Стартовий набір Smok Stick Prince Kit Rainbow (SMSPRCW)
Стартовий набір Smok Stick Prince Kit включає в себе батарейний мод (корпус) Stick Prince на 3000 мА * ч і атомайзер TFV12 Prince. Максимальна потужність мода залежить від рівня заряду акумулятора (від 3 до 100 Вт).
Акумулятор заряджається через звичайний USB кабель (входить в комплект) від будь-якого зовнішнього джерела енергії. Плата має захист від короткого замикання, перепаду напруги і переразряда / перезарядження.
Атомайзер вміщує до 8 мл корисного об'єму рідини, працює на змінних испарителях типу V12. У комплект також входять два випарника V12-M4 з опором 0.17 Ом (один встановлено). Випарники розраховані на кальянное років, так як виробляють велику кількість пара, а також максимально розкривають смак і аромат рідини.
Заправляється TFV12 Prince за допомогою системи верхньої заправки, завдяки чому його не потрібно відкручувати від мода, щоб залити рідину. Нижній регульований обдув дозволяє контролювати силу затяжки і кількість вдихуваного пара. При бажанні на Stick Prince можна встановити будь-який інший атомайзер або дріпку за допомогою коннектора 510.
Компанія SMOK - один з виробників, який заслужив свою репутацію і донині розсуває кордони вейпінга. SMOK також відомі як Smoktech, є флагманським брендом Shenzhen IVPS Technology Corporation Ltd.
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SMOK STICK PRINCE KIT | Убийца Айджаста! #ijustkiller
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Сегодня на обзоре Smok Stick 80W. Почему этот набор привносит инновации в категорию начальных, стартовых наборов? Чем он хорош и где Smoktech допустили оплошность? Плюсы и минусы - все внутри.
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Where to buy Smok Stick Prince Kit with TFV12 Prince Sub Tank
1. Large built-in battery with a capacity up to 3000mAh, powerful and durable
2. Newly designed hexagon power button and carefully carved battery bottom contribute exquisite appearance
3. Intelligent LED indicator shows battery status
4. Provides multiple protections avoid potential risks, including low voltage protection, short circuit protection, 8 seconds cut-off, etc.
5. Equipped with TFV12 Prince tank, offering adjustable airflow and 8ml large liquid capacity
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SMOK Stick V8 Baby Kit
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SMOK Stick Prince Kit [Vape Review] w/ TFV12 Prince Tank
The SMOK Stick Prince kit is one of the best new vape pens on the market today! In our Mt Baker Vapor product spotlight we break down why we think this is a must have in your vape arsenal.
It is paired with one of the best vape tanks of 2018 in the Smok TFV12 Prince Tank! We spotlighted the TFV12 Prince tank recently,
but to give you a refresher the TFV12 boasts a 8ml bubble glass vape tank and utilizes three new coil engines that pair perfectly with the massive adjustable dual airflow slots.
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Smok STICK v9 MAX Kit | Стартовая DNA | Мощный стартовый набор
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Сегодня Леонид расскажет о необычном стартовом наборе, поражающем не только своими размерами, но и мощностью. Отдельного внимания стоит отклик этого набора, он как у DNA платы. Ребята постарались и теперь мы можем рассказать про этот хороший набор для новичка, человека, который хочет надежную трубу. Но всё ли так однозначно?..
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Smok stick prince kit! Best starter vape kit for MTL & RL
the smok stick prince kit all around great kit
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The SMOK Stick Prince Kit Unboxing and Quick Product Overview
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The SMOK Stick Prince Starter Kit combines SMOKTech’s top-of-the-line technology with the sophisticated TFV12 Prince Sub-Ohm Tank. This royal starter stick stands erect at 85mm and has a proportional width and lightweight of . With such compact dimensions, the SMOK Stick easily slips right into your pocket so you can take this great wand of power with you anywhere you go. The exquisite and sleek body of this vape pen features a single user-friendly button that is shaped like an elongated hexagon. This unique button acts as both a power button as well as a firing button and is surrounded by a bright LED light. The LED also has many purposes, flashing four times when you take a draw, 15 times when the voltage has gone below , and serves as a battery-life indicator. For long-lasting operational use, the SMOK Stick Prince is powered by an internal 3000mAh battery that can be quickly charged via Micro-USB cable. This starter kit sustains a voltage between and a standby current of less than 200uA, even during those longer and extended vape sessions. On top of the Stick Prince, SMOK’s TFV12 Prince Sub-Ohm Tank forms a majestic crown, adding class and distinction to the kit. A 28mm convex Pyrex Glass tube juts out slightly from the superior Stainless Steel frame, allowing for a massive 8mL e-juice capacity. To fill this large glass reservoir, SMOK has implemented their patented top-filling “hinge-and-lock” swivel cap system. Simply push the button on the outside of the top cap and twist it open counter-clockwise to expose the convenient top-filling fill port. This 25mm tank stands at 63mm tall and is outfitted with SMOK’s first-ever Wild Cobra Delrin Drip Tip that utilizes a distinctive Snake Scale pattern to make this tank stand out in a crowd. With the addition of the TFV12 Prince to the Taste Furious platform, SMOK released a new line of hyper-engine coils that’ve been meticulously crafted for the Prince specifically. Pre-installed is the 0.4 ohm V12 Prince-Q4 Quadruple Coil Head that’s rated at 40-100W and suggested best use between 60-80W to get SMOK’s trademark “deep and rich” cloud flavor. These new coils are equipped with Kanthal wire heating elements and Pure Organic Cotton to deliver that epic flavor that SMOK is known and loved for. Despite carrying on the appearance of a traditional pen-style vaporizer, don’t let these tried-and-true design elements fool you—The SMOK Stick Prince Starter Kit is more than capable of drawing on the full potential of the heavy-hitting TFV12 Prince Tank, and the results are stunning. Complete with low-voltage protection, short-circuit protection, low battery warning, and an 8 second cutoff, the Stick Prince is safe and easy to use for both beginning and veteran vapers alike.
SMOK Stick Prince Kit:
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Le Stick Prince de Smok est un kit all-in-one composé d'une batterie Stick et d'un TFV12 Prince.
La batterie dispose d'une autonomie de 3000 mah. Elle détectera automatiquement votre résistance et adaptera la puissance pour le meilleur rendu possible. Un indicateur de charge se trouve autour du switch afin de toujours connaitre le niveau de batterie restant.
Le TFV12 Prince est un clearomiseur adapté pour le cloud chasing. D'un diamètre de 25mm, il dispose d'un large réservoir en pyrex type bulle afin de pouvoir charger 8ml de liquide. Un topfill et un large bottom airflow complètent ses attributs. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Rewiew zur smok stick prince in der farbe rainbow sowie die vorstellung des liquids was verwendet wird Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Обзор наборов Smok Stick One Basic и Stick One Plus
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Smok Stick One Plus Kit - стартовый набор состоящий из бакомайзера/клиромайзера Micro TFV4 Plus и аккумулятора на 2000 мАч. Набор Smok Stick One Basic состоит из клиромайзера Nano TFV4 и аккумулятора емкостью 2200 мАч.
Track: Trapzillas – Bass
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REVIEW | Smok Stick Prince Kit with the TFV12 Prince Tank
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♫ Jaco Caraco – When The Good Go Bad
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SMOK Stick Prince Kit with TFV12 Tank ~3000mah Battery~
Thanks for watching our video!
Stick Prince Kit by SMOK:
Introducing the Stick Prince, a powerful combination of 3000mAh battery and TFV12 Prince tank, is born to be a legend. It is newly designed, with a special hexagon power button and a carefully carved battery base so elegant, you can feel how exquisite it is. The Stick Prince employs built-in 3000mAh battery which is powerful and durable, with its large capacity you can enjoy vaping for a good while between charges; not to mention this battery is also passthough capable, so you can charge and vape at the same time!
The LED indicator on its body can tell you the specific conditions of itself, in addition to that, The TFV12 Prince tank has 8ml capacity and hyper engines, which can bring you massive clouds of vapor!
x1 Stick Prince Battery
x1 TFV12 Prince Sub-Ohm Tank
x2 V12 Prince-M4 Cores
x1 MicroUSB Cable
Spare Parts
Products shown here are available for sale at . Click the links below to browse our site.
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Desempaquetado de Stick Prince ( no baby)
El kit incluye
1 x Stick Prince ( 3000 mAh ) El Stick prince baby 2000mAh
1 x TFV12 Prince Tank (no baby) El baby TFV12 baby tank
1 x V12 Prince-M4 ( ) perdón no son w como esta en el video.
1 x v12 V12 Prince-M4 ( ) de repuesto
1 x Usb Cable
1 x manual Usuario
inf 2223844521
whatsaap y llamadas Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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[FTC: All opinions are my own! Amazon affiliate link used in description. Videos intended for education on harm reduction for persons 21 & older. This channel will not be held responsible or liable for any injury, damage, or defect, permanent or temporary that may be caused by the improper use of a Li-ion (Lithium-ion), LiPo (Lithium-ion Polymer) and any rechargeable battery/batteries. Please have a basic understanding of the batteries you are using and how to care for them properly. This channel will not be held responsible or liable for any injury, damage, or defect, permanent or temporary that may be caused by the improper use of nicotine &/or non-nicotine liquid.] Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Smok Stick Prince Kit Review w/ My Sista! | TiaVapes Review
I turned the volume down on the intro let me know what you guys think in the comment section Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Обзор Smok Stick V8 kit: теплый пар и регулируемая подача воздуха
Smok Stick Prince vs Vaporesso Cascade One Plus - Today we’re comparing the two best selling “stick” style subohm kits. The Stick Prince and the Vaporesso Cascade One Plus - both of these feature a 3000mAh internal battery, so they are comparable in that aspect. The e-liquid capacity on the Stick Prince takes the cake at 8ml with the extension glass compared to the 5ml capacity on the Cascade One. The overall build quality is going to go to the Cascade One Plus - the machining is very nice and the matte finish really stands out. The coil lifespan also goes to the Cascade tank - in my experience these coils last 2x or 3x the span of the Stick Prince. Smok’s QC with their coils seems to have gone downhill.. But I want your guys feedback! I used to love the coils on the Stick Prince, but recently it seems like they only last a few days compared to 1-3 weeks. I personally also like the airflow on the O+, but that is very subjective, I know a lot of people like the airflow on the Stick Prince more since it’s more open and airy. What’re your thoughts? Anyone have both? Which one do you like more? Are your Smok coils still lasting a good amount of time? As you guys know from my previous videos, I’ve been a pretty big fan of most smok products (the stick prince included), but lately the coils (and leaking with the h-priv baby) have been throwing me off.
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Smok Stick Prince VS Vaporesso Cascade One Plus [It's an EASY decision]
Les presento uno de los mejores kit de inicio de vapeo, Stick Prince Baby TFV12, de la marca Smok
uno de los kit de inicio que no presenta ningun problema como el pen 22 o v8
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SMOK Stick Prince Baby TFV12, kit de inicio, marca Smok.
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SMOK STICK PRINCE | 😱 Viel Dampf für wenig Geld! 😜
Hier ein kleines Video zum Stick Prince von Smok
Wenn es euch gefallen hat lasst ein like da 😊
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In this video I take a look at the new Smok Stick Prince Kit with a 3000mah battery and TFV12 Prince.
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Smok STICK PRINCE / el kit de inicio más bestia / revisión
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Smok's Best Product? Smok Stick Prince Kit Review! VapingwithTwisted420
Благодарность компании #SmokTech за предоставленные образцы. (Thanks companies #Smok for providing the samples.):
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The SMOK Stick Prince Starter Kit features a 3000mAh battery and the TFV12 Prince tank w/ max 8ml juice capacity. It is a newly designed simple kit but has the massive cloud producing experience. Fast Shipping
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