Мало хто знає, що у величезному асортименті розумних годинників і фітнес-браслетів компанії Garmin є не тільки пристрої для дорослих, але і декілька моделей фітнес-трекерів для дітей. Їх розробили з метою стимулювати дітей до активності та виконувати завдання від батьків у цікавій, ігровій формі. Перше покоління такого гаджета Garmin Vivofit Jr було випущено в 2016 році, а в кінці 2017 виробник вирішив оновити цю серію, представивши Vivofit Jr. 2.
Фітнес браслет Garmin Vivofit JR 2 Представляємо вашій увазі Garmin Vivofit JR 2 — перший браслет для фітнесу, розроблений спеціально для дітей. Він буде спонукати ваших дітей до руху і зробить процес виконання домашніх справ набагато цікавіше. Батьки, про вас теж не забули. Спеціально для Вас Garmin створили мобільний додаток, що дозволяє відстежувати активність дитини, давати їй доручення і видавати віртуальні нагороди. Як тільки дитина виконала всі запропоновані завдання, включаючи обов'язкові 60 хвилин активності, для нього відкривається весела мобільна гра. Весь процес можна відстежувати зі свого мобільного пристрою.
Красивий і міцний дизайн Дитячий фітнес-браслет Vivofit JR 2 з комфортним і високоміцним ремінцем представлений в трьох варіантах забарвлення. Всі яскраві і привабливі, завдяки чому дитина із задоволенням буде носити гаджет кожен день. А носити Vivofit JR 2 можна, де завгодно — його спокійно можна брати з собою в басейн і не знімати під час сну. Якщо дитина захоче змінити імідж, датчик Vivofit JR 2 можна помістити в будь-який змінний браслет дорослого розміру. Замінної батареї вистачає на рік роботи без підзарядки.
Особистий помічник батьків Garmin Vivofit JR 2 можна керувати за допомогою сумісного мобільного додатку. При синхронізації девайса зі смартфоном ви можете відстежувати кількість пройдених кроків, сон, активність протягом дня і виконання доручень у декількох дітей. Задавайте завдання і роботу по дому, переглядайте, скільки віртуальних монеток заробила дитина і запрошуйте інших членів сім'ї на змагання по кількості пройдених за день кроків (гра Adventure Trail). Всі ці функції доступні з вашого мобільного пристрою Apple або Android.
Контроль виконання домашніх справ Разом з Vivofit JR 2 залучення дітей до домашніх справ стає набагато простіше. Ви можете давати дитині доручення по дому – всі нові завдання він буде бачити на екрані свого гаджета. В налаштуваннях можна вказувати періодичність виконання, наприклад, кожен день або щотижня. Це відмінне рішення для дітей, яким потрібно нагадувати про необхідність почистити зуби або заправити ліжко. Для маленьких діток або для тих, хто схильний до неуважності, можна налаштувати таймер, який буде нагадувати дитині, що пора закінчувати уроки або одягання перед виходом на вулицю.
Garmin Vivofit Jr. 2 Disney Minnie Mouse Activity Tracker Unboxing
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Garmin Vivofit JR2 Minnie Mouse - Fitness New Zealand - The GARMIN Store
Garmin Vivofit JR2 Minnie Mouse Kids Fitness Tracker with Interactive App Experience
vívofit jr. 2 isn’t just a fitness tracker for kids. It’s an interactive experience where activity unlocks adventure. With it, kids can uncover Disney Princess adventures on the parent-controlled app by completing 60 minutes of daily activity.
Find out more:
#TheGarminStoreNZ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Garmin vívofit jr. 2: Disney Minnie Mouse Themed Activity Tracker
Get ready to feel the magic. The vívofit jr. 2 activity tracker1 for kids features a 1+ year battery life2 and is managed by parents with a free app. Kids uncover Mickey’s Birthday Surprise: A Disney Adventure free app adventures through 60 minutes of daily activity. Learn more about this kid-friendly activity tracker here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
⭐▶Garmin Vivofit Jr. 2, Disney Frozen 2 Kids Fitness Tracker
Get ready to feel the magic. Check out the different vívofit jr. 2 bands that let your kid experience a new world of app adventures and fun games. The vívofit jr. 2 activity tracker for kids features features a 1+ year battery life and is managed by parents with through a free app. Kids uncover free themed app adventures and games through 60 minutes of daily activity. Learn more about this kid-friendly activity tracker here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I'm interrupting vlogmas with a special video as we recently spent a week testing out the Garmin Vivofit Jr. 2 Disney kids activity tracker. (The girls haven't taken them since we got them almost a month ago).
The Garmin Vivofit Jr. 2 is so much more than just counting your steps though, it also is a timer, it helps encourage your children to do their 'chores' and also is like a reward chart too. Watch the video to learn lots about it.
Thanks so much to Garmin for sending the girls these, we absolutely love them and can't shout about them enough. :)
To learn more about the Vivofit Jr. 2 head here- #kids
#garmin #fitness #channelmumtalent Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ally from Chase n' Ally shows her brand new Garmin Vivo Fit Jr. 2 Disney Princess watch!
The Garmin Vivofit Jr. 2 is so much more than just counting your steps though, it also is a timer, it helps encourage your children to do their 'chores' and also is like a reward chart too. Watch the video as Ally talks you through the features.
If you like this video please give Chase n' Ally a thumbs up to let them know and don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any of their videos! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Get ready to feel the magic. The vívofit jr. 2 activity tracker¹ for kids features a 1+ year battery life² and is managed by parents with a free app. Kids uncover Mickey’s Birthday Surprise: A Disney Adventure free app adventures through 60 minutes of daily activity. Learn more about this kid-friendly activity tracker here:
Swim-friendly³ kid’s activity tracker with Disney Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse theme
Features a customizable color screen and 1+ year battery life; no recharging needed
Kid-tough bands available in stretchy 1-piece design or adjustable bands for older children
Periodically syncs⁴ with compatible mobile app that includes chore management tools for parents and Mickey’s Birthday Surprise: A Disney Adventure free app adventures for kids
Tracks steps, sleep and 60 minutes of daily recommended activity
²Under typical use; battery life may vary depending on usage
⁴When paired with a compatible smartphone; see Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Tutorial - Garmin vívofit jr. 2 and vívofit jr. 3: Disney Princess App Adventures with Ariel
Featuring a colorful display, these kid-tough, swim-friendly fitness trackers get up to 1 year of battery life. With these trackers, kids can uncover magical Disney Princess app adventures by completing 60 minutes of daily activity. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Garmin vivofit jr 2 Review 2021 | Best Kids Fitness/Activity Tracker | Top Tracking Devices
Garmin vivofit jr 2 Review 2021 | Best Kids Fitness/Activity Tracker | Top Tracking Devices
More Details :
Swim-friendly kids activity tracker with Disney minnie mouse theme
Kid-tough Adjustable Band, features a customizable color screen and 1+ year battery life; no recharging needed
Syncs with free mobile app, which includes chore management and schedule alert tools for parents
#Garmin #ActivityTracker #Tracker #smartwatch #vivofitjr2 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vlog: My new Garmin watch vivofit jr from Minnie Mouse collection
Thank you all people who visited and purchased at my lemonade stand and garage sale. From the money I raised, I bought this Garmin watch. It is so cool- check out all the features in my video. It’s a nice gift option. Please comment below if you have or would like to have this kind of watch. Make sure to like and subscribe 😊🥰
Here is a link from Amazon where I purchased the watch from-
%CE%AFvofit-Jr-Activity-Tracker/dp/B01LW2EDDO/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=garmin+vivofit+jr&qid=1599321187&sprefix=garmin+vivofit&sr=8-4 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This Garmin Vivofit Jr 2 Fitness Tracker is perfect for early learners who are discovering the importance of health and fitness. This kids fitness tracker logs steps, sleep and daily activity, plus has an ultra durable design to withstand being worn at home and school, or even in the pool. You can sync it with a compatible smartphone and setup reminders to complete chores, finish homework, brush teeth and more. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Garmin vívofit jr. 2 Disney Princess App Adventures with Rapunzel
vívofit jr. 2 isn’t just a kids fitness tracker. It’s an interactive experience where activity unlocks adventure. The swim-friendly band features a 1+ year battery life. With vívofit jr. 2, kids can uncover Disney Princess adventures on the parent-controlled app by completing 60 minutes of daily activity. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Garmin: Disney Princess vívofit jr. 3 – Discover Your Dreams
In this video, we’ll walk you through setting up and getting acquainted with your child’s vívofit jr. 3 fitness tracker.
For more information, please visit Garmin support homepage.
#Jr.3 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
[Garmin vívofit jr. 2] Garmin vívofit jr. 2 Review + Garmin vívofit jr. 2 Activity Tracker for Kids
[Garmin vívofit jr. 2 Review ] Best Discount, Offers, Price [Garmin vívofit jr. 2] Garmin vívofit jr. 2 Review + Garmin vívofit jr. 2 Activity Tracker for Kids
Available Now On :
[Garmin vívofit jr. 2 Review ]
[Garmin vívofit jr. 2] Garmin vívofit jr. 2 Review + Garmin vívofit jr. 2 Activity Tracker for Kids
The magic is all around when the Disney Minnie Mouse vívofit jr. 2 is on your kid’s wrist. This swim-friendly activity tracker is tough enough to make it through playtime, and with 1+ year battery life, there’s no stopping the action to recharge. Parents manage chores and rewards from the parent-controlled mobile app, while kids experience app adventures starring Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse and all their pals.
Stylish and Strong
Tough and durable, vívofit jr. 2 features a customizable color screen and comfortable band. Your kid can show their Minnie Mouse style and rock it everywhere from recess to soccer, during bath time and even to bed. The user-replaceable battery will keep kicking for more than a year — no charging necessary.
Access Even More Fun
vívofit jr. 2 lets your kids get their hands on more styles and app adventures. All you need is a new band to open up a new world of adventures. What’ll it be next? Track activity, and engage in galactic app adventures with a Star Wars themed band? Or will your kids show off their Marvel Avengers band,
[Garmin vívofit jr. 2 Review ]
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[Garmin vívofit jr. 2 Review]
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[Garmin vívofit jr. 2 Review ]
Top Customer Reviews :
My 9 year old loves his new Garmin Vivofit jr. 2. I set alarms for him to wake up and catch the bus. It also allows you to put reminders for taking a shower or doing chores. He also runs around in he basement if he doesn't have 60 active minutes yet so he can see the next Star Wars move. We haven't tested the water resistance, he takes it off for showers. I also love that you can monitor his sleep (using an app on my iPhone). So far we have been very pleased with it. Much cheaper than a Fitbit and more kid focused.
I can’t say enough great things about these watches for our kids and family. We use the token system with them for behavior and chores. I have chores listed that are also behavior items. Then i can just take away tokens or coins when they break a rule. They can redeem tokens for rewards like a special date night with one of us or a toy etc. I love seeing their exact sleep schedule! That’s my favorite part. They can also light it up to see the time in the dark. My 7 year old loves the timer feature. They fit my 5 and 7 year olds wrists perfect. They shower/bathe and sleep in them. We just got back from the beach and Disney and they wore them the entire time. Love them! Wish they didn’t cost as much as they do but it’s worth it. Also not sure on the negative reviews for this Minnie one, maybe they bought from third party sellers. I was sure to only buy from amazon. It’s been great and just what my daughter wanted.
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[Garmin vívofit jr. 2] Garmin vívofit jr. 2 Review + Garmin vívofit jr. 2 Activity Tracker for Kids
Garmin vívofit jr. 2 Review
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Smartband Garmin Smartband VivoFit Jr 2 Spiderman | Flanco.ro
Descopera acum pe Flanco gama de smartband si smartwatch-uri Vei regasi in dotarile lor: optiuni de tracker fitness performant, ce dispune de inteligenta artificiala si de o multime de functii surprinzatoare. Sunt proiectate atat pentru eleganta dar si pentru a monitoriza starea fizica si de sanatate a utilizatorilor, in timpul oricaror activitati. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Video Products List
Black Friday / Cyber Monday Garmin vívofit jr, Kids Fitness/Activity Tracker, 1year Battery Life, Real Flower by Garmin
Black Friday / Cyber Monday Garmin 010-01909-20 Vivofit jr. 2 - Stretchy Minnie Mouse - Activity Tracker for Kids by Garmin
Black Friday / Cyber Monday Garmin vívofit jr, Kids Fitness/Activity Tracker, 1year Battery Life, Green, Digi Camo by Garmin
Black Friday / Cyber Monday Garmin vívofit jr, Kids Fitness/Activity Tracker, 1year Battery Life, Red, Broken Lava by Garmin
Black Friday / Cyber Monday Garmin Vivofit Jr. Tracker with 2 Bands, Digi Camo and Black by Garmin
Black Friday / Cyber Monday Garmin 010-01909-30 Vivofit jr. 2 - Adjustable Minnie Mouse - Activity Tracker for Kids by Garmin
Black Friday / Cyber Monday Garmin Vivofit 3 Bands, SKYLET Silicone Replacement Bands for Garmin Vivofit 3 with Secure by SKYLET
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Tutorial - Garmin vívofit jr. 2 and vívofit jr. 3: Disney Princess App Adventures with Rapunzel
Featuring a colorful display, these kid-tough, swim-friendly fitness trackers get up to 1 year of battery life. With these trackers, kids can uncover magical Disney Princess app adventures by completing 60 minutes of daily activity. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Disney Princess vívofit jr 2 Kids Fitness Tracker - Fitness New Zealand - The GARMIN Store
Disney Princess Kids Fitness Tracker with Interactive App Experience
vívofit jr. 2 isn’t just a fitness tracker for kids. It’s an interactive experience where activity unlocks adventure. With it, kids can uncover Disney Princess adventures on the parent-controlled app by completing 60 minutes of daily activity.
#FitnessNZ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Фитнес-трекер Garmin Vivofit поможет сделать спорт привычкой на всю жизнь! Выберите свой браслет здесь - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Tutorial - Garmin vívofit jr. 2 and vívofit jr. 3: Disney Princess App Adventures with Belle
Featuring a colorful display, these kid-tough, swim-friendly fitness trackers get up to 1 year of battery life. With these trackers, kids can uncover magical Disney Princess app adventures by completing 60 minutes of daily activity. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SHOP the Garmin vivofit jr. 3 Kids' Activity Tracker - Peach Leopard, Universal:
Learn more about the Garmin vivofit jr. 3 Kids' Activity Tracker - Peach Leopard, Universal.
Checkout our full range of Smart Health and Fitness at
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Garmin vívofit jr. 2 and vívofit jr. 3: Disney Princess App Adventures with Jasmine
Featuring a colorful display, these kid-tough, swim-friendly fitness trackers get up to 1 year of battery life. With these trackers, kids can uncover magical Disney Princess app adventures¹ by completing 60 minutes of daily activity.
¹ Requires Garmin Jr.™ app loaded on parent’s compatible smartphone paired to vívofit jr. 3 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Disney Princess vívofit jr. 2 — Play like a Princess (15)
Motivate them to move with the vívofit® jr. 3 fitness tracker¹ for kids. The tracker features up to 1 year of battery life and a parent-controlled app where kids can unlock exclusive app adventures² by hitting their 60-minute daily activity goal.
• Swim-friendly³ kids fitness trackers
• Features a customizable color screen and up to 1 year of battery life; no recharging needed
• Kid-tough band
• Periodically syncs with a compatible mobile app² that includes chore management tools for parents and free adventures for kids
• Tracks your kid’s steps, sleep and 60 minutes of daily recommended activity¹
¹ See
² Requires app to be loaded on parent’s compatible smartphone that is paired to vívofit®jr. 3
³ See Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Tutorial - Garmin vívofit jr. 2 and vívofit jr. 3: Disney Princess App Adventures with Mulan
Featuring a colorful display, these kid-tough, swim-friendly fitness trackers get up to 1 year of battery life. With these trackers, kids can uncover magical Disney Princess app adventures¹ by completing 60 minutes of daily activity.
¹ Requires Garmin Jr.™ app loaded on parent’s compatible smartphone paired to vívofit jr. 3 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Disney Princess vívofit jr. 2 — Play like a Princess (30)
Here's everything you need to know about the Garmin Bounce LTE Activity tracker, and how well it works in real life.
0:00 Pricing, Size, Battery, Overview
3:20 LTE/Cellular: Location/Messaging/Tracking
11:12 Activity Tracking, Games, General
17:08 GPS Sport Tracking
19:38 Worth it or not?
Garmin is continuing both their kids activity tracking product line, as well as their LTE adventures, in a new device that combines both of those: The Garmin Bounce. The Bounce is essentially a Vivofit Jr. kids activity tracker that’s been given a huge screen, combined with both GPS & LTE capabilities for kid tracking, and even a mic & speaker for audio messaging. The intended age range is 6-12 years old, though, like most kid things, you can under/over-shoot that a bit depending on your kid.
In our case, we’ve been using a few of the Bounce units for a few months now. I’ve had two of our (oldest) daughters using them 24×7, as well as both my wife and I taking turns wearing them to understand the features a bit more from an adult standpoint. However, as a family all three daughters have had Vivofit Jr. activity trackers for many years, so we’ve already got a pretty good feel for how that side of the equation works.
As noted, there are basically two sides to the equation here: The activity tracker piece (including built-in GPS for workouts), and the LTE location tracker & messaging piece. And then of course, layered atop all that is the Garmin Jr. app. In this review, I’m going to dive into all those pieces, one after another. If you’re unfamiliar with the site, I do in-depth reviews of sports technology products – digging in deep to find both the good and the bad.
#GarminBounce #VivofitJr #bounce Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hi Everyone! In this video we will be unboxing a Garmin Vivofit Jr 2 activity tracker.
Thank you for watching and don’t forget to like and share this video if you enjoyed it.
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Garmin Vívosport Jr. 2 se viste de 'Star Wars' y Disney
Este monitor de actividad física para niños tiene diseños adorables, una batería reemplazable que dura un año y cuesta US$100.
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Top 5 BEST Smartwatches For Kids of (2023)
➜ Links to the best Smartwatches For Kids 2023 we listed in this video:
►US Links◄
➜ 5. VTech Kidizoom Smartwatch DX3 -
➜ 4. Garmin Vivofit Jr 3 -
➜ 3. Fitbit Ace 3 -
➜ 2. Xplora X5 Play -
➜ 1. TickTalk 4 -
►UK Links◄
➜ 5. VTech Kidizoom Smartwatch DX3 -
➜ 4. Garmin Vivofit Jr 3 -
➜ 3. Fitbit Ace 3 -
➜ 2. Xplora X5 Play -
➜ 1. TickTalk 4 -
►CA Links◄
➜ 5. VTech Kidizoom Smartwatch DX3 -
➜ 4. Garmin Vivofit Jr 3 -
➜ 3. Fitbit Ace 3 -
➜ 2. Xplora X5 Play -
➜ 1. TickTalk 4 -
We have just laid out the top 5 best Smartwatches For Kids 2023. In 5th place is the VTech Kidizoom Smartwatch DX3, our pick for the best. In 4th place is the Garmin Vivofit Jr 3, our pick for the best. In 3rd place is the Fitbit Ace 3, our pick for the best. In 2nd place is the Xplora X5 Play, our pick for the best. In 1st place is the TickTalk 4, our pick for the best overall.
DISCLOSURE: Some of the links on this page are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Affiliate commissions help fund videos like this one. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Garmin Disney Princess vívofit jr 3 – Discover Your Dreams 30
In this video, I walk you through the price, key features, pros & cons and conclusion of the Garmin Vivofit jr 3 kids fitness tracker. We have used the device for over 6 months so have extensive experience with it.
Amazon uk
Amazon de
00:00 Introduction
00:13 Price of the device
00:24 Key Features
02:51 Pros
04:01 Walkthrough of Functionality on the device
05:20 Cons
06:24 Conclusion and recommendations
Key features
- it runs on a replaceable coin cell battery for up to a year
- steps, activity, and sleep tracking
- 5ATM rated so you can swim with it
- timer, stopwatch
- manage chores
- adventures
Cool thing:
This Garmin aims to gamify exercise. For example, once kids have logged 60 minutes of activity, they can access ‘adventures’ within the partner app on a parent’s phone.
Pros of the product
-Looks like a ‘real’ watch
-Marvel/Disney graphics
-Gamifies exercise
-Long battery life
-Good sunlight visibility
-Fun encouragement to be active
-Good size for small wrists
Cons of the product
- Dark screen
-Quite pricey
- lacks gps and heart rate measurement
- no touchscreen instead one button
Fitbit ace 3 has heart rate monitoring but battery life is only 8 days
-Band fit 130-175 mm
-Battery Up to 1 year CR2025, user-replaceable
-Display Sunlight-visible transflective 64-color memory-in-pixel
-7 timed activities
-14 days of activity tracking data
-Water resistance
-5 ATM
-Connectivity Bluetooth
-Sensors Accelerometer
-Task Timers • Audible Alerts
-Reminder Alerts • Toe-To-Toe Challenges • In Case Of Emergency Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Garmin vivofit jr. 3 Kids' Activity Tracker - Black Cosmic, Universal - Quick Look
SHOP the Garmin vivofit jr. 3 Kids' Activity Tracker - Black Cosmic, Universal:
Learn more about the Garmin vivofit jr. 3 Kids' Activity Tracker - Black Cosmic, Universal.
Checkout our full range of Smart Health and Fitness at
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Garmin | vívofit jr. 3 | The Mandalorian and Grogu Designs
Visit Garmin For More:
Featuring a colorful display, these kid-tough, swim-friendly fitness trackers get up to 1 year of battery life. With these trackers, kids can uncover magical Disney Princess app adventures by completing 60 minutes of daily activity. Learn more about these kid-friendly fitness trackers here:
Requires Garmin Jr. app loaded on parent’s compatible smartphone paired to v vofit jr. 3
Also Watch:
#Garmin Guide: Garmin v vofit jr. 2 and v vofit jr. 3: Disney Princess App Adventures with Jasmine
#Garmin Guide: Garmin v vofit jr. 2 and v vofit jr. 3: Disney Princess App Adventures with Belle
#Garmin Guide: Garmin v vofit jr. 2 and v vofit jr. 3: Disney Princess App Adventures with Ariel
#Garmin Guide: Garmin v vofit jr. 2 and v vofit jr. 3: Disney Princess App Adventures with Rapunzel
#Garmin Guide: Garmin v vofit jr. 2 and v vofit jr. 3: Disney Princess App Adventures with Mulan
*As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Garmin Vivofit Junior 2 (Is It The Best Kid's Watch On The Planet?)
Looking at purchasing a watch for your children? Don't know which one is the best?
There is really only one choice, the Garmin Vivofit Junior 2.
Read the full review here:
Finding a quality and attractive watch that will last for your kids is hard. That's where this amazing watch comes into its own.
Also with the Vivo fit Jr App you can monitor your child's fitness levels and sleep patterns in a fun interactive way.
Don't buy an ordinary watch for your children, buy the best watch the Garmin Vivofit Junior 2 and spoil your little one.
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Heute stelle ich euch den Test für den Aktivitätstracker Garmin Vivofit jr. 3 für Kinder in der Star Wars Edition vor. Die Garmin Vivofit Junior Uhr für Kinder trackt die Aktivitäten, den Schlaf von euren Kindern. Darüber hinaus hat man die Möglichkeit ein Belohnungssystem mit Münzen zu nutzen, das Armband wechseln. Wir (Mein Sohn und. ich ) haben alle Funktionen wie Schlaftracking, Aktivitätstracking, das Belohnungssystem möchten unsere Erfahrungen in diesem Test auch ein wenig näher bringen.
Viel Spaß in diesem Review auf deutsch!
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Das Video ist in folgende Kapitel eingeteilt:
0:00 Einleitung
0:30 Der Test
9:13 Kleines Interview mit meinem Sohn
#garmin #vivofitjr3 #vivofitjunior Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Learn how to determine the correct band size for the vívofit jr. 2.
For more help, visit Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Cумісність - iOS, Android, кольоровий, Тип матриці - AMOLED, функції - відстеження сну, крокомір, пульсометр, показ часу, лічильник калорій, повідомлення про пр..
Cумісність - iOS, Android, кольоровий, Тип матриці - AMOLED, функції - лічильник калорій, акселерометр, датчик положення, вимірювання швидкості, вимірювання дис..
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