OGX — марка для тих, хто прагне до вишуканості та піклується про красу свого волосся. Формули OGX містять екзотичні активні інгредієнти, і особливу комбінацію безсульфатних поверхнево-активних речовин. Продукти OGX володіють приголомшливим ароматом, який допомагає зануритися в світ задоволення і насолоди.
Бренд OGX в Україні включає в себе широкий асортимент з 8 колекцій для різних потреб і типів волосся, які включають шампуні, кондиціонери, масла і сироватку.
Кондиціонер OGX з бразильською кокосовою олією, протеїнами кератину, олією авокадо та кокоса доглядає за волоссям після застосування шампуню. Формула OGX містить екзотичні інгредієнти. Кондиціонер для волосся допомагає зміцнити волосся, роблячи його гладким, м'яким та шовковистим. Зволожує волосся, надає йому еластичності та блиску. Розгладжуючий кондиціонер OGX має приголомшливий аромат, який допомагає зануритися у світ задоволення та насолоди.
Кондиціонер OGX допомагає зміцнити волосся, роблячи його гладким, м'яким та шовковистим.
«Бразильський кератин» зволожує волосся, надає йому еластичності та блиску.
Кондиціонер з бразильською кокосовою олією, протеїнами кератину, олією авокадо та кокоса доглядає за волоссям після застосування шампуню.
Зміцнюючий кондиціонер для сухого, пошкодженого та фарбованого волосся. Підходить для нормального типу волосся.
Всем привет! Давно хотела протестировать популярные бессульфатные шампуни и кондиционеры для волос от бренда OGX. Наконец-то это произошло! И спустя месяц использования я готова сделать выводы. Надеюсь этот обзор для Вас будет полезным! Поскольку подобрать необходимые средства по уходу за волосами довольно не просто.
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Ogx Brazilian keratin smooth SHAMPOO sulaate free 385 ml e US #beauty #shorts
Hello Beautiful people,
Thank you for watched my video , please buy this product in below link it very helpful for you,
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OGX Brazilian Keratin Defrizzant Shampoo & Conditioner Review
Can buy the product with a discounted price using this link :
Infused with coconut oil, keratin proteins, avocado oil and cocoa butter, this shampoo is blended into one super wash to make hair super healthy and soft .
Apply shampoo generously to wet hair, massage into a lather through to ends, then rinse the hair thoroughly. After shampooing, follow with conditioner. Warning: Avoid contact with eyes. If contact occurs rinse immediately.
OGX_Brazilian_Keratin_Defrizzant_Shampoo_Conditioner_Review Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Here is a review on the OGX Brazilian Keratin Therapy Treatment!
Retails for : $ but we bought it on sale for $
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Review about OGX brazilian keratin therapy shampoo & conditioner#bestshompoo #Review
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Продукты из видео:
- Разглаживающий шампунь для укрепления волос OGX Brazilian Keratin Therapy Shampoo
- Кондиционер для мягкости и шелковистости волос La Biosthetique Beauté Conditionneur Douceur
- Сыворотка для выравнивания волос Paul Mitchell Super Skinny Serum
- Флюид для волос "Защита цвета и Блеск" Dr. Sante Silk Care
- Спрей для волос "Восстановление и Питание" Dr. Sante Silk Care Spray
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OGX Brazilian Keratin Therapy Shampoo and Conditioner Review |ThePorterTwinZ
OGX Brazilian Keratin Therapy Shampoo and Conditioner Review
In this exclusive blend with coconut oils, keratin proteins, avocado oil and cocoa butter, these unique ingredients work together to help bring new life to your hair.
Products In Video
Hey TwinZers and soon to be Twinzers our names are Rene and Hela we are the creators of both ThePorterTwinZ & ThePorterTwinZ TV where you can find videos about Hair, Makeup, Fashion, & Lifestyle. We upload videos weekly. We hope you enjoy our channels and stick around long enough to become A Twinzer by subscribing, Liking & sharing our videos. Peace & Blessings.
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Hoje eu vim te contar a minha experiência testando o kit de shampoo e condicionador da linha brazilian keratin smooth da OGX!
- MEU INSTAGRAM: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
If you wanna buy any OGX click the link:
My favourite OGX shampoo for ( coloured and rebounded) hair is the ORCHID OIL & COCONUT OIL line.
Hello❤️all my beauties out my honest thoughts on the OGX BRAZILIAN KERATIN THERAPY CONDITIONER,hope u’ll find it helpful.
Thnx for watching💖 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hello All.
This review is based on my personal experience only....
life style with Sam
smooth shampoo
Brazilian keratin smooth shampoo
chemical treatment hairs
good shampoo Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#OGX #hairconditioner #haircare
OGX Brazilian Keratin Therapy Conditioner. Review.
My honest opinion on OGX Brazilian Keratin Therapy Conditioner.
Please subscribe to my YouTube channel 😊 Thank you ❤️ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hello Everyone
Please enjoy this review of OGX Brazilian Keratin Therapy Shampoo and Conditioner
I draw my inspiration for my songs and videos primarily from nature. A fresh snowfall is one of nature's most beautiful sights and hence is used as this video's premise.
This is world's first video shot in a live snowfall featuring Charlotte Tilbury Pillow Talk collection. This was a very challenging as well as interesting shoot which turned out to be visually stunning.
A lot of hardwork was required to fight freezing temperatures and complete this make up look. Hope you all will enjoy this visual treat as your Valentine's day gift. Happy Valentine's day to everyone watching
ലോകത്തിലെ വിവിധ തരം ആളുകളും പ്രൊഫഷണൽ മേക്കപ്പ് ആർട്ടിസ്റ്റും ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്ന മേക്കപ്പ് ബ്രാൻഡ്സും അതിന്ടെ ഉപയോഗവും നിങ്ങളെ പരിചയപ്പെടുത്തുക എന്നതാണ് എന്റെ ഈ ചാനലിന്റെ ഉദ്ദേശം . BUDGET FRIENDLY ബ്രാൻഡ്സ് മുതൽ LUXURY ബ്രാൻഡ്സ് വരേ എന്റെ വിഡിയോസിൽ ഞാൻ ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നുണ്ട് .പ്രൊഡക്ടിന്റെ വിലയേക്കാൾ അതിന്റെ ക്വാളിറ്റി, ഫിനിഷ്, അത് skinil ഉണ്ടാകുന്ന എഫ്ഫക്റ്റ് , ഇവയൊക്കെയാണ് ഒരു പ്രോഡക്റ്റ് വാങ്ങുമ്പോൾ ഞാൻ നോക്കുന്നത് . അതുകൊണ്ടുതന്നെ വിലകുറവ് എന്ന ഒരു കാരണം കൊണ്ട് ഞാൻ ഒരു പ്രോഡക്റ്റ് വാങ്ങുകയോ അത് recommend ചെയ്യുകയോ ഇല്ല.അർഹിക്കുന്ന എല്ലാവര്ക്കും എല്ലാവിധ സഹായങ്ങളും ചെയുന്ന ആളാണ് ഞാൻ. തുടർന്നും ചെയ്യും.ഇനിയും നല്ല ക്വാളിറ്റി വീഡിയോസ് നിങ്ങളുടെ മുന്നിലേക്ക് എത്തിക്കുവാൻ നിങ്ങളുടെ SUPPORT ആവശ്യമാണ് . എല്ലാം നല്ല സ്പിറ്റിരിൽ തന്നെ എടുത്തുകൊണ്ടു
നമുക്കു പോസറ്റീവ് ആയി ബ്യൂട്ടിഫുൾ ആയി മുന്നോട്ടു പോകാം.
രചിതാ രാംദാസ്
I try to showcase various make up brands used by people and professional makeup artists from different parts of the world through my fashion and make up channel. I utilize brands in all price ranges in my videos(Budget to Luxury). I will always emphasize on the quality, effect on skin and finish of the product rather than the price of the product . I personally would not use or recommend any product solely based on its low price.
I am a firm believer of helping people in need and continue to do my fair share of contributions on a regular basis. I create videos to help people and make sure they have good quality content. I would try my level best to bring in quality content before you, through my channel. To do the same and keep me motivated , I need your support. I hope you will enjoy my videos with an open mind and positive thoughts. Lets take things in good spirit and continue this beautiful Journey.
This is not a sponsored video. The products mentioned in this video or description box, are for information and education purposes only. Please do a patch test before purchasing any skincare product.
Rachitha Ramadas
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The content produced on this channel is solely my creative effort.
Due credits are given to all the artists or their work that appear in this channel.
This content is protected under copyright law. Any further reproduction of images or video clips from this channel, without the consent of Rachitha Ramadas, will be considered as copyright infringement.
Rachitha Ramadas Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Graduation:Review Organix Brazilian Keratin Therapy shampoo and conditioner
Hey, guys back with another review and an unusual wash day routine! Did I like or dislike?? Find out in the video as always Please
👍🏾,comment,and subscribe 💕 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
প্রাকৃতিক ভাবে চুল স্ট্রেইট করার উপায়💚 - OGX Brazellian Keratin Smooth Shampoo & Conditioner Review
প্রাকৃতিক ভাবে চুল স্ট্রেইট করার উপায়💚 - OGX Brazellian Keratin Smooth Shampoo & Conditioner Review
[ চুল স্ট্রেইট করার উপায়,প্রাকৃতিক ভাবে চুল স্ট্রেইট করার উপায়,OGX Brazellian Keratin Smooth Shampoo Review,OGX Brazellian Keratin Smooth Conditioner Review,OGX Brazellian Keratin Smooth Shampoo & Conditioner Review,OGX BRAND,Best Shampoo for Strightening,how to straight hair,how to straighten hair,keratin shampoo,keratin treatment,makeup mistress,Haircare,How to Get smooth hair,ogx brazilian keratin shampoo,ogx brazilian keratin therapy shampoo review,Hair Secret ]
Hello Everyone❣️
This is Ummi From Your "Makeup Mistress" Youtube channel.
#ogx #stright_hair #haircare
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شعرك جاف ومتضرر ومتقصف😧جربت لك أفضل أحسن شامبو وماسك للشعر الجاف بالكيراتينbrazilian keratin smooth
شعر متقصف ومتضرر
شعر جاف ومتضرر ومتقصف
ماسك وشامبو للشعر الجاف
ماسك وشامبو لتطويل الشعر
تطويل الشعر وتكثيف
تطويل الشعر بسرعه
لمعان الشعر
Brazilian keratin smooth
Brazilian keratin smooth
Organ oil of morocco
Masque et shampoing
أفضل وأحسن شامبو للشعر الجاف والمتضرر
أفضل ماسك وملين للشعر المتقصف
شامبو وماسك للشعر الجاف
ماسك وشامبو للشعر الجاف
شعر متقصف ومتضرر
تطويل الشعر المتضرر
تطويل الشعر الجاف والمتقصف
لمعان الشعر
تطويل الشعر بسرعه
ماسك وشامبو للشعر الجاف
Brazilian keratin smooth shampoo
Organ oil of morocco masque
لمعان الشعر الجاف
الشعر الجاف
تطويل الشعر وتكثيف
تساقط الشعر
الشعر المتساقط والمتضرر
منع تساقط الشعر
شامبو وماسك للشعر الجاف
شامبو وملين للشعر الجاف والمتقصف Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
✅ How To Use Organix Brazilian Keratin Therapy Flat Iron Spray Review
How To Use Organix Brazilian Keratin Therapy Flat Iron Spray Review
New Project:
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About this product:
Organix Brazilian Keratin Therapy Flat Iron Spray
MOISTURIZE, SMOOTH, & SHINE: OGX Flat Iron Spray Ever Straight Brazilian Keratin Therapy is an exclusive blend with coconut oil, avocado oil, cocoa butter and keratin proteins, can help bring new life to your hair
SMOOTHER SOFTER LOOKING HAIR: We know what you love about your hair, so we made blended with exotic, ingredients to help you love it even more. Our spray can help leave your hair smoother, softer looking locks after you wash.
THIS OGX FORMULA is packed with so much good-for-your-hair goodness so it helps smooth your hair cuticle for radiant, brilliant tresses, helping to drench each strand in moisture helping your hair feel soft & look smooth, with a luxurious glow.
NO MATTER YOUR HAIR TYPE OR COLOR healthy looking hair is always in style; OGX Renewing Moroccan Argan Oil Curling Perfection Defining Cream will keep your hair looking healthy, smooth & shiny whether it is thick or fine.
EXPERIENCE THE OGX DIFFERENCE: Try OGX if you've used products from Oriba, Amika, Bedhead, Garnier, L'Oreal, Herbal Essences, Kerastase, Brazilian Blowout, Sebastian, Matrix, It's a 10, Paul Mitchell, Pureology, Big Sexy Hair, Joico, or John Frieda.
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Ogx Brazilian Keratin Therapy | Ogx علاج الكيراتين البرازيلي من
Buy it from Amazon :
4 exotic ingredient is awesome in this exclusive blend, coconut oils, keratin proteins, avocado oil and cocoa butter work together to bring new life to your hair.
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Brazilian Keratin Smoothing Shampoo účinky pred a po
Naša novinka od spoločnosti Beaver Professional obsahujúca brazílsky keratín pre ešte krajšie a viditeľne zdravšie vlasy. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Natural Hair Wash Day Routine|| Using OGX Products
Wassssup #KPGANG, It’s Your Girl Kens With Another Popping Video. I Hope You Guys Enjoyed It!! LIKE COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE!!
Link To Shampoo & Conditioner:
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Oii pessoal, tudo bem com vocês? ❤️
Hoje estamos dando início ao quadro "TESTEI E AMEI?",
no vídeo de hoje, estou falando sobre a minha experiência com o Shampoo&Condicionador da OGX - Keratin Smooth.
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Realmente vale toda a fama?! Resenha Keratin Brazilian Smooth
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keratin hair treated affordable price straightening Brazilian keratin shampoo
nourishing coconut milk shampoo for fry
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Disclaimer – I can’t guarantee that all of the make-up and skincare products I recommend will suit you. Please test products out on yourself before purchasing.
I only feature products I like or want to try
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I tried this Hair Conditioner & this happened 😱||Ogx Straight Brazilian keratin therapy Conditioner
I am Sumi Ragesh
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#sumistipstalks #haircream #ogxconditioner Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Buy in Bangladesh:
Buy OGX Ever Straightening Brazilian Keratin Smooth Therapy Shampoo 385ml online in Bangladesh from . Rich & sulfate free formula of this shampoo will smooth and strengthen your curly or wavy tresses. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Organix OGX KERATINA BRAZILEÑA OGX Organix - Mejor Shampoo Anti Frizz
Acá lo encuentras en descuento!: #/url/cInueeades ♠
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#OGX #Organix #CoconutMilk Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Use-
1. Wash hair with clarifying ¿PRE SHAMPOO¿ packette (included), then rinse. For extremely curly hair wash twice. (Do not condition). Conditioner will keep the treatment from penetrating the hair cuticle.
2. Towel dry and comb hair. Hair should be 80% towel dry.
3. Shake bottle well. Apply treatment to two inch sections of towel dry hair. Do not over saturate. Do not apply directly to skin or scalp. Wear gloves provided.
treatment through hair to evenly distribute from the roots to the ends.
5. Let treatment sit on hair for 30 minutes.
6. Pull hair straight using a brush and blow dry until hair is completely dry.
7. Flat iron hair in small sections on high heat (450° recommended) to seal keratin treatment onto the hair shaft. Note: There is thermal heat protection in the treatment to protect your hair from overheating. Flat iron each section 7 to 10 times. Treatment should be applied in a well ventilated area. Fans are recommended for air circulation.
8. Leave treatment in hair for 48 hours. Do not wash or let hair become wet. Do not bend hair, tuck behind ears, or use ponytails, barrettes, etc. If hair becomes bent, wavy, or kinky, blow dry with a brush or touch up with flat iron until hair is straight again.
9. After 48 hours, wash and condition hair with any OGX shampoo. For best results use in conjunction with OGX® Brazilian Keratin Therapy products. Style as desired.
10. Depending on your specific hair type, treatment lasts up to 30 days.
It is recommended that a strand test, in a discreet area, be performed prior to application, especially if you have light colored or chemically treated hair. In isolated circumstances, some may experience a discoloration of the hair. Use any remaining product for touch-ups.
I used the entire bottle. I did not keep treatment in hair for full 48 hours. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ZERO sulfate, deep cleaning agents, effectly help to remove grime, oil and dirt, leave your hair keep freshing during summer ~ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ogx brazilian keratin therapy shampoo review
Is OGX shampoo good for your hair
Which is the best OGX shampoo
Is OGX Brazilian Keratin shampoo sulfate-free?
What does OGX keratin shampoo do?
Is OGX good for keratin treated hair?
Which OGX shampoo is good for keratin treated hair?
#video highlight
#ogx #ogxboxa #ogxmill#youtube#haircare#braziliankeratin Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olá, pessoal, no vídeo de hoje trago uma resenha de uma linha de uma marca importada: Brazilian Keratin Smooth da marca Organix. Não sei se tem resenhas nacionais desta linha, procurei, mas só encontrei gringas. Espero que gostem.
Convido a todos a se inscreverem no canal. Comentem, avaliem e compartilhem o vídeo. Sejam todos muito bem vindos.
Sou usuária de henê desde julho de 2000. O foco do canal é a beleza e manutenção dos nossos cabelos henezados. Mas aqui você também encontra dicas de tratamentos, resenhas de produtos, como restaurar cabelos danificados, ou seja: dicas para todos, henezados e não henezados, por que não?
Vale ressaltar que não sou cabelereira, nem profissional de qualquer outro segmento da beleza, sou apenas uma pessoa com anos de experiêcia com o henê, e que gosta de cuidar dos cabelos em casa e através de minhas próprias mãos. Cometi diversos erros e acertos e gostaria de dividir minha experiêcia pessoal com vocês. Portanto, todo e qualquer resultado que eu postar aqui serão com base, unicamente, em MINHAS experiências.
Espero que gostem. Beijos a todos...
Contato: rehenezada@
#braziliankeratinsmooth Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Save money and straighten your hair with a professional result! With PERFECT STRAIGHTENING COCONUT SET you will get smooth, healthy, and non-frizzy hair.
✅Coconut Oil & Keratin Shampoo 120ml.
✅Coconut Keratin 120ml.
✅Thermo Straightener Treatment 15ml.
✅Without formaldehyde.
✅100% Colombian Product.
Save money and straighten your hair with a professional result! With PERFECT STRAIGHTENING COCONUT SET you will get smooth, healthy, and non-frizzy hair. The set has one Shampoo made with coconut oil and keratin that helps to straighten the hair progressively. One Coconut Keratin 120ml that you can apply to yourself and get excellent results. Also, it has one Thermo Straightener, you can apply it each time you wash your hair for a longer duration. It does not contain formaldehyde and thanks to its Coconut Pulp, provides hydration, brightness, and silkiness, recovering damaged hair. This is a 100% Colombian Product. Get it now! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
El resultado de un ingrediente exótico es sorprendente, pero cuatro pueden hacer mucho más. Esta mezcla exclusiva de aceite de coco, proteínas de queratina, aceite de aguacate y manteca de cacao se juntan para revitalizar a tu cabello.
El Shampoo Organix Brazilian Keratin Therapy 385 ml es un tratamiento de uso diario elaborado de una fascinante mezcla exótica brasileña rica en antioxidantes de aceites de coco y proteínas de Keratina que permiten fortalecer y suavizar el cabello. Además, el Shampoo Organix Brazilian Keratin Therapy 385 ml contiene aceite de aguacate y manteca de cacao que se encargan de nutrir desde la raíz y suavizar los folículos para lograr un cabello más fuerte, liso y lleno de vitalidad.
Gracias a que el Shampoo Organix Brazilian Keratin Therapy 385 ml esta elaborado con ingredientes 100% naturales, libre de químicos, libre de sulfatos y sin parabenos, el cabello no sufre agresiones y logra un brillo perfecto.
El Shampoo Organix Brazilian Keratin Therapy 385 ml es recomendado para todo tipo de cabello, especialmente para melenas onduladas, rizadas o rebeldes difícil de lograr la fuerza necesaria y la caída perfecta para lucir un peinado totalmente lacio. Para un mejor resultado es ideal complementar el tratamiento con el Acondicionador o cualquier otro producto de la misma línea de productos Organix.
★·.·´¯`·.·★Para mis redes sociales por favor abre la cajita de información:
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OGX Anti Breakage Keratin Oil Shampoo & Conditioner Review || OGX Shampoo and Conditioner
In today's video i share review on ogx anti breakage keratin oil shampoo and conditioner ..As i used these products 8 to 10 times and i found these are really good for dry and frizzy hair..
Products Mentioned:
OGX Anti Breakage Keratin Oil Shampoo
OGX Anti Breakage Keratin Oil Conditioner
Both Shampoo & conditioner :
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#keratintreatmentkit Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
OGX Ever Straight Brazilian Keratin Therapy 30 Day Smoothing Treatment
This video is about OGX Keratin
Products used include the following
-OGX brazilian therapy 30 day keratin smoothing treatment
-Round brush
-Shampoo comb/ wide tooth comb
-Blow dryer
-Flat iron (450 degrees)
if your going to cut your hair, make sure you have proper sheers
The directions on the box are very thorough so follow them as best as possible Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Give a new lease on life to dry, brittle and damaged hair with this keratin-infused shampoo and conditioner set. This carefully-formulated formula uses the moisturizing abilities of biotin and collagen, strengthening powers of carrier oils, and softening effects of vitamins A, E to improve vitality and resilience of lackluster hair. It effectively and gently removes impurities and dirt buildup, leaving your scalp and hair feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. It is a nurturing and restorative haircare set made for all hair types.
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How to create natural body waves. I love body waves, they can be created many different ways but this was quick & protective way for me to obtain natural looking body waves without using repetitive heat.
I used a bun technique with Ors olive oil edge control, spritz holding spray, OGX Brazilian Keratin Therapy Flat Iron Spray, beautiful textures Beautiful Textures Curly to Straight Flat Iron Silkener, L’ange hairbrush straightener, and an old ceramic flatiron. I Left in the bun about 30 minutes. I suggest allowing more time for more defined waves.
This hairstyle can last up to a week if you twist your hair back into a bun every night and wrap it up with a scarf. It is a great protective style for maintaining straight hair without applying heat everyday. What do you think? Like comment, share & subscribe.
Click the links below to purchase any of these products that I used :
Ors olive oil edge control:
Spritz holding spray:
OGX Brazilian Keratin Therapy Flat Iron Spray:
Beautiful textures Beautiful Textures Curly to Straight Flat Iron Silkener:
L’ange hairbrush straightener:
Ceramic flatiron: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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