Змінний випарник спеціально розроблений для Smok Stick M17.
Компанія SMOK - це один з виробників, який заслужив свою репутацію і донині розсуває кордони вейпінга. Давайте трохи познайомимося з історією бренду і поглянемо на ключові продукти, які до сих пір формують ті ж межі.
Історія виробника бере свій початок в 2010 році, коли була створена Shenzhen IVPS Technology Corporation Ltd. Компанія з'явилася в Китаї в місті Шенчьжень і вважається одним з основоположників вейп-індустрії, що займає провідну позицію на світовому ринку останні 7 років. Виробникові вдалося зламати стереотип про те, що Китай не здатний на якість і довів, що здатний не тільки створити продукт за високими стандартами, а й завоювати авторитет вейп-індустрії в США, Європі.
SMOK Stick M17 All-in-one Kit features 1300mAh battery and stick 17mm has long run-time and multiple protections. With one button you can easily finish all the operations. What's more, it has 2ml capacity, classic swivel top cap and leak-proof atomizer base, all of which can prove how excellent stick M17 is.
Follow the link to see more info Smok Stick M17 AIO kit
SMOK Stick 17MM Replacement Dual Coils
Check Out More Smok vape devices here Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
New all-in-one Kit - SMOK Stick M17 Starter Kit|Specialty Makes brillians
SMOK Stick M17 is a new All-in-one style vaping kit from SMOK. It adopts a built-in 1300mAh battery and 2ml tank capacity. And the all new Stick 17mm core brings stable vapor and smooth airflow. see more in
Check Out More SMOK vape devices here
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Smok Stick M17 is an ultra portable vape starter kit in the late 2017.
High quality, easy to fill and operate ever.
More details at: ★ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Электронная сигарета SMOK Stick M17 AIO Kit - 1300 мАч
Аккумулятор: 1300 мАч
Размер: 17.5 x мм
Объем: 2 мл
Заправка: Верхняя
Сопротивление: 0,5 Ом - 1 Ом
Испаритель: Stick 0.6 Ом dual coil
1 x SMOK Stick M17 AIO Kit
2 x Испарителя Stick 0.6 Ом
1 x Запчасти
1 x Vape band
1 x Запасное стекло
1 x USB кабель
Руководство пользователя
Купить SMOK Stick M17 AIO Kit
Тип аккумулятораВстроенныйЕмкость аккумулятора, мАч1300Объем отсека для жидкости, мл2Размер, мм17.5 x Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Электронная сигарета SMOK Stick M17 AIO Kit - 1300 мАч
Аккумулятор: 1300 мАч
Размер: 17.5 x мм
Объем: 2 мл
Заправка: Верхняя
Сопротивление: 0,5 Ом - 1 Ом
Испаритель: Stick 0.6 Ом dual coil
1 x SMOK Stick M17 AIO Kit
2 x Испарителя Stick 0.6 Ом
1 x Запчасти
1 x Vape band
1 x Запасное стекло
1 x USB кабель
Руководство пользователя
Купить SMOK Stick M17 AIO Kit
Тип аккумулятора - Встроенный
Емкость аккумулятора - мАч 1300
Объем отсека для жидкости - мл 2
Размер - мм17.5 x Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Buy it now! visit us at:
Stick M17 is an all-in-one kit from Smok, it can bring you superior vaping experience by the combination of 1300mAh battery and Stick M17 it is slimmer than other pen-style kits, it has long run-time and multiple protections. With one button you can easily finish all the operations. What's more, it has 2ml capacity, classic swivel top cap and leak-proof atomizer base, all of which can prove how excellent Stick M17 is. Innovation keeps changing the vaping experience!
Instagram: @four20vis
Email: info@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Am plecat la drum impreuna cu cei de la si ne-am hotarat sa facem cea mai mare baza de date de "Ghiduri de utilizare" de starter Kit-uri din Romania!
In acest ghid am prezentat ce se afla in cutie si cum se foloseste dispozitivul Smok Stick M17.
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Tin sa mentionez ca informatia prezentata in acest clip este strict parerea mea personala si intotdeauna recomand o informare amanuntita inaintea achizitionarii oricarui mod/tank sau prepararii oricarui lichid.
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Take a look at the Smok Priv M17 kit. Let' see how it works.
Smok Priv M17 kit comes with Priv M17 mod and Stick 17MM tank. This mod is ergonomically designed, slim but with unique design, giving you comfortable hand-feel. With built-in 1200mAh battery, the mod can be very durable. Besides, it has big lateral fire key, which can offer you more convenient operations. The Stick 17MM tank has 2ml capacity , and the included Stick M17 coil is the perfect match of Stick 17MM tank, both of which can help to produce incredible vaping power.
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Обзор Smok Stick V8 kit: теплый пар и регулируемая подача воздуха
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SMOK Stick M17 is an all-in-one Kit from smok, it can bring you superior vaping experience by the combination of 1300mAh battery and stick 17mm core. Although it is slimmer than other pen-style kits, it has long run-time and multiple protections. With one button you can easily finish all the operations. What is more, it has 2ml capacity, classic swivel top cap and leak-proof atomizer base, all of which can prove how excellent stick M17 is. Innovation keeps changing the vaping experience!
Buy it Now :
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Unboxing of SMOK M17 Kit – Super stylish and compact than you thought 丨Vaporl
This Kit is ergonomically designed, slim but has unique design, giving you comfortable hand-feel. With built-in 1200mAh battery, the mod can be very durable. Besides, it has big lateral fire key, which can offer you more convenient operations. The Stick 17MM tank has 2ml capacity, and the included Stick M17 coil is the perfect match of Stick 17MM tank, both of which can help to produce incredible vaping power
SMOK M17 Kit:
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Where to buy Smok Stick Prince Kit with TFV12 Prince Sub Tank
1. Large built-in battery with a capacity up to 3000mAh, powerful and durable
2. Newly designed hexagon power button and carefully carved battery bottom contribute exquisite appearance
3. Intelligent LED indicator shows battery status
4. Provides multiple protections avoid potential risks, including low voltage protection, short circuit protection, 8 seconds cut-off, etc.
5. Equipped with TFV12 Prince tank, offering adjustable airflow and 8ml large liquid capacity
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SMOK Stick V8 Baby Kit
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The New Smok Stick M17 - Tiniest Vape Pen - Vape Meet
The New Smok Stick M17 - Tiniest Vape Pen - Vape Meet
Kit Contents:
1 x Stick M17
1 x Stick 17MM Core ( dual coils, pre-installed)
1 x Stick 17MM Core ( dual coils)
1 x Replacement Glass Tube
1 x Vape Band
1 x USB Cable
1 x User Manual
1 x Set of Spare Parts Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vape View: Unboxing the SMOK AIO Vape Kit
The AIO Vape Kit from SMOK provides an excellent vaping experience for beginner sub-ohm vapers.
With its all-in-one design and easy to use button and top-fill functionality, the AIO Vape Kit will be a hard one to put down.
1 x Stick AIO
1 x dual coil (pre-installed)
1 x dual coil
1 x USB cable
1 x User Manual
Spare Parts
Size: 22 x 115mm
Tank capacity: 2ml
Battery capacity: 1600mAh Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Quite possibly Smok's best-ever all-round device, the Stick Prince combines a powerful 3000mAh battery with the widely-popular TFV12 Prince tank.
The Prince's large 3000mAh battery capacity guarantees a satisfying vaping experience in a compact body, whilst the anti-leak TFV12 Prince tank provides massive clouds and pure, rich flavour.
Find it here -
~aether theories~ by Vidian (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Gurdonark, White-throated Sparrow Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SMOK Stick Prince Battery
Dimensions: 24.5 x 85mm
Voltage Range: 3.4 -
Wattage Range: 80 - 100W
3000mAh Built-in 23600 Battery
Special Hexagon Power Button
High-Grade Stainless Steel Construction
Exquisite Carved Battery Base
Intelligent LED Battery Indicator
Low Voltage Protection
Short Circuit Protection
8 Seconds Cut-Off
*SMOK TFV12 Prince Sub-Ohm Tank*
Dimensions: 28 x 63mm (Standard) / 25 x 63mm (EU TPD)
28mm Diameter
Super Large E-liquid Capacity ( with EU Version)
Food-Grade Pyrex Glass
Convenient Top-Fill Design
Adjustable Bottom Airflow Control
Patented Locking Mechanism
Convex-Shaped Glass Tank Tube
Colorful Cobra Drip Tip
Improved Prince Coil System
V12 Prince-M4 Quadruple coil (30W - 70W)
510 Connection
*Package Includes:*
1 x SMOK Stick Prince Battery
1 x SMOK TFV12 Prince Tank ( for EU TPD Version)
1 x V12 Prince-M4 Quadruple Coils(Pre-installed)
1 x V12 Prince-M4 Quadruple Coils
1 x Micro USB Cable
1 x User Manual
Spare Parts
*Price : -1250₹* Pack To Pack No cheq
*Pick up Same price Shipping Extra* *Note :- No garranty No warranty Company Pack To Pack 🙏 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Now, welcome the new Priv M17 Kit form SMOK. It is ergonomically designed, slim but has unique design which will offer you excellent hand-feel. And durable in use because of the large 1200mAh battery.
★ SMOK Priv M17 Kit:
More is on the way of coming...
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The Smok Stick V8 is the newest pen style starter kit, which brings the user experiences to the top level of its kind. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SMOK Stick Prince Battery
Dimensions: 24.5 x 85mm
Voltage Range: 3.4 -
Wattage Range: 80 - 100W
3000mAh Built-in 23600 Battery
Special Hexagon Power Button
High-Grade Stainless Steel Construction
Exquisite Carved Battery Base
Intelligent LED Battery Indicator
Low Voltage Protection
Short Circuit Protection
8 Seconds Cut-Off
*SMOK TFV12 Prince Sub-Ohm Tank*
Dimensions: 28 x 63mm (Standard) / 25 x 63mm (EU TPD)
28mm Diameter
Super Large E-liquid Capacity ( with EU Version)
Food-Grade Pyrex Glass
Convenient Top-Fill Design
Adjustable Bottom Airflow Control
Patented Locking Mechanism
Convex-Shaped Glass Tank Tube
Colorful Cobra Drip Tip
Improved Prince Coil System
V12 Prince-M4 Quadruple coil (30W - 70W)
510 Connection
*Package Includes:*
1 x SMOK Stick Prince Battery
1 x SMOK TFV12 Prince Tank ( for EU TPD Version)
1 x V12 Prince-M4 Quadruple Coils(Pre-installed)
1 x V12 Prince-M4 Quadruple Coils
1 x Micro USB Cable
1 x User Manual
Spare Parts
*PRICE : 1350/- FREE SHIPPING* Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Stick V8 is the newest pen style starter kit from SMOK, which brings the user experiences to the top level of its kind, the battery has a 3000mAh super high capacity and 20amps continious discharge capability, while its tank is the famous TFV8 big baby tank which is 5ml and shares all the baby beast coils, when used with the included baby M2 coil head, which specially made for stick v8 battery , it will bring you a smooth and flavorful clouds,besides its swivel top cap design just brings you so much convenience when refills, all in all, this kit will defintely made to be one of your favorite daily vaping device. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The SMOK Stick V9 Max kit is the upgrade to the Stick V8 series, consists of a built-in 4000mAh battery and the Stick V9 Max tank, which are the best combo either from the appearance or the performance perspective. For the "Max", you can tell from its 4000mAh battery capacity, and its sizeable outside diameter in stick and tank, no doubt, they're perfectly compatible with each other.
As for the tank, it has a gigantic E-liquid capacity with , and it's specially designed for Stick V9 Max by adopting Mini V2 S1 and Mini V2 S2, both of which are custom-made coils for Stick series battery, focusing on lower wattage but intense clouds and flavor. Holding the Stick V9 Max in your hand, you're just the one who can conquer the giant. Innovation keeps changing the vaping experience!
Kit Features
4000mAh built-in battery offers longtime vaping and massive cloud enjoyment
Exquisite appearance makes it stand out among other stick series
Distinctive pentagon power button easy to operate, LED indicator show the battery status
Multiple protections ensure safety vaping
large e-juice capacity with larger filling slot
Upgraded airflow system with wider three airflow slots
S1, S2 coil head produce intense flavor and massive clouds
Top filling design
Package Contents:
1x Stick V9 Max Battery
1x Stick V9 Max Tank
1x Baby V2 S1 Single Mesh Coil(Pre-installed)
1x Baby V2 S2 Quadruple Coils
1x USB Cable
1x User Manual
1x Spare parts Pack
Available to purchase:
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In this clip, we showcase the best-selling V8 replacement coils in all their glory. These baby coils are yet another impressive offering from SMOK.
Buy Here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Smok Stick Prince Baby kit is a exquisite and powerful device, coming with 2000mah capacity and tank. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Smok Starter Kit is ergonomically designed with slim shape and smooth lines, which has 60W max output and built-in 1200mAh battery for your daily vaping. The Priv M17 Mod features the big lateral fire key and top LED light, which brings you extremely convenient vaping experience. While the Stick 17MM Tank featuring top slide filling and bottom airflow adjustment is compatible with its perfect match coil, Stick M17 Coil. Comes with the dual coils, Priv M17 produce incredible power. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SMOK Stick V12 Kit is the newest pen style vape Stick Prince kit from SMOK. Consists the convenient built-in battery and the TFV12 Prince Tank. The Stick V12 battery is so intelligent that has the battery life indicator light. Also, the TFV12 prince with the Prince Q4, X6 and T10 core, will bring the dense flavor and huge cloud.
More information: SMOK Stick V12 Prince Vape Starter Kit
SMOK TFV12 Prince Tank
More best halloween big vape promotions also at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SMOK Stick Prince Kit 100W with TFV12 Prince Tank #Vaporizer
SMOK Stick Prince Kit 100W with TFV12 Prince Tank
SMOK vem com
Standard Edition:
1 x Stick Prince Battery
1 x TFV12 Prince Tank
1 x V12 Prince-M4 Bobinas Quádruplas (Pré-instaladas)
1 x V12 Prince-M4 Bobinas Quádruplas
1 x Cabo USB
1 x Manual Do Usuário
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New In Sock! SMOK Mesh coil for the TFV12 Prince is a revolutionary Ohm coil, an advanced one in this industry. It has mesh inside, which can effectively enlarge the heating area. It is recommended for the wattage 40-80W and best for the wattage 60-70W. When you use this coil you will be surprised by its fast heating process and huge vapor production.
18 Years of age and older to Vape!
Up In Vape
8520 N. Washington Unit O
Thornton, Colorado 80229
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18 Years of age and older to Vape!
Up In Vape
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