В сегодняшнем видео для вас полный день-тест нового солнцезащитного спрея от Garnier SPF 50 :) Надеюсь вам понравится!
* Тестируемый продукт * Солнцезащитный сухой спрей для лица эксперт защита Garnier SPF 50
Music by Kontekst – Buddha
Licensed under a Creative Commons license
Дисклэймер: Я не могу гарантировать, что все косметические продукты и продукты для ухода, которые я рекомендую, подойдут Вам. Я использую только продукты, которые лично мне нравятся и подходят, после того как протестирую их на себе, но у нас у всех разная кожа и аллергия может появиться на все, что угодно. Если возможно, тестируйте продукт на себе перед покупкой.
#солнцезащитныйспрей #garnier #первые впечатления #солнцезащитныесредства Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
В данном ролике врач дерматолог делает обзор популярных солнцезащитных средств аптечных брендов.
Мой инстаграм:
Мой онлайн курс о правильном уходе за кожей:
Средства из обзора:
Высокая степень защиты для тела и в принципе для лица на пляж:
Photoderm Кид спрей SPF50+
Photoderm Cпрей-вуаль SPF30
Для лица на пляж:
Для чувствительной кожи, максимальная защита:
Photoderm MAX Аквафлюид SPF50+
Для малышей:
средство с iherb (может быть слабовато для пляжного солнца)
Badger Company, Active Kids, Natural Mineral Sunscreen Cream, SPF 30 PA+++
Защита от солнца для жирной кожи:
Photoderm AKN матирующая эмульсия SPF30
Ухаживающий крем от морщин и пигментных пятен:
Photoderm Спот AGE крем SPF50+
Крем который стимулирует загар
Estederm Adaptasun Protective Face Care Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Защита для детей Garnier Ambre Solaire Аква-крем SPF50 150мл
Крем "Ambre Solaire" от бренда Garnier обеспечит непревзойденную защиту от солнечных лучей. Уникальная водостойкая формула удерживает средство на коже малыша даже после контакта с водой и песком и требует регулярного нанесения. Крем не содержит отдушек, парабенов и протестирован под контролем педиатров. Высокий уровень SPF не даст ультрафиолетовому излучению нанести урон нежной детской коже и убережет ее от солнечных ожогов. Крем "Ambre Solaire" - это незаменимое средство на отдыхе, прогулке или в путешествии.
Ссылка: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Provides very high protection against sun induced skin damage & non-greasy formula is specially developed for all skin types.
#sunscreen #skincare #spf #sunprotection #summer #suncare Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
🔻 🔻 Clicca qui sotto per ulteriori informazioni 🔻 🔻
Garnier Ambre Solaire Ultra Idratante SPF 20 la nostra prova |
In questo video potete vedere la crema solare Garnier Ambre Solaire Ultra Idratante SPF 20.
Consultate la nostra recensione completa se volete scoprire tutte le caratteristiche di questo modello.
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GARNIER Ambre Solaire SPF 50 солнцезащитный спрей для лица и флюид
Garnier Солнцезащитный увлажняющий сухой спрей для лица Ambre Solaire "Эксперт Защита", SPF 50, 75мл (Гарньер) может наноситься поверх макияжа. Он способствует защите от пигментных пятен и возрастных изменений, вызванных солнцем и увлажняет кожу на 24 часа. Нелипкая и нежирная текстура-вуаль не оставляет белых следов и не ощущается на коже. Формула протестирована под контролем дерматологов, является гипоаллергенной, подходит даже для чувствительной кожи. Удобный формат идеален для ежедневного использования в городе.
GARNIER флюид Ambre Solaire Ultra-Light Sensitive Face SPF 50, 40 мл
#garnier #солнцезащитныйкрем #спф #крем #sunset #sun #косметика #уход Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
СОНЦЕЗАХИСТ та SPF.Як вибрати свій ідеальний крем?
Майже всі коментарі під попереднім відео були про сонцезахист і я вас почула♥️
Сьогодні ми говоримо про сонцезахист і як вибрати свій ідеальний крем без вибілювання,липкості чи жирної плівки.
Продукти показані у відео⬇️
👩🔬Фізичні фільтри:
Isntree Hyaluronic acid sun cream
Innisfree Mild cica-sunscreen
Round Lab Birch juice mild up
Some by me Truecica mineral 100
Missha cotton sun
No sebum sun lotion
👩🔬Хімічні фільтри:
Round Lab moisturizing sun cream
Make p:rem UV defence me
Cica Regen vegan sun
Beauty of Joseon Relief sun
Isntree Hyaluronic acid watery sun gel
Biore UV watery essence
👩🔬Для чутливої шкіри:
Madagascar centella air-fit suncream plus
Mary May cica soothing sun cream
Приємного перегляду♥️
#koreanskincare Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Das Thema Lichtschutzfaktor (SPF, LSF) beschäftigt uns immer mehr und es ist auch super wichtig.
Aber welcher SPF ist der richtige? Das ist super individuell und deshalb vergleichen wir heute zwei gehypte 50+ Sonnenschutz Produkte von Garnier und La Roche Posay!
Hier nochmal die Produkte verlinkt:
Garnier Ambre Solaire Sensitive UV-Schutz Fluid mit Hyaluronsäure
La Roche-Posay Anthelios Shaka Fluid
In diesem Video findet keine Kooperation statt. Alle Produkte sind selbst gekauft.
Instagram: _meltastic_
♡ Hat´s dir gefallen? Dann gib mir einen Daumen nach oben ♡
Danke fürs Anschauen, hab einen tollen Tag!
Angela Mel
Sounds from
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' von mir freiwillig für euch eingefügte Amazon-Affiliate-Links
#garnier #larocheposay #spf Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video, I'll be taking a closer look at the Garnier AMBRE SOLAIRE Sensitive Expert SPF 50 sunscreen. If you have sensitive skin and struggle to find a sunscreen that doesn't irritate your skin, this review is for you. I'll be testing out the product and sharing my honest thoughts on its effectiveness, texture, and overall performance. So, if you're in the market for a new sunscreen and want to know if the Garnier AMBRE SOLAIRE Sensitive Expert SPF 50 is worth the investment, be sure to watch this review before making your purchase. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ambre Solaire Солнцезащитный ультраувлажняющий спрей SPF20 увлажнение 12 часов.
Средняя степень защиты. Для светлой уже загорелой кожи.
Улучшенная защита от UVA/UVB лучей, благодаря запатентованной системе фотостабильных фильтров Mexoryl SX.
Благодаря обогащенной витамином Е формуле спрей эффективно защищает против солнечных ожогов и преждевременного старения кожи от солнца.
Купить такой спрей от Гарньер Амбр Солер можно в нашем интернет-магазине:
- Наш интернет-магазин.
Доставка по РФ. Оплата при получении. Срок доставки 5-15 дней в зависимости от региона. Для Москвы самовывоз.
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*instagram: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Garnier Ambre Solaire Acqua UV IP 20 la nostra prova | QualeScegliere.it
🔻 🔻 Clicca qui sotto per ulteriori informazioni 🔻 🔻
Garnier Ambre Solaire Acqua UV IP 20 la nostra prova |
In questo video potete vedere la crema solare Garnier Ambre Solaire Acqua UV IP 20.
Consultate la nostra recensione completa se volete scoprire tutte le caratteristiche di questo modello.
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THE BEST SUNSCREEN of 2023? Garnier Ambre Solaire Super UV SPF 50+ Invisible Face Serum Review
Looking for the best sunscreen of 2023? Check out Danny's review of the new Garnier Ambre Solaire SPF 50+ Super UV Invisible Face Serum! As a pharmacist specialized in cosmetology, Danny puts this sunscreen to the test, sharing his thoughts on its texture, application, longevity, makeup compatibility, and UV filters. She also highlights the pros and cons of the product, including its small size of 30ml and the presence of one comedogenic ingredient. Despite its limitations, Danny loves this sunscreen and recommends it to his viewers. Don't miss out on this must-watch review! Subscribe for more skincare content and book a free skincare consultation with Danny using the link down below!
JOIN MY VIBER GROUP(for Free Skincare Consultations):
JOIN MY WHATSAPP GROUP(for Free Skincare Consultations):
1. L&L Skin Sunscreen Coverage Reveal UV Magic Mirror: *Use the code DANNY35 to get 35% OFF*
2. Garnier Ambre Solaire Super UV SPF 50+ Invisible Face Serum:
3. Beauty of Joseon- Relief Sun: Rice and Probiotics SPF50 PA++++: *Use code DANNY777 for 10% OFF*
If you are new to this channel, I am a pharmacist specialized in cosmetology and I try to make fun informative videos like this one, in which I analyze ingredients and do full reviews of cosmetic products. SUBSCRIBE if this is your thing!
TikTok: @pharmacymakeup
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Disclaimer 1: This YouTube channel is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice. Content provided on this Youtube channel is for informational purposes only. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health-related diagnosis or treatment options. Information on this Youtube channel should not be considered a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional. The statements made about specific products are not to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.
Disclaimer 2: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge for you! Thank you for supporting the Pharmacy&Makeup channel so I can continue to provide you with free content! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
- I’ve had this sunscreen since the summer and just now getting around to writing a review about it! It is a Garnier sunscreen only available in Europe. This is a nice cream texture sunscreen but one thing that keeps it from being good is that it REEKS. I cannot for the life of me stand the smell of this sunscreen 🤢🤢. It has an overly strong citrus smell that gives me a headache later in the day. It was also fairly greasy in the summer, and where I live in the US, it is almost like Singapore here with how humid it gets. I pulled this out again in the winter here and this is the only season I can stand wearing this. It gets some bonus points for having a good array of chemical filters, and it rubs in without any whitecast (at least on me). Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
BRAND : @GarnierUK PRODUCT : Ambre Solaire SPF 50+ Super UV Invisible Face Serum
BRAND : @GarnierUK
PRODUCT : Ambre Solaire SPF 50+ Super UV Invisible Face Serum
Our Super UV Invisible Serum offers comfortable daily wear with very high SPF 50+ protection against UVB, UVA & long UVA.
#skincare #skincareproducts #skincareroutine #garnieruk #AmbreSolaire Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор солнцезащитных средств спф50 (Vichy, Uriage, Garnier)
Garnier Amber Soler Over Make Up SPF50.
Формула сухого спрея увлажняет 24ч и подходит для нанесения даже поверх макияжа. Эффективно защищает от UVB-, UVA- и длинных UVA-лучей.
Ультра лёгкая формула солнцезащитного спрея мгновенно впитывается, не оставляя следов и жирной пленки. После нанесения, солнцезащитное средство не ощущается на коже.
Uriage Bariesun Fluide Ultra-Leger.
Легкий крем-флюид разработан специально для максимальной защиты чувствительной кожи от вредного действия УФ-лучей.
Преимущества продукта
Благодаря уникальной формуле средство обеспечивает надежный барьер для кожи от UVA и UVB лучей, а также свободных радикалов. Водостойкий продукт быстро впитывается в кожу, не оставляя липкой пленки. Удобный формат упаковки позволяет брать крем всегда с собой.
Vichy Capital Ideal Soleil Спрей солнцезащитный двухфазный увлажняющий SPF50. Солнцезащитная вода от Vichy - теперь с SPF50.
Средство с очень высокой защитой от UVA-и UVB-лучей в инновационной текстуре воды. Лёгкая двухфазная формула с Гиалуроновой кислотой и Минерализующей термальной водой Vichy укрепляет защитный барьер кожи и обеспечивает 8 часов интенсивного увлажнения, оставляя на коже легкий бархатистый финиш.
Легко наносится и быстро впитывается. Обладает нелипкой текстурой. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Я сбилась с ног искать SPF защиту от солнца, которая не ощутима на лице, не имеет навязчивого запаха, не жирная, реально защищает и можно наносить на макияж! И очень комфортна для жирной и комбинированной кожи. Фантастика, да? Но кто ищет, тот найдёт. Аж целый ролик посвящаю этому средству.
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#защитаотсолнца #spfзащита #уход #защиталица #spfспрей #IrenSkudarnova Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Солнцезащитный спрей jmsolution SPF50+ PA++++ для обновления защиты✨ Ссылка в описании✅
Солнцезащитный спрей ты найдёшь в нашем магазине 👉🏻 Скидка 15% по промокоду «ЮТУБ». Также мы с радостью подберем тебе уход совершенно бесплатно❤️ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Солнцезащитный спрей для лица 🔆 Jmsolution Sun Protection Sun Spray
Cолнцезащитное средство на химических фильтрах 💥 Солнцезащитный спрей JMsolution:
✔️ удобно обновлять защиту
✔️ мелкодисперсное распыление
✔️ можно наносить даже поверх макияжа
✔️ два варианта: с жемчугом или с розой 🌹
Ссылка здесь:
Все средства с SPF тут:
Оформить заказ можно на сайте
или по телефону 8 800 200 75 73 - бесплатная горячая линия
(Звонок бесплатный с любого моб. оператора)
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#корейскаякосметика #hollyshop #jmsolution #spf #защитаотсолнца #солнцезащитныйкрем #санскрин #солнцезащитныйспрей #sunscreen #suncream Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
@garnier Ambre Solaire Invisible Serum UV, SPF 50
😇 Product Self Purchased
- Octisalate
- Tinosorb S
- Uvinul T-150
- Avobenzone
- Ensulizole
- Mexoryl XL
😇 Other 🔑 Ingredients:
- Tocopherol
- Glycerin
- Ceramide NP
- Aloe
🛒 RETAIL: $ (Currently on sale for $ at Care to Beauty) for 30ML
So I knew I had to try this sunscreen when I saw @tamunoabbey review it on her Youtube channel! I really didn’t know what to expect but I can confidently say this is probably one of the fastest absorbing European sunscreens I have ever tried! It does have a serum-cream texture and can feel slightly tacky upon initial application but that dissipates (for me) in about 30 min. The finish is demi-matte, so it’s not super dewy but not super matte either. I wish more companies in America wouldn’t hesitate in using some alcohol in sunscreen formulas, but I know that won’t happen anytime soon 😂. Alcohol in skincare, especially in sunscreen is not a bad thing and it gets unnecessarily demonized 👎. Even with the alcohol, this really didn’t irritate the eczema on my neck at all since it also has hydrating and moisturizing ingredients like Glycerin and Ceramide NP and is fragrance free. I just wish it could be water resistant and a larger size but I may end up trying the Garnier sensitive advanced sunscreen next!
#sunscreen #spf #garnier #ambresolaire #spf50 #sunscreeneveryday #sunscreenspf50 #europeanskincare #skincare #skincarereview #sunscreenreview #skincarecommunity #skincancerawareness #skincancerprevention Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
i'm Olga and I have been an online content creator for 3 years. I am a UGC creator with a passion for beauty, fashion, and lifestyle. I have a keen eye for trends, and I strive to create content that is both on-trend and relatable. I am confident and comfortable in front of the camera. I'm a social media enthusiast who loves connecting with others online and sharing my work with the world. I'm always looking for new and innovative ways to produce content that is both visually stunning and meaningful. Looking forward to creating great content together ! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Garnier Ambre Solaire Sunscreen Review on Dark Skin | Sunscreen for Combo, Oily and Acne-prone Skin
A perfect sunscreen for oily skin and acne prone skin. Garnier Ambre Solaire Anti Dark Spots & Anti Pollution Super UV SPF 50+ Sunscreen.
This sunscreen is dark skin friendly and almost all skin types can use it.
•It doesn’t leave the skin with a cast or purple tint. •It doesn’t leave a greasy finish.
•It is lightweight, absorbs instantly.
•It doesn’t sting the eyes.
•It leaves a matte finish and it oil controlling.
Purchase here;
Garnier Ambre Solaire Sensitive Face & Neck Spf 50+ - (US affiliate link)
Purchase Measuring spoon - OR (my type)
Time Stamps
00:49 Hand swatch
01:51 Face application
02:38 After application
02:56 Texture and finish
03:10 Best recommended for?
03:40 Sunscreen filters
03:53 Price and quantity
04:09 Fragrance free
05:01 Reapplication
05:28 Makeup application
05:57 Final thoughts
Here's a link to my Patreon! I’d greatly appreciate your donations. It will help me put out more Sunscreen content on the channel. Thanks in advance!
Softbox Lights:
Video Editor: InShot
Thumbnail Design: Canva or Photogrid
Let's Be Friends
For Business Enquires/PR - poshytix@
Disclaimer: The product displayed was bought by me.
Music by Eila - Fire -
Music by WABI SABI - snowflake - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Sensitive Advanced de Ambre Solaire, No. 1 em proteção solar para pele sensível
Nova gama Sensitive Advanced de Ambre Solaire ☀️ Com NETLOCK Technology (que actua como uma rede protectora na pele e oferece alta resistência ao suor, água e areia) para desfrutar melhor do sol com a sua família 💚 Porque nem todas as proteções são iguais 😎 #GoGreenComGarnier Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hi guys! In today's video, I tested this Garnier sunscreen in a form of a spray that is meant to be applied on top of makeup! Sounds great, doesn't it?! Anyways, as always I went through claims, ingredients, UV filters, controversial ingredients, did a demo application on top of heavy makeup, and at the end, I gave you my final verdict on this product! Like the video, if you found it helpful, and don't forget to subscribe! ❤
1. VLOG Shopping for Skincare in Germany:
2. Garnier Anti-Age Super UV SPF 50 Sunscreen Review:
3. La Roche Posay Shaka Fluid Review:
4. La Roche Posay Age-Correct Review:
5. Vichy Ideal Soleil SPF 50 Mattifying Dry Touch Face Sunscreen Review:
6. La Roche Posay Invisible Spray VS Shaka Fluid Review:
1. Garnier Sensitive Expert Over Makeup Spray SPF 50: =as_li_qf_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=pharmacyandma-21&creative=6742&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B06XXQ6HGV&linkId=4c0ebde0db1154050164525e85ffa33c
2. Garnier Ambre Solaire Anti Age Super UV SPF 50:
1. Dry/Normal Skin Face&Eyes Sunscreen(EU):
2. Dry/Normal Skin Face&Body Sunscreen(EU):
3. Oily Skin Face Sunscreen (USA):
4. Oily Skin Face Sunscreen (EU):
0:00 Intro
1:26 Claims
2:57 Ingredients
3:14 UV Filters
4:33 Controversial Ingredients
4:57 Demo Application
7:47 Final Verdict
**If you are new to this channel, I am a pharmacist specialized in cosmetology and I try to make fun informative videos like this one, in which I analyze ingredients and do full reviews of cosmetic products. SUBSCRIBE if this is your thing!**
Business Inquiries:
Disclaimer: This YouTube channel is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice. Content provided on this Youtube channel is for informational purposes only. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health-related diagnosis or treatment options. Information on this Youtube channel should not be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional. The statements made about specific products are not to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.
Disclaimer: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge for you! Thank you for supporting the Pharmacy&Makeup channel so I can continue to provide you with free content! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Garnier Ambre Solaire Sensitive Expert+ "engagé pour votre peau plus engagé pour la planète" Pub 20s
Publicité de 20s pour le crème solaire Garnier Ambre Safe Guard Tech Sensitive Expert + "plus engagé pour votre peau plus engagé pour la planète" juillet 2020 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Масло для интенсивного загара фиксирующее SPF 4 200 мл.
As fórmulas Sensitive Advanced de Garnier Ambre Solaire com a inovadora Netlock Technology são muito resistentes à água e mantêm-se no lugar, para que a sua pele continue protegida enquanto se diverte na água! Nem todas as proteções são iguais! Confie na nossa Netlock Technology.
Descubra a proteção solar ideal para si: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I'm rating all the sunscreens I've tried on this channel in 2022 so far. I'm rating: Ultrasun Anti-Age & Anti-Pigmentation Sunscreen SPF50, Cosrx Aloe Soothing Sun Cream SPF50, Ultrasun Moisturising Anti-Ageing Sunscreen SPF30, Garnier Ambre Solaire Anti-Age Super UV Sunscreen and Dermalogica Prisma Protect SPF30. As you guys are aware, I'm something of a sunscreen connoisseur and regularly try out a bunch of different sunscreens on the channel. Curious about these sunscreens and why they got the ratings they did? Be sure to check out the full-length reviews, here on my channel.
ps. during the month of June you're in for a treat because I'll be sharing nothing but sunscreen content, to help you get ready for the hot summer months by protecting your face from the sun.
Ultrasun Anti-Age & Anti-Pigmentation Sunscreen SPF50: *
COSRX Aloe Soothing Sun Cream SPF50: *
Ultrasun Moisturising Anti-Ageing Sunscreen SPF30: *
Garnier Ambre Solaire Anti-Age Super UV Sunscreen: *
Dermalogica Prisma Protect SPF30: *
Ultrasun Anti-Age & Anti-Pigmentation Sunscreen SPF50:
COSRX Aloe Soothing Sun Cream SPF50:
Ultrasun Moisturising Anti-Ageing Sunscreen SPF30:
Garnier Ambre Solaire Anti-Age Super UV Sunscreen:
Dermalogica Prisma Protect SPF30:
Music by All Cows Eat Grass - Fly. -
* This is an affiliate link and I may earn a small commission (at no extra cost to you) if you make a purchase using this link. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
best and worst sunscreens of 2022 (so far) #shorts #sunprotection
Real life sunscreen comparison on human skin. The popular products compared are:
NIVEA - SUN protect & bronze SPF 30 spray
The conclusion was that both products are of good quality. They both provide protection as advertised and are very similar. No quality differences were noticed.
Music by BENSOUND:
'The Lounge' by Benjamin Tissot (aka Bensound)
free download at:
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Забирай мой гайд «25 ошибок в макияже, которые решают всё» заполнив анкету в моем тг - #Гайд #Макияж #Визаж #КремОтЗагара Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A few weeks ago Caroline Hirons recommended the Garnier Ambre Solaire Anti-Age Super UV sunscreen and it immediately sold out. But is it really worth the hype? That is what we will talk about in todays review, along with the question which filters it uses and which skin type I recommend it for.
And if you want to get a vote in the next Ask Doctor Anne Topic, Ingredient Spotlight or product I review, don't forget you can head over to my Patreon account here: to get more involved!
Some of my sunscreen favorites (affiliate links):
Garnier Ambre Solaire Anti-Age Super UV -
Heliocare 360 Water Gel -
Ultraviolette Supreme Screen Hydrating Facial Skinscreen -
Related videos:
Quick skincare reviews -
Your sunscreen questions answered -
Ask Doctor Anne -
Skincare basics explained Playlist -
Where else to find me:
My equipment (affiliate links):
Camera: Nikon Z 6 -
Microphone: Rhode Video Mic Pro + -
As doctor passionate about skin care that delivers results I want to help you quickly and efficiently pick a skin care regime that works, by explaining the science behind skin and by sharing quick product reviews.
I am a big believer that creating a skincare routine that targets your specific concerns is not a matter of your budget. There are many great affordable brands out there: The Inkey List, Good Molecules, Geek & Gorgeous or pixi skincare to name a few of my favorites, and if you know how to combine them, you are well on your way to healthy and happy skin.
Healthy and happy skin does not mean "flawless" - whatever that might be. I have been struggling with acne, hyperpigmentation and postinflammatory erythema (PIH and PIE) for most of my adult life, and it took me a while to figure out that gentle is key. I went through a retinol damaged skin barrier, acne flare ups and sun damage until I finally reached my happy place: With Tretinoin, sunscreen and of course a red lipstick!
0:00 Background on the Garnier Ambre Solaire Anti Age Super UV Sunscreen
0:26 Intro
0:51 Claims of the Garnier Ambre Solaire Anti Age Super UV Sunscreen
1:08 Texture and scent of the Garnier Ambre Solaire Anti Age Super UV Sunscreen
1:30 How to use the Garnier Ambre Solaire Anti Age Super UV Sunscreen
2:34 Ingredients of the Garnier Ambre Solaire Anti Age Super UV Sunscreen
3:20 Skin types I recommend the Garnier Ambre Solaire Anti Age Super UV Sunscreen for
I am a doctor, so I do have a good understanding of scientific studies, skin and video is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. Content provided on this Youtube channel is for informational purposes only. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options. Information on this Youtube channel should not be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional. The statements made about specific products throughout this video are not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
Some links used above may be affiliate links and some products mentioned are PR-Samples/ gifted items.
This is not a sponsored video.
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Garnier Ambre Solaire Anti Age Super UV - Worth the hype? | Doctors Review
1. Garnier Ambre Solaire Масло для Загара SPF 20
2. Nivea Молочко для Загара с Морковкой SPF 6
3. Nivea Солнцезащитное Молочко дли Детей SPF 50+
4. Sun Brown Масло для Интенсивного Загара с Какао
5. Sun Brown Масло для Интенсивного Загара с Морковкой
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Новые SPF Средства для Загара и Масло для Интенсивного Загара - BODYCARE.AZ
Are you on the hunt for the perfect sunscreen? In this video, Danny a pharmacist who specialized in cosmetology is comparing two popular Garnier Ambre Solaire sunscreens: the Sensitive Advanced SPF50+ Face & Body Serum and the Super UV Invisible Face Serum. Both have Ceramide NP and Glycerin for added skincare benefits, but how do they differ in terms of price, UV protection, and application?
Danny dives into the details and compares the two products side-by-side, with a special focus on the differences in texture and wearability.
Finally, Danny puts both Garnier sunscreens to the test with a UV camera after two hours of wear and shares her final thoughts on which product is the better choice for your skin and your wallet.
Don't miss out on this sunscreen showdown! Hit play now to discover the truth about Garnier Ambre Solaire sunscreens and upgrade your sun protection game.
1. Garnier Sensitive Advanced Face&Body Serum SPF 50+:
2. Garnier Invisible Face Serum Super UV SPF 50+:
3. La Roche Posay Invisible Face&Body Spray:
4. L&L Skin Sunscreen Coverage Reveal UV Magic Mirror: *Use the code DANNY35 to get 35% OFF*
If you are new to this channel, I am a pharmacist specialized in cosmetology and I try to make fun informative videos like this one, in which I analyze ingredients and do full reviews of cosmetic products. SUBSCRIBE if this is your thing!
TikTok: @pharmacymakeup
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Disclaimer 1: This YouTube channel is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice. Content provided on this Youtube channel is for informational purposes only. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health-related diagnosis or treatment options. Information on this Youtube channel should not be considered a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional. The statements made about specific products are not to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.
Disclaimer 2: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge for you! Thank you for supporting the Pharmacy&Makeup channel so I can continue to provide you with free content! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Money-Saving Sunscreen: Garnier Ambre Solaire SPF50+ Face & Body vs. Face Serum and a Better Option!
Hello Everyone here’s another video for you..
Why its important to protect our skin from the sun using sun cream ????
You can work and play outside without raising your skin cancer risk by protecting your skin from the sun. Most skin cancers are caused by too much exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light. UV rays are an invisible kind of radiation that comes from the sun, tanning beds, and sunlamps. UV rays can damage skin cells.
So this Garnier Ambre Solaire Sensitive Hypoallergenic Dry Mist Sun Cream Spray SPF50 VERY HIGH PROTECTION UVB + UVA + LONG UVA will really helps you not to damage your skin …
Here’s the link you can order
#garnierspf50 #garniersuncreamspray #sunprotection Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Garnier Sensitive Hypoallergenic Dry Mist Sun Cream Spray SPF50 VERY HIGH PROTECTION UVB + UVA 200ml
☀️ We have tried the new Garnier Ambre Solaire Invisible Super UV Serum SPF50+ and we only have good things to say about it. Ready?
✅ High UVA and UVB protection
✅ Invisible finish on all skin tones
✅ No greasy or sticky feeling
✅ Lightweight formula suitable for all skin types - especially sensitive skin.
👉 Find this and more Garnier products at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Trying the new Garnier Ambre Solaire Invisible Super UV Serum SPF50+
HELLO SUMMER! 🌞 Пристигна НОВИЯТ серум за лице Garnier Ambre Solaire Super UV. 🙌🏻 Лека формула, която не оставя следи! 👌🏻Със SPF 50+ той предпазва кожата Ви от слънцето по всяко време и навсякъде! 😎
Побързайте и го изпробвайте! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hey loves , i reviewed the Garnier Ambre Solaire Hydra 24h Protect SPF50 sunscreen . Hope y’all enjoy.
Music by Damien Sebe - sundae -
Socials 🪷
#sunscreenfordarkskin #sunscreenforoilyskin Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Depois de 3 dias de incerteza com a meteorologia, o sol está de volta e convém aproveitar mas com cuidado.
Proteja a sua pela e da sua família com os protetores e bronzeadores solares da Ambre Solaire Garnier.
Encomenda já em
A coleção para o verão de 2022 já está online e vai Até ti, onde estiveres
Até Ti | o teu supermercado online onde estiveres 🛒 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Nuevo serum invisible con FPS 50. Ideal para usar todos los días, te protege de los Rayos UVB y UVA y también la barrera de la piel porque contiene ceramidas.
🤍No deja rastro blanco
👩🏻⚕️Testado por dermatólogos
✨Para todo tipo de piel (incluso sensibles)
💦Textura ligera, no arde los ojos
🐰Vegan y cruelty free Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Skingredients Skin Shield SPF 50 PA+++ (AD-PR) - Love it ❤️ - It takes a lot to convince me to stray away from my trusty Evy Technology Daily Defence Face Mousse, but I've been reaching for this a lot, mostly on no-makeup days, because I just love how it makes my skin look. It has a lightweight, fluid texture that leaves quite a dewy finish at first, but if you set it with a bit of powder, it wears really nicely and doesn't get greasy throughout the day. It's a mineral formula, which I'm not usually a huge fan of, but the peachy tint counteracts any potential whitecast, and really evens out my skin. Skingredients are very open about the fact that this one won't work for all skin tones, but I believe that they're working on a more inclusive version.
Bondi Sands Daily Moisturising Face SPF50+ Sunscreen Lotion - Leave it ✋🏼 - I know so many people love this one, but it's just not for me 😭 It has a lotion-like consistency that blends into the skin effortlessly, and from what I've seen/heard, it seems to be a great option for all skin tones, but it's just a bit too greasy for me. That being said, my makeup sits beautifully on top of it, and I've never had any issues with pilling, but I think it's much better suited to drier skin types. I can't knock it in terms of affordability or accessibility though!
Garnier Ambre Solaire Over Makeup Super UV Protection Mist - Love it ❤️ - I just love the convenience of this one, especially for those full makeup days. It's affordable, easy to apply, and completely invisible, although it does leave a dewy finish, which won't be for everyone.
Vichy LiftActiv Collagen Specialist Cream SPF 25 (AD-PR) - Leave it ✋🏼 - As I've said before, I have very mixed feelings about this one, but ultimately I prefer to use an SPF with a higher level of protection. It has a lightweight texture that sinks in quickly, but my skin ends up looking quite greasy throughout the day, and it’s quite an expensive option. Their Capital Soleil UV-Age Daily SPF is much better imo.
What's your favourite sunscreen? Are there any that you'd like me to review?☀️
#skincare #skincarereview #sunscreen #spf #spf50 #protectyourskin #sunscreenreview #skingredients #garnier #bondisands #vichy #mineralsunscreen #chemicalsunscreen Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Love it or Leave it - Sunscreen Edition ☀️ Part 1 ✨
Application and review of Garnier Ambre Solaire's NEW Sensitive Advanced Serum for face and body on dark skin.
PRODUCTS USED (affiliate links)
Garnier Ambre Solaire Spf 50+ Sensitive Advanced Face & Body Serum 125ml:
Ambre Solairesensitive Expert+ Sonnenschutz-Serum Lsf 50+Sonnenbalsam:
(douglas germany)
Garnier Ambre Solaire Spf 50+ Sensitive Advanced Serum for Face & Body 125ml:
00:00 Intro garnier ambre solaire sensitive advanced body serum
01:05 Hand swatch
02:18 Face application
03:10 Face in natural light
03:20 First impressions
03:56 Fragrance or alcohol?
04:55 Body application
05:41 Type of sunscreen + filters
06:00 Recommendation
06:36 Eye sting or pilling
07:14 Final Thoughts
Studio Lights:
Tripods: and
Video Editor: InShot
Thumbnail Design: Canva
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Tiktok: @tamunoabbey1
For PR/Business Enquires - tamunoabbey1@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Тип засобу - крем, Тип шкіри - для всіх типів, Ступінь захисту - SPF 30, Клас косметики - натуральна, Область застосування - тіло, обличчя, для дорослих, Об'єм ..
Тип засобу - крем, Тип шкіри - для всіх типів, Ступінь захисту - SPF 45, Клас косметики - натуральна, Область застосування - обличчя, для дорослих, Об'єм - 50 м..
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Засіб від засмаги Garnier Ambre Solaire Чистий захист SPF 20 Сонцезахисний спрей 200 мл (3600540282828). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17