Смарт-годинник з Wear OS by Google сумісний з телефонами під керуванням Android або iOS. Найновіший набір мікросхем Qualcomm 4100+ забезпечує підвищення продуктивності на 30%. Підвищена потужність, надійніше з'єднання та 4-кратний радіус дії з Bluetooth 5.
Автоматично відстежує цілі активності, кроки, сон, частоту серцевих скорочень, кардіо та SpO2 (кисень у крові). Режими активності з GPS дають змогу відстежувати відстань і шлях. Удосконалені датчики надають дані для роботи всіх ваших програм для відстеження здоров'я та фітнесу.
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Нова задня кришка та магнітний зарядний пристрій, що додається, забезпечують швидше заряджання, ніж у пристроїв інших поколінь. Заряджайте до 80% за 30 хвилин. Оптимізуйте час автономної роботи за допомогою спрощених режимів Smart Battery Mode. Swimproof 3 ATM ідеально підходить для всіх ваших занять.
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Galaxy Watch 4 уже НЕ ТОП? Fossil Gen 6 на Snapdragon Wear 4100+! СТИЛЯГИ ИЗ АМЕРИКИ!
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Обзор Fossil Gen 6. Смарт часы для твоего бати (и не только)
В этом видео я расскажу вам про свой опыт использования смарт часов Fossil Gen 6 Smartwatch на Wear OS в паре с Android и iOS смартфоном. Что понравилось, что вызвало вопросы, а что расстроило в этих смарт часах. Садитесь удобнее, будет интересно!
☞ Fossil Gen 6 -
☞ Таймкоды:
00:00 - Вступление
00:41 - Fossil - кто это?
02:31 - Дизайн
05:32 - Дисплей
06:07 - Wear OS
08:17 - Интерфейс
12:24 - Google Pay
13:55 - Я спортсмен
16:02 - Автономность
17:20 - Заключение
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«Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound»
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Обзор новых смарт часов шестого поколения FOSSIL Gen 6 Smartwatch
FOSSIL Gen 6 Smartwatch review
Купи себе шкатулку, порадуй часы
Микрофон, на который пишусь
И фантомное питание к нему Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fossil GEN 6 – обзор смарт-часов, которые уже стали настоящим хитом! Это новая, шестая модель легендарной серии Fossil GEN, о которой мы подготовили для вас подробный видеообзор.
В этих часах еще больше функционала и технологических новинок. А их дизайн с легкостью можно трансформировать в неустаревающую классику, спортивный стиль или casual. Выбирать вам!
Наручные смарт-часы Fossil Gen 6 совместимы с Android и iOS. А операционная версия этого гаджета отличается ярким и оригинальным интерфейсом с высокой плавностью работы и быстродействием. В этом видеообзоре Fossil смарт-часов мы также рассказываем о всех эксплуатационных особенностях модели, ее отличии от других популярных смарт-часов и многом другом.
Поэтому досмотрите видео до конца и обязательно поделитесь своим мнением о часах в комментариях!
Цена на часы FOSSIL GEN 6
0:39 Распаковка Fossil GEN 6
– Коробка и заводской комплект
– Дизайн дисплея и корпуса Fossil GEN 6
1:37 Общие характеристики Fossil GEN 6
– Плаформа
– Датчики пульса и уровня кислорода
– Водонепроницаемость Fossil GEN 6
– Настройка циферблата и возможностей кнопок
– Зарядное устройство
2:08 Первое включение и настройка часов Fossil GEN 6
2:59 Управление смарт-часов Fossil GEN 6
3:07 Циферблаты и настройки для них
3:25 Умный помощник Google-ассистент
3:52 Встроенные виджеты и настройки к ним
4:15 Spo2 - новый датчик у новой модели Fossil GEN 6
4:24 Play Market - поддержка для Android и iOs
– Функция платежей доступна для Android и iOs
5:05 Динамик и микрофон в часах
5:16 Qwerty-клавиатура в умных часах
5:27 Быстрая зарядка смарт-часов
5:39 Скорость зарядки и автономность гаджета
– В продажу поступят 6 вариантов дизайна
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#FOSSIL #DEKA #обзорчасов Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Підписуйся на канал, залишай свій коментар про цей годинник під відео та вигравай Fossil GEN6 вже 4 липня!*
Fossil Gen 6 — це потужний розумний годинник, який працює під управлінням Wear OS, із
чудовим AMOLED-екраном та надшвидкою зарядкою.
Основні характеристики:
Бренд: Fossil
Матеріал корпусу: нержавіюча сталь
Водозахист: 3 ATM
Розмір: 42mm/44mm
Екран: " Color AMOLED, 416x416, 326ppi
CPU: Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ Wear 4100+
Пам'ять: 8GB
Батарея: 300mAh
Підключення: Bluetooth 5.0 LE, GPS, NFC SE, WiFi
ОС: Wear OS 2 (поточна), Wear OS 3 (планована)
Датчики: акселерометр, висотомір, датчик освітленості, компас, гіроскоп, PPG серцевого ритму, SPO2
Технологія Swimproof означає, що повз водостійкість 3 АТМ вони витримують випробування плаванням на 10000 гребків і можуть носитися під час плавання на мілководді у прісній воді
Цiна — :smart-chasy_brend:fossil/
*Результати розіграшу будуть оголошені на сайті в розділі новин.
#SECUNDA #Fossil #оглядгодинника Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fossil Gen 6 smartwatch: How’s the new wearable? | Tech It Out
The new Fossil Gen 6 smartwatch is said to deliver fast application load times, highly responsive user experiences, and efficient power consumption, but does it deliver what it promises? Watch the review to know more.
#Fossil #Wearable #TechItOut
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►Fossil Gen 6
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Discover the stylish and powerful Fossil Gen 6 Smartwatch in this in-depth review and unboxing! We'll explore its impressive features, including the lightning-fast Snapdragon Wear 4100+ chip, " AMOLED display, and sleek stainless steel design. Learn how this smartwatch elevates your fitness game with advanced health tracking, including heart rate monitoring, SpO2, sleep, and stress management. Plus, get the scoop on its seamless integration with Google's Wear OS for effortless app support and customization. Don't miss our honest opinion on battery life and overall performance. Is the Fossil Gen 6 the ultimate smartwatch for you? Watch now to find out!
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This video contains amazon affiliate links, as an amazon affiliate I earn from qualified purchases
#FossilGen6 #SmartwatchReview #WearOS Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fossil Generation 6 watch is one of the best smartwatch available in the market. With Wear OS 3 update in the near future, this is the best offering.
In this short video, I just give you the first look of the Fossil Gen 6 Brown Leather Variant. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fossil Gen 6 Smartwatch unboxing interrupted by cat 😺
Fossil Generation 6 watch is one of the best smartwatch available in the market. With Wear OS 3 update in the near future, this is the best offering.
In this short video, we show how you can enable the make call and take call feature. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fossil Gen 6 Smart Watch (Brown Leather, Imported)
➡️ Fossil Gen 6 product page:
This is my full review of the Fossil Gen 6 smartwatch! I have been waiting for a traditional-looking smart dress watch that also acts as a smart device for quite a while, and I think I might have found it! After the unboxing, I have done a walkthrough of all the features and settings after setup! Customizable bands, and faces, and fully functioning Wear OS (Google's wearable software) gives you workout modes, sleep tracking, heart rate, and SPO2 blood oxygen level monitoring, and much more! It might be the perfect smartwatch currently available for me, but is it for you? Best smartwatch 2021 / 2022? Let me know what you think!
Disclaimer: Thanks to Fossil for sponsoring today's video, all views are my own!
Disclaimer: Thanks
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#Fossil #FossilGen6 #Smartwatch
Music is by Epidemicsound. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fossil Gen 6 Review: High Speeds, Hard Specs, Soft Wear
The best thing the smartwatch inherited from its traditional ancestors is the choice it gives you in styles – and for years, the biggest contributor to that diversity has been Fossil Group. If the relentlessly repetitive rectangles of the Apple Watch or the simplistic circles of Samsung just aren’t what you want on your wrist, Fossil and its partners have been there to sell you everything from edgy Armani to bedazzled Michael Kors to ... whatever craziness DIESEL is crankin’ out these days.
For the past two years those watches have been based on Fossil’s Generation 5 platform – but I’ve spent two weeks with an early version of the sequel upon which the next generation will be built. I’m Michael Fisher; join me for the latest MrMobile review to see what there is to like (and lament) about the Fossil Gen 6 smartwatch!
MrMobile's Fossil Gen 6 Review was produced following 14 days with two Fossil Gen 6 smartwatch review samples provided by Fossil Group. The devices were tested with a Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 and at the time of review publication were running Wear OS 2.3 with update M HR 3.
MrMobile does not accept compensation from the manufacturers of the products he reviews in exchange for producing content. No payment was provided and no manufacturer or carrier was afforded a preview or copy approval rights concerning this review.
Fossil Gen 6 Product Page [Fossil]:
Michael Kors Gen 6 Bradshaw Product Page [Michael Kors]:
Facer Watchface App:
Fossil Gen 6 is the first Wear OS smartwatch with Qualcomm's Snapdragon Wear 4100+ [Android Central]:
What’s new for Wear [Google]:
Snapdragon Wear 4100+ Platform [Qualcomm]:
The Play Store is highlighting two Wear OS apps that don’t exist anymore [Android Police]:
Telegram is sending Wear OS users a goodbye message as the app quietly dies [Android Central]:
Google’s Wear OS neglect has left voice activation broken for months [Ars Technica]:
This Wear OS 3 Situation Really Sucks [Droid-Life]:
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Additional information concerning MrMobile’s ethics policy can be found here:
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Fossil added a friendly little voice assistant named Alexa, you might have heard of her, and this infinitely increases this watch’s capabilities. From setting timers, to asking about the weather, or even asking who the tenth president was. This watch can now become a truly smart watch
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Please comment below with any questions you might have. Thank you all for watching! I appreciate you!
Hey, I’m Mike and this is the Fossil Gen 6 Hybrid smartwatch. As I said, this watch has well, I’ll just call her Alex for this video, but it has Alex on it and so now we can actually get incredible functionality out of a hybrid smartwatch!!
VERY customizable watch faces
Step tracking
HR tracking
Workout tracking
Music control
Find phone
Blood oxygen
Sleep tracking
Disclaimer: This video is purely based on my experiences, research, and opinions. You and only you are responsible for your actions. I made this channel to advise viewers and I truly hope to help you all out. I love making these videos and connecting with my viewers!
This channel is monetized via YouTube ads as well as some affiliate links. If a purchase is made after clicking the link, I will receive a small commission at no extra charge to the buyer. Thank you all for watching! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fossil Generation 6 watch is one of the best smartwatch available in the market. With Wear OS 3 update in the near future, this is the best offering.
In this short video, I give you an Unboxing of the Fossil Gen 6 Wear OS Smartwatch Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
FOSSIL GEN 6 Smartwatch FIRST LOOK Tour - Wear OS by Google - Powerful Snapdragon 4100+
My unboxing and first look of the latest Fossil GEN 6 Smartwatch. This is the first smartwatch running the Snapdragon 4100+ chipset, making this upto 40% faster in performance than the standard 4100 and more battery efficient. The Fossil GEN 6 also supports fast charging so 0 - 80% in only 30 mins. Full review coming soon. Stay tuned people!
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* 44mm Model
* "sAMOLED Display
* 416 x 416 / 326ppi
* Allways on Display (Color)
* CPU: Snapdragon Wear 4100+
* 1GB RAM + 8GB Storage
* Bluetooth 5.0 / GPS / NFC / WIFI
* Wear OS Powered by Google (v2)
* 247 Continous Heart Rate Tracking
* SPO2 / Auto Sleep Monitoring
* Supports BT Calls
* 300mAh Battery (24Hours+)
* USB Charging Pad
* Removal Straps (22mm)
* 3ATM
* 44mm / /
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Fossil Gen 6 Smartwatch Unboxing #short #shorts #fossilgen6 #smartwatch #unboxing
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Fossil Gen 6 Review | Two weeks later... | Best WearOS Smartwatch?
Reviewing the Fossil Gen 6 smartwatch after a fortnight of testing, to see if it's one of the best wearables of 2021 - and a strong rival to the Samsung Galaxy Watch 4. You can buy the Fossil Gen 6 now in the UK from £279.
This Wear OS smartwatch offers a premium set of specs, similar to the TicWatch Pro 3 Ultra and Amazfit's GTR3 Pro. You have full voice assistant support, a crisp and bright OLED screen, 24/7 fitness tracking and everything else you'd expect.
I enjoyed my time with the Fossil Gen 6, and appreciate the variety of designs and bands you can choose from. Performance is great thanks to Qualcomm's Snapdragon Wear 4100 Plus chipset, designed for smartwatches. Battery life however is as disappointing as usual for a Wear OS watch, despite decent fast charge support.
That's my thoughts on the Fossil Generation 6 after two weeks. Check out my round-up of the best smartwatches of 2021 for more ideas!
Fossil Gen 6 Watch Review Chapters:
0:00 - Shut up already
0:29 - Design
1:55 - Screen
2:17 - WearOS features
4:01 - Controls
5:06 - Mic & speaker
6:02 - One MIA feature
6:25 - Fitness tracking
7:24 - Battery life
8:39 - Verdict Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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🚩 Смотрим на умные часы пятого поколения - что они из себя представляют, что умеют и какие у них проблемы. Не обошлось без небольшого сравнения этих часов с прошлыми часами которыми я обладал до этого - Fossil Q Founder Gen 2 и Casio WSD-F10.
🚩 Эти часы называли спасением Wear OS и убийцей Samsung Galaxy Watch. Если с первым они более-менее справляются, то по второму ничего сказать не могу. Ну и с Apple сравнивать тоже не могу - не щупал.
🚩Понравилось: качественный экран, приятная форма, быстрая контактная зарядка, не тормозят как другие, есть динамик и NFC для беспроводной оплаты.
🚩Не понравилось: подглючивают в меню, всё ещё не держат дольше дня при умеренном использовании.
Спустя год часы сдохли:
🚩Циферблат на часах мой авторский - Watchmaker Black Essentials Reversed.
🚩 Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:
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Animations on the Fossil Gen 6 got a lot better with Wear OS 3.
Fossil Gen 6 on Amazon 👉
Here goes my TOP 10 Features for the Fossil Gen 6. A smartwatch and brand that I personaly like very much. You can basically do everything you can do with a smartphone too like texting and calling friends, you have around 100 sport modes, different battery modes and a pretty cool design.
2 NEW Videos every Week:
Wednesday 2 pm ET
Saturday 2 pm ET
0:00 = Intro
0:25 = Price
0:49 = Features
2:27 = Sport Modes
3:10 = GPS+Health Accuracy
3:49 = Battery Modes
4:31 = Google Voice Assistant
4:59 = On-Wrist Calls
5:22 = Offline Music / Spotify
6:03 = Specs & Design
7:10 = Notifications Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
fosil Gen 6 smart watch || Whatsapp- 7599512095 #smartwatch #trending #trendingshorts
FOSSIL GEN 6 (sale) 👉
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Once again, Fossil tries to save the smartwatch. In a time when literally all but three watches are on death row, Fossil is swooping in with beautiful hardware, top of the line specs, incredible battery controls, and a compelling price. This watch is fast, it’s smooth, and it looks beautiful. We loved the Fossil Gen 5 and now the Gen 6 boasts MAJOR improvements to speed, software, battery life, and health tracking. Best of all, it is slated to be among the first to receive the WearOS 3 update in the coming months! This watch is an EASY recommendation, but there is one achilles heel of this device. There is just one thing holding it back from being the perfect smartwatch for Android users. In this video, we are going to dive into why this is one of my top smartwatch recommendations for android users.
Before we get too deep into the accuracy testing and physical design, I want to elaborate on a big statement I just made. I mentioned that all but three smartwatches for android users are on death row. As I explained on this channel before, android smartwatches are in a transitory period to solve a big problem in the industry. Prior to wearOS 3, developers of apps had to choose if they wanted to make an app for Samsung watches, Fitbit, WearOS, or instead just make an apple watch app. Essentially, Google, Fitbit, and Samsung all working together with a new WearOS 3.0 and everyone is getting left behind except for two TicWatches, the Galaxy watch 3 lineup, and now the new Fossil Gen 6.
So we’re clearly in an interesting climate, but let’s dig a little deeper in to what Fossil actually did with this watch
LINK IN DESCRIPTION - these go on sale BIG but at launch, it is $299
” AMOLED display
Beautiful 44mm and 42mm cases
Standard 22mm straps on this one
Three buttons, one rotating crown
Speaker, microphone, altimeter, ambient light sensor
New faster charging system (split rings)
Health array now added SpO2
3ATM water resistance
Blood oxygen
It technically works with Apple now, but probably not for long
Offline spotify!
1GB RAM, 8GB local storage
Battery is really pretty good!
Now Bluetooth 5
Rotating crown doesn’t work everywhere in the interface
Battery modes are awesome
0:00 Fossil's Most Significant Product
1:10 Why is this so important?
2:56 Physical Design
5:13 Speaker & Microphone Test
5:50 Health Tracking & Accuracy
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Welcome to 4K Motoring!
Today we are discussing the Fossil Gen 6 Smartwatch ( ) after about a year of usage. This comes as we have just ordered the new Google Pixel Watch. Let us know what smartwatch you're using in the comments!
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Fossil Gen 6 Customizations Watch Face and Buttons #fossil #fossilgen6 #smartwatch
Смарт-часы вовсе не обязательно должны быть самой последней модели, чтобы справляться со своими задачами. Они не обязательно должны быть каким-то страшно азиатским ноу-неймом, чтобы стоить вменяемых денег. Поэтому #МыКупили FOSSIL Gen 4 Explorist HR.
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Fossil Gen 6 Smart Watch Full Review | A Smart Choice in Many Ways!
The New Fossil Gen 6 Smart Watch is here and here is my Full Review
Check it out here:
An innovative and stylish design, the long-anticipated Gen 6 is Fossil’s most dynamic creation yet.
With key features such as
30% faster charging
advanced Snapdragon 4100
Bluetooth 5 software
built-in health and wellbeing apps
customizable dials
answers on the go with the impressive OK Google feature
This video is sponsored by Fossil however we have not been asked to say anything good or bad about it and all thoughts expressed are our own.
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6-Months Review Fossil Gen 6 | The Good and The Bad | Smartwatch Review
6 Months Later and I still like the Fossil Gen 6 but during this time there are a few things I noticed. Some I like and some I don't and in this Video I will share with you my experience.
Fossil Gen 6 on Amazon :
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Fossil GEN 6 Women's Touchscreen Smartwatch Review
The watch arrived in a square box with a six on the outside I presume to represent Gen 6 with the top being clear plastic to display the watch. Once opened the watch is sandwiched between bespoke card holding it securely in the centre of the box, in the bottom you get the charging lead along with a multilingual product information book and setup guide.
First impressions: the watch is quite heavy and slightly thicker than I expected with all the finishing looking immaculate. The main winder/adjustment dial has a nice smooth action and a good positive click when pressed in, the two additional buttons also have a good positive click when pressed. The watch strap although a Fossil brand I didn’t think matched the quality of the watch and is very large even if the strap was for a man’s watch and I ended up removing seven links for it to fit my wife’s wrist.
Once the watch was fully charged I went through the setup guide which is really more of an instruction to turn on the Bluetooth then get the Wear OS companion app, open it up and follow the onscreen instructions. The whole process is very straight forward and it linked to an iphone 11 pro max without any issues.
The watch comes pre-installed with several applications with a fitness app being linked to a single press on the top button and a payment app on the bottom button, these can be changed fairly easily via the settings and my wife set these to a weather app and google maps. The watch can be used for phone calls but the sound quality is limited having a small speaker away from the ear so although usable it does sound rather tinny both ends of the call. The watch does have google assist which works well and also has Alexa on it but this is listed as coming soon.
The swipe function is nice and smooth and the watch can also be navigated via twisting the winder again all very smooth. The display is extremely clear and very easy to see, and the touch functions very accurate and responsive, ever allowing you to type accurately on an onscreen keyboard. The watch does need charging daily which means if you use the sleep tracking function you would need to either charge before sleeping or give it a charge in the morning for a day’s use.
The notification system works really well and enables you to link calls and notifications to a vibration and onscreen message on the watch. The companion app works well but does lack the ability to adjust full functionality of the watch and in my opinion could do with more features. The dial display changing is a nice feature and makes it very easy to change to look of the watch face.
Overall in my opinion this is a very smooth watch with a mass of features and adjustments that work smoothly and flawlessly thus far. It is quite a big watch and I really wasn’t very keen on the supplied strap, the touch sensitivity is exceptionally good with the swipe menu being really smooth, and the companion app works well although somewhat limited. My wife really likes the watch and the ability to personalise it to your own taste and needs.
About this item: Fossil GEN 6 Women's Touchscreen Smartwatch Review
Wear OS by Google works with phones running the latest version of Android (excluding Go edition and phones without Google Play Store) or iOS. Supported features may vary between platforms and countries with compatibility subject to change
24 Hr + multi day extended mode varies based on usage and after updates install. USB data cable with magnetic dock snaps to split rings on watch caseback and spins 360 degrees for ease of use. Approximately half an hour to reach 80 percent
Always on Display now brighter with more colors. Thousands of watch faces to personalize your look and always see the time. Hundreds of apps from assistant to fitness, payments, music, social, news, games, stop watches, and more. With a three ATM design and charging in about half an hour, it’s ideal for all your activities
Automatically tracks activity goals, steps, sleep, heart rate, cardio level, SPO2 (blood oxygen), and more. Activity modes with GPS keep you on track with your distance and path. Advanced sensors provide the data to power all your health and fitness apps
Stay connected with notifications for calls, texts, apps and automatic time, time zone and calendar syncing. Never miss a call - answer and make calls directly on your watch when your phone is out of reach. Optimize your battery life with a newly simplified smart battery modes
If you have any questions please feel free to ask them in the comments and I will do my best to answer. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
fossil generation-6🔥premium quality with mettalic strap❤ contact-8860337343
Welcome to MASTERMIND, your go-to destination for the latest and greatest in smartwatches! In this video, we're thrilled to introduce you to the ultra-smart Fossil Gen 5 Watch in a stunning brown leather strap, perfect for the fashion-forward individual who wants both style and functionality in one device.
This Fossil Gen 5 Watch boasts a plethora of features that are sure to impress. With its advanced technology and sleek design, it's truly a smartwatch that stands out from the crowd. Stay connected with notifications for calls, texts, and social media updates, track your fitness goals with built-in activity tracking, and control your favorite music and apps with ease, all from your wrist.
The brown leather strap adds a touch of sophistication and elegance to your wrist, making it a versatile accessory for any occasion, whether it's a formal event or a casual outing. The high-quality leather is comfortable to wear and ages beautifully, adding character to the watch over time.
Best of all, you can get this stylish and feature-packed Fossil Gen 5 Watch at MASTERMIND for an unbeatable price of just ₹9,999 Yes, that's right, this premium smartwatch is available at a discounted rate exclusively at our store. Don't miss out on this amazing deal to upgrade your wrist game with the Fossil Gen 5 Watch in brown leather.
So, what are you waiting for? Head over to MASTERMIND today and get your hands on the Ultra Smart Fossil Gen 5 Watch in Brown Leather Strap at an incredible price. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay updated with our latest offerings and promotions.
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We're getting more and more #WearOS 3 smartwatches these days, and the #Diesel Griffed Gen 6 #Smartwatch truly stands out with it's beautifly crafted stainless steel frame and aggressive design. Priced at $350, it sports a #Snapdragon 4100+ chipset, fast charging, heart rate and blood oxygen sensors and multiple straps to choose from that include metal, leather, or nylon. My personal favorite is definitely the leather option, but the look may not be for everyone.
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Fossil Gen 6 Smartwatch. Performance + Features + Battery Life reviewed
The Fossil Gen 6 Smartwatch is the first with a Snapdragon 4100+. This processor has a dedicated coprocessor that handles day to day tasks like the always on display, that would have otherwise kept the main, more power hungry processor running. This leads to improvements in battery life & a breezier performance overall. Plus it has accurate sensors that help track multiple health features that it comes with.
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An all new Generation of FOSSIL HYBRID EINK watches are here!
The Gen-6 Hybrid!
Featuring an EINK Backdrop screen with REAL watch hands.
Check it out and let us know what you think !
You can buy one here:
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We unbox and go hands on with Fossil's latest hybrid smartwatch.
Link to original Gen 6 Hybrid on Amazon:
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Video clip is from the series "Star Trek the Next Generation", via Yarn
Background music is "Operatic 3", by Vibe Mountain Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Review: Fossil Machine Gen 6 Hybrid Smartwatch - A Battery Beast!
Today we're looking at the Fossil Machine Gen 6 Hybrid Smartwatch a rugged and classy smartwatch with some great features PLUS, we're giving ours away to one lucky subscriber!
👉 Fossil Machine Gen 6 Hybrid Smartwatch:
👉 Owners manual:
The giveaway ended on August 27th at 8:59 AM MST
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Be the envy of your gym buddies, wearing the Fossil Machine Gen 6 Hybrid Smartwatch.
Welcome to REVU2U. We review all the latest and greatest products from the Amazon Vine Voices program, and when we’re done, we give them away, FREE, to one lucky subscriber.
We’ll let you know at the end of the video how you can win!
So, what’s in the box?
So here we have our Fossil Machine Gen 6 Hybrid Smartwatch, a wireless “Qi” type charger, and not much else really.
It’s surprising that there isn’t a detailed instruction manual in here, given how many functions have been crammed into this tiny package but let’s see how we go.
Being a smart device, you betcha there’s an app for your phone. It’s called Fossil Smartwatches, and it’s available on both the AppStore as well as Google Play
Having a look through the app itself, we can see that there is digital assistant connectivity so feel free to hook your smartwatch up to Siri or Alexa.
The customization tab is pretty cool, you can choose what visual style or data metrics you’d like to see from the app and hey presto – new watch face! There are also a bunch of settings relative to battery usage modes, quick settings programmable to certain buttons, that kind of thing.
Perhaps the biggest draw, and a major selling point from Fossil, is the fact that you get this wellness tab in the app which gives you a plethora of health data relative to what you’ve done.
There are progress bars to goals like steps taken per day, calories burnt, target heart rate duration, sleep, even oxygen saturation.
Yeah, that’s right, the Fossil Machine Gen 6 Hybrid Smartwatch has a built-in arterial blood gas analysis and pulse oximetry. Plus, it happily syncs to Apple Health.
But enough about the App – Now, when we say this thing looks good and it’s solid as a rock, we mean it. Fossil have always made rugged, durable wristwear. Exceptional craftsmanship is a company value, so you know it’s built to last.
One neat thing is that this particular watch can control music streamed from your smartphone, to your headphones.
The wireless charger is magnetic and just clicks onto the back of the smartwatch itself. The specs say it should last for 2 weeks which is same interval we found between charges.
So, what do we like about the Fossil Machine Gen 6 Hybrid Smartwatch? Watch to find out.
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fossil smart watchs one of the primeium smart ⌚ segment.. with snapdragon 4100 wear platform wear os by Google.. Google assistant. sp o2 wellness features and more.. super* amoled display.*case size size 18 mm and also swimpruf technology.. overall best and class.. .... Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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