Мой первый принтер для маркировки! Впечатления и выявленные недостатки.
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Портативный принтер этикеток BRADY BMP21-Plus - самый компактный принтер в ассортименте ЮМП. Легко помещается в одну руку, максимально легкий и универсальный. Высококачественная технология термотрансферной маркировки обеспечивает срок службы этикеток до 10 лет внутри и снаружи помещения. Больше подробностей: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
BRADY M210 - универсальный термотрансферный принтер этикеток, выполняющий широкий спектр задач по маркировке электрического и телекоммуникационного оборудования, систем обработки и передачи данных. Компактный помощник на производстве, в лабораториях, а также в офисе и быту. Маркировка провода стала еще проще, новые материалы расширяют возможности и сферы применения принтера этикеток.
Принтер имеет удобную эргономику и особо прочную конструкцию. Картриджи с системой «Вставь, зафиксируй, печатай», защитные резиновые амортизаторы на корпусе, ремень для крепления на руке, подсветка экрана, полная русификация, обеспечивают все условия для комфортной работы.
Компания ЮМП более двадцати лет поставляет на российский рынок передовое оборудование для промышленных предприятий.
Мы являемся поставщиками ведущих торговых марок США и Европы: Принтеры и оборудование для маркировки, электромеханические инструменты, промышленная химия, сорбенты и системы безопасности.
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Принтер-маркиратор Brady M210 для маркировки кабеля и печати этикеток - новинка в линейке принтеров Brady, который пришел на смену портативному принтеру Brady BMP21-Plus.
Несмотря на внешнее сходство со своим предшественником, у Brady M210 есть ряд отличий и преимуществ:
- экологичная картонная упаковка
- новинка в линейке картриджей, а именно Brady B-581 для маркировки стеллажей на складе
- ленты с вырубленными этикетками определенных размеров и закругленными краями, что снижает вероятность задиров по углам
- краткое руководство пользователя в картинках
- клипса для фиксации принтера на ремне
- датчик остатка материала в картридже.
Новые картриджи промаркированы логотипом с буквой "А" и совместимы с принтерами Brady BMP21-Plus.
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BRADY BMP21-Plus (CYR) Портативный ленточный принтер-маркиратор с кириллицей.
BRADY BMP21-Plus (CYR) Портативный ленточный принтер-маркиратор с кириллицей. Картридж M21-750-499. Упаковка блистер.
BRADY BMP21-PLUS - это универсальный термотрансферный принтер этикеток, выполняющий широкий спектр задач по маркировке электрического и телекоммуникационного оборудования, систем обработки и передачи данных, маркировка в лабораториях. Компактный помощник на производстве, в лабораториях, а также в офисе и быту. Маркировка провода стала еще проще, новые материалы расширяют возможности и сферы применения принтера этикеток. Принтер имеет удобную эргономику и особо прочную конструкцию. Картриджи с системой «Вставь, зафиксируй, печатай», защитные резиновые амортизаторы на корпусе, подсветка экрана, полная русификация, обеспечивают все условия для комфортной работы. Основные сферы применения: маркировка провода; маркировка клеммных колодок; маркировка патч-панелей; маркировка электро компонентов; общая маркировка Новый BRADY BMP 21-PLUS является заменой старой модели ВМР21. Все расходные материалы от принтера BMP21, полностью совместимы с новым BMP21-Plus. Все новые материалы, кроме новых картриджей шириной 6 мм, совместимы с предыдущей моделью принтера BMP21. На портативном термотрансферном принтере этикеток BRADY BMP21-PLUS вы создадите надежную маркировку, которая будет служить долгие годы. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Какой картридж выбрать к принтеру М210 BMP21 PLUS для маркировки провода. Отвечает Маркерпром
В данном виде подробно расскажем, каким образом можно промаркировать провод и кабель, используя принтер М210 или его предшественника BMP21-PLUS.
Разбираем каждый материал, его особенности и существующие размеры.
00:00 Приветствие
01:27 Нейлоновя ткань, код материала B-499
05:40 Виниловая пленка, код материала B-595
08:55 Самоламинирующийся винил, код материала B-427
13:42 Термоусадочная замозатухающаяся трубка, код материала B-342
17:55 Полиэстер на липучке Велкро, код материала B-414
20:01 Подведем итоги
►►Принтер-маркиратор Brady M210◄◄
►►Принтер маркиратор Brady BMP21-PLUS◄◄
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BMP21-PLUS is now the M210.
Shiny new name. Same trusted experience. Design, create and print labels using our simple, familiar and intuitive keypad.
Learn more:
M210 Handheld Label Maker -
M210 Handheld Label Maker & Accessories -
Also Available, the M210 Lab Label Printer -
Wire & Cable Labeling: Choosing the Right Labels & Printer -
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Brady Authentic (M21-500-595-WT) All-Weather Vinyl Label for Indoor/Outdoor ID, Lab and Equip Review
Brady Authentic (M21-500-595-WT) All-Weather Vinyl Label for Indoor/Outdoor ID, Lab and Equipment L
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Brady Authentic (M21-500-595-WT) All-Weather Vinyl Label for Indoor/Outdoor ID, Lab and Equipment L Amazon Product Review
This KnowledgeBase video is a quick self help guide which loads in some useful information about this Amazon product. This video shows some good refined pieces of information which could be important before you buy the product. The information in this video is shown as is without any modification after taking from the review forums, google and amazon webpages. We hope that this will help you in some way. The link provided is an affiliate link with no extra cost to you. This does not cost you any extra. To make this video useful, we have shown some reviews from users who have used this product. Related terms: Amazon Review, Amazon Product Review, product quality. #BradyAuthentic(M21500595WT)AllWeatherVinylLabelforIndoor/OutdoorID,LabandEquipmentL #Brady #Authentic #(M21-500-595-WT) #All-Weather #Vinyl #Label #for #Indoor/Outdoor #ID, #Lab #and #Equipment #L
Product : [ Brady Authentic (M21-500-595-WT) All-Weather Vinyl Label for Indoor/Outdoor ID, Lab and Equipment L ] Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
.K #14 Обзор и краштест маркировочного принтера Brady BMP21-PLUS
Need to make numerous labels with varying lengths? It's easy to do with the Brady BMP21 portable label maker. This video shows how to create fixed label length with the label options with the Brady BMP21 Portable Label Printer. The BMP21 printer is an ideal labeler for creating clear, legible labels of a variety of lengths, offering many label options. Watch this video to learn how to insert the label cartridge, maximize the font size, choose fixed label lengths and utilize the BMP21 label printer's 80 different symbols.
Designed for use in the voice/data comm., electrical, and industrial markets, the BMP21 offers plenty of functionality and label options to meet the needs of any worker in the field. And the label materials are designed to stand up to extreme temperatures and harsh environments so the labels stay in place for years to come.
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Человеческая инструкция о том, как переключить язык меню и язык клавиатуры на принтере этикеток BMP21-PLUS от Brady. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Brady Authentic (M21-500-595-GY) All-Weather Vinyl Label for Indoor/Outdoor ID, Lab and Equip Review
Brady Authentic (M21-500-595-GY) All-Weather Vinyl Label for Indoor/Outdoor ID, Lab and Equipment L
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Brady Authentic (M21-500-595-GY) All-Weather Vinyl Label for Indoor/Outdoor ID, Lab and Equipment L Amazon Product Review
This KnowledgeBase video is a quick self help guide which loads in some useful information about this Amazon product. This video shows some good refined pieces of information which could be important before you buy the product. The information in this video is shown as is without any modification after taking from the review forums, google and amazon webpages. We hope that this will help you in some way. The link provided is an affiliate link with no extra cost to you. This does not cost you any extra. To make this video useful, we have shown some reviews from users who have used this product. Related terms: Amazon Review, Amazon Product Review, product quality. #BradyAuthentic(M21500595GY)AllWeatherVinylLabelforIndoor/OutdoorID,LabandEquipmentL #Brady #Authentic #(M21-500-595-GY) #All-Weather #Vinyl #Label #for #Indoor/Outdoor #ID, #Lab #and #Equipment #L
Product : [ Brady Authentic (M21-500-595-GY) All-Weather Vinyl Label for Indoor/Outdoor ID, Lab and Equipment L ] Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video, I explain how to open up a BMP21 PLUS printer cartridge and repair the ribbon. The task can be completed with common household tools. It is easier than you might think! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Handheld printer for Cable & Wire Identification and General Labeling & Identification Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Купить принтер BRADY BMP21-Plus и картриджи к нему по ценам официального дилера можно в нашем интернет-магазине Сохраните в закладки, чтобы не потерять.
Почему монтажники выбирают принтер BRADY BMP21-Plus? Мы в компании Маркерпром определили несколько причин:
• удобство в работе (множество простых и быстрых в настройке шаблонов этикетки),
• большой выбор очень стойких материалов (мы сравнивали с конкурентами)
• крепкий прорезиненный корпус (роняли и прыгали на нем)
Мы, как официальный дилер продукции BRADY, подготовили памятку по использованию принтера для маркировки патч-панелей.
Сообщите в комментариях, если Вам не хватает каких-то инструкций по продукции BRADY.
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►►Статья: BRADY BMP21-Plus Инструкции. Маркировка патч-панелей◄◄
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Get the Brady BMP21-Plus here on Amazon: =as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B00IELD1O4&linkCode=as2&tag=worksaddic-20&linkId=LUBMMFH6P2QEMF2X
Brady BMP21-PLUS Label Printer is one of the best handheld label printers I have ever used. The BMP21-PLUS was made for tradesmen with its rugged construction. The available label material from Brady allows this item to be used in many situations other label printer labels would not. The BMP21-Plus creates continuous-only labels up to 3/4" wide. Add to that 70 label parts across 8 durable materials including; self-laminating wire markers, heat-shrink wire sleeves, cable flags, 8-to-10-year outdoor vinyl, nylon cloth wire and panel labels, terminal block and patch panel labels, and chemical-resistant polyester and polypropylene.
When you start using this tool, it is an immediate feel of quality that is well worth the price of this unit over the other label printers on the market. The display is LED backlit for low light conditions and makes for an easy read outdoors also. Beyond what I have already talked about, there are many industry-specific features; one-touch setup for aire, flagging, T-block, patchpanel and breaker box apps, and 125 symbols for electrical, datacom, A/V, smart home and safety. The items that the printer can do and easily access are amazing. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Perfect for organising your office, labelling electrical wires or datacomm cables, or even implementing a LEAN visual workplace
Drop, Lock & Go™ Smart Cartridges - ribbon and label in one
Large backlit display screen
Barcodes, serialisation and 104 symbols for electrical, safety and datacomm
Print on materials up to wide
Optional rechargeable Li-Ion battery, magnet, flashlight and pole wrist strap Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I review the BMP21+ industrial label maker from BRADY LABEL.
The main benefit of a BRADY label maker is the quality of labels. These labels will last for years! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
СПЕЦПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ на АТОЛ BP21 по промокоду "Я С YOUTUBE", звони 8-800-222-74-28:
В обзоре АТОЛ BP21 – это самый бюджетный принтер этикеток начального класса в ассортименте компании АТОЛ. Принтер отлично подходит для печати небольшого количества этикеток, бирок или чеков. Модель применяется для маркировки продукции в розничной торговле, для печати бирок на одежду в бутиках, а также для маркировки ТМЦ в офисе, на складе или лаборатории.
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Brady's BMP®21-PLUS Portable Label Printer - Tough on the outside. Smart on the inside.
Whether in the workplace or out in the field, get ready to tackle some of the most difficult labeling jobs. Take a look at some of the many applications this printer can handle:
Datacomm labeling: Cable flags, cable wraps, patch panels, faceplates, racks, bays, data centers
Electrical labeling: Wire markers and wraps, heat-shrink sleeves, circuit breakers or fuse boxes, terminal blocks
Workplace labeling: Tools, storage, shelving, visual workplace / 5S / lean, instruments, equipment
And don't worry about this printer being able to last. We know how you use it and it is built to last. So drop it, toss it, knock it, whatever... this printer can handle it.
Shock and vibration testing?
What's that mean? It's really rugged. Google it if you don't believe us.
Not only is it tough... it's smart too!
The BMP®21-PLUS Labeler knows how to:
- Format your label to your application
- Reduce label waste -- saving valuable material
- Drop-Lock-and-Print automatic formatting
What else? How about a range of accessories to make the job easier.
- Hands-free magnet tool
- Long-lasting Li-Ion Battery (available with the kit version or add-on accessory)
- Hard carrying case
- Multi-functional accessory tool
All of this, backed up by a TWO-YEAR Warranty. That's right. We know this printer will last and we're ready to back it up.
And if that doesn't do it for you, all you need to do is remember that you get to plug in some of the best materials in the business. Brady's labels are durable, reliable and built to last.
*Li-Ion battery available with the printer kit version or as an add-on accessory.
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Shop Brady Printers:
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The Brady BMP21 label maker is a durable and portable printer for industrial environments. Produces long-lasting vinyl and nylon cloth lables as well as Brady sleeves and self-lams for wire marking.
It's easy to use. Just turn the printer on, load your label cassette, key in your information, print, cut and apply. It's that easy! Plus the Brady BMP21 label maker is affordable.
Note: The Brady BMP21 label maker has been replaced with the BMP21-PLUS which is even more durable and affordable than the BMP21.
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Dasco is a label solutions provider committed to providing the best service for all of our customers, big or small. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Brady BMP21 Series Mobile Printer, presented by Katie Rydzewski for Galco TV. Buy the item featured in this video at 800-337-1720 or visit:
BMP21 Series Features:
The BMP21 Portable Label Printer is an all‑in‑one labeler for voice/data comm, electrical and general industrial crews. With label materials designed specifically for harsh environments, the BMP21 portable printer can quickly and easily create clear, legible labels that stay stuck for years ‑ despite extreme temperatures and curved or highly textured surfaces.
This label printer can print on self‑laminating vinyl, PermaSleeve™ wire marker sleeves, nylon cloth, polyester and indoor/outdoor vinyl label materials. It offers one‑handed operation and a large, backlit display for easy reading both indoors and outside. Its dual cutter buttons hold the label until you need it, and a multi‑function accessory is available with a magnet, flashlight and wrist strap.
- Easy‑to‑load cartridges ‑ including the NEW self‑laminating labels
- Built in touch cell in labels and ribbon allows printer to automatically format label
- 6 font sizes ‑ includes bold, auto sizing and bold auto sizing
- 80 different symbols ‑ 13 specific to voice/data comm.
- Barcoding -- choose from 39 and 128
- Automated serialization ‑ includes multiple copies and increment options
- Multiple print
- Dual cutter buttons and label retention
- Easy‑to‑read ‑ 2" W x 1" H display with backlight
- Built in bumper guards
- Print and cut technology -- press print once for multi‑print or serial
- Store, retrieve and delete label files
- Power source: 6 AA batteries -- AC power supply also available
- 12 month warranty
To find more Brady Printers visit:
And for the full line of Brady products visit:
Brady BMP21 Printer Accessories:
AC Adapter -
Multi-Function Accessory -
Galco is a Factory Authorized Stocking Distributor for Over 150 Brands of Industrial Electrical & Electronic Automation, Controls and Component Products; On-Site and Send-In Repair Services for Industrial Control & Automation Products for Over 2,000 Brands; Engineered Systems Integration, Retrofits & Upgrades for Variable Speed Drives, CNC, PLC Systems, Dynamometers & Test Stand Applications. Visit us online at http:// or call us at 800-337-1720.
With respect to the usage, installation or assembly of any products described in this video, Galco Industrial Electronics, Inc., a Michigan corporation, encourages you to follow the requirements and/or guidelines of: i) the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, Public Law 91-596, as amended, and all laws, rules and regulations implemented in relation thereto; ii) the National Electric Code®; and iii) NFPA 70E®. Any installation, assembly or work described in this video should be performed by a qualified licensed electrician.
GTV, Galco, , Galco Industrial Electronics, and Galco Industrial Electronics, Inc. are registered and/or pending registered trademarks under the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, assumed names, registered domain names, and/or trade names of Galco Industrial Electronics, Inc., a Michigan corporation. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
GO Industrial | Brady BMP21 Plus Label Printer - Introduction
La nueva impresora BMP®21-PLUS es inteligente y al mismo tiempo resistente. Robusta por fuera, pero inteligente por dentro. Esta etiquetadora está diseñada para enfrentar los trabajos más rudos en comunicación de datos, electricidad y etiquetado general en áreas de trabajo.
✅ Imprime duradera identificación de .25" hasta 75" de ancho, para maximizar la cantidad de datos.
✅ Etiquetas de longitud ajustable usando el material continuo de alto rendimiento.
✅ Batería recargable de ion de litio de larga duración
✅ Cortador ergonómico y sostenedor de etiquetas, que retiene la etiqueta después de cortarla, evitando que ésta se caiga
✅ Garantía de dos años incluida con la compra de la impresora
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De Brady BMP21-PLUS draagbare labelprinter is een alles-in-één printer voor voice/datacom, elektrische en algemene industriële identificatie. Voorzien van talrijke voordelen waaronder eenvoudig te plaatsen cartridges, een oplaadbare lithium-ionbatterij en rubberen beschermbumpers.
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Schakel razendsnel en print ieder pictogram, label of merker op elke moment. Zonder vooraard of levertijd. Ontwerp zelf, voeg logo’s toe, personaliseer waarschuwingen en printen op afwijkende formaten.
Brilliant Group is officieel distributeur van Brady. Advies nodig bij uw productkeuze of heeft u specifieke vragen rondom veiligheid of regelgeving? Neem contact op met een van onze specialisten of maak plan direct een vrijblijvende afspraak op uw locatie.
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Brady M211 - Bluetooth Label Printer | Design, preview & print labels from your smartphone
Discover how easy label printing can be! |
Simple and intuitive, the M211 is built for the job site, running all day on a full charge while resisting drops, shocks and crushes.
Seamlessly design, preview and print labels from your familiar smartphone and swiftly connect to a reliable, industrial grade printer. No other phone driven label printer today matches the label design possibilities of the M211 Label Printer.
- Design, preview and print even complex labels with our industry leading Express Labels App:
Easily create labels using data from your existing spreadsheets
Work efficiently by saving and swiftly sharing label designs with colleagues
Seamlessly connect to your printer via Bluetooth 5.0
Glance the on-board printer LED-indicators to check battery life, connectivity and remaining labels
- Simple. Easy. Intuitive: seamlessly design, preview and print labels from the industry leading Express Labels App on your familiar smartphone and swiftly connect to your printer.
- Label it once: now with both pre-sized and continuous labels in 90+ cartridges, filled to the brim with reliable, tested and dedicated label materials that stay attached and remain legible on every surface and in any environment.
- Survives and thrives on any worksite: ready to label all day with a lightweight, 0.5 kg printer, a powerful battery, drop-lock-print label cartridges and a built-in auto-cutter. Survives falls from up to , 110 kg crushes, and shocks.
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Brady BMP21-PLUS Portable Label Printer | All-in-one labeler by Brady
Tough on the Outside.
It's field ready. Don't worry about what the job throws at it.
The BMP21-PLUS Portable Label Printer is an all-in-one labeller for voice/datacom, electrical and general industrial teams. Offering drop-lock-and-go cartridges, plus a rechargeable Lithium-ion battery, plus protective rubber bumpers, plus a two year warranty adds up to the brains and brawn needed to take on the day-to-day rigours of any job.
Engineered long lasting material quality: prints durable true-sized 6 – 19 mm wide identification to maximize amount of data
Adjust the length of the labels using the high performance continuous material
Fulfill your requirements with up to 7 different industry specified materials that last
Extremely rugged and durable: drop tested printer, super rugged with moulded rubber bumpers provide optimal protection from falls
Ergonomic cutter and label grabber, holding the label after cutting, preventing it from falling out
Easy to use: ABC keypad, graphics library, hot keys and menu functions for fast label creation. Multi-functional accessory with magnet, flashlight and retractable printer stand for easy handling
Smart Cell Technology for automatic label setup and automatic formatting for wire wraps, terminal blocks, patch panels, cable flags and general labels
Smart on the Inside.
Drop-Lock-and-Print. Spend more time on the job and less
time on labeling.
Once you've experienced the BMP™21-PLUS Label Printer you're not going to want to share.
Want to know more?
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#bradyprinter #bmp21 #portableprinter Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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The BMP41 Label printer is a rugged, portable solution that gives you the versatility to create die-cut or continuous labels up to 25 mm wide, anywhere, anytime!
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Brady Authentic (M21-750-595-WT) All-Weather Vinyl Label for Indoor/Outdoor Identification, L Review
Brady Authentic (M21-750-595-WT) All-Weather Vinyl Label for Indoor/Outdoor Identification, Laborat
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This KnowledgeBase video is a quick self help guide which loads in some useful information about this Amazon product. This video shows some good refined pieces of information which could be important before you buy the product. The information in this video is shown as is without any modification after taking from the review forums, google and amazon webpages. We hope that this will help you in some way. The link provided is an affiliate link with no extra cost to you. This dows not cost you any extra. To make this video useful, we have shown some reviews from users who have used this product. Related terms: Amazon Review, Amazon Product Review, product quality. #BradyAuthentic(M21750595WT)AllWeatherVinylLabelforIndoor/OutdoorIdentification,Laborat #Brady #Authentic #(M21-750-595-WT) #All-Weather #Vinyl #Label #for #Indoor/Outdoor #Identification, #Laborat
Product : [ Brady Authentic (M21-750-595-WT) All-Weather Vinyl Label for Indoor/Outdoor Identification, Laborat ] Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Brady offers a range of mobile printers to print your tags and labels in the field. Take a look at our website for the whole range Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Brady BMP71 Label Printer | How to Clean Your Printer
The BMP®71 label printer is easily one of our most versatile portable label makers. This video shows you the simple steps to clean your printer to keep it running optimally.
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Ever made a barcode label or safety label in just a few clicks? This video demonstrates the easy steps of creating any kind of label with the Brady BMP®71 mobile printer. From instructions on how to insert the label cartridge to selecting the banner landscape, font size and accessing the barcode menu, all the necessary steps for making selections like a barcode label, graphic label or text label are outlined.
The BMP®71 is one of Brady's most user-friendly portable printers. With one-hand operation and large display (with backlight) for easy reading, this is a must-have tool for voice/data comm., electrical and industrial crews.
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Brady BMP21-Plus Label Printer presented by Katie Nyberg for Galco TV.
Buy the items featured in this video at 800-337-1720 or visit: or for the kit go here: BMP21-PLUS-KIT1?source=YouTubeText
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Features of the BMP21-Plus include:
- Long life rechargeable lithium‑ion battery
- Rugged construction with molded rubber bumpers
- ABC keypad, graphics library, hot keys and menu functions
- Up to 8 different industry specified materials that last
- Prints durable true‑sized .25 – .75 inch wide identification
The BMP21-Plus is the successor to the BMP21 with more functions at a fraction of the cost.
Galco is a Factory Authorized Stocking Distributor for Over 150 Brands of Industrial Electrical & Electronic Automation, Controls and Component Products; On-Site and Send-In Repair Services for Industrial Control & Automation Products for Over 2,000 Brands; Engineered Systems Integration, Retrofits & Upgrades for Variable Speed Drives, CNC, PLC Systems, Dynamometers & Test Stand Applications. Visit us online at http:// or call us at 800-337-1720.
With respect to the usage, installation or assembly of any products described in this video, Galco Industrial Electronics, Inc., a Michigan corporation, encourages you to follow the requirements and/or guidelines of: i) the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, Public Law 91-596, as amended, and all laws, rules and regulations implemented in relation thereto; ii) the National Electric Code®; and iii) NFPA 70E®. Any installation, assembly or work described in this video should be performed by a qualified licensed electrician.
GTV, Galco, , Galco Industrial Electronics, and Galco Industrial Electronics, Inc. are registered and/or pending registered trademarks under the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, assumed names, registered domain names, and/or trade names of Galco Industrial Electronics, Inc., a Michigan corporation.
While we have made every attempt to ensure that the information provided is accurate and has been obtained from reliable sources, Galco is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information. All information is provided "as is", with no guarantee of completeness, accuracy, timeliness or of the results obtained from the use of this information, and without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to warranties of performance, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. At all times you should defer to the instructions and safety guidelines issued by the manufacturer. In no event will Galco, its agents or employees thereof be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken in reliance on the information provided to you or for any consequential, special or similar damages, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Brady BMP61 Label Printer: How To Clean and Calibrate Your Printer
Brady BMP®61 Label Printer: How To Clean and Calibrate Your Printer
This video walks you through the steps to clean your BMP61 Printer to keep it running optimally. You'll also learn how to remove and replace the cutter blade, and how to calibrate your printer's touch screen.
Visit Brady's web site to learn more!
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Мини термопринтер NIIMBOT B21 для вашего бизнеса и дома
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Brady BMP61 Label Printer: How To Create Custom Labels
Brady BMP61 Label Printer: How To Create Custom Labels
Brady offers hundreds of standard parts for the BMP®61 Printer, but sometimes your business has a specific need… maybe a special color, size, or put up. The Brady BMP®61 Printer offers custom label options for your printing needs, including logos, images, and more!
Get started today!
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The BMP™21-LAB Portable Label Printer is an all-in-one labeler for research, academic and clinical labs.
With label materials designed specifically for harsh environments, the BMP21-LAB printer can quickly and easily create legible labels for flat, curved or highly textured surfaces that stay stuck for years even when exposed to extreme temperatures and chemicals.
The BMP21-LAB Portable Label Printer is an all-in-one labeller for research, academic and clinical labs. With label materials designed specifically for harsh environments, the BMP21-LAB printer can quickly and easily create legible labels for flat, curved or highly textured surfaces that stay stuck for years even when exposed to extreme temperatures and chemicals.
Designed for Laboratory: additional laboratory symbols in font 9 and up, improved barcode quality, ability to preset custom label lengths
Labelling: materials available for applications such as cryo vials and slides; Greek symbols commonly used in laboratory, intuitive menu structure for symbols
Vial label function automatically cuts the tape according to the size of the vial; Time & Date stamp; Automated serialization
Laboratory specific materials designed to withstand harsh laboratory environments. High quality, long lasting labels that stick and stay stuck
Prints durable true-sized 6 – 19 mm wide identification to maximize amount of data. Automatic label formatting for commonly used label types in laboratory
Long life rechargeable Lithium-ion battery - accessories sold separately. Battery included in the Starter Kit only
4 line LCD display provides clear visibility
2 year Warranty
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Brady BMP61 Label Printer How to Clean & Calibrate Your Printer
This video walks you through the steps to clean your BMP®61 Printer to keep it running optimally. You'll also learn how to remove and replace the cutter blade, and how to calibrate your printer's touch screen.
Learn more at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Feature Highlights of the Brady BMP21 Label Printer
Brady's BMP21 Label Printer is a user-friendly portable label printer packed with new features and tools. Watch the video to learn how to load the batteries, actuate the cutter, activate the back-light, load the cartridges and save, recall or delete label files.
The BMP21 portable label printer is an all-in-one labeler for voice/data comm, electrical and industrial crews. With label materials designed specifically for harsh environments, the BMP21 portable label printer can quickly and easily create clear, legible labels that stay stuck for years - despite extreme temperatures and curved or highly textured surfaces. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The new BMP™61 Label Printer offers great performance that matches your own. It is portable, fast and can handle a lot of identification challenges thanks to its wireless connectivity and a wide range of durable labels to print on.
Learn more about the List Function in this How to video! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Making Barcodes with the Brady BMP21 Label Printer
Ever made a barcode label in just a few clicks? This video demonstrates the easy steps of creating a barcode label with the Brady BMP21 mobile printer. From instructions on how to insert the label cartridge to selecting the banner landscape, font size and accessing the barcode menu, all the necessary steps for making a barcode label are outlined.
The BMP is one of Brady's most user-friendly portable printers. With one-hand operation and large display (with backlight) for easy reading, this is a must-have tool for voice/data comm., electrical and industrial crews. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
BradyPrinter i7100: How to print with auto cutting
Get the job done with the BradyPrinter i7100 label printer. No matter the demands, this reliable, heavy-duty and high-accuracy label printer gets it all done. The BradyPrinter i7100 Industrial Label Printer offers the widest range of high-performance label materials, including difficult-to-print materials, like heat-shrink sleeves, cable tags, push buttons, high temperature and more.
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The Brady BMP®21-LAB Label Printer: Where Pens Fail, Printers Succeed.
Lose the pen and start labeling worry-free. With the BMP®21-LAB label maker, print labels that wont smear ... labels that will stay stuck.
And as an added bonus ... labels that you can actually read!
That's right! Legibility is included with the printer!
But that's not all ...
With the BMP®21-LAB printer you can print multiple labels in seconds that hold up to harsh environments, like:
- Autoclaves
- Freezers
- Liquid nitrogen / cryo
- Hot water baths
- Chemicals (including DMSO, ethanol and short-term xylene exposure)
So go ahead ... Cook them! Freeze them! Douse them in chemicals. We don't care. And you won't either because these labels have the stuff of champions!
Or at least a really strong adhesive, resilient topcoat and dependable substrate. You know ... things that reliable labels are actually made of.
So stop "labeling" with pens, tape, rubber bands and labels that can't hold on in the environments you use them in.
Because seriously ... rubber bands?
Sure they're stretchy and make cool snappy noises, but it's no way to label a tube.
You label a tube ... or a slide ... or a flask ... or whatever your little heart desires with a laboratory label maker like the BMP®21-LAB Printer!
So go grab a BMP®21-LAB Printer and start labeling worry-free today!
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To learn more about the BMP®21-LAB Label Printer, visit:
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Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Стрічка для принтера етикеток Brady M21-500-595-YL, vinyl, 12.7mm/6.4m. Black on Yellow (M21-500-595-YL). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17