Рібон Evolis до принтерів Quantum1, чорний, 5000 відбитків (R2121)
В монохромному друці використовується один колір. Це дуже економний процес для персоналізації вже надрукованих карт. Являє собою ідеальне рішення для карт, де не потрібні особисті кольорові елементи, такі як малюнок.
Заощаджує гроші завдяки більш економічним властивостям стрічки Evolis Якщо ви використовуєте монохромну стрічку Evolis, то завдяки функції економії, ви значно збільшуєте кількість карт, надрукованих на одній стрічці. До того ж, використовувана на стрічці поверхня відповідає реально надрукованій поверхні плюс припуск 7 мм, а не поверхні всієї карти.
Технічні характеристики Стрічка зроблена з поліетилентерефталату (ПЕТ) з тонким шаром спеціального покриття. Концентрація охолоджувача дуже низька, і він не розчиняється у воді. В процесі друку вона розчиняється при температурі вище 50°C.
Рекомендації по зберіганню Рекомендується використовувати цей продукт протягом одного року. Не допускайте попадання пилу, впливу прямих сонячних променів, високої вологості і високих температур. Не тримайте поруч з розчинниками або іншими хімікатами.
Індекс : Black Сумісність :
Evolis Quantum
Кількість відбитків : 5000
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Video on how to change a ribbon on the Evolis Primacy plastic card printer
The Evolis Primacy card printer is available to purchase from Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
EVOLIS Zenius - компактный принтер для печати, кодирования и персонализации пластиковых карт
EVOLIS Zenius - мировой бестселлер в сфере технологий оперативной печати, кодирования и персонализации пластиковых карт. Надежность, компактный размер, качество печати и удобство в использовании сделали Zenius наиболее продаваемым принтером более чем 100 странах мира.
- Любые встраиваемые кодировщики чипа карты.
- Скорость печати: 150 карт в час. (цветная печать) и 500 карт - монхромная.
- Умещается на листе бумаги формата A4.
- Практически бесшумный - 46 Дб.
- Высокое качество печати (11,8 точек на миллиметр) / 16 миллионов цветов.
- RAM: 16Mb
Приглашаем стать дилером компании EVOLIS, мирового лидера в сфере оперативной пачати и кодирования пластиковых карт в РФ и странах СНГ!
Узнать больше можно на сайте дистрибьютора:
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Сегодня мы поговорим о риббонах (термотрансферных красящих лентах), о которых уже упоминали в прошлых роликах.
Риббоны используются на принтерах этикеток при термотрансферной печати. Этот тип печати сейчас самый популярный и его рационально использовать везде, где будет иметь место длительное хранение товара (более месяца) и транспортировка товара между городами (в частности для печати маркировки для маркетплейсов).
Выбор подходящего риббона осуществляется исходя из трех критериев:
• "какой у вас принтер?"риббон должен подходить именно к вашей модели принтера
• "на чем вы печатаете?"риббон должен подходить к материалу на котором вы печатаете
• "какой размер?" размер риббона должен подходить к размерам материала, на котором печатаете.
В этом видео мы расскажем обо всех трех критериях выбора риббона подробнее.
Мы всегда на связи для своих клиентов настоящих и будущим, и поможем подобрать риббоны для ваших принтеров печати этикеток. А при необходимости и сами принтеры порекомендуем.
#риббон #термотрансферная_печать #термотрансферная_лента #риббон_для_принтера #риббон_печать #печать_этикеток_для_wildberries #печать_этикеток_для_озон #печать_маркировки #термолента #печать_штрихкодов #термотрансферный_принтер #риббон_wax #риббон_resin #ЦКТ #товары_для_бизнеса
Приветствуем на канале компании ЦКТ!
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Evolis Original High Trust® Ribbons
Evolis original High Trust® ribbons optimize your printer’s operation and avoid causing damage to it. The use of ribbons from other suppliers is likely to damage your printer and voids the manufacturer’s warranty for the printer.
The printer automatically recognizes the inserted ribbon.
For orders +918075742782
Message SreeNath_Kubs Impex on WhatsApp.
#Evoliskerala #evolis #idcards #YMCKORIBBON #kubs Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
FAQ Чем отличаются принтеры для лент? Что такое риббон? ⭐️
Видео отвечает на часто задаваемые вопросы: Чем отличаются принтеры для лент? Что такое держатель рулонов и зачем он нужен? Как происходит экономия? Обязательно посмотрите перед покупкой!
00:05 | Основные вопросы о принтерах для печати лент
00:11 | Принтер ECO Эконом
00:21 | Риббон красящая лента
03:10 | Держатель больших рулонов
03:27 | Принтер Citizen RT
04:20 | Сатин и атлас
09:23 | Принтер для печати табличек Citizen TAB
10:32 | Сравнение печати принтеров
11:26 | Риббон Resin Wax Смола Воск
14:25 | Техподдержка и гарантия
Вторая часть видео:
Сувенирщик.рф - принтеры для печати лент.
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EVOLIS Primacy 2 - многофункциональный модульный цифровой принтер печати и кодирования ID карт
Новинка 2022! Скоростная и многофункциональная система изготовления, кодирования и персонализации карт!
EVOLIS Primacy 2 является профессиональным надежным решением для цифровой сублимационной и монохромной печати и персонализации пластиковых ID, Smart-карт, Контактно-бесконтактных карт и удостоверений. Главными преимуществами EVOLIS Primacy являются:
- Высокая надежность
- Высокая производительность
- Возможность встраивания кодировщиков: 13,56MHz, 125kHz, Smart-контактных чипов, кодировщиков магнитной полосы и специальных кодировщиков (HID, Legic итд.)
— цветная печать (YMCKO): 280 карт в час (от 300 до 1200 dpi)
(технология адаптируемого цифрового профиля)
— монохромная печать: 600-850 карт в час
Входной лоток: 100 карт (0,76mm)
Выходной лоток: 100 карт (0,76 mm) (опционально 200 карт)
- Технология: Rewrite (перезаписи карт)
- Технология: UV печати
- Технология: Двойного ламинирования
- Технология: "Kineclipse" защиты и удаления данных, а также доступа к устройству
- Технология: интеллектуального управления через QR код, коннект управления с мобильными устройствами и планшетами.
USB / Ethernet / Беспроводное соединени
WiFi (опционально)
Узнать больше:
Ваша компания может стать дилером компании EVOLIS
Для этого, свяжитесь с дистрибьютором EVOLIS в РФ и СНГ - ADVENT Systems - info@
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Evolis Primacy ID Card Printer - How to Clean Your Printer
This support video walks you through how to clean your Evolis Primacy ID card printer. Following these steps will help you properly care for and maintain your printer, preventing damage and maintaining print quality.
A cleaning kit comes with all the supplies you need to clean your Primacy printer:
Want to learn more about the Evolis Primacy ID card printer? Visit the AlphaCard website for more information: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Evolis Primacy 5 Panel Color Ribbon - YMCKO - 300 prints - R5F008AAA
This 5-panel color ribbon (YMCKO) can print 300 cards per roll for the Evolis Primacy card printers. YMCKO ribbons apply a protective varnish to your cards to retain a high-quality image despite their frequent use. This process makes it possible to optimize the quality of printed images and logos with a 300 DPI resolution that guarantees expert presentation. #evolis #primacy #idcard
Item # R5F008AAA
Aptika is your leading source for ID cards, photo ID supplies, and security equipment. Our warehousing facilities stock all ID solutions, including ID card printers, signature pads, software, systems, and other ID supplies. Aptika is the best value for your money! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Purchase here:
Enjoy consistent, premium print quality with your desktop Evolis plastic card printer using our official manufacturers ribbons. Only OEM ribbons are made to spec for your printer and offer the best print quality while not voiding your printer warranty. Choose for easy ordering, great customer service, fantastic pricing, and the best selection.
Get the highest quality print
Extend the life of your printer
Easy loading and unloading
Full, even ink coverage Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Step by step process on selecting the correct type of ribbon for your Evolis printer. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Follow the instruction to do an advanced cleaning of your Primacy 1 card printer:
Maintenance accessory needed: impregnated “T” shaped card and adhesive card.
1. Open the printer cover.
2. Remove the ribbon from the printer if present.
3. Close the cover and check it has clicked shut.
4. Open the feeder.
5. Using the lever, set the card thickness to the MAX position
6. Remove any cards present in the feeder.
7. Double click the cleaning button on the control panel before inserting the cleaning card
8. Take the “T” shaped cleaning card and insert it into the feeder as shown. Cleaning starts.
9. Remove the “T” shaped card, then remove the film from the adhesive cleaning card and insert the cleaning card into the feeder as shown, adhesive side up. Cleaning starts.
10. The used adhesive card is ejected automatically into the output hopper.
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To carry out an in-depth clean of your printer, we recommend you clean the card feed rollers in addition to carrying out a basic clean every 5 regular cleans.
Wait for 2 minutes after cleaning before using your printer. Remember to reset the gauge to the desired card thickness. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
With optimised printhead protection, new colour profiles, digital erasing, and the option for a double overlay ribbon, this card printing solution is a perfect tool for businesses.
Additionally, the Primacy 2 comes with rewrite capability and an optional 200-card feeder for added convenience.
Find out more about the Evolis Primacy 2:
Alternatively, you can call us today to speak to an expert on 01604 422422 or send us an email to sales@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This support video will walk you through getting started with your Evolis Primacy ID card printer. Following these set up steps will help you properly care for and maintain your printer, preventing damage and maintaining print quality.
A cleaning kit comes with all the supplies you need to clean your Evolis Primacy printer:
Evolis Primacy ribbons come in many colors and print sizes, including full color YMCKO ribbons and monochrome ribbons:
Blank ID cards come in a wide range of materials and sizes, although the most common are CR80 30mil white cards:
Want to learn more about the Evolis Primacy ID card printers? Visit the AlphaCard website for more information: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
To clean the Evolis Primacy 1 card printer follow the instructions below:
Maintenance accessory: adhesive cleaning card.
1. Open the printer cover.
2. Remove the ribbon from the printer if present.
3. Close the cover and check it has clicked shut.
4. Open the feeder.
5. Remove any cards present in the feeder.
6. Using the gauge, set the card thickness to the MAX position.
7. Peel off the film from a new adhesive cleaning card supplied by Evolis.
8. Double-click the control panel's pushbutton.
9. Insert the cleaning card in the opened feeder, adhesive face upwards. Cleaning starts.
10. The used adhesive card is ejected automatically into the output hopper. Open it and remove the used adhesive card.
11. Put the ribbon back into the printer, then place some blank cards in the feeder and adjust the gauge to the appropriate card thickness.
Passing the adhesive card repeatedly through the printer cleans the cleaning roller. This removes any residual dust found on the front and back faces of the cards before they are introduced into the printer.
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The cleaning LED warns you when you need to clean the insides of the printer (every 1000 cards processed).
If you do not carry out this cleaning at the required times, the print head warranty will cease to be valid. The print head warranty is directly linked to routine cleaning of your printer. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Double Side PVC Evolis Primacy ID Card Printer (Dual Side), Output Hopper Capacity: 100 Nos
Evolis has changed its Ribbon type from Ribbon with Cassette to Ribbon without Cassette. First Insert the key provided with Ribbon in the slot provided right side after opening the printer. Now put the Ribbons in the slots provided as shown in the video. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This support video will walk you through getting started with your Evolis Zenius ID card printer. Following these set up steps will help you properly care for and maintain your printer, preventing damage and maintaining print quality.
A cleaning kit comes with all the supplies you need to clean your Evolis Zenius printer:
Evolis Zenius ribbons come in many colors and print sizes, including full color YMCKO ribbons and monochrome ribbons:
Blank ID cards come in a wide range of materials and sizes, although the most common are CR80 30mil white cards:
Want to learn more about the Evolis Zenius ID card printers? Visit the AlphaCard website for more information: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Follow the instructions below to learn how to install the cards & ribbon on an Evolis Primacy 2 card printer.
1. Installation of the cards:
You can insert a maximum of 100 cards of thickness mm into the Primacy 2 feeder.
For optimum quality, ISO 7810 certified cards must be used. Use only the card types recommended by Evolis and keep your cards protected from dust.
To preserve print quality, do not:
- touch the printable surface of the cards
- use cards that have been damaged, folded, embossed or dropped on the floor.
2. Installation of the ribbon:
Evolis original High Trust® ribbons optimize your printer’s operation and avoid causing damage to it. The use of ribbons from other suppliers is likely to damage your printer and voids the manufacturer’s warranty for the printer.
After inserting the ribbon as shown, close the feeder and press until a click is heard.
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00:00 Installation of the cards
00:22 Installation of the ribbon Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
To fix your Evolis High Trust ribbon, you will need a standard transparent adhesive tape.
1. Remove the ribbon from the printer.
2. If visible and if possible, manually remove any larger remains from the rollers.
the two portions of the ribbon together using standard transparent adhesive tape then wind the ribbon as shown in the video.
To make sure that this doesn't happen again: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Follow the instructions below to learn how to install the ribbon on the Evolis Quantum 2 card printer.
Evolis original ribbons optimise your printer’s operation and avoid causing damage to it. The use of ribbons from other suppliers is liable to damage your printer and voids the manufacturer’s warranty for the printer.
1. Ensure that the appropriate ribbon type is selected in the print driver.
2. Open the printing module cover
3. Insert the ribbon as shown.
4. Close the cover and press until a click is heard
Find the consumables adapted to your product:
Contact us to find the nearest Evolis dealer: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Evolis R2F010NAA KO Black Monochrome Ribbon 600 prints R EV R2F010NAA
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In this video, we demonstrate how to load your ID cards into the Evolis Zenius printer as well as how to load the print ribbon into your printer. As a reminder, please remember to put your ID cards blank side up into the tray. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Primacy printer is ultra-fast, powerful, and efficient. Using advanced encoding technologies, this office printer is the ideal solution for printing personalized cards, from the simplest to the most secure.
Available as single or double-sided, Primacy especially meets card printing and encoding needs for medium and large runs.
Learn here how to install the Duplex Activation Key.
For more information, please click this link:
Contact DBC Group at +353 1 460 2200 and visit our website at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Принтер пластиковых карт Evolis Primacy в Каталоге ТСБ "ТД ТИНКО": Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Evolis Primacy ID Card Printer - Cleaning Routine | DBC Group Ireland
The Evolis Primacy is a high-end single-sided printer that is easy to use, flexible and fast. When loaded with the Evolis cutting-edge encoding technologies, Primacy turns into the ideal solution to issue cards.
Learn here how to clean your Evolis Primacy ID Card Printer.
We have a range of different types of products, available here:
Find our Evolis Primacy ID Card Printer:
Cleaning Kit:
Advanced Cleaning Kit for complete printer cleaning:
Contact DBC Group at +353 1 460 2200 and visit our website at for more information. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
- Short video demonstration of setting up the Elypso card printer by Evolis, installing Evolis Premium Suite Software, hooking up to your PC, loading the ribbon cartridge, and printing a test card.
The Elypso is a versatile front-desk / reception card station that issues personalized cards instantly at busy customer-facing locations.
The Elypso combines the Primacy print engine in a Zenius body. This hybrid combination delivers a compact high-performance card printer prints either single or dual sided cards - and can be equipped easily with encoders for magnetic stripe and contact and contactless smart cards.
Thanks to Elypso's unique front-loading design, insertion and retrieval of cards makes it
easy to access even in tight spaces - perfect for instant issuance of:
- Payment cards
- Transit passes
- Loyalty cards / gift cards
- Healthcare cards
Contact an IDCardGroup ID expert today at (877) 868-0012 to learn more. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
If your Elypso card printer prints on only one side of the card and you want to print on both sides, you can add a double-sided printing upgrade.
This kit comprises an activation key which must be inserted into the printer. This operation is quick and easy to do.
Follow the procedure below:
Your printer must be powered on and active (not in standby mode).
1. Open the printer cover.
2. Remove the ribbon from the printer if present.
3. Take your activation key and insert it in the location provided.
4. Close the cover. The 3 LEDs on the control panel start flashing one after the other for between 5 and 10 seconds. Activation has finished and is successful when the 3 LEDs remain lit for several seconds then turn off.
5. Open the printer cover and remove the activation key. Put the ribbon back.
6. Close the cover.
To obtain an Evolis flip-over module you can contact directly your Evolis dealer or contact us here:
Carry out a print of a technical test card to obtain all the updated information about your printer after activation has taken place.
Follow the procedure below:
1. Press the pushbutton for four to five seconds until it turns off.
2. Press and hold down the pushbutton again. The indicator light on the pushbutton comes on.
3. Release the pushbutton once the indicator light flashes.
4. Wait until the 'Card/ Ribbon' LED of the printer is flashing to insert the card in the feeder.
5. The test card is double-sided printed and delivered to the feeder.
The printer is ready for two-sided printing. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Evolis Primacy is a high-end single-sided printer that is easy to use, flexible and fast. When loaded with the Evolis cutting-edge encoding technologies, Primacy turns into the ideal solution to issue cards.
We have a range of different types of products, available here:
Find our Evolis Primacy ID Card Printer:
Cleaning Kit:
Advanced Cleaning Kit for complete printer cleaning:
Contact DBC Group at +353 1 460 2200 and visit our website at for more information. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Evolis Zenius Classic line Fire Red Card Printer - USB - ZN1U0000RS
Evolis Zenius Classic line Fire Red Card Printer - USB - is the one-stop solution to print high-quality single-sided cards in monochrome or color and encode technology cards, singly or in runs, for a variety of applications: employee badges, access control badges, payment cards, transportation passes, and more... #evolis #idcard #cardprinter
Item # ZN1U0000RS
Aptika is your leading source for ID cards, photo ID supplies, and security equipment. Our warehousing facilities stock all ID solutions, including ID card printers, signature pads, software, systems, and other ID supplies. Aptika is the best value for your money! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Primacy 2 from Evolis brings a host of new features, such as optimized printhead protection, rewrite capability, digital erasing, double overlay ribbon, UV effect, 200-card feeder, and especially new color profiles
Watch a demonstration of how to utilize the YMCKOO Ribbon capabilities.
Learn more:
#securitysolutions #usercredentials #IDprinter #idbadgeprinting #customID #IDcardprinter #batchprinting #identitymanagement Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Follow the instructions below to learn how to install the cards & ribbons (printing ribbon & retransfer film) on an Evolis Agilia card printer.
Install the printing ribbon
1. Take the printing ribbon.
2. Insert the start (full) roll of the ribbon on the orange spindle. The ribbon unwinds upward. A click
confirms the correct insertion. The etiquette on the side of the ribbon base must point to the arrow.
3. Put the ribbon around the pins.
4. Insert the finish (empty) roll of the film on the black spindle.
5. Use the wheel on the outside of the cassette to tighten the ribbon, following the direction of the arrows (one complete turn).
Install the retransfer film
1. Take the retransfer film.
2. Insert the start (full) roll of the film on the blue spindle. The film unwinds downwards. A click
confirms the correct insertion. The etiquette on the side of the ribbon base must point to the arrow.
3. Put the film around the pins.
4. Insert the finish (empty) roll of the film on the black spindle.
5. Use the wheel on the outside of the cassette to tighten the ribbon, following the direction of the arrows (go to the second set of black marks).
Install the cards & adjust card thickness
- Card thickness can be set from mm – 30mil to - 50mil.
- Factory setting of the printer is mm – 30mil.
The card feeder has a total capacity of 200 cards ( mm – 30mil).
For optimum quality, the cards used must be ISO 7810 certified.
Only use Evolis High Trust® consumables. These consumables insure printing quality, reliability and maximize the life span of the print head.
The use of consumables other than Evolis High Trust® may lead to a bad printing quality and a dysfunction of the card printer.
Find the consumables adapted to your product:
Contact us to find the nearest Evolis dealer:
00:00 Remove the cassettes
00:18 Install the printing ribbon
00:42 Install the retransfer film
01:08 Put the cassettes back in place
01:30 Adjusting card thickness
01:51 Loading cards in the card feeder Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
EVOLIS Primacy Lamination - это компактный дополнительный ламинатор для принтеров EVOLIS Primacy, который позволяет после печати ламинировать ID, Smart и банковские карты - защитной пленкой.
- Односторонняя и двухстороння ламинация пластиковых карт защитной пленкой.
- 32 MB память (RAM) стандарт - опционально 64 MB1.
- Стандартный встроенный "флатенер - выравниватель" пластиковых карт.
- Технология ламинации карт основана на уникальной технологии использования "кварцевого инфракрасного канала" и силиконового горячего ламинирования поверхности карт.
Узнать больше:
Вы можете стать дилером компании EVOLIS
Для этого, свяжитесь с дистрибьютором EVOLIS в РФ и СНГ - компанией ADVENT Systems - info@
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Evolis R2015 White Monochrome Ribbon 1000 Prints R EV WH
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Evolis YMCKO Original Colour Ribbon Cartridge Installation #evolis #color #printer #getdot solutions Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Evolis Zenius ID Card Printer - How to Clean Your Printer
This support video walks you through how to clean your Evolis Zenius ID card printer. Following these steps will help you properly care for and maintain your printer, preventing damage and maintaining print quality.
A cleaning kit comes with all the supplies you need to clean your Zenius printer:
Want to learn more about the Evolis Zenius ID card printer? Visit the AlphaCard website for more information: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Evolis primacy Dual side Id card Printer for printing the aadhar card, Epic card, ID cards, Driving licences, pan cards and many more. here we have shown the installation and the working of the evolis primacy aadhar and id card printer. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Evolis Primacy - How to do a routine printer cleaning
The Evolis Primacy is a high-end id card printer that is easy-to-use, flexible and fast. When loaded with the Evolis cutting-edge encoding technologies, Primacy turns into the ideal solution to issue cards.
For the complete range of ID printers from DED Limited visit Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ID Card Printer... Evolis Primacy 2 #idcardprinter #evolis #primacy2
How to ID Card Printing Machine Works.
ID Card Printer Price in BD | ID Card Printer | #evolis #Primacy2 #idcardprinter
ID Card Printer Service Center এ আপনাকে স্বাগতম। Universe IT and Automation Ltd আইডি কার্ড প্রিন্টিং এর সকল সোলিউশন দিয়ে থাকেন। যে কোন ID Card প্রিন্টারের সমস্যার জন্য আমাদের সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন:
Universe IT and Automation Ltd.
Mob- 01823-021975
Corporate office: Flat-4D, H-9/2, Road-Garden Street (Shyamoli Mat opposite), Ring-Road, Shaymoli, Dhaka-1207.
#idcardprinter #evolis #primacy2 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Evolis R2030 White Signature Panel Ribbon 1000 Prints R EV WHSIG
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Evolis Primacy ID Card Printer - Quick Start Guide
This support video will walk you through getting started with your Evolis Primacy ID card printer. Following these set up steps will help you properly care for and maintain your printer, preventing damage and maintaining print quality.
A cleaning kit comes with all the supplies you need to clean your Evolis Primacy printer:
Evolis Primacy ribbons come in many colors and print sizes, including full color YMCKO ribbons and monochrome ribbons:
Blank ID cards come in a wide range of materials and sizes, although the most common are CR80 30mil white cards:
Want to learn more about the Evolis Primacy ID card printers? Visit the AlphaCard website for more information: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Discover how to quickly install your Evolis Zenius card printer.
1. Connecting to the power supply
Once you have unpacked the printer and its accessories from the box, connect the power cable to the power supply unit and plug the power cable connector into the printer.
Next, plug the end of the power cable into an earthed power socket. The printer is powered on: the control panel lights up showing the printer is working properly.
Under no circumstances should you connect the USB data cable before installation of the printer driver is complete.
2. Install the printer driver
On PC: insert the CD-ROM into your computer and select the printer driver menu. A program will guide you through the entire installation process.
On Mac: insert the CD-ROM into your computer and double-click on the .pkg format that will launch the driver installation on your computer.
3. Connecting the printer to the computer
Once the machine has been installed on the computer, connect the USB cable to the computer and printer.
4. Installation of the ribbon
Open the printer cover and insert the ribbon.
Close the cover and press until a click is heard. The ribbon positions itself automatically.
5. Installation of the cards
Open the card feeder.
If necessary, adjust the gauge lever from right to left depending on the thickness of the cards used, from to mm.
Insert cards into the feeder (capacity: 50 cards maximum of thickness )
Note that the cards are printed on the upper face.
Close the feeder.
6. Printing a card
Run a print, the printed cards are delivered to the output hopper (capacity of the hopper: 100 cards maximum of thickness ). To remove the printed card, open the door of the output hopper.
00:00 Connecting to the power supply
00:28 Install the printer driver
00:46 Connecting the printer to the computer
00:56 Installation of the ribbon
01:17 Installation of the cards
01:31 Printing a card" Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Evolis Zenius ID Card Printer - Regular Printhead Cleaning | DBC Group Ireland
Evolis Zenius ID Card Printer is the one-stop solution to print high-quality single-sided ID cards, in monochrome or colour, and encode technology cards.
Learn here how to clean your Evolis Zenius ID Card Printer.
We have a range of different types of products, available here:
Find our Evolis Zenius ID Card Printer:
Cleaning Kit:
Advanced Cleaning Kit for complete printer cleaning:
Contact DBC Group at +353 1 460 2200 and visit our website at for more information. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Риббон Evolis к принтерам Quantum1, черный, 5000 отпечатков (R2121). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17