Унікальний спортивний годинник від іменитого нідерландської бренду TomTom! Годинник Runner 2 Cardio + Music спеціально розроблені для людей, ведучих активний спосіб життя і не представляють своє життя без занять спортом і улюбленої музики.
Модель TomTom Runner 2 Cardio + Music володіє наступними унікальними особливостями:
Вбудований високоточний датчик серцевого ритму дозволить точно визначити пульс;
Режим «Мультиспорт» - дозволяє вибрати потрібний вид активності для оптимального підрахунку (плавання, біг, велосипед, тренажерний зал);
Внутрішня пам'ять годин дозволяє завантажити до 500 композицій у форматі mp3. Вам більше не доведеться брати смартфон або плеєр на тренування - тільки музика і спорт!
Годинник дозволяють відстежити пульс в 5 різних тренувальних зонах, для ще більшої ефективності тренування;
GPS-модуль допоможе відстежити темп і пройдену відстань;
Відстеження активності в режимі 24/7 (годинник постійно моніторять кількість пройдених кроків, хвилини активності, а також спалені калорії);
Розумний режим «Змагання» - дозволить мотивувати себе і добитися кращих особистих результатів.
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Runner 2 cardio + music large sky capt. blue/scu b
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Sprawdź jak szybko zegarek sportowy TomTom Runner 2 Cardio + Music złapie sygnał GPS z satelity i będzie gotowy do treningu.
Recenzja TomTom Runner 2 Cardio + Music:
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TomTom Runner 2 Cardio + Music vs Garmin 910XT - HRM teszt - CardioMAX
Következő demonstrációnkban szeretnék összehasonlítani a TomTom Runner 2 Cardio + Music integrált optikai pulzusmérőjét a klasszikus ANT+ protokollra épülő mellkaspánttal párosított Garmin 910XT készülékkel.
Az intro grafika a AquuL stúdió közreműködésével készült el. A TomTom Runner 2 Cardio + Music készüléket a TomTom magyarországi képviseletétől, a Sales Agent-től kaptuk kölcsön, amit ezúton is szeretnénk megköszönni! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Zegarek TomTom Runner 2 Cardio+Music - wstęp do recenzji
Zegarek sportowy TomTom Runner 2 Cardio+Music, przygotowaliśmy dla Was wstęp do recenzji.
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TomTom Spark Music Cardio Large Sky Captain Scuba Blue
TomTom Runner2 Cardio + Music è l'Orologio multisport con cardiofrequenzimetro integrato, in grado di rilevare la frequenza cardiaca direttamente dal polso!Portare con se i propri brani sarà facile e veloce! Con ben 3GB di memoria puoi salvare sull'orologio tutti i tuoi brani preferiti e ascoltarli dalle cuffie - non incluse - grazie al collegamento via bluetooth!
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TomTom Runner 2 Review - Cardio + Music - GPS sports watch with on-board music (TomTom Spark)
If you're looking for a BARGAIN GPS running watch in 2018 then take a look at the TomTom Runner 2 (also called the TomTom Spark). There is a new models available now, but this one still offers built-in GPS, wrist based Heart Rate and on-board music store.
The new TomTom Spark 3 (Runner 3) offers ROUTE EXPLORE
Review here -
Video Review here -
If you're not too bothered about the route explore feauture then please check the prices of this model - the TomTom Runner 2 from the links below.
Amazon Global Price Check -
Full review here -
Video 1 of 2 for this brilliant GPS runners / multisport watch. The TomTom Runner2 Cardio Music is so called because it's a GPS sports watch aimed primarily at runners featuring built-in off the wrist heart rate monitor and 500 Meg of on-board music. The music is streamed wirelessly via Bluetooth to the excellent UBANISTA headphones supplied in the MUSIC version.
There are several versions of this product available so please check it has everything you want.
There is
* Runner 2 (no heart rate sensor - no music)
* Runner 2 Cardio (heart rate but NO music)
* Runner 2 Cardio + Music (everything as per this video)
There are also 2 sizes. If you have a wrist size less than 17cm, consider the SMALL. If 17cm and over, go for the LARGE.
NOTE - this product is also knows as the TomTom Spark, so you may reference this video if considering a product named thus.
2018 update.
The new TomTom Spark 3 (Runner 3) available now with ROUTE EXPLORE
Review here -
Video Review here - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Música e monitor cardíaco no seu pulso - o lançamento TomTom Runner 3 veio para tornar sua atividade física mais prazerosa e confiável, através de música via bluetooth, monitor de frequência cardíaca e muito mais. Confira já essa novidade TomTom:
Com o Monitor Cardíaco TomTom Runner 3 você cria playlists para organizar mais de 500 músicas, tornando sua prática esportiva muito mais agradável, e o melhor: com transmissão por bluetooth para os fones de ouvido. Que tal explorar novos percursos sem medo? O TomTom Runner 3 com GPS inidica sua localização e indica caminho a percorrer na volta. Além disso, conta ainda com monitor de frequência cardíaca e permite configurar qual nível de frequência cardíaca da atividade física escolhida. Monitore ainda seus passos, distância, velocidade e mais!
Seus treinos pedem Monitor Cardíaco TomTom Runner 3! Confira já ofertas no site e no aplicativo para Android e iOS para garantir já o seu TomTom:
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TomTom Spark Cardio + Music Large Sky Captain/Scuba Blue - Amazon Best Seller Wearbale Device
Going on just about 2 weeks now with the TomTom Spark Music + Cardio and so far it has been a great experience, albeit with some issues that you can expect from any new product, but I hope that future updates will address them.
The Spark is surprisingly small, it is much smaller than many competitor and previous models, especially in the depth, and especially considering that this has a built-in optical HR monitor. The reason that they moved away from the partnership with Mio for this sensor is because of exactly this issue- they wanted the watch to have a lower profile and could not accomplish it with the Mio sensor. So far it has paid off.
The biggest feature of this watch by far is the music.
+ Music syncs easily using a Macbook
+ Playback is simple, and possible without being in an activity
+ Pairing with headphones is very easy, but may require re-pairing at times, however it is very easy to do
- The biggest gripe that I have is that when in any activity there is no way to change the music tracks using the watch. You can pause the workout and change the playlist that you are listening to, but you cannot skip forward or backward on tracks. In the future this could be easily remedied by adding a screen when pressing up or down in an activity, that shows the current track, and then left and right buttons would skip tracks. Otherwise you just have to use your headphones/speaker to skip tracks.
HR Monitor
+ picks up heart rate very easily
+ very accurate while running (and doing leg workouts)- used a Scosche Rhythm + to compare HR
- when doing any type of upper body lifting the HR monitor is not that accurate (especially when doing exercises that involve forearms). it will not pick up the increases in HR quickly (used a Scosche Rhythm + to compare this)
+ picks up signal extremely quickly
+ maintains signal easily
+ customizable metrics- you can choose what to display in the lower left and right of the screen no matter what the main screen is on- depending on each activity
+ so many metrics to pick from for display
+ Running offers a number of options, including intervals, which use vibration alerts, that I LOVE, especially when it is cold out and you might not be able to see the watch face- and the interval workout includes a customizable warm-up and warm-down period
+ Alarm is great for silent wake-up, but would be nice to be able to set with the phone
+ love the backlit screen (actually didn't know how to activate it until reading the forums- just cover the whole screen with your hand and release)
+ battery life so far is great
- step count is not that accurate (in my opinion) but this could be fixed with future updates
- lack of color screen is not a big deal, but would have been nice
- no phone notifications: this I actually am not sure about- I love the idea of notifications, but at the same time I like to be disconnected from my phone and not know every time someone calls or messages me
- ANT+ not sure if a future update can fix this, but would be nice to be able to pair other sensors with the watch- such as my Scosche Rhythm + for days like arm day so that I can get an accurate HR reading throughout the workout
I love this watch. I can finally exercise and have my music with me, without needing to carry my phone, or two devices. The build quality is good, it could fit a bit better into the watch band, but it is also nice that I will easily be able to swap band colors. At this price point, you absolutely cannot beat this! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Prueba del nuevo TomTom Running 2, reloj GPS con pulsómetro integrado y 3 GB de de memoria para música, que se reproduce a través de unos auriculares con Bluetooth Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
MR takes a look at the latest GPS running watch to his the scene, the TomTom Runner 2. Now with 500 songs worth of storage! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Harmadik generációhoz érkezett a TomTom Runner 3 Cardio + Music moduláris felépítésű multisport készülék. Elődjéhez hasonlóan a prémium kategóriás modell 3 GB tárhellyel és így zenelejátszási funkcióval, továbbá integrált optikai pulzusméréssel is rendelkezik. Az alábbi demonstrációban a készülék rendszerét tekinthetitek meg akció közben, a teszt hamarosan következik a weboldalon!
Az intro grafika a AquuL stúdió közreműködésével készült el. A TomTom Runner 3 Cardio + Music készüléket a TomTom magyarországi képviseletétől, a Sales Agent-től kaptuk kölcsön, amit ezúton is szeretnénk megköszönni! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This TomTom Runner 3 Cardio Activity Tracker is perfect for use when you're running and exercising. The tracker has an inbuilt heart rate monitor so you can keep an eye on how you're going before, during and after your workout plus it has inbuilt GPS to help you track where you've been to discover new routes. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
TOMTOM SPARK 3 CARDIO MUSIC Smartwatch / Activity tracker - Product video Vandenborre.be
"(NL): Productvideo TOMTOM SPARK 3 CARDIO MUSIC - Smartwatch - te verkrijgen bij
(FR): Vidéo produit TOMTOM SPARK 3 CARDIO MUSIC - Activity tracker - U1050disponible sur
" Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Repaginamos nossa seção de reviews e testamos este modelo que além de uma série de funções de treino bacanas, tem frequencímetro no pulso e toca música sem que você precise correr com mp3 ou celular.
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Review - TomTom Runner 2 Cardio + Music - GPS Sports/Activity watch W music (TomTom Spark)
TomTom Spark Cardio + Music review. This is a GPS watch, activity tracker, heart rate monitor and music player.
The TomTom Spark Cardio watch will tracking running, cycling, swimming, gym workouts, and freestyle workouts. For those exercises the heart rate monitor will be running (not swimming though) and you will see your HR in real time. It can also store up to 500 songs and relay the music straight to your Bluetooth headphones, which is a game changer for me. Kind of! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This TomTom Spark Cardio+ Music GPS Fitness Watch comes with an integrated music player so you can listen to over 500 songs while you workout. It provides 24/7 tracking while you're awake and asleep so you can monitor your activity while you workout or rest. The GPS feature provides real time information so you can track your speed, pace, distance, time and calories that you burn while you run. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Tienda online especializada en la venta de zapatillas de running, textil para correr, gps y accesorios de running con envíos internacionales y envíos a España en menos de 24h. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Treine de forma mais inteligente com feedback imediato no pulso
Monitorização de atividades 24/7
Monitorização por GPS
Modo Multidesporto
Exploração de percursos
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A demonstration of the TomTom Spark Fitness Tracker's backlight when in use
Disclaimer: I have been sent these products in exchange for my review, however all thoughts and opinions are my own Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
TOMTOM Spark 3 CARDIO + MUSIC (Test en description)
Lien de l'article Test :
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Lieu de tournage : Center Parcs Les hauts de Bruyère
Infos tenues :
*Baskets : New balance boracay
*Chaussettes : Thyo
*Short : Freya active
*Tshirt : Run Disney
*Casque : Monster isport
*Brassard : Plantronics
Crédit musique : Ross Bugden
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Mantenha-se motivado e alcance os seus objetivos de treino com o relógio com GPS TomTom Multi-Sport. Obtenha acesso fácil às informações de que precisa para monitorizar o seu progresso e aumentar o seu desempenho. Sincronize, analise e partilhe as suas estatísticas nos sites e aplicações de desporto mais populares. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
TomTom, known for its GPS navigation systems and highly specialised sports watches, has launched a new set of watches in India called Spark Fitness series starting at Rs 13,999. The watches are available online on Flipkart, Amazon and Snapdeal. The Spark Fitness watches comes in four options: TomTom Spark GPS Fitness Watch (priced at Rs 13,999), TomTom Spark Cardio GPS Fitness Watch (priced at Rs 17,999), the TomTom Spark Music GPS Fitness Watch (also Rs 17,999) and TomTom Spark Cardio + Music GPS Fitness Watch, which is priced at Rs 21,999. - See more at: # Indian Express, The Indian Express Newspaper, The Indian Express, Indian express news, indian express editorial Today's Indian Express newspaper offers a comprehensive package of news, including Indian Express editorial analysis and Indian Express analysis today. This well-respected publication covers a wide range of topics in its India Express editorial and Indian Express news sections. Stay informed with the Indian Express newspaper today. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
TomTom Spark 3 Cardio + Music GPS Fitness Watch - on eBags.com
/?v=1237864296 : watch this video featuring products available on . Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
TomTom Runner 3 Cardio + Music vs Garmin 910XT - HRM teszt - CardioMAX
Következő demonstrációnkban szeretnék összehasonlítani a TomTom Runner 3 Cardio + Music integrált optikai pulzusmérőjét a klasszikus ANT+ protokollra épülő mellkaspánttal párosított Garmin 910XT készülékkel.
Az intro grafika a AquuL stúdió közreműködésével készült el. A TomTom Runner 3 Cardio + Music készüléket a TomTom magyarországi képviseletétől, a Sales Agent-től kaptuk kölcsön, amit ezúton is szeretnénk megköszönni! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
TomTom Spark GPS Multi-Sport Fitness Watch with Music and Heart Rate Monitor
TomTom Spark GPS Multi-Sport Fitness Watch with Music and Heart Rate Monitor
Please note this is a review for the Music + Heart Rate + Headphones large version of the Spark in Black.
I have used various apps and monitors for my running, but having an inbuilt heart rate monitor and 3GB of music storage means this TomTom spark has been the most versatile sports watch I have tried, bar none! All features have worked without a hitch and this has been one of my absolute favourite gadgets in recent months.
As there are so many features on the watch, which may not be relevant to all readers, I have split my review below with some titles which I hope helps and a summary paragraph at the end.
Should you have any questions about the watch please leave a comment and I will do my best to help where and when I can.
As a quick initial summary for those that don’t want all the detail - this is a brilliant, multi-function sports watch that allows for accurate and seamless tracking of many activities.
I use it for indoor rowing and outdoor running and it’s equally brilliant and accurate for both.
The Bluetooth headphones that come with it are excellent and stay put when running and the music storage on the watch is the cherry on top, although I do still take my phone on runs with me for safety reasons.
All in all the highest recommendation I can give, I love how this device monitors all of my activities, even just my daily steps at work.
IMPRESSIONS:==================This is a well built, and comfortable watch with a nice clear screen.
Just one thing to note from the outset is it’s a relatively large watch compared to the smaller fit bit monitors etc.
What this size allows for is the inbuilt HR monitor and also a very nice display and menu options that you don’t get on other fitness monitors.
Read more ›
More review : Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
iFixit takes a deep dive in at MakerFaire to what goes in to building today’s sports watches, such as the TomTom Runner.
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TomTom Runner 2 GPS Watch with Heart Rate Monitor and Music
TomTom Runner 2 GPS Watch with Heart Rate Monitor and Music
More review :
I've never had a sports watch before so I can't comment on how it compares with the competition but I did a fair bit of research before purchasing and it ticked all the boxes for me.
It was certainly the watch at the lowest pricepoint that had everything I wanted - the inbuilt GPS and heartrate monitor was the primary plus but the added music playing capability was a welcome bonus.
The watch fits comfortably, the single 4 way controller is easy to use whilst running and the menu system is pretty idiot proof once you've spent 5 minutes playing around with it.
The method for triggering the backlight (which is briefly cover the watch face with your other hand) initially seem odd but in fact is genius as its so easy to use when you're running in low light situations.
The motion activity tracker is as gimmicky (and inaccurate) as the rest of the fitbit-style gadgets on the market and pretty much irrelevant to my needs but I guess its nice to know the info is there if I ever want to know how many steps/times-I've-waggled-my-arm-around both today and a running total for the week.
Many reviewers have complained of trouble with blutooth headphone connectivity with their existing headphones.
I was in the fortunate position of not having an existing set of headphones so I could just opt for one of the (very few!) that TomTom have tested the watch with (I purchased the Backbeat Fit headphones, which are superb for both staying in place when running and their sound quality - highly recommended).
The watch syncs easily with the headphones and music on the move is great - the longest I've run with the watch is about 90 minutes and the headphones didn't drop out at all during that time so, with the right headphones, there doesn't appear to be a drop-out issue.
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My thoughts and impressions of the TomTom Runner 2 GPS multi-sport watch - mainly how poor the MP3 playback is! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
TOMTOM TOUCH Smartwatch / Activity tracker - Product video Vandenborre.be
"(NL): Productvideo TOMTOM TOUCH - Smartwatch - te verkrijgen bij
(FR): Vidéo produit TOMTOM TOUCH - Activity tracker - U1050disponible sur
" Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
TomTom Spark / Runner 2 Cardio - ZONE training and RACE training
Full review here
Price here
This video covers a couple of important features I missed in the original two videos. ZONE and RACE training.
ZONE training lets you quickly and simply set a training zone. A zone has a HIGH and LOW setting. You can set a training zone based on - Heart Rate / Speed / Pace. If you want to run within one of the 5 x HR zones simply select ZONE - HEART - and then chose between EASY/FATBURN/ENDURE/SPEED/SPRINT. For aerobic enhancement go for ENDURE.
RACE training let you race against a previous session of pre-planned objective. You have 3 options when selecting your RACE - RECENT : select from recent activities - MySport : select from one of the RACES stored in your MySport Profile or CUSTOM : simply set your TIME and DISTANCE race goal and go run - eg 25 mins for 5K - this is very similar to Garmin's Virtual Partner function
2018 update.
The new TomTom Spark 3 (Runner 3) available now with ROUTE EXPLORE
Review here -
Video Review here - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Este es mi primer vídeo en mi canal Comienza una nueva historia...
Trata del reloj deportivo TomTom Cardio Spark
Música: Maxamillion - Power of My Melodies (feat Kalina) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
TomTom Spark GPS Multi-Sport Fitness Watch with Music and Heart Rate Monitor
More review :
Please note this is a review for the Music + Heart Rate + Headphones large version of the Spark in Black.
I have used various apps and monitors for my running, but having an inbuilt heart rate monitor and 3GB of music storage means this TomTom spark has been the most versatile sports watch I have tried, bar none! All features have worked without a hitch and this has been one of my absolute favourite gadgets in recent months.
As there are so many features on the watch, which may not be relevant to all readers, I have split my review below with some titles which I hope helps and a summary paragraph at the end.
Should you have any questions about the watch please leave a comment and I will do my best to help where and when I can.
As a quick initial summary for those that don’t want all the detail - this is a brilliant, multi-function sports watch that allows for accurate and seamless tracking of many activities.
I use it for indoor rowing and outdoor running and it’s equally brilliant and accurate for both.
The Bluetooth headphones that come with it are excellent and stay put when running and the music storage on the watch is the cherry on top, although I do still take my phone on runs with me for safety reasons.
All in all the highest recommendation I can give, I love how this device monitors all of my activities, even just my daily steps at work.
IMPRESSIONS:==================This is a well built, and comfortable watch with a nice clear screen.
Just one thing to note from the outset is it’s a relatively large watch compared to the smaller fit bit monitors etc.
What this size allows for is the inbuilt HR monitor and also a very nice display and menu options that you don’t get on other fitness monitors.
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TomTom, posiblemente la marca de dispositivos GPS más conocida del mercado, lanza el reloj GPS RUNNER 2 CARDIO + MUSIC, que permite guardar múltiples registros (calidad del sueño, calorías quemadas, velocidad, ritmo...) de varios deportes diferentes (bicicleta, natación, gimnasio y cinta) y además poder escuchar tu música favorita usando cascos que tengan Bluetooth (no incluidos con el reloj). Olvídate de tener que llevar una banda: este reloj lleva un pulsómetro incorporado en la muñeca, y podrás sincronizarlo con tus dispositivos para ver todos tus registros. Con todas estas prestaciones, su bonito diseño y un peso tan reducido -50g- que te olvidarás de que lo llevas puesto, este reloj GPS RUNNER 2 CARDIO + MUSIC es el complemento ideal para tus salidas y entrenamientos.
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TomTom Ignite Aerobic + Music GPS Fitness Observe is a multi-sport/activity tracking system watch with 3 GB storage space to store up to 500 music and designed to flow via Wireless headsets. Improve your coaching efficiency with real-time running statistics and 3 unique visual coaching ways. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
TomTom MySport APP - quick overview - data from TomTom Spark / Runner 2
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In this short video I have hopefully given you a feel for the TomTom MySports APP. This APP runs on both iPhone and Android phone. The data uploaded to the App has come from the TomTom Spark / Runner 2 Cardio Music. Thanks for watching.
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Video 2#2 - TomTom Runner2 Cardio Music - a look at Exercise Mode features
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In the first video here I looked at the TomTom Runner2 (Spark) as an activity tracker and music storage device. In this video I have focused on the exercise features and functions of the TomTom Runner 2
Some of the things covered in this video include
* Interval Training - how to set up an interval training session
* Display fields of the training pages
* Available Exercise modes (Run, Bike, Gym, Swim etc)
* Setting a Goal (distance, calories or time)
* A peek at TomTom MySports App on smartphone
* General navigation while training
* What you can expect to see while training including TIME in Heart Rate Zones x 5 and Heart Rate Graph
Things I have missed !! I may cover these in a third video ...
* Resting Heart Rate Graphs (the Runner2 measures heart rate throughout the day)
*Exercising within a ZONE. This can be speed zone, pace zone, heart rate zone or cadence zone
* RACE. This features lets you race against a virtual racer. You have 3 options when selecting the type of race.
*Race - RECENT - There are also some pre-programmed RACES eg. 3 mile in 25 mins / 5km in 26 mins / 6 miles in 50 mins etc
* PREVIOUS - race against a recent exercise that is currently in your watches memory
* CUSTOM - perfect. Simply set the DISTANCE you want to run and the TIME you wish to achieve and it will pace you along. For example. Set TIME to 40 mins and DISTANCE to 5 miles and it will pace you to 8 min/mile pace Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
TomTom Spark 3 review
Music, fitness tracking and on-wrist navigation packed into one little watch Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
TomTom Spark Cardio + Music review - A sports watch - By TotallydubbedHD
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TomTom Spark Cardio Music Small Black Headphone Bundle
Compare B01603Y77C Cheapest price for TomTom Spark Cardio + Music Small Black (Headphone Bundle). The Perfect Gift for a friend: TomTom Spark Cardio + Music Small Black (Headphone Bundle). Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Cумісність - iOS, Android, кольоровий, Тип матриці - AMOLED, функції - відстеження сну, крокомір, пульсометр, показ часу, лічильник калорій, повідомлення про пр..
Cумісність - iOS, Android, кольоровий, Тип матриці - AMOLED, функції - відстеження сну, крокомір, пульсометр, показ часу, лічильник калорій, повідомлення про пр..
Cумісність - iOS, Android, кольоровий, Тип матриці - AMOLED, функції - лічильник калорій, акселерометр, датчик положення, вимірювання швидкості, вимірювання дис..
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