Смарт-годинник захищений від занурення і може витримати тренування в басейні. Є також нові інтелектуальні функції фітнес помічника, більший обсяг енергії батареї під капотом.
Що стосується дизайну TicWatch, він швидше функціональний, ніж модний. Кнопка змінила бічні сторони, зліва від свого попередника, праворуч від ціферблата, помістивши її в більш традиційне місце для годинників.
Технічні дані
Що стосується технічних характеристик, то моделі оснащені 1,39-дюймовим AMOLED-дисплеєм з роздільною здатністю 400 * 400 пікселів, процесором Snapdragon Wear 2100, GPS-модулем і інтерфейсом Bluetooth 4.1. Об'єм вбудованої пам'яті становить 4 ГБ, а оперативної - 512 МБ. З датчиків є акселерометр, гіроскоп і оптичний датчик пульсу. Акумулятор ємністю 415 мАг (на 30% більше, ніж у моделей першого покоління) забезпечує до 2 днів використання без підзарядки. Працюють годинники під управлінням операційної системи WearOS.
TicWatch S2 и E2 обзор и сравнение часов на android wearМногие люди не догадываются, насколько удобны умные часы ( smart watch ). Особенно, если они универсальны и подключаются к смартфонам на популярных операционных системах. Работают под управлением аndroid wear или как ее называют сейчас wear os. Многие люди не знают, какие смарт часы выбрать, лучше купить дешевые смарт часы или заказать андройд часы с алиэкспресс. Можно еще купить smart watch известного производителя на wear os by google. Сегодня мы расскажем вам о часах TicWatch S2 и TicWatch E2 под управлением wear os.
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TicWatch E2 smart swimming watch.
Self-prompted sports tracking, lightweight & comfortable, swim-ready up to 50m underwater - we've got you covered for a smarter lifestyle.
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Unboxing di TicWatch E2
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Это более-менее современные смарт-часы: имеют операционную систему и полноценно общаются со смартфоном. Время жизни от одного заряда обычное - день-полтора.
О достоинствах можете посмотреть, например, обзор на канале Andro-news в Youtube. Скажу о недостатках (с моей т.з.), с которыми не смог примириться/разобраться за 2 недели теста.
1. Экран. Он здесь OLED с функцией Always on, но это все впустую. Отсутствует автояркость, поэтому включенный экран будет либо слишком ярким, либо слишком темным. В режиме Always on заметна ШИМ (ладно, с этим можно смириться), но ночью этот режим ярковат, а днем ничего не видно. Можно активировать функцию включения экрана на полную яркость при повороте руки (типа при поднесении часов к глазам), но она работает криво: миллион ложных срабатываний, и не срабатывает, например, когда лёжа хочешь посмотреть время. Вот это пожалуй самая большая досада...
2. Циферблаты. Их около 20 встроенных и десятки, если не сотни, в Play Market. Но я для себя толкового не нашел, чтобы он на 100% использовал дисплей, а мне в первую очередь нужно время в цифровом формате, дата, погода. Во встроенных или слишком мелкий шрифт, или лишние прибамбасы. Сторонние дисплеи очень разные, но многие из них не умеют "правильно" переходить в Always on - режим, т.е. оставлять только контур шрифта, без заполнения (иначе Always on слишком яркий и наверное жрет батарею). Погода во многих требует GPS на самих часах...
3. Использовал с Android 8, может быть из-за этой не очень свежей версии ПО часы не смогли увидеть контакты со смартфона... Тебе звонят - видишь только номер, а сам позвонить на какой-то контакт не можешь... Это вторая большая досада.
4. Это замечание больше к Android Wear. Свайп влево с главного экрана открывает какую-то непонятную страницу с "популярными действиями" и изречениями великих людей (А.П. Чехов, А. Азимов, но чаще Курт Кобейн). Зачем мне эта дичь?.. Отключить не смог. Ответить на текстовое сообщение - непроходимый квест: нужно несколько раз попадать пальцем в мелкие кнопки, а потом бесконечность ждать, пока откроется голосовой Гугл Ассистент и расшифрует твой ответ. 10-20 настаиваемых ответов, но в быстром и удобном доступе в один клик было бы лучше. Свайп вправо с главного экрана открывает меню закладок, но назначить туда можно мало чего, заточено под спорт.
5. Лаги в работе присутствуют, но тут видимо надо было брать часы на последней версии процессоров для носимых у-в (например, Tic Watch E3), у них и автономность в разы лучше, но цена у них уже другая...
В целом, по моему мнению, это смарт-часы не для таких, как я, которым в 99% случаев нужен наглядный циферблат, не перегруженный лишней информацией, удобные звонки и работа с уведомлениями. Толщина тоже великовата, но это уже мелочи... Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
TicWatch E2 подробный обзор умных часов на Wear OS/функции/батарея/опыт использования/косяки
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Краткое видео представление смарт-часов TicWatch E2 и объяснение в фотографиях, как у меня получилось запустить часы на Андроид, если сразу они не запускаются на нём. Все делается через установку часов на Apple, их обновлении и возврата к заводским настройкам. После этого на Андроид часы запустились.
Ссылка на часы - Обзор часов - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Mobvoi TicWatch - смарт-часы с искусственным интеллектом!
Mobvoi TicWatch – смарт-часы с новым уровнем возможностей.
TicWatch используют собственную ОС Android Wear™ от компании Google, совместимы с Android и iOS устройствами, а также имеют множество крутых фич. Все подробности в новом видео обзоре.
Полный ассортимент смарт-часов TicWatch от Mobvoi -
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Here's my hands on look of the Mobvoi TicWatch E2 Android Wear OS smartwatch. The watch is only $. I received this watch so I can share a video with you, so here it is. Hope you like the video.
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This is a mini review and unboxing of the budget friendly Mobvoi TicWatch E2. It offers a lot for a very affordable price. With the Tic suite of health tracking, now which includes swim, 5 ATM,and some automatic tracking for sleep and other exercises , coming soon via OTA, this $159 WearOS watch is in reach for just about everybody. Let's unbox and check out the new TicWatch from Mobvoi.
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Unboxing TicWatch E2 - Smartwatch Wear OS low cost
Velocissimo unboxing del TicWatch E2, smartwatch low cost con a bordo Wear OS by Google. Materiali onesti per un buon rapporto qualità/prezzo.
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🔥 Get Ticwatch here:
Wear OS by Google
Google Play Music? Yes. Google Fit? Check. Spotify? Yup. Find your favorite apps on Google Play and download them directly from your watch. Everything you need on your wrist. Note: Spotify and facebook messenger are not applicable for iPhone users.
Built-in Google Assistant
Send a text message(only for the Android phone), make a call (only for the Android phone) or check for directions. Just tell Google to do it directly from your watch through the power of your own voice.
5ATM Water Resistant
One of the things that set the TicWatch E2 apart from many other feature-laden smartwatches available is its 5ATM water resistant rating - withstands pressures equivalent to a depth of 50 meters, making it a charm when being exposed in rain, splashing, accidental submersion, showering, surface, swimming.
" AMOLED (400 x 400 px)
Inch high-resolution round full touch screen, makes the displayed content more vivid and beautiful. Bigger screen, fit the width of the wrist, bring a pleasant feeling of wearing.
Built-in GPS
Multi-navigation system (GPS, GLONASS, Beidou) for responsive and precise positioning
24/7 Hours Heart Rate Monitor
It tracks your heart rate continuously at every moment every day. Heart rate recording will start automatically once you wear it on.
Long Time Standby
415mAh Battery, long standby time up to 2 days in the ordinary situation, saves the frequent charging trouble.
More Functions
Bluetooth Push: Incoming calls, messages, Wechat, QQ, Skype, WhatsApp, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Viber, line notification. Sedentary reminder, Meeting reminder, Find watch, Find phone, Hand raise light up, etc.
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TicWatch E2 - Your go-to fitness & swimming smartwatch companion.
Stay connected and track your health and fitness data while you’re on the move. Whether in a pool, in the gym, or on the road, TicWatch E2 is your go-to smartwatch to match any style you have on for that day, and is designed to fit your active lifestyle needs.
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TicWatch E2 smartwatch - your best go-to fitness and swimming companion! Up to 50m underwater waterproof, monitors your every stroke on the move. Whether in a pool, at the gym, or on the road, TicWatch E2 smartwatch is designed to fit your active lifestyle needs. Powered by TicMotion - proactive swimming monitoring, analysis and swim style detection.
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My Near Perfect Smartwatch - Mobvoi TicWatch E2 6 Months After Review
#Mobvoi #TicwatchE2 #Smartwatch
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It took me 6 months to get this review done across many countries, and it has changed and evolved in so many ways, but I thoroughly enjoyed it :)
A 6 month ownership review of the Ticwatch E2 Wear OS smartwatch by Mobvoi.
Possibly the best bang for buck, budget smartwatch I've tested so far.
If you'd like to get one for yourself, you can support me by using this Amazon Affiliate link:
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Ticwatch E2 Review - Great All-Around Smartwatch with Wear OS
Please watch: "Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra Review - All Hail To The New King!"
Ticwatch E2 Review - Great All-Around Smartwatch with Wear OS
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The TicWatch E2 is an affordable WearOS smartwatch & this video gives info to answer the question - Is the TicWatch E2 Worth It?
This TicWatch E2 review covers some key uses and features of the smartwatch to show you that you don't always need to spend a ton of money to get an affordable smart watch!
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Mobvoi TicWatch E2 Review : The Affordable Android WearOS SmartWatch
#mobvoi #ticwatche2 #wearOS #androidwear
This is a full review of the budget friendly Mobvoi TicWatch E2. It offers a lot for a very affordable price. With the Tic suite of health tracking, now which includes swim, 5 ATM,and some automatic tracking for sleep and other exercises , coming soon via OTA, this $159 WearOS watch is in reach for just about everybody. Let's check out the new TicWatch from Mobvoi with some comparisons to the Profession, TicWatch Pro
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The new 2019 follow up to the successful Ticwatch is in house and we go hands on. What do you guys think. For $159, I dont think you can get much better.
Buy now on Amazon Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Mobvoi TicWatch E2 Full Android WearOS 5ATM Waterproof Dress Smartwatch: Unboxing and 1st Look
BLACK FRIDAY SALE: Up to 44% off - . Exclusive link:
Use this exclusive Direct Link to buy your Mobvoi TicWatch and take an extra 5% off your purchase, even sale items: (Make sure code KISZOD is applied at checkout)
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Ticwatch E2 Geekbuying Buying Link: Ticwatch E2 coupon: 4OCQIMBR Final price $
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This Ticwatch E2 Smartwatch has been provided by Geekbuying for review. Many thanks to our viewers for making this YouTube site popular and to Geekbuying for their support. If you are interested in purchasing either the Ticwatch E2 or Ticwatch S2, please use the links listed above. It will help us receive more watches to review for you in the future. Thanks!
Tethering app:
WearOS -
Mobvoi -
The Ticwatch E2 is identical to the Ticwatch S2 except for the build quality. The S2 has been ruggedized to MIL-STD-810G for use outdoors and in rough climates, while the less expensive E2 is more for dress and office use. Both are waterproof to 5ATM. They are different from the original Ticwatch E and S models, as you will learn from this video, and from checking out the original review videos on this channel.
Since the E2 and S2 are the same in operation and the app tethering process, today’s video will be a mix of new E2 footage and segments from the S2 review that cover the same operational characteristics.
See the full review of the Ticwatch E2 here:
For full technical details, specs, and more on both the original Ticwatch E and S, check out this video:
For the review of the Ticwatch S2, check out this video:
You can also look at the original Ticwatch 2 review here:
Here are all the videos on this channel about Ticwatch Smartwatches:
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Hello Respected Mr Ticks. Here is a link below to buy it's Charging Dock.
Regards, Ali
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Today we are taking a look at a budget smartwatch made by TicWatch called the E2. Its a steal at $150 and is fully waterproof for your swimming needs. The screen is beautiful and the device has a lightweight, durable and plastic build.
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Mobvoi TicWatch C2 Test und TicWatch E2 Test:
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Take You There (feat. Ria Choony) by Spectrum
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Mobvoi TicWatch E2 Full Android WearOS 5ATM Waterproof Dress Smartwatch: Unboxing and 1st Look
Use this Direct link to buy your Mobvoi TicWatch (including new Ticwatch PRO 5):
Use this exclusive Direct Link to buy your Mobvoi TicWatch and take an extra 5% off your purchase, even sale items: (Make sure code KISZOD is applied at checkout)
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This Ticwatch E2 Smartwatch has been provided by Geekbuying for review. Many thanks to our viewers for making this YouTube site popular and to Geekbuying for their support. If you are interested in purchasing either the Ticwatch E2 or Ticwatch S2, please use the links listed above. It will help us receive more watches to review for you in the future. Thanks!
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The Ticwatch E2 is identical to the Ticwatch S2 except for the build quality. The S2 has been ruggedized to MIL-STD-810G for use outdoors and in rough climates, while the less expensive E2 is more for dress and office use. Both are waterproof to 5ATM. They are different from the original Ticwatch E and S models, as you will learn from this video, and from checking out the original review videos on this channel.
Since the E2 and S2 are the same in operation and the app tethering process, today’s video will be a mix of new E2 footage and segments from the S2 review that cover the same operational characteristics.
For full technical details, specs, and more on both the original Ticwatch E and S, check out this video:
For the review of the Ticwatch S2, check out this video:
You can also look at the original Ticwatch 2 review here:
Here are all the videos on this channel about Ticwatch Smartwatches:
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TicWatch E2 und TicWatch S2 - Smartwatch.de Unboxing [DEUTSCH]
Heute bei uns im Unboxing: Die Ticwatch S2 und die TicWatch E2.
Zwei neue Smartwatches veröffentlichte der Hersteller Mobvoi Anfang 2019. Die beiden Modelle TicWatch S2 und TicWatch E2 gehen dabei in die zweite Generation. Sie sind nahezu baugleich und mit dem identischen Funktionsumfang ausgestattet. Wer nach einer wasserdichten Smartwatch mit Wear OS Betriebssystem sucht und sich dabei Eigenschaften wie GPS, einen optischen Pulsmesser sowie eine Sporttauglichkeit wünscht, findet hier zwei passende Uhren. Sie bestechen außerdem mit einem attraktiven Preis-Leistungsverhältnis.
Die Mobvoi TicWatch S2 und E2 bei :
Alle Mobvoi Smartwatches bei :
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Mobvoi TicWatch E2 Smartwatch - Google WearOS - AMOLED
Il Ticwatch Pro non mi era piaciuto. E questo? Molto, insieme in questa videorecensione.
Guarda: "Mi Watch VS Apple Watch 5: gemelli diversi"
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TicWatch E2 - First Impressions - More features, same great price!
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Mobvoi TicWatch E2 Review - Best value for money smartwatch
Here is a review of Mobvoi's new, TicWatch E2 Wear OS smartwatch
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Last Summer by Ikson:
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Ticwatch E2 is a smartwatch which comes with Wear OS support, Good battery life, fantastic display! Is this your next smartwatch?
watch the review & find out!
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00:41 - Build Quality
01:34 - Display Quality
02:52 - Microphone
03:25 - Watchfaces
03:52 - Home Screen
06:25 - Notifications
06:52 - Reply from the watch?
08:28 - Health features
09:54 - Gaming
11:03 - Wear OS & Mobvoi app
11:30 - Detailed health data
14:12 - Play Store support
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Ticwatch E2 Review - Best Android Wear Watch for Fitness?
Get the Ticwatch E2 from Amazon here:
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The Cheapest Wear OS Smartwatch 10 Months Later: Ticwatch E2 Review and Test
✔️ TicWatch E2: 👉
✔️ TicWatch E2 @ Amazon: 👉
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#ticwatch #mobvoi #tech4all
TicWatch E2: This is the cheapest WearOS smartwatch ever – and packs a handful of features at the amazing price of around 112 US dollars when discounted; GPS, Google assistant, waterproof; and if someone calls you… you can NOT take the phone call from the watch… sadly. Let’s figure out how far the budget WearOS smartwatches made it in 2019!
Let’s explore the hardware, and we begin by unboxing it. Looks good – this is typical for Mobvoi smartwatches, and generally they are famous for packing a lot of greatness in rather small price. Of course, there’s no way the E2 to be as good as the Ticwatch Flagship – called the Pro. The bump surrounding the display acts as a good protection layer, in addition to the Gorilla glass.
There is only one button, and of course – a beautiful inch vibrant AMOLED display. Mobvoi have always been good for their screens, and while AMOLED is not too fantastic being visible outdoors, it still is fine for indoor usage, and sometimes – visible if you have the right watchface. Underneath the display – we see a 30% growth of the battery, Snapdragon 2100 processor, 512MB RAM, and 4GB storage, out of which more thah 2GB are available for storing files.
The single button opens the app drawer, and can be used as a home button tool. By default – long press activates Google assistant. There is no speaker – reading the display is your only communication channel.
Setting up is easy, and Ticwatch are kind enough to provide a set of good watchfaces. You will find the usual amount of default apps – most of them are typically being distributed with WearOS – Play Store, Weather, Timer, Stopwatch;
Ticwatch has a specially developed framework for fitness tracking – TicHealth, TicPulse and TicExercise;
You can of course use Strava – which unlike the very popular watch GT2 – has good integration with wear OS.
Generally – while there are some tracking capabilities, I cannot say it is a great sports watch – and so far the WearOS intention has never been;
Most of the cycles I managed to get around a day of battery life with always on screen, second level of brightness (out of 5) which was sort of expected. What comes as an extra disadvantage on the Ticwatch is the lack of ambient sensor – so there’s no auto brightness mode.
There’s a calendar feature – and if you have a lot of appointments and you want to somewhat control your calendar from the watch – this is something Ticwatch can help you with.
At the end – a short summary…
Strong sides – the waterproofness, the app support, the microphone – therefore Google assistant. And the price!
But looking at the drawbacks… Battery life is unfortuinately not sarisfactory, and it’s WearOS to blame; build quality matches the title – entry level, and while performance is sort of alright – 512MB are not enough for such a device in 2020. And if we think of the lack of NFC, speaker, Bluetooth 5 and ambient sensor, the equation becomes too complicated. Do you think it is worth getting the E2? Or you’d prefer to go for the TicWatch Pro? Do you think Google will finally do something drastic to WearOS? Would be good to hear from you
➡️ Product links & Information ◕‿◕ :
✔️ TicWatch E2: 👉
✔️ TicWatch E2 @ Amazon: 👉
✔️ TicWatch E2 @ Amazon UK: 👉
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Dyalla - Treat Yourself
Niya - A Finale
TheDiabolicalWaffle - Kaleidoscope
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GIVEAWAY | Ticwatch Pro, C2 and E2 | Premium Smartwatches
In this video we have shared GIVEAWAY | Ticwatch Pro, C2 and E2 | Premium Smartwatches
Ticwatch here comes with Android Wear 2.0, premium quality and looks. Thats not all these ticwatches are equipped with NFC chips.
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Ticwatch E Commercial 2021 4K (By Michael Roberts)
This is a short commercial / ad I created of the Ticwatch E. @Mobvoi
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Created By: Michael Roberts
Filmed By: Michael Roberts
Edited By: Michael Roberts
Produced By: Michael Roberts
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Introducing the new Mobvoi Ticwatch E2, a watch that beats the competition by offering waterproof resistance up to 50 meters, uses the new Android Wear OS 2 and 2 day battery life! In this video, you'll see me unbox the actual Ticwatch E2 and go through the specs very quickly. This is part 1 of 2 video so check out my next video for a longer review.
#Ticwatch #SmartWatch #Mobvoi #RTHD
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In this video, I submerge the new Mobvoi Ticwatch E2 into water! The Ticwatch S2 should have the same result! Check out the end to see the aftermath! Mobvoi claims that this watch is ATM 5 which is capable of submerging in over 50 meters of water! Will USD go down in vain? View to find out!
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