR-V Hybrid 135 kW (184 PS) Honda´s Kompakt SUV im Test 2018 | Fahrbericht | Review | Deutsch
Den Honda CR-V gibt es mittlerweile bereits in der fünften Generation. Nachdem Honda das Kompakt SUV mit konventionellen Antrieben bereits vorgestellt hat, folgt nun die Hybrid Variante. Was der Honda CR-V Hybrid kann und ob er wirklich sparsamer ist als die Benziner zeige ich in meinem Fahrbericht vom Honda CR-V 2,0-Liter-i-VTEC Hybrid mit Allradantrieb. Quelle:
Technische Daten unseres Testwagens:
Fahrzeug: Honda CR-V 2,0-Liter-i-VTEC Hybrid mit Allradantrieb
Ausstattungslinie: Executive
Farbe: Platinum White
Motor: Vierzylinder Reihenmotor
Hubraum: cm³
Max. Leistung: 135 kW (184 PS)
Max. Drehmoment: 315 Nm
V-Max: 180 km/h
Beschleunigung: 0-100 km /h: 9,2 s
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2022 Honda CR-V compact SUV in-depth Walkaround
1 just 1-minute car video😉
The Honda CR-V is a brilliant small SUV due to its high competency across the board. It has exceptional storage space and functionality, plenty of features, a comfortable ride, and enjoyable performance. And all of that comes at a competitive price for the class.
The five-seat CR-V is Honda’s entry into the compact SUV class. It’s available with front- or all-wheel drive and is powered by a standard 190-horsepower, turbocharged four-cylinder engine that works with a continuously variable automatic transmission. The AWD-only CR-V Hybrid features two electric motors and a four-cylinder engine that make 212 hp total.
The CR-V's turbocharged engine provides quick acceleration compared to other small SUVs with base engines. In our testing, our all-wheel-drive CR-V sprinted from 0 to 60 mph in 8.2 seconds. Thrilling? No, but it's more than adequate for the day-to-day commute. We're generally not fans of continuously variable automatic transmissions because of their awkward power delivery, but the CR-V's is an exception, delivering a fairly natural response in most situations.
check out my other videos~
music credit~
Audio Library — Music for content creators
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2022 Honda CR-V Trailer Hitch installation with the Curt 13397 (Excluding Hybrid or Touring). This video shows step-by-step instructions from a U-Haul Professional Hitch Installer so you can do it yourself.
To purchase this trailer hitch and other towing accessories for your 2022 Honda CR-V, visit
0:00 Intro
0:19 Tools Needed
0:24 Lower Exhaust
1:45 Remove Underbody Panel
2:30 Fishwire Bolts Into Place
4:23 Trim Underbody Panel
4:54 Trim Bumper
5:51 Line Up Hitch
7:09 Install Tow Loop Bolt
7:33 Install Washers
8:14 Tighten and Torque Bolts
8:44 Reinstall Underbody Panel
9:02 Reinstall Exhaust
9:09 Measurements
9:25 Outro Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор торцовочной пилы Зубр Профессионал ППТ-255-П. Покупать или нет? Достоинства и недостатки торцовочной пилы в сравнении с Зубр Мастер ЗПТ-255-1800. Как настроить торцовочную пилу.
00:00 - Экономить ли на инструменте?
02:18 - Комплектация Зубр Профессионал
03:00 - Внешний вид
03:20 - Пылесборник
04:00 - Основные отличия серии Профессионал от Мастер
06:12 - Направляющие и подшипники
08:30 - Первый и главный косяк Зубр Мастер 255
09:00 - Ограничитель глубины пропила
10:34 - Как пилит из упаковки
11:14 - Ключ в комплекте
11:38 - Наполнение мешка с одного пропила
12:05 - Главная проблема Зубр Профессионал ППТ-255-П
14:30 - Решение этой проблемы, либо возврат пилы производителю
15:35 - Нерешаемая проблема
16:10 - Вывод: лучше купить Зубр серии Мастер
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Và đây là HONDA CR-V 2023: dài nhất phân khúc? Máy 2.0 hybrid có về ĐNA? | GearUp
Dài ra thêm 69 mm, với trục cơ sở kéo dài 41 mm, Honda CR-V 2023 tiếp tục duy trì ưu thế kích thước, khi là mẫu xe dài nhất phân khúc. Tuy vậy, trục cơ sở của CR-V 2023 sẽ dừng lại ở con số mm, ngang bằng chiếc Mazda CX-5 hiện tại.
Động cơ 1.5 của Honda CR-V 2023 được nâng cấp so với thế hệ hiện hành, sinh ra thêm 2 HP và 3 Nm mô-men xoắn, và vẫn sử dụng hộp số tự động vô cấp CVT. Và khác với thị trường Việt Nam, ở Mỹ mọi phiên bản CR-V dùng máy 1.5 đều có hệ dẫn động 4 bánh toàn thời gian AWD.
Với các phiên bản cao cấp hơn, máy 2.0 hybrid của Honda CR-V 2023 sẽ sản sinh ra tổng cộng 204 HP và 335 Nm mô-men xoắn. Cũng nhờ vào sức kéo tốt của động cơ điện, mà Honda tự hào giới thiệu bản hybrid có sức kéo lên tới 1 tấn, con số khá ấn tượng so với một chiếc crossover máy xăng.
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MỤC LỤC: Và đây là HONDA CR-V 2023: dài nhất phân khúc, máy 2.0 hybrid có về ĐNA? | GearUp
0:00 Đây là Honda CR-V 2023
0:41 Một số kỳ vọng về CR-V 2023
0:58 Duy trì ưu thế kích thước
1:33 Thay đổi quan trọng ở cột A
2:01 Về thiết kế của CR-V 2023
2:34 2 lựa chọn động cơ của CR-V mới
3:13 Thay đổi ở gầm bệ và treo
3:29 Nội thất giống Honda Civic
3:51 Trang bị an toàn?
4:01 Khi nào CR-V 2023 về Việt Nam?
4:23 Tạm biệt anh em
Tuyên bố miễn trách: mọi bình luận vi phạm các nguyên tắc cộng đồng của chúng tôi đều sẽ bị xóa mà không cần báo trước.
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How to know about Honda CRV 98/pong 01/ interior /in Siem reap / by Meanith speaking Khmer//03
Honda CR-V 2023 đã sẵn sàng cho màn ra mắt tại thị trường Trung Quốc vào tuần tới.
Hiện Honda CR-V thế hệ mới đã chạy thử tại khu vực Đông Nam Á, do đó ngày mẫu xe này về Việt Nam có lẽ không còn xa.
#hondacrv2023, #24htv Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SUV CRV has a strong acceleration to overcome challenges on the track - CHINA ODA
SUV CRV has a strong acceleration to overcome challenges on the track - CHINA ODA Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Go for a test drive in the 2021 Honda CR-V EX-L with our salesman Justin Thompson! The 2021 Honda CR-V offers impressive versatility, a stylish interior, and a long list of safety features!
0:00 - Into
0:19 - Exterior Design
2:19 - Rear Seats
3:04 - Convenience Features
4:03 - Honda Sensing Safety Features
6:31 - Steering Wheel Controls
7:30 - Infotainment Screen
8:59 - Center Console
10:52 - Interior Convenience Features
12:01 - Road Test
13:06 - Blind Spot Monitoring Demo
13:24 - Acceleration
13:43 - Lane Keep Assist System Demo
14:11 - Adaptive Cruise Control Demo
15:56 - Honda Warranty & AWD System
16:55 - Back Up Camera
17:50 - Outro Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
2023 Honda CR-V Production
Honda factory, Honda CR-V assembly, Honda Autofabrik, Honda Montagewerk, Honda CR-V Productionsaufnahmen, fábrica de automóviles Honda , planta de ensamblaje, material de producción, les coulisses de la production Honda CR-V , how its made Honda CR-V , hinter den Kulissen der Produktion Honda CR-V , behind the scenes of production Honda CR-V ,
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製造, Sản xuất Honda CR-V , การผลิต, 자동차 생산Honda CR-V , παραγωγή αυτοκινήτων, Πώς γίνεται, 어떻게 만들어 졌는가?, fabrikası,
Nó được làm như thế nào Honda CR-V , มันทำอย่างไร, Как это сделано,
termelési felvétel, montáž automobilov, Honda CR-V gyártósor, Honda autógyár,
montážny závod Honda, výroba automobilov, výrobné zábery
Honda has produced automobiles in North America for 40 years, beginning in November 1982 at the Marysville Auto Plant. Honda began manufacturing operations in North America in 1979 with motorcycle production in Marysville, Ohio.
Over the past four decades, Honda has steadily grown local production capabilities and now employs more than 30,000 associates at 18 plants with the annual capacity to produce million automobiles, nearly 4 million engines, 500,000 power equipment products and 300,000 powersports products, as well as the HondaJet advanced light jet and GE Honda HF120 turbofan engines. In 2021, more than 95% of all Honda and Acura automobiles were made in North America, using domestic and globally sourced parts.
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2019 Honda CR-V Hybrid Fahrbericht / Hybrid-Antrieb einmal anders gedacht - Autophorie
Fahrbericht des Honda CR-V Hybrid, der einen völlig anderen Ansatz für ein Hybrid-Fahrzeug wählt. Die Räder werden in den meisten Fällen direkt von einem Elektromotor angetrieben. Mehr zur komplexen Technik im Video.
Viel Spaß mit dem Video
#Autophorie #Honda #CRVHybrid
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Honda CR-V 2.0 i-MMD Hybrid AWD
4-Zylinder-Atkinson-Motor mit e-CVT
ccm Hubraum
81,0x96,7 Bohrung x Hub
13,0:1 Verdichtungsverhältnis
107 kW / 145 PS @ U/min
175 Nm @ U/min
E-Motor (ein Generator, ein Antrieb)
Peak: 135 kW / 184 PS
Peak: 315 Nm
5,5 l/100km
126 g/km CO2-Emissionen
180 km/h V-Max
9,2 Sek 0 - 100 km/h
0,806 Benzimotor
2,455 Elektromotor
235/60 R18
lang; breit mit Spiegel; hoch; mm (+32) Radstand
497 - Liter Kofferraum (16cm breiterer Laderaum als zuvor)
57 Liter Tank
kg Leergewicht; 549 - 603 kg Zuladung; max. Anhängelast 750 kg
2WD Comfort ab EUR
AWD Elegance ab EUR
AWD Executive ab EUR Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Honda CR-V 2023 bắt đầu được sản xuất, giá từ 32.355 USD |XE HÓNG|
With recent redesigns and upgrades to the 2019 Toyota Rav4 and Mazda CX-5 Turbo, how does the the 2019 Honda CR-V stack up? Here's a full review of the CRV covering most aspects from the LX, EX, EX-L, and Touring models. Our particular tester is the CRV EX trim. This CR-V still is very competitive in this segment thanks to it's numerous features, snappy yet efficient powertrain, tons of interior and cargo space, plus it's history as one of the top selling in the class. Let me know what you think of this new 2019 Honda CR-V EX.
Special thanks to Honda Cars of Rockwall for letting me show you the 2019 CR-V - Tell them Nolan sent you!
Call: (469) 844-9303
Visit: 1550 I-30 Frontage Rd, Rockwall, TX 75087
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Ending Music: The FatRat - Xenogenesis
Tasty Records
Thanks so much for watching this 2019 Honda CRV review.
Please be sure to comment, give it a thumbs up and subscribe!
-Nolan Merrill for Prime Autotainment
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Honda CR-V 2021 review: Is the new safer SUV a match for the Toyota RAV4?
The Honda CR-V has been a long-time favourite in the CarsGuide offices, but there’s always been a bit of a caveat hanging over the mid-size SUV range - it all came down to a shortage of active safety technology.
With the 2021 Honda CR-V facelift that has been addressed - to a degree - and in this review we’ll cover off the changes that have been made, from an expansion of the Honda Sensing suite of safety tech, to the styling changes inside and out for the updated model range.
At the end we’ll try and sum up if the Honda CR-V 2021 range update has brought this model back into contention against the likes of the Subaru Forester, Mazda CX-5, VW Tiguan and Toyota RAV4.
As part of the 2021 updated range, the CR-V saw a number of name changes, but there are still seven variants available, ranging from five to seven-seaters, and with front-wheel drive (2WD) or all-wheel drive (AWD). Prices are up across the carryover models by between $2200 and $4500 - read our original pricing story to see why.
Opening the range is the Vi, which carries over as the only model in the range without the turbo engine (any CR-V with VTi as part of its name indicates turbocharging), while it’s also the only CR-V without the Honda Sensing safety suite. More on that in the safety section below.
The prices seen here are the Manufacturer’s List Price, also known as MSRP, RRP or MLP, and don’t include on-road costs. Shop around, we know there will be drive-away deals.
The Vi model lists at $30,490 plus on-road costs (MSRP), which is more expensive than the pre-facelift model, but this version - which has 17-inch alloy wheels and cloth seat trim - now runs a touchscreen media system with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, as well as dual-zone climate control. This version also has Bluetooth phone and audio streaming, 2x USB ports, a digital instrument cluster with digital speedometer, and a four speaker sound system. It has halogen headlights and LED daytime running lights, as well as LED tail-lights. There’s a reversing camera fitted, too.
The updated Honda CR-V range is certainly an improvement on the model it replaces, with the wider spread of safety tech now making it a more viable option for more potential customers.
But the fact of the matter is that the 2021 Honda CR-V update still doesn’t go far enough in expanding the safety spec of the midsize SUV, and multiple competitors better it in many ways. And if you’re a family buyer, then safety is surely a high priority, right? Well, if that’s you, maybe consider those aforementioned rivals - the Toyota RAV4, Mazda CX-5, VW Tiguan and Subaru Forester - all of which best the CR-V in some way or another.
If you don’t think you need those additional safety items, or you’re just sold on the practical and thoughtful cabin design of the CR-V, there’s certainly something to be said for the 2021 version over the earlier models. And in this range, I’d say the pick would be the VTi 7 if you need three rows, or the VTi for those only needing five seats.
Visit our Honda CR-V hub:
Check out our pricing and specs story:
Intro 00:00
Design 01:16
Pricing 02:31
Interior 04:41
Safety 08:15
Engine specs 09:43
Fuel use 10:12
Ownership 10:54
Driving 11:34
Verdict 14:20
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New 2023 Honda CR-V, New features, Interior and Exterior
What's New for 2023?
The 2023 CR-V kicks off the compact SUV’s sixth generation. With it comes a slew of improvements: it’s larger overall, sports fresh exterior styling, and has a roomier interior with a more refined design and fancier features. Honda says that it retuned the standard turbo-four engine to be both more responsive and efficient, and the continuously variable automatic transmission (CVT) and all-wheel-drive system are said to be improved versus the outgoing model’s. The new CR-V is said to handle and ride better thanks to a combination of retuned suspension components, stiffer structural elements, and wider front and rear tracks.
Pricing and Which One to Buy
EX - $29,000 (est)
EX-L - $32,000 (est)
Sport Hybrid - $34,000 (est)
Sport Touring Hybrid - $39,000 (est)
Honda reworks the CR-V lineup for 2023, distilling it to four trim levels. The EX and EX-L are gas-only models. The Sport Hybrid and Sport Touring Hybrid come exclusively with the hybrid powertrains. While pricing hasn’t yet been announced, we expect the 2023 CR-V to range between $29,000-to-$39,000
Engine, Transmission, and Performance
Behind the CR-V’s upright grille is a standard 190-hp turbocharged four-cylinder. It pairs with a continuously variable automatic transmission (CVT) and either front- or all-wheel drive. This setup is standard on the EX and EX-L models. The Sport and Sport Touring only come with the hybrid powertrain, which combines a turbo four-cylinder with two electric motors that combine for 204 horses. While the Sport can be had with front- or all-wheel drive, the latter is standard on the Sport Touring. Every CR-V has hill-descent control that helps modulate the compact SUV’s speed on steep or slippery declines when travelling at low speeds. A set of 18-inch wheels are fitted to most models, with the Sport donning black ones. The Sport Touring gets exclusive 19-inchers that are also painted black. The hybrid models are rated to tow 1000 pounds for the first time.
#2023 Honda CR-V
#Honda cr-v 2023
# Honda CR-V
#2023 CR-V
#Honda CR-V USA
#Honda CR-V Canada
#2023 Honda CR-V Canada
#Honda CR-V Hybrid
#2023 Honda CR-V Touring
#Honda CR-V Sport
#Honda CR-V Europe
#2023 crv
#honda crv 2023
#2023 crv
#honda crv 2023
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Honda CR-V 2023
A large, gloss-black grille lends a forceful
character to the front fascia, complemented by
details like the Sport Touring Hybrid-exclusive
platinum accent lower bumper.
Bright and distinctive, the new dual-low-beam
LED headlights provide more illumination than
previous CR-V models, with the convenience of
auto-on/off functionality. Both hybrid trims feature gloss-black alloy
wheels, giving them a dramatic presence to
match their electrifying driving dynamics. An available 9.
inch touch-screen and wireless Apple CarPlay®A simplified design makes it easy to monitor
the hybrid battery's power output and
recharging while driving. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Welcome back to the channel
In this short I try my best to show you that it is important to change out your cabin air filter. Of course to find out how to change it you will have to watch the full link video if you have a 2002 Honda CRV automatic all wheel drive. I hope you find it entertaining as well as informative. Of course if you do please subscribe to the channel to support my work.
As always thanks for watching we will see you in the next one... Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Associates at Honda of Canada Mfg. celebrated the start of mass production of the all-new 2023 Honda CR-V, the 6th generation of America’s best-selling crossover of the last 25 years. HCM is the global lead plant for CR-V production, which has been built in Canada since 2012. In the coming days, production¹ of the all-new CR-V will follow at the Indiana Auto Plant (IAP) and the East Liberty Auto Plant in Ohio.
Next month, production of the Honda CR-V hybrid model will start in Canada, followed by IAP and ELP. Honda will increase production of the hybrid model to 50 percent of CR-V sales, which is a key step in Honda’s overall electrification strategy.
The all-new 2023 Honda CR-V debuts with a rugged yet sophisticated design, including two turbocharged trim levels, EX and EX-L and the Sport and Sport Touring trims that will be hybrid-electric powered.
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Hình ảnh chính thức mẫu Honda CR-V 2023 dành cho thị trường Trung Quốc sắp ra mắt | THẾ GIỚI XE360
#THẾGIỚIXE360 #Honda #CRV2023
So với xe ở thị trường Mỹ, Honda CR-V 2023 dành cho thị trường Trung Quốc chỉ khác biệt nhẹ về thiết kế, kích thước và có thêm phiên bản PHEV tiết kiệm xăng
Vào hồi đầu tháng 9/2022 vừa qua, liên doanh Dongfeng Honda đã bất ngờ tổ chức sự kiện trưng bày CR-V thế hệ mới ở Trung Quốc. Tuy nhiên, mãi đến nay, liên doanh này mới tung ra video và hình ảnh chính thức của xe
Qua những hình ảnh và video chính thức, có thể thấy Honda CR-V 2023 dành cho thị trường sát cạnh với Việt Nam có thiết kế không khác nhiều so với xe ở Mỹ.
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DER HONDA CR-V IM 400km LANGSTRECKEN-TEST! Fahrbericht: Wie schlägt sich der CR-V auf längeren Strecken? Alle Infos über Verbrauch, Höchstgeschwindigkeit, Fahrverhalten, Geräusche uvm.
Weitere Infos zum neuen Honda CR-V Hybrid gibt's im Autohaus Mühlbauer in Bad Kötzting*:
Ich würde mich über dein Abo sehr freuen!
* Im Video befindet sich bezahlte Promotion. Ich erhalte Geld für den Link zum Autohaus in der Beschreibung, den gesprochenen Verweis auf das Autohaus und den Werbebanner im Video. Der Test an sich wurde aber ehrlich, neutral und ohne Meinungseinfluss Anderer erstellt. Auch ich hasse nicht gekennzeichnete Werbung. Deshalb auch die Offenheit zu diesem Thema. Bei weiteren Fragen zum Thema oder zur Produktplatzierung, kannst du dich jederzeit bei mir melden. :) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Honda CR-V 2023: 5 yếu tố mang tới thành công tại thị trường Việt Nam
Honda CR-V 2023 lộ ảnh chạy thử tại Thái Lan. Thông tin này đã tạo nên 1 cơn sốt tại thị trường Việt Nam, mong chờ sự xuất hiện của chiếc xe này ở thị trường trong nước. Vậy CR-V 2023 có gì để cạnh tranh với các đối thủ? Cùng Xế Cưng tìm hiểu trong video sau đây nhé!
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2:53 Động cơ - mạnh hơn. mạnh nhất phân khúc
3:47 Trang bị - không còn những điểm đáng tiếc
4:17 Giá bán
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Honda CRV - 1000 km in Romania + offroad de tzara.
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All New 2023 Honda CRV - Production Begins in North America
Production of All-New 2023 Honda CR-V Begins in North America.
Honda of Canada Mfg. is lead global plant for all-new CR-V; production to follow in the coming days at the Indiana Auto Plant and the East Liberty Auto Plant in Ohio
All-new CR-V hybrid now available in Canada
CR-V gets bolder styling, increased performance, and greater functionality
CR-V hybrid production will begin in Alliston, Ontario next month, with the Indiana and Ohio plants also building the hybrid model
Associates at Honda of Canada Mfg. (HCM) celebrated the start of mass production of the all-new, 6th generation, 2023 Honda CR-V. HCM is the global lead plant for CR-V production, which has been built in Canada since 2012. In the coming days, production¹ of the all-new CR-V will follow at the Indiana Auto Plant (IAP) and the East Liberty Auto Plant (ELP) in Ohio.
Next month, production of the Honda CR-V hybrid model will start in Canada, followed by IAP and ELP. Honda plans to increase production of the hybrid model to 50 percent of CR-V sales in North America, which is a key step in Honda’s overall electrification strategy.
“Becoming the global lead plant for the 2023 Honda CR-V was a big challenge, and I’m proud of our experienced team at Honda of Canada Manufacturing and the level of teamwork we had in North America to create this incredible new product for our customers,” said Clement D’Souza, senior vice president of HCM. “Next up is the CR-V hybrid that is more important than ever to the CR-V lineup and a model we are very excited to deliver to our Canadian customers for the first time.”
The all-new 2023 Honda CR-V debuts with a rugged yet sophisticated design, including three turbocharged trim levels, LX, Sport, EX-L and the Touring Hybrid trim. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Honda CR-V. Стоит ли брать? | Подержанные автомобили
Подержанные автомобили. Хонда СРВ - признанный лидер в классе семейных городских кроссоверов. Этот автомобиль всегда стоял особняком и по дизайну, и по концепции, и по эргономике. А еще такие машины всегда считались очень надежными. А справедливо ли это высказывание для конкретной модели?
Мы - АВТО ПЛЮС - телеканал, который вещает 24 часа в сутки. Телеканал высокой автомобильной культуры. У нас самые горячие и подробные тест-драйвы, самые свежие новости автомобильного мира, захватывающие гонки, профессиональное мнение экспертов и многое другое.
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