Aspire Plato оснащений режимом термоконтроля, завдяки якому і максимальною вихідною потужністю 50 Вт, мод можна використовувати як електронний кальян. Термоконтроль захищає від виникнення гарі при тривалому ширянні, зменшує витрату рідини, і, найголовніше, дозволяє регулювати температуру спіралі, щоб вдихуване пар не обпалював горло.
Вдихається пар через дріп-тип, який кріпиться до картриджа типу BVC, а той у свою чергу забирається всередину мода. Щоб заправити картридж, його не потрібно витягувати з мода, є спеціальний отвір, куди можна заливати рідину. На корпусі мода є невелике віконце, яке дозволяє візуально відстежити залишився кількість рідини в картриджі і вчасно зробити заправку. Рідина з картриджа випаровується за допомогою змінних випарників типу Aspire Nautilus. Силу затягування можна змінювати за допомогою системи регулювання повітря, розташованій на нижньому торці мода.
Живиться Aspire Plato від одного змінного акумулятора Aspire 20/40А ємністю 2500 мА*год Акумулятор захищений від короткого замикання, стрибка напруги, заряджається від будь-якого пристрою з опцією віддачі струму за допомогою кабелю usb.
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Boxmod Aspire Plato 50w unboxing обзор распаковки
В этом видео вы увидите распаковку бокс мода Plato от компании Aspire, комплектацию набора, как разобрать мод.
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Boxmod Aspire Plato - интересный альтернативный вариант привычным устройствам, в нем не будет торчащего бака, внешне простой, лаконичный бокс с скруглением. Приятно лежит в руке. Два варианта испарителей (для сигаретной и легкой кальянной затяжек) позволяют рекомедовать вейп девайс всем пользователям, кому такая компоновка придется по душе.
Стоит заметить что с более мощным испарителем ёмкость бака заметно ниже, т.к. испаритель занимает часть объема.
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RubyRoo FDA Video
Now then, I received this product at no charge from the vendor for the purpose of doing a video, Therefore it has no monetary value to me. This video is my opinions and experiences with the product, and is in no way intended to be the final hammer of judgment. Please gather all the information you can before deciding to buy or not buy any given vapor product.
Aspire Plato Kit
TLDW: I dig this little guy, I dig him hard. Easy to use. Doesn't leak. Solid coil heads. Can use mouth-to-lung nautilus mini coil heads, or their newer "full lung" #CloudsBroClouds coil heads.
The two slight gripes is that the "full lung" coil heads are exclusive to this mod, and can't be used in other thanks, additionally any other aspire coil heads can't be used in this. Also the bottom screw in base is attached to the mod and not removable. Which makes cleaning more tedious.
no matter. It's nice and cheap and works great.
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Click the link to join and talk with worldwide 5000+ vendors reviewers, we release new and popular vapor tested result there ,the first time for you to master this industry development
Aspire Plato all in one kit Features
TC temp control
upgradeable firmware
liquid holds
50w power output
stainless steel drip tip for mouth to lung vaping
two juice ports
adjustable airflow system
To remove the battery from the Plato simply press on the battery through the cut away
510 threading
more colours avaiable.
powered by single 18650 battery Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
aspire plato 50w tc kit 0.4 ohm acceptance newest released item from aspire!
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Aspire Plato Kit 50w from GEARBEST
- can use nautilus coils for mouth lo lung vape
-Works with single 18650 battery ( 2500mAh )
-18650 Aspire battery included
-TC mode for triton NI coils
Works perfect with Aspire Nautilus coils:
Aspire Plato has a great charging: A ?
Comparison with Joyetech Cuboid, Aspire Plato and Wismec Venti.
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I'll be doing an up close and personal look at the Aspire Plato All In One Starter Kit and giving my pros and cons. As always, thanks for watching! Don't forget to like, share and subscribe for more vaping related news and reviewsl
You can purchase the Aspire Plato All In One Starter Kit here:
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ДЛЯ НОВИЧКОВ l Zelos Nano Kit by Aspire l Alex VapersMD review 🚭🔞
Aspire Plato - Overview & User Guide
A quick overview and user guide for the Aspire Plato
For more information please visit:
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Aspire K1 Starter Kit
A quick guide on how to use the Aspire K1 Starter Kit
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Ajatuksia ja kokemuksia Aspire Plato 50W All-in-One laitoksesta.
Aspire Plato: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A quick look at the Aspire Plato. THIS IS NOT A REVIEW!
In this video we look at what is included inside the box, the basic functions, the different coils included, refilling the tank, how it vapes and I finish off with my overall first impressions of the device.
A full detailed review will be coming in a few weeks time once I have had the chance to use it. As I believe you can't get a full, honest opinion on a device after having it for a few weeks.
Overall, the device is very nice indeed, there are a few negative points which I have included in the video.
But please feel free to comment below if you have had any similar issues with your Plato, or even if yours doesn't have these issues. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Aspire Plato Unboxing & First Impressions - TheDevilVaper
Willkommen in meinem neuen Video. Viel Spaß beim Ansehen 😊
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Aspire Plato Mega Geschmack und Dampf Test Deutsch
What You Get With Your Aspire Plato Starter Kit:
1 x Aspire Plato
1 x Aspire 2500 mAh 18650 Vape Battery
1 x Aspire Nautilus 1.8 ohm BVC Coil
1 x Aspire Plato 0.4 ohm Clapton Coil
1 x Stainless Steel Drip Tip (For Mouth To Lung Vaping)
1 x Delrin Heat Resistant Drip Tip (For Direct Lung Vaping)
1 x Micro USB Cable For Charging And Software Updates
1 x Coil Changing Key Tool
Aspire Plato Specifications:
Aspire Plato Review Of All-In-One Personal Vaporizer
Wattage Range Adjustable From From – 50W
Temperature Control Vaping Range From 200°F – 600°F / 100°C – 315°C
Atomizer Coil Resistance Threshold:
0.1Ω (Variable Wattage Mode)
0.2Ω (Bypass Mech Mod Mode)
Ω (Temperature Control Vaping Mode)
Adjustable Airflow Control
Multiple Coil Options Available Including Nautilus BVC And Aspire Claptons
Sleek And Elegant Look
Requires (1) 18650 Vape Battery Included With Starter Kit
Compatible With All Plato SubOhm Coils – E-Liquid Capacity (Sub Ohm/ Direct Lung Inhale)
Compatible With All Nautilus BVC Coils – E-Liquid Capacity (Mouth-To-Lung)
Two Easy Access E-Juice Ports, very Easy To Fill And Top Up
Firmware Upgrade-able From Aspire Website
The Aspire Plato is a very comfortable size to hold and operate in the palm of your hand. The curvature gives it an ergonomic feel / fire button is located perfectly to be easily activated with your thumb. The display screen is large and rotates to remain easy to read. With three quick clicks on the power button, you can put the Plato into “stealth” mode which will turn the display screen off. This is very useful for conserving battery life.
The Plato features all of the latest safety features. I recommend using the Aspire Plato in a regulated mode, those modes being either variable power or temperature control vaping mode. As you look through the features you will see a Bypass Mode option. In bypass mode there will be no battery regulation meaning you will be drawing unrestrained power from the battery. This is how a mech mod works.
This can mean huge vapor but it can also be risky if you draw too much power from the battery by holding the fire button for too long. This can fry your coils. So, while it has a bypass mode, only use it if you know what you are doing. Honestly, you don’t gain much if anything by using bypass mode. For our part, we recommend sticking to the TC mode or variable power mode because the vaping is amazing.
To turn system off without having to remove the battery just simply lock the device "5 clicks" then whilst its in locked mode hold down on the fire button until "system off" appears :)
Also you can change your opening screen display from aspire to a personalized screen in paint shop using a .bmp file at the size of 96 x 32 pixels @1bit/pixel.
to do this or update your software using the usb lead provided just simply go to to download the available software
special thanks to...
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One thing I did not include in the video... there is a regulated mode and a bypass mode. Regulated Wattage is just like regular box mods. Bypass mode is turning into a mech mod so it will not be consistent. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Gearbest ($ ) - Original Aspire Plato :
banggood ($ ) - Transparent Clear Glass :
Aliexpress ($ ) - 100 original Aspire :
Ebay ($39.0 ) - Aspire Plato 50W All in :
Amazon US () -Aspire Plato All in : =nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&?tag=uavdriver-20&field-keywords=Aspire+Plato+All+in+
Amazon DE (EUR 5,99 ) - caseroxx Handy Auto-Ladegeraumlt :
Amazon UK (GBP ) - Aspire Plato All in :
Amazon CA (CDN$ ) - Aspire Plato All in :
Amazon FR (EUR 4,41 ) - Aspire Plato All in :
Amazon IT (EUR 1,49 ) - 6 x Disagu : Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Aspire Plato All in One Vaporizer Installation Video User Manual
unboxing and review of the plato mod from aspire a compact and stylish device for mouth to lung and straight to lung vaping alike.
echo vapor-
thanks for watching Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Send a letter and support HR2058 / The Cole-Bishop ammendment
RubyRoo FDA Video
Now then, I received this product at no charge from the vendor for the purpose of doing a video, Therefore it has no monetary value to me. This video is my opinions and experiences with the product, and is in no way intended to be the final hammer of judgment. Please gather all the information you can before deciding to buy or not buy any given vapor product.
Aspire Plato Kit
TLDW: I dig this little guy, I dig him hard. Easy to use. Doesn't leak. Solid coil heads. Can use mouth-to-lung nautilus mini coil heads, or their newer "full lung" #CloudsBroClouds coil heads.
The two slight gripes is that the "full lung" coil heads are exclusive to this mod, and can't be used in other thanks, aditionally any other aspire coil heads can't be used in this. Also the bottom screw in base is attached to the mod and not removable. Which makes cleaning more tedious.
no matter. It's nice and cheap and works great. Feel free to check it out below.
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In this video I review the Aspire Plato, Aspire's newest device. The Plato is an all-in-one style mod that uses an internal tank. The Aspire Plato is perfect for both beginners and advanced vapers because it can be used with a coil (mouth-to-lung) as well as a coil (direct lung inhale). I highly recommend the Aspire Plato to anyone looking for a new highly portable setup.
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Looking for a decent temperature control box mod? See if Aspire Plato ticks all of your boxes, it certainly is a good vaping device. For more similar reviews, industry latest news, monthly giveaways, voucher codes and more.... go to Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Caractéristiques :
Un kit « Tout en un »
Puissance de 50 Watts maximum
Airflow Ajustable
Plusieurs options de résistance
Look lisse et élégant
Nécessite un accu 18650
Possibilité de mettre à jour le Firmware
Contenu du packaging :
1 x Aspire Plato
1 x Drip Tip Acier Inoxyadable
1 x Drip Tip Delrin
1 x Cable Micro Usb
1 x Clé
1 x Accu 18650 (2500 mAh) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
La review du 1 avril sur la Plato de Aspire ( avec une surprise )
A detailed Aspire Plato review going over the entire Aspire Plato - All in One kit. Best price guarantee Black Note Quartet eLiquid can be purchased at:
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Aspire Plato MOD Review. #ElezonicLtd @Elezonicltd
Introducing The Aspire Plato MOD Review. #ElezonicLtd @Elezonicltd
Aspire Plato MOD
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Introducing the Aspire Plato. An all in one personal vaporizer and tank system that fits in the palm of your hand. The Plato brings you temperature control and normal wattage mode up to 50 watts along with adjustable airflow, but that isn’t all. This little marvel also has multiple coil options so whether you enjoy a mouth to lung style or a direct to lung style the Plato has you covered. Simple but Complete! Dimensions A sleek and elegant look. Colors The Plato is available in a variety of color options. Subohm setup for direct to lung vaping The Plato includes a Delrin drip tip for use with the subohm atomizer system. Subohm atomizer cartridge with a 0.4 ohm kanthal Clapton the drip tip, then unscrew the top of the tank system with either the provided key or a coin. Then pull out the cartridge and replace with a new one. Now screw on the top of the tank system and replace your drip tip. BVC setup for mouth to lung vaping The Plato includes a stainless steel drip tip for mouth to lung vaping. BVC cartridge that mates to standard Nautilus coils. It comes with a Kanthal 1.8 ohms coil the drip tip, then unscrew the top of the tank system with either the provided key or a coin. First unscrew the cartridge’s arrestor and then remove the old atomizer. Next tighten the arrestor and then install your new atomizer and rescrew the tank system into the Plato. Now screw on the top of the tank system and replace your drip tip. Filling The Plato's tank system is very convenient. Having two juice ports filling, draining, and cleaning are easy! (Note, the upper hole is worked as both ejuice inlet and outlet, open both holes to drain the tank) Airflow The Plato’s adjustable airflow system allows you to dial in your desired amount of airflow or resistance to your liking. Components The Plato is easy to disassemble which makes for easy cleaning and atomizer replacement. Battery ejection To remove the battery from the Plato simply press on the battery through the cut away. Firmware The Plato comes with the Plato itself, a BVC cartridge with atomizer (preinstalled), a subohm atomizer cartridge, a stainless steel and a Delrin drip tip, an 18650 cell, two extra seals with rubber stops, a micro usb chord,, and a key for changing atomizers.
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Introducing The Aspire Plato MOD Review. #ElezonicLtd @Elezonicltd
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Published on Feb 14, 2016
Application video for the Aspire Plato wrap from ZapWrapz
Wrap in video: Neon Yellow/Metallic Blue
Designed and manufactured in the UK - Worldwide Shipping!
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The Aspire Plato is an all-in-one personal vaporizer and tank system that fits in the palm of your hand. The Plato brings you temperature control and variable voltage and variable wattage mode up to 50 watts along with adjustable airflow, but that isn't all. This little marvel also has multiple coil options so whether you enjoy a mouth to lung style or a direct to lung style the Plato has you covered.
Get the Aspire Plato Kit here:
Replacement Clapton Coil:
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Привет отново! Днес тема на разговор е новата под система Aspire Tekno. С нея можете да използвате AVP и BP главите на Aspire в лека и малка система. Има допълнителни екстри като контрол на въздуха и прецизна регулация на мощността. Весел ден на всички!
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Track: Cartoon - Why We Lose (feat. Coleman Trapp) [NCS Release]
Music Provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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Компания Aspire выпустила набор Zelos Nano Kit. Он состоит из компактного алюминиевого мода с вариативной мощностью, а также бака Nautilus Nano с сигаретным обдувом и парой испарителей.1 сентября компания Aspire представила на странице в фейсбуке стартовый набор - Zelos Nano Kit. Минималистичный мод наделили алюминиевым корпусом с плавным овальным профилем, компактными габаритами и легким весом. На выбор предложили четыре варианта окраса, комплектный бак во всех случаях сохраняет серебристый стальной цвет. Вдоль скругленной лицевой стороны разместили скромную панель управления, состоящую из кнопки активации, комплекта маленьких индикаторов и клавиши переключения. На дне установили USB-порт. Посадочную площадку ограничили диаметром в 21 мм.
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Ecco la nostra recensione dove mettiamo a confronto queste due box All in One di casa Kangertech ed Aspire! Iscrivetevi al nostro canale YouTube, a breve tanti altri video! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Congrats Joseph Wallace and hit me up @Keefer112 on twitter so I can get shipping details
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