Сироватка для обличчя наповнює шкіру енергією та допомагає підвищити її еластичність та розгладити її. Головним інгрідієнтом тут є убіхінон (Q10), чудовий антиоксидант, який, як відомо, тимчасово зменшує появу тонких зморшок, а завдяки такому інгредієнту як колаген, ваша шкіра стає м’якою, гладкою та привабливою.
Детальні характеристики:
Face Facts
Collagen & Q10 Face Serum З колагеном та коензимом
☀️What is the best time to use vitamin C ?
Well the answer is not simple.
☀️When we include an active in our skin care routine, we should understand when and how to use it so we get the most out of it .
☀️Vitamin C can be applied in the morning or at night and even twice a day
☀️Though it is most commonly used in the morning time due to its UV protective effects, there are certain conditions in which it’s better to apply vitamin c at night
🌅Apply vitamin C in the morning if :
✔️Mostly indoors
✔️Less sun exposure
✔️Using milder or stable forms of vitamin C like 3- O ethylascorbic acid, ascorbyl glycoside, sodium ascorbyl phosphate or magnesium ascorbyl phosphate
✔️using for glow and brightening effect
✔️using retinol at night
🌃Apply Vitamin C at night if:
✔️sensitive skin
✔️using potent form like L ascorbic acid
✔️not using a retinol at night or using retinol only 2-3 times a week
✔️mainly for dark spots
✔️as maintenance treatment for melasma
✔️excess sun exposure
I have a detailed review of vitamin C serums on my channel: link in bio.
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3q Beauty Deep Cleansing Face Serum | Skincare Products |
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How To Apply Face Serum The Correct Way for Better Results | Skincare Tips | Be Beautiful #Shorts
Listen to your skin. Maybe it needs a little extra love today✨ In this #Shorts video, Ankita will be showing you how to use face serum the correct way for better results. The Pond's Bright Beauty Spot-less Glow Serum will not only hydrate the skin but will also keep it looking nourished for hours. So, grab your hands on this skincare product for spot-less glowing skin every day.
#SkincareTips #FaceSerum #Shorts #YouTubeShorts
Pond's Bright Beauty Spot-less Glow Serum:
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Be Beautiful is your everyday beauty expert with a live radar for all things hair, skin, makeup, DIYs, self-care, fitness and more. Tune in every week for new videos on the latest viral beauty trends, skincare routines, hair care tips, DIY recipes, and everything the beauty junkie in you is craving! Trust us, the Be Beautiful Beauty Squad is constantly creating fun videos with easy step-by-step tutorials, how-tos and guides, honest reviews on beauty products, tips, tricks and hacks as well as home remedies.
And that’s not all. You will also find leading dermatologists, makeup artists and beauty experts share their best advice on skin, hair and makeup on our channel.
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The Best Brightening Serums I’ve Tried 🤌✨ #skincare #skincaretips #acneproneskin #oilyskin
Products mentioned in the video-
- The ordinary niacinamide serum
- The ordinary retinol serum
- Dermitecture azelaic acid serum
- Purito vitamin c serum
- The potions hyaluronic acid serum
For more info check out my Instagram!! @artbyaelia
Hope you found this helpful!! If you have any questions leave them down below 🙌
Disclaimer- I’m not a dermatologist or a professional I’m just sharing my experience and hopefully this helps you :)
This content is created for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
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For Business Inquiries Only‼️
💌- artbyaelia07@
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HYALURONIC ACID SERUM FOR SKIN | How To Use Hyaluronic Acid Serum #shorts #YouTubePartner
Hyaluronic acid:
Face wash:
HYALURONIC ACID SERUM FOR SKIN | How To Use Hyaluronic Acid Serum #shorts #YouTubePartner
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*Amazon links are affiliate links.
*Music is from epidemic sound.
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Inatur's Collagen Face Serum Review | How to apply | INATUR
SUBSCRIBE for more quick tips ➭
I Ruined My Skin With This Beauty Hack, Dermaplaning is best left to the professionals and would recommend you NOT try it at home.
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24k gold face serum. See it’s many uses and the glow it gives. #faceserum #getglowing #glowingskin
Почему именно правило «двух пальцев»?
По международным стандартам, которые описывают правила проведения испытаний косметики на уровень SPF, нужно наносить средство в количестве 2 мг/см2.
В итоге на лицо в среднем нужно около 1,13 г средства. Это примерно половина чайной ложки продукта или как раз наши «два пальца»
Именно такое количество обеспечит вам должную защиту.
Но не нужно все наносить только на лицо. Данное количество распределяется на лицо + уши + передняя и задняя поверхность шеи
При этом, лучше наносить спф на хорошо увлажненную кожу.
Что можно комфортно использовать на кожу до нанесения спф, чтобы не создать лишней жирности/тяжести - oil free сыворотки:
•гиалуроновая с лизатами бифидобактерий
•против пигментных пятен (для снижения риска развития пигмента летом)
•восстанавливающую баланс микробиома (для контроля жирности и профилактики воспалений)
После спф дайте ему время на усадку (8-10 минут) и далее можно аккуратно наносить тон (если вы его используете). Рассказать как правильно совмещать спф крем и декоративную косметику?
Обнимаю, ваш интегративный косметолог, Дарья ❤️ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ідеальним засобом для додаткового зволоження є есенція з вітаміном С від фірми SADOER. Косметичний засіб має ніжну текстуру, легко наноситься та швидко вбирається, прибирає відчуття стягнутості та сухості. Есенція активно живить епідерміс корисними вітамінами, делікатно освітлює та перешкоджає передчасному старінню шкіри. Сироватка інтенсивно наповнює шкіру цілющою вологою, регулює роботу сальних залоз, бореться з появою пігментних та темних плям, розгладжує дрібні зморшки, надає свіжості та гарного кольору шкіри.
Вітамін С, що входить до складу есенції, бореться з тьмяністю та в’ялістю шкіри, вирівнює нерівності та шорсткості, освіжає, покращує зовнішній вигляд та загальний стан епідермісу. Гліцерин — відновлює гідроліпідний баланс, зміцнює захисний бар’єр, підвищує пружність та перешкоджає випаровуванню вологи. Алантоїн — бореться з сухістю, знімає почервоніння та подразнення на шкірі, вирівнює структуру та прискорює процеси оновлення. Регулярне використання сироватки в косметичних процедурах захищає шкіру від передчасного старіння та негативних впливів навколишнього середовища, забезпечує гарний колір та тон.
Замовити: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
🔥Viral Serum | 2x Glowing Face Serum | Skin Whitening & Brightening Face Serum |SM Beautyland studio #shorts #skincare #youtubeshorts #beauty #skinwhitening #smbeautylandstudio Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Dahil hindi pwedeng ipang maintenance si Toner. Eto pwede 😍
The Dr. Vita Q10 Serum is an all-in-one serum that contains anti-aging, hydrating, and whitening properties that promote a more radiant and youthful looking skin.
What makes it effective:
🌺 Coenzyme Q10 – It is an antioxidant that eliminates the free radicals from inside and outside our cells to slow down aging of skin.
🌺 Vitamin E – A powerful antioxidant that reduces inflammation and makes your skin look younger. It also promotes healing of wounds.
Vitamin C – It helps the skin resist UV rays and prevents oxidation of melanin that causes skin to darken. It promotes a lighter and brighter skin tone.
🌺 Cerawhite® - A patented whitening ingredient derived from herbs. Contains Glutathione that prevents the production of melanin, Ellagic Acid that prevents inflammation and the breakdown of collagen to prevent formation of wrinkles, and Ascorbyl Glucoside that is an antioxidant that reduces signs of aging and evens out skin tone.
🌺 Argan Oil – Helps hydrate and moisturize skin and keep it from drying out.
Vitamin A – Stimulates collagen and elastin production to help keep skin looking firm and youthful.
🌺 Rosehip Oil – Rich in Linoleic Acid and Linolenic Acid that improve cell membrane synthesis, which helps in smoothing fine lines.
🌺Lavender Oil – Soothes skin and works with collagen to make skin firm, and improves the appearance of fine lines and skin texture.
👉 What are the benefits of using Dr. Vita Q10 Serum?
The Dr. Vita Q10 Serum prevents the formation of wrinkles and reduces signs of aging for a more youthful looking skin. It also provides hydration, brightening, and whitening effect that can be seen with regular use.
👉 How do you use the Dr. Vita Q10 Serum?
After washing the face, take an appropriate amount and distribute evenly on the face. Gently pat the serum on and massage with your fingertips until absorbed.
👉 What makes Dr. Vita Q10 Serum different from other serums?
Other serums focus on just anti-aging, hydrating, whitening, or brightening. But Dr. Vita Q10 Serum contains all these properties in just one bottle. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Tres Amigos Face Serum - By Maru & Ming #beauty #skincare #serum #makeup #beautyproduct #cosmetics
Tres Amigos Face Serums Vit. C, HA, Collagen Total Wt. 1 oz
Prep your skin even when on the go. Take them when you travel, at work, at the gym, or wherever you go! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Disclaimer: This video is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice. Content provided in this video is for educational purposes only. Please consult with a physician regarding any health-related diagnosis or treatment. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ідеальним засобом догляду за шкірою навколо очей є сироватка з ліфтинг-ефектом від фірми Jomtam. Косметичний засіб має ніжну консистенцію та завдяки зручному роликовому аплікатору легко наноситься та розподіляється по шкірі. Сироватка прискорює мікроциркуляцію крові, прибирає набряки та синці під очима, розгладжує мімічні зморшки та покращує структуру та зовнішній вигляд. Косметична есенція підходить для всіх типів шкіри, в тому числі і для в’ялої.
Вона добре підтягує шкіру, вирівнює рельєф, живить корисними речовинами і глибоко насичує шкіру цілющою вологою. Засіб стимулює вироблення колагену, покращує щільність шкіри, тонізує та дбайливо освітлює. Підсилює відновлювальні та захисні функції епідермісу, нейтралізує вільні радикали та уповільнює старіння. Регулярне використання сироватки в б'юті процедурах надовго зберігає молодість, свіжість та природну красу шкіри.
Замовити: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
QBEKA HAPPY Coenzyme Q10 Serum---Promote collagen synthesis, anti-aging
Ingredients: Coenzyme Q10, EGF
Suitable skin: suitable for any skin.
Antioxidant and specific immunopotentiator
Activates cellular metabolism and cellular respiration
Shop for here:
Business Inquiry:
Email: bosseyelash@
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Aniise Collagen Facial Serum with Coq10 & Argan Oil
Use the amazing healing power of Coq10 and Argan oil as a skin repairer. This tutorial will show you how to properly apply the facial serum for maximum benefit. Here we use Aniise Collagen Facial Serum with Coq10 & Argan Oil.
This serum improves the skin in numerous ways. Infused with Coq10 and Argan Oil, it will nourish, soften and brighten the skin. Coq10 protects the skin from oxidative DNA damage, which can be caused by the sun’s rays. Argan Oil restores the nutrients inside the skin cells. When used twice daily, this serum will help reduce redness, stimulates healthy collagen production, which helps maintain elasticity and improves the appearance of wrinkles. It will leave your skin smoother, firmer and more radiant, making it look younger. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Wow picks! Priced at $ Choose your wows. 🐕
VITAMIN C COQ10 - MAKEUP REMOVING & CLEANSING SERUM is a 2 in 1 cleanser which works as both makeup remover and face wash. Featured with Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin C, Organic Argan oil, Organic Camellia oil and other nutritious Organic & Natural ingredients, the cleanser helps effectively remove all kinds of makeup, gently remove dead skin cells as well as dirt, oil and chemicals without damaging your skin. Get a flawless complexion, firming, skin brightening and anti-aging benefits with this 2 in 1 magic cleansing serum! HAPPY POINTS: POINT 1: Effective to all kinds of makeup even the toughest ones including foundation, mascara, matte lipstick, and waterproof makeup, etc. POINT 2: 2-IN-1 convenient formula. You don't need an extra step of washing face after using this makeup remover. Save your time, save your money! POINT 3: No worry of synthetic surfactants which will be "quietly" damaging your skin! Since we say NO with those synthetic surfactants, you don't need to worry about skin drying or flakiness caused by harsh chemicals. POINT 4: CoQ10 + 100% Organic/Natural formula! Plus, the product is slightly scented with 100% citrus essential oils. POINT 5: Non-alcohol. POINT 6: Non-comedogenic. Don't like the sticky after feel when using natural makeup removing / cleansing oil? So, yes, this product is for you! Good to use for all skin types, even for the oily skin and skin with breakouts. POINT 7: In addition to makeup removing and face cleansing fuctions, the product also helps gently remove dead skin cells. This will soften your skin and help prevent acne. POINT 8: This product is Vegan POINT 9: No added gluten. FOR WHOM FOR WHOM? All skin types Sensitive skin Skin with breakouts FOR WHAT? Removing makeup Cleanse dirt, sebum, chemicals and other pollutants Skin firming Skin Brightening Anti-aging Gently exfoliating Anti inflammatory Antibacterial This product also helps Softening Moisturizing INGREDIENTS View All Ingredients ★COENZYM Q10 : Helps stimulate collagen and elastin production, which can reduce the appearance of fine lines. CoQ10 aids in cell activity so that your cells are more efficient in flushing out toxins like free radicals and healing the damage they cause. It also helps even out skin tone and benefit skin with antioxidant effects. ★VITAMIN C: has been praised for skin brightening and anti-blemish benefits. It helps reducing dark spots and blemish as well. Vitamin C defends against free radicals and shields skin from the visible impacts of pollution. It is also an antioxidant, which help boosting collagen production. ★ORGANIC ARGAN OIL & CAMELLIA OIL: Rich sources of antioxidants like polyphenols and vitamin E. The omega fatty acids in argan oil and camellia oil also help to strengthen tissues in skin and therefore can aid in wrinkle prevention. Besides, with the supports of grape seed oil, avocado oil and sweet almond oil in the formula, powerful anti-aging benefits are what you can expect. In addition, AHA fruity acids coming from orange peel oil help gently remove dead skin cells, cleanse and soften your skin; ylang ylang and rosemary extract helps soothing, reparing skin damages, moisturizing skin and providing anti-inflammatory benefits. HOW TO USE HOW TO USE: -Wet your face with water. -Shake the product well before use. Apply the serum on your entire face and gently massage until you see it dissolves all the makeup. The whole process usually takes about 1~2 minutes. -Rinse well with water. Then follow with our toner, serum and moisturizer. WHEN TO USE: Can be used everyday. IN WHAT ORDER: VITAMIN C COQ10 - MAKEUP REMOVING & CLEANSING SERUM → (rinse well) → Toner → Serum/Emulsion → Moisturizer HOW TO STORE: Good to keep at room temperature. Avoid direct sunlight. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор корейского крема для лица с коэнзимами Q10 Deoproce Natural Skin Coenzyme Q10
Крем для лица Deoproce Natural Skin Coenzyme Q10
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Купить корейский крем Deoproce Natural Skin Coenzyme Q10 здесь Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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🟡Formulated with collagen proteins and potent ingredients that encourage collagen production such as peptides, retinol and vitamin C, the best collagen serums show a significant reduction in fine lines and wrinkles while adding definition and tone to the facial contours.
👉 How do you use face whitening serum?
🌺First, cleanse and exfoliate your skin and follow it up with a toner or facial mist. Next, gently apply a small amount of serum to your face and neck with either your fingertips or palms. Then, wait 5 minutes for your face serum to fully absorb into your skin.
👉Does vitamin C serum brighten skin?
🌺Vitamin C-based skin care products may lighten patches that are darker than the rest of your skin, called hyperpigmentation. In one study, vitamin C applied to the skin for 16 weeks significantly cut down on these spots.
👉 Should I use face serum everyday?
🌺Most face serums are safe to be applied twice daily – once in the morning on a cleansed face, before the rest of your makeup, and once at night before bed. Some serums should be avoided during the daytime while some work to their fullest potential when the sun is shining!
👉Do I need both serum and moisturizer?
🌺 You can but you don't have to. Serums and moisturizers help the skin in different ways. For some, particularly those who do not have dry skin, a serum alone will be enough. At other times, when your skin is dry or the environment is drying, you will find that you need both a serum and a moisturizer.
How to use:
Apply in the morning and evening to a cleansed skin, for example, face and neck.
Apply 3 – 4 drops of serum to the skin and gently massage until the drops are absorbed in its entirety.
Add the serum to your cream or moisture.
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How to make this beautiful face serum using summer fruit oils plus how to work with coenzyme Q10 powder.
Use the percentages in this recipe with our batch size calculator to adjust the size of your batch:
Recipe and ingredients: %20blends/Q10%20Summer%20Fruits%20Serum?mv_pc=24438
About the ingredients:
Our bodies naturally produce coenzyme Q10, it is found in every cell and tissue, it is said to help neutralise free radicals, reducing their concentrations and minimising their effect on collagen and elastin in the skin, keeping skin cells healthy. As we age we produce less. The levels of coenzyme Q10 in a person are highest in childhood and reduce with age. This drop in concentration of antioxidants is one of the leading causes of ageing skin. Most people over 30 have below optimum levels of coenzyme Q10 in the skin and this lack can impede our ability to produce collagen and elastin. Collagen is important because it makes your skin firm, while elastin gives your skin flexibility. The loss of collagen and elastin causes skin to wrinkle and sag. However, coenzyme Q10 can be replenished with topical application to the skin and is an excellent way to feed your skin this rich antioxidant and help fight the signs of ageing, helping to keep skin healthy, more elastic and looking firmer and younger.
Plum kernel oil has a very high concentration of vitamin E, making it resistance to oxidation, plus a high ratio of monounsaturated fatty acids relative to saturated fatty acids. Its main chemical constituents are: oleic acids (60-80%), linoleic acids (15-25%), palmitic acid (5-10%), stearic acid (1-4%), palmitoleic acid (1-2%), and vitamin E.
A fast absorbing oil, it is deeply moisturising, leaving skin soft and supple with a satin-like finish. It is said to have antioxidant properties which can help fight the effects of free radicals, reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and age spots. Can help relieve redness on irritated and dry skin and is said to support the skin's natural collagen production.
Raspberry seed oil is rich in antioxidants, including vitamin E, an antioxidant very important for preventing oxidative damage which can lead to premature signs of ageing; vitamin A, which can stimulate collagen production and slow the breakdown of skin’s collagen and elastin; phytosterols, which can help reduce transepidermal water loss, helping skin retain moisture; and ellagic acid, which can help prevent inflammation and tissue damage. It is also very high in omega 3 and omega 6 essential fatty acids, which benefit the skin by regulating oil production and helping to prevent acne, plus replenishing the lipid structure of the skin, vital to maintaining your skin’s barrier, keeping it smooth, moisturised and elastic.
Cherry kernel oil is light and fast absorbing and contains natural antioxidants, alpha, delta and gamma tocopherols plus vitamins A and E. It is reputed to be good for inflamed and acne-prone skin; for eczema and psoriasis. Said to help stimulate collagen production, skin cell rejuvenation and increase blood flow to the surface of the skin.
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Кушон для обличчя - це ідеальний продукт, який підкорив багато жінок по всьому світу. Він має універсальний відтінок, а завдяки легкій консистенції відмінно підлаштовується під тон шкіри. Кушон також має низку косметичних властивостей, які зроблять вашу шкіру ідеальною.
Антибактеріальний спонж просочений косметичним засобом, що дозволяє легко наносити та розподіляти крем на шкірі. Він насичений корисними вітамінами, екстрактами рослин та антивіковими речовинами. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Specializing in the production of anti-aging essence, 24K Gold Face Serum, 100% effective, A free trial Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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ВИВА Q 10 Форте содержит 100 мг коэнзима в 1 капсуле – эффективная суточная доза для взрослого человека для поддержания функций сердечно-сосудистой системы, всех органов и систем организма, повышения работоспособности, улучшения переносимости физических и умственных нагрузок, увеличения продолжительности жизни.
Научно доказано, что ежедневный прием Q10 омолаживает организм за счет восстановления клеточного дыхания и увеличивает продолжительность активной жизни (а не старости) на 20-30 лет. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The benefits of the serum ..
🥰Helps minimise pores, false lines and wrinkles to battle signs of aging
🥰Takes care of any hyperpigmentation on the skin
🥰Keep your skin hydrated for long with the properties of hyaluronic acid
🥰Defies aging by minimizing fine lines and wrinkles
🥰Prevents sun damage to avoid signs of skin aging
🥰Helps in breaking down collagen and improving skin elasticity
🥰Reduces acne scars and evens out skin tone
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Звісно, саме очі - головний показник віку. Для цього є 2 причини:
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Морщины под глазами - это паспорт.
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