Для найжіночніших і прекрасних, які вже встигли оцінити і полюбити божественний аромат Giorgio Armani Si, вийшла ще більш пристрасніша його версія – парфумована вода Si Passione. Вона належить до групи фруктово-квіткових композицій і розкривається соковитим флером стиглої груші, злегка терпкої чорної смородини і пікантного рожевого перцю.
Ніжний і чуттєвий аромат геліотропа у поєднанні з важким жасмином і розкішною трояндою складають «сердечний» акорд Giorgio Armani Si Passione. Фінал композиції дарує терпкість деревини білого кедра і солодку млість ванілі. Фруктово-квіткова феєрія парфумованої води одягнена у флакон відомої форми, але відрізняється від попередньої версії пристрасним насиченим червоним кольором.
Детальні характеристики:
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Si Passione тестер 100 мл
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Сімейство аромату
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Si Passione Eclat De Parfum Giorgio Armani
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Обзор нового женского аромата от Giorgio Armani SI PASSIONE ароматы 2018
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Распаковка и первые впечатления от Si Passione Eclat Giorgio Armani
Бью флаконы прямо на видео! Без смс и регистрации!
Случайно купила эту версию аромата, перепутав название. Мои впечатления от неожиданной для себя покупки.
Упомянутые в видео ароматы:
Si Passione Eclat De Parfum Giorgio Armani,
Sì Intense 2021 Giorgio Armani,
Sì Passione Giorgio Armani,
Sì Passione Intense Giorgio Armani,
Sì Passione Red Maestro Giorgio Armani,
Sì Passione Laser Limited Edition Giorgio Armani,
My Way Intense Giorgio Armani,
A Girl In Capri Lanvin,
Eclat d’Arpège Lanvin
#fragrances #perfume #парфманьяк #парфманьяк #духи #парфюм
Sì Intense 2021
My Way Intense Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Всем приветики! У меня сегодня новое видео о новом аромате от Армани. Это очередной фланкер знаменитого Си. Нравятся ли вам эти ароматы? Этот бренд? Какой любимый аромат из этой линейки?
Вот видео об ароматах Си
Тени: Viseart Rose Edit
Для губ: Pat McGrath Opulust Gloss Lavendaring+Pale Fire Nectar
Пудра: Kiko Milano Compact Powder 100
Карандаш для глаз: Tom Ford Eye Kohl Intense 05 Bruise
Карандаш для бровей: Catrice Eyebrow Pencil 02 Blonde Ambition
Финишная пудра: Guerlain Meteorites Beige Chic 03
Тушь: Milk Kush Mascara
Лак для ногтей: коричнево-грибной оттенок из набора Essie Island Hopping Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Si Passione - Giorgio Armani my Love. Мой осенний аромат. Страсть.
Мой любимый аромат на холодную осень. Напишите в комментариях а какой ваш любимый аромат на холодную осень ? #покупки#парфюм Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Фиксирующий Спрей: Balea Teint Perfektion
Пудра: Urban Decay Naked Skin Ultra Definition Powder Foundation Light Neutral
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Тушь: Isa Dora Whig Wam
Тени: Colourpop Golden State of Mind
На бровях: Essence SuperLast 24 H Eyebwor Pomade Pencil Waterproof 10 Blonde
На губах: Wet´n´Wild Don´t Blink Pink
На ногтях: Kiko Milano Power Pro Nail Lacquer 001+ OPI Goldeneye Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#распаковка #аромат #Armani Ура! Мегавыгодный заказ Армани Бьюти. My Way, Si Passione
Обзор на парфюм ✔️
Мнение простого человека для обдумывающих купить данный аромат поможет определиться с выбором ❤️
Sì Passione Intense – это яркий, насыщенный и элегантный цветочный аромат, усиленный энергией древесных и мускусных нот.
Аромат, созданный Жюли Массе, обращается к ощущениям и пробуждает воспоминания о мгновениях истинной страсти. Характерная верхняя нота легендарного аромата Sì – нектар черной смородины. Она гармонирует с еще более выразительной цветочной нотой сердца, где преобладают экстракт и абсолютное масло жасмина, а также чувствуется аромат розы.
Благодаря базовым нотам кедра и белого мускуса эта яркая, естественная композиция становится еще многограннее. Наконец, раскрываются ноты эссенции пачули и экстракта ванили.
Новый флакон Sì Passione Intense покрыт красным лаком снаружи и изнутри. Он идеально соответствует характеру аромата – такой же выразительный, притягательный и яркий.
«Не обязательно ассоциировать выразительность с темным цветом», – говорит Джорджо Армани.
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🌟 Armani Si Perfume Range:
🌟 My article on the Armani Si Perfume Range:
Armani Si Passione Eclat is available here:
Fragrance Direct (EU):
Si Passione Limited Heart Edition:
Armani Si Fiori (UK & Europe):
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Armani Si passione eclat #scentoftheday #summerfragrances #scentofawoman
Le nouveau parfum de Giorgio Armani libère la passion
de la femme Sì, indépendante, féminine et libre. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Si Passione by GORGIO ARMANI. Eau de Parfum For Women. Almost Perfect. First 7 Day Experience & Note Breakdown. We are opening and smelling this scent for the first time. Deep diving in to the release date, perfume rating, breaking down the composition and sharing first seven day experience of using this scent. Fragrance in the video was bought blindly. # 84
Master Perfumers of this fragrance are Christine Nagel & Julie Masse.
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#cvetkov #gorgio armani #sipassione Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
NOWOŚĆ! Recenzja perfum Si Passione Giorgio Armani
Musujący, świeży, owocowy czy to naprawdę jest Si???
Nuty głowy:
gruszka, różowy pieprz, czarna porzeczka
Nuty serca: róża, jaśmin, heliotrop
Nuty bazy: cedr, wanilia
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Oznaczajcie zdjęcia ze wszystkimi rzeczami zakupionymi dzięki inspiracji moimi filmikami: #scentstylistzakupy
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Do zobaczenia! :) ♥
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Giorgio Armani, SI PASSIONE EDP | kullananlar yorumladı | burcununmakyaji
#Parfüm kategorisinde yer alan #Kadın Parfüm alt kategorisindeki #Giorgio Armani #SI PASSIONE EDP kullananlardan üyesi burcununmakyaji değerlendirip, sizin için samimi ve tarafsız olarak yorumlayarak puanladı.
’da #Kadın Parfüm alt kategorisindeki diğer ürünleri keşfetmek ve #Giorgio Armani markasının başka ürünlerini de kullananların tarafsız yorumlarını incelemek için sizi ‘a bekliyoruz.
Kozmetik ve Kişisel Bakım Ürünlerini Kullananların Gerçek, Samimi ve Tarafsız Yorumları Türkiye’nin Tarafsız Kozmetik Rehberi ’u Oluşturuyor:
Bildiğiniz üzere Tarafsız bir Kozmetik Rehberidir.
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, aynı zamanda üyelerine çeşitli fırsatlar da sunmaktadır. Deneme Ürün Kampanyaları, Üye Satış Ortağı Programı ve Rozet sistemi ile çeşitli ayrıcalıklara sahip olmak üyelerine sunduğu fırsatlardan bazılarıdır.
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NEW GEORGIO ARMANI SI PASSIONE /Beautiful I Fragrance Review with price
Armani Si Passione Eau de Parfum Review by Scentstore - A unique and very different representation of the classic Armani Si Eau de Parfum , Si Passione is uplifting, addictive & seductive, designed for a woman who wants to feel sexy, confident and oh so feminine.
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Music: Leh
Musician: ASHUTOSH
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Hi my fragrance fam!
💟Today's video is about the brand new 2022 Si Passione Eclat perfume from Giorgio Armani.
I was super excited for this release as I am a huge fan of Armani Si in general.
Let me know what you think of this one if you've tried it and do you like the Si range of perfumes in general???
I would really be super happy if you would consider subscribing and liking this video 👍👍
All opinions in this video are my own.
Thanks for watching, see you again soon!
Instagram: 50scents_uk
Email: 50scentsuk@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#sipassioneeclat #giorgioarmani #perfumecollection
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⚫️DISCLAIMER This video isn’t sponsored and my views and thoughts are my own opinion. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Si Passione Giorgio Armani is a sweet but fresh fragrance with pear and pineapple, grapefruit, rose, jasmine, heliotrope, vanilla, patchouli.
#scentoftheday #sipassionegiorgioarmani #sipassione #fragrance #perfume #perfumeforher Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In the words of Giorgio Armani, “Intensity does not have to be dark. Intensity is a movement in the making, a continuous vibration.
Adaab arz hai meri khusbudaar awaam..
Sab se pehle to ap sab ki Shukr guzaar ho for watching my videos and for all the positive feedback. Thank you 💜 se.
Apologies for the audio quality of this video. I attempted audio recorder and it didnt fall through as expected, therefore had to proceed with my phone audio. I assure next time I'll be more audible just like how adorable I am. HAHA .
Till then Enjoy the review and leave your feedback and comments down.. ✌🏻Peace out
#seherangaizhojao #mscologne #scent #scentsy #giorgioarmani #si #passion #review #perfume #instafragrance #fraghead #fragranceoftheday #vlogger #spray #urdu #positivevibes #instagood #bus #pink #instamood #d3 #review #style #fragrance #dubai #instalike #pakistan #bliss Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Review Giorgio Armani Si Passione. This is one of my new favorite Perfume. It's a Beautiful Fragrance.
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Hi. I’m Pauline Newman. Welcome to My Channel. Please Subscribe. This is a place of Love, Laughter, Kindness and Respect. I’m also a Singer, Songwriter, Former Ebony Fashion Fair Plus Model, Voice Over Actress, FOODIE/Badass Home Cook, KUNG FU FANATIC, LOVER of Life, A Seeker of Knowledge & Enlightenment, HAPPY and GRATEFUL for LIFE. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hoje o vídeo é sobre esses 2 lindos flankers de Si. Vem ver
Vídeo sobre Si EDT e Si Intense:
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#perfumes #perfumaria Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
My name is Amarilis but you can call me Amy. I love all things beauty and have a growing obsession with fragrance. Hope my channel can be a little positive escape where we can talk all things Girly and Glam. Thank you so much for watching!
Youtuber Mentioned: @rebecacollazo
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Giorgio Armani Si Passione Eclat:
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I make a small commission from affiliate links which help me to continue making content for my channel. I appreciate anyone who uses the links but understand if you prefer not to use them. Thank you for your continued support!
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Fake vs Real Armani Si Passione Perfume
How to spot fake Armani Si Passione Perfume
- Front box - the words Armani And, the fake one a touch of yellower color.
Words, VAPORISATEUR NATURAL SPRAY 1OO ml 3.4 . At the fake thicker
- The bottom of the original box has an engraved serial number, while the fake one does not have any serial number. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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QUER GANHAR UM PERFUME IMPORTADO!? Sì Passione Giorgio Armani | Assista o vídeo para concorrer!
Quer ganhar um Perfume IMPORTADO!?
Sì Passione Giorgio Armani?
Instagram:@danicardosobeauty Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A new radical chapter in the Sì saga, Passione is a new tribute to femininity. Sensual, bold, and elegant, it allows each woman to assert who she really is and unleash the passion that beats within. It is the declaration of desire, of love, of life. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thanks everyone for watching! A nice fragrance but nothing to write home about lol. Please watch, subscribe an follow on Instagram the beautiful Adrienna DC . Link below 💕
Adrienna DC YouTube 💕
Si Passione Eclat De Parfum by Giorgio Armani is a Floral Fruity fragrance for women. This is a new fragrance. Si Passione Eclat De Parfum was launched in 2022. The nose behind this fragrance is Julie Masse. Top notes are Black Currant and Calabrian bergamot; middle notes are May Rose and Damask Rose; base notes are White Musk and Madagascar Vanilla.
Giorgio Armani unveils Sì Passione fragrance, a sparkling new facet of Sì Passione's signature perfume. Incarnating a modern and bold femininity, Sì Passione fragrance symbolizes the passion that inspires to reveal its strengths and approach the world with grace and independence.
This luminous fragrance, which belongs to the rosy floral family, combines many ingredients of sustainable and responsible origin. It opens with sparkling notes of bergamot harvested sustainably in the Italian region of Calabria, offering a fresh, juicy hesperide note crafted for Giorgio Armani. It blends with a blackcurrant chord that reveals a new green and crunchy interpretation of this signature fruit from the Si fragrances. Two captivating notes of rose are at the heart of the fragrance: the Centifolia rose, picked by hand in the Grasse region of France, gives the note a soft and powdery effect, which blends with a lemony facet and a subtle peppery touch. At the same time, the rose of Damascus, harvested through sustainable and responsible processes in Isparta, the "capital of roses" in Turkey, hints at the feminine and characterful dimensions of the flower. In the background, white musk brings purity, sweetness, and sensuality to the fragrance, while Madagascar's exceptional vanilla Bourbon infusion from a sustainable and responsible program to help local communities exudes a comforting warmth. both spicy and addictive. The scent of the fragrance is fresh and light while remaining soft and enveloping. Perfumer of the composition is Julie Masse.
Head note: Blackcurrant & Calabrian Bergamot
Heart note: Rose Centifolia & Damascus rose
Base note: White Musks & Bourbon Vanilla from Madagascar
Si Passione Eclat De Parfum is available in sizes of 30ml, 50ml, and 100ml.
💕 Sì Intense 2021 by Giorgio Armani is a Amber Floral fragrance for women. This is a new fragrance. Sì Intense 2021 was launched in 2021. The nose behind this fragrance is Julie Masse. Top note is Blackcurrant Syrup; middle notes are Turkish Rose and Davana; base notes are Benzoin and Patchouli.
💕 Sì Passione Intense by Giorgio Armani is a Amber Floral fragrance for women. This is a new fragrance. Sì Passione Intense was launched in 2020. The nose behind this fragrance is Julie Masse. Top note is Blackcurrant Syrup; middle note is Jasmine; base notes are White Musk, Patchouli, Cedar and Vanilla.
💕 Sì Fiori by Giorgio Armani is a Chypre Floral fragrance for women. Sì Fiori was launched in 2019. The nose behind this fragrance is Julie Masse. Top notes are Black Currant and Green Mandarin; middle notes are Neroli, Rose, Patchouli and Oakmoss; base notes are Vanilla and White Musk.
In March 2019 comes a new, pink version Armani Sì Fiori. The new perfume invites you to express your true nature of being yourself in this jungel of skyscrapers. Armani Si promotes self-confidence and faith in yourself.
The composition reinterprets the chypre theme of the original, playing around the note of neroli, white flower of the Mediterranean. The scent of chypre-neroli heart is created by the perfumer Julie Masse.
Top notes: black currant, green mandarin
Heart: neroli, patchouli, oak moss, rose
Base: vanilla, white musk
Actress Cate Blanchett as the face of the campaign is joined by Chinese actress Elaine Zhong, and models Adwoa Aboah and Sara Sampaio.
The bottle of perfume is transparent, lacquered in a tint nude pink, decorated with black cap and a golden ring around the neck. Armani Sì Fiori is available as a 30, 50 and 100 ml Eau de Parfum.
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Giorgio Armani Sì Passione: the new scent fo seduction
Red is the color of Armani new olfactory chapter “Sì Passione”, a celebration of the intrinsic power of sensuality, a cocktail that gives off the same effect as that of a red lipstick: it confers audacity, self-confidence and, why not, also boldness.
All while remaining faithful to the class of the brand and thus playing on the dualism of an elegant sensuality, resplendent and sexy at the same time, yet so intransigent as it is independent. Feminine and free. So perfectly modern, so wonderfully Armani.
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Perfume Sí Passione de Giorgio Armani - Cate Blanchett 2018 - Spot Anuncio Publicidad 22 sec
Perfume Sí Passione de Giorgio Armani - Cate Blanchett 2018 - Spot 22 secs Anuncio Publicidad Comercial Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Resenha do perfume Si Passione Intense de 2020.
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