Професійний шампунь Lee Stafford Coco Loco Shampoo — приголомшлива знахідка для здійснення ефективних доглядових ритуалів, спрямованих на делікатне очищення і живлення волосся будь-якого типу. У складі високоякісного продукту містяться вітамінні інгредієнти, які наситять кожне пасмо корисними речовинами, надавши локонам сліпуче сяйво, пружність і шовковисту гладкість.
М'яка формула шампуню чудово видаляє забруднення з волосся і шкіри голови, при цьому підтримує його оптимальний рівень зволоженості. Завдяки активному впливу кокосового масла засіб надає розгладжувальну і зміцнювальну дії, пом'якшує посічені кінчики і усуває сухість, відновлює пошкоджену структуру локонів і наділяє їх життєвою енергією.
Спосіб застосування: Нанесіть на вологе волосся, м'яко помасажуйте до утворення піни і добре прополосніть. Повторіть за необхідності і продовжіть з кондиціонером.
#LoveLeeGiRL Tiny Twisst introduces my NEW CoCo LoCo Range! Don't forget to subscribe to gain exclusive access to the world of Lee Stafford haircare!
Have Fun, Look Wicked, Smell BEAutiful xXx
CoCo LoCo CoConut MASK:
CoCo LoCo BLow & gO Genius LotioN:
CoCo LoCo CoConut SPRiTz:
CoCo LoCo CoConut baLM:
Lee Stafford -
Tiny Twisst -
Twitter - @leestaffordhair ()
Instagram - @leestaffordhair ()
Facebook - Lee Stafford Hair ()
Twitter - @tinytwisst ()
Instagram - @tinytwisst ()
Facebook - Tiny Twisst () Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Day11 Adventskalender #shorts Coco Loco Shampoo by Lee Stafford
Door 11 from our Advent Calendar!
In German, they call it Adventkalendar.
This is a beauty calendar which I got from #.
A pink box is a product of beauty love. You may get a 6-12 months subscribtion or simply place an order monthly.
Today I got the Coco Loco Shampoo by Lee Stafford.I already got the shampoo. I thought at first I got the same product which shows my not so amuse reaction. When it comes to shampoo, I just can't use it since I get dandruff unfortunately.
If you wish to support me:
See you in my next Vlog! 😚
Social Media💬
Contact me: jocyhere@
Camera: Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G
Light: Neewer Ringlight, Hakutatz Profi Studio
Editing: KineMaster
#beauty # #christmas #christmasgifts #gifts #beautycalendar #glow #perfume
#fragrance #duft #beautylove #jocyhere #glam #winter #relax #pinkbox #xmas #christmas #gift #glowup #CocoLoco #Conditioner #LeeStafford #haircare #hairspa #hairmask #longhair #hairproduct #shampoo Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
🤍🤍🤍OPEN ME🤍🤍🤍
Hey Guys Hope Y'all are Doing Well.
Today we have a wash day video and I am reviewing this new products by Lee Stafford which is the Coco Loco range. Do check out their Instagram page which is @leestaffordsa to see all the hair goodies they have instore for all your hair needs.
All the products used in today's video is exclusively available @clicks_sa .
Coco Loco Shampoo
Coco Loco Coconut Mask
Coco Loco Conditioner
No link available for the Holiday Hair Hero spray
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#LoveLeeGirl Tiny Twisst demonstrates how to use my CoCo LoCo BLow & gO Genius LotioN for a SHiNY, Healthy BLow DRy! Don't forget to subscribe to gain exclusive access to the world of Lee Stafford haircare!
Have Fun, Look Wicked, Smell BEAutiful xXx
CoCo LoCo BLow & gO Genius LotioN:
my SQueeky CLEAN PaDDLe Brush:
BLow DRy and gO DRyer:
Lee Stafford -
Tiny Twisst -
Twitter - @leestaffordhair ()
Instagram - @leestaffordhair ()
Facebook - Lee Stafford Hair ()
Twitter - @tinytwisst ()
Instagram - @tinytwisst ()
Facebook - Tiny Twisst () Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Lee stafford hair care shsmpoo snd conditioner August 2023
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With a 40% longer barrel, my CoCo LoCo Long Tong creates gorgeous, defined curls for even the longest hair. This clever tool allows you to cover every inch of your hair so you can wrap and curl more in one go. With a coconut oil infused ceramic barrel, silky soft hair is no longer a dream!
Have Fun, Look Wicked, Smell BEAutiful xXx
CoCo LoCo Blow & Go Nuts Dryer:
CoCo LoCo Long Tong:
Lee Stafford -
Twitter - @leestaffordhair ()
Instagram - @leestaffordhair ()
Facebook - Lee Stafford Hair () Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This one is for those who love changing up their hair. Use my CoCo LoCo Wonderball Wand to create effortless beachy waves by wrapping your hair over the spheric barrel or get wild bohemian curls when you wrap in between the barrel. Or go nuts and mix it up by doing a bit of both for wild curls! The tourmaline-ceramic barrel is infused with coconut oil which is natural nutrient that provides the essential proteins required for nourishing and repairing damaged hair.
Have Fun, Look Wicked, Smell BEAutiful xXx
CoCo LoCo Blow & Go Nuts Dryer:
CoCo LoCo Wonderball Wand:
Lee Stafford -
Twitter - @leestaffordhair ()
Instagram - @leestaffordhair ()
Facebook - Lee Stafford Hair () Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In today's video, I am reviewing and showcasing a demo of the Lee Stafford Coco Loco Coconut Shine Hair Mask; a coconut oil infused product that promises softness and shine from first use. I love testing haircare products, so if you're new to my channel I'd really appreciate for you to subscribe and help support my channel.
#LeeStaffordHairMask #LeeStaffordHairCare #CocoLocoHairMask #CoconutOilHairMask
[Products marked with a * are affiliate links which means I'll make a small commission should you choose to purchase via them]
Lee Stafford Coco Loco Hair Mask (US)*:
Lee Stafford Coco Loco Hair Mask (UK)*:
email: contact@
business email: contact@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Новинки для волос: кокосовая вода OGX, сухой шампунь Lee Stafford и пляжные локоны Kerastase+КОНКУРС
Сегодняшний выпуск посвящен самым интересным новинкам для волос!
Ведь ваша укладка всегда должна быть идеальной, независимо от погоды(или непогоды) за окном. 😉
Новинки в обзоре:
1. Шампунь с кокосовой водой OGX:
2. Кондиционер с кокосовой водой OGX:
3. Сухой шампунь Lee Stafford:
4. Маска глубокого действия Biolage:
5. Масло-спрей для волос Kerastas:
6. Спрей для холодного блонда Indola:
Среди наших любимых подписчиков разыгрываем cухой шампунь Lee Stafford:
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Новинки для волос: кокосовая вода OGX, сухой шампунь Lee Stafford и пляжные локоны Kerastase+КОНКУРС
#новинкидляволос #уходзаволосами2019 #уходзаволосами #новинкиотПолинки Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hey guys, I'm back again with another first impressions video. This week I will be reviewing and giving my honest opinion on a few hair care products brought out by Lee Stafford. I have been using all of these products for about 2 months now to really get a feel for how they work. Hopefully this video will help you choosing which products are best for you when choosing from this wide range!
All the products I spoke about in this video are linked down below!
Bleach Blonde Purple Shampoo:
Hair Growth Shampoo:
Coco Loco Conditioner:
Bleach Blondes Tone Correcting Spray:
Coco Loco Blow Dry Lotion:
This Video is not sponsored, I bought everything with my own monies! :) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hair dryer is an essential product in my personal care routine. I admit that I can't live without a hair dryer as I wash and style my hair regularly almost everyday sometimes. A good hair dryer must be less damaging to hair and should have various setting to control the heat so maximum results are achieved.
The Lee Stafford CoCo LoCo Dryer has all the lovely features including the one mentioned above.
This dryer's grille is infused in coconut oil which nourish your hair while you dry to leave it sleeker, softer, and healthier. As my hair are very fine, achieving these effects are very tricky but with CoCo LoCo hair dryer my hair are super soft, frizz free and voluminous every time I use it compare to my old hair dryer which use to leave my hair frizzy, dry and lifeless after using and I kind of believed that dryer will keep damage my hair but not any more after using this dryer.
The CoCo LoCo hair dryer came in a very attractive packaging and the dryer it self is very pretty in rose gold colour. The dryer is very powerful (2400w motor) and there are 3 heat settings, 2 air settings and a cool shot button. Using all these setting you can achieve the best effect no matter what style you are aiming for. It comes with 2 years guarantee which gives me peace of mind too. overall I would highly recommend this hair dryer, its affordable, pretty, doesn't damage hair but nourish them and very good quality. Highly recommended. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#leestafford Coco Loco Texturising Dry Shampoo #empties #emptiesvideo #productreviews #favourites
The Lee Stafford Coco Loco serum spray has been a great little serum at reviving my greasy, muggy hair! It adds a lovely gloss to my hair in-between washes and it smells gorgeous too! Perfect now that I'm back in the city sometimes and my hair is back to being exposed to harsh environmental factors!
For all advertising enquiries and collaborations email me on: LinaLoves30@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This super simple dry shampoo works wonders, costs literally pennies, and saves this mama SO MUCH TIME.
Grab your recipe card at
And keep an eye out for 2 more hippie hair products to come! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
With coconut oil infused ceramic plates, my CoCo LoCo Straightening Irons keep your hair looking sleek, smooth and shiny. Suitable for all hair types, the variable heat control allows you to choose the perfect setting to minimise damage. With a rounded curve design, create different styles whether you’re in the mood for sleek locks, flicks or curls.
Have Fun, Look Wicked, Smell BEAutiful xXx
CoCo LoCo Blow & Go Nuts Dryer:
CoCo LoCo Straightening Irons:
Lee Stafford -
Twitter - @leestaffordhair ()
Instagram - @leestaffordhair ()
Facebook - Lee Stafford Hair () Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Resenha: Spray Coco Loco Coconut Spritz - Lee Stafford
Teasing out Lee Stafford coco loco with coconut oils great for dry damage hair
I’m in love with this product my hair feels soft and silky Moisturised looks shiny more healthy looking
#hairtreatment #hairtutorial #hairproducts #hairvideotutorial #leestafford #drydamagedhair #coconutoil #soft #smooth #shiney #haircare #haircareroutine #fyp #explorepage #like #followme #supportme #supportmychannel #videotutorial #videoshort #videohair Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Lee Stafford & Noughty Haircare Unboxing - HALEFAIL
Today I crack open two parcels from Lee Stafford and Noughty Haircare. I’m always down to find the best formulas and products for my hair, but will they work? Check back for Part 2 to see how they do and how my hair fares.
Given that my locks are lengthy, bleached, coloured and generally just well old, it takes a lot of work to keep it decent. Any products that can help me in my quest to tame the 'frizz of doom' are mightily welcomed!
PS: Sorry for how long this video is! I can really ramble. I recommend watching it with a snack, a nice mug of tea and chilling out in bed. Enjoy!
PPS: Petition to keep these videos going and call the series HaleMail?
---------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------
Jazz Me Blues - E’s Jammy Jams
Bumper Tag - John Deley
Getz Me To Brazil - Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions
When The Dust Settles 2 - Jack Elphick
---------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------
Products Mentioned:
Coco Loco Haircare Range by Lee Stafford -
To The Rescue Haircare Range by Noughty Haircare -
Dr Paw Paw Original Balm -
---------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------
MERCHANDISE: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Review of the Lee Stafford CoCo LoCo CoConut Mask. It is a deliciously creamy CoConut Mask that brings hair back to life. It promises to take straw like hair to silky soft hair. I review this product in 5 categories:
1) Packaging
2) Price
3) Application
4) Quality & Size
5) Results
Please Subscribe to my Channel! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Lee Stafford Unboxing / Gift Opening // Mrs Morrison
Lee Stafford Unboxing / Gift Opening // Mrs Morrison
Welcome to my video. I was kindly gifted some Lee Stafford products and wanted to open them for you on camera.
All Products are available via the Lee Stafford website which I will link below and also the choptick styler I used to do my hair for this video.
Thank you SO much to the Lee Stafford team.
Enjoy x
Products in this video:
CocoLoco Shampoo
CocoLoco Conditioner
CocoLoco Hair Serum
CocoLoco Hair Oil
CocoLoco Hair Mask
Short Guitar Clip by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence ()
#MrsMorrison #LeeStafford #Manequeens Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Day13 Adventskalender #shorts - Coco LocoConditioner by Lee Stafford
Door 13 from our Advent Calendar!
In German, they call it Adventkalendar.
This is a beauty calendar which I got from #.
A pink box is a product of beauty love. You may get a 6-12 months subscribtion or simply place an order monthly.
My husband try to fool me by telling me the wrong position of the box. It is so funny how he cheers me behind the camera.
Today I got the Coco Loco Conditioner by Lee Stafford.I already got the shampoo. I thought at first I got the same product which shows my not so amuse reaction. When it comes to shampoo, I just can't use it since I get dandruff unfortunately.
If you wish to support me:
See you in my next Vlog! 😚
Social Media💬
Contact me: jocyhere@
Camera: Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G
Light: Neewer Ringlight, Hakutatz Profi Studio
Editing: KineMaster
#beauty # #christmas #christmasgifts #gifts #beautycalendar #glow #perfume
#fragrance #duft #beautylove #jocyhere #glam #winter #relax #pinkbox #xmas #christmas #gift #glowup #CocoLoco #Conditioner #LeeStafford #haircare #hairspa #hairmask #longhair #hairproduct Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
My social media:
- Instagram | @em_barker
- Twitter | @embarker_
- Snapchat | embarker97
- Blog |
- Pinterest | embarker97
Things mentioned:
- Lee Stafford CoCo LoCo WONDERball Curlers:
What I’m wearing:
- Hoodie: New Look
- Ring: Ted Baker rosegold cupid arrow heart ring |
- Eyelashes: Ardell Double Up Demi Wispies |
- Nails: Elegant Touch 007 Coffin shaped nails + Barry M Rose Hip nail polish Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
В этом видео о шампуне и кондиционере Choco Locks, которые были у меня в уходе несколько недель.
Более подробно почитать можно по ссылке -
Качество аудио-речи так себе, у меня еще нет хорошего микрофона, писала на диктофон. Надеюсь, скоро найду хороший микрофончик )) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Lee Stafford Coco Loco Blow & Go Nuts Dryer | Review & Unboxing | Demo
Pretty in Pink! Loving my new Coco Loco Blow Dryer. Not just for the way it looks but for the way it performs. 👍
#cocolocohairdryer #leestaffordhair #blowdry #honestreview #productreview #sponsored
P R O D U C T L I N K :
Please remember to subscribe, like & comment if you enjoyed this video. xx! MVC
*Sponsored product, but opinions are completely my own.
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Email: modestveganchik@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Lee Stafford Coco Loco Long Tong - Review Tutorial Coconut Oil Infused!
Reviewing the new Coco Loco Long Tong from Lee Stafford! Extra long 205mm Barrel and infused with coconut oil to give shine and soft curls!
Lee Stafford Electric:
Purchase Long Tong:
Coco Loco Range:
Follow me on :
Twitter: @lemonfancy
Facebook: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Here are a few products that I've been loving this month!
• • • All products mentioned are linked down below • • •
Previous Video: TMI Tag! ♡
Products I mentioned in this video:
• PRO:VOKE Touch of Silver Brightening Shampoo
• Lee Stafford Coco Loco Shampoo
• Lee Stafford Coco Loco Conditioner
• Benefit Hoola Bronzer
• Mac Lip Liner in ‘Whirl’
• Rimmel Super Gel Nail Polish in ‘Venus’
• Rimmel Super Gel Nail Polish Top Coat
• Eylure Dybrow Brow Tint
• Dior Hypnotic Poisin 100ml
• Backpack – It was from Topshop & was £ but I can’t find the link! Sorry my loves
• Khaki Green Waterfall Jacket (this one is pretty similar!)
• Black Suede Boots
Hope you enjoyed this video! Let me know what your favourite product of the month was in the comments below :)
Background Music:
Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence ()
Endslate Music: ODESZA - White Lies [KTRON Remix] | | provided by CopyrightFreeNetwork Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Review Dầu xả tinh dầu dừa dưỡng chất CoCo LoCo Lee Stafford Giá Bao Nhiêu? Mua Ở Đâu? Có tốt không?
Review Dầu xả tinh dầu dừa dưỡng chất CoCo LoCo Lee Stafford Giá Bao Nhiêu? Mua Ở Đâu? Có tốt không?
Link mua hàng chính hãng tại đây ► ►
Bài viết ngày hôm nay mình sẽ Review Dầu xả tinh dầu dừa dưỡng chất CoCo LoCo Lee Stafford Giá Bao Nhiêu? Mua Ở Đâu? Có tốt không? Xem hết video này để rõ hơn nhé.Đừng quên bấm like, share hoặc comment nếu bạn thấy video này hữu ích. Nếu bạn quan tâm về sản phẩm vui lòng để lại số điện thoại dưới phần bình luận video này nhân viên tư vấn bên phía nhãn hàng sẽ liên hệ lại tư vấn cho bạn miễn phí
Công dụng
- Bổ sung dưỡng chất vitamin E nuôi dưỡng tóc bóng khỏe.
- Tăng độ đàn hồi tự nhiên.
- Cải thiện các tình trạng tóc khô, xơ, chẻ ngọn.
- Giảm rụng tóc, kích thích tóc mọc nhanh hơn.
Hướng dẫn sử dụng
- Sau khi sử dụng dầu gội dưỡng chất tinh dầu dừa Lee Stanford Coco Loco và xả sạch, lấy dầu xả ra tay và thoa đều lên tóc bạn.
- Để 3 phút rồi gội sạch với nước.
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Пустые Баночки Октября Честное Мнение
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0:20 - The Body shop мочалка и пилка для ногтей
1:45 - Doctor's Best, Магний повышенной усвояемости
1:57 - Kicho, Ватные диски Green Waterjet, 50 шт.
2:47 - Rainbow Light, Women's One, 30 таблеток
3:44 - Hada Labo Лосьон для лица `HADA LABO` GOKUJYUN с гиалуроновой кислотой
4:54 - Too faced Melted Nude
5:30 - Nars Velvet Matte Lip pencil Bolero
6:01 - Maybelline 02 Brown подводка в баночке
7:02 - Kielh's micro blur skin perfector
7:26 - Etude House, Face Blur, фактор защиты от солнца SPF 33 PA++
8:54 - Green mama формула тайги Каштан и Прополис крем для ног
9:09 - Kiehl's Hand Salve крем для рук
10:12 - Too Cool For Scool полоски для носа
10:27 -Расслабляющие паровые тепловые маски для глаз
11:38 -Tony Moly салфетки для убирания жирного блеска
12:08 - La Roche-posey Substiane Eye
12:27 -Shiseido Bio performance Lift Dynamic Cream
13:02 - Sara Chapman Skinesis Intense Hydrating booster
13:30 - Aura Cacia, Мист для дома и тела, освежающий мандарин и грейпфрут
13:56 -Чистая Линия Молочко для тела Роза и 7 ценных масел
14:19 -yves Roshe Pure camille крем для тела
14:45 -Lee Stafford Coco Loco несмываемый спрей для волос
15:02 - Hask macadamia Oil шампунь
15:37 - Eve Lom Morning Time Cleanser
16:11 -Essie Tea&Crumpets лак для ногтей
16:57 - Gosh Volume Lip Shine 02 Cherry Blossom
17:09 -Estee Lauder Brow Now 03 Brunette гель для бровей
17:25 - Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess Blush Bonne Mine румяна кремовые
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БЕЛОРУССКАЯ КОСМЕТИКА.Markell, Bielita, Belkosmex. БЮДЖЕТНЫЙ УХОД за кожей 4 продукта за 500 РУБЛЕЙ
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Некоторые ссылки могут быть партнерскими. Заранее спасибо за поддержку! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hey babieeees!! Here are the top products you need for a hot girl summer
Sol de Janeiro Brazilian Crush 240ml +RvP8siJk3e3Ff-wWVe555g
Sol de Janeiro Brazilian Bum Bum Cream 75ml +qujHw5P_P_N3AeWxfnyDGw
White Company Fresh Grapefruit Candle +_o1Rn_e69ApjUS7GOQkWXQ
Lee Stafford Coco Loco Moisture Mist
Function of Beauty Hair Oil
Utan Coconut Facial Tanning Mist +bpsRVgTZLrOCXAkhu8KXCg
Bondi Sands Pure Tanning Sleep Mask +ikI91FqciQNa5xJSf95ZFg
Lanacane Chafing Gel
Elemis Soothing Apricot Toner +rEAa9zFygNw9R4A5TC_NmA
Coco & Eve Glow Figure Bundle (Use code EVAW)
*Some of the above links are affiliate links, meaning I will make a small commission from any purchases through the link
Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe!
Instagram - @evawestley
£5 off your first order over £ on In The Style -
LALALAB (£5 off your first order) use code - PGFYE0WA
FUNCTION OF BEAUTY (25% off your first order) -
GRAZE BOX (1st, 5th & 10th box free) use code - EVAW5Q3KP
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***I do not own any of the music. No copyright intended.***
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We’re back with our Lee Stafford X James Earnshaw hair tutorial series! Award winning session stylist James Earnshaw creates this super simple Wet Look using some of our Lee Stafford haircare faves! Keep watching to recreate the look!
Products featured:
Coco Loco Coconut Balm:
Coco Loco Hair Oil:
Coco Loco Comb Out the Curl:
Flexible Hold Hairspray:
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Party season might be a little more low-key this year, but we know the importance of look good to feel good, so when you’re drinking bubbles in your bubbles, get simple party ready hair in minutes with Lee Stafford Styling! #StayHomewithLS
Camila creates this gorgeous GET THE GLOSS look using the below Lee Stafford products:
CoCo LoCo with Agave Shampoo
CoCo LoCo with Agave Conditioner
CoCo LoCo with Agave Shine Oil
Shine Spray
Blow Out Brush
Get the product bundle here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Cool down your colour with this blue shampoo! Instantly transforming warm, blonde tones with a shot of Blue Agave pigment! This Ice White Shampoo is perfect for maximising cool silver tones without compromising on care! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A purple toning shampoo containing violet pigments to target and eliminate annoying yellow tones. Designed to clean up your colour, leaving hair bright and radiant, the Bleach Blondes Shampoo helps to keep brassy hair at bay! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Lee Stafford Chopstick Styler and CoCo LoCo Wonderball ✿ Chelsea Jade Loves
Remember to hit HD :)
---- Featured ----
Chopstick Styler-
Lee Stafford:
Coco Loco Wonderball-
Motel Blogger Event:
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----- Music -----
Summer Spliffs by Broke For Free
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hello everyone! It's time for another FAVOURITES video! This video is all about what I've been loving in the month of May. From beauty, skincare, clothing, books, television and YouTubers too! I've tried to link everything below for you if that helps as well. But enjoy and let me know what your May Favourites are too - I love a good recommendation! xx
NYX Matte Lip Creme Ibiza -
Charlotte Tilbury Pillow Talk -
Laura Mercier Radiance Primer -
Rimmel London Colour Precise Eyeliner -
First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream -
Lee Stafford Coco Loco Shampoo -
Lee Stafford Coco Loco Conditioner -
Lee Stafford Coco Loco Blow & Go -
GlamGlow Thirsty Mud* -
Garnier Summer Body Lotion Deep Sun-Kissed* -
Next Summer Sun Fragrance -
Sarah Jessica Parker Lovely Fragrance -
Jouer Lip Topper in St. Tropez -
Zara Gingham Mini Dress -
Monki Dress - seems to be out of stock online! I’m so sorry! :(
Into the Water by Paula Hawkins -
The Keepers on Netflix -
This Gathered Nest -
Blog -
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Facebook -
Pinterest -
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Snapchat - @charlottewilbo
I'm Charlotte.
I'm 28, love carbs, rubbish 90's music, Prosecco and baths without finding a bath toy stuck under my bum.
I have a little boy called Bill (born June 2012) and a little girl called Daisy (born April 2016).
I am, very recently, a full-time vlogger and blogger (the stuff dreams are made of), but I am also a trained journalist, former magazine editor, and content lead.
I'm also part of Channel Mum - which is really worth checking out if you're a mama like me and want to find videos to make you laugh, cry, nod, or get advice.
I was a single mum, just me and Bill. But then I had a bit of a fairytale moment when I met Mark (he's a bit lovely) and things are better than I could have hoped for now. Daisy was born with Stickler Syndrome, and a cleft palate like me. Her start has been rocky but she'll be fine. She's got a family who adore her after all.
I know that all mums are different in their own way, but I hope you enjoy seeing snippets of my life, all the same.
Music sometimes from:
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Hey Babes!,
Here is a huge Lee Stafford haircare haul, I managed to pick up some amazing bargains in their 70% off haul!
Come join my family - hit that subscribe button:
You can also find me here :
Instagram - amberhowexox -
Twitter - amberhowexox -
Facebook –
Blog -
TIK TOK - @amberhowexox
If you want to get in touch regarding a collaborations and/or PR, please feel free to email me:
This video isn't sponsored and all opinions are my own. I do sometimes get products sent to me to try but this doesn't affect my opinions. Some of the links used may be affiliate links, which basically means I get a small amount of profit if you purchase through them at no additional cost!
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My ARGANOIL® WONDERbALL WaVer creates the hair holy grail - effortless, tousled, just-stepped-off-the-beach waves. Argan Oil is renowned for nourishing the hair and helping to enrich its natural shine. BEAutiful, natural, shiny waves have never been easier. My WONDERbALL WaVer is a little, ceramic swizzle stick of genius!
Have Fun, Look Wicked, Smell BEAutiful xXx
Lee Stafford -
Twitter - @leestaffordhair ()
Instagram - @leestaffordhair ()
Facebook - Lee Stafford Hair () Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Lee Stafford Professional Hair Straightener / Flat Iron - Coco LoCo Ceramic Straightening Irons - V
Amazon Coupon Generator :
Lee Stafford Professional Hair Straightener / Flat Iron - Coco LoCo Ceramic Straightening Irons - V Amazon Product Review
This KnowledgeBase video is a quick self help guide which loads in some useful information about this Amazon product. This video shows some good refined pieces of information which could be important before you buy the product. The information in this video is shown as is without any modification after taking from the review forums, google and amazon webpages. We hope that this will help you in some way. The link provided is an affiliate link with no extra cost to you. This does not cost you any extra. To make this video useful, we have shown some reviews from users who have used this product. Related terms: Amazon Review, Amazon Product Review, product quality. #LeeStaffordProfessionalHairStraightener/FlatIronCocoLoCoCeramicStraighteningIronsV #Lee #Stafford #Professional #Hair #Straightener #/ #Flat #Iron #- #Coco #LoCo #Ceramic #Straightening #Irons #- #V
Product : [ Lee Stafford Professional Hair Straightener / Flat Iron - Coco LoCo Ceramic Straightening Irons - V ] Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Шампунь-кондиционер с коллагеном и ланолином Лошадиная сила для роста волос!
Коллаген — восстанавливает структуру волоса по всей длине, разглаживает керамидные пластины, увлажняет и защищает природную оболочку волосяного стрежня.
Ланолин — защищает кожу от пересушивания при частом мытье, сохраняет естественную влагу.
Провитамин В5 — образует защитную пленку, которая предохраняет волосы от потери влаги при сушке феном и укладке щипцами. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Introducing the second tutorial in our Lee Stafford X James Earnshaw series! James creates The Perfect Pony using some of our staple Lee Stafford styling products. Keep watching to recreate the look
- Spritz hair with our Beach Babe Sea Salt Spray to add texture
- Blow dry in the product at the root for extra volume
- Gather all hair into a ponytail at the crown and secure with a band. Mist all over with Coco Loco Hairspray to lock down your pony
- Pull out pieces of hair from the top of the pony for a soft and effortless look
- Use a piece of hair from the top of the pony, wrap around the base to hide the band - then pin it in place with a Kirby grip
- Use our Coco Loco Coconut Balm to smooth out any unwanted flyaways (we love our Hair Up Styling Brush for this!) and mist all over once again with our Coco Loco Hairspray to keep your pony in place!
Products featured:
Beach Babe Sea Salt Spray:
Coco Loco Hairspray:
Coco Loco Coconut Balm:
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Review Dầu gội dưỡng chất tinh dầu dừa CoCo LoCo Lee Stafford Giá Bao Nhiêu? Mua Ở Đâu?
Link mua hàng chính hãng tại đây ► ►
Bài viết ngày hôm nay mình sẽ Review Dầu gội dưỡng chất tinh dầu dừa CoCo LoCo Lee Stafford Giá Bao Nhiêu? Mua Ở Đâu? Xem hết video này để rõ hơn nhé.Đừng quên bấm like, share hoặc comment nếu bạn thấy video này hữu ích. Nếu bạn quan tâm về sản phẩm vui lòng để lại số điện thoại dưới phần bình luận video này nhân viên tư vấn bên phía nhãn hàng sẽ liên hệ lại tư vấn cho bạn miễn phí
Tinh dầu dừa được biết đến với công dụng nổi bật là dưỡng ẩm một cách tự nhiên, nuôi dưỡng nang tóc, cải thiện độ đàn hồi cho mái tóc bóng mượt. Dầu dừa có trong sản phẩm còn giúp điều trị tình trạng vảy gàu cho da đầu, giảm thiểu tóc chẻ ngọn, xua tan nỗi lo rụng tóc của bạn.
Công dụng khi dùng dầu gội dưỡng chất tinh dầu dừa CoCo LoCo giúp bổ sung dưỡng chất vitamin E nuôi dưỡng tóc bóng khỏe, tăng độ đàn hồi tự nhiên, cải thiện các tình trạng tóc khô, xơ, chẻ ngọn. Giảm rụng tóc, kích thích tóc mọc nhanh hơn
Hướng dẫn sử dụng:
- Làm ướt tóc, cho một lượng dầu vừa đủ ra tay, tạo bọt rồi thoa đều lên tóc và massage nhẹ nhàng từ 2-3 phút. Sau đó xả sạch lại với nước.
- Có thể gội lại lần nữa nếu muốn.
- Kết hợp với dầu xả dưỡng chất tinh dầu dừa CoCo LoCo để có hiệu quả tốt nhất.
Bạn nên đặt mua sản phẩm trực tiếp từ website nhà sản xuất. Đặt mua từ website nhà sản xuất bạn sẽ được hưởng các chương trình ưu đãi quà tặng kèm cũng như là được giảm giá và đảm bảo mua được sản phẩm chính hãng đảm bảo chất lượng.
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Sau khi tư vấn xong nếu bạn thấy sản phẩm phù hợp thì xác nhận đặt hàng. Bạn chỉ phải thanh toán sau khi nhận được hàng tại nhà.
Nếu vẫn còn những thắc mắc về sản phẩm, đừng do dự hãy truy cập website nhà sản xuất và để lại tên và số điện thoại liên hệ. Nhân viên tư vấn sẽ trao đổi giúp bạn giải đáp mọi thắc mắc về sản phẩm.
Lưu ý: Hiện nay trên thị trường có rất nhiều sản phẩm làm giả kém chất lượng, không đạt được hiệu quả thực sự như hàng chính hãng.
Để có thể mua được sản phẩm Chính Hãng, tránh những sản phẩm giả mạo trôi nổi trên thị trường.
Mình khuyên các bạn hãy đặt mua qua website chính thức để có thể yên tâm nhất về chất lượng sản phẩm cũng như giá cả đã được niêm yết Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I have finally filmed my Evening Routine! This is basically what I do in the evenings, trimmed down into a video! My current skincare routine is still new and I'm still trying out new products but there are the ones I'm using currently. Hope you enjoy :) Don’t forget to watch in HD!
I also reached 60,000 subscribers this week, THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Laura xx
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Tesco Face Cleansing Wipes ()
Sk:n Cleanser ()
Silk'n Face Cleaner ()
FaceB4 Face Wash ()
Sk:n Hydrator ()
Clinique Dark Spot Corrector ()
Eve Lom Face Mask ()
Mandara Spa Bath Oil ()
Mandara Spa Face Mask ()
Lee Stafford Coco Loco Shampoo ()
Lee Stafford Coco Loco Conditioner ()
Lee Stafford Coco Loco Hair Mask ()
Lee Stafford Coco Loco Hair Sprtiz (√)
Lee Stafford Coco Loco Blow & Go ()
PJ'S ()
Lee Stafford Ubuntu Oil Hairdryer ()
Some items in my videos are sometimes gifted to me by PR's. I would never post about an item unless I would recommend it to a friend, so you can be sure to have my full honest opinion. Any sponsored videos will be marked accordingly & some links may be affiliated. This is an unsponsored video & made only for love! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Призначення - відновлення, зміцнення волосся, надання блиску, очищення, проти випадіння волосся, живлення волосся, Тип волосся - для всіх типів волосся, Стать -..
Призначення - зміцнення волосся, надання густоти, Тип волосся - для ослабленого волосся, для тонкого волосся, Стать - для жінок, Об'єм - 400 мл, клас косметики ..
Призначення - зміцнення волосся, проти випадіння волосся, Тип волосся - для всіх типів волосся, Стать - для жінок, Об'єм - 250 мл, клас косметики - мас-маркет....
Призначення - для зволоження, для відновлення, для зміцнення, для очищення, від випадіння, для фарбованого волосся, для пошкодженого волосся, для жінок, 500 мл,..
Призначення - для відновлення, для зміцнення, для очищення, від випадіння, для всіх типів волосся, для жінок, 145 мл, Особливості - безсульфатні, Клас косметики..
Призначення - для росту волосся, для пом'якшення волосся, Тип волосся - для всіх типів волосся, Стать - для жінок, Об'єм - 750 мл, клас косметики - мас-маркет....
Призначення - відновлення, зміцнення волосся, надання блиску, очищення, проти випадіння волосся, живлення волосся, Тип волосся - для всіх типів волосся, Стать -..
Призначення - відновлення, зміцнення волосся, надання блиску, очищення, проти випадіння волосся, живлення волосся, Тип волосся - для всіх типів волосся, Стать -..
Призначення - відновлення, зміцнення волосся, надання блиску, очищення, проти випадіння волосся, живлення волосся, Тип волосся - для всіх типів волосся, Стать -..
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