Змінні касети Gillette SkinGuard Sensitive для чоловічої бритви — перші картриджі з унікальними мікрогребенями SkinGuard між лезами для захисту шкіри під час гоління. Мікрогребені SkinGuard зменшують зіткнення лез зі шкірою. Крім того, кожна змінна касета обладнана 2 оптимально розміщеними лезами з низькою різальною силою для гоління без зайвих зусиль і висмикування, а також змащувальними смужками з обох боків від лез для зниження тертя й захисту шкіри від подразнення.
Всем привет!
Сегодня в магазине мне попалась на глаза НОВИНКА, мимо которой я не смог пройти! На упаковке так и написано - НОВИНКА GILLETTE SKINGUARD SENSITIVE. Действительно, дизайн этой бритвы, а именно форма лезвий и как они расположены, относит в некое будущее и сулит очень комфортное и гладкое бритье. Смотря на нее - понимаешь - проблема с забивкой волосом лезвий решена. И тебе очень хочется ее купить. А бренд GILLETTE окончательно ставит точку в моем выборе и я покупаю этот бритвенный станок. Я специально отращивал недельную щетину, что бы ей было сложнее. И вот настал час Х.
Смотрим мой отзыв на этот станок для бритья SKINGUARD SENSITIVE от Жиллет и кому я рекомендую его покупать, а кому категорически нет!
Чем побриться? Канал о бритье для мужчин. Сравнение бритвенных станков. Рейтинг одноразовых бритв.
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В своих обзорах оцениваю такие показатели, как: цена бритвы, качество, удобство, безопасность, чистота бритья, наличие и отсутствие смазывающего слоя, натяжителя кожи, легкость промывки от волос, чистота бритья, как справляется бритва с разной длиной волос.
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В прошлом видео я брился станком SKINGUARD SENSITIVE от GILLETTE и я в ней немного разочаровался. Ожидал большего от СЕНСИТИВ. И когда я пересматривал это видео, я понял в чем причина. Она предназначена не для меня, не для моего постоянно длинного и жесткого волоса на лице и голове. Эта бритва GILLETTE, как мне показалось, создана для каждодневного бритья, для людей, которые бреются раз в день. И я решил проверить свою догадку и дал новинке от Жиллет шанс, шанс SKINGUARD SENSITIVE для реабилитации.
Чем побриться? Канал о бритье для мужчин. Сравнение бритвенных станков. Рейтинг одноразовых бритв.
Приглашаю в новый телеграм канал
В своих обзорах оцениваю такие показатели, как: цена бритвы, качество, удобство, безопасность, чистота бритья, наличие и отсутствие смазывающего слоя, натяжителя кожи, легкость промывки от волос, чистота бритья, как справляется бритва с разной длиной волос.
В конце каждого видео даю свою оценку и заношу показатели в файл Google таблицы с рейтингом бритв:
Прежде чем покупать бритву, смотри мой обзор и принимай правильное решение! #чемпобриться Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Proglide vs Skinguard Обзор и сравнение станков для бритья Gillette
Сравнительный обзор бритвенных станков Gillette. Станок Gillette Fusion Proglide Flexball на 5 лезвий и станок Gillette SkinGuard Sensitive с двумя лезвиями. Основные особенности, отличия и преимущества.
Ссылки на товар
👉 Proglide
👉 SkinGuard
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How To Shave Sensitive Skin | Gillette SkinGuard Razor for Sensitive Skin
Do you deal with sensitive skin irritation or “razor burn” after shaving? Gillette shows how to shave sensitive skin with the Gillette SkinGuard razor. Shaving sensitive skin has never felt this good. Learn more about Gillette SkinGuard:
Watch more sensitive skin care videos:
Gillette SkinGuard is our first razor specifically designed for men with sensitive skin and razor bumps. The razor shaves hair and guards skin due to its unique SkinGuard positioned between the blades. It works to minimize tug and pull and cut hair at skin level, helping to prevent irritation.
Subscribe to Gillette's YouTube Channel for the latest Gillette commercials and videos:
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This video is about How To Shave Sensitive Skin with the Gillette SkinGuard razor to minimize shave irritation or “razor burn”. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I tested out the Gillette SkinGuard razor. It was a smooth shave. Someone who I know personally told me recently this is the only cartridge razor he's able to shave with and not experience irritation/razor burn.
There was very slight discomfort while shaving around my chin, but I attribute the discomfort to the 16 days of beard growth and not the razor itself. The razor did a pretty good job of handling the 16 days of growth, I feel like it did a better job than a five-bladed razor would, which is the hidden benefit I alluded to in the Short.
If I only used cartridge razors, then I would strongly consider using this one just because I'm an infrequent shaver and appreciate razors that can handle longer lengths of hair.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This description contains affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you click on a link and buy something.
Gillette SkinGuard:
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✂Сменные кассеты для Gillette Fusion с Aliexpress - стоит ли покупать? Мой опыт!
Делюсь своим опытом в плане покупки и выбора картриджей для бритвенных станков Джилет! Стоит ли покупать с Алиэкспресс?
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The first razor with a unique SkinGuard between the blades to shave hair and guard skin. Clinically proven for sensitive skin. Learn more about Gillette SkinGuard:
Watch more videos about Gillette SkinGuard and shaving with razor bumps:
Gillette SkinGuard is our first razor specifically designed for men with sensitive skin and razor bumps. It works to minimize tug and pull and cut hair at skin level, helping to prevent razor bumps.
Subscribe to Gillette's YouTube Channel for the latest Gillette commercials and videos:
More Gillette Channels: Website:
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Как отличить оригинальные лезвия Gillette от подделки 6+
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Gillette SkinGuard Sensitive Razor for Sensitive Skin Review
Best Razor for Sensitive Skin! After years of not shaving and just trimming, I finally found a razor that doesn't hurt my skin after shaving. If you got long beard, first trim them before shaving.
Keep washing the blade with hot water to remove any hairs!
Instead of taking shower or bath, you could use hot towel.
The long the foam stays, the easier to shave!
If you've got a sensitive skin like mine, definitely go with this razor!
It costs $10 (£16 or €18). Amazon link in the description!
Amazon USA -
Amazon UK -
Even after few days, my skin was feeling much better than any other razor.
Please write in the comments below if you've a better alternative!
If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments below 😊
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The description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links and you purchase something from these links, I’ll receive a small commission. This help support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Using the link to buy the product won't cost you extra. Thank you for the support!
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Is the Gillette Skinguard men's razor worth it? And who is it for?
Do you suffer from razor bumps, razor burn, or any shaving related irritation? Well Gillette's answer for razor bumps is the 2-blade Gillette Skinguard Razor which includes Gillette's Skinguard Technology. But the question is does it work? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Gillette Skinguard and Some Basic Shaving Tips
I've had many requests to review the Gillette Skinguard cartridge razor, so I thought I'd try one out today. I also go over some basic shaving tips and advice for people that are new to wet shaving or just shaving in general.
Let's see just how well this razor shaves!
The razor:
The shaving cream:
The aftershave:
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This video was sponsored by Gillette.
I’ve gotten a lot of questions from followers about how to prevent razor bumps, ingrown hairs, and redness. Today, I’m reviewing Gillette’s new SkinGuard razor, developed specifically for men who experience these common shaving issues. It’s clinically proven for sensitive skin, but will it work for me? Watch to find out!
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Brian has been shaving his head once a week for 3 years and like many men, he has more sensitive skin up top. For a smooth shave, I recommend he uses Gillette SkinGuard. This razor works great for him because it's clinically proven for sensitive skin. SkinGuard gives him a smooth scalp everytime he shaves with no irritation. The Pure Shaving Gel improves razor-glide also makes it easy for him to see if he missed any spots.
Try SkinGuard and Pure for yourself! Use promo code JOSH3 to get $3 off your order on
#YourGilletteBarber #GillettePartner #ad #SecondChanceShave
#skincare #grooming #skincaretips #razorbumps #razorburn #boston #bostonbarber Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Gillette SkinGuard Sensitive UEFA Champions League
Full Specifications:
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#Gillette #SkinGuard #Unboxing #Fusion #ChampionsLeague #Sensitive #GilletteFusion #Fusion5 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Gillette have brought out a new razor aimed specifically at those with sensetive call if Gillette SkinGuard
I come out of retirement to get the first product review of this onto YouTube to describe it's performance and why it should be successfull for those with Sensetive skin.
I do a face and head shaving review of the product Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Review 4 Melhores Aparelhos De Barbear Da Gillette
✅️Site Oficial Do Gillette Fusion 5
🟢 Carga de Reposição do Gillette Fusion 5
✅️Site Oficial Do Gillette Mach 3
🟢 Carga de Reposição do Gillette Mach 3
✅️Site Oficial Do Gillette Fusion Proshield
🟢 Carga de Reposição do Fusion Proshield
✅️Site Oficial Do Gillette Skinguard Sensitive
🟢 Carga de Reposição do Gillette Skinguard Sensitive
✅️ Pós barba recomendado
✅️1- Benefícios do Gillette Fusion 5
O Aparelho De Barbear Gillette Fusion 5, é um aparelho de barbear com cinco lâminas que oferece um barbear confortável e preciso.
As cinco lâminas, do aparelho de barbear Gillette Fusion 5 cortam os pelos em uma única passada, deixando a pele lisa e macia. As lâminas são feitas de aço inoxidável de alta qualidade e são afiadas para garantir um barbear confortável e preciso.
✅️2- Benefícios do Gillette Mach 3
O Aparelho de Barbear Gillette Mach 3, é um aparelho de barbear com três lâminas que oferece um barbear confortável e preciso.
As lâminas do Aparelho de Barbear Gillette Mach 3 são feitas de aço inoxidável de alta qualidade e são revestidas com uma tecnologia antiaderente que ajuda a manter as lâminas afiadas por mais tempo. Isso significa que você pode obter um barbear mais rente e confortável sem ter que substituir as lâminas com tanta frequência.
✅️3- Benefícios do Gillette Fusion Proshield
O Aparelho de barbear Gillette Fusion Proshield, possui uma lubrificação dupla, que ajuda a reduzir a fricção e a irritação da pele.
A cabeça móvel do Aparelho de barbear Gillette Fusion Proshield, se adapta aos contornos do rosto, proporcionando um barbear mais confortável e preciso.
✅️4- Benefícios do Gillette Skinguard Sensitive
O Aparelho de barbear Gillette Skinguard Sensitive, é um aparelho de barbear especialmente desenvolvido para peles sensíveis. Ele possui uma série de recursos que ajudam a reduzir a irritação e o desconforto durante o barbear.
As lâminas do Aparelho de barbear Gillette Skinguard Sensitive, são levantadas do corpo do aparelho, o que ajuda a minimizar o contato com a pele. Isso reduz a fricção e a irritação, tornando o barbear mais confortável.
o Aparelho de barbear Gillette Skinguard Sensitive, é fácil de usar e pode ser usado por homens de todos os níveis de habilidade, o aparelho contém, uma a fita lubrificante, que ajuda a reduzir a fricção entre a lâmina e a pele, proporcionando um barbear mais suave.
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Yes! #IndodaCanShave, Sensitive skin or not - #GilletteSkinGuard, designed for us! 🪒
Gillette Skinguard Sensitive ilə qıcıqlanma, qızartı və yanmaya yox denən. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Looking for tips on how to prevent ingrown hairs & minimize razor bumps while shaving? Check out this Gillette shaving tutorial featuring the Gillette SkinGuard razor designed for shaving with sensitive skin. Learn more about Gillette SkinGuard:
Watch more videos about Gillette SkinGuard and shaving with razor bumps:
Gillette SkinGuard is our first razor specifically designed for men with sensitive skin and razor bumps. The razor shaves hair and guards skin due to its unique SkinGuard positioned between the blades. It works to minimize tug and pull and cut hair at skin level, helping to prevent irritation.
Subscribe to Gillette's YouTube Channel for the latest Gillette commercials and videos:
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This video is about How To Minimize Razor Bumps & Ingrown Hairs while Shaving with the Gillette SkinGuard razor. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Gillette Skinguard Sensitive ən yaxşısını əldə et!
Professional Barber Faheem Alexander Social Media INFLUENCER partnership with Gillette. Promoting Gillette's New SKINGUARD Razor. #GuardWhatMatters, #GillettePartner @Gillette Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Help Prevent Razor Bumps & Ingrown Hairs | Gillette SkinGuard
Faheem shares how to remove stubble in his head shaving routine with Gillette SkinGuard razor. Gillette blades provide a smooth head shave for every hair type while Fusion ProGlide shave gel provides skin comfort before and after your shave for an at home barbershop feel. See More:
Gillette SkinGuard:
Gillette Fusion ProGlide Sensitive Shave Gel:
More Gillette Channels:
This video features Celebrity Barber Faheem Alexander sharing head shaving tips with the Gillette SkinGuard razor and Gillette Fusion ProGlide Sensitive shaving gel. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Gillette SKINGUARD Social Media Promotional Video with_Faheem Alexander
Mark shares his at home beard trimming and maintenance tips using Gillette STYLER and SkinGuard razor with Pure Shaving Gel for sensitive skin. Attaching Gillette SkinGuard blades to the STYLER allows you to use the Precision Trimmer to create crisp fine lines. See More:
Gillette STYLER:
Gillette SkinGuard razor:
Gillette Pure Shave Gel:
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This video features Celebrity Barber, Mark Baysinger performing a beard line up and trim with Gillette STYLER, SkinGuard, and Pure Sensitive Shave Gel. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Head Shaving at Home with Barber Faheem Alexander | Gillette SkinGuard
Since 1900, Gillette has been leading the shaving industry. They offer multiple blade counts and a bunch of features and innovations. We took their Limited Edition SkinGuard w/ Flexball Starter Kit for a couple of shaves. How did it do?
The Starter Kit - 0:55
The Handle - 1:33
The Blades - 3:11
The Shave - 4:54
The Price - 6:26
The Recap - 6:54
What's your favorite razor and why? Is it something from Gillette? We'd love to hear about it! Share your thoughts in the comments below.
— BUY ON —
Starter Kits
This review is completely independent. We pay for our own products, so we can give our honest opinions.
This description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, we receive a small commission, which helps support this channel. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Shaving with Gillette SkinGuard feels like an action movie montage 🪒 #IndodaCanShave
Introducing Gillette Skinguard Razor, it comes with a revolutionary Skin guard technology that minimizes contact between the blades and your face! It is the first Gillette razor in India with double lubrastrips that leave your skin feeling smooth after the shave.
So experience the new #GilletteSkinguard today- for a shave that your skin will love!
Buy Gillette Skinguard Razor ►
#gillette #shaving
Learn more about the features of Gillette Skinguard Razor:
Check out shaving tips from Gillette India:
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The new Gillette Skin guard is a revolutionary razor that is designed for any man who loves his skin. It works to minimize tug and pull and cut hair at skin level, helping to prevent irritation. #Gillette Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Gillette's SkinGuard w/ Flexball - What makes it "Limited Edition"?
Today were talking about the all NEW Gillette SkinGuard and my experience with sensitive skin, and using this razor to help get rid of it!
Check out the Gillette SkinGuard HERE:
If you liked this video, please consider subscribing to the channel. This channel conducts honest reviews based on my experience and not on pointless product placement so if your someone who thinks featuring brands is wrong, this is probably the wrong channel for you.
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I want to thank Gillette for partnering with me for this video and allowing me 100% creative control over the content that was displayed. I never work with brands who dont allow me to maintain my honest opinion and give me full reign to provide details in an honest manner with my viewers.
#gillettepartner #shaving #skinguard #newproducts #razor #greatshaves #razortest #sensitiveskin #skincareformen #menscare Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How Does Gillette SkinGuard Make a Difference? | Gillette India
The new Gillette SkinGuard is our first razor clinically proven for sensitive skin with SkinGuard technology between two optimally-spaced blades. Learn more about Gillette SkinGuard:
Watch more videos about Gillette SkinGuard and shaving with razor bumps:
Gillette SkinGuard is our first razor specifically designed for men with sensitive skin and razor bumps. It works to minimize tug and pull and cut hair at skin level, helping to prevent razor bumps.
Subscribe to Gillette's YouTube Channel for the latest Gillette commercials and videos:
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NEW Gillette SkinGuard l My Sensitive Skin Experience l Men's Shaving Test & Demo
#Gillette #Skinguard #Shave #Review #SensitiveSkin #Wetshaving
Non-sponsored review after a solid trial for 2 weeks. Here’s me sharing my thoughts about the razor blade - Gillette Skinguard Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Gillette SkinGuard | How to prevent razor bumps and ingrown hairs
Did you know that more than 2 out of 3 men are reported to suffer from shaving related skin irritation, which includes razor burn, stinging, redness or even razor bumps?
The introduction of Gillette's new SkinGuard razor cartridge addresses a real problem for millions of men – and is representative of Gillette's commitment to ensuring every man has access to a shave that feels as good as it looks, and helps him look, feel and be his best.
Read More - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Gillette SKINGUARD REVIEW for Sensitive Skin, How to shave for Sensitive Skin
In this Short, I review the Fusion ProGlide With Flexball handle and describe my shaving experience with it.
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Fusion ProGlide With Flexball Handle
(Amazon) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Gillette releases new SkinGuard razor cartridge for sensitive skin
Say goodbye to the fear of shaving with the all-new Gillette SkinGuard. This revolutionary razor is designed to love your skin as much as you do. The only razor that shaves hair without touching skin (well, almost!). So try the new Gillette #SkinGuard razor today to experience the most comfortable shave.
The new Gillette SkinGuard is the first Gillette razor in India, which has double-lubrication strips that lubricate your skin to give a smooth and comfortable shave. #NoMoreFOAMO
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This is a Gillette India commercial highlighting the features of Gillette SkinGuard razor. #SkinKaGuardian Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fusion ProGlide With Flexball Handle Review #shaving #gillette #shavingrazor
I've done a video review of the new Gillette SkinGuard razor and shaving foam to show how it shaves and also how it doesn't cause shaving burns or spots after a few days. It's a great razor, and you can find my original review of it here on WordPress:
My wife also runs a YouTube gaming channel, check her out here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
New Gillette SkinGuard - Loves your Skin as much as you do
Даже настоящим мужчинам нужна защита от раздражения. Gillette представляет бритву SkinGuard, которая обладает уникальной системой защиты от давления лезвий на кожу и препятствует появлению порезов и покраснений. Купить Gillette SkinGuard:
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Gillette представляет новую бритву Gillette SkinGuard. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Gillette SkinGuard sensative razor and shaving foam review
Have you tried the latest from Gillette? If you haven’t, then you’re totally missing out! The new #SkinGuard razor is absolutely everything you could ask and wish for to help your husband achieve his grooming goals. Its design is clinically proven to help minimize tug and pull while shaving and prevent irritation for guys with sensitive skin and prone to razor bumps.
Get yours at your local @Walmart or visit and order yours online at the convenience of your own home. (link here) #ad
#GillettePartner #GuardWhatMatters Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
НОВАЯ Бритва Gillette SkinGuard: Защити Свое Лицо от Раздражения
My Shaving Arsenal - Gillette Fusion vs Gillette SkinGuard vs Safety Razor .
Gillette SkinGuard Razor: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Military Groomed Minus the Razor Burn and Irritation with Gillette SkinGuard Razor
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Gillette FUSION PROGLIDE Razor Blades
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Gillette Skinguard | A&E Test Soap | Synth | Spartacus
Great product - Gillette SkinGuard Razors for Men, 1 Gillette Razor, 4 Razor Blade Refills, Designed for Men
Amazon Product Link: Link:
MINIMIZES BLADE CONTACT WITH SENSITIVE SKIN, so you will not get as close of a shave as you would expect from our razors with 5 blades
2 BLADES plus SKINGUARD designed for men with skin irritation, razor bumps, and razor burn
The SKINGUARD PROTECTS SKIN FROM THE BLADES with it's position between the blades to smooth skin
PRECISION TRIMMER on the back is perfect for hard-to-reach places and styling facial hair
The safeguard razor was designed to stop irritation by minimizing blade contact with sensitive skin, so you will not get as close of a shave as you would expect from our Fusion razors with 5 blades. Its unique skinguard is positioned between the blades to shave hair and guard skin. It works to minimize tug and pull and cut hair at skin level, preventing irritation and ingrown hairs.
Top reviews from the United States
As Advertised
Okay, I've sought the holy grail for years. I'm 75. Had all but given up on blades until I stumbled into this product on Amazon. Glad it's still in production. May have to retire my electric razors. Go Gillette. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Razor for Sensitive Skin Gillette Skinguard Sensitive Unboxing
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Operation hunk successful, Now you know #IndodaCanShave with Gillette SkinGuard 🪒
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