Плоскогубці VARO довгі плоскі 6 "CR-V 150mm (KRT605101) від компанії Varo Kreator: вид: плоскогубці подовжені прямі, особливості: загартовані робочі поверхні, матеріал інструменту: хром-ванадієва сталь, матеріал рукояті: пластик, гума, довжина інструменту: 150 мм .
VARO - експерт, що володіє більш ніж 50-річним досвідом у всесвітньому поширенні власного товару. Компанія пропонує широкий вибір електроінструментів, садових інструментів, ручних інструментів і аксесуарів. Основне призначення плоскогубців - захоплення і маніпулювання. Інструмент вміє тільки тримати і гнути. Не дарма серед своїх численних родичів - пассатижей - на вітринах магазинів інструменту зустрічається зараз вкрай рідко.
Плоскогубці бувають: з короткими (25-55 мм) або довгими (50-63 мм) губками. До речі, критерієм приналежності до того чи іншого типу є не довжина губок, а співвідношення їх лінійних розмірів з розмірами затискних рукояток. З простими або ізолюючими рукоятками. Останні при цьому виготовляють згідно ГОСТ 11563-94, який регламентує вимоги до ручного інструменту для виконання робіт під високою напругою.
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Cr-v parking break location.#car #shorts #autosheikh #automobile
Honda Crv automatic me parking break clutch padal ki jagah par laga diya hai. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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RT-AWD (RT-4WD) in ACTION! (on Honda CR-V) #honda #crv #4x4 #2gen #offroad #awd #4wd #suv
How the AWD system on the Honda CR-V works in practice.
Jak funguje systém AWD na Hondě CR-V v praxi.
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2023 - 2025 Honda CR-V Sport Hybrid Crystal Black Pearl
Shows how to make the cargo area floor of an SUV flat & level for sleeping. How to sleep in a car, SUV, truck, van, Honda CRV, or other vehicle. How to make a vehicle cargo floor flat and level for placement of a mattress in a CRV camper for sleeping in a car, SUV, van, or other vehicle, comfortably.
Demonstrates how a 2017 Honda CR-V has an adjustable cargo area floor in which the cargo area floor can be made flat, and how to use the cargo compartment. The cargo area floor is flat, but it’s not level. The floor slopes downward towards the back of the car. Explains and shows the slope of the floor. Shows how to make the cargo area of an SUV level for sleeping in an SUV. Shows how to do that and sleep in an SUV with no permanent modifications. Furthermore, no platform is needed. There is no need to build a platform for sleeping in a CR-V camper or CR-V conversion. Very easy no-build SUV camping. One can easily make the floor of the cargo area of a CRV flat and level so you can put a foam mattress on it and sleep comfortably in the SUV & CRV camper.
Starting with the 2017 model, the CR-V cargo area is flat with no bump or lump or gap when the back seats are folded down (and when the back part of the floor is on the upper adjustment). So, I just put the foam mattress on the cargo area floor. There is a slight slope to the floor, but it's not too bad. If possible, I try to park with the back of the car slightly higher than the front to compensate. So, it works without a platform. Avoids having to fill the gaps to flatten the floor, like on cars and SUVs where the back seat does not fold back flat. A platform and permanent modifications are not needed, which is nice if you are just sleeping in the vehicle for SUV camping or car camping. It is a no-build SUV (sport utility vehicle) camper. Use a mattress, such as a foam mattress, tri fold mattress, or any other kind of mattress.
This video demonstrates why 2017 and newer Honda CR-Vs are great for sleeping in, camping in, SUV camping, car camping, SUV life, car life, van life, sleeping at a truck stop, etc. It’s because they already have a flat cargo area, and thus a flat floor. This video shows how to use the CR-V cargo compartment. The cargo floor offers two positions, and can create a smooth floor, which is great for placement of a mattress and bed for sleeping in your SUV, car, vehicle, etc.
The no build camping setup and hacks and tricks described in this video turn my SUV into a small, mini, pseudo, makeshift RV or van. This SUV camping setup can be used for vanlife or RV life in an SUV, and is an easy no build car camping setup configuration and arrangement. These DIY hacks and tricks can make sleeping in a car, SUV, truck, van, or other vehicle much easier, more comfortable, inexpensive, and cheap.
So, you don't need a platform with the 2017 to present CRV, i.e., 2017 and newer CRVs. The cargo floor in the back that covers the spare tire has two positions: a lower position, and an upper position. When it's in the upper position it creates a flat, smooth floor with the folded down rear seats. The flat, smooth floor is not quite level and does have a small slope and/or incline. I sleep with my head towards the front, which is the slightly higher end, and I try to park where the back of the car is slightly higher than the front of the car, which levels out the floor.
My previous video is entitled: Before You Sleep in your Car or SUV, WATCH THIS: How to Sleep or Camp in a Honda CR-V for a Van Life
The video shows how to put a bed & sleep comfortably in a car (2017 Honda CR-V) w/ screens, fans, lights, carpet, padding, DIY camping setup hacks. Watch this before trying to sleep, camp, or live in your car, SUV, van, camper, or RV. Shows 3 inch thick foam mattress, comfortable, cheap, inexpensive, affordable bed with pad in a compact SUV (sport utility vehicle) for van life adventures, explorers, road trips, and campers. Watch this before buying or purchasing a mattress, pad, camping gear, or camping accessories for your car, automobile, truck, or SUV. No tent is needed for car camping, car living, boondocking, overlanding, dry camping, dispersed camping, sleeping at truck stops, or road trips.
The size of the foam mattress is 72 inches long, 24 inches wide, and 3 inches thick. This video shows how to use the mattress to sleep comfortably in an SUV or Honda CR-V, easy no-build SUV or CRV camping arrangement, configuration, and setup.
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DISCLAIMER: This video is for entertainment and/or amusement purposes only. This video is NOT advice or a recommendation. I have no training, education, or special qualifications or knowledge of the matters and situations shown and discussed. This video is just my limited personal experience. Be very careful and proceed with caution at your own risk. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Honda Crv 2010 modificada ( Propietario : Tassloco507 )
Instagram @huby_crv
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Автомобиль для жизни HONDA CR-V 2014! #honda #car #обзор #автомобили #crv
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The 2023 Honda CRV has arrived! Take it for a spin at our Honda dealership in SW Calgary. #yyccars #honda Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Check out this AWESOME feature on the Honda CRV! - Bed Mode
Honda CRV đời 2019 hàng ngon cực đẹp vừa về cửa hàng Trung Thực
Hãy để lại ý kiến cũng như quan điểm của bạn bên dưới phần bình luận!
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Địa chỉ: 17 Phạm Hùng - Hà Nội (Đối diện bến xe Mỹ Đình)
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VOLVO xc60 to dobre auto ale są też inne, które mogą być lepszym wyborem. HONDA CR-v
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2019 Honda CRV doesn't start. Foot on brake, accessories come on, but engine doesn't crank. Sometimes will. on first try, other times it'll start after 20 tries. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Cool Perks of the 2024 #Honda CR-V Hybrid #suv #carbuying #hybrid #hondacrv
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2024 Honda CR-V Hybrid Sport Touring | Crystal Black Pearl
All New 2024 Honda CR-V Hybrid Sport Touring | Crystal Black Pearl Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Check out my review of the Honda CR-V Hybrid here:
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