Aspire Plato оснащений режимом термоконтроля, завдяки якому і максимальною вихідною потужністю 50 Вт, мод можна використовувати як електронний кальян. Термоконтроль захищає від виникнення гарі при тривалому ширянні, зменшує витрату рідини, і, найголовніше, дозволяє регулювати температуру спіралі, щоб вдихуване пар не обпалював горло.
Вдихається пар через дріп-тип, який кріпиться до картриджа типу BVC, а той у свою чергу забирається всередину мода. Щоб заправити картридж, його не потрібно витягувати з мода, є спеціальний отвір, куди можна заливати рідину. На корпусі мода є невелике віконце, яке дозволяє візуально відстежити залишився кількість рідини в картриджі і вчасно зробити заправку. Рідина з картриджа випаровується за допомогою змінних випарників типу Aspire Nautilus. Силу затягування можна змінювати за допомогою системи регулювання повітря, розташованій на нижньому торці мода.
Живиться Aspire Plato від одного змінного акумулятора Aspire 20/40А ємністю 2500 мА*год Акумулятор захищений від короткого замикання, стрибка напруги, заряджається від будь-якого пристрою з опцією віддачі струму за допомогою кабелю usb.
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Track: Wynter Gordon - Til Death (Back From The Future Remix)
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RubyRoo FDA Video
Now then, I received this product at no charge from the vendor for the purpose of doing a video, Therefore it has no monetary value to me. This video is my opinions and experiences with the product, and is in no way intended to be the final hammer of judgment. Please gather all the information you can before deciding to buy or not buy any given vapor product.
Aspire Plato Kit
TLDW: I dig this little guy, I dig him hard. Easy to use. Doesn't leak. Solid coil heads. Can use mouth-to-lung nautilus mini coil heads, or their newer "full lung" #CloudsBroClouds coil heads.
The two slight gripes is that the "full lung" coil heads are exclusive to this mod, and can't be used in other thanks, additionally any other aspire coil heads can't be used in this. Also the bottom screw in base is attached to the mod and not removable. Which makes cleaning more tedious.
no matter. It's nice and cheap and works great.
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Boxmod Aspire Plato 50w unboxing обзор распаковки
В этом видео вы увидите распаковку бокс мода Plato от компании Aspire, комплектацию набора, как разобрать мод.
Заказать бокс мод вы можете на сайте
Boxmod Aspire Plato - интересный альтернативный вариант привычным устройствам, в нем не будет торчащего бака, внешне простой, лаконичный бокс с скруглением. Приятно лежит в руке. Два варианта испарителей (для сигаретной и легкой кальянной затяжек) позволяют рекомедовать вейп девайс всем пользователям, кому такая компоновка придется по душе.
Стоит заметить что с более мощным испарителем ёмкость бака заметно ниже, т.к. испаритель занимает часть объема.
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Dieses mal geht es um: das Plato 50W TC Kit von Aspire
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Aspire Plato Unboxing & First Impressions - TheDevilVaper
A quick look at the Aspire Plato. THIS IS NOT A REVIEW!
In this video we look at what is included inside the box, the basic functions, the different coils included, refilling the tank, how it vapes and I finish off with my overall first impressions of the device.
A full detailed review will be coming in a few weeks time once I have had the chance to use it. As I believe you can't get a full, honest opinion on a device after having it for a few weeks.
Overall, the device is very nice indeed, there are a few negative points which I have included in the video.
But please feel free to comment below if you have had any similar issues with your Plato, or even if yours doesn't have these issues. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Aspire Plato! ALL IN ONE DEVICE!! | TiaVapes Review
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[FTC: All opinions are my own! Amazon affiliate link used in description. Videos intended for education on harm reduction for persons 21 & older. This channel will not be held responsible or liable for any injury, damage, or defect, permanent or temporary that may be caused by the improper use of a Li-ion (Lithium-ion), LiPo (Lithium-ion Polymer) and any rechargeable battery/batteries. Please have a basic understanding of the batteries you are using and how to care for them properly. This channel will not be held responsible or liable for any injury, damage, or defect, permanent or temporary that may be caused by the improper use of nicotine &/or non-nicotine liquid.] Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Aspire Plato Review | Better Than The KangerTech NEBOX?
In this video I review the Aspire Plato, Aspire's newest device. The Plato is an all-in-one style mod that uses an internal tank. The Aspire Plato is perfect for both beginners and advanced vapers because it can be used with a coil (mouth-to-lung) as well as a coil (direct lung inhale). I highly recommend the Aspire Plato to anyone looking for a new highly portable setup.
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Aspire Plato Review, Compact, Stylish and a GREAT Performer! Kicking Butts!!
Aspire has done it again with this fantastic new setup aimed at both beginners and intermediate/advanced vapers. This all-in-one kit is a 50 watt device that also has temperature control functionality along with adjustable airflow.
This little marvel also has multiple coil(BVC or sub ohm) options. So, whether you enjoy a mouth to lung style or a direct to lung style, the Plato has you covered. Simple but Complete!
The Plato’s firmware can be updated via the micro USB port. Check click here to get the latest version.
50 Watts
Temperature Control
Compatible With All Cleito Coils – E-Liquid Capacity(Sub Ohm/ Direct Lung Inhale)
Compatible With All Nautilus Coils – E-Liquid Capacity (Mouth-To-Lung)
Firmware Upgradeable
Replaceable 18650 Battery
Easy To Clean
Replaceable 510 Drip Tip
Passthrough Charging
Plato All-In-One
Micro USB Cable
Nautilus BVC Coil Head
Cleito Sub Ohm Coil Head
Stainless Steel Drip Tip
Delrin Drip Tip
Aspire 2500mAh High Discharge 18650 Battery
Extra Seals & Rubber Stops
Atomizer Changing Key
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Vaporesso Target 75VTC - стартовый набор, состоящий из клиромайзера с уникальными испарителями на керамике и бокс-мода с достаточно не обычным дизайном. Все подробности в видео-обзоре.
Track: The Chainsmokers - SELFIE (Creaky Jackals remix)
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Вейп для новичков. Топ-5 стартовых наборов для вейпинга от VAPE.RU + РОЗЫГРЫШ.
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UPDATE: I have the full review video posted here on the channel now. Link is in the pop-up at the start of this video, or just go to it on the channel homepage!
This is just a quick look at this nice little new all-in-one from Aspire. It's actually really nice and I'm going to spend a little more time with it before doing a final review. I had a lot of requests to do a little show and tell on it, so that's what we'll do!
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These are solely my opinions, based on my use of these products. Please do your research, and use caution when using these devices. Buy or use at your own risk! These items were provided free so I could share them with you here on the channel. Vapor Trail Channel makes no claims regarding these items being "healthy".
Join CASAA and help keep our right to vape! This has saved me from the nastiness of smoking cigs, and we don't want it to be taken away from us.
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Kanger TOPBOX Mini - стартовый набор состоящий из 75 ваттного бокс-мода и бакомайзера/клиромайзера Toptank mini.
Topbox mini:
Купить Kanger TOPBOX Mini в Украине:
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Track: Take Ü There (feat. Kiesza) [Zeds Dead Remix] - Skrillex & Diplo
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Aspire Plato All-In-One Vape - Review & Dr Fog Famous Ice Cream Eliquid
WANNA WIN ONE? Giving one away on my Instagram starting tomorrow morning (3-14-16). If you're already following me, great, if not, go ahead and follow now to be included ;-)
I've had a chance to put this through some paces now and it's a nice little kit! I've demo'd the .4 ohm Clapton coil in the previous video, so this time we're going to try the 1.8 ohm Mouth To Lung coil.
Check out the juice here: and
In Canada:
You might notice a support button on my channel and a pop-up in the videos saying "Support Vapor Trail Channel". If you are so inclined, you can click that and donate anywhere from $1 , whatever. Running this channel is like having a second full time job... without pay. Every dollar counts and helps to keep it going. Some links shown in video descriptions may be affiliate links.
These are solely my opinions, based on my use of these products. Please do your research, and use caution when using these devices. Buy or use at your own risk! These items were provided free so I could share them with you here on the channel. Vapor Trail Channel makes no claims regarding these items being "healthy".
Join CASAA and help keep our right to vape! This has saved me from the nastiness of smoking cigs, and we don't want it to be taken away from us.
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La review du 1 avril sur la Plato de Aspire ( avec une surprise )
Caractéristiques :
Un kit « Tout en un »
Puissance de 50 Watts maximum
Airflow Ajustable
Plusieurs options de résistance
Look lisse et élégant
Nécessite un accu 18650
Possibilité de mettre à jour le Firmware
Contenu du packaging :
1 x Aspire Plato
1 x Drip Tip Acier Inoxyadable
1 x Drip Tip Delrin
1 x Cable Micro Usb
1 x Clé
1 x Accu 18650 (2500 mAh) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A quick overview and review of the Aspire Plato AIO.
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All-In-One Geräte sind umstritten, trotz des grossen Erfolges der Joyetech eGrip. Nun macht sich Aspire auf, diesen Umstand zu ändern. Wir schauen uns an ob das auch gelingt!
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Reuleaux RX75 Kit by Wismec, JayBo & VapingwithTwisted420 | фифтифифти
Today I compare the Kanger NEBOX, Aspire Plato, Joyetech eGrip II, and the brand new Artery Summa. These four kits are all all-in-one e-cigs and that feautre an internal e-liquid tank. The eGrip II is the only one that uses an internal battery, so if that is something that you're looking for, I would recommend getting the eGrip II. The Plato, NEBOX, and Summa all use a single 18650 battery. If you're a mouth-to-lung vaper, I would highly suggest the Aspire Plato over the other all-in-one mods. The e-liquid capacity is the largest on the Kanger NEBOX. If you want to know all of the details, be sure to watch the video and find out which all-in-one e-cig is the best for you!
Have questions about any of these mods? Vaping in general? Leave a comment and I will happily answer to the best of my ability. If you did enjoy this video please leave a thumbs up & SUBSCRIBE - It is GREATLY appreciated! Vape On :)
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NEBOX vs Plato vs eGrip II vs Summa | All-In-One Showdown
Набор Kanger SUBOX Mini – универсальный комплект из боксмода Kanger КBOX Mini и танка Kanger SUBTANK Mini. Новинка 2015 года! Выбор мощности от 7 Вт до 50 Вт, информативный OLED-дисплей, съемный аккумулятор, сменные испарители и RBA база в комплекте, стильный внешний вид, компактный размер, богатая комплектация. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
UPDATE: Aspire has said it is probably going to delay the release of this mod in order to add temp control to it before release. I'll update when I know more.
Aspire has a new mod called the Pegasus that pairs perfectly with the new Triton Tank. I wasn't thrilled with what I had seen online with this one, but now that I've got it in hand, I really like it!
Want more info on this one? Check it out here:
Buy it Shipping All the time, NO Minimums!! They have a price match guarantee, 60 day warranty, 15 day return policy as well:
These are solely my opinions, based on my use of these products. Please do your research, and use caution when using these devices. Buy or use at your own risk! These items were provided free so I could share them with you here on the channel. Vapor Trail Channel makes no claims regarding these items being "healthy".
Join CASAA and help keep our right to vape! This has saved me from the nastiness of smoking cigs, and we don't want it to be taken away from us.
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Обзор Kangertech CUPTI TC 75W Отличный девайс для новичков или "Непроливайка для взрослых"
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iStick Pico & Melo III mini | by Eleaf | маленький монстр
Full Power Vape on 260 Watts without any Problems ^^
Dampfen ab 18 JAhren !
Nicht zuhause nachmachen, dieses Setup dient nur zu Showzwecken !
NiChro Wire
9 wraps per side on 3mm Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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