В основі роботи будь-якої електронної сигарети лежить процес випаровування рідини, рідина для вейпа нагрівається і перетворюється на пару, яку ви вдихаєте. Паріння рідини набагато менше шкідливіше, ніж куріння. Бувають рідини для вейпа без нікотину і ті, що містять нікотин, в останніх вміст нікотину може бути різним, як і в звичайних сигаретах. До складу рідини входять гліцерин, пропіленгліколь і різні ароматизатори. Смаків на вибір величезна кількість - тютюнові, фруктові, тонізуючі, серед яких Ви точно знайдете те, що вам припаде до вподоби.
Рідина для електронних сигарет Splash "Green Energy" 30 ml 1.5 mg (SP-GE-30-1) - десертна лінійка рідин Splash володіє унікальними й неповторними смаками. Відмінною рисою також є м'який нікотин самої високої очистки, який дає повноцінно розкриватися смаковому букету на будь-якому пристрої.
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В третьем выпуске вы узнаете что такое жидкости для электронных сигарет, из чего они состоят и как правильно выбрать жидкость. Почему одни жидкости дороже, другие дешевле и в чем между ними отличия.
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Color Splash guides:
Looks like you cracked and you've got no idea where this thing is. Watch to see where this evil colorless spot is!
PM:CS Walkthrough Playlist -
PM:CS Colorization Guide Playlist -
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Green Energy Plant (Mini Star 1) - Paper Mario: Color Splash Walkthrough
Text and Image walkthrough:
Time for a retro throwback!
PM:CS Walkthrough Playlist -
PM:CS Colorization Guide Playlist -
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Paper Mario: Color Splash 100% Repainted - Stage 28 - Green Energy Plant
Previous Stage: Redpepper Crater
Next Stage: Mossrock Theater
This stage is a most interesting-looking one, and definitely a really odd one: Mario's next conundrum to solve is that a power station located towards the southern end of Prism Island has completely lost power, as a Green Mini Paint Star had fallen ou of the sky and crashed into his monitor. It's manned by a single Toad, a tinkerer and amateur engineer. At first, this is all that the stage is: The small Toad House and the immediate surrounding forest. Once Mario restores power using the Battery Thing found in Violet Passage (the 17th stage), however, the monitor inside the power station reactivates, showing a passageway to another world (where he presumably is deriving power from).
It is this other world where the bulk of the stage lies, including the Mini Paint Star, one that greatly resembles Super Mario Bros. 3. The main difference is that Mario can also explore this stage in 3-D, though about 30 units of Paint of each color are consumed each time he switches and he has 10 seconds before the stage automatically returns to 2-D (which is a mechanic heavily inspired from Super Paper Mario). All of the enemies here--Goombas, Koopa Troopas, Hammer Bros., Boomerang Bros., and Sledge all also present in Super Mario Bros. 3.
There is a single colorless spot in this stage, and it, too, is located in the Super Mario Bros. 3 realm. It is a pretty tough one to find though, and hence I've dialed the montage back all the way from where Mario lands in this realm.
Any spots known to be difficult to find or reach are marked with a (*).
Number of Spots to Paint: 1
1. (*) From the start, take the straight path to the right. On the second area, keep heading right, going straight at each junction, past the Boomerang Bros. by the ? Blocks. On the third area, there is one cloud, high up, missing an eye. Use the 3-D flipping mechanic to gradually make your way up the platforms and scenery until you can reach the cloud. This is the only spot to fill in on this stage, and getting it will result in 100% completion, and the gold flag, for this stage.
The next stage is Mossrock Theater, a quiet and foggy wooded area approaching the circus, the final leg of this series of montages. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Knightendo plays the “Green Energy Plant” level in Paper Mario Color Splash.
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Paper Mario: Color Splash - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 35 - Green Energy Plant 100%!
Name: Paper Mario: Color Splash
Developer: Intelligent Systems
Publisher: Nintendo
Platforms: Nintendo Wii U
Release Date: October 7, 2016
I am a game lover
Thanks for watching my Paper Mario Color Splash Gameplay and Walkthrough! This game could be one of the last great games for the Nintendo Wii U! You may have seen a trailer or review, but this playthrough will feature my impressions, reactions, and commentary throughout the full story including the ending! If you're a fan of the Paper Mario series, then let's play Paper Mario Color Splash! Subscribe to ZackScottGames for new episodes of Paper Mario Color Splash today!
A mystery is afoot on Prism Island - and only Paper Mario can solve it by restoring the island's vanishing colors with his new Paint Hammer and the powerful Battle Cards up his sleeve. These fresh layers of strategy, along with the hilarious action adventure gameplay the series is known for, make this one of the most colorful Paper Mario action-adventure games ever.
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I definitely appreciate yourself feel happy to be able to do something Mario: Color Splash - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 35 - Green Energy Plant 100%! (Nintendo Wii U) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Paper Mario: Color Splash - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 35 - Green Energy Plant 100%! (Nintendo Wii U)
Paper Mario Color Splash Gameplay Walkthrough Part 35! Green Energy Plant 100% Gameplay!
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Thanks for watching my Paper Mario Color Splash Gameplay and Walkthrough! This game could be one of the last great games for the Nintendo Wii U! You may have seen a trailer or review, but this playthrough will feature my impressions, reactions, and commentary throughout the full story including the ending! If you're a fan of the Paper Mario series, then let's play Paper Mario Color Splash! Subscribe to ZackScottGames for new episodes of Paper Mario Color Splash today!
A mystery is afoot on Prism Island - and only Paper Mario can solve it by restoring the island's vanishing colors with his new Paint Hammer and the powerful Battle Cards up his sleeve. These fresh layers of strategy, along with the hilarious action adventure gameplay the series is known for, make this one of the most colorful Paper Mario action-adventure games ever.
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Name: Paper Mario: Color Splash
Developer: Intelligent Systems
Publisher: Nintendo
Platforms: Nintendo Wii U
Release Date: October 7, 2016
Website: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
2019 Green Energy Plant (100% Colorization Guide) - Paper Mario: Color Splash Walkthrough #mario
Part 28 of a 100% walkthrough for Paper Mario: Color Splash played on Nintendo Wii U. In this part we complete Green Energy Plant, a SMB3 themed level.
Items collected:
1 Mini Paint Star
Hidden Luigi #6
Claw Hammer (Thing)
Recorder (Thing)
This will be a 100% walkthrough of the game showing the locations for all colorless spots, Things, Luigi cameos' and items/characters.
Below is a link to the playlist for my Paper Mario: Color Splash series. It includes all of my guide videos as well as some separate gameplay:
Official site:
Sunny Crappy on Twitter: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Candyman by Candylab: как мы производим жидкости для электронных сигарет
Вы просили - мы сделали!
Подробное видео с производства компании Candylab: как мы делаем нашу жидкость для электронных сигарет Candyman.
Candyman - это жидкость для POD систем, совмещающая в себе уникальную упаковку, мощные вкусы и беспрецедентное качество:
— Уникальная упаковка;
— 15 вкусов, которые невозможно забыть;
— Объем каждого флакона 30 мл;
— Солевой никотин;
— 2 крепости.
Candyman — Раскрой эмоции в новом формате Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Paper Mario: Color Splash - Green Energy Plant [25]
Welcome to Paper Mario: Color Splash. This walkthrough will cove the main game with no commentary.
Paper Mario: Color Splash Walkthrough Playlist: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Paper Mario Color Splash 100% Walkthrough - Part 37 - Green Energy Plant Mini Star
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Welcome to Part XX of my Paper Mario Color Splash walkthrough where we are doing 100% colorization and in this episode we take on Green Energy Plant and get Green Energy Plant Mini star and finish the colorization by 100%.
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Thumbnail Courtsey of Bapeachu:
♫ Outro Music:
Paper Mario 2 - Open Doors (Hip-Hop Beat) - Raisi K.
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Жидкости на солевом никотине - производства Израиль Alchemist Salt - Vanilla Tobacco. По моему это самая кашерная жидкость! В ней почти не чувствуется табак, так, где то, можно угадать эти нотки, а в основном Ваниль. Она для людей которые привыкли ценить свою жизнь - особо, не так как все... Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Всё об электронных сигаретах: Жидкости, POD-системы, одноразовые электронные сигареты
00:00 - Всё об электронных сигаретах. ГАЙД
00:16 - Устройство электронной сигареты
00:32 - Виды картриджей
01:00 - Как работает электронная сигарета?
01:23 - Устройство картриджа
01:38 - Виды затяжек - автоматическая/механическая
01:57 - Воздуховод
02:30 - Правила пользования электронной сигаретой
03:25 - Срок службы картриджа
04:13 - Использование в холодное время года
04:38 - Жидкости. Пропорции пропиленгликоля-глицерина
05:04 - POD система Brusko Minican
05:45 - POD система Brusko Minican PLUS
06:36 - POD система Brusko Favostix
08:09 - POD система Brusko Pixel Pro
08:28 - POD система Crash X POD
09:54 - POD система Smoant Charon Baby
11:01 - POD система Smoant Pasito
12:27 - POD система Brusko Vilter
13:25 - ЖИДКОСТИ
13:53 - Из чего состоит жидкость?
14:02 - Виды никотина и их различия
14:40 - Крепость жидкости
16:07 - Жидкость HUSKY
16:36 - Жидкость BOSHKI
16:58 - Жидкость Zombie Juices
17:22 - Жидкость JAM
17:43 - Жидкость Мишка
17:51 - Жидкость Big Juice
18:02 - Жидкость МОРС
18:16 - Жидкость BRUSKO
18:51 - Жидкость Smoke Kitchen
19:29 - Жидкость HQD
19:56 Жидкость IZI
20:56 - HQD
21:22 - Как бросить курить с помощью электронных сигарет
21:55 - Elfbar
22:34 - SOAK
22:59 - INFLAVE
23:20 - SIGA
23:32 - MK BAR
23:44 - BRUSKO
23:58 - URBN
24:12 - ALLO
24:25 - UNA
24:35 - UFO
25:08 - RIO Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Paper Mario: Color Splash - Attacking the Small Goomba Army
I never tried and wondered what would happen if you tried to fight them head-on...
GAME OVER Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to complete Green Energy Plant 100% in Cemu (glitch area) (color splash)
A guide on how to get past the glitchy 2D stage in color splash in Cemu. This is such an amazing game and this is the only stage that has problems within Cemu. Don't let this level deter you! Follow this guide and you will be sweet! This is one of the best games I have emulated. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
4th one is my favourite =]
🎬 Full playlist of Paper Mario Color Splash!
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Paper Mario : Color Splash (BLIND) Part 30 - Green Energy Plant
Green Energy Plant. LOTS of backtracking. Ughh.
Enjoying the video? Feel free to buy me a coffee! :)
Note: I'm currently working a full time job, with only the evenings & weekends off, so please be patient for new uploads.
Do not rush me, I'll upload whenever I can.
Thank you.
Playlist : Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Attacking the Small Goomba Army in Paper Mario Color Splash
Don't you dare attack that small Goomba Army. Trying to attack it will make it an automatic game over Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Paper Mario Color Splash Episode 30 (Green Energy Plant)
This is part 18 of Paper Mario: Color Splash for the Nintendo Wii U.
This channel features instructional & highly edited video game guides, walkthroughs, speedruns and other uniquely transformative videos. My own personal gameplay, extensive editing & creative input are clearly added into each video, ensuring that all videos adhere to YouTube's partner program guidelines. My walkthoughs take tremendous amounts of work & editing so that all videos are straight to the point & can be used as professional video game guides. All gameplay is my own & is recorded and edited solely by me. Permission to upload each game was provided by the game publisher.
Paper Mario: Color Splash Playlist:
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Paper Mario Color Splash - 100% Walkthrough Part 20 No Commentary Gameplay - Super Mario Bros. 3
Paper Mario: Color Splash for Nintendo Wii U - 100% Walkthrough - Part 20 - No Commentary Gameplay Playthrough - Super Mario Bros. 3 at the Green Energy Plant [2020 | English | 1080p60 Full HD]
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[Music] Paper Mario: Color Splash - Green Energy Plant (Overworld)
What a blast from the past...
Proper rights to music mentioned at end of video. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Let's Play Paper Mario: Color Splash [57] Green Energy Plant 1
Currently playing: Naka
Another trip to Sacred Forest on the way.
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Paper Mario: Color Splash 100% Repainted - Stage 27 - Redpepper Crater
Previous Stage: Redpepper Volcano
Next Stage: Green Energy Plant
Redpepper Crater is the northernmost region of Prism Island, or at least the main island itself (Fortune Island is about the same in latitude but is a small island of its own), making up the northern half of the Redpepper segment of the red sector, with Redpepper Volcano making up the southern half. It uses the same music and general visual feel of Redpepper Volcano, but its gameplay is totally different: Whereas Redpepper Volcano had more of a puzzley feel to it as Mario rides the Draggadon around, it is not present in Redpepper Crater, which has a more fast-paced platformer approach to it, full of moving platforms and jump challenges.
Redpepper Crater is a tourist location, with hot springs located at the far end (as can be seen via the thumbnail). I have NO clue how these guys got there considering the ordeal Mario had to go through for this stage alone, let alone this and Redpepper Volcano combined, especially since the entrance to the hot springs is guarded by a miniboss, a Red Lava Bubble that claims the entrance as its living room. That's Sticker Star logic for you though, a progression of unusual spectacles without much concern for how plausible they might be together.
This bunch of colorless spots is a remarkably straightforward bunch. All of them are right in Mario's path, and proceeding through the stage as normal, you will see all of them. But I promised to cover every stage in Paper Mario: Color Splash, and just because it's obvious doesn't mean I'll skip this one.
Any spots known to be difficult to find or reach are marked with a (*).
Number of Spots to Paint: 19
1. On the ground right by the start.
2. On the wall right by the start, behind the stalagnate.
3. On the wall about halfway through the beginning corridor.
4. On the ground right before the pillars with lots of Coins floating above.
5. On the wall right before the pillars with lots of Coins floating above.
6. A wide one behind a stalagmite towards the end of the beginning corridor.
7. Near the Fire Piranha Plant in the middle of the large open cavern.
8. Go to the back of the large open cavern area and hop down to a platform below. A hidden staircase will safely take Mario back to the main area.
9. On the northeast corner of the large open cavern. Coloring this in will get the eastern pillar moving again, allowing access to the Save Block.
10. through 15. On the floor, wall, and a stalagmite near the western end of the room with the Fire Bros. and Bob-ombs.
16. through 19. On the floor, a stalagmite, and a rock near the eastern end of the room with the Fire Bros. and Bob-ombs. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Paper Mario : Color Splash (BLIND) Part 29 - Redpepper Crater, Sacred Forest, Green Energy Plant
Redpepper Crater, Sacred Forest & Green Energy Plant.
Enjoying the video? Feel free to buy me a coffee! :)
Note: I'm currently working a full time job, with only the evenings & weekends off, so please be patient for new uploads.
Do not rush me, I'll upload whenever I can.
Thank you.
Playlist : Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
(Blind) Paper Mario Color Splash (HD) Part 36 "Searching In A Virtual World"
We get the third Mini Paint Star in the Sacred Forest, fight Kamek, and head to the Green Energy Plant.
Intro Music: Neon - iMovie Theme Song Library
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Paper Mario Color Splash or is part of any party responsible for this game. All credit goes to this games respected owners. This video is only for entertainment purposes. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Paper Mario: Color Splash - Playthrough: Part 24 | Green Energy Plant (Super Mario Bros. 3 Course!)
Paper Mario: Color Splash full game playthrough part twenty-four with no commentary. If you enjoyed, leave a Comment and a Like on the video! I appreciate the support!
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[ Paper Mario: Color Splash ]
Paper Mario: Color Splash is an action-adventure, turn-based role-playing title in the Paper Mario series for Wii U. It's the fifth installment of the series. Join me in this playthrough as I attempt to restore peace to the mystery on Prism Island!
Genre: RPG, Action-Adventure
Developers: Nintendo and Intelligent Systems
Publisher: Nintendo
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Paper Mario: Color Splash (Wii U) Part 31: Green Energy Plant
Paper Mario: Color Splash For Nintendo Wii U
Green Energy Plant - Explore video game levels to find the green star.
Nintendo Wii U gameplay. Genre: Action-Adventure / Role-Playing. E - Everyone. • Paper Mario: Color Splash. Enjoy the videos! •
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Paper Mario - Color Splash - Part 3.1 - Last (Local Recording, Live Stream)
This video takes a look at all of the thing card animations in Paper Mario: Color Splash for the Nintendo Wii U. #PaperMario #Mario Are you excited for the Super Mario Bros. Movie and looking for Mario content? I've got it tons of videos from all of your favorite Mario games. Please check out my playlists to find them all.
This channel features instructional & highly edited video game guides, walkthroughs, speedruns and other uniquely transformative videos. My own personal gameplay, extensive editing & creative input are clearly added into each video, ensuring that all videos adhere to YouTube's partner program guidelines. My walkthoughs take tremendous amounts of work & editing so that all videos are straight to the point & can be used as professional video game guides. All gameplay is my own & is recorded and edited solely by me. Permission to upload each game was provided by the game publisher. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Redpepper Crater (Mini Star 1) - Paper Mario: Color Splash Walkthrough
Text and Image walkthrough:
Still in the volcano area! We're here to find a special Thing, and the Mini Paint Star, of course.
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PM:CS Colorization Guide Playlist -
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Paper Mario Color Splash Part 45 Green Energy Plant
Paper Mario Color Splash Walkthrough Episode 45 Green Energy Plant. Something Terrible has happened to the Mushroom Kingdom, again. Can Mario Unfold the Mystery and restore Colors to the World? Find out in the NEW PAPER MARIO COLOR Splash!
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[Music] Paper Mario: Color Splash - Green Energy Plant (Castle)
We're getting is this Paint Star?
Proper rights to music mentioned at end of video. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Super Mario Bros. 3 meets Super Paper Mario in the Green Energy Plant, and we venture towards the circus at Mossrock Theatre!
Paper Mario: Color Splash owned by Nintendo and Intelligent Systems Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Paper Mario Color Splash 100% Walkthrough - Part 35 - Redpepper Crater Mini Star 1 and 2
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Welcome to Part 35 of my Paper Mario Color Splash walkthrough where we are doing 100% colorization and in this episode we take on Redpepper Crater and get both Redpepper Crater Mini Stars and finish colorization by 100%.
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Thumbnail Courtsey of Bapeachu:
♫ Outro Music:
Paper Mario 2 - Open Doors (Hip-Hop Beat) - Raisi K.
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Let's Play: Paper Mario Color Splash - Green Energy Plant 100%
This is the coolest level! Such an awesome throwback to Super Mario Bros 3 and so much fun!
However, there is only 1 colorless spot in this whole level. 1. And it's nearly impossible to find. ugh! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
[Music] Paper Mario: Color Splash - Green Energy Plant (Underground)
Well, what's down here in the dank pixel depths...
Proper rights to music mentioned at end of video. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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