Чуттєвий, таємничий і містичний унісекс аромат Avignon - продовження розкішної колекції Series 3 від модного дому з Японії Comme Des Garcons. Свою назву аромат отримав від міста Авіньон на півдні Франції, чарівна атмосфера якого надихнула дизайнерів на створення вишуканого аромату. Авіньйон тривалий час був релігійним центром, в якому до 14 століття розміщувалася резиденція Папи Римського.
Основу незвичайної композиції склали пахощі ладану, який використовувався в католицьких соборах Авіньйона як символ духовного очищення.
Торкаючись шкіри, аромат розкривається різкими і насиченими нотами ромашки і ванілі, які плавно переходять в спокійні і розслаблюючі акорди таємничого ладану і шляхетних смол. Базові акорди палісандра і лабданума завершують унікальну композицію Avignon.
Надзвичайний аромат Avignon буде до смаку чуттєвим чоловікам і жінкам, які обирають розслаблюючі, медитативні аромати, здатні подарувати гарний настрій і умиротворення на цілий день.
Мы продолжаем знакомить вас с действительно прекрасными ароматами. Сегодня Денис Ивасик, расскажет вам о японском люксовом бренде Comme Des Garcons. Название бренда переводится "Как парни", что сразу отсылает эти ароматы к мужской аудитории.
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Подробнее об ароматах из обзора можно узнать тут:
1. Comme Des Garcons 2
2. Comme Des Garcons Blackpepper
3. Comme Des Garcons Wonderwood
4. Comme Des Garcons Copper
5. Comme Des Garcons Amazingreen
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Денис Ивасик:
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Comme Des Garcons Incense Series 03 Avignon, Zagorsk, Kyoto + Jaisalmer Fragrances Review
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Comme Des Garcons Incense Series 03 Avignon, Zagorsk, Kyoto + Jaisalmer Fragrances Review
Dalya and I shot this video 2 months ago and luckily we have a few more of these types of videos that have not made it on air yet! :) So stay tuned for those sooner than later. But today we're speaking about the Comme Des Garcons Incense Series 03 Avignon, Zagorsk, Kyoto, and Jaisalmer fragrances. Are you a fan of Incense in fragrances? Do you enjoy the Comme Des Garcons Incense Series Fragrances? Please let me know, add a comment below so that I can find out.
Comme des Garcons Series 3 Incense: Avignon: Incense, Myrrh, Olibanum, Cedar, Labdanum, Chamomile, Elemi, Brazilian Rosewood, Spices, Patchouli, Oakmoss, Ambrette, Vanilla, Musk
Comme des Garcons Series 3 Incense: Zagorsk: Pine Tree, Incense, Birchwood, Olibanum, Cedar, Hinoki Wood, Iris, Chilli Pepper, Violet
Comme des Garcons Series 3 Incense: Jaisalmer: Incense, Cardamom, Black Pepper, Cinnamom, Guaiac Wood, Ebony, Chilli, Amber, Benzoin, Red Berries
Comme des Garcons Series 3 Incense: Kyoto: Incense, Cypress, Cedar, Vetiver, Teak Wood, Immortelle, Coffee, Patchouli, Amber
Ouarzazate? Does anyone know about this fragrance? Please add a comment below so that I can find out and if it's worth owning!
Disclaimer: As always please watch, rate, comment and share this video and please subscribe to my channel if you haven't yet. Please stay tuned for more videos and giveaways soon! Comme Des Garcons Incense Series 03 Avignon, Zagorsk, Kyoto And Jaisalmer were purchased by me for this and future review videos on Smelling Great Fragrance Reviews channel. The views and opinions for Comme Des Garcons Incense Series 03 Avignon, Zagorsk, Kyoto And Jaisalmer are my own. If you're curious to try Comme Des Garcons Incense Series 03 Avignon, Zagorsk, Kyoto And Jaisalmer please buy or obtain samples/decants prior to purchasing a full bottle. Fragrances I like you might not like and vice versa, so I cannot guarantee you will react to this fragrance as I have. I may earn a commission when you use one of the links to make a purchase. Thank you.
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👉🏼 Perfumes The Guide 2018 here:
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👉🏼 The Perfume Collector:
👉🏼Essence And Alchemy:
▶️Watch Perfume Concentration Guide Difference Of EDC, EDT, EDP + EXTRAIT here:
▶️Watch Top 20 Most Complimented Fragrances Video here:
▶️Watch Oud Fragrances Review Videos here:
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#ThePerfumeGuy #IncenseSeries03 #CommeDesGarcons
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Ароматы в видео:
Series 3 Incense: Zagorsk - Comme des Garçons
Series 3 Incense: Avignon - Comme des Garçons
Series 3 Incense: Jaisalmer - Comme des Garçons
Opium (1977) - Yves Saint Laurent
Botafumeiro - Carner Barcelona
Mandala - Masque Milano
Copal Azur - Aedes de Venustas
Casbah - Robert Piguet
Ecstasy - Tiziana Terenzi
Laudano Nero - Tiziana Terenzi
Fille en Aiguilles - Serge Lutens
Supra Floral - Mugler
LouLou - Cacharel
Superstitious - Frederic Malle
Portrait of a Lady - Frederic Malle
Memoir - Amouage
Shalimar EDP - Guerlain
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Musician: Not The King.👑
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Ароматы в ролике:
1. Comme des Garcons Series 3 Incense: Avignon
2. Portrait of a Lady Frederic Malle (hair mist)
3. Hippie Rose James Heeley
4. Rossy de Palma Eau de Protection Etat Libre d'Orange
5. Amouage Lyric Woman
6. Amour Elegant Hayari Parfums
7. Eau Sacree James Heeley
8. Cardinal James Heeley
9. Embers Rouge Bunny Rouge
10. Imitation for Woman Amouage
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Говоря о ладане в парфюмери, можно все ладаны разделить на древесные, пахнущие скорее как хвойные смолы, католические - холодные и отстраненные, и православные - они теплее, слаще, с заметной травной примесью. В этом выпуске Духи.рф расскажет вам об ароматах с ладаном на которые стоит обратить внимание.
Подробнее об ароматах из обзора можно узнать тут:
1. Serge Lutens Encens Et Lavande (Серж Лютанс Эсенс Эт Лаванда)
2. Comme Des Garcons Series 3 Incense Avignon (Ком де Гарсон Серия 3 Инсенс Авиньон)
3. Montale Full Incense (Монталь Фулл Инсенс)
4. Micallef Shanaan (Микаллеф Шанаан)
5. Robert Piguet Casbah (Робер Пиге Касба)
6. Amouage Memoir (Амуаж Мемуар)
7. Jovoy Paris La Liturgie Des Heures (Джовой Пари Ли Литуржи Де Зё)
8. The Merchant of Venice Incense Mist (Зе Мичант Оф Винис Инсенс Мист)
9. Giorgio Armani Prive Encens Satin (Джоржио Армани Прайв Энсенс Сатин)
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ароматы из этого видео:
1. wonderoud
2. wonderwood
3. blackpepper
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2. 2
Самые первые впечатления от этих ароматов по ссылке Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Comme des garçons Series 3: Incense - Avignon. Reseña en español.
Bienvenid@s y por favor, si os suscribís, me motivaréis a seguir adelante con mi canal. Gracias. Visitad los perfiles oficiales de Daring Light en las RRSS, y y síguenos.
Incienso muy evocador y placentero. Muy bien elaborado, macerado y dispuesto a sentirse un día entero en piel. Una verdadera maravilla.
He utilizado un extracto del tema March de Xes Dreams, con licencia Creative Commons BY-NC-ND. (). Cualquier cambio en los derechos, por favor contactar conmigo. Es un honor utilizar ese fragmento para mi intro.
La imagen de la miniatura pertenece a Joshua Hicks.
Muchas gracias Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Today I am doing an Unboxing and First Impression of Incense Avignon by Comme des Garçons.
Please Enjoy.
#Avignon Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
В этом видео показываю все свои флаконы 2021го и 3ку тех, которые купила перед долгими месяцами без парфюмерных покупок. Вскрываю последний новый флакон!
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Ароматы из видео:
Byredo La Tulipe
Tauer Perfumes 10 Une Rose Vermeille
Comme des Garcons Series 3 Incense: Avignon
Comme des Garcons Series 6 Synthetic: Soda
G Parfums Fuck Me Tender
Hugo Boss Deep Red
Yves Rocher Hello Printemps
Kenzo Parfum d'Ete 2002
Kenzo Flower by Kenzo
Guerlain La Petite Robe Noire Eau Fraiche
Demeter Fragrance Elvira's Vamp
Maison Martin Margiela Bubble Bath
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Is AVIGNON Series 3 Incense fragrance the best of them all?
My quick review of Series 3 Incense Avignon fragrance by Comme des Garcons. UNISEX fragrance.
Get it on Amazon here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
「きつい匂いが苦手なので、普段はあまり香水をつけないのですが…。これはお香をベースにした落ち着いた香りなので気に入っています」(UOMO編集 中林)
■WEB UOMO()とは?
WEB UOMOは、全コンテンツが動画になった、大人男子向けウェブサイト。ファッション、スニーカー、ビューティ、クルマ&時計、グルメなどの最新情報を、魅力的なムービーとともにお届けします。 月刊誌UOMOと合わせてお楽しみください。
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review Comme des Garcons AVIGNON incense
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lots of love!
xoxo Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Recenzie Parfum:"Comme de Garçons-Series 3 INCENSE AVIGNON"EdT(2002) Parfumerie de designer
Tămâia de rit catolic la superlativ.
Nota 9.
categorie parfum de designer
urmăreşte-mă pe
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"sub 7" nu merită atenție,miros banal ,perfomanță slabă,prezentare calitativă scazută
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peste 6 si sub 8 ore -mare
peste 8 ore - excelentă
pentru eşantioane/parfumuri cu livrare in Romania poti accesa urmatoarele link-uri:
pentru decanturi Comme de Garcons
pentru preturi:
pentru pareri:
Recenzie Parfum:"Comme de Garçons-Series 3 INCENSE AVIGNON"EdP(2002) Parfumerie de designe
ECHIPAMENT VIDEO FOLOSIT LA REALIZAREA ACESTUI CLIP: APARAT SONY α6300,LENS 28-70mm Sony E-Mount Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Incense Avignon by Comme des Garçons vs Casbah by Robert Piguet - Who Wins?
Two of my favourite incense fragrances are the topic of today's video. I've not tried all incense fragrances the world has to offer, but I do feel very positively about these two with their heavy church vibes. If I had to repurchase one, which would it be?
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ZARG - utopia (ft. MP3vius) -
Gregorian Chant Kevin MacLeod ()
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From 2002's Incense series, Avignon is the house representation of Catholicism.
This is a must try for fans of frankincense. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Comme des Garçons Avignon Fragrance Review with Redolessence & No NonScents + GIVEAWAY (CLOSED)
No NonScents
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Comme Des Garcons perfume haul - Incense Avignon, Zagorsk and Clash Chlorophyll Gardenia
Today I unbox and test a few Comme Des Garcons perfumes from the incense line as well as from the Clash line. I unbox the Zagorsk fragrance, the Avignon perfume and the Chlorophyll Gardenia scent. I hope you enjoy this video.
Subscribe to my main superdacob YouTube channel here:
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#commedesgarcons #perfume #dacob #fragrance #scent #cdg #scent #clash #chlorophyllgardenia #zagorsk #avignon #incense #cdgincense #commedesgarconsperfume #commedesgarconsreview #cdgreview #cdgperfume #testingperfumes #perfumereview #fragrancereview #scentreview #fragrancetalk #superdacob #dacob #essencetiallydacob
I am moving my perfume videos from my main channel archive vaults to this new perfume channel. This video was first published to my main superdacob channel on October 20th, 2020.
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"Dance Don't Delay" by Twin Musicom ()
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B Roll provided by Videezy Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Comme des Garcons Incense Avignon Parfums Parfums Review
Churches in Avignon, wood pews, incense burning and the countryside. Does it work? Yes, and is a delicate incense based fragrance.
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COMME DES GARCONS INCENSE perfume - ZAGORSK fragrance review
Today I review the COMME DES GARCONS INCENSE perfume "ZAGORSK". This is an incense fragrance review. I hope you enjoy it.
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#commedesgarcons #zagorsk #incense #perfume #fragrance #scent #CDG #CDGperfume #CDGperfumereview #incensezagorsk #zagorskincense #scent #luxury #perfumereview #fragrancereview #scentreview #fragrancetalk #superdacob #dacob #essencetiallydacob
I am moving my perfume videos from my main channel archive vaults to this new perfume channel. This video was first published to my main superdacob channel on March 3rd, 2020.
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#commedesgarcons #top7 #miglioricommedesgarcons
Copertina effetto quarantena... :))) Amici tra TUTTI i PROFUMI di Comme des Garcons questi sono i miei TOP 7 I vostri? Scrivetemeli nei commenti.
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🛤GITINA FUORIPORTA CONSIGLIATA-- GRASSE » Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
My review for the very unique and often overlooked Kyoto from CdG's Incense series. Enjoy! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Comme Des Garcons Copper Fragrance Review | Copper by Comme Des Garcons Review
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Comme Des Garcons Copper Fragrance Review | Copper by Comme Des Garcons Review
Dalya and I review Comme Des Garcons Copper for you today so this is our Comme Des Garcons Copper Fragrance Review, Copper by Comme Des Garcons Review. Copper is totally not what you'd expect from the presentation and its advertising. The fragrance screams GREEN. Copper is a Galbanum bomb. If you like it green then this one is for you. Please watch our review and let us know if you like the sound of Copper. And please also let me know if you are a fan of Galbanum or this house of Comme Des Garcons? Please add a comment down below so that I can find out.
Comme Des Garcons Copper - 2019
100ml / $165 - Perfumer: N/A
Eau De Parfum - Style: Oriental
Comme Des Garcons Copper Notes:
Top Notes: Pink Pepper, Galbanum, Black Currant
Heart Notes: Ginger, Violet Leaves, Tobacco, Metallic Notes
Base Notes: Amber, Vanilla, Myrrh
Comme Des Garcons Copper Main Notes: Galbanum, Tobacco, Amber, Metallic Notes, Myrrh, Ginger, Pink Pepper, Violet Leaves
Comme Des Garcons Copper Accords: Green, Tobacco, Balsamic, Sweet, Amber, Metallic, Spicy, Resinous
As always please watch, rate, comment and share this video and please subscribe to my channel if you haven't yet. And please stay tuned for more videos and giveaways real soon! -Comme Des Garcons Copper Fragrance given to me for this review video. The views and opinions for Comme Des Garcons Copper Fragrance are all my own. If you're curious to try Comme Des Garcons Copper Fragrance please buy or obtain samples or decants prior to purchasing a full bottle. The fragrances I like you might not like and vice versa. So I cannot guarantee you will react to this fragrance as I have in this video. Thank you.
📕📕 Read Perfume + Fragrances Books 📕📕
👉🏼 Perfumes The Guide 2018 here:
👉🏼 Perfume: Find Your Signature Scent:
👉🏼 Perfume The Story Of A Murderer:
👉🏼 Perfume: The A - Z Guide:
👉🏼 The Perfume Collector:
👉🏼Essence And Alchemy:
▶️Watch Perfume Concentration Guide Difference Of EDC, EDT, EDP + EXTRAIT here:
▶️Watch Top 20 Most Complimented Fragrances Video here:
▶️Watch Oud Fragrances Review Videos here:
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Acqua di Parma - colonia assoluta
Acqua di Parma - fico di Amalfi
Antonio Fusco
Hermès - Thérre d'Hermès
Dior - Sauvage
Versace - Eros
Dior - Eau Noir
Zara - warm black
Memo Parfum Paris - irish leather
Coreterno - Punk Motel
Lalique - Encre Noir
Comme des Garçons - incense Avignon
Comme des Garçons - man2 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Review: Comme Des Garcons x Monocle: Scent 03 Sugi
Todays review is one of my favourite woods of all time, Comme Des Garcons colab with Monocle, Scent 03 Sugi. This is a fantastic, beautiful woody frag.
► Music Credit: LAKEY INSPIRED Track Name: "Street Dreams" Music By: LAKEY INSPIRED @ Original upload HERE - Official "LAKEY INSPIRED" YouTube Channel HERE - License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 3.0) License. Full License HERE - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hoy os traigo, por fin, la reseña de mi perfume favorito, una fragancia creada en 1999 por Mark Buxton para la casa Comme Des Garçons, en este caso hablaremos de Comme des Garçons 2, un perfume unisex que para mi es muy especial.
Espero os guste 😉.
DECANTS: Si quieres probar alguna de mis fragancias ponte en contacto en tonystarfragance@
Enlace para envases de vidrio de 3 y 5 ml para crear vuestros decants:
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Tony participa en el programa de asociados Amazon y utiliza enlaces hacia esta plataforma. Obteniendo ingresos por las ventas cualificadas que se realicen. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
My review of CdG's nightmarish new(ish) release, Black. Another stunning avant garde release from my favourite house. Enjoy! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#LoveAtFirstScent #Perfume #Persolaise #PerfumeReview #Armani #Amouage #Tauer
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Episode 78 of Love At First Scent
This was a YouTube Live broadcast streamed on Monday 6 April 2020. Unscripted. Unedited. Unrehearsed.
In this episode, I presented the Top 10 incense perfumes... or my favourite scents for creating an atmosphere of meditative contemplation. The fragrances I covered are:
Armani Prive Bois D'Encens (at the start of the video)
L'Artisan Parfumeur Passage D'Enfer (at the 17:00 minute mark)
Comme Des Garcons 2 Man (at the 25:00 minute mark)
Hermes Un Jardin Sur Le Nil (at the 28:00 minute mark)
Tauer Perfumes Incense Extreme (at the 35:00 minute mark)
Amouage Jubilation XXV (at the 38:00 minute mark)*
Serge Lutens L'Eau Froide (at the 41:30 minute mark)
Parle Moi De Parfum Papyrus Oud (at the 48:30 minute mark)
Chanel No. 22 (at the 50:00 minute mark)
Comme Des Garcons Incense Avignon (at the 55:00 minute mark)
* If you watch the video you'll see I messed up here and brought along the wrong bottle! So, for the sake of completeness, I'll say that I love Jubilation XXV for its combination of spices with incense. There's a real fizz around the gingery opening which neatly latches on to the citrusy elements of the olibanum to create an effect that's both translucent and weighty. Superb work from Christopher Chong and Bertrand Duchaufour.
[All of the perfumes were obtained by me, except the Armani, the Serge Lutens, the Parle Moi De Parfum and the Chanel which were provided by the brands for reviewing purposes at various times in the past.]
Persolaise is not affiliated in any way to any brands, wholesalers, retailers or organisations involved with the fragrance industry. All reviews are entirely independent. Content is never 'sponsored' by any external agencies. Some reviews are based on samples provided by brands; others are based on samples obtained by the author. This has no bearing on the content of the reviews.
Copyright 2020 Dariush Alavi and Parfums Persolaise. All rights reserved. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
It has been rumored that Morrissey wears "Incense Avignon Series 3" cologne (at least for his World Peace Is None of Your Business Tour, 2015). I cannot confirm if it's true or not.
2/4/2016- It is now confirmed this is what he wears. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A relatively simple composition but effective nonetheless! I'm always intrigued by CDG fragrances.
Get this fragrance here....
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Happy Sniffing!! :) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Comme des Garcons has always taken risks and experimented with fragrance. Jaisalmer is part of their Incense line that highlights the religious use of incense for major religions around the world, with Jaisalmer reflecting Buddhism. #fragrancefamily
#BestColognes Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
An awesome collaboration with Monocle: a dry, woody, evergreen scent with an amazing turpentine note. One of the best scents from one of the best houses. Enjoy! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
00:00 Приветствие
01:20 Carner Barcelona EL BORN
03:06 AMOUAGE Sunshine for men
05:21 SweDoft RASPUTIN
07:54 AMOUAGE Lyric
10:32 Histoires de PARFUMS 114 AMBRE
13:12 PDM Shagya
15:53 Frapin 1270
18:11 Nasomatto DURO
20:43 MFK Oud satin mood Extrait de Parfum
23:36 State of mind Secret of success
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Top 20 Incense Fragrances | Frankincense Fragrances | Olibanum Fragrances | Smoky Incense Perfumes
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Top 20 Incense Fragrances | Frankincense Fragrances | Olibanum Fragrances | Smoky Incense Perfumes
Today's video is an update to my very first Top 20 Incense Fragrances Video from almost 3 years ago which you can find here: But in today's video I rank the fragrances and the list also includes new fragrances that I didn't have 3 years ago. Although some of the usual suspects are featured in this video there are many new ones. This Top 20 Incense Fragrances video also features 2 honorable new mentions fragrances. 22 total fragrances featuring Frankincense and or Olibanum with other resins and balsamic notes. Do you enjoy the Incense Fragrances? Do you like the fragrances I featured in today's video? What are other fragrances that you enjoy that are not listed here in today's video? Please let me know, add a comment below so that I can find out.
ROSENDO MATEU INCENSE WOOD: Incense, Tonka Beans, Cardamom, Vanilla, Labdanum, Amber
PANAH LONDON DARKINCENSE: Incense, Ambergris, Honey, Smoke, Nutmeg, Myrrh, Black Pepper
GUCCI A MIDNIGHT STROLL; Juniper, Incense, Cypress
MONTALE FULL INCENSE: Incense, Elemi, Labdanum, Cedar, Patchouli
HEELEY CARDINAL: Myrrh, Labdanum, Black Pepper, Olibanum, Patchouli, Amber, Vetiver, Linen
LABORATORIO OLFATTIVO SACRESTE: Incense, Resins, Elemi, Black Pepper
➡️ Buy Sacreste @ MOS:
ANNICK GOUTAL ENCENS FLAMBOYANT: Incense, Balsam Fir, Black Pepper, Mastic, Nutmeg
ETAT LIBRE D'ORANGE RIEN/RIEN INTENSE: Incense, Leather, Aldehydes, Oakmoss, Labdanum
TAUER PERFUMES INCENSE EXTREME: Incense, Cedar, Coriander, Woods, Orris, Petitgrain, Amber
ROBERT PIGUET CASBAH: Incense, Angelica, Black Pepper, Nutmeg, Vetiver, Tobacco, Cedar, Orris
TIZIANA TERENZI LAUDANO NERO: Incense, Cognac, Oud, Labdanum, Amber, Tobacco, Ash, Honey
PARFUM PRISSANA MA NISHTANA: Smoky, Olibanum, Myrrh, Allspice, Cloves, Amber, Aldehydes
LOUIS VUITTON NUIT DE FEU: Olibanum, Incense, Leather, Oud, Musk
MEMO PARIS TIGER’S NEST: Incense, Amber, Tolu Balsam, Absinthe, Aldehydes, Vanilla, Papyrus
AMOUAGE INTERLUDE MAN: Incense, Opoponax, Amber, Oregano, Leather, Oud, Black Pepper
TIZIANA TERENZI ECSTASY: Incense, Spruce, Pine, Rose, Amber, Soil Tincture, Woods, Patchouli
SERGE LUTENS FILLE EN AIGUILLES; Pine, Incense, Dried Fruits, Fir, Spices, Bay Laurel, Vetiver
ATELIER DES ORS L’ARME DU DESERT: Incense, Cypress, Guaiac Wood, Woods, Benzoin, Cedar
COMME DES GARCONS AVIGNON/JAISALMER: Incense, Myrrh, Olibanum, Cedar, Labdanum, Chamomile, Elemi + Incense, Cardamom, Black Pepper, Cinnamon, Guaiac Wood, Ebony Wood, Chilli
ORIZA L. LEGRAND REVE D’OSSIAN: Incense, Elemi, Benzoin, Aldehydes, Pine, Opoponax, Cinnamon
JOVOY LA LITURGIE DES HEURES: Incense, Cypress, Olibanum, Myrrh, Labdanum, Green Notes
Disclaimer: As always please watch, rate, comment, and share this video and please subscribe to my channel if you haven't yet. Please stay tuned for more videos and giveaways soon! The views and opinions for Top 20 Incense Fragrances are my own. If you're curious to try Top 20 Incense Fragrances please buy or obtain samples/decants prior to purchasing a full bottle. Fragrances I like you might not like and vice versa, so I cannot guarantee you will react to this fragrance as I have. I may earn a small commission when you use one of the links to make a purchase. Thank you.
📕📕 Read Perfume + Fragrances Books 📕📕
👉🏼 Perfumes The Guide 2018 here:
👉🏼 Perfume: Find Your Signature Scent:
👉🏼 Perfume The Story Of A Murderer:
▶️ Watch Perfume Concentration Guide EDC, EDT, EDP + EXTRAIT
🔵 More Info here:
#ThePerfumeGuy #IncenseFragrances #FrankincenseFragrances
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travel videos & photos at: with text, maps & links.
Home to nine popes during the 14th century and one of the most beautiful cities in France today, Avignon is a treasure house of palaces, museums and meandering lanes, surrounded by an old fortified wall that still protects it from modernization.
That is one of the beauties of a walled town in Europe: Not only did it protect the town from bandits and invaders during the Middle Ages, but in the 20th and 21st centuries the wall is protecting these historic centers from modernization. This is what the visitors want to see, and it brings in revenue for the city.
This city in the heart of beautiful Provence lays claim to dozens of historic monuments, especially the great Palace of the Popes which was gradually enlarged into an imposing fortification during the 60-year papal residency and is now a museum open to the public.
Begin your orientation with a look at the two main squares in the center of town, the Place de l'Horloge surrounded by cafes and bistros and the adjacent Place du Palais containing the city's most important and historic structure, The Palace of the Popes.
This UNESCO World Heritage Site is considered the largest Gothic palace in all of Europe and a priority place to see in Avignon, although its original furniture is gone and the cavernous rooms are mostly empty.
There is also a wine shop inside the Palace, and if you choose not to pay admission to go see the Palace, by all means go into to the wine shop and the gift shop because their admission is free, and sometimes they have selected wine tastings in the wine bar, and it's a very good place to purchase wine. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
My TOP Incense Fragrances + 10 Sample DRAW Courtesy of Twisted Lily (CLOSED)
Twisted Lily
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Tom Ford Azure Lime
Chanel Allure Homme Sport
YSL L'Homme
Creed Erolfa
Comme des Garçon Wonderwood Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Top 10 best perfumes for winter 2021 on Persolaise Love At First Scent episode 236
#LoveAtFirstScent #Perfume #Persolaise #PerfumeReview #Winter
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Episode 236 of Love At First Scent
This was a YouTube Live broadcast streamed on Saturday 11th December 2021. Unscripted. Unedited. Unrehearsed.
In this episode, I presented my list of the top 10 best perfumes for winter 2021.
Introduction 0:00
Akro Dark 5:20
Hermes Equipage Geranium 10:00
Serge Lutens La Myrrhe 13:15
Robert Piguet Casbah 18:10
Tom Ford Ombre Leather parfum 22:35
Eris Night Flower 27:45
Ostens Preparation Jasmine Absolute 32:30
Histoires De Parfums 1740 37:15
Comme Des Garcons 2 Man 40:45
Maison Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Vitae 44:25
Here's the blotter update:
- Gosh, what a gorgeous fan of blotters to return to after a few hours. On one end of the scale, the Hermes, the Kurkdjian and the Comme Des Garcons maintain their whisper-subtle elegance, with Aqua Vitae coming across as especially tender and heartfelt. Then somewhere towards the middle of the 'loudness' scale we have Casbah (pushing out a rooty earthiness surprisingly reminiscent of Comme Des Garcons Rouge) and Night Flower (gently and yet unmistakably purring with animalics). 1740 lounges about in its decadent boudoir of immortelle and vanilla. Dark may be relying a touch too heavily on brash woods, but it has plenty to offer by way of its chocolate-inflected patchouli. And the Tom Ford is hovering closer to Dubai than I'd expected, but it doesn't descend into rose-leather cliches. The standout in a terrific collection is La Myrrhe: rubbery, warm, celestial, mossy and sweet. Not just full of contrasts, but an endless cycle of ever-shifting contrasts.
Incidentally, the Ostens jasmine oil is beautiful too: delicate and serene.
Thanks for watching.
[Samples of the Akro, Hermes, Piguet, Tom Ford, Eris, Ostens and Maison Francis Kurkdjian provided by the respective brands for review purposes; the remainder are from my personal collection.]
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Persolaise is not affiliated in any way to any brands*, wholesalers, retailers or organisations involved with the fragrance industry. All reviews are entirely independent. Content is never 'sponsored' by any external agencies. Some reviews are based on samples provided by brands; others are based on samples obtained by the author. This has no bearing on the content of the reviews.
[* In November 2020, I was commissioned to complete a writing project by the brand Amouage. The project may or may not have a bearing on the scents released by the brand from 2021 onwards. At the time of writing this note, my intention is to continue mentioning and reviewing all Amouage scents released up to the end of 2020, except in posts/articles where perfumes from several brands are included and presented as part of a selection/collection (eg ‘best of’ posts and lists).]
Copyright 2021 Dariush Alavi and Parfums Persolaise. All rights reserved. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
12 Awesome SWEET INCENSE FRAGRANCES To Wear This Winter | Frankincense, Vanilla, Amber, Honey, Yum
12 Awesome SWEET INCENSE FRAGRANCES To Wear This Winter
➡️ Buy Perfumes @ ZGO 15% off code THEPERFUMEGUY on most scents
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12 Awesome SWEET INCENSE FRAGRANCES To Wear This Winter
Sweet Incense scents are much easier for me to wear lately than straight, cold Incense which at one time really loved like Comme Des Garcons Incense Avignon, Robert Piguet Casbah, and Montale Full Incense. With the launch of YSL's hot Babycat I figured it was time for me to create such a list. Do you enjoy Incense Fragrances? Do you enjoy them sweetened up with Sweet Notes like Honey, Vanilla, Amber and Sweet Resins. Let me know if yo enjoy the Fragrances featured in the video today and if you have any suggestions for Sweet Incense Fragrances do let me know, add a comment below so I can find out. Thank you for watching! :)
00:00 INTRO
01:17 OMANLUXURY ROYAL INCENSE: Incense, Honey, Amber, Leather, Cedar, Musk, Geranium
02:44 AMOUAGE ROYAL TOBACCO: Frankincense, Cardamom, Anise, Licorice, Basil, Tobacco
➡️ Buy Royal Tobacco @ ZGO: 15% off code THEPERFUMEGUY
03:57 YSL BABYCAT: Vanilla, Olibanum, Black Pepper, Saffron, Cedarwood, Suede Accord, Elemi
05:07 LABORATORIO OLFATTIVO VANAGLORIA: Vanilla, Incense, Olibanum, Tonka, Saffron, Musk
➡️ Buy Vanagloria @ MOS:
06:18 MATIERE PREMIERE ENCENS SUAVE: Incense, Labdanum, Benzoin, Coffee, Vanilla
➡️ Buy Encens Suave @ ZGO: save 15% w/code THEPERFUMEGUY
07:31 MEMO PARIS TIGER’S NEST: Incense, Amber, Tolu Balsam, Absinthe, Aldehydes, Vanilla
➡️ Buy Memo Tiger's Nest: at a Discount
08:41 SERGE LUTENS FILLE EN AIGUILLES: Pine, Incense, Dried Fruits, Fir, Spices, Bay Laurel
09:45 ATELIER DES ORS L’ARME DU DESERT: Incense, Cypress, Guaiac Wood, Woods, Benzoin
10:34 ORIZA L. LEGRAND REVE D’OSSIAN: Incense, Elemi, Benzoin, Aldehydes, Pine, Opoponax
11:30 JOVOY LA LITURGIE DES HEURES: Incense, Cypress, Olibanum, Myrrh, Labdanum, Greens
➡️ Buy La Liturgie des Heures @ ZGO: 15% off code THEPERFUMEGUY
12:12 YSL CAFTAN: Benzoin, Frankincense, Labdanum, Styrax, Musk, Clementine, Pink Pepper
13:07 ATELIER OBLIQUE BOHEMIAN WOODS: Woods, Leather, Elemi, Absinthe, Red Pepper, Vanilla, Iris, Incense, Saffron, Patchouli
Disclaimer: Thank you for watching, rating, commenting, and sharing this video. The views and opinions on the Sweet Incense Fragrances I discussed today are all my own. If you're curious to try the Sweet Incense Fragrances featured in today's video please buy or obtain samples prior to purchasing a full bottle. Fragrances I like you might not like and vice versa, so I cannot guarantee you will react to the Fragrances I discuss on my channel as I have. I may earn a small commission when you use one of the links to make a purchase.
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👉🏼 The Ghost Perfumer:
👉🏼 Perfumes The Guide 2018:
👉🏼 Perfume: Find Your Signature Scent:
👉🏼 Perfume The Story Of A Murderer:
👉🏼 Perfume: The A - Z Guide:
▶️ Perfume Concentration Guide Video EDC, EDT, EDP + EXTRAIT
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In this video I give my picks for best incense fragrances on the market, I kept out brands such as Amouage, Comme des Garcons and Robert Piguet, which have been mentioned to death by other reviewer. After a brief introduction made up of historical facts I propose to you 5 great perfumes for the joy of Frankincense/Olibanum lovers. Enjoy!
Perfumes mentioned:
Maria Candida Gentile - Sideris
Diptyque - L'Eau Trois
MEMO Paris - Shams Oud
Armani Privé - Bois d'Encens
Antonio Alessandria - Dies Aurorae
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About this channel: I talk about designer and niche perfumes. My reviews include fragrances from brands like Chanel, Guerlain, Tom Ford, Dior, Roja Dove, Hermes, Lancome, Maison Francis Kurkdjian, Dusita, Papillon, Parfum d'Empire, Armani, Prada and many more. My favourite notes are oud, vanilla, jasmine, rose, ambergris, benzoin, iris, cedar, vetiver, sandalwood and tobacco. I do most complimented lists, top 5, top 10 and top 20, long lasting perfumes, 5 stars perfumes, perfumes I love, best brands, worst brands, summer scents, fall scents, winter scents spring, scents, sexy scents, etc. I love most fragrance families, especially the leather, chypre, woody, floral and oriental. I also enjoy fougere, citrus, green, fruity scents. Not the biggest fan of aquatics, sweet and gourmands fragrances but will share a few thoughts on them anyway. By watching my videos you'll be able to find the perfect scent for your personality, for different occasions, dates, office, romantic settings, bed time, gym, hot and cold climate, regardless of age and gender. Your support means a lot to me, if you enjoy think about subscribing and hitting that like button 👋😎 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
As part of our series spotlighting the finalists of The Art and Olfaction Awards 2022, we take a look at Basilica by Milano Fragranza.
We bought this sample from Beautinow:
#aoawards Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Smiths - Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now (Official Music Video)
Official video for Heaven Knows I'm Miserable by The Smiths
Stream The Smiths greatest hits here ▶
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Watch The Smiths' other official music videos ▶
Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now was released as a single before being included on the compilation album "Hatful of Hollow".
I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour
But heaven knows I'm miserable now
I was looking for a job, and then I found a job
And heaven knows I'm miserable now
In my life
Why do I give valuable time
To people who don't care if I live or die?
Two lovers entwined pass me by
And heaven knows I'm miserable now
I was looking for a job, and then I found a job
And heaven knows I'm miserable now
In my life
Oh, why do I give valuable time
To people who don't care if I live or die?
What she asked of me at the end of the day
Caligula would have blushed
"Oh, you've been in the house too long" she said
And I naturally fled
In my life
Why do I smile
At people who I'd much rather kick in the eye?
I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour
But heaven knows I'm miserable now
"Oh, you've been in the house too long" she said
And I naturally fled
In my life
Oh, why do I give valuable time
To people who don't care if I live or die?
#TheSmiths #HeavenKnowsImMiserableNow #HatfulOfHollow Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Robert Piguet Casbah Fragrance Review | Casbah Perfume Review Robert Piguet
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Robert Piguet Casbah Fragrance Review | Casbah Perfume Review Robert Piguet
Finally, after 2 years and 2 months since we launched Top 20 Incense Fragrances video, we have a full review of the amazing Robert Piguet Casbah. This is quite a wonderful Incense fragrance but when watching this review you will realize that we sort of do not agree about how we experience the fragrance. Please tune in and watch and please let me know if you are a fan of Robert Piguet Casbah. Have you tried Casbah? Are you a fan of Incense fragrances? Please let me know add a comment below.
Robert Piguet Casbah
Year Of Release: 2012
Perfumer: Aurelien Guichard (Many Fragrances For Robert Piguet + Other Brands)
Style: Oriental Spicy
Price/Size: 100ml/$185
Robert Piguet Casbah Notes:
Top: Black Pepper, Nutmeg, Angelica Root
Heart: Iris, Tobacco Leaves, Incense
Base: Cedar Wood, Incense, Salty Vetiver
Robert Piguet Casbah Accords: Smoky, Balsamic, Spicy, Musky, Powdery, Woody, Resinous, Fresh
Robert Piguet Casbah Stand Out Notes: Incense, Angelica, Black Pepper, Nutmeg, Vetiver, Tobacco, Cedarwood, Iris
As always please watch, rate, comment and share this video and please subscribe to my channel if you haven't yet. And please stay tuned for more videos and giveaways real soon! Even though I have purchased and owned Casbah before this bottle Robert Piguet Casbah Fragrance was sent to me for this review video. The views and opinions for Robert Piguet Casbah Fragrance are all my own. If you're curious to try Robert Piguet Casbah Fragrance please buy or obtain samples or decants prior to purchasing a full bottle. The fragrances I like you might not like and vice versa. So I cannot guarantee you will react to this fragrance as I have in this video. Thank you.
📕📕 Read Perfume + Fragrances Books 📕📕
👉🏼 Perfumes The Guide 2018 here:
👉🏼 Perfume: Find Your Signature Scent:
👉🏼 Perfume The Story Of A Murderer:
👉🏼 Perfume: The A - Z Guide:
👉🏼 The Perfume Collector:
👉🏼Essence And Alchemy:
▶️Watch Perfume Concentration Guide Difference Of EDC, EDT, EDP + EXTRAIT here:
▶️Watch Top 20 Most Complimented Fragrances Video here:
▶️Watch Oud Fragrances Review Videos here:
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#ThePerfumeGuy #FragranceReviews #RobertPiguetCasbah
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