Як отримати красиве освітлення і не зіпсувати волосся? Спробуйте делікатний бальзам-окислювач від бренду Schwarzkopf Professional. Його унікальна доглядова формула з активними компонентами і цінними оліями забезпечує відмінний результат: красиві, здорові і світлі локони. Прогресивна технологія Bond Enforcing Hydrolock не шкодить пасмам при фарбуванні.
Особливості Blondme Premium Developer 6% від бренду Schwarzkopf Professional:
- забезпечує чистий колір без ламкості;
- покращує стан волосся;
- зволожує і пом'якшує пасма;
- підтримує структурні зв'язки при фарбуванні;
- покриває волоски захисними агентами;
- забезпечує рівномірне і дбайливе фарбування;
- зручна консистенція для змішування;
- надає блиск;
- не травмує шкіру голови;
- не пече.
Детальні характеристики: | |
Виробник | Schwarzkopf Professional |
Модель | Blond Me Premium Developer 6% 1000 мл |
Артикул | 4045787367492 |
Концентрація | 6% |
Клас косметики | професійна |
Об'єм | 1000 мл |
Кількість у наборі | 1 шт |
Країна виробництва | Німеччина |
Гарантія, міс | 0 |
BlondMe Bonding: Intro & How to Use | Schwarzkopf Professional USA
BLONDME Care Full Range & Cool Blondes Upgrades | Schwarzkopf Professional
BLONDME How-To: Tight Blonde Curls | Schwarzkopf Professional USA
Tutoriál: Platinová blond s BLONDME PLATINUM 9+
BLACK to BLONDE | bleaching my hair | SORRY BRAD MONDO
Schwarzkopf Professional - Platinum BLONDEME
BLONDME: BLONDE BOB TUTORIAL | Generational Blonde Tutorial | Schwarzkopf Professional USA
Schwarzkopf Blondme Premium Lightener 9+ - Hair Bleaching&Coloring PART1
Lançamento Schwarzkopf Professional - Blond me - By Eduardo
New BlondMe Toners - Schwarzkopf Professional
BLONDME: SPLIT COLOR BLOCKING - COILY HAIR | Generational Blonde Tutorial | Schwarzkopf Professional
#HairHacks // How-to: Blonde Hair Toning
Everyday Hair Routine for COOL BLONDE Hair | BLONDME Schwarzkopf Professional
BLONDME: PASTELS & BOLD PLACEMENTS | Generational Blonde Tutorial | Schwarzkopf Professional USA
BLONDME How-to: Lighten Short Coily Hair | Schwarzkopf Professional USA
How to: Balayage Using BLONDME | Schwarzkopf USA
Summer Blonde Hair with BLONDME Toners | Schwarzkopf
How to Use BLONDME | Schwarzkopf USA
How to refresh and brighten up blonde hair
NEW BLONDME Toners Introduction With Ivana Oletić
Schwarzkopf Blondme - Caramel Glow Look
Blondme - Fernando Cara
NEW BLONDME Toners by Jozsef Sebestyen
PASTEL HAIR using Blond Me
BlondMe White Blending Schwarzkopf Professional
Blond Me 2019
BLONDME Cap Highlights: Adorable Doll Makeover! | Schwarzkopf Professional USA
Silver Hair Dye Attempt: FAILED!
BLONDME Presents: GENERATIONAL BLONDE | Full Documentary | Schwarzkopf Professional USA
Bonacure, blondme Schwarzkopf
Blond Me - Perfect Blonde Mask
Top 10 Blond Premium Lift to buy in USA 2021 | Price & Review
Kathi's Selbsttest "Blonde Me Instant Blush Ice"
NEW BLONDME Toners by David Blanke
GBCTV - Schwarzkopf BlondMe
Highlight Retouch by Brad
BlondMe Decoloration & Tone Schwarzkopf Professional
Schwarzkopf BlondMe
All About BLONDME | Exclusive Webinar | Schwarzkopf USA
Warm Brunette Tutorial using BLONDME | Hair Hacks | Schwarzkopf USA
NEW BLONDME Toners by Viktor Madarasz
Schwarzkopf BlondMe Part 4
BlondMe Highlifting Schwarzkopf Professional
Показати теги
11-8-17, schwarzkopf, schwarzkopf blondme, schwarzkopf bleach, white hair, grey hair, bleached hair, best bleach for hair, best hair bleach, bleached blonde, platinum hair,
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Показати теги
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Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
BlondMe Bonding: Intro & How to Use | Schwarzkopf Professional USA
Показати теги
11-8-17, schwarzkopf, schwarzkopf blondme, schwarzkopf bleach, white hair, grey hair, bleached hair, best bleach for hair, best hair bleach, bleached blonde, platinum hair, olaplex, blondme, blond, pelo, decoloracion, decoloracion en casa, decoloracion en cuarentena, color en casa, mechas, mechas en casa, tintura, hair, beauty, Schwarzkopf Professional, hairstyle, hairdresser, how to, schwarzkopf, hair products, hair cut, hair color, balayage,
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Показати теги
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Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
BLONDME Care Full Range & Cool Blondes Upgrades | Schwarzkopf Professional
Показати теги
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Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
BLONDME How-To: Tight Blonde Curls | Schwarzkopf Professional USA
Показати теги
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Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Tutoriál: Platinová blond s BLONDME PLATINUM 9+
Показати теги
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BLACK to BLONDE | bleaching my hair | SORRY BRAD MONDO
Показати теги
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Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Schwarzkopf Professional - Platinum BLONDEME
Показати теги
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BLONDME: BLONDE BOB TUTORIAL | Generational Blonde Tutorial | Schwarzkopf Professional USA
Показати теги
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Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Schwarzkopf Blondme Premium Lightener 9+ - Hair Bleaching&Coloring PART1
Показати теги
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Lançamento Schwarzkopf Professional - Blond me - By Eduardo
Показати теги
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New BlondMe Toners - Schwarzkopf Professional
Показати теги
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BLONDME: SPLIT COLOR BLOCKING - COILY HAIR | Generational Blonde Tutorial | Schwarzkopf Professional
Показати теги
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Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#HairHacks // How-to: Blonde Hair Toning
Показати теги
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Everyday Hair Routine for COOL BLONDE Hair | BLONDME Schwarzkopf Professional
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BLONDME: PASTELS & BOLD PLACEMENTS | Generational Blonde Tutorial | Schwarzkopf Professional USA
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BLONDME How-to: Lighten Short Coily Hair | Schwarzkopf Professional USA
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How to: Balayage Using BLONDME | Schwarzkopf USA
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Summer Blonde Hair with BLONDME Toners | Schwarzkopf
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How to Use BLONDME | Schwarzkopf USA
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How to refresh and brighten up blonde hair
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NEW BLONDME Toners Introduction With Ivana Oletić
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Schwarzkopf Blondme - Caramel Glow Look
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Blondme - Fernando Cara
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NEW BLONDME Toners by Jozsef Sebestyen
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PASTEL HAIR using Blond Me
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BlondMe White Blending Schwarzkopf Professional
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Blond Me 2019
BLONDME Cap Highlights: Adorable Doll Makeover! | Schwarzkopf Professional USA
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Silver Hair Dye Attempt: FAILED!
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BLONDME Presents: GENERATIONAL BLONDE | Full Documentary | Schwarzkopf Professional USA
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Bonacure, blondme Schwarzkopf
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Blond Me - Perfect Blonde Mask
Top 10 Blond Premium Lift to buy in USA 2021 | Price & Review
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11-8-17, schwarzkopf, schwarzkopf blondme, schwarzkopf bleach, white hair, grey hair, bleached hair, best bleach for hair, best hair bleach, bleached blonde, platinum hair, olaplex, blondme, blond, pelo, decoloracion, decoloracion en casa, decoloracion en cuarentena, color en casa, mechas, mechas en casa, tintura, hair, beauty, Schwarzkopf Professional, hairstyle, hairdresser, how to, schwarzkopf, hair products, hair cut, hair color, balayage, bleach roots at home, bleaching hair, schwarzkopf blondme, blondme bleach, platinum hair, bleach hair at home, how to get white hair, how to bleach hair at home, hair bleach, blonde hair, bleached hair, hair, beauty, Schwarzkopf Professional, hairstyle, hairdresser, how to, schwarzkopf, hair products, hair cut, hair color, hair tips, hair, beauty, Schwarzkopf Professional, hairstyle, hairdresser, how to, schwarzkopf, hair products, hair cut, hair color, hair tips, Schwarzkopf, Schwarzkopf Professional, Schwarzkopf Professional CZ, Schwarzkopf Professional SK, Blondme, Blondme 9+, Platinum blonde, Blonde, Platinová blond, Barvení vlasů, Zesvětlovač, brad mondo, wella, t18, toner, bleach, blondme, t14, hair bleaching, diybleach, bleach fails, brassy hair, Schwarzkopf, Colour Ambassador, BLONDEME, platinum BLONDE, Lesley Jennison, Platinum Blond, hair, beauty, Schwarzkopf Professional, hairstyle, hairdresser, how to, schwarzkopf, hair products, hair cut, hair color, hair tips, #schwarzkopfblondme #schwarzkopfprofessional #diyhairbleaching, Schwarzkopf, schwarzkopfbr, Schwarzkopf Professional, Strong Bonds, bella catarina distr, blond me, Schwarzkopf Pro, Fibreplex, Fibreplex Effect, a passion for hair, Expert Beauty Center, Eternal Beauty, Ingrijirea parului, Macadamia, Schwarzkopf, Fashion, Look, Blogger, Beauty blogger, Vopsea, Par vopsit, Suvite, hair, beauty, Schwarzkopf Professional, hairstyle, hairdresser, how to, schwarzkopf, hair products, hair cut, hair color, hair tips, Hairhacks, hairhack, hair tutorial, faceframing, face framing tutorial, face framing highlights, face framing technique, BLONDEME, blonde highlights, Jack Howard, hair trends, hair, beauty, Schwarzkopf Professional, hairstyle, hairdresser, how to, schwarzkopf, hair products, hair cut, hair color, hair tips, hair, beauty, Schwarzkopf Professional, hairstyle, hairdresser, how to, schwarzkopf, hair products, hair cut, hair color, hair tips, hair, beauty, Schwarzkopf Professional, hairstyle, hairdresser, how to, schwarzkopf, hair products, hair cut, hair color, hair tips, hair, beauty, Schwarzkopf Professional, hairstyle, hairdresser, how to, schwarzkopf, hair products, hair cut, hair color, hair tips, hair, beauty, Schwarzkopf Professional, hairstyle, hairdresser, how to, schwarzkopf, hair products, hair cut, hair color, hair tips, hair, beauty, Schwarzkopf Professional, hairstyle, hairdresser, how to, schwarzkopf, hair products, hair cut, hair color, blondme, blondehair, schwarzkopfpro, blondme, hairdetox, haircare, Schwarzkopfpro, Blondme, Beautifulhair, IloveBlondMe, Schwarzkopf, Hagel, Hagel-Shop, Blondme, Beauty, Hair, Haarfarbe, Look, Haare, fernando cara, granada, recogidas 47, rubio, blondme, peluqueria, peluqueria de Granada, color, Schwarzkopfpro, Schwarzkopfprohu, Blondme, ILoveBlondme, Beautifulhair, Blondmedeeptoner, pastel hair, pink hair, pastel pink hair, how to, how to colour hair, balyage, pastel balayage, pink balayage, edinburgh, Edinburgh salon, hair vlog, BlondMe, White, BlendingSchwarzkopf, Professional, Decoloration, Tone, Schwarzkopf, SKP, hair, skin, body, hair, beauty, Schwarzkopf Professional, hairstyle, hairdresser, how to, schwarzkopf, hair products, hair cut, hair color, hair tips, Silver, failed, Attempt, Candace, reese, beauty, Failed attempt, Silver Hair, Gray hair, Failed Hair diy, Bleached hair, hair, beauty, Schwarzkopf Professional, hairstyle, hairdresser, how to, schwarzkopf, hair products, hair cut, hair color, hair tips, 2021 Blond Premium Lift, Best Blond Premium Lift, Blond Premium Lift Reviews 2021, Buy Blond Premium Lift in USA, Top Blond Premium Lift in USA,
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Kathi's Selbsttest "Blonde Me Instant Blush Ice"
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11-8-17, schwarzkopf, schwarzkopf blondme, schwarzkopf bleach, white hair, grey hair, bleached hair, best bleach for hair, best hair bleach, bleached blonde, platinum hair, olaplex, blondme, blond, pelo, decoloracion, decoloracion en casa, decoloracion en cuarentena, color en casa, mechas, mechas en casa, tintura, hair, beauty, Schwarzkopf Professional, hairstyle, hairdresser, how to, schwarzkopf, hair products, hair cut, hair color, balayage, bleach roots at home, bleaching hair, schwarzkopf blondme, blondme bleach, platinum hair, bleach hair at home, how to get white hair, how to bleach hair at home, hair bleach, blonde hair, bleached hair, hair, beauty, Schwarzkopf Professional, hairstyle, hairdresser, how to, schwarzkopf, hair products, hair cut, hair color, hair tips, hair, beauty, Schwarzkopf Professional, hairstyle, hairdresser, how to, schwarzkopf, hair products, hair cut, hair color, hair tips, Schwarzkopf, Schwarzkopf Professional, Schwarzkopf Professional CZ, Schwarzkopf Professional SK, Blondme, Blondme 9+, Platinum blonde, Blonde, Platinová blond, Barvení vlasů, Zesvětlovač, brad mondo, wella, t18, toner, bleach, blondme, t14, hair bleaching, diybleach, bleach fails, brassy hair, Schwarzkopf, Colour Ambassador, BLONDEME, platinum BLONDE, Lesley Jennison, Platinum Blond, hair, beauty, Schwarzkopf Professional, hairstyle, hairdresser, how to, schwarzkopf, hair products, hair cut, hair color, hair tips, #schwarzkopfblondme #schwarzkopfprofessional #diyhairbleaching, Schwarzkopf, schwarzkopfbr, Schwarzkopf Professional, Strong Bonds, bella catarina distr, blond me, Schwarzkopf Pro, Fibreplex, Fibreplex Effect, a passion for hair, Expert Beauty Center, Eternal Beauty, Ingrijirea parului, Macadamia, Schwarzkopf, Fashion, Look, Blogger, Beauty blogger, Vopsea, Par vopsit, Suvite, hair, beauty, Schwarzkopf Professional, hairstyle, hairdresser, how to, schwarzkopf, hair products, hair cut, hair color, hair tips, Hairhacks, hairhack, hair tutorial, faceframing, face framing tutorial, face framing highlights, face framing technique, BLONDEME, blonde highlights, Jack Howard, hair trends, hair, beauty, Schwarzkopf Professional, hairstyle, hairdresser, how to, schwarzkopf, hair products, hair cut, hair color, hair tips, hair, beauty, Schwarzkopf Professional, hairstyle, hairdresser, how to, schwarzkopf, hair products, hair cut, hair color, hair tips, hair, beauty, Schwarzkopf Professional, hairstyle, hairdresser, how to, schwarzkopf, hair products, hair cut, hair color, hair tips, hair, beauty, Schwarzkopf Professional, hairstyle, hairdresser, how to, schwarzkopf, hair products, hair cut, hair color, hair tips, hair, beauty, Schwarzkopf Professional, hairstyle, hairdresser, how to, schwarzkopf, hair products, hair cut, hair color, hair tips, hair, beauty, Schwarzkopf Professional, hairstyle, hairdresser, how to, schwarzkopf, hair products, hair cut, hair color, blondme, blondehair, schwarzkopfpro, blondme, hairdetox, haircare, Schwarzkopfpro, Blondme, Beautifulhair, IloveBlondMe, Schwarzkopf, Hagel, Hagel-Shop, Blondme, Beauty, Hair, Haarfarbe, Look, Haare, fernando cara, granada, recogidas 47, rubio, blondme, peluqueria, peluqueria de Granada, color, Schwarzkopfpro, Schwarzkopfprohu, Blondme, ILoveBlondme, Beautifulhair, Blondmedeeptoner, pastel hair, pink hair, pastel pink hair, how to, how to colour hair, balyage, pastel balayage, pink balayage, edinburgh, Edinburgh salon, hair vlog, BlondMe, White, BlendingSchwarzkopf, Professional, Decoloration, Tone, Schwarzkopf, SKP, hair, skin, body, hair, beauty, Schwarzkopf Professional, hairstyle, hairdresser, how to, schwarzkopf, hair products, hair cut, hair color, hair tips, Silver, failed, Attempt, Candace, reese, beauty, Failed attempt, Silver Hair, Gray hair, Failed Hair diy, Bleached hair, hair, beauty, Schwarzkopf Professional, hairstyle, hairdresser, how to, schwarzkopf, hair products, hair cut, hair color, hair tips, 2021 Blond Premium Lift, Best Blond Premium Lift, Blond Premium Lift Reviews 2021, Buy Blond Premium Lift in USA, Top Blond Premium Lift in USA, BLOND,
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NEW BLONDME Toners by David Blanke
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GBCTV - Schwarzkopf BlondMe
Highlight Retouch by Brad
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BlondMe Decoloration & Tone Schwarzkopf Professional
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Schwarzkopf BlondMe
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All About BLONDME | Exclusive Webinar | Schwarzkopf USA
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Warm Brunette Tutorial using BLONDME | Hair Hacks | Schwarzkopf USA
Показати теги
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NEW BLONDME Toners by Viktor Madarasz
Schwarzkopf BlondMe Part 4
Показати теги
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BlondMe Highlifting Schwarzkopf Professional
Окислювач для волосся Schwarzkopf Professional Blond Me Premium Developer 6% 1000 мл (4045787367492)
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Schwarzkopf Professional - Артикул: U0610989
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(093) 290-1717
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