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Сегодня в магазине мне попалась на глаза НОВИНКА, мимо которой я не смог пройти! На упаковке так и написано - НОВИНКА GILLETTE SKINGUARD SENSITIVE. Действительно, дизайн этой бритвы, а именно форма лезвий и как они расположены, относит в некое будущее и сулит очень комфортное и гладкое бритье. Смотря на нее - понимаешь - проблема с забивкой волосом лезвий решена. И тебе очень хочется ее купить. А бренд GILLETTE окончательно ставит точку в моем выборе и я покупаю этот бритвенный станок. Я специально отращивал недельную щетину, что бы ей было сложнее. И вот настал час Х.
Смотрим мой отзыв на этот станок для бритья SKINGUARD SENSITIVE от Жиллет и кому я рекомендую его покупать, а кому категорически нет!
Чем побриться? Канал о бритье для мужчин. Сравнение бритвенных станков. Рейтинг одноразовых бритв.
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Прежде чем покупать бритву, смотри мой обзор и принимай правильное решение! #чемпобриться Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Gillette SkinGuard Sensitive is het eerste scheermes van Gillette speciaal ontworpen voor mannen met een gevoelige huid en scheeruitslag. De unieke SkinGuard bevindt zich tussen de mesjes om het haar te scheren en de huid te beschermen. Vermindert het trekkerig gevoel tijdens het scheren en scheert het haar vanaf de huid, zodat irritatie en ingegroeide haartjes worden voorkomen. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The first razor with a unique SkinGuard between the blades to shave hair and guard skin. Clinically proven for sensitive skin. Learn more about Gillette SkinGuard:
Watch more videos about Gillette SkinGuard and shaving with razor bumps:
Gillette SkinGuard is our first razor specifically designed for men with sensitive skin and razor bumps. It works to minimize tug and pull and cut hair at skin level, helping to prevent razor bumps.
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This video was sponsored by Gillette.
I’ve gotten a lot of questions from followers about how to prevent razor bumps, ingrown hairs, and redness. Today, I’m reviewing Gillette’s new SkinGuard razor, developed specifically for men who experience these common shaving issues. It’s clinically proven for sensitive skin, but will it work for me? Watch to find out!
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Привет друзья!
В прошлом видео я брился станком SKINGUARD SENSITIVE от GILLETTE и я в ней немного разочаровался. Ожидал большего от СЕНСИТИВ. И когда я пересматривал это видео, я понял в чем причина. Она предназначена не для меня, не для моего постоянно длинного и жесткого волоса на лице и голове. Эта бритва GILLETTE, как мне показалось, создана для каждодневного бритья, для людей, которые бреются раз в день. И я решил проверить свою догадку и дал новинке от Жиллет шанс, шанс SKINGUARD SENSITIVE для реабилитации.
Чем побриться? Канал о бритье для мужчин. Сравнение бритвенных станков. Рейтинг одноразовых бритв.
Приглашаю в новый телеграм канал
В своих обзорах оцениваю такие показатели, как: цена бритвы, качество, удобство, безопасность, чистота бритья, наличие и отсутствие смазывающего слоя, натяжителя кожи, легкость промывки от волос, чистота бритья, как справляется бритва с разной длиной волос.
В конце каждого видео даю свою оценку и заношу показатели в файл Google таблицы с рейтингом бритв:
Прежде чем покупать бритву, смотри мой обзор и принимай правильное решение! #чемпобриться Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Gillette® SkinGuard is specifically designed for men with sensitive skin and razor bumps. The razor shaves hair and protects the skin thanks to its unique SkinGuard positioned between the blades. It works to minimize tug and pull and cut hair at skin level, helping to prevent irritation.
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How To Shave Sensitive Skin | Gillette SkinGuard Razor for Sensitive Skin
Do you deal with sensitive skin irritation or “razor burn” after shaving? Gillette shows how to shave sensitive skin with the Gillette SkinGuard razor. Shaving sensitive skin has never felt this good. Learn more about Gillette SkinGuard:
Watch more sensitive skin care videos:
Gillette SkinGuard is our first razor specifically designed for men with sensitive skin and razor bumps. The razor shaves hair and guards skin due to its unique SkinGuard positioned between the blades. It works to minimize tug and pull and cut hair at skin level, helping to prevent irritation.
Subscribe to Gillette's YouTube Channel for the latest Gillette commercials and videos:
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This video is about How To Shave Sensitive Skin with the Gillette SkinGuard razor to minimize shave irritation or “razor burn”. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Выпуск 1 | Испытываем лезвие Gillette Skinguard Sensitive
Меня зовут Игорь Панарин. Я - ведущий из города Уфа, добравшийся до YouTube не со стороны своей работы.
Свадьбы и банкеты, корпоративы и застолья - этих видео предостаточно на моём основном канале. Здесь же будут простые житейские видяшки, которых и так миллион миллионов в интернете, но ведь я - не исключение.
Начнём мы с обзора и тест-драйва лезвий Gillette Skinguard Sensitive. Говорят, ими невозможно порезаться, поэтому я смело испытаю новинку на своей жёсткой трёхдневной щетине.
Мой первый выпуск больше по мужской части YouTube, поэтому девочки просто ставят ❤️ а мужики - забирайте себе, чтобы не потерять.
Приятного просмотра!
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Gillette have brought out a new razor aimed specifically at those with sensetive call if Gillette SkinGuard
I come out of retirement to get the first product review of this onto YouTube to describe it's performance and why it should be successfull for those with Sensetive skin.
I do a face and head shaving review of the product Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Gillette SKINGUARD Razor Review and Shave — average guy tested #APPROVED
GET NIVEA MEN FACE WASH: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
НОВАЯ Бритва Gillette SkinGuard: Защити Свое Лицо от Раздражения
Даже настоящим мужчинам нужна защита от раздражения. Gillette представляет бритву SkinGuard, которая обладает уникальной системой защиты от давления лезвий на кожу и препятствует появлению порезов и покраснений. Купить Gillette SkinGuard:
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Gillette представляет новую бритву Gillette SkinGuard. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Proglide vs Skinguard Обзор и сравнение станков для бритья Gillette
Сравнительный обзор бритвенных станков Gillette. Станок Gillette Fusion Proglide Flexball на 5 лезвий и станок Gillette SkinGuard Sensitive с двумя лезвиями. Основные особенности, отличия и преимущества.
Ссылки на товар
👉 Proglide
👉 SkinGuard
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This is an Unboxing boxing of the new Gillette Skinguard Razor .
Gillette SkinGuard Razor: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Razor for Sensitive Skin Gillette Skinguard Sensitive Unboxing
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Gillette FUSION PROGLIDE Razor Blades
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The Gillette Skinguard and Some Basic Shaving Tips
I've had many requests to review the Gillette Skinguard cartridge razor, so I thought I'd try one out today. I also go over some basic shaving tips and advice for people that are new to wet shaving or just shaving in general.
Let's see just how well this razor shaves!
The razor:
The shaving cream:
The aftershave:
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This is a review of New Gillette SkinGaurd vs Gillette Fusion, Pros and Cons. .
Gillette SkinGuard Razor: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
NEW Gillette SkinGuard l My Sensitive Skin Experience l Men's Shaving Test & Demo
Today were talking about the all NEW Gillette SkinGuard and my experience with sensitive skin, and using this razor to help get rid of it!
Check out the Gillette SkinGuard HERE:
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I want to thank Gillette for partnering with me for this video and allowing me 100% creative control over the content that was displayed. I never work with brands who dont allow me to maintain my honest opinion and give me full reign to provide details in an honest manner with my viewers.
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Гель для бритья GILLETTE Sensitive Skin С алоэ 200 мл Видеоотзыв (обзор) Ивана
Гель для бритья GILLETTE Sensitive Skin С алоэ 200 мл в каталоге :
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Огляд картриджі Gillette SkinGuard Sensitive з Rozetka
Best Razor for Sensitive Skin! After years of not shaving and just trimming, I finally found a razor that doesn't hurt my skin after shaving. If you got long beard, first trim them before shaving.
Keep washing the blade with hot water to remove any hairs!
Instead of taking shower or bath, you could use hot towel.
The long the foam stays, the easier to shave!
If you've got a sensitive skin like mine, definitely go with this razor!
It costs $10 (£16 or €18). Amazon link in the description!
Amazon USA -
Amazon UK -
Even after few days, my skin was feeling much better than any other razor.
Please write in the comments below if you've a better alternative!
If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments below 😊
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Gillette Skinguard Sensitive ile tıraş oldum | Hassas ciltlere özel tıraş makinesi!
Gillette Skinguard Sensitive tıraş makinesi ile tıraş oldum. Cildi hassas erkekler için tasarlanan özel bir tıraş makinesi olan Gillette Skinguard Sensitive, temelde 2 bıçaklı bir model. Daha az tahriş için tasarlanan bu özel tıraş makinesi bu tarz dertleri olanların ihtiyaçlarını karşılayabilecek bir çözüm.
Deneyim olarak 3 ya da 5 bıçaklı alternatifleri kadar başarılı olmayan bu tıraş makinesi özellikle cilt sorunları olan ve tıraş sonrasında cildi aşırı tahriş olanlar için ideal olabilir.
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Voici le Test du dernier multilames de chez Gillette, SkinGuard Sentive.
Rasoir qui ne contient que 2 lames pour diminuer les irritations.
💈 Gillette SkinGuard 💈
Chez Amazon
-Rasoir + 1 recharge
-Rasoir + 3 recharges
-Rasoir + 5 recharges
-8 recharges
RazorPit pour entretenir les lames
Sudsy Soapery
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#Filslade #Test #GilletteSkinGuard
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En cliquant sur les liens Amazon, vous pouvez contribuer à faire vivre ma chaîne, merci 😃 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Gillette Skinguard: com a nossa tecnologia Skinguard ajuda a proteger a pele da irritação. Gillette. O melhor para o homem. Descubra mais em: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Gillette Skin Razor Review with Skinguard #Gillette for Sensitive Skin @Gillette @Gillette Australia
Honest review of the Gillette Skin Razor. It’s one of Gillette’s special edition handles with the Skin guard cartridge.
Link to my review for Gillette Skinguard
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Beard Shaving – Gillette Skinguard Razor vs Philips Norelco OneBlade Trimmer
Gillette SkinGuard Razor:
Gillette SkinGuard Refills:
Philips Norelco OneBlade Beard Trimmer:
Philips Norelco OneBlade Replacement:
Tomb 45 Shave Gel:
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases through these links.
I appreciate your support of the channel!
GroomReviews For Her:
In this video, I give my full review of the Gillette SkinGuard Fusion razor. I compare the features of the Gillette SkinGuard razor vs the Philips Norelco OneBlade beard trimmer and demonstrate the results in a head-to-head shave off.
For those that shave their beard every one to three days and are happy with a stubble beard finish, the Gillette SkinGuard and Philips Norelco OneBlade are both ready to get the job done.
Looking at the Gillette SkinGuard, Gillette claims that this razor is designed to stop irritation and is their first razor specifically designed for men with sensitive skin and razor bumps. Additionally, the SkinGuard is clinically proven for sensitive skin.
According to Gillette, the two spaced blades located on the SkinGuard work in combination with the blue SkinGuard strip located between them. By doing so, this helps to minimize tug and pull, which will prevent irritation and ingrown hairs.
The SkinGuard works in such a way, that it depresses the skin and raises the blades slightly to allow the razors to shave and cut just above the skins surface. With this feature, the SkinGuard avoids beard hairs from catching on the pore and causing ingrown hairs.
That said, it should be noted that since the shaving blades are designed to ride slightly above the skin, you will not see quite as close a shave as you would with other traditional Gillette razors.
However, Gillette has made sure to express that the Skinguard razor is specially designed to be used by customers who suffer from ingrown hairs or sensitive skin and is not designed to cut at the skins surface. Furthermore, by keeping minimal contact with the skin, possible irritation from razor burn on the beard shaving area can be avoided.
Now, since the Philips Norelco OneBlade is an electric trimmer that will also cut to a stubble finish, I thought it interesting to see if it might possibly shave as close or closer than the SkinGuard.
As such, I matched up the Gillette SkinGuard razor vs the Philips OneBlade trimmer in this beard shave off video. I introduce Tomb 45 shaving gel for use with SkinGuard, while shaving dry with the OneBlade.
For those new to the OneBlade, if you are trimming tight to the face, down to stubble, and are tired of shaving with a traditional razor, the Philips Norelco OneBlade is a great fit.
Check out my video demonstration of the OneBlade Face Model QP2520 here: as I trim from a full beard down to a goatee. This beard trimmer and shaver will not get you a completely clean shave, but close enough to look presentable and looking good. At the end of the day, you can achieve a nice stubble beard look and find the detail you’re looking for.
While the Gillette SkinGuard is intended for use with shaving cream or shaving gel, the Philips OneBlade can be used wet or dry and each shaving blade lasts up to 4 months, based on two shaves per week. While I was unable to locate specific razor replacement times for the SkinGuard, Gillette’s website does indicate that every Fusion ProGlide or ProShield blade delivers up to a month of shaves.
As far as compatibility with other Gillette razors, the Gillette SkinGuard razor will fit all SkinGuard and Fusion handles.
So, for this demonstration, I put the Gillette SkinGuard head-to-head with the Philips Norelco OneBlade to see which shave finish is the closest and how close of a shave it really is.
Check out the video to see the results.
Overall, the Gillette SkinGuard and Philips OneBlade are both great shavers.
That said, one of these shavers gets my GroomReviews recommendation.
Will it be the Gillette SkinGuard razor or the Philips OneBlade?
Good Luck! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
NUEVA Gillette SkinGuard Sensitive. La afeitadora ideal para pieles con arrugas
La nueva tecnología SkinGuard es ideal para pieles con arrugas. Para comprobarlo, le pedimos a Humberto que la probara y nos diera su opinión. ¡Mira lo que nos dijo! Mira más videos de Gillette:
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En este video conocerás porqué la #Gillette #SkinGuard Sensitive es ideal para pieles que tienen #arrugas. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
NUEVA Gillette SkinGuard Sensitive. La afeitadora ideal para pieles con acné
La nueva tecnología SkinGuard es ideal para pieles con acné. Para comprobarlo, le pedimos a David que la probara y nos diera su opinión. ¡Mira lo que nos dijo! Mira más videos de Gillette:
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En este video conocerás porqué la #Gillette #SkinGuard Sensitive es ideal para pieles que tienen acné. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Анпакінг подарункового набору для чоловіків Gillette
Анпакінг подарункового набору для чоловіків Gillette Бритва Fusion 5 ProGlide з 2 змінними касетами + Гель для гоління 200 мл + Дорожня сумка + Чохол:
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Gillette SkinGuard Razor For Men with Sensitive Skin
Introducing Gillette Skinguard Razor comes with a revolutionary Skin guard technology that minimizes contact between the blades and your face! It is the first Gillette razor in India with double lubrastrips that leave your skin feeling smooth after the shave.
So experience the new #GilletteSkinguard today- for a shave that your skin will love!
Learn more about the features of Gillette Skinguard Razor:
Check out shaving tips from Gillette India:
Subscribe for more shaving tips from Gillette India:
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The new Gillette Skin guard is a revolutionary razor that is designed for any man who loves his skin. It works to minimize tug and pull and cut hair at skin level, helping to prevent irritation. #Gillette Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Showdown! Gillette Skin Guard vs Gripper Safety Razor
Greetings! I hope you are all staying safe and healthy!
In this episode, Geofatboy performs a SHOWDOWN SHAVE between the Gillette Skin Guard 2-blade cartridge razor and the New Shave Nation Gripper Safety Razor. Lathering up with Barbasol and TOBS Sandalwood shaving cream. Finishing up with the Shave Nation Wide Stick Alum Block and Proraso Aloe and Vitamin E Aftershave Balm. Click below to purchase these items. Visit for all your shaving supplies.
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Shave Gear:
Gripper Razor:
Gillette Skin Guard Razor:
Feather Blades:
TOBS Sandalwood Shaving Cream:
Barbasol Shaving Cream:
Patriot Brush:
Shave Nation Lather Bowl:
Shave Nation Wide Stick Alum Block:
Proraso Aftershave Balm:
Shave Nation Microfiber Cloth:
Geofatboy's Attire:
Tesla Compression Shirt:
G Shock Watch:
Top 10 Videos:
The Mystery of the Red Shaving Brush:
Safety Razor vs Cartridge Razor:
How to Shave Against The Grain:
Top 10 Safety Razors:
Eliminate Shaving Irritation:
How To Shave With a Safety Razor:
How To Shave With a Straight Razor:
All About Shaving Bowls:
All About Shaving Brushes:
All About Double Edge Razor Blades:
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Wonder How It All Started?
The Story of Shave Nation:
Have A Great Shave, Have A Great Day!
Geo. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Nova Gillette Skinguard para Peles Sensíveis | Gillette Portugal
Conheça a nova Gillette Skinguard para peles sensíveis e diga adeus à irritação! Gillette, o melhor para o homem. Descubra mais em: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
About Gillette Razor Technology: Razor Handle, Blade & Cartridge Features
Trying to decide which Gillette razor is our best razor for you? Different types of Gillette razors offer a slightly different shave. Learn about the technology that drives the performance of Gillette Fusion5, Mach3, disposable razors and more. Learn more about Gillette razors here:
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This video is about Gillette razors and the blade technology of Gillette Fusion5 and Gillette Mach3. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Gillette SkinGuard | Designed for men with sensitive skin
The new Gillette SkinGuard is our first razor clinically proven for sensitive skin with SkinGuard technology between two optimally-spaced blades.
Learn more about Gillette SkinGuard: h
Watch more videos about Gillette SkinGuard and shaving with razor bumps:
Gillette SkinGuard is our first razor specifically designed for men with sensitive skin and razor bumps. The razor shaves hair and guards skin due to its unique SkinGuard positioned between the blades. It works to minimize tug and pull and cut hair at skin level, helping to prevent razor bumps.
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How to use new Gillette Skinguard to #Stopirritation
Conheça a nova Gillette Skinguard para peles sensíveis e diga adeus à irritação! Gillette, o melhor para o homem. Descubra mais em: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#gilette #giletteskinguard #headshave
Buy the Razor here:
Lets put advertisement controversy aside for a moment and see if this Gilette Skinguard razor is any good.
The Gilette Skinguard is a new design from Gilette designed for those who have sensitive skin.
Shaving can cause irritation, rashes, razor bumps and more.
If you have gone bald and chosen to shave that head then first of all, nice one 👍. Secondly, the last thing you want is an irritated head after head shaving.
Is the gilette skinguard the best razor for the job or would you be better of using a safety razor. Find out what I thought in this video.
My Favourite Head Shaving and related products Here:
This is an Amazon affiliate store and if you do make a purchase I will make a very small percentage at no extra cost to you and it really really helps support the channel. Thank you.
If you are struggling with hair loss then download my free ebook available at:
If you have any questions about hair loss then you can contact me via
Email: Baldcafe@
You can also listen to the podcast on Soundcloud and iTunes. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Holime.eu| Predstavenie a recenzia strojčeka Gillette Skinguard Sensitive
Obľuba žiletkových strojčekov pomerne klesá. Je to preto, že obvykle dráždi pokožku, sú nevhodné pre mužov s citlivou pleťou alebo akné a väčšina z nich môže spôsobovať zarastanie fúzov. Aj preto sa na trhu objavila novinka - holiaci strojček Gillette SkinGuard Sensitive.
Recenzované produkty:
Žiletkový holiaci strojček Gillette Skinguard Sensitive má dva brity pre šetrnejšie holenie a tiež zvlhčujúci prúžok pre lepší sklz strojčeka. Špeciálne drážky navedú fúzy k britom.
Strojček síce zanecháva mierne strnisko, ale je veľmi šetrný k citlivej pokožke. Aj keď na pleti zanecháva pomerne veľa peny na holenie, vďaka šetrnosti si nás získal.
- všetko pre Vaše hladké oholenie
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I'm wrapping up April with an evening head shave with the Gillette Skinguard cartridge razor. I usually post these on Friday nights, but decided to release this one a little early.
Which also brings me to a question. When would you like to see my videos posted? Weekends or during the week? I'm interested in knowing. Please comment below.
Check out The Executive Shaving Company!
Use the code MARK5
Phoenix Shaving:
Atomic Rocket shaving brush:
Tabac Original Shaving Soap with Ceramic Bowl - 4.4 oz:
Tabac Shave Soap Refill:
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Gillette SkinGuard Men's Razor for Sensitive Skin, Handle + 2 Refills: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How To: Rasieren bei Empfindlicher Haut mit Gillette SkinGuard Sensitive
Männer mit empfindlicher und sensibler Haut haben häufig mit Rasurbrand, Rasierpickel und andere Hautirritationen zu kämpfen. In diesem Tutorial zeigen wir Dir wie du mit dem neuen Gillette SkinGuard Sensitive eine glattere und angenehmere Rasur erzielen und Hautirritationen während der Rasur vermeiden kannst. Mit diesen Rasiertipps steht dir nicht mehr im Wege! Probiere den neuen Gillette Skinguard Sensitive, der speziell entwickelt wurde im Hautirritationen zu vermeiden:
Weitere Tutorials:
Schau dir auch die Gillette Bart Style Tutorials an:
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Dieses Video ist ein Gillette How-To Tutorial zum Rasieren für Männer mit empfindlicher und sensibler Haut. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
STOP INGROWN HAIRS and Razor Bumps with Gillette SKINGUARD— average guy tested #APPROVED
Gillette SkinGuard Razor for sensitive skin:
Gillette SkinGuard Men's Razor Blade Refills:
M. Skin Care Men's Protect Pre-Shave Oil:
Harry's Post Shave Mist:
VISIT THE AVERAGE GUY TESTED AMAZON PAGE TO SHOP FOR MANY OF MY #APPROVED AND WISH LIST PRODUCTS: FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Devrim Yaratan Gillette SkinGuard Sensitive ile Tahrişe Karşı Gardını Al!
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