Принтер пластикових карт Evolis Primacy є високошвидкісним пристроєм з багатим функціоналом і передовими технологіями друку. Ця модель забезпечує можливість 1-стороннього або 2-стороннього друку карток з високим ступенем захисту. Тривалість терміну служби вироблених карток становить від 1 до 3 років. Висока швидкість друку дозволяє випускати понад 30 тисяч карток на рік.
Різні модифікації
Принтер карт Evolis Primacy випускається у модифікаціях із двостороннім або одностороннім друком. Налаштування під конкретні вимоги виконується виробником або безпосередньо на робочому місці після придбання. Пристрій може бути обладнаний енкодерами будь-яких типів – для кодування контактних та безконтактних чіпових карток, а також карток з магнітною смугою. Можлива також комбінація кількох кодувальників. Опціонально принтер може оснащуватися системою блокування несанкціонованого доступу до розхідників та принтера. Також передбачено роз'єм для кенсінгтонівського замку.
Високошвидкісна робота
Карт-принтер Evolis Primacy відрізняється високою швидкістю та ефективністю роботи. Об'єм оперативної пам'яті – 16 Мб. Пристрій добре підійде для випуску середніх та великих тиражів. За одну годину роботи принтер може роздруковувати до 225 кольорових односторонніх карток або до 140 двосторонніх. Завантажувальний та вихідний лоток відрізняється підвищеною місткістю – до 100 карток. Це сприяє зниженню витрат часу на його обслуговування.
Відмінна якість друку
Кольоровий друк здійснюється методом сублімації, монохромний шляхом термоперенесення. Дані технології друку забезпечують високу чіткість зображення, що наноситься. Сублімаційний метод характеризується відмінною передачею кольору (16 мільйонів кольорів). Для монохромного друку не обов'язково використовувати чорну фарбувальну стрічку, також доступні будь-які інші кольори. Роздільна здатність друкуючої головки – 300 dpi.
Картковий принтер Evolis Primacy випускається у двох колірних варіаціях – синій та яскраво-червоній. Ця модель може використовуватися для випуску платіжних карток, бейджів, проїзних квитків, медичних полісів тощо. Пристрій підключається до ПК через з'єднання USB або Ethernet. Можливість Wi-Fi доступу реалізується у серії Wireless.
Друк на різних носіях
Друк може проводитися на картах товщиною від 0,25 до 1,25 мм із різних видів пластику: ПВХ, АБС, ПЕТ, композитного ПВХ, а також на картах із спеціальним покриттям. Для досягнення максимальної ефективності рекомендується використання сертифікованих стрічок Evolis High Trust.
Компанія Evolis славиться високою якістю і надійністю продукції, що випускається. Виробництво обладнання здійснюється в стилі еко-дизайну та з урахуванням мінімізації енергоспоживання. Придбавши принтер Evolis Primacy, можна бути впевненим у тому, що він прослужить довго навіть при інтенсивній роботі.
Зручність експлуатації
Вихідний та завантажувальний лоток розташовані з лицьового боку корпусу, що забезпечує вільний доступ до них. Завдяки прозорим вставкам користувач може відстежувати наявність та кількість карток. Система індикації на панелі керування дозволяє контролювати процес друку. Клавіша увімкнення/вимкнення також розташована в легкодоступному місці. Після завантаження друкованої стрічки принтер автоматично розпізнає її і налаштовує необхідні параметри. У стандартну комплектацію входить безпосередньо сам принтер, програмне забезпечення Evolis Premium Suite, матеріали для чищення, кабель USB, кабель з блоком живлення, а також інструкція з експлуатації.
How to ID Card Printing Machine Works.
ID Card Printer Price in BD | ID Card Printer | #evolis #Primacy2 #idcardprinter
ID Card Printer Service Center এ আপনাকে স্বাগতম। Universe IT and Automation Ltd আইডি কার্ড প্রিন্টিং এর সকল সোলিউশন দিয়ে থাকেন। যে কোন ID Card প্রিন্টারের সমস্যার জন্য আমাদের সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন:
Universe IT and Automation Ltd.
Mob- 01823-021975
Corporate office: Flat-4D, H-9/2, Road-Garden Street (Shyamoli Mat opposite), Ring-Road, Shaymoli, Dhaka-1207.
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Discover all the possibilities of the Evolis Primacy 2 with the Evolis print service application. Download the application for free and enjoy a stress free printing experience.
Find out more about the Evolis Primacy 2:
Alternatively, you can call us today to speak to an expert on 01604 422422 or send us an email to sales@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Evolis Primacy 2 - REVOLUTIONISE your plastic card printing!
Introducing the Evolis Primacy 2 plastic card printer, the latest model from Evolis - one of the world's leading manufacturers of desktop plastic card printers.
With several exciting new features including a 200 card input hopper, UV overlays and increased physical security, the Primacy 2 is a great option for organisations printing larger quantities of cards in batches.
Want to find out more? Head over to our website to see a full specification and to place an order today.
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Kampus Care - Evolis Primacy IDP Solid Magicard PVC ID Card Printer RFID Smart Card Label Thermal Receipt Mobile Bluetooth Printer Currency Counting Projector Interactive Panel Dealer
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how to install evolis primacy-2 printer,Evolis primacy 2 printer printer full review,ID Card Printer
Primacy 2 provides both high-quality printing and an output capacity ideal for medium to large quantities. The Primacy 2's two main strengths are its printing speed of up to 280 cards per hour and its 100- or 200-card feeder, which allow it to achieve a high degree of productivity and autonomy. Additionally, its high-resolution printing mode, along with a colorimetric profile that is as near to real-life colors as possible, allows you to produce high-quality renderings on all of your cards.
Part numbers: PM2-0001-A, PM2-0003-A, PM2-0004, PM2-0005, PM2-0006, PM2-0007, PM2-0008, PM2-0009, PM2-0010, PM2-0011, PM2-0012, PM2-0025-A, PM2-0026-A, PM2-0027, PM2-0028, PM2-0029, PM2-0030, PM2-0031, PM2-0032, PM2-0033, PM2-0034, PM2-0035, & PM2-0036
Product number: Primacy 2
Vendor: Evolis
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Discover all the possibilities of the Evolis Primacy 2 with Kineclipse® features, ideal for keeping your sensitive information secure.
Find out more about the Evolis Primacy 2:
Alternatively, you can call us today to speak to an expert on 01604 422422 or send us an email to sales@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Primacy 2 ✨ One feature, one video
In this video, discover all the possibilities of the YMCKOO ribbon, already available for Primacy 2, The One Choice.
All about Primacy 2: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Introducing the new Primacy 2 ID Card Printer by Evolis
Contact Beresford Company to order yours today!
Buy online:
∙ Color sublimation directly on the card and resin thermal transfer
∙ Rewritable card printing
∙ Single or double-sided print module
∙ Print resolution:
- In color and monochrome: 300x300 dpi & 300x600 dpi
- In monochrome: 300x1200 dpi
∙ Print optimization via color profile
∙ User interface: LED panel or LCD touch screen
∙ Single-sided (YMCKO): up to 280 cards/hour
∙ Double-sided (YMCKOK): 170 cards/hour
∙ Single-sided (YMCK) with lamination module: up to 215 cards/ hour CARD MANAGEMENT AND SPECIFICATIONS
∙ Feeder capacity: 100 cards ( mm - 30 mil)
∙ Hopper capacity: 100 cards ( mm - 30 mil)
∙ Rear hopper capacity: 50 cards ( mm - 30 mil)2
∙ Card types: PVC cards, composite PVC cards, PET cards, ABS cards, and rewritable card
∙ USB (cable supplied) and Ethernet
∙ Wireless connection on Wireless range
To maximize the quality and lifetime of the printed cards, the service life of the print head, and the overall reliability of your printer, use Evolis High Trust ribbons.
∙ Automatic recognition and setup
∙ Ribbon cassettes for one-step installation or an EASY4PRO offer without cassette for users who want to reduce their environmental impact.
- YMCKO: 300 prints per roll
- YMCKOK: 200 prints per roll
- YMCKOO: 250 prints per roll
- Black monochrome: 2000 prints per roll1 List of ribbons available at
∙ Standard single and double-sided
∙ Extensive laminate offering: patches (600 sides per roll) and varnishes (1,200 sides per roll), with or without hologram, alternate laminates (contact chip cut-out / magnetic stripe cut-out).
List of laminates available at
∙ Double-sided activation key
∙ 200-card feeder
∙ LCD touch screen
∙ Lamination module SECURITY
∙ Kensington security lock
∙ Optional mechanical locking system
∙ Print head protection during maintenance or ribbon changes
∙ Erasing sensitive data from the printer memory
∙ Kineclipse optional
∙ Optional internal scanner reader
- Magnetic stripe encoder ISO 7811
- Contact smartcard encoders
- Contactless smartcard encoders
- Dual smartcard encoders (contact / contactless)
∙ Options can be combined
∙ Factory or on-site installation
∙ Printer management by Evolis Premium Suite for Windows, Mac, and Linux
∙ Evolis SDK available for easy product integration
∙ Supplied with cardPresso XXS for designing and printing badges OS compatibility list available at
∙ 3 years for the printer
∙ Optional extended warranty available
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Are you an IT solution provider interested in reselling the Evolis Primacy 2 Card Printer?
Sign up to open a Reseller account with BlueStar today:
The Primacy 2 is a high-performance card printer for businesses and organizations who want to print their own cards as well as manage the security level of those cards.
It’s appropriate for businesses that need to print anywhere between 500 all the way up to 50,000 cards per year.
It’s capable of multiple types of encoding, such as magnetic stripe, smart contact, and smart contactless—cards printed and encoding by the Primacy 2 have a lifetime of up to 5 years!
The Primacy 2 can print color and monochrome as well as one or two-sided—also known as simplex or duplex.
The printer in front of me prints single-sided—but it’s super easy to upgrade with a duplex key. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
With optimised printhead protection, new colour profiles, digital erasing, and the option for a double overlay ribbon, this card printing solution is a perfect tool for businesses.
Additionally, the Primacy 2 comes with rewrite capability and an optional 200-card feeder for added convenience.
Find out more about the Evolis Primacy 2:
Alternatively, you can call us today to speak to an expert on 01604 422422 or send us an email to sales@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Primacy 2 ✨ One feature, one video
In this video, discover all the benefits of the Rewrite technology, included with Primacy 2, The One Choice.
All about Primacy 2: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Evolis Primacy 2 Card Printer - ALKAMOUS Group - Iraq
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Whatapp Us Via Link - | Buy Online | Evolis Primacy 2 Dual Side Multi Colour PVC ID CARD Printer, this desktop printer is the best solution for issuing personalized cards, Employee card, Student ID Card, Membership Card, Loyalty Card, Aadhar Card / Pan Card, Kisaan Yojana Card, Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana Card, Event Passes, Access control badges, Transit passes, Payment cards, Healthcare card ETC
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A card printer which adapts to your needs: available in single or double-side printing versions, with or without encoding technologies All versions are available with USB and Ethernet TCP/IP connectivity Primacy guarantees optimal operation and perfect results Pack has: Printer, CD-ROM with printer drivers, user manuals, and eMedia CS, Cleaning kit, USB cable, Reject tray, Power supply and cord Perfect for production runs, prints up to 225 cards/hour in colour, 850 cards/hour in monochrome When loaded with the Evolis cutting-edge encoding technologies, Primacy turns into the ideal solution to issue cards A dual-sided printing activation key enables a single-sided printer to be converted in a dual-sided one in an instant and on site The card printer benefits from the ENERGY STAR certification and is compliant with the ErP directive The transparent front panel allows you to check the level of the remaining cards at any time so you can anticipate when more cards need to be loaded The 250-card capacity of the colour ribbon cassette (YMCKO) saves time by reducing the frequency with which the ribbon needs to be changed High-end printer that is easy-to-use, flexible and fast Ideal for printing: Transportation passes, payment cards, identification badges, student cards Brand: Evolis Primacy supports any requirement in card printing and encoding, in medium to large runs The software also allows you to dialog with the printer from your PC as well as providing on-line help available 24 hours a day. Step-by-step wizards guide you through option configuration and cleaning cycles operations On the counter or in the office, the feeder and output hopper located at the front of the printer makes handling easy No need to reload cards: 100-card capacity of both feeder and output hopper While operating, Primacy emits only 48 decibels With weight reduced to only 4 kg, Primacy is ideal for applications away from the office (trade shows, exhibitions, etc.) Supplied with Evolis Premium Suite, Primacy configures itself automatically. The encoding or double-sided printing options can be installed to order or at any time on site
Evolis Primacy ID Card Printer (Dual side Print For Aadhar/ Voter Card only)
Increased efficiency with an autonomy of 100 cards
Color ribbon capacity (YMCKO): 250 cards
Full flexibility: single/ dual-sided, and encoding options
Fast: 850 cards per hour in monochrome
The Primacy printer is extremely fast, powerful and efficient, personalizes color cards in record time: up to 225 cards per hour for single-sided printing and 140 cards per hour for dual-sided.
Standard Resolution 300 X 300 dpi.
In this we can Generate Bar-code & QR Code also.
Feeder capacity 100 cards
Output Hopper capacity 100 cards
- Time Stamp -
00:00 Intro
00:04 Evolis Primacy 2 PVC ID card printer
01:17 Unboxing
02:04 Cardpresso software
02:52 Accessories
03:49 Evolis Primacy 2 printer
05:10 How to use this printer
05:28 Input hopper
05:41 Printer's Head
06:02 Waste bin
06:28 Ports
06:33 Printer locking
07:05 Advantage of Evolis printer
07:28 About ribbon of this printer
08:05 How many prints - from one ribbon
08:40 how to load the ribbon
09:20 Next video details
09:45 Cards printable with Evolis Primacy 2
10:30 Special PVC cards
11:30 Thermal Chip cards
11:41 Pouch for PVC cards
12:16 Access card
12:39 Mifare 1K card
13:03 Don't put inkjet cards
13:54 What are the accessories
14:28 Conclusion Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Evolis Primacy 2 ID Card Printer Review (Replacing the Bulletproof Primacy)
In this latest review video, we're taking a closer and more in-depth look at the new Evolis Primacy 2 ID card printer, launched in March 2022.
This printer will be available to order from the 1st of April 2022 and will replace the original bulletproof primacy model.
Adam will talk you through some of the stand-out features of this new plastic card printer from Evolis.
- Introduction and the basics (0:35)
- New re-write printing technology (0:50)
- Print and card quality (1:09)
- Print speeds (1:38)
- Printer and card security features explained (1:52)
He'll also go over our expert verdict of the printer.
For more information, pricing, or to get a more in-depth look at what's on offer, please visit:
Music: Uplifting Corporate by RinkevichMusic
Video Link: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Evolis Primacy 2 Printers Ribbon Problem #evolis #idcard #primacy2 #01617589582
Evolis primacy 2 plastic id card printer ribbon problem solved #evolisprimacy2ribbonproblem
More Details +8801617589582 (WhatsApp) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Evolis Primacy 2 Features | Lamination Module For Security
Discover all the possibilities of the Evolis Primacy 2 with the lamination module, ideal for increasing your card's security.
Find out more about the Evolis Primacy 2:
Alternatively, you can call us today to speak to an expert on 01604 422422 or send us an email to sales@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Video on how to change a ribbon on the Evolis Primacy plastic card printer
The Evolis Primacy card printer is available to purchase from Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#EVOLIS #PRIMACY - l’imprimante à #cartes #rapide et #polyvalente
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How to resolve evolis primacy printer Automatic Card feeding Automatic Card loading
Whatapp Us Via Link - | Evolis Primacy 2 Dual Side Multi Colour PVC ID CARD Printer, this desktop printer is the best solution for issuing personalized cards, Employee card, Student ID Card, Membership Card, Loyalty Card, Aadhar Card / Pan Card, Kisaan Yojana Card, Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana Card, Event Passes, Access control badges, Transit passes, Payment cards, Healthcare card ETC
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Evolis Primacy ID Card Printer (Dual side Print For Aadhar/ Voter Card only)
Increased efficiency with an autonomy of 100 cards
Color ribbon capacity (YMCKO): 250 cards
Full flexibility: single/ dual-sided, and encoding options
Fast: 850 cards per hour in monochrome
- Time Stamp -
00:00 - Intro
00:08 - Evolis Golden Partnership Award
00:15 - What is in this Evolis Primacy 2 video
00:29 - Evolis Primacy 2 Printer
00:36 - Cards that can be Printed with Evolis Primacy 2 Printer
01:34 - Printer's Ribbon
01:49 - ATM Pouch for PVC Cards
02:20 - How to use this Evolis Primacy 2 printer
02:40 - Printer's Head
03:14 - How to install the Ribbon
04:05 - How to load the PVC cards
04:51 - CardPresso XM Software
05:25 - Percentages of used Ribbon
05:50 - Quality of the card
06:06 - How to design the card in the CardPresso software
08:51 - Generating the bar-code
09:29 - Printing the card
10:07 - Printed card
10:44 - How to use the template in the software
13:47 - Input Hopper & Output hopper
14:05 - Card Printed with Cardpresso template
15:29 - How to Print the Double Side Card
17:14 - Front & Back Printed PVC card
18:02 - How to Print Thin Proximity card or RF cards
18:21 - What is Special about RF ID cards
18:34 - Uses of RF ID cards
19:14 - How to insert the RF ID cards
20:01 - How to Print the RF ID cards
20:28 - Printed RF ID card
21:25 - How to insert the card
22:04 - Rewritable PVC card
22:32 - Difference between the two cards
23:29 - Erasing the Rewriteable PVC card
24:26 - Only Blue Colour is Printed in Rewriteable card
24:40 - UV Watermark on the PVC cards
27:59 - Watermark on the PVC ID Cards
29:19 - Features of Evolis Primacy 2 printer
29:59 - Cards that can be printed Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to resolve evolis primacy printers no Ribbon problem #Evolis #Primacy #IDCard #No_Ribbon
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The Evolis printer is a type of card printer that is typically used for printing on plastic cards, such as ID cards, membership cards, and gift cards. It can be used for a variety of applications, including employee identification, access control, and loyalty programs. The printer can print full-color or monochrome cards, and can also include features such as magnetic stripe encoding, barcode printing, and smart card personalization. Additionally, Evolis printers can print on cards of different thicknesses and materials, such as PVC, ABS, and PET.
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We “Prezotech Solutions Private Limited” are well appreciated Wholesale Trader, Manufacturer and Retailer of products like Billing & Inventory Software, Barcode Scanners, Barcode Labels, Barcode Ribbons, Barcode Printer, Bluetooth Thermal Printer, Biometric Machine, Industrial Barcode Printer, Bartender Software, etc. We are Service Provider of Barcode Printer Repairing Service, Barcode Scanner Repairing Services. They are 100% quality assured and available at lowest are dealing in these brands TSC, ZEBRA, MOTOROLA, HONEYWELL, RETSOL, REALTIME, CITIZEN, AVERY DENISSON. All these Barcode products are designed by our engineers with the use of best business approach and tools. Our engineers are experienced and talented in this realm. They create these Barcode products keeping in mind the market standards. All these Barcode products are handy and useful in many shopping malls, corporates, retailers. They are easy to use and 100% quality assured. Our customers can buy these barcode products from us at market leading rates.
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Evolis Primacy 2 ID Card Printer - Encoding and Re-Writable Technology | DBC Group Ireland
This second-generation Primacy ID Card Printer is packed with high tech features including multiple encoding options and re-writable technology for re-writable cards.
From the simplest to the most secure cards, Primacy 2 can do it all. High print speed and a high capacity feeder and hopper make the Primacy 2 ideal for medium to large volume printing.
We have a range of different types of products, available here:
Contact DBC Group at +353 1 460 2200 and visit our website at for more information. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
More Details +8801617589582 (WhatsApp)
Evolis primacy id card printer card feeder broken Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ID Card Printer Price in BD | ID Card Printer | #evolis #Primacy #idcardprinter
ID Card Printer Service Center এ আপনাকে স্বাগতম। Universe IT and Automation Ltd আইডি কার্ড প্রিন্টিং এর সকল সোলিউশন দিয়ে থাকেন। যে কোন ID Card প্রিন্টারের সমস্যার জন্য আমাদের সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন:
Universe IT and Automation Ltd.
Mob- 01823-021975
Corporate office: Flat-4D, H-9/2, Road-Garden Street (Shyamoli Mat opposite), Ring-Road, Shaymoli, Dhaka-1207.
Evolis Primacy New Printer Installation & Tutorial:
* Ribbon Install, Card Load & Sample Dual Side Print:
On your PC, Go to Devices and Evolis Print Center.
1. Right-click on your card printer model (Evolis Primacy), then select "Printer Properties".
2. Click the "System details" tab located at the Left panel.
3. Click the "Testing cards" button then click "Graphic / Technical test card" it will process sample test print. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ALKAMOUS-IRAQ is here with the all-new Evolis Primacy 2, the one choice for all your printing needs. Get access to high-performance printing and make use of both single-sided and double-sided printing with Primacy 2, with a print speed of up to 280 cards per hour! Get primacy 2, the one choice.
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More Details +8801617589582 (WhatsApp)
Evolis Primacy Id Card Printer Cleaning Over, Evolis primacy Printer cleaning error Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Evolis Primacy 2 ID Card Printer Specification Video | Infome Technologies
Buy Evolis Primacy 2 ID Card Printer at the best price from Infome Technologies, The authorized partner of Evolis and the leading distributor of all ranges of Evolis Card Printers in Dubai, UAE, the Middle East, and Africa.
Buy Evolis Primacy 2 ID Card Printer:
Buy Evolis YMCKO Color Ribbon:
To know More about ID Card Printers:
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#evolis #infome #idcardprinter #idprinter #cardprinter #printer Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Evolis Primacy 2 Printer Installation in Bangla | PVC Card Printer | support 01823021975
ID Card Printer Price in BD | ID Card Printer | #evolis #Primacy2 #idcardprinter
ID Card Printer Service Center এ আপনাকে স্বাগতম। Universe IT and Automation Ltd আইডি কার্ড প্রিন্টিং এর সকল সোলিউশন দিয়ে থাকেন। যে কোন ID Card প্রিন্টারের সমস্যার জন্য আমাদের সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন:
Universe IT and Automation Ltd.
Mob- 01823-021975
Corporate office: Flat-4D, H-9/2, Road-Garden Street (Shyamoli Mat opposite), Ring-Road, Shaymoli, Dhaka-1207.
Evolis Primacy 2 New Printer Installation & Tutorial:
* Ribbon Install, Card Load & Sample Print: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Primacy 2 from Evolis brings a host of new features, such as new color profiles, optimized printhead protection, rewrite capability, digital erasing, double overlay ribbon, UV effect, and especially the 200-card feeder.
Watch a demonstration of how to attach the optional 200-card feeder, and how to utilize its functions
Learn more:
#securitysolutions #usercredentials #IDprinter #idbadgeprinting #customID #IDcardprinter #batchprinting #identitymanagement Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Double Side PVC Evolis Primacy ID Card Printer (Dual Side), Output Hopper Capacity: 100 Nos
This tutorial explains how to start over, completely removing and reinstalling the latest drivers for your Evolis card printer, re-installing your printer, and then updating your printer firmware. Think of this as a clean fresh start.
Video Links:
0:09 Remove your card printer from system
0:29 Download latest driver and firmware
1:02 Updating your driver
1:33 CONTINUE FROM HERE: after updating driver
1:50 Install the printer again
3:12 Updating the printer firmware
4:40 Finishing off
This video was produced by, is the intellectual property of, and may not be used, copied, re-produced or distributed without the written permission of Printers For Africa (Pty) LTD - Official Partner for Evolis, South Africa. Please visit our website, for more information, products, training and contact details. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Evolis Primacy ID Card Printers Autocratic Card Loading
Brother, DNP, Evolis প্রিন্টার এর যেকোনো সমস্যায় আমাকে মেসেজ দিয়েন, আমি আছি ব্রাদার, DNP, Evolis ব্যবহারকারীদের পাশে সব সময়।
WhatsApp- 01617589582 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Evolis Primacy - How to do an advanced printer cleaning
BARCODA vous présente les nouveautés apportée sur la nouvelle imprimante à badges & cartes EVOLIS Primacy 2 en comparaison de la Primacy 1ère génération.
Technologie d’impression rewrite, scanner, chargeur 200 cartes, profil colorimétrique, Kineclipse®, digital erasing, double overlay, effet UV… Jamais on aura vu autant de fonctionnalités et d’options dans une seule et même imprimante à cartes.
Pour plus d'informations, vous pouvez nous contacter par mail : contact [ @ ] ou par téléphone au .
Pour plus d'informations rendez-vous sur notre site internet :
À bientôt chez BARCODA. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Primacy 2 ✨ One feature, one video
In this video, discover all the benefits of the LCD screen, already available for Primacy 2, The One Choice.
All about Primacy 2: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Primacy 2 ✨ One feature, one video
Follow our series of videos on each Primacy 2 feature, The One Choice.
In this video we present the 200 card feeder option.
All about Primacy 2: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Evolis Primacy ID Card Printer - How to Clean Your Printer
This support video walks you through how to clean your Evolis Primacy ID card printer. Following these steps will help you properly care for and maintain your printer, preventing damage and maintaining print quality.
A cleaning kit comes with all the supplies you need to clean your Primacy printer:
Want to learn more about the Evolis Primacy ID card printer? Visit the AlphaCard website for more information: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Flexible, fast, and easy to use, the Evolis Primacy ID card printer provides an impressive solution for issuing ID cards. Designed for medium-to-large runs, the Primacy delivers high-end results, easily creating transportation passes, payment cards, identification badges, multifunctional cards, student badges, and more.
Rent the Evolis Primacy Card printer at Choose 2 Rent.
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Evolis Primacy Laminator Unit Cleaning System #evolis #laminator
Kampus Care - Evolis Primacy IDP Solid Magicard PVC ID Card Printer RFID Smart Card Label Thermal Receipt Mobile Bluetooth Printer Currency Counting Projector Interactive Panel Dealer
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Evolis Primacy Plastic ID Card Printer Regular Cleaning #evolis #primacy #RegularCleaning #idcard
More Details +8801617589582 (WhatsApp) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Miraclean is a professional printers cleaning kits,zebra printers cleaning kits,fargo printers cleaning kits,evolis printers cleaning kits,magicard printers cleaning kits,datacard printers cleaning kits,thermal printers cleaning kits,printer head and interior cleaning kits manufacturer. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Evolis Premium Suite Setup | How to install the Evolis Primacy Driver
Follow these simple instructions to install your Evolis Primacy card printer driver, the Evolis Premium Suite.
Video Links:
0:06 Download latest driver
0:38 Organising installation files
0:53 Run driver installation
1:14 Cleaning cycle warning
1:30 Disconnect printer + be Administrator when installing
1:59 Restart computer
2:07 START HERE: After restarting computer
2:40 Finish screen and installation
2:50 Print centre and installation explanation
3:32 Inserting a ribbon into the printer
4:02 Card feed problem - inserting cards
4:20 Ideal setup situation
4:41 Test the installation with a Graphical Test Card
5:21 Devices and printers
Evolis Drivers & Firmware Download Page:
This video was produced by, is the intellectual property of, and may not be used, copied, re-produced or distributed without the written permission of Printers For Africa (Pty) LTD - Official Partner for Evolis, South Africa. Please visit our website, for more information, products, training and contact details. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Primacy - How to do an advanced cleaning of the printer? | Evolis
To carry out an in-depth clean of your printer, we recommend you clean the card feed rollers in addition to carrying out a basic clean every 5 regular cleans.
- Open the printer cover.
- Remove the ribbon from the printer if present.
- Close the cover and check it has clicked shut.
- Open the feeder.
- Remove any cards present in the feeder.
- Using the gauge, set the card thickness to the MAX position.
- Remove a new "T" shaped cleaning card provided by Evolis from its sachet.
- Double-click the control panel's pushbutton.
- Insert the "T" card into the opened feeder. Cleaning starts.
- Remove the "T" card
- Peel off the film from an adhesive cleaning card supplied by Evolis.
- Insert the cleaning card in the opened feeder, adhesive face upwards. Cleaning starts.
- The used adhesive card is ejected automatically into the output hopper. Open it and remove the used adhesive card.
- Put the ribbon back into the printer, then place some blank cards in the feeder and adjust the gauge to the appropriate card thickness. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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