Дана модель має вогняний дизайн із яскраво-червоними підніжками. Самокат D38E поставляється з 10-дюймовими великими пневматичними шинами із внутрішньою камерою, які забезпечують комфорт та плавність ходу. Максимальна дальність ходу до 18 км, що стане вашим новим способом пересування зі швидкістю до 25 км/год.
he Ninebot KickScooters D series comes with 3 models: the D18E, D28E and D38E. These models come with a fiery design, with bright red footboards that will surely catch your attention. The D series comes with 10-inch large air tyres with an inner tube that offer you both comfort and a smooth ride. With ranges of up to 18, 28 and 38 km, these products will be your new way of moving with a speed of up to 25 km/h.
Visit to know more! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Dont use Ninebot app before the unlock (if you did, unbind vehicle), just after and on region United States.
Use android device and downG app, replace 4th digit from serial number with K and you got 30 km/h speed.
Activate cruise control from app also to get acces to it. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Test ride with 90kg @16% slope, G30LE II wins this ride easy and climbs 100m longer - Ninebot MAX G30LE II 👍🏼 vs D38E 👎🏼 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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BÜYÜK TEKERLİ KONFORLU - Ninebot Segway D38E Elektrikli Scooter incelemesi
*Bu video Segway Türkiye ile ücretli işbirliğini içermektedir. #işbirliği
Ninebot Segway D38E Elektrikli Scooter incelemesi
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Ninebot D38U KickScooter: An Affordable Long Range E-Scooter!
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The Ninebot D38U is the most powerful E-Scooter in Ninebot's D-series lineup. It features the highest speed (30kmh) and furthest range (38km). How's it like to ride? Let's find out!
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Ebben a videónkban a Ninebot kedvező árú, mégis nagy hatótávú modelljét, a KickScooter D38E-t mutatjuk be. Ez az elektromos roller bírja az emelkedőket, az átlagosnál nagyobb testtömeget, tartozik hozzá egy korrekt alkalmazás, ráadásul a dinamikájával sincs probléma.
Kövessetek minket ezeken a felületeken is!
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Keresőszavak: Ninebot, Ninebot KickScooter, elektromos roller, Ninebot roller, Ninebot KickScooter D38E, Ninebot KickScooter D18E, Ninebot KickScooter D28E, Ninebot KickScooter D38E teszt, Ninebot KickScooter D38E bemutató, Ninebot KickScooter D38E app, Ninebot alkalmazás, Ninebot KickScooter D38E hatótáv, Ninebot KickScooter D38E használat, Ninebot KickScooter D38E ár, Ninebot KickScooter D38E videó, Ninebot KickScooter D38E vélemény, Ninebot KickScooter D38E roller Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Comparing the Segway Ninebot G30LP to the Segway Ninebot D38 #escooter #ninebotd38 #segway #G30LP
Segway vient de dévoiler une nouvelle gamme de 3 trottinettes électriques : la série D, la D18E, la D28E, et la D38E. Segway nous a envoyé le plus gros modèle des trois, la D38E qui a une fiche technique plutôt sympathique.
Tout d'abord, des specs communes aux 3 modèles de série D : double système de freinage, avec un frein électronique à l’avant équipé d’un système e-ABS, et un vrai frein mécanique à disque à l’arrière. Il y a aussi un éclairage spécialement étudié pour éclairer la route et ne pas aveugler les véhicules qui arrivent en face. Les trots sont équipées de pneus gonflables de 10’’, et 10’’ c’est parfait pour le confort, pour l’adhérence, et pour la résistance contre les crevaisons.
Au niveau puissance, c’est là que ça change, la D38E est équipée d’un moteur de 350 watts, elle est capable de monter des cotes jusqu’à 20%. Elle est aussi équipée d’une batterie de 10 000 Ah qui promet une autonomie théorique de 38km, avec même un système de récupération d’énergie.
La D38E propose 3 modes de puissance : 6 km/h, donc pour marcher à coté de sa trot, 15 km/h, et 25 km/h qui est sa vitesse maxi, et c’est normal, elle n’aurait pas l’autorisation d’être commercialisée en France si elle allait plus vite. Enfin, la D38E est aussi la plus lourde, elle affiche un poids de 16,3 kg (et non pas 19kg comme je le dis dans la vidéo ;)
Comme toutes les trots Segway, la Ninebot D38E est aussi compatible avec l’application mobile Segway qui vous donnera plein d’infos sur vos trajets et vous permettra de modifier certains paramètres de la trot.
Segway propose la D38E au prix public de 509 € sur le site officiel, mais j’ai trouvé moins cher :
Segway Ninebot D38E ▶︎
Code -10€ (Code: GOBOO410)
Coupon - 5€ (Nouveaux membre uniquement)
Coupon - 20€ (Enregistrez-vous pour la semaine des super marques ▶︎
Des cadeaux sont offert dans la limite des stocks disponibles :
1. Un casque Ninebot
2. Un sac Xiaomi
3. Un bracelet Mi Band 6
Les meilleures trottinettes électriques sur Amazon ▶︎
Au Sommaire :
00:00 Intro
00:29 Segway, une marque à part
01:14 Spécifications techniques
02:45 Unboxing
04:45 Application mobile Segway
06:15 Avant de partir...
07:34 Premier test
07:54 construction et ergonomie
08:44 Confort
09:02 Autonomie
09:38 Puissance
09:56 Le freinage
09:12 Conclusion
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The new Ninebot D series comes with 3 models: the D18E, D28E and D38E. These models come with a fiery design, with bright red footboards that will surely catch your attention. Watch as we unbox and test these remarkable new additions by Segway! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Test trotinette électrique Ninebot Segway D38E vitesse 25 km/h
Dans cette video de Test High Tech, je vous propose mon premier test avec open box descriptions des caractéristiques et test en extérieur de la trotinette D38E de chez #Nineboot. vitesse maximale 25 km/h avec une autonomie théorique de 38 km en fonction du gabarit. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Mert rollerezni jó? | Ninebot Kickscooter D18E teszt
Ha megvásárolnád, a Goboo oldalán teheted meg, most még az eddigieknél is kedvezőbb áron (234 euró):
Kupon: 5€ GOBOO99
A Segway/Ninebot legújabb rollerjét tesztelem ebben a videóban. A Kickscooter D18E akár 18 kilométert is képes megtenni egy feltöltéssel, nagy talpazatának köszönhetően kényelmes, a minőségébe pedig nem lehet belekötni, plusz alkalmazás is tartozik hozzá. Van belőle erősebb változat is, ezek is megtalálhatók a fenti linken.
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Keresőszavak: Ninebot, Ninebot Kickscooter, Ninebot Kickscooter D18E, Ninebot Kickscooter D18E teszt, Ninebot Kickscooter D18E bemutató, Ninebot Kickscooter D18E vásárlás, Xiaomi Mi Scooter, Xiaomi roller, Ninebot roller, Goboo, Ninebot Kickscooter D18E review, Ninebot Kickscooter D18E app, Ninebot Kickscooter D18E csipogás, Ninebot Kickscooter D18E hatótáv, Ninebot Kickscooter D18E roller, Nineboot roller, XIaomi Scooter Pro, Xiaomi Scooter Essential Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Kis roller nagy utakra | Ninebot Kickscooter D38E eRoller Teszt
Csak vigyázz, hogy milyen útvonalat választasz....
Nyár van, jó idő, meg amúgyis megint nem jár tök hosszú részen a metró, szóval jó lenne valami alternatívát találni. És hát tudtok olvasni, láttátok a videó címét, meg látjátok itt előttem ezt a rollert, úgyhogy ne is szaporítsuk túl a szavakat, következzen a kis roller nagy utakra, a Ninebot Kickscooter D38E Roller Teszt!
Akció a webshopon:
Ninebot KickScooter D38E elektromos roller Ft helyett Ft
Ninebot KickScooter D28E elektromos roller Ft helyett Ft
Ninebot KickScooter D18E elektromos roller Ft helyett Ft
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As you asked guys in this video I will show you how to remove the speed limit to 30 km/h to your electric scooters Segway Ninebot D18 D28 D38 in just a few steps, very simple. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Segway D38E arka tekerlek ve kampana bakımı nasıl yapılır ? #providyo
Teknik servisimize gelen Segway D38E scooter modelinin arka tekerlek ve kampana bakımını başarıyla tamamladık. Müşterimize iyi günlerde kullanmasını dileriz. #providyo #scooter #segway #teknikservis Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Ninebot Segway D28e Elektrikli Scooter İncelemesi
MIEKO - Xiaomi Türkiye'nin Resmi Ana Distribütörüdür,
Ayrıcalıklardan yararlanmak için bu kanala katılın:
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📸Video Çekim Ekipmanlarım: Sony ZV-E10 + 16-50mm
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Are electric scooters dangerous? #electricscooter #escooter #electrickickscooter #safetytip #safety
This video is about Segway Ninebot D38U and I also reviewed the G30LP
The Ninebot KickScooter D38U powered by Segway is the latest kickscooter from the D series. This model comes with a fiery design, with bright red footboards that will surely catch your attention. The D38U comes with 10-inch large air tires with an inner tube that offer you both comfort and a smooth ride. With ranges of up to 38 km, this kickscooter will be your new way of moving with a speed of up to 30 km/h.
Lighting a safe journey: To guarantee the safety of all riders, D38U has front, brake and rear LED lights. With the 2.1 W built-in front light, you can clearly see your path at any time of the day. In addition to the lights, D38U comes with certified E-MARK reflectors on the front, side and rear part of the KickScooter, making it easy to spot you in the low lighting conditions once a light is shown in your direction.
D38U has 10-inch large air tires with inner tubes to offer a comfortable, smooth ride to you. The polymer lining and wear-resistant thread in the tires bring steadiness and the best durability. On the wheels, you will also find the two independent brakes controlled by the lever. On the front wheel, we have an Electronic Anti-lock Braking System (E-ABS); and on the rear wheel, we have a drum brake. The combination of these brakes brings you both more stability and safety in your commutes.
Commute through all terrains: With a front-wheel drive and sustainable propulsion from the motor, shown in the power output of the KickScooters, you can able to ride on all kinds of terrains. D38U: with a 350W power output, the climbing angle can go up to 20%.
Battery Management System (BMS): The D38U comes with a battery with a recovery system that guarantees no battery is wasted throughout the journey and that closely monitors its performance. D38U: has a battery capacity of 367 Wh (36V 10.2 Ah) and takes approx. 6.5 hours to fully charge
Sturdy and easy to carry structure: The D38U has a double tube frame that forms a triangular shape, creating a strong and stable structure for the KickScooters. This solid frame can support a payload of up to 120 kg for D38U.
Charging Cable
Phone Holder
Unfold dimensions: Approx. 114.3 cm × 48 cm × 116 cm (45 in. × 18.9 in. × 45.7 in.)
Folded: Approx. 114.3 cm × 48 cm × 49.5 cm (45 in. × 18.9 in. × 19.5 in.)
Net weight: Approx. 16.4 kg (36.2 lb.)
2-year limited warranty Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Segway Ninebot F series How to disassemble and assemble Controller
Segway Ninebot F series How to disassemble and assemble Controller
Buy Original parts for Segway Ninebot. High quality and very durable. Suitable for use as a replacement or spare part.
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Satın almak için:
Ninebot KickScooter D Serisi 3 modelle birlikte geliyor: D18E, D28E ve D38E. Ateşli bir tasarıma sahip olan bu modeller, kesinlikle dikkatinizi çekecek parlak kırmızı bir gövdeye sahiptir. D serisi, size hem konfor hem de yumuşak bir sürüş sunan iç lastikli 10 inç büyük pnömatik lastikleriyle birlikte gelir. 18, 28 ve 38 kilometreye varan menzile sahip bu ürünler, 25 km/s'ye varan hızlarla yeni ulaşım tarzınız olacak.
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32 km/h unlock - Ninebot F2 Plus / Ninebot MAX G30 (How to unlock the 32 Km/h speed for ninebot)
2024 NEW METHOD - Ninebot speed unlock -
2024 Additional Method -
If the method in the video did not helped, you can use the 100% working method with controller replacement-
How to Unlock Ninebot F2 Plus on Windows -
App that was used to unlock (Xiaodash) -
Welcome to our comprehensive video guide on unlocking the exhilarating 32 Km/h speed on your Segway Ninebot F2/MAX G30/MAX G2/E2 Pro/ZT3 Pro/GT 3 Pro! If you're eager to experience the thrill of faster rides, you've come to the right place. In this step-by-step tutorial, we'll walk you through the process, ensuring you safely unleash the full potential of your electric scooter.
As the video begins, we introduce you to the Segway Ninebot F2 Plus, a feature-packed electric scooter renowned for its performance, stability, and cutting-edge technology. We emphasize the importance of riding responsibly and adhering to local laws and regulations when modifying the speed of your scooter.
First and foremost, we show you the Segway Ninebot app and guide you through the necessary steps to connect your smartphone to your scooter via Bluetooth. This app is an essential tool for adjusting various settings and unlocking the higher speed setting.
Next, we explain the key differences between the standard speed setting and the higher 32 Km/h speed mode. Our presenter shares insights into how the increased speed can positively impact your daily commute or leisure rides, making your journeys faster and more enjoyable.
Before proceeding further, we underscore the significance of safety precautions and the importance of wearing appropriate protective gear, such as helmets and knee pads, when riding at higher speeds. Safety is our top priority, and we encourage responsible riding practices at all times.
The video then moves on to the step-by-step process of unlocking the 32 Km/h speed on your Segway Ninebot F2 Plus. Our host navigates through the Ninebot app's user interface, demonstrating each setting adjustment with clarity and precision.
Throughout the tutorial, we highlight the potential risks and benefits of unlocking the higher speed mode, allowing you to make an informed decision based on your skill level and local regulations.
Additionally, we provide expert tips on how to control your scooter safely at higher speeds and maintain balance during acceleration and deceleration. Learning these techniques will help you ride confidently and master your electric scooter's increased speed capabilities.
Towards the end of the video, we reiterate the importance of regular maintenance and safety checks to ensure your Segway Ninebot F2 Plus operates optimally and safely, even after unlocking the higher speed.
By following our comprehensive guide, you'll gain the knowledge and confidence needed to unlock the 32 Km/h speed on your Segway Ninebot F2 Plus responsibly and safely. Experience the rush of faster rides while being equipped with the right skills and precautions to make your scooter journeys an absolute delight.
Join us now in this informative tutorial, and let's unlock the thrilling speed potential of your Segway Ninebot F2 Plus together! Ride responsibly, ride safely, and embrace the joy of swift and enjoyable electric scooter adventures. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
900W GÜÇ - 55KM MENZİL - Segway Ninebot F2 Pro Elektrikli Scooter incelemesi
*Scooter bana gönderdiği için Segway Türkiye ye teşekkürler.
Segway-Ninebot KickScooter F2 PRO Elektrikli Scooter
10 inch kendi kendini tamir eden lastikleri, 900w maksimum Motor gücü, 55km menzili,
Kayıp, çalıntı vb durumlarda Apple Bul özelliği , Sinyal lambaları,
Çekiş Kontrol Sistemi ile kaygan yollarda
Patinaj çekmeden çekişi arttırarak daha güvenli sürüşü,Çalınma durumunda Apple bul ile konumunu bulma,
Hız sabitleme ve detaylı uygulaması ile ulaşım ve kısa gezintiler için başarılı bir scooter bu videoda
Detaylı bir şekilde inceledim. İyi seyirler…
✅ ürün linki ⤵︎⤵︎⤵︎
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00:00 Öne Çıkanlar
00:53 Tasarım ve Kutu İçeriği
04:24 Menzil, Güç ve Batarya
06:44 Yokuş Testi
09:25 Sürüş Deneyimi, Konfor ve Frenleme
12:16 Mobil Uygulaması ve Apple Bul
17:46 Sonuç ve Değerlendirme
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muratenesozen@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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